Items where Division is "Surgical Divisions" and Year is 2024
Alfarizi, Zico Yusuf and Subekti, Eko and Danarto, Danarto and Yuri, Prahara (2024) A rare case of spontaneous bladder wall abscess mimicking bladder tumour in young women. BMC Urology, 24 (1): 109. ISSN 14712490
Darmawan, Faisol and Fauzi, Aditya Rifqi and Pratignyo, Rogatianus Bagus and Kumaladewi, Pieri and Rahmadanty, Andrini Esha and Santhony, Andreas Niko and Rinonce, Hanggoro Tri and Gunadi, Gunadi (2024) Challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of pure non-gestational uterine choriocarcinoma in a child: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 18 (1): 323. ISSN 17521947
Gunadi, Gunadi and Amadeus, Verrell Christopher and Utami, Fadila Dyah Trie and Halim, Fiqih Vidiantoro and Novebri, Nabilah Anisa and Hanggoro, Rahaditya Alrasyidi and Lestari, Avinindita Nura and Iskandar, Kristy and Dwihantoro, Andi and Purnomo, Eko (2024) Aberrant SOX10 and RET expressions in patients with Hirschsprung disease. BMC Pediatrics, 24 (1): 189. ISSN 14712431
Harjaningsih, Woro and Mustofa, Mustofa and Ikawati, Zullies and Novyani, Rahma Aqisfi and Sugianto, Natalia (2024) Incidence of hypercholesterolaemia and hyperglycaemia in schizophrenic patients: Atypical antipsychotic medication and clinical variables. Pharmacy Education, 24 (2). 23 – 31. ISSN 15602214
Hendri, Ahmad Z. and Suryawati, Sri and Heriyanto, Didik S. and Hardianti, Mardiah S. and Pikatan, Narpati W. and Shaleh, Sabillal and Robert, Robert and Febriyanto, Toni and Liliana, Belinda and Pratama, Angga D. M. (2024) Long non-coding RNAs as prognostic biomarkers in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: A systematic review. Narra J, 4 (3): e1233. ISSN 28072618
Kurniawati, Eighty Mardiyan and Hardianto, Gatut and Paraton, Hari and Hadi, Tri Hastono Setyo and Widyasari, Anis and Rahmawati, Nur Anisah (2024) Factors affecting the onset and the degree of post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse. Urogynaecologia International Journal, 36 (1). 11 -16. ISSN 20388314
Kustanti, Anita and Mahendradhata, Yodi and Aulawi, Khudazi (2024) A scoping review: Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) in self stigma for people living with HIV (PLHIV). Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services. ISSN 15381501
Leonardo, Juan and Putra, Purnawan Pontana and Tallei, Trina Ekawati and Fatimawali, Fatimawali and Taslim, Nurpudji Astuti and Tjandrawinata, Raymond Rubianto and Lau, Vincent and Mustafa, Saad and Prieto, Miguel A and Nurkolis, Fahrul (2024) Unraveling biomolecules, antidiabetic and antioxidants properties of DelitesTM via pharmacoinformatics and in vitro investigation. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine, 13: 100551. ISSN 26671425
Mahmud, Mahmud and Sari, Dwi Cahyani Ratna and Sari, Djayanti and Arfian, Nur and Zucha, Muhammad Ary (2024) The application of augmented reality for improving clinical skills: a scoping review. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 36 (1). 65 -79. ISSN 2005727X
Oktavia, Dwiyanto and Airlangga, Primadenny Ariesa and Hidayat, Aries Rakhmat and Satmoko, Benedictus Anindita (2024) Long-term outcome evaluation in ankylosing spondylitis with high-angle thoracolumbar kyphotic deformity corrected by one-stage single-level pedicle subtraction osteotomy augmented with Ponte osteotomy: A case series. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 114. ISSN 22102612
Poerwosusanta, Hery and Wibowo, Agung Ary and Effendi, Effendi and Aditya, Donni and Gunadi, Gunadi (2024) The Rare Retrograde Intussusception After Meckel's Diverticula Resection and Anastomosis in Children. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 20 (6). pp. 396-398. ISSN 16758544
Putranto, Rudi and Setiati, Siti and Nasrun, Martina W. and Witjaksono, Fiastuti and Immanuel, Suzanna and Subekti, Imam and Harimurti, Kuntjoro and Siswanto, Agus and Shatri, Hamzah and Suwarto, Suhendro and Megantara, Marcelino A. (2024) Effects of cholecalciferol supplementation on depressive symptoms, C-peptide, serotonin, and neurotrophin-3 in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Narra J, 4 (3): e1342. ISSN 28072618
Putro, Y.A. Prabowo and Magetsari, R. and Tampubolon, Y. Oksikimbawan and Huwaidi, A. Faiz and Rosfadilla, A. (2024) Predictive Factors for Lung Metastasis in High-Grade Osteosarcoma: A 5 Years Experience from Tertiary Referral Hospital. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, 90 (4). 739 -743. ISSN 00016462
Putro, Yuni Artha Prabowo and Prasetyo, Thomas Edison and Magetsari, Rahadyan and Pribadi, Amri Wicaksono and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Huwaidi, Ahmad Faiz (2024) Right Thigh Mass Metastasis from Lung Cancer Mimicking Primary Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Case Report. American Journal of Case Reports, 25. ISSN 19415923
Sarfika, Rika and Saifudin, I Made Moh. Yanuar and Malini, Hema and Putri, Dewi Eka and Wicaksana, Anggi Lukman and Mahathir, Mahathir and Novrianda, Dwi (2024) Factors associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms among Indonesian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings, 12 (1). ISSN 22817824
Triadmajani, Wahyu and Prawitasari, Shinta and Wahab, Abdul (2024) Role of proper postnatal care in continued exclusive breastfeeding among young Indonesian mothers. Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics, 67 (12). 686 -693. ISSN 27134148
Wahdini, Siti Isya and Idamatussilmi, Fina and Pramanasari, Rachmaniar and Prawoto, Almas Nur and Wungu, Citrawati Dyah Kencono and Putri, Indri Lakhsmi and Gunadi, Gunadi (2024) Genotype-phenotype associations in microtia: a systematic review. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 19 (1): 152. ISSN 17501172
Wenang, Supriyatiningsih and Emilia, Ova and Wahyuni, Alfaina and Afdal, Andi and Haier, Joerg (2024) Obstetrics care in Indonesia: Determinants of maternal mortality and stillbirth rates. PLoS ONE, 19 (7 July): e0303590. ISSN 19326203
Widuri, Asti and Rianto, Bambang Udji Djoko and Indrawati, Luh Putu Lusy and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo (2024) Effectiveness and safety of addition binahong extract 2.5 on saline nasal irrigation for allergic rhinitis patients: protocol for randomized controlled trial investigator-blinded. Journal of Xiangya Medicine, 9: 21. ISSN 25199390
Wijaya, Marzuki Panji and Hendri, Ahmad Zulfan (2024) Retroperitoneal hernia following laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy: a case report and review of literature. African Journal of Urology, 30 (1): 10. ISSN 11105704
Wulandari, Dian Paramita and Khoiria, Anisa Haqul and Latifa, Elida Fadhilatul (2024) Transoral Endoscopic-Assisted Resection of Laryngeal Schwannoma: A Case Report. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 36 (1). 371 -375. ISSN 22517251
Yuri, Prahara and Wiratma, Made Kresna Yudhistira (2024) Penile and scrotal skin flap combination for circumcised concealed penis: A novel surgical technique. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 114: 109214. ISSN 22102612
Yuri, Prahara and Yunir, Peri Eriad and Utama, Eldo Taufila Putra and Zulfiqar, Yevri and Thobari, Jarir At (2024) Aphallia - congenital absence of the penis: a systematic review. BMC Urology, 24 (1): 75. ISSN 14712490
Yurista, Giri and Novebri, Nabilah Anisa and Irianiwati, Irianiwati and Seswandhana, Muhammad Rosadi (2024) Impact of negative pressure wound therapy on inflammatory cell counts in porcine deep dermal burn wound models. Chinese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 6 (4). 166 -171. ISSN 20966911