Items where Division is "Undergratuate Program in Biology" and Year is 2024

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Number of items: 25.


Anshori, Khoiruddin and Hananya, Ariel and Pratama, Sandi Fransisco and Raharjeng, Anita Restu Puji and Suci, Devi Annisa and Retnoaji, Bambang (2024) Artificial Breeding Technology for Mass Field Cultivation of Indonesian Wader Fish (Rasbora Lateristriata Bleeker, 1854). In: AIP Conference Proceeding, 3-4 Juni 2024, Kuta, Indonesia.

Arisuryanti, Tuty and Waskito Aji, Katon and Nur Shabrina, Faizah and Febriyanti, Diana and Setiadi Daryono, Budi and Sendi Priyono, Dwi (2024) Phylogenetic and genetic variation of common mudskippers (Periophthalmus kalolo Lesson, 1831) from the southern coast of Java, Indonesia inferred from the COI mitochondrial gene. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 22 (1): 19. ISSN 1687-157X


Fathurrohman, Pandji Zamzami and Kunarti, Eko Sri and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Santosa, Sri Juari (2024) Straightforward microwave-assisted synthesis of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles acnhored on reduced graphene oxide for enhanced antibacterial application. Discover Applied Sciences, 6 (6). ISSN 3004-9261

Fathurrohman, Pandji Zamzami and Kunarti, Eko Sri and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Sato, Natsuho and Amano, Yoshimasa and Machida, Motoi and Santosa, Sri Juari (2024) A Comparative Study of the Effect of Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups in GO and rGO Sheets Decorated with Small Gold Nanoparticles on Bioactivities. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. ISSN 1574-1443


Khasanah, Luthfia Uswatun and Paramita, Pradnya and Retnoaji, Bambang (2024) Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Peel Decoction Effect on Embryological Development of Wader Pari Fish Rasbora lateristriata (Bleeker, 1854). Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 9 (2). ISSN 2540-9581


Leksikowati, Sovia Santi and Rachmawati, Diah (2024) Distribution of silicon in different organ of bamboo (Gigantochloa apus (Schult. & Schult.) Kubz ex Munro). In: BIO Web of Conferences ICBS, Maret 2024, Yogyakarta.


Manusiwa, B.C. and Purwono, S. and Nugroho, A.P. (2024) CO2Uptake and Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Chlorella vulgaris. In: IOP Conference Series, ICERM-2023, Yogyakarta.

Mashudi, Mashudi and Baskorowati, Liliana and Hendrati, Rina Laksmi and Nurtjahjaningsih, I.L.G. and Pudjiono, Sugeng and Setiadi, Dedi and Sumardi, Sumardi and Pujiono, Eko and Nuringtyas, Tri Rini and Wibisono, Mochamat Gunawan (2024) The Performance of Legume and Non-legume Trees under Dry Karst Areas. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 30 (2): 10. 265 – 274. ISSN 20870469

Muazam, A. and Kristamtini, kristamtini and Widyayanti, S. and Daryono, B.S. (2024) Morphological diversity of local sorghum cultivars (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) from Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: The 2nd International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences 2023, 12-13 Desember 2023, Yogyakarta.

Mulyati, Mulyati and Syariatin, Lasmini and Sofyantoro, Fajar (2024) Supplementation of Chlorella vulgaris Ameliorates the Stress-induced Hematological Alterations in Wistar Rats. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 47 (1): 10. 131 – 146. ISSN 1511-3701

Mulyati, Mulyati and Wijayanti, Susy and Islahi, Annisa Nur and Saraswati, Anindyanari Rahma Sriyekti and Hasnadewi, Ashfiya Hanif and Setyasari, Safira Ratri Dwi (2024) Metal Bioaccumulation in Albino Rat Tissues Treated with Decontaminated Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca L.). Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 9 (2). ISSN 2540-9581


Nomura, Miho and Okamura, Hideo and Horie, Yoshifumi and Hadi, Mohammad Pramono and Nugroho, Andhika Puspito and Ramaswamy, Babu Rajendran and Harino, Hiroya and Nakano, Takeshi (2024) Residues of non-phthalate plasticizers in seawater and sediments from Osaka Bay, Japan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 199. ISSN 1879-3363

Nuriliani, Ardaning and Nurhidayat, Luthfi and Fatmasari, Hindana and Afina, Dalila and Alamsyah, Firman and Taruno, Warsito Purwo and Pratiwi, Rarastoeti (2024) Non-Contact Electric Field May Induced Higher CD4, CD8, Caspase-8, and Caspase-9 Protein Expression in Breast Tumor Tissue of Rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769). Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 20 (1). 74 – 88. ISSN 2289-5981


Prastiyanto, Muhammad Evy and Darmawati, Sri and Daryono, Budi Setiadi and Retnaningrum, Endah (2024) Black-Pigmented Marine Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exhibiting Anti-Bacterial Activity against Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Wound Infection Bacteria. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 31 (5). 880 – 890. ISSN 1978-3019

Putri, Wahyu Aristyaning and Setiawan, Jajar and Sofyantoro, Fajar and Priyono, Dwi Sendi and Septriani, Nur Indah and Mafiroh, Wulan Usfi and Siregar, Abdul Rahman and Yano, Yoshihiko and Wasityastuti, Widya (2024) Nucleot(s)ide Analogs for Chronic Hepatitis Virus Therapy: A Global Bibliometric Analysis (1986-2022). Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 23 (3): 22. 747 – 756. ISSN 2223-4721


Rifqi, Said and Chasani, Abdul Razaq (2024) Diversity and Phenetic Relationship of Mountain Papaya (Vasconcellea Pubescens) in Dieng Plateau Based on Morphological Marker. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 9 (2): 15. ISSN ISSN: 2540-9581


Saragih, H.T.S.S.G. and Salsabila, N. and Deliaputri, R. and Firdaus, A.B.I. and Kurnianto, H. (2024) Growth morphology of the gastrointestinal tract, pectoralis thoracicus muscle, lymphoid organ and visceral index of kampong chicken. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 23 (1). 34 – 41. ISSN 2836-2543

Sazali, Munawir and Hidayat Soesilohadi, R.C. and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Wibawa, Tri and Ansori, Arif Nur Muhammad (2024) In Silico Analysis of C-Type Lectins as Co-Infection Receptors of Dengue and Chikungunya Viruses in Aedes aegypti. Makara Journal of Science, 28 (1): 8. 63 – 71. ISSN 2339-1995

Sofyantoro, Fajar and Syam, Adi Mazdi and Adania, Baik Aisyah and Almunawar, Muhammad Fikri and Nasution, Nurlita Putri Bela and Hidayat, Rheina Faticha Asyamsa and Mataram, Made Bagus Auriva and Maharesi, Chesa Ekani and Nurhidayah, Septika and Purwestri, Yekti Asih and Nuriliani, Ardaning and Hidayati, Lisna and Pratiwi, Rarastoeti (2024) Therapeutic Effects of BRC Functional Food from Indonesian Black Rice on Body Weight and Haematological Parameters in Obese Rats. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 9 (1): 8. ISSN 2540-9581

Sumarna, Ardi and Hadisusanto, Suwarno and Purnomo, Purnomo (2024) Floristic Composition and Carbon Storage of Floor Vegetation in Community Forests of Ciamis Regency, West Jawa. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 30 (2): 5. 213 -226. ISSN 2089-2063

Suputri, N.P.A.E.O. and Prasojo, I.S. and Prabowo, L.A.T. and Purwestri, Y.A. and Purnomo, Purnomo and Semiarti, E. (2024) Identification of early flowering mutant gene in Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume for sgRNA construction in CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system; Identificação do gene mutante de floração precoce em Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume para construção de sgRNA no sistema de edição de genoma CRISPR/Cas9. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84. ISSN 1519-6984


Tyas, Dian Ayuning and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Nuringtyas, Tri Rini and Wahyuono, Subagus (2024) Protective effects of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. extract against UVB-induced oxidative stress in Wistar albino rats (Rattus novergicus Berkenhout, 1769). Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 29 (1): 4. 25 – 32. ISSN 20892241


Ukasha, T. and Faisal, N.U.H. and Adji, B.K. and Nugroho, A.P. (2024) Active biomonitoring in streams by using multimarker approaches of mussels. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 10 (3). 1171 – 1196.

Ulfianida, Dessy and Rachmawati, Diah (2024) Effect of silicon priming on germination and growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in drought condition. In: ICBS, Indonesia.


Wibowo, Syahputra and Wardhani, Sunia Kusuma and Hidayati, Lisna and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Matsuo, Koichi and Costa, Jessica and Nugraha, Yudhi and Siregar, Josephine Elizabeth and Nuringtyas, Tri Rini (2024) Investigation of α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibition for antidiabetic potential of agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) leaves extract. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 58: 73. ISSN 1878-8181

This list was generated on Mon Sep 30 01:00:51 2024 WIB.