Items where Division is "Food and Agricultural Product Technology" and Year is 2021

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Number of items: 67.


Agustin, S. and Wahyuni, E.T. and Suparmo, Suparmo and Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Cahyanto, M.N. (2021) Production and characterization of bacterial cellulose-alginate biocomposites as food packaging material. Food Research, 5 (6). 204 – 210. ISSN 25502166

Agustin, Sukmiyati and Wahyuni, Endang Tri and Suparmo, Suparmo and Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Cahyanto, Muhammad Nur (2021) Incorporation of pectin during biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose by Gluconacetobacter xylinus InaCC B404: Possibility for producing green food packaging. Biodiversitas, 22 (5). 2548 – 2553. ISSN 1412033X

Andriani, Dini and Hasan, Pratama Nur and Utami, Tyas and Suroto, Dian Anggraini and Wikandari, Rachma and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati (2021) Genotypic and Phenotypic Analyses of Antibiotic Resistance in Indonesian Indigenous Lactobacillus Probiotics. Applied Food Biotechnology, 8 (4). 267 – 274. ISSN 23455357

Aristya, V.E. and Taryono, Taryono and Trisyono, Y.A. and Mulyo, J.H. (2021) Stakeholder preferences on major characteristics of promising rice lines. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture.


Bait, Yoyanda and Marseno, Djagal Wiseso and Santoso, Umar and Marsono, Yustinus (2021) Study of proximate composition, antioxidant activity and sensory evaluation of cooked rice with addition of cherry (Muntingia calabura) leaf extract. In: 2nd International Conference Earth Science And Energy.


Canti, M. and Murdiati, A. and Naruki, S. and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2021) Quality characteristics of chicken sausages using a combination of jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis l.) and soy protein isolate as a binder. Food Research, 5 (3). 249 – 261. ISSN 25502166


D.K. Ratna, D.K. Ratna and M.M. Evita, M.M. Evita and E.S. Rahayu, E.S. Rahayu and M.N. Cahyanto, M.N. Cahyanto and R. Wikandari, R. Wikandari and T. Utam, T. Utam (2021) Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria from Halloumi Cheese as a Probiotics Candidate of Indonesian Origin. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROBIOTICS AND PREBIOTICS, 16 (1). pp. 39-44. ISSN 1555-1431

Darini, Maria Theresia and Sulistyaningsih, Endang (2021) Endophytic Root Dynamics, Yield and Quality of Aloe vera L. Plants by Application of Bio-Mineral Fertilizer Combined in Sandy Soil. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy.

Darmastuti, Arum and Hasan, Pratama N. and Wikandari, Rachma and Utami, Tyas and Rahayu, Endang S. and Suroto, Dian Anggraini (2021) Adhesion properties of lactobacillus plantarum dad-13 and lactobacillus plantarum mut-7 on sprague dawley rat intestine. Microorganisms, 9 (11). ISSN 20762607

Desnilasari, D. and Harmayani, E. and Widada, J. and Nurliyani, Nurliyani (2021) Using kefir glucomannan to modify the diversity and composition of cecum bacterial in Sprague Dawley rats with metabolic syndrome. In: The 6th International Symposium on Applied Chemistry (ISAC) 2020, 18-20 November 2020, Tangerang, Indonesia.

Ding, Mengfan and Yang, Bo and Khine, Wei Wei Thwe and Lee, Yuan-Kun and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Ross, R. Paul and Stanton, Catherine and Zhao, Jianxin and Zhang, Hao and Chen, Wei (2021) The species-level composition of the fecal bifidobacterium and lactobacillus genera in Indonesian children differs from that of their mothers. Microorganisms, 9 (9). ISSN 20762607


Ekafitri, R. and Pranoto, Y. and Herminiati, A. (2021) Chemical properties, functionality, and morphology of taro flour modified by H2O2 oxidation and irradiation of UV light. In: International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy.


Fitriani, Aprilia and Santoso, Umar and Supriyadi, Supriyadi (2021) Conventional Processing Affects Nutritional and Antinutritional Components and in Vitro Protein Digestibility in Kabau (Archidendron bubalinum). International Journal of Food Science, 2021. ISSN 23567015


Hapsari, Bety W. and Manikharda, Manikharda and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti (2021) Methodologies in the analysis of phenolic compounds in roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.): Composition, biological activity, and beneficial effects on human health. Horticulturae, 7 (2). 1 – 36. ISSN 23117524

Harahap, I. A. and Mariyatun, M. and Hasan, P. N. and Pamungkaningtyas, F. H. and Widada, J. and Utami, T. and Cahyanto, M. N. and Juffrie, M. and Dinoto, A. and Nurfiani, S. and Zulaichah, E. and Sujaya, I. N. and Rahayu, E. S. (2021) Recovery of Indigenous probiotic <i>Lactobacillus plantarum</i> Mut-7 on healthy Indonesian adults after consumption of fermented milk containing these bacteria. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE, 58 (9). pp. 3525-3532. ISSN 0022-1155

Harahap, I.A. and Mariyatun, M. and Hasan, P.N. and Pamungkaningtyas, F.H. and Widada, J. and Utami, T. and Cahyanto, M.N. and Juffrie, M. and Dinoto, A. and Nurfiani, S. and Zulaichah, E. and Sujaya, I.N. and Rahayu, E.S. (2021) Recovery of Indigenous probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Mut-7 on healthy Indonesian adults after consumption of fermented milk containing these bacteria. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58 (9). 3525 – 3532. ISSN 00221155

Hilman, A. and Harmayani, E. and Cahyanto, M. N. (2021) The potential of Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta L.) and Dahlia (Dahlia spp L.) from Indonesia as prebiotic compound. In: International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Food Security:2020.

Hilman, A. and Harmayani, E. and Cahyanto, M.N. (2021) The potential of Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta L.) and Dahlia (Dahlia spp L.) from Indonesia as prebiotic compound. In: Environmental Science, Food Science and Technology.


Indrati, Retno and Handayani, Marta T. and Rahayu, Novia A. and Pebrianti, Suci A. (2021) Effect of legume varieties and fermentation time of tempe using usar inoculum on the inhibitory activity of angiotensin i-converting enzyme. Biodiversitas, 22 (12). 5262 – 5267. ISSN 1412033X


Kamil, R.Z. and Fadhila, F.H. and Rachmasari, A.D. and Murdiati, A. and Juffrie, M. and Rahayu, E.S. (2021) Development of probiotic gummy candy using the indigenous lactobacillus plantarum dad-13 strain; evaluation of its gastrointestinal resistance and shelf-life prediction. Food Research, 5 (5). 265 – 273. ISSN 25502166

Kamil, Rafli Zulfa and Murdiati, Agnes and Juffrie, Mohammad and Nakayama, Jiro and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati (2021) Gut microbiota and short-chain fatty acid profile between normal and moderate malnutrition children in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Microorganisms, 9 (1). 1 – 15. ISSN 20762607

Karyadi, Joko Nugroho Wahyu and Rahma, Siti and Sitindaon, Ronal and Putri, Dionisia Gusda Primadita and Ayuni, Dwi (2021) Drying characteristics of jackfruit and snake fruit using freeze dryer. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 29 (1). 317 – 330. ISSN 01287680

Karyantina, M. and Anggrahini, S. and Utami, T. and Rahayu, E.S. (2021) Jambal roti characteristics: A traditional fermented fish from Rembang, Central Java. Food Research, 5. 128 – 134. ISSN 25502166

Kiptiyah, Sakina Yeti and Harmayani, Eni and Santoso, Umar and Supriyadi, Supriyadi (2021) The effect of blanching and extraction method on total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of Kencur (Kaempferia galanga. L) extract. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy, 18-21 October 2019, Phuket, Thailand.

Kiptiyah, Sakina Yeti and Harmayani, Eni and Santoso, Umar and Supriyadi, Supriyadi (2021) The effect of blanching and extraction method on total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of Kencur (Kaempferia galanga. L) extract. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Kurniasih, B. and Arini, N. and Alvioliana, D. and Nisa, R. I. and Wulandari, R. A. (2021) Salt-induced growth promotion in rice varieties during nursery. In: International Seminar on Agriculture, Biodiversity, Food Security and Health.

Kusuma, Rio J. and Ermamilia, Aviria and Halimah, Salehah N. and Pradani, Ninda F. and Sholikha, Imroatus (2021) Selar (Selar crumenophthalmus) fish protein hydrolysate has antidiabetic properties possibly through glp-1. Current Nutrition and Food Science, 17 (5). 516 – 522. ISSN 15734013

Kusumadevi, Z. and Saputro, A.D. and Dewi, A.K. and Irmandharu, F. and Oetama, T. and Setiowati, A.D. and Rahayoe, S. and Bintoro, N. (2021) Physical characteristics of compound chocolate made with various flavouring agents produced using melanger as a small scale chocolate processing device. In: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development, 20 October 2020, Purwokerto.


Larasati, Y.N. and Harmayani, E. and Widada, J. and Nurliyani, N. and Perdinan, A. (2021) Caecal bacterial composition of broiler chickens affected by porang glucomannan. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 46 (3). 187 – 198. ISSN 20878273

Leksono, Benediktus Yudo and Cahyanto, Muhammad Nur and Utami, Tyas (2021) Antioxidant Activity of Isoflavone Aglycone from Fermented Black Soymilk Supplemented with Sucrose and Skim Milk Using Indonesian Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria. Applied Food Biotechnology, 8 (4). 285 – 295. ISSN 23455357

Lestari, Puput Dwi and Kawiji, Kawiji and Yulviatun, Anastriyani and Martien, Ronny and Muhammad, Dimas Rahadian Aji (2021) Physical and sensory characteristics of milk and white compound chocolate added with Asian pigeonwings flower (Clitoria ternatea). In: ICFTNSA 2021.

Lukitawesa, Lukitawesa and Eryildiz, Bahriye and Mahboubi, Amir and Millati, Ria and Taherzadeh, Mohammad J. (2021) Semi-continuous production of volatile fatty acids from citrus waste using membrane bioreactors. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 67. ISSN 14668564


Maimunah, Margi Asih and Kautsar, Valensi and Bimantara, Putu Oki and Kimani, Samuel Munyaka and Torita, Ren and Tawaraya, Keitaro and Murayama, Hideki and Utami, Sri Nuryani Hidayah and Purwanto, Benito Heru and Cheng, Weiguo (2021) Weeding frequencies decreased rice–weed competition and increased rice n uptake in organic paddy field. Agronomy, 11 (10). ISSN 20734395

Marzuki, Sigit Uji and Pranoto, Yudi and Khumsap, Tabkrich and Nguyen, Loc Thai (2021) Effect of blanching pretreatment and microwave-vacuum drying on drying kinetics and physicochemical properties of purple-fleshed sweet potato. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58 (8). 2884 – 2895. ISSN 00221155

Mondylaksita, Kinanthi and Ferreira, Jorge A. and Budhijanto, Wiratni and Niklasson, Claes and Taherzadeh, Mohammad J. and Millati, Ria (2021) Enhanced Volatile Fatty Acid Production from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch through Acidogenic Fermentation-A Novel Resource Recovery Strategy for Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch. FERMENTATION-BASEL, 7 (4).

Mondylaksita, Kinanthi and Ferreira, Jorge A. and Budhijanto, Wiratni and Niklasson, Claes and Taherzadeh, Mohammad J. and Millati, Ria (2021) Enhanced volatile fatty acid production from oil palm empty fruit bunch through acidogenic fermentation—A novel resource recovery strategy for oil palm empty fruit bunch. Fermentation, 7 (4). ISSN 23115637

Muhammad, D.R.A. and Zulfa, F. and Purnomo, D. and Widiatmoko, C. and Fibri, D.L.N. (2021) Consumer acceptance of chocolate formulated with functional ingredient. In: Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licen, 25-27 August 2020, Surakarta.

Muhammad, D.R.A. and Zulfa, F. and Purnomo, D. and Widiatmoko, C. and Fibri, D.L.N. (2021) Consumer acceptance of chocolate formulated with functional ingredient. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, ICSAE 2020.

Muhammad, Dimas Rahadian Aji and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Fibri, Dwi Larasatie Nur (2021) Revisiting the development of probiotic-based functional chocolates. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 9. 233 – 248. ISSN 2187090X

Mulyania, R. and Harmayani, E. and Nurliyani, Nurliyani and Nishic, K. and Ishida, M. and Sugahara, T. (2021) Stimulation of IgM Production in HB4C5 Cell Line and Mouse Splenocytes by Egg Yolk Extract from the Egg of Indonesian Native Chicken. Tropical Animal Science Journal, 44 (4). 511 – 519. ISSN 2615787X


Ningrum, Andriati and Widyastuti Perdani, Arum and Supriyadi, - and Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Heli and Aisyah, Siti and Susanto, Eko (2021) Characterization of Tuna Skin Gelatin Edible Films with Various Plasticizers-Essential Oils and Their Effect on Beef Appearance. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45 (9). ISSN 01458892

Nugraheni, N.F. and Karyadi, J.N.W. and Tarwaca, S.N. and Indrasari, Y.P. and Albyan, R. and Setiyadi, I. and Ayuni, D. (2021) Effect of various drying methods on the physical characteristics of purple yam powder. In: The International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21-22 September 2020, Banda Aceh.


Olatunde, Oladipupo Odunayo and Tan, Steffi Louisa Della and Benjakul, Soottawat (2021) Ethanolic guava leaf extract with different chlorophyll removal processes: Antioxidant properties and its preventive effect on lipid oxidation in Pacific white shrimp. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (4). 1671 – 1681. ISSN 09505423

Olatunde, Oladipupo Odunayo and Tan, Steffi Louisa Della and Benjakul, Soottawat (2021) Ethanolic guava leaf extract with different chlorophyll removal processes: Antioxidant properties and its preventive effect on lipid oxidation in Pacific white shrimp. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (4). 1671 – 1681. ISSN 09505423

Olatunde, Oladipupo Odunayo and Tan, Steffi Louisa Della and Shiekh, Khursheed Ahmad and Benjakul, Soottawat and Nirmal, Nilesh Prakash (2021) Ethanolic guava leaf extracts with different chlorophyll removal processes: Anti-melanosis, antibacterial properties and the impact on qualities of Pacific white shrimp during refrigerated storage. Food Chemistry, 341. ISSN 03088146


Pahlawan, M.F.R. and Wati, R.K. and Masithoh, R.E. (2021) Development of a low-cost modular VIS/NIR spectroscopy for predicting soluble solid content of banana. In: The International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21-22 September 2020, Banda Aceh.

Pratam, B. P. and Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Swasono, R. T. and Pranoto, Y. (2021) Different leaf maturities and withering durations affect the antioxidant potential and aroma compound of Indonesian bay leaf [Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp.]. INTERNATIONAL FOOD RESEARCH JOURNAL, 28 (6). pp. 1196-1203. ISSN 1985-4668

Pratama, B.P. and Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Swasono, R.T. and Pranoto, Y. (2021) Different leaf maturities and withering durations affect the antioxidant potential and aroma compound of Indonesian bay leaf Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp. International Food Research Journal, 28 (6). 1196 – 1203. ISSN 19854668

Purwaningsih, Purwaningsih and Rosida, I.N. and Djaafar, T.F. and Marwati, T. and Wikandari, R. and Rahayu, E.S. (2021) Organoleptic, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of goat milk yogurt using Lactobacillus plantarum T14 and T35 with the addition of stevia sweetener. In: Adapting Agricultural Production to Covid-19.

Purwaningsih, Purwaningsih and Rosida, I.N. and Djaafar, T.F. and Marwati, T. and Wikandari, R. and Rahayu, E.S. (2021) Organoleptic, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of goat milk yogurt using Lactobacillus plantarum T14 and T35 with the addition of stevia sweetener. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.


Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati (2021) Erratum: Effect of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 powder consumption on the gut microbiota and intestinal health of overweight adults (World J Gastroenterol (2021) 27:1 (107-128) DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v27.i1.107). World Journal of Gastroenterology, 27 (38). 6511 – 6512. ISSN 10079327

Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Mariyatun, Mariyatun and Manurung, Nancy Eka Putri and Hasan, Pratama Nur and Therdtatha, Phatthanaphong and Mishima, Riko and Komalasari, Husnita and Mahfuzah, Nurul Ain and Pamungkaningtyas, Fathyah Hanum and Yoga, Wahyu Krisna and Nurfiana, Dina Aulia and Liwan, Stefanie Yolanda and Juffrie, Mohammad and Nugroho, Agung Endro and Utami, Tyas (2021) Effect of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 powder consumption on the gut microbiota and intestinal health of overweight adults. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 126 (1). 107 – 128. ISSN 10079327

Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Mariyatun, Mariyatun and Putri Manurung, Nancy Eka and Hasan, Pratama Nur and Therdtatha, Phatthanaphong and Mishima, Riko and Komalasari, Husnita and Mahfuzah, Nurul Ain and Pamungkaningtyas, Fathyah Hanum and Yoga, Wahyu Krisna and Nurfiana, Dina Aulia and Liwan, Stefanie Yolanda and Juffrie, Mohammad and Nugroho, Agung Endro and Utami, Tyas (2021) Effect of probiotic <i>Lactobacillus plantarum</i> Dad-13 powder consumption on the gut microbiota and intestinal health of overweight adults. WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 27 (1). pp. 107-128. ISSN 1007-9327

Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Triyadi, Rokhmat and Khusna, Rosyida N. B. and Djaafar, Titiek Farianti and Utami, Tyas and Marwati, Tri and Hatmi, Retno Utami (2021) Indigenous yeast, lactic acid bacteria, and acetic acid bacteria from cocoa bean fermentation in indonesia can inhibit fungal-growth-producing mycotoxins. Fermentation, 7 (3). ISSN 23115637

Rahmadian, Y. and Pertiwiningrum, A. (2021) Improving white oyster mushroom productivity by biogas sludge and its potential as functional foods. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 662 (1). ISSN 17551307

Ratna, D.K. and Evita, M.M. and Rahayu, E.S. and Cahyanto, M.N. and Wikandari, R. and Utami, T. (2021) Indigenous lactic acid Bacteria from halloumi cheese as a probiotics candidate of Indonesian origin. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics, 16 (1). 39 – 44. ISSN 15551431


Sayekti, Andita and Suyantohadi, Atris and Ushada, Mirwan and Yudianto, David (2021) Design of soymilk product development from grobogan soybean variety in Indonesia. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 29 (3). 1683 – 1705. ISSN 01287680

Setiowati, Arima Diah and De Neve, Lorenz and A'yun, Qurrotul and Van der Meeren, Paul (2021) Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D) as a tool to study the interaction between whey protein isolate and low methoxyl pectin. Food Hydrocolloids, 110. ISSN 0268005X

Sulandari, L. and Utami, T. and Hidayat, C. and Rahayu, E.S. (2021) Simultaneous detection of monacolins and citrinin of angkak produced by monascus purpureus strains using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Food Research, 5 (1). 349 – 356. ISSN 25502166

Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Nareswari, Alfrista Ruri and Fitriani, Aprilia and Gunadi, Rachmad (2021) Enhancement of Black Tea Aroma by Adding the <i>β</i>-Glucosidase Enzyme during Fermentation on Black Tea Processing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 2021. ISSN 2356-7015

Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Nareswari, Alfrista Ruri and Fitriani, Aprilia and Gunadi, Rachmad (2021) Enhancement of Black Tea Aroma by Adding the β -Glucosidase Enzyme during Fermentation on Black Tea Processing. International Journal of Food Science, 2021. ISSN 23567015

Syahputri, G.A. and Santoso, U. and Supriyanto, Supriyanto (2021) Ultrafiltration for the separation of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase and its effect on physicochemical and antioxidant properties of coconut (Cocos nucifera l.) water. Food Research, 5 (4). 163 – 172. ISSN 25502166


Timisela, Natelda Rosaldiah and Masyhuri, Masyhuri and Darwanto, Dwidjono Hadi (2021) Development strategy of sago local food agroindustry using analytical Hierarchy Process method. Agraris, 7 (1). 36 – 52. ISSN 2407814X


Utami, N.N. and Lestari, L.A. and Nurliyani, - and Harmayani, E. (2021) Consumption of jelly dessert containing porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) glucomannan and inulin along with low-calorie diet contributes to glycemic control of obese adults: A randomized clinical trial. Food Research, 5 (3). pp. 152-162. ISSN 25502166


Wahyuni, N.L. and Sunarharum, W.B. and Muhammad, D.R.A. and Saputro, A.D. (2021) Formation and development of flavour of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) cultivar Criollo and Forastero: A review. In: International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy, 25 August 2020, Malang.

Wulanjati, Martha Purnami and Witasari, Lucia Dhiantika and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Haryanto, Aris (2021) Recombinant fusion protein expression of indonesian isolate newcastle disease virus in escherichia coli bl21(De3). Biodiversitas, 22 (6). 3249 – 3255. ISSN 1412033X


Yuliatmoko, Welli and Murdiati, Agnes and Pranoto, Yudi and Marsono, Yustinus (2021) The Effect of Banana Pseudostem Flour and Food Bar of Edible Canna Substituted with Banana Pseudostem Flour on Lipid Profile of Hypercholesterolemia Mice. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (1). 197 – 203. ISSN 20885334

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