Items where Division is "Faculty of Forestry" and Year is 2020
Abdillah, E. and Muharyani, N. and Na'Iem, M. (2020) The characteristics of Pinus mercusii resin productivity flow pattern. In: 2nd International Conference on Environment and Forest Conservation: Ecosystem Research and Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals, ICEFC 2019, 1 October 2019, Bogor.
Acheampong, Emmanuel and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) Avoiding legality: Timber producers’ strategies and motivations under FLEGT in Ghana and Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics, 111. ISSN 13899341
Alam, Taufan and Muhartini, Sri and Suryanto, Priyono and Ambarwati, Erlina and Kastono, Dody and Nurmalasari, Aprilia Ike and Kurniasih, Budiastuti (2020) Soybean varieties suitability in agroforestry system with kayu putih under influence of soil quality parameters. Revista Ceres, 67 (5). pp. 410-418. ISSN 0034737X
Alam, Taufan and Suryanto, Priyono and Handayani, Suci and Kastono, Dody and Kurniasih, Budiastuti (2020) Optimizing application of biochar, compost and nitrogen fertilizer in soybean intercropping with Kayu Putih (Melaleuca Cajuputi). Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 44. pp. 1-17. ISSN 01000683
Andayani, W. and Septiana, R. M. and Riyanto, S. and Supriyatno, N. (2020) Strategy to improving community economic through on-farm agroforestry using community forestry scheme in KPH Yogyakarta. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Ardi, B. and Suardi, Fridollyn H. (2020) Determination of birdwatching tourism locations for red-knobbed hornbill (rhyticeros cassidix) around lake Lindu, Lore Lindu National park, central Sulawesi. In: 2nd International Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics, IC-FSSAT 2019, 2 September 2019, Makassar.
Birot, Hélène and Campera, Marco and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2020) Artificial canopy bridges improve connectivity in fragmented landscapes: The case of Javan slow lorises in an agroforest environment. American Journal of Primatology, 82 (4). pp. 1-10. ISSN 02752565
Campera, Marco and Brown, Ella and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2020) Unmonitored releases of small animals? The importance of considering natural dispersal, health, and human habituation when releasing a territorial mammal threatened by wildlife trade. Biological Conservation, 242. pp. 1-8. ISSN 00063207
Dako, Fransiskus Xaverius and Purwanto, Ris Hadi and Faida, Lies Rahayu Wijayanti and Sumardi, Sumardi (2020) Contribution of the mutis timau protected forest to community income in the forest management unit of south central timor regency, Timor Island, Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 26 (2). 105 – 113. ISSN 20870469
Dewi, R.A. and Suryanto, P. and Suwignyo, B. and Adriana, Adriana and Triyogo, A. (2020) Silvopasture based on Sengon (SBS) in the southern of Merapi Volcano and the development opportunities. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Dewi, R.A. and Suryanto, P. and Suwignyo, B. and Adriana, Adriana and Triyogo, A. (2020) Silvopasture based on Sengon (SBS) in the southern of Merapi Volcano and the development opportunities. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Ekasari, Indriani and Sadono, Ronggo and Marsono, Djoko and Witono, Joko R. (2020) Mapping Multi Stakeholder Roles on Fire Management in Conservation Areas of Kuningan Regency. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 26 (3). pp. 254-267. ISSN 20870469
Ekasari, Indriani and Sadono, Ronggo and Marsono, Djoko and Witono, Joko Ridho (2020) Mapping Multi Stakeholder Roles on Fire Management in Conservation Areas of Kuningan Regency. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 26 (3). 254 – 267. ISSN 20870469
Harrison, M.E. and Wijedasa, L.S. and Cole, L.E.S. and Cheyne, S.M. and Choiruzzad, S.A.B. and Chua, L. and Dargie, G.C. and Ewango, C.E.N. and Honorio Coronado, E.N. and Ifo, S.A. and Imron, M.A. and Kopansky, D. and Lestarisa, T. and OâReilly, P.J. and van Offelen, J. and Refisch, J. and Roucoux, K. and Sugardjito, J. and Thornton, S.A. and Upton, C. and Page, S. (2020) Tropical peatlands and their conservation are important in the context of COVID-19 and potential future (zoonotic) disease pandemics. PeerJ, 8. pp. 1-43. ISSN 21678359
Hasyim, Zainuri and Laraswati, Dwi and Purwanto, Ris H. and Pratama, Andita A. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) Challenges facing independent monitoring networks in the Indonesian timber legality assurance system. Forest Policy and Economics, 111. ISSN 13899341
Hobo, K.B.R. and Suryatmojo, H. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih (2020) Communities conservation activities to support sustainable land use of upstream Merawu Watershed. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Hobo, K.B.R. and Suryatmojo, H. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih (2020) Communities conservation activities to support sustainable land use of upstream Merawu Watershed. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019.
Irawati, D. and Higeta, S. and Wedatama, S. and Ishiguri, F. and Yokota, S. (2020) Characterization of branch waste of several tropical fruit tree species as considerations for bioenergy resources. In: ICAF SEANAFE 2019.
Irawati, D. and Higeta, S. and Wedatama, S. and Ishiguri, F. and Yokota, S. (2020) Characterization of branch waste of several tropical fruit tree species as considerations for bioenergy resources. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Junaedi, A. and Hardiwinoto, S. and Supriyo, H. and Mindawati, N. (2020) Litter productivity and leaf litter nutrient return of three native tree species in drained tropical peatland, Riau-Indonesia. In: 2019 International Conference on Forest Conservation and Management: Innovative Solution for Managing Tropical Forests and Conserving Biodiversity to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICFCM 2019.
Laraswati, D. and Rahayu, S. and Pratama, A.A. and Soraya, E. and Sahide, M.A.K. and Maryudi, A. (2020) Private forest in facing the timber legality regime in Indonesia: The NGOs' role. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Laraswati, D. and Rahayu, S. and Pratama, A.A. and Soraya, E. and Sahide, M.A.K. and Maryudi, A. (2020) Private forest in facing the timber legality regime in Indonesia: The NGOs' role. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Laraswati, Dwi and Rahayu, Sari and Pratama, Andita A. and Soraya, Emma and Sahide, Muhammad A.K. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) Problem-method fit in forest policy analysis: Empirical pre-orientation for selecting tested or innovative social-qualitative methods. MethodsX, 7. pp. 1-6. ISSN 22150161
Lukmandaru, G. and Amri, S. and Sunarta, S. and Listyanto, T. and Pujiarti, R. and Widyorini, R. (2020) Oleoresin yield of Pinus merkusii trees from East Banyumas. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Maharani, Rizki and Fernandes, Andrian and Turjaman, Maman and Kuspradini, Harlinda and Lukmandaru, Ganis (2020) Chemical and organoleptic properties of bekai (pycnarrhena tumefacta miers) leaves for flavouring agent (bio-vetsin); Karakteristik kimia dan organoleptik daun bekai (pycnarrhena tumefacta miers) untuk penyedap alami (bio-vetsin). Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 7 (2). 121 – 133. ISSN 23557079
Mahmud, Mahmud and Budirianto, Heru Joko and Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Kusumandari, Ambar (2020) A study conversion to be mining cement in Maruni protected forest Manokwari Regency Studi alih fungsi menjadi pertambangan semen pada Hutan Lindung Maruni Kabupaten Manokwari. Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan, 10 (3). pp. 545-558. ISSN 20864639
Maryani, Maryani and Suryatmojo, H. and Imron, M.A. and Saputra, N. and Saliqin, D. and Arfri, R.A. and Satriagasa, M.C. (2020) Relation of groundwater level and rainfalls in the peat swamp forest, burned peatland and mixed plantation areas of Kampar Peninsula, Riau Province. In: 2019 International Conference on Forest Conservation and Management: Innovative Solution for Managing Tropical Forests and Conserving Biodiversity to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICFCM 2019, 28 August 2019.
Maryani, Maryani and Suryatmojo, H. and Imron, M.A. and Saputra, N. and Saliqin, D. and Arfri, R.A. and Satriagasa, M.C. (2020) Relation of groundwater level and rainfalls in the peat swamp forest, burned peatland and mixed plantation areas of Kampar Peninsula, Riau Province. In: ICFCM 2019.
Maryani, Maryani and Suryatmojo, Hatma and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Saputra, N. and Saliqin, D. and Arfri, R.A. and Satriagasa, M.C. (2020) Relation of groundwater level and rainfalls in the peat swamp forest, burned peatland and mixed plantation areas of Kampar Peninsula, Riau Province. In: 2019 International Conference on Forest Conservation and Management: Innovative Solution for Managing Tropical Forests and Conserving Biodiversity to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICFCM 2019, 28 August 2019.
Maryudi, Ahmad and Fisher, Micah R. (2020) The power in the interview: A practical guide for identifying the critical role of actor interests in environment research. Forest and Society, 4 (1). pp. 142-150. ISSN 25494724
Myers, Rodd and Rutt, Rebecca and Mcdermott, Constance and Maryudi, Ahmad and Acheampong, Emmanuel and Camargo, Marisa and Câm, Hoàng (2020) Imposing legality: Hegemony and resistance under the EU forest law enforcement, governance, and trade (FLEGT) initiative. Journal of Political Ecology, 27 (1). pp. 125-146. ISSN 10730451
Myers, Rodd and Rutt, Rebecca and Mcdermott, Constance and Maryudi, Ahmad and Acheampong, Emmanuel and Camargo, Marisa and Câm, Hoàng (2020) Imposing legality: Hegemony and resistance under the EU forest law enforcement, governance, and trade (FLEGT) initiative. Journal of Political Ecology, 27 (1). 125 – 146. ISSN 10730451
Nekaris, K.A.I. and Campera, Marco and Nijman, Vincent and Birot, Hélène and Rode-Margono, Eva Johanna and Fry, Brian Grieg and Weldon, Ariana V. and Wirdateti, Wirdateti and Imron, Muhammad Ali (2020) Slow lorises use venom as a weapon in intraspecific competition. Current Biology, 30 (20). R1252-R1253. ISSN 09609822
Nekaris, K.A.I. and Handby, Victoria and Campera, Marco and Birot, Hélène and Hedger, Katherine and Eaton, James and Imron, Muhammad Ali (2020) Implementing and monitoring the use of artificial canopy bridges by mammals and birds in an indonesian agroforestry environment. Diversity, 12 (10). pp. 1-7. ISSN 14242818
Ngaji, Alfred Umbu Kuala and Baiquni, Muhammad and Suryatmojo, Hatma and Haryono, Eko (2020) Sustaining subsistence culture in Mamar agroforestry management in West Timor, is it possible? In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020, 7 September 2020through 8 September 2020.
Nurmalasari, Aprilia Ike and Supriyono, Supriyono and Suryanto, Priyono and Alam, Taufan (2020) Effectiveness of Melaleuca cajuputi biochar as a leaching loss for nitrogen fertilizer and intercropping in maize. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 54 (4). pp. 506-510. ISSN 03678245
Panuntun, M.D. and Marhaento, H. and Rahardjo, N. (2020) Behavioral mapping of human activities in the Pananjung Pangandaran strict nature reserve, Indonesia. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.
Primaningtyas, A. and Listyanto, T. and Lukmandaru, G. and Weasa, B.M. (2020) Modification of nanochitosan with NaCl and surfactant for wood preservative. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Putri, Y.R. and Indrioko, S. and Ratnaningrum, Y.W.N. (2020) Genetic diversity of Sandalwood in Imogiri, Gunung Sewu. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019.
Rachmawati, W.S. and Suryatmojo, H. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih (2020) Water balance evaluation in Penanggungan hamlet Wanayasa sub district Banjarnegara, district Central Java province. In: 3rd International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region, ICERM 2019, 14 November 2019, Yogyakarta.
Radjah, V.Y.G. and Suryatmojo, H. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih (2020) Landslide Susceptibility Zone using Frequency Ratio Method in Karangkobar Catchment, Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province. In: 3rd International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region, ICERM 2019, 14 November 2019, Yogyakarta.
Radjah, V.Y.G. and Suryatmojo, H. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih (2020) Landslide Susceptibility Zone using Frequency Ratio Method in Karangkobar Catchment, Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province. In: 3rd International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region, ICERM 2019 Yogyakarta 14 November 2019.
Rahayu, S. and Laraswati, D. and Pratama, A. A. and Permadi, D. B. and Sahide, M. A. K. and Maryudi, A. (2020) How NGO fulfill the complex scheme of social forestry: A resume of SF scheme in Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Rahayu, S. and Laraswati, D. and Pratama, A.A. and Permadi, D.B. and Sahide, M.A.K. and Maryudi, A. (2020) How NGO fulfill the complex scheme of social forestry: A resume of SF scheme in Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Rawana, Rawana and Hardiwinoto, S. and Budiadi, Budiadi and Rahayu, S. (2020) Carbon stock potential at several agarwood-based agroforestry practices in Sragen and Karanganyar, Central Java. In: ICAF SEANAFE 2019.
Rawana, Rawana and Hardiwinoto, S. and Budiadi, Budiadi and Rahayu, S. (2020) Carbon stock potential at several agarwood-based agroforestry practices in Sragen and Karanganyar, Central Java. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Sadono, R. and Soeprijadi, D. and Nikmah, S.F. and Wirabuana, P.Y.A.P. (2020) Determining the best agroforestry system using multicriteria analysis in Banyumas Forest Management Unit. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Sadono, R. and Soeprijadi, D. and Nikmah, S.F. and Wirabuana, P.Y.A.P. (2020) Determining the best agroforestry system using multicriteria analysis in Banyumas Forest Management Unit. In: ICAF SEANAFE 2019.
Sadono, Ronggo and Pujiono, Eko and Lestari, Linda (2020) Land cover changes and carbon storage before and after community forestry program in Bleberan village, Gunungkidul, Indonesia, 1999–2018. Forest Science and Technology, 16 (3). pp. 134-144. ISSN 21580103
Sadono, Ronggo and Soeprijadi, Djoko and Susanti, Ari and Matatula, Jeriels and Pujiono, Eko and Idris, Fahmi and Wirabuana, Pandu Y.A.P. (2020) Local indigenous strategy to rehabilitate and conserve mangrove ecosystem in the southeastern gulf of kupang, east nusa tenggara, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 21 (3). pp. 1250-1257. ISSN 1412033X
Sadono, Ronggo and Soeprijadi, Djoko and Susanti, Ari and Wirabuana, Pandu Y.A.P. and Matatula, Jeriels (2020) Short communication: Species composition and growth performance of mangrove forest at the coast of tanah merah, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 21 (12). pp. 5800-5804. ISSN 1412033X
Sadono, Ronggo and Soeprijadi, Djoko and Wirabuana, Pandu Y.A.P. (2020) Land Suitability for Cajuput Development and its Inference on Silviculture Strategy Kesesuaian lahan untuk pengembangan tanaman kayu putih dan implikasinya terhadap teknik silvikultur. Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan, 10 (1). pp. 43-51. ISSN 20864639
Sahide, Muhammad A.K. and Fisher, Micah R. and Erbaugh, J.T. and Intarini, Dian and Dharmiasih, Wiwik and Makmur, Muliadi and Faturachmat, Fatwa and Verheijen, Bart and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) The boom of social forestry policy and the bust of social forests in Indonesia: Developing and applying an access-exclusion framework to assess policy outcomes. Forest Policy and Economics, 120. pp. 1-18. ISSN 13899341
Sahide, Muhammad A.K. and Fisher, Micah R. and Mas'ud, Emban Ibnurusyd and Dharmiasih, Wiwik and Verheijen, Bart and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) Land and power framework for assessing Ecosystem Essential Area policy. MethodsX, 7. pp. 1-5. ISSN 22150161
Sahide, Muhammad A.K. and Fisher, Micah R. and Verheijen, Bart and Maryudi, Ahmad and Kim, Yeon-Su. and Wong, Grace Y. (2020) Sequential power analysis framework in assessing social forestry outcomes. MethodsX, 7. pp. 1-4. ISSN 22150161
Sahide, Muhammad Alif K. and Fisher, Micah and Nasri, Nasri and Dharmiasih, Wiwik and Verheijen, Bart and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) Anticipating a new conservation bureaucracy? Land and power in Indonesia's Essential Ecosystem Area policy. Land Use Policy, 97. ISSN 02648377
Sari, D.F. and Budiadi, Budiadi and Imron, M.A. (2020) The utilization of trees by endangered primate species Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in shade-grown coffee agroforestry of Central Java. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Sari, D.F. and Budiadi, Budiadi and Imron, M.A. (2020) The utilization of trees by endangered primate species Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in shade-grown coffee agroforestry of Central Java. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019.
Sari, N.A. and Suryatmojo, H. and Utami, A.W. (2020) Community-based adaptation for ecosystem disaster risk reduction in the Upstream Merawu Watershed, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region, ICERM 2019, 14 November 2019, Yogyakarta.
Sari, N.A. and Suryatmojo, H. and Utami, A.W. (2020) Community-based adaptation for ecosystem disaster risk reduction in the Upstream Merawu Watershed, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region, ICERM 2019 Yogyakarta 14 November 2019.
Sawitri, Sawitri and Na'iem, M. and Indrioko, S. and Widiyatno, Widiyatno (2020) The effects of rooting media, IBA, and clones on rooting ability of Teak's shoot cutting. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019.
Sawitri, Sawitri and Primananda, E. and Budiadi, Budiadi (2020) Morpho-anatomical adaptation of lesser yam (Dioscorea esculenta) on different planting pattern and relative light intensity in Java community forest. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Setiahadi, Rahmanta and Sari, S.R.Kartika and Maryudi, Ahmad and Kalmirah, Julia and Baskorowati, Liliana (2020) Monitoring Implementation Impact of the EU-Indonesia's VPA on SME Livelihood. International Journal of Forestry Research, 2020. pp. 1-9. ISSN 16879368
Sodik, M and Pudyatmoko, S and Yuwono, Pujo Semedi Hargo and Imron, M.A. (2020) Forest conflict mitigation through coffee-based agroforestry provide secure habitat for Javan Slow Lorise in a lowland fragmented forest in Central Java, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16-17 October 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Sodik, M and Pudyatmoko, S and Yuwono, Pujo Semedi Hargo and Tafrichan, M and Imron, MA (2020) Better providers of habitat for Javan slowloris (Nycticebus javanicus E.Geoffroy 1812): A species distribution modeling approach in Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal, 21 (5). pp. 1890-1900. ISSN 1412033X
Sodik, M. and Pudyatmoko, S. and Yuwono, P.S.H. and Imron, M.A. (2020) Forest conflict mitigation through coffee-based agroforestry provide secure habitat for Javan Slow Lorise in a lowland fragmented forest in Central Java, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Sodik, M. and Pudyatmoko, S. and Yuwono, P.S.H. and Imron, M.A. (2020) Forest conflict mitigation through coffee-based agroforestry provide secure habitat for Javan Slow Lorise in a lowland fragmented forest in Central Java, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019.
Sodik, Mahfut and Pudyatmoko, Satyawan and Yuwono, Pujo Semedi Hargo and Tafrichan, Muhammad and Imron, Muhammad Ali (2020) Better providers of habitat for javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus e. geoffroy 1812): A species distribution modeling approach in Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 21 (5). pp. 1890-1900. ISSN 1412033X
Suryanto, Priyono and Faridah, Eny and Nurjanto, Handojo Hadi and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Kastono, Dody and Putra, Eka T.S. and Handayani, Suci and Dewi, Anggraeni Kusuma and Alam, Taufan (2020) Influence of siam weed compost on soybean varieties in an agroforestry system with kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi). Biodiversitas, 21 (7). pp. 3062-3069. ISSN 1412033X
Suryanto, Priyono and Faridah, Eny and Triyogo, Ananto and Kastono, Dody and Suwignyo, Bambang and Nurmalasari, Aprilia Ike and Alam, Taufan (2020) Designing soil quality and climate assessment tool for sustainable production of signalgrass (Brachiaria brizantha) silvopasture system in mountain ecosystems. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (4). pp. 614-621. ISSN 18352693
Suryanto, Priyono and Kurniasih, Budiastuti and Faridah, Eny and Nurjanto, Handojo Hadi and Rogomulyo, Rohlan and Handayani, Suci and Kastono, Dody and Muttaqien, Andi Syahid and Alam, Taufan (2020) Influence of furrow with organic material and chromolaena odorata compost on upland rice productivity in an agroforestry system with melaleuca cajuputi. Biodiversitas, 21 (2). pp. 780-791. ISSN 1412033X
Suryanto, Priyono and Taryono, Taryono and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Kastono, Dody and Putra, Eka T.S. and Handayani, Suci and Widyawan, Muhammad Habib and Alam, Taufan (2020) Assessment of soil quality parameters and yield of rice cultivars in Melaleuca cajuputi agroforestry system. Biodiversitas, 21 (8). pp. 3463-3470. ISSN 1412033X
Susanti, A. and Marhaento, H. and Permadi, D.B. and Hermudananto, Hermudananto and Budiadi, Budiadi and Imron, M.A. and Maimunah, S. and Susanto, D. and Bakhtiar, I. and Lembasi, M. (2020) Smallholder farmers' perception on oil palm agroforestry. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019.
Susanti, Ari and Marhaento, Hero and Permadi, D.B. and Hermudananto, Hermudananto and Budiadi, Budiadi and Imron, M.A. and Maimunah, S. and Susanto, D. and Bakhtiar, I. and Lembasi, M. (2020) Smallholder farmers' perception on oil palm agroforestry. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Suwito, D. and Suratman, Suratman and Poejirahajoe, E. (2020) Peat swamp forest-firesimpacts on local livelihoods: A case study in Kapuas Kahayan Protected Forest Management Unit, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region, ICERM 2019.
Van Brenk, S. and Marhaento, H. and Satriagasa, M.C. and Suryatmojo, H. (2020) Hydrological responses of micro-catchments under different farming practices in Banjarnegara, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Wahyuningsih, E. and Faridah, E. and Budiadi, Budiadi and Syahbudin, A. (2020) Anatomy adaptation of Ketak (Lygodium circinatum (Burm.) Sw) to relative light intensity in agroforestry systems, on Senaru Education Forest, West Nusa Tenggara. In: ICAF SEANAFE 2019.
Wicaksono, R.L. and Awang, S.A. and Suryanto, P. (2020) Private forest transition in Gunungkidul village: Reality, path, & drivers. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Wicaksono, R.L. and Awang, S.A. and Suryanto, P. (2020) Private forest transition in Gunungkidul village: Reality, path, & drivers. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Wirabuana, Pandu Y.A.P. and Sadono, Ronggo and Juniarso, Sergian and Idris, Fahmi (2020) Interaction of fertilization and weed control influences on growth, biomass, and carbon in eucalyptus hybrid (E. pellita × E. brassiana). Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 26 (2). pp. 144-154. ISSN 20870469
Wirabuana, Pandu Y.A.P. and Setiahadi, Rahmanta and Sadono, Ronggo and Lukito, Martin and Martono, Djoko Setyo and Matatula, Jeriels (2020) Allometric equations for estimating biomass of community forest tree species in madiun, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 21 (9). pp. 4291-4300. ISSN 1412033X
Wirabuana, Pandu Yudha Adi Putra and Sadono, Ronggo and Juniarso, Sergian (2020) Planting depth management increases early growth, aboveground biomass, and carbon storage of Eucalyptus pellita at Ultisols in South Sumatra. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 7 (4). pp. 2253-2261. ISSN 2339076X