Items where Division is "Faculty of Forestry" and Year is 2023

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 50.


Ahmad, Riris A. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Ramadona, Aditya Lia and Lathifah, Nurul and Azzahra, Faradhina and Widyastuti, Kirana and Fuad, Anis (2023) Modeling social interaction and metapopulation mobility of the COVID-19 pandemic in main cities of highly populated Java Island, Indonesia: An agent-based modeling approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2296701X

Ambarwati, Nurwidya and Wijayanti Faida, Lies Rahayu and Marhaento, Hero (2023) The Effects of Green Open Spaces on Microclimate and Thermal Comfort in Three Integrated Campus in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Geoplanning, 10 (1). 31 – 44. ISSN 23556544

Arisandi, Rizki and Marsoem, Sri Nugroho and Sutapa, Johanes Pramana Gentur and Lukmandaru, Ganis (2023) Heartwood formation and its relationship with basic density and green moisture content of young small-leaf mahogany trees. Southern Forests, 85 (1). 26 – 39. ISSN 20702620

Arisandi, Rizki and Marsoem, Sri Nugroho and Sutapa, Johanes Pramana Gentur and Lukmandaru, Ganis (2023) A Review of the Factors Influencing Variations in the Heartwood Proportion for Solid Wood. South-East European Forestry, 14 (2). 245 – 253. ISSN 18476481

Augustina, Sarah and Darmawan, Teguh and Sudarmanto, Sudarmanto and Narto, Narto and Bahanawan, Adik and Adi, Danang S and Triwibowo, Dimas and Amin, Yusup and Sofianto, Imran A and Sejati, Prabu S and Dwianto, Wahyu and Witjaksono, Witjaksono and Widyorini, Ragil and Gérardin, Philippe and Marbun, Sari Delviana (2023) Effects of succinic acid impregnation on physical properties of sapwood and heartwood from plantation-grown short-rotation teak. Southern Forests, 85 (3-4). 201 – 211. ISSN 20702620

Budiadi, Budiadi and Pertiwiningrum, Ambar and Lestari, Lina Dwi and Jihad, Aqmal Nur and Marpaung, Boy Andreas and Prasetyo, Sigit (2023) Land cover changes, biomass loss, and predictive causes of massive dieback of a mangrove plantation in Lampung, Sumatra. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6. ISSN 2624893X

Damayanti, Arina and Triyogo, Ananto and Musyafa, Musyafa (2023) Soil arthropod diversity in three different land management intensities of Wanagama Forest, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (3). 1799 – 1808. ISSN 1412033X

Daulay, Muhammad Haidar and Susanti, Fitria D. and Laraswati, Dwi and Arthalina, Erliza C. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) New land governance models and management scenarios: Fitting Forest Management Units (FMUs) for forested landscapes outside forest zones in Indonesia. Forest and Society, 7 (1). pp. 43-60. ISSN 25494724

Davies-Barnard, Taraka and Catto, Jennifer L. and Harper, Anna B. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Frank van Veen, F.J. (2023) Future fire risk under climate change and deforestation scenarios in tropical Borneo. Environmental Research Letters, 18 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 17489318

Fadwati, Alfia Dewi and Hidayati, Fanny and Na’iem, Mohammad (2023) Evaluation of Genetic Parameters of Growth Characteristics and Basic Density of Eucalyptus pellita Clones Planted at Two Different Sites in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 51 (3). 222 – 237. ISSN 10170715

Fatem, Sepus M. and Runtuboi, Yubelince Y. and Fisher, Micah R. and Sufi, Yafed and Maryudi, Ahmad and Sirimorok, Nurhady (2023) Conservation Policy, Indigeneity, and Changing Traditional Hunting Practices in West Papua. Forest and Society, 7 (2). pp. 359-379. ISSN 25494724

Giordano, Anthony J. and Winstead, Leah M. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Rustam, Rustam and Sompud, Jephte and Kumaran, Jayaraj Vijaya and Pei, Kurtis Jai-Chyi (2023) Dark Clouds Ahead? Anecdotal evidence for an illegal live trade in Sunda Neofelis diardi and Indochinese N. nebulosa Clouded Leopards (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae). Journal of Threatened Taxa, 15 (6). pp. 23441-23445. ISSN 09747893

Hathaway, Amanda and Campera, Marco and Hedger, Katherine and Chimienti, Marianna and Adinda, Esther and Ahmad, Nabil and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2023) Analysis of Accelerometer Data Using Random Forest Models to Classify the Behavior of a Wild Nocturnal Primate: Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus). Ecologies, 4 (4). pp. 636-653. ISSN 26734133

Imron, Muhammad Ali and Glass, Danielle M. and Tafrichan, Muhammad and Crego, Ramiro D. and Stabach, Jared A. and Leimgruber, Peter (2023) Beyond protected areas: The importance of mixed-use landscapes for the conservation of Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus). Ecology and Evolution, 13 (10). pp. 1-13. ISSN 20457758

Ismail, Ismail and Haghighi, Ali Torabi and Marttila, Hannu and Karyanto, Oka and Kløve, Bjørn (2023) Recent results from an ecohydrological study of forest species in drained tropical peatlands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 331. ISSN 01681923

Isroni, Wahyu and Sari, Putri D. W. and Sari, Luthfiana A. and Daniel, Kiki and South, Josie and Islamy, R. Adharyan and Wirabuana, Pandu. Y. A. P. and Hasan, Veryl (2023) Checklist of mangrove snails (Gastropoda: Mollusca) on the coast of Lamongan District, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (3). 1676 – 1685. ISSN 1412033X

Kailola, Jacob and Purwanto, Ris Hadi and Sumardi, Sumardi and Faida, Lies Rahayu W. (2023) Assessing social capital in community forest management in the Mount Hamiding Protection Forest, North Halmahera District, North Maluku, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (1). 431 – 440. ISSN 1412033X

Kusuma, Aprisep Ferdhana and Sahide, Muhammad A.K. and Purwanto, Ris H. and Ismariana, Ema and Santoso, Widodo Budi and Wulandari, Eka and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) Emergent Institutional Issues from New Tenure Reforms and Social-Forestry Initiatives in Indonesia: Notes from The Field. Forest and Society, 7 (2). pp. 450-466. ISSN 25494724

Lewerissa, Ebedly and Budiadi, Budiadi and Hardiwinoto, Suryo and Subejo, Subejo (2023) History, Local Wisdom “Ima Kokiriwo” Coconut Based Agroforestry and Land Use Policy in North Halmahera. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 18 (11). pp. 3549-3556. ISSN 17437601

Marbun, Sari Delviana and Dwianto, Wahyu and Meliala, Susan Barbara Patricia Sembiring and Widyorini, Ragil and Augustina, Sarah and Hiziroglu, Salim (2023) Dimensional stability mechanisms of binderless boards by heat or steam treatment: a review. Cellulose, 30 (14). 8571 – 8593. ISSN 09690239

Matatula, Jeriels and Wirabuana, Pandu Yudha Adi Putra and Yasin, Emad Hassan Elawad and Mulyana, Budi (2023) Species Composition and Carbon Stock of Rehabilitated Mangrove Forest in Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 79 (3). 24 – 34. ISSN 13921649

Mezbahuddin, Symon and Nikonovas, Tadas and Spessa, Allan and Grant, Robert F. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Doerr, Stefan H. and Clay, Gareth D. (2023) Accuracy of tropical peat and non-peat fire forecasts enhanced by simulating hydrology. Scientific Reports, 13 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 20452322

Mulyana, Budi and Polgár, András and Vityi, Andrea (2023) Research trends in the environmental assessment of poplar plantations in Hungary: A bibliometric analysis. Ecocycles, 9 (3). 23 – 32. ISSN 24162140

Mulyana, Budi and Polgár, András and Vityi, Andrea (2023) Three Decades of Forest Carbon Dynamics Modeling Using CO2FIX: A Bibliometric Analysis. Evergreen, 10 (4). 2105 – 2119. ISSN 21890420

Muttaqin, Tatag and Soraya, Emma and Dharmawan, Budi and Laraswati, Dwi and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) Asymmetric power relations in multistakeholder initiatives: Insights from the government-instituted Indonesian National Forestry Council. Trees, Forests and People, 12. pp. 1-7. ISSN 26667193

Oktavia, Gebby Agnessya Esa and Iryadi, Rajif and Warseno, Tri and Purnobasuki, Hery (2023) Short Communication: The flowering process of Prunus cerasoides in Bali Botanic Gardens, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (2). 1186 – 1191. ISSN 1412033X

Poindexter, Stephanie A. and Nijman, Vincent and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.Anne-Isola (2023) Goal-Directed Travel in the Nocturnal Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus). Ecologies, 4 (3). pp. 568-579. ISSN 26734133

Pujiono, Eko and Sadono, Ronggo and Hartono, Hartono and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Wirabuana, Pandu Yudha Adi Putra (2023) Factors Contributing to Forest Degradation in the Mountainous Tropical Forest: A Case Study of the Mutis-Timau Forest Complex, Indonesia. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 42 (7). 675 – 694. ISSN 10549811

Safitri, Nevlya Mia and Prastiwi, Fanany Wuri and Salsabila, Syifa and Feriawan, Yogi and Brilianto, Alif and Nugroho, Widyanto Dwi (2023) Anatomical characteristics of the leaning stem in Pinus merkusii seedling. Biodiversitas, 24 (7). 3796 – 3803. ISSN 1412033X

Sahide, Muhammad A.K. and Fisher, Micah R. and Hasfi, Nurul and Mas'ud, Emban Ibnurusyd and Yunus, Ahsan and Faturachmat, Fatwa and Larekeng, Siti Halimah and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) Navigating the Hidden Politics of Water Resource Bureaucracies in Indonesia: Mapping Issue-Elements and Alliances. Hasanuddin Law Review, 9 (1). pp. 57-87. ISSN 24429880

Sanudin, Sanudin and Widiyanto, Ary and Fauziyah, Eva and Sundawati, Leti (2023) Agroforestry farmers’ resilience in social forestry and private Forest programs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Forest Science and Technology, 19 (3). 197 – 209. ISSN 21580103

Sarmin, Siti Noorbaini and Jawaid, Mohammad and Zaki, Sheikh Ahmad and Radzi, Ali Mohd and Fouad, Hassan and Khiari, Ramzi and Rahayu, Sri and Amini, Mohd Hazim Mohamad (2023) Enhancing the properties of date palm fibre reinforced bio-epoxy composites with chitosan – Synthesis, mechanical properties, and dimensional stability. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 35 (7). ISSN 10183647

Seta, Gama Widya and Hidayati, Fanny and Widiyatno, Widiyatno and Na’iem, Mohammad (2023) Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties of Clonal Teak (Tectona grandis) Stands Under Different Thinning and Pruning Intensity Levels Planted in Java, Indonesia. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 51 (2). 109 – 132. ISSN 10170715

Siarudin, Mohamad and Awang, San Afri and Sadono, Ronggo and Suryanto, Priyono (2023) Renewable energy from secondary wood products contributes to local green development: the case of small-scale privately owned forests in Ciamis Regency, Indonesia. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 13 (1): 1. pp. 1-19. ISSN 21920567

Sopaheluwakan, William R.I. and Fatem, Sepus M. and Kutanegara, Pande M. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) Two-decade decentralization and recognition of customary forest rights: Cases from special autonomy policy in West Papua, Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics, 151. pp. 1-8. ISSN 13899341

Subeno, Subeno and Pudyatmoko, Satyawan and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Widi, Tri Satya Mastuti (2023) Site assessment for a small-scale Javan rusa (Rusa timorensis) captive breeding in East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (8). pp. 4568-4576.

Sugiatmo, Sugiatmo and Poedjirahajoe, Erny and Pudyatmoko, Satyawan and Purwanto, Ris Hadi (2023) Carbon stock at several types of mangrove ecosystems in Bregasmalang, Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (1). 182 – 191. ISSN 1412033X

Sulaksono, Nurpana and Pudyatmoko, Satyawan and Sumardi, Sumardi and Wardhana, Wahyu and Budiman, Arief (2023) The Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Medium–Large Mammals in Tropical Volcanic Landscapes. Animals, 13 (20). ISSN 20762615

Supandi, Supandi and Eka Saputra, Yudha Hardiyanto and Nugroho, Yusanto and Suyanto, Suyanto and Rudy, Gusti Syeransyah and Adi Putra Wirabuana, Pandu Yudha (2023) The influence of land cover variation on soil erosion vulnerability around coal mining concession areas in South Borneo. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 10 (2). 4289 – 4295. ISSN 2339076X

Syawal, Arni and Pudyatmoko, Satyawan and Faida, Lies R.W. and Sirami, Elieser Viktor and Setyadi, Esti Gesang and Puradyatmika, Pratita and Suwandi, Rendy Enggar and Imron, Muhammad Ali (2023) Ethno-conservation of New Guinea Singing Dog among Tribes in Pegunungan Tengah, Papua, Indonesia. Forest and Society, 7 (1). pp. 135-149. ISSN 25494724

Wardatutthoyyibah, Wardatutthoyyibah and Pudyatmoko, Satyawan and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Subrata, Sena A. (2023) Habitat use of proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in production forests of West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (3). pp. 1724-1734. ISSN 1412033X


Conference or Workshop Item

Anggara, G. and Rahayu, S. and Nurjanto, H.H. (2023) Macro fungi in Urban Forest of Universitas Gadjah Mada and Their Potential Uses as Medicinal Fungi. In: Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium.

Hamid, A.H. and Iriyani, S. and Setyarso, A. and Basri, H. (2023) Performance analysis of Aceh forest management units in Aceh's Forest development. In: International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co-Creation in Sustainability, ISTAKCOS.

Madjid, M.I.N. and Marhaento, H. and Permadi, D.B. and Susanti, A. and Budiadi, Budiadi and Riyanto, S. and Imron, M.A. and Ardiansyah, F. and Ridho, D. and Nissauqodry, S.V. and Susanto, M.G. and Cahyani, A.P. and Irawan, B. and Yanarita, yanarita (2023) Potential adoption of oil palm agroforestry in Sungai Jernih Village, Jambi, Indonesia. In: 4th International Conference in Agroforestry 2022, ICAF 2022, 15 November 2022through 17 November 2022, Kinabalu, Sabah.

Nurhidayat, M.Z. and Aditya, T. and Zannah, A.L. and Firdausia, S. (2023) Modelling above-ground biomass estimation using combination of vegetation height and forest canopy density at secondary peat swamp forest of Kalimantan. In: Geomatics International Conference, GeoICON.

Ridho, D. and Marhaento, H. and Imron, M.A. and Susanti, A. and Permadi, D.B. and Budiadi, Budiadi and Riyanto, S. and Ardiansyah, F. and Madjid, M.I.N. and Nissauqodry, S.V. and Susanto, M.G. and Cahyani, A.P. and Irawan, B. and Yanarita, yanarita (2023) The diversity of birds in the young oil palm agroforestry plot in Jambi, Indonesia. In: 4th International Conference in Agroforestry 2022, ICAF 2022, 15 November 2022through 17 November 2022, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Sukmawati, J.G. and Widiyatno, Widiyatno and Suryatmojo, H. (2023) Rehabilitation Strategy for Restoration of Riverbank Protection Function in the Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara Regency. In: ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment, AICEE.

Ungirwalu, A. and Awang, S.A. and Maryudi, A. and Suryanto, P. and Marwa, J. and Heatubun, C.D. (2023) An adaptive social forestry model in West Papua based on cultural forests and the main potential of NTFPS: Theory and practice. In: 2022 International Conference of Post Graduate Program, University of Papua, ICOPOD 2022, 24 November 2022, Hybrid, Raja Ampat.

Yuwati, T.W. and Dewi, A.E. and Fahmi, A.A. and Imron, M.A. and Tafrichan, M. and Soeherman, Y. and Lestari, S. and Pratiwi, D. (2023) Formulating the Direction of Community Land Use to Support the Conservation of Javanese Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Habitat at Petungkriyono, Central Java. In: 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, ICoSIA 2023, 10 October 2023through 11 October 2023, Yogyakarta.

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