Items where Division is "Public Policy and Management" and Year is 2024

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Number of items: 46.


Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Dieleman, Marleen and Randoy, Trond (2024) Multiple-Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State-Owned Enterprises. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 61 (6). pp. 2406-2436. ISSN 0022-2380

Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Dieleman, Marleen and Randøy, Trond (2024) Multiple-Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State-Owned Enterprises. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (6). 2406 – 2436. ISSN 00222380

Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Dieleman, Marleen and Randøy, Trond (2024) Multiple-Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State-Owned Enterprises. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (6). 2406 – 2436. ISSN 00222380

Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Dieleman, Marleen and Randøy, Trond (2024) Multiple-Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State-Owned Enterprises. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (6). 2406 – 2436. ISSN 00222380

Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Nugraha, Diwangkara Bagus and Kristiansen, Stein and Overland, Indra (2024) To reform or not reform? Competing energy transition perspectives on Indonesia's monopoly electricity supplier Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Energy Research and Social Science, 118. ISSN 22146296

Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Nugraha, Diwangkara Bagus and Kristiansen, Stein and Overland, Indra (2024) To reform or not reform? Competing energy transition perspectives on Indonesia's monopoly electricity supplier Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Energy Research and Social Science, 118. ISSN 22146296


Devrizon, Devrizon and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Hadna, Agus Heruanto (2024) ANALYSIS OF THE BUDGET FORMULATION PROCESS THROUGH THE MULTIPLE STREAMS APPROACH. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 13 (1 Spec). 299 – 309. ISSN 22209352

Devrizon, Devrizon and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Hadna, Agus Heruanto (2024) ANALYSIS OF THE BUDGET FORMULATION PROCESS THROUGH THE MULTIPLE STREAMS APPROACH. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 13 (1 Spec). 299 – 309. ISSN 22209352

Devrizon, Devrizon and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Hadna, Agus Heruanto (2024) ANALYSIS OF THE BUDGET FORMULATION PROCESS THROUGH THE MULTIPLE STREAMS APPROACH. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 13 (1). pp. 299-309. ISSN 22209352


Habibie, Dedi Kusuma and Darwin, Muhadjir and Suharko, Suharko (2024) Certification of sustainable palm oil plantations in the co-optation of global vegetable competition: Dialogue and dialectics. In: E3S Web of Conferences.

Hummel, Daniel and Kusumasari, Bevaola (2024) Power dynamics and resource dependence: NGO-government collaboration in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Public Administration and Development, 44 (1). 32 – 42. ISSN 02712075

Hummel, Daniel and Kusumasari, Bevaola (2024) Power dynamics and resource dependence: NGO-government collaboration in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Public Administration and Development, 44 (1). 32 – 42. ISSN 02712075

Hummel, Daniel and Kusumasari, Bevaola (2024) Power dynamics and resource dependence: NGO-government collaboration in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 44 (1). pp. 32-42. ISSN 0271-2075

Hummel, Daniel and Kusumasari, Bevaola (2024) Power dynamics and resource dependence: NGO-government collaboration in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Public Administration and Development, 44 (1). 32 – 42. ISSN 02712075


Idajati, H. and Damanik, J. and Kusworo, H.A. and Rindrasih, E. (2024) The role of social capital and individual competence on community resilience of the tourism industry against climate change. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.


Kasiwi, Aulia Nur and Mutiarin, Dyah and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Nurmandi, Achmad and Agustiyara, Agustiyara (2024) Digital Government Integrating System Combining the Data Complexity. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1958 C. 331 – 338. ISSN 18650929

Kusumasari, Bevaola and Sajida, Sajida and Santoso, Anang Dwi and Fauzi, Fadhli Zul (2024) The Reinventing of public administration in the new hybrid world. Teaching Public Administration, 42 (2). 206 – 229. ISSN 01447394

Kusumasari, Bevaola and Sajida, Sajida and Santoso, Anang Dwi and Fauzi, Fadhli Zul (2024) The Reinventing of public administration in the new hybrid world. Teaching Public Administration, 42 (2). 206 – 229. ISSN 01447394

Kusumasari, Bevaola and Sajida, Sajida and Santoso, Anang Dwi and Fauzi, Fadhli Zul (2024) The Reinventing of public administration in the new hybrid world. Teaching Public Administration, 42 (2). 206 – 229. ISSN 01447394

Kusumasari, Bevaola and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho (2024) Algorithmic governance and AI: balancing innovation and oversight in Indonesian policy analyst. AI and Society. ISSN 09515666

Kusumasari, Bevaola and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho (2024) Algorithmic governance and AI: balancing innovation and oversight in Indonesian policy analyst. AI and Society. ISSN 09515666

Kusumasari, Bevaola and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho (2024) Algorithmic governance and AI: balancing innovation and oversight in Indonesian policy analyst. AI and Society. ISSN 09515666


Lestari, Yetty Dwi and Nadia, Fiona Niska Dinda and Sukoco, Badri Munir and Ahlstrom, David and Widianto, Sunu and Susanto, Ely and Nasution, Reza Ashari and Fauzi, Anas Miftah (2024) Dynamic managerial capability, trust in leadership and performance: the role of cynicism toward change. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 27 (6). 1420 – 1450. ISSN 13603124


Macdonald, Kate and Bahruddin, Bahruddin and Hartoto, Annisa Sabrina and Unger, Carla and Cisneros, Paul and Pugley, Deborah Delgado and Herreras Salazar, Damaris and Winanti, Poppy Sulistyaning and Kurniawan, Nanang Indra (2024) The politics of accountability in global sustainable commodity governance: Dilemmas of institutional competition and convergence. Global Policy, 15 (5). 838 – 854. ISSN 17585880

Martino, Martino and Margono, S.A. (2024) The publicness of voluntary action during crisis: From resilience mechanisms to resistance tactics. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. ISSN 10911359


Novianto, Arif (2024) Gamification From Below as by Form of Resistance: Algorithm Control, Precarity, and Resistance Dynamic of Indonesian Gig Workers. New Technology, Work and Employment. ISSN 02681072


Rindrasih, Erda and Ratminto, Ratminto and Effendi, Kurnia Cahyaningrum and Silviani, Dian (2024) Expert perspectives on disaster risk reduction strategies in the tourist area of Borobudur-Yogyakarta-Prambanan in Indonesia. Progress in Disaster Science, 24. ISSN 25900617

Rindrasih, Erda and Ratminto, Ratminto and Effendi, Kurnia Cahyaningrum and Silviani, Dian (2024) Expert perspectives on disaster risk reduction strategies in the tourist area of Borobudur-Yogyakarta-Prambanan in Indonesia. Progress in Disaster Science, 24. ISSN 25900617

Rindrasih, Erda and Ratminto, Ratminto and Effendi, Kurnia Cahyaningrum and Silviani, Dian (2024) Expert perspectives on disaster risk reduction strategies in the tourist area of Borobudur-Yogyakarta-Prambanan in Indonesia. Progress in Disaster Science, 24. ISSN 25900617

Romadiyanti, Beta and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Sumaryono, Sumaryono and Ciptono, Wakhid Slamet (2024) Beyond-Compliance Behaviour: Concept and Operationalization in the Context of Using Domestic Products Policy in Public Procurement. Journal of Policy Studies, 39 (1). 17 – 27. ISSN 27999130


Saputra, Boni and Pegi, Andre Lofika and Suripto, Suripto and Syolendra, Dwi Finna and Fajri, Hidayatul (2024) Environmental sustainability through Sendang Sombomerti ecotourism management. In: The 1st International Symposium on Environmental and Energy Policy (ISEEP 2023). E3S Web of Conferences, Pekanbaru.

Sidik, Fajar and Habibi, Muchtar (2024) A Prize for the Village Ruling Class: ``Village Funds'' and Class Dynamics in Rural Indonesia. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA, 54 (3). pp. 387-411. ISSN 0047-2336

Soenarto-Putri, Tri Winarni and Gaus, Nurdiana and Rolobessy, Mike J. and Soputan, Grace Jenny and Mulyani, Wiwik Puji and Pramuwardhani-Dewi, Murti and Sulistiyani, Ambar Teguh and Sisparyadi, Sisparyadi and Suwarjiyanto, Suwarjiyanto (2024) Developing and Strengthening the Role of Institutions in Preventing and Addressing Sexual Violence in Higher Education. Generos, 13 (2). 119 – 136. ISSN 20143613

Subarsono, Agustinus and Utomo, Puguh Prasetya and Laksana, Lutfi Untung Angga (2024) DETERMINANTS OF COVID-19 FATALITY RATES IN INDONESIA: A CONFIGURATIONAL ANALYSIS OF GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND SOCIETAL CONDITIONS. Public Administration Issues (5). 65 -89. ISSN 19995431

Subarsono, Agustinus and Utomo, Puguh Prasetya and Laksana, Lutfi Untung Angga (2024) DETERMINANTS OF COVID-19 FATALITY RATES IN INDONESIA: A CONFIGURATIONAL ANALYSIS OF GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND SOCIETAL CONDITIONS. Public Administration Issues (5). 65 – 89. ISSN 19995431

Subarsono, Agustinus and Utomo, Puguh Prasetya and Laksana, Lutfi Untung Angga (2024) Determinants of COVID-19 Fatality Rates in Indonesia: a Configurational Analysis of Government Policies and Societal Conditions. Public Administration Issues (5). pp. 65-89. ISSN 1999-5431

Sulistyarini, Dhanik and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Rajiyem, Rajiyem (2024) Javanese Cultural Content and Identity Construction: Study on Javanese Transmigrant Descendants in Lampung, Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 40 (2). 448 – 464. ISSN 2289151X

Sulistyarini, Dhanik and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Rajiyem, Rajiyem (2024) Javanese Cultural Content and Identity Construction: Study on Javanese Transmigrant Descendants in Lampung, Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 40 (2). 448 – 464. ISSN 2289151X

Supriharyanti, Elisabeth and Sukoco, Badri Munir and Ubaidi, Abdillah and Susanto, Ely and Widianto, Sunu and Nasution, Reza Ashari and Fauzi, Anas Miftah and Wu, Wann-Yih (2024) Empowering leadership and team change capability: the mediating effect of team PsyCap. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 45 (6). 1083 – 1101. ISSN 01437739


UI Haq, Fajar Riza and Hadna, Agus Heruanto and Darwin, Muhadjir and Ikhwan, Hakimul (2024) Dynamics of Covid-19 policy implementation in DKI Jakarta: study of the responses of Muhammadiyah members. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 14 (1). pp. 63-89. ISSN 20891490


Wahyuni, Herpita and Mutiarin, Dyah and Pribadi, Ulung and Ismail, Nur Syakiran Akmal and Priyo Purnomo, Eko and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi (2024) Maturity of data interoperability cross-organizations in supporting the concept of one employment data at the ministry and regional government levels. Cogent Social Sciences, 10 (1): 2407936. pp. 1-20. ISSN 23311886

Wibawa, Samodra and Firdaus, Rindu Sanubari Mashita and Indroyono, Puthut and Dumairy, Dumairy and Savitri, Laksmi Adriani (2024) Preserving Traditional Market in Indonesia Based on the New Public Governance Perspective. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 15. ISSN 1947-9638

Wulansari, Anindya Dessi and Novianto, Arif and Keban, Yeremias Torontuan and Hernawan, Ari (2024) Hiding behind the platform: the myth of flexibility for gig workers in Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 32 (1). 22 – 40. ISSN 0967828X

Wulansari, Anindya Dessi and Novianto, Arif and Keban, Yeremias Torontuan and Hernawan, Ari (2024) Hiding behind the platform: the myth of flexibility for gig workers in Indonesia. SOUTH EAST ASIA RESEARCH, 32 (1). pp. 22-40. ISSN 0967-828X

Wulansari, Anindya Dessi and Novianto, Arif and Keban, Yeremias Torontuan and Hernawan, Ari (2024) Hiding behind the platform: the myth of flexibility for gig workers in Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 32 (1). 22 -40. ISSN 0967828X


Yeremias, Torontuan Keban and Cahyadi, Dian and Djunaedi, Achmad (2024) Modelling E-Government Maturity Determinants at the Local Level in Indonesia Using Technology-Organization-Environment Framework. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 28 (1). 17 – 34. ISSN 14104946

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