Items where Division is "Public Health and Nutrition" and Year is 2023

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Aditya, Gede Andi and Dany, Yurisal Akhmad and Danarto, Raden and Soeroharjo, Indrawarman and Hendri, Ahmad Zulfan (2023) PD-L1 overexpression in prostate cancer: a potential targeted therapy. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 2303-2306. ISSN 20891180

Agustini, Sulistyo Mulyo and Widjajanto, Edi and Rifa’i, Muhaimin and Haryana, Sofia Mubarika and Nurdiana, Nurdiana and Lyrawati, Diana and Sukorini, Usi and Lestari, Noviana Dwi (2023) Anti-leukemic activity of Cyperus rotundus L. on human acute myeloid leukemia HL-60 cells in vitro. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 11 (1). pp. 191-197. ISSN 07194250

Akkerman, Onno W. and Guenther, Gunar and Munoz-Torrico, Marcela and Babalik, Aylin and Heyckendorf, Jan and Zellweger, Jean-Pierre and Sousa, Pedro and Saktiawati, Antonia Morita Iswari and Eyüboğlu, Füsun Öner (2023) Clinical presentation of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. ERS Monograph, 2023 (101). pp. 51-103. ISSN 2312508X

Akkerman, Onno W. and Guenther, Gunar and Munoz-Torrico, Marcela and Babalik, Aylin and Heyckendorf, Jan and Zellweger, Jean-Pierre and Sousa, Pedro and Saktiawati, Antonia Morita Iswari and Eyüboğlu, Füsun Öner (2023) Clinical presentation of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. ERS Monograph, 2023 (101). pp. 51-103. ISSN 2312508X

Ambarsari, Cahyani Gita and Palupi-Baroto, Retno and Sinuraya, Fira Alyssa Gabriella and Suryati, Elvi and Widyastuti, Etty and Widhiati, Suci (2023) Nephropathy in a Child with Severe Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Treated with Cyclophosphamide: A Case Report. Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis, 13 (1). pp. 75-83. ISSN 22969705

An, Alfun Dhiya and Emilia, Ova (2023) Knowledge, attitude, and skills of partograph utilization among health workers: a systematic review. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 626-630. ISSN 20891180

Androff, David and Damanik, Janianton (2023) The Routledge International Handbook Of Social Development, Social Work, And The Sustainable Development Goals. Taylor and Francis, 1 – 574. ISBN 978-100099633-3; 978-103201126-4

Angsana, Natalia Christina and Wardhana, Firman Setya and Supanji, Supanji and Prayogo, Mohammad Eko and Sasongko, Muhammad Bayu (2023) Modified Four-Point Scleral Fixated Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens Implantation Using 2 Eyelets Polymethyl Methacrylate Lens and 8-0 Polypropylene Suture. Clinical Ophthalmology, 17. pp. 3657-3662. ISSN 11775467

Anindita, Alva Sinung and Malueka, Rusdy Ghazali and Hartanto, Rachmat Andi and Krisnugraha, Yeshua Putra and Cempaka, Rita and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus (2023) The Association of Alpha-thalassemia X-Linked Intellectual Disability Mutation with Histopathological Grading in Isocitrate- Dehydrogenase-mutant Glioma. TURKISH JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 29 (4). pp. 302-308.

Anindita, Alva Sinung and Malueka, Rusdy Ghazali and Hartanto, Rachmat Andi and Krisnugraha, Yeshua Putra and Cempaka, Rita and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus (2023) The Association of Alpha-thalassemia X-Linked Intellectual Disability Mutation with Histopathological Grading in Isocitrate-Dehydrogenase-mutant Glioma; İzositrat Dehidrojenaz-mutant Gliomada Alfa-talasemi/Mental Retardasyon X’e Bağlı Mutasyonunun Histopatolojik Derecelendirmeyle İlişkisi. Turk Noroloji Dergisi, 29 (4). 302 - 308. ISSN 1301062X

Ansari, Muhammad Ridwan and Putri, Febriani and Nangley, Wulan and Kandarina, Bernadette Josephine Istiti (2023) Association between Pre-Conception Health and Nutrition Knowledge-Attitude-Practice and Anemia among Pre-Marital Women in Sleman, Indonesia. JURNAL GIZI DAN PANGAN, 18 (1). pp. 49-51. ISSN 1978-1059

Anugrah, Dikahayu Alifia and Sunartini, Sunartini and Juffrie, Mohammad (2023) Spinal muscular atrophy with severe scoliosis: a case report. Paediatrica Indonesiana (Paediatrica Indonesiana), 63 (4). pp. 314-324. ISSN 00309311

Arbianti, Kusuma and Amalia, Rosa and Hendrartini, Julita and Kuntjoro, Tjahjono (2023) Patient Safety Culture Analysis in Dental Hospital Using Dental Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture Questionnaire: A Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation Study. Journal of Patient Safety, 19 (7). pp. 429-438. ISSN 15498417

Arguni, Eggi and Chamida, Fatia Murni and Indrawanti, Ratni and Rusmawatiningtyas, Desy and Dewi, Yunika Puspa and Laksanawati, Ida Safitri (2023) The Kinetics of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Pediatric Patients and the Characterization of Post-COVID-19 Condition at 6 Months After Infection: Protocol for a Longitudinal Observational Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 12: e43344. pp. 1-7. ISSN 19290748

Ariffianto, Adi and Deng, Lin and Abe, Takayuki and Matsui, Chieko and Ito, Masahiko and Ryo, Akihide and Aly, Hussein Hassan and Watashi, Koichi and Suzuki, Tetsuro and Mizokami, Masashi and Matsuura, Yoshiharu and Shoji, Ikuo (2023) Oxidative stress sensor Keap1 recognizes HBx protein to activate the Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway, thereby inhibiting hepatitis B virus replication. Journal of Virology, 97 (10). ISSN 0022538X

Arsita, Emilia Vivi and Nugrahaningsih, Dwi Aris Agung and Sadewa, Ahmad Hamim (2023) GSTM1 Deletion Compensated in mRNA Expression and 4T1 Viability After Editing Using CRISPR/Cas9 Single and Double gRNA. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 15 (2). pp. 124-131. ISSN 20853297

Arum, Rusida Harjayanti Sanindya and Hermawan, Kristia and Widjajanto, Pudjo Hagung and Sutaryo, Sutaryo (2023) Predictors of Mortality in Children with Neuroblastoma. Paediatrica Indonesiana(Paediatrica Indonesiana), 63 (2). pp. 73-79. ISSN 00309311

Aryasa, Tjahya E. M. and Rehatta, Nancy Margarita and Isngadi, Isngadi and Sari, Djayanti and Lestari, Mayang Indah and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Nugroho, Alfan Mahdi and Wijaya, Dadik Wahyu and Agnesha, Fahmi and Septica, Rafidya Indah and Palinrungi, Ari Santi and Bisri, Dewi Yulianti and Lalenoh, Diana C. and Adhiany, Eka and Dewi, Fitri Hapsari and Nuryawan, Iwan and Fitriati, Mariza and Hidayat, Nopian and Purwoko, Purwoko and Apsari, Ratih Kumala Fajar and Mafiana, Rose and Hartono, Ruddi and Wicaksono, Satrio Adi and Novara, Tendi and Fadine, Wulan and Chandra, Susilo and Nurdin, Haizah and Ramli, Muh and Uyun, Yusmein (2023) Obstetric Anesthesia Services Profile in Cesarean Section in Indonesian Population: A Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Study. Bali Journal of Anesthesiology, 7 (4). pp. 215-219. ISSN 25492276

Asdie, Rizka Humardewayanti and Mulya, Deshinta Putri and Nainggolan, Maria (2023) Assessment of 28-day survival of patients with sepsis based on vitamin D status: a hospital-based prospective cohort study in Indonesia. Pan African Medical Journal, 45: 76. 01-10. ISSN 19378688

Asefa, Anteneh and Gebremedhin, Samson and Marthias, Tiara and Nababan, Herfina and Christou, Aliki and Semaan, Aline and Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi and Tabana, Hanani and Al-beity, Fadhlun M. Alwy and Dossou, Jean-Paul and Gutema, Keneni and Delvaux, Therese and Birabwa, Catherine and Dennis, Mardieh and Grovogui, Fassou Mathias and Mcpake, Barbara and Benova, Lenka (2023) Wealth-based inequality in the continuum of maternal health service utilisation in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH, 22 (1).

Asefa, Anteneh and Gebremedhin, Samson and Marthias, Tiara and Nababan, Herfina and Christou, Aliki and Semaan, Aline and Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi and Tabana, Hanani and Al-beity, Fadhlun M. Alwy and Dossou, Jean-Paul and Gutema, Keneni and Delvaux, Thérèse and Birabwa, Catherine and Dennis, Mardieh and Grovogui, Fassou Mathias and McPake, Barbara and Beňová, Lenka (2023) Wealth-based inequality in the continuum of maternal health service utilisation in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22 (1): 203. ISSN 14759276

Asmara, Oke Dimas and Tenda, Eric Daniel and Singh, Gurmeet and Pitoyo, Ceva Wicaksono and Rumende, Cleopas Martin and Rajabto, Wulyo and Ananda, Nur Rahmi and Trisnawati, Ika and Budiyono, Eko and Thahadian, Harik Firman and Boerma, E. Christiaan and Faisal, Achmad and Hutagaol, David and Soeharto, Wuryantoro and Radityamurti, Fahmi and Marfiani, Erika and Romadhon, Pradana Zaky and Kholis, Fathur Nur and Suryadinata, Hendarsyah and Soeroto, Arto Yuwono and Gondhowiardjo, Soehartati A. and van Geffen, Wouter H. (2023) Lung Cancer in Indonesia. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18 (9). pp. 1134-1145. ISSN 15560864

Asrial, An Aldia and Reviono, Reviono and Soetrisno, Soetrisno and Setianto, Budi Yuli and Widyaningsih, Vitri and Nurwati, Ida and Wasita, Brian and Pudjiastuti, Anggit (2023) Effect of Dapagliflozin on Patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease Mitral Stenosis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12 (18). ISSN 20770383

Asrullah, Muhammad and Hositanisita, Hastrin and LHoir, Monique and Muslimatun, Siti and Feskens, Edith J. M. and Melse-Boonstra, Alida (2023) Intra-uterine exposure to lower maternal haemoglobin concentration is associated with impaired cognitive function in stunted adolescents: results from a 17-year longitudinal cohort study in Indonesia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCES AND NUTRITION, 74 (8). pp. 826-835. ISSN 2455-4898

Astari, Y. K. and Hutajulu, S. H. and Prabandari, Y. S. and Mozhaf, M. D. L. Q. and Hardianti, M. S. and Hartopo, A. B. and Allsop, M. J. and Burke, S. (2023) Barriers and facilitators of home-based exercise intervention participation in Indonesian breast cancer patients: A nested qualitative study using COM-B model. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 34 (4). S1632-S1633. ISSN 0923-7534

Atmaja, Sarah Puspita and Nugrahaningsih, Dwi Aris Agung and Rawar, Ellsya Angeline and Kristiyani, Ani and Sadewa, Ahmad Hamim and Virginia, Dita Maria (2023) Impact of Gene Polymorphism on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Calcium Channel Blockers: A Narrative Review. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3). pp. 372-394. ISSN 23389427

Azis, Abdul and Bakri, Syarif and Asmara Putra, Muh Zulharyahya Dandy and Soehardjo, Indrawarman (2023) Percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management neglected encrusted ureteral stent in a transplanted kidney: a case report. Pan African Medical Journal, 44. pp. 1-6. ISSN 19378688


Beckwith, Sam and Li, Mengmeng and Barker, Kathryn M. and Gayles, Jennifer and Kagesten, Anna E. and Lundgren, Rebecka and Dintrans, Pablo Villalobos and Wilopo, Siswanto Agus and Moreau, Caroline (2023) The Impacts of Two Gender-Transformative Interventions on Early Adolescent Gender Norms Perceptions: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis. JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH, 73 (1, S). S55-S64. ISSN 1054-139X

Bhima, Sigid Kirana Lintang and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Limijadi, Edward Kurnia Setiawan and Utomo, Astika and Mubarokah, Laila and Hakimi, Mohammad (2023) The ethical dilemma of medical specialists in the era of national health insurance in Semarang. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 1187-1193. ISSN 20891180

Bhirowo, Yudo P. and Raksawardana, Yusuf K. and Setianto, Budi Y. and Sudadi, Sudadi and Tandean, Tommy N. and Zaharo, Alfia F. and Ramsi, Irhash F. and Kusumawardani, Hening T. and Triyono, Teguh (2023) Hemolysis and cardiopulmonary bypass: meta-analysis and systematic review of contributing factors. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 18 (1). ISSN 17498090

Birowo, Ponco and Rasyid, Nur and Mochtar, Chaidir A. and Noegroho, Bambang S. and Danarto, H.R. and Daryanto, Besut and Hakim, Lukman and Parikesit, Dyandra and Rahman, Fakhri and Ariwicaksono, S. Cahyo (2023) Daily activities and training experiences of urology residents during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Indonesia: A nationwide survey. Asian Journal of Urology, 10 (2). pp. 119-127. ISSN 22143882

Budhiparama, Nicolaas C. and Lumban-Gaol, Imelda and Sudoyo, Herawati and Magetsari, Rahadyan and Wibawa, Tri (2023) The role of genetic polymorphisms of interleukin-1 (IL-1R1 and IL-1RN) in primary knee osteoarthritis in Indonesia. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13 (1).


Cahyono, Tri Agung Wahyu and Widad, Shofwal and Hadi, Cahyono and Dewanto, Agung and Jenie, Riris (2023) The activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) that are associated with the degree of endometrioma tissue invasion transplanted onto the Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM). Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 2271-2277. ISSN 20891180

Cannarella, Rossella and Shah, Rupin and Abo-Almagd Abdel-Meguid Hamoda, Taha and Boitrelle, Florence and Saleh, Ramadan and Gul, Murat and Rambhatla, Amarnath and Kavoussi, Parviz and Toprak, Tuncay and Harraz, Ahmed M. and Ko, Edmund and Çeker, Gökhan and Durairajanayagam, Damayanthi and Alkahidi, Noora and Kuroda, Shinnosuke and Crafa, Andrea and Henkel, Ralf and Salvio, Gianmaria and Hazir, Berk and Darbandi, Mahsa and Bendayan, Marion and Darbandi, Sara and Falcone, Marco and Garrido, Nicolas and Kosgi, Raghavender and Kaiyal, Raneen Sawaid and Karna, Keshab and Ho Vinh Phuoc, Nguyen and Birowo, Ponco and Colpi, Giovanni M. and de la Rosette, Jean and Pinggera, Germar-Michael and Nguyen, Quang and Zini, Armand and Zohdy, Wael and Singh, Rajender and Saini, Pallavi and Glina, Sidney and Lin, Haocheng and Mostafa, Taymour and Rojas-Cruz, Cesar and Arafa, Mohamed and Calogero, Aldo E. and Dimitriadis, Fotios and Kothari, Priyank and Karthikeyan, Vilvapathy Senguttuvan and Okada, Keisuke and Chiba, Koji and Kadıoglu, Ates and Altay, Baris and Turunc, Tahsin and Zilaitiene, Birute and Gokalp, Fatih and Adamyan, Aram and Katz, Darren and Chung, Eric and Mierzwa, Tiago Cesar and Zylbersztejn, Daniel Suslik and Paul, Gustavo Marquesine and Sofikitis, Nikolaos and Sokolakis, Ioannis and Malhotra, Vineet and Brodjonegoro, Sakti Ronggowardhana and Adriansjah, Ricky and Tsujimura, Akira and Amano, Toshiyasu and Balercia, Giancarlo and Ziouziou, Imad and Deswanto, Isaac Ardianson and Martinez, Marlon and Park, Hyun Jun and Bakırcıoglu, Mustafa Emre and Ceyhan, Erman and Aydos, Kaan and Ramsay, Jonathan and Minhas, Suks and Hashimi, Manaf Al and Ghayda, Ramy Abou and Tadros, Nicholas and Sindhwani, Puneet and Ho, Christopher C.K. and Rachman, Rinaldo Indra and Pena, Marcelo Rodriguez and Motawi, Ahmad and Ponnusamy, Arun Karthik and Dipankar, Satish and Amir, Azwar and Binsaleh, Saleh and Serefoglu, Ege Can and Banthia, Ravi and Khalafalla, Kareim and Basukarno, Ari and Bac, Nguyen Hoai and Singla, Karun and Ambar, Rafael F. and Makarounis, Konstantinos and Priyadarshi, Shivam and Kusuma Duarsa, Gede Wirya and Atmoko, Widi and Jindal, Sunil and Arianto, Eko and Akhavizadegan, Hamed and Bardisi, Haitham El and Shoshany, Ohad and Busetto, Gian Maria and Moussa, Mohamad and Jamali, Mounir and Al-Marhoon, Mohamed S. and Ruzaev, Mikhail and Farsi, Hasan M.A. and Mutambirwa, Shingai and Lee, Dong Sup and Kulaksiz, Deniz and Cheng, Yu-Sheng and Bouzouita, Abderrazak and Sarikaya, Selcuk and Kandil, Hussein and Tsampoukas, Georgios and Ala’a, Farkouh and Bowa, Kasonde and Savira, Missy and Mogharabian, Nasser and Le, Tan V. and Harjanggi, Maruto and Anh, Dang Tuan and Tien Long, Tran Quang and Soebadi, Mohammad Ayodhia and Hakim, Lukman and Tanic, Marko and Ari, Umut Cagin and Parikh, Firuza R. and Calik, Gokhan and Vinod, K.V. and Dorji, Gyem and Rezano, Andri and Rajmil, Osvaldo and Ba Tien, Dung Mai and Yuan, Yiming and Lizarraga-Salas, Juan Francisco and Eze, Balantine and Ngoo, Kay Seong and Lee, Joe and Arslan, Umut and Agarwal, Ashok (2023) Does Varicocele Repair Improve Conventional Semen Parameters? A Meta-Analytic Study of Before-After Data. World Journal of Men's Health, 41 (1). pp. 92-132. ISSN 22874208

Chiang, Silvia S. and Waterous, Patricia M. and Atieno, Vivian Faith and Bernays, Sarah and Bondarenko, Yaroslava and Cruz, Andrea T. and de Oliveira, Márcia C.B. and Del Castillo Barrientos, Hernán and Enimil, Anthony and Ferlazzo, Gabriella and Ferrand, Rashida Abbas and Furin, Jennifer and Hoddinott, Graeme and Isaakidis, Petros and Kranzer, Katharina and Maleche-Obimbo, Elizabeth and Mansoor, Homa and Marais, Ben J. and Mohr-Holland, Erika and Morales, Mabel and Nguyen, Anh Phuong and Oliyo, Joshua Ochieng and Sant'Anna, Clemax Couto and Sawyer, Susan M. and Schaaf, H. Simon and Seddon, James A. and Sharma, Sangeeta and Skrahina, Alena and Starke, Jeffrey R. and Triasih, Rina and Tsogt, Bazarragchaa and Welch, Henry and Enane, Leslie A. (2023) Caring for Adolescents and Young Adults With Tuberculosis or at Risk of Tuberculosis: Consensus Statement From an International Expert Panel. Journal of Adolescent Health, 72 (3). pp. 323-331. ISSN 1054139X

Chong, Lee-Won and Bintoro, Bagas Suryo and Tsai, Ming-Hsien and Lin, Yu-Min and Bai, Chyi-Huey (2023) Association Between Fatty Liver Index, Controlled Attenuation Parameter, and Metabolic Syndrome Stages: A Community-Based Study. Medical Science Monitor, 29: e940691. 01-09. ISSN 12341010

Choridah, Lina and Icanervilia, Ajeng Viska and Rengganis, Anggraeni Ayu and At Thobari, Jarir and Postma, Maarten J. and D.I. van Asselt, Antoinette (2023) Comparing the performance of three modalities of breast cancer screening within a combined programme targeting at-risk women in Indonesia: An implementation study. Global Public Health, 18 (1). ISSN 17441692

Chung, Yu-Ling and Laiman, Vincent and Tsao, Po-Nien and Chen, Chung-Ming and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo and Chung, Kian Fan and Chuang, Kai-Jen and Chuang, Hsiao-Chi (2023) Diesel exhaust particles inhibit lung branching morphogenesis via the YAP/TAZ pathway. Science of the Total Environment, 861. ISSN 00489697


Dahesihdewi, Andaru and Girsang, Tama Sari (2023) Microbiology diagnostic approach in identifying Streptococcus pneumoniae: Case report of Streptococcal meningitis. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 788-792. ISSN 20891180

Daniel, D. and Nastiti, Anindrya and Surbakti, Hana Yesica and Dwipayanti, Ni Made Utami (2023) Access to inclusive sanitation and participation in sanitation programs for people with disabilities in Indonesia. Scientific Reports, 13 (1). ISSN 20452322

Daniel, D. and Qaimamunazzala, Hayu and Prawira, Julivius and Siantoro, Ayu and Sirait, Mita and Tanaboleng, Yohanes B. and Padmawati, Retna Siwi (2023) Interactions of Factors Related to the Stunting Reduction Program in Indonesia: A Case Study in Ende District. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services, 53 (3). pp. 354-362. ISSN 27551938

Daniel, D. and Qaimamunazzala, Hayu and Prawira, Julivius and Siantoro, Ayu and Sirait, Mita and Tanaboleng, Yohanes B. B. and Padmawati, Retna Siwi (2023) Interactions of Factors Related to the Stunting Reduction Program in Indonesia: A Case Study in Ende District. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES, 53 (3). pp. 354-362. ISSN 2755-1938

Daniel, D. and Qaimamunazzala, Hayu and Siantoro, Ayu and Sirait, Mita and Tanaboleng, Yohanes B. and Padmawati, Retna Siwi (2023) Household drinking water treatment in rural Indonesia: actual practice, determinants, and drinking water quality. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 13 (3). 208 -217. ISSN 20439083

De Foo, C. and Verma, M. and Tan, S.Y. and Hamer, J. and van der Mark, N. and Pholpark, A. and Hanvoravongchai, P. and Cheh, P.L.J. and Marthias, T. and Mahendradhata, Y. and Putri, L.P. and Hafidz, F. and Giang, K.B. and Khuc, T.H.H. and Van Minh, H. and Wu, S. and Caamal-Olvera, C.G. and Orive, G. and Wang, H. and Nachuk, S. and Lim, J. and de Oliveira Cruz, V. and Yates, R. and Legido-Quigley, H. (2023) Health financing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for universal health care: a case study of 15 countries. The Lancet Global Health, 11 (12). e1964-e1977. ISSN 2214109X

De Foo, Chuan and Verma, Monica and Tan, Si Ying and Hamer, Jess and van der Mark, Nina and Pholpark, Aungsumalee and Hanvoravongchai, Piya and Cheh, Paul Li Jen and Marthias, Tiara and Mahendradhata, Yodi and Putri, Likke Prawidya and Hafidz, Firdaus and Giang, Kim Bao and Khuc, Thi Hong Hanh and Minh, Hoang Van and Wu, Shishi and Caamal-Olvera, Cinthya G. and Orive, Gorka and Wang, Hong and Nachuk, Stefan and Lim, Jeremy and Cruz, Valeria de Oliveira and Yates, Rob and Legido-Quigley, Helena (2023) Health financing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for universal health care: a case study of 15 countries. LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH, 11 (12). E1964-E1977. ISSN 2214-109X

Desita, Eryna Ayu Nugra and Arfian, Nur and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu and Sari, Dwi Cahyani Ratna (2023) Calcitriol attenuates vascular remodeling in association with alteration of ppET-1/ETB R/eNOS and ETA R expression in acute and chronic phases of kidney ischemia–reperfusion injury in mice. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 101 (1). 8 -17. ISSN 00084212

Dewi, Mira and Mahmudiono, Trias and Helmiyati, Siti and Yuniar, Cindra Tri and Putra, Muh. Guntur Sunarjono (2023) Consumption of Iron-Rich Food in Children under Two Years in Urban and Rural Areas in Indonesia: An Analysis of Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey 2017. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (Suppl). pp. 91-92. ISSN 16758544


Eden, Willy T. and Wahyuono, Subagus and Cahyono, Edy and Astuti, Puji (2023) Phytochemical, Antioxidant, and Cytotoxic Activity of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Ethanol Extract. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research, 7 (8). pp. 3606-3612. ISSN 26160684

Edyanto, Abdullah Syafiq and Huriyati, Emy and Nisa, Ainun and Nurrahma, Bira Arumndari and Farmawati, Arta (2023) Iron-fortified klutuk banana (Musa balbisiana Colla) flour supplementation prevented growth failure by suppressing FGF21 in malnourished rats. Nutrition and Food Science, 53 (7). pp. 1166-1178. ISSN 00346659

Effendy, Christantie and Margaretha, Sumarti Endah Purnamaningsih Maria and Helmi, Mochamat and Ferhonika, Anas and Masdar, Mahmasoni (2023) The Relationship Between Social Support, Fear, and Psychological Distress Among Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL NURSING AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, 61 (5). pp. 53-58. ISSN 0279-3695

Effendy, Sahara and Wandita, Setya and Julia, Madarina (2023) The effects of large-scale social restriction during the COVID-19 pandemic on glycemic control and occurrence of complications in children with type-1 diabetes mellitus. Paediatrica Indonesiana(Paediatrica Indonesiana), 63 (4). pp. 298-303. ISSN 00309311

Ekawati, Fitriana M. and Putri, Dwi Astuti Dharma and Novitasari, Dhiana Ayu and Muchlis, Mumtihana (2023) Provision of maternal health service in Indonesian primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE AND PRIMARY CARE, 12 (7). pp. 1320-1330. ISSN 2249-4863

Ekawati, Fitriana Murriya and Muchlis, Mumtihana and Iturrieta-Guaita, Nicole Ghislaine and Putri, Dwi Astuti Dharma (2023) Recommendations for improving maternal health services in Indonesian primary care under the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a systematic review and appraisal of international guidelines. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 35: 100811. ISSN 18775756

Ekawati, Fitriana Murriya and Muchlis, Mumtihana and Tuteja, Amita (2023) Adopting international recommendations to design a model for maternal health service to cope with pandemic disruption for Indonesian primary care. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23 (1): 132. ISSN 14712393

El Salih, Ibrahim and Njuguna, Festus Muigai and Widjajanto, Pudjo Hagung and Kaspers, Gertjan and Bailey, Ajay and Mostert, Saskia (2023) Impact of COVID-19 measures on the health and healthcare of children in East-Africa: Scoping review. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 32 (2). pp. 83-87. ISSN 7496753

El Salih, Ibrahim and Widjajanto, Pudjo and Sutrisni, Sri and Hoogland, Iris and Kaspers, Gertjan and Mostert, Saskia (2023) IMPACT OF COVID-19 CONTAINMENT MEASURES ON CHILDREN WITH CANCER IN INDONESIA. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER, 70 (8). S443. ISSN 1545-5009

Ermamilia, Aviria and Aulia, Bianda and Mulatsih, Sri (2023) A cross-sectional study of nutritional status and dietary intake of paediatric oncology patients in Indonesia: Comparison between cancer aetiologies. Nutrition and Health. pp. 1-10. ISSN 02601060

Erskine, Holly E. and Blondell, Sarah J. and Enright, Meaghan E. and Shadid, Jamileh and Wado, Yohannes Dibaba and Wekesah, Frederick Murunga and Wahdi, Amirah Ellyza and Wilopo, Siswanto Agus and Vu, Loi Manh and Dao, Hoa Thi Khanh and Nguyen, Vinh Duc and Emerson, Mark R. and Fine, Shoshanna L. and Li, Mengmeng and Blum, Robert W. and Whiteford, Harvey A. and Scott, James G. (2023) Measuring the Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Adolescents in Kenya, Indonesia, and Vietnam: Study Protocol for the National Adolescent Mental Health Surveys. Journal of Adolescent Health, 72 (1). S71-S78. ISSN 1054139X

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Kim, Min Seo and Hwang, Jimin and Yon, Dong Keon and Lee, Seung Won and Jung, Se Yong and Park, Seoyeon and Johnson, Catherine Owens and Stark, Benjamin A. and Razo, Christian and Abbasian, Mohammadreza and Abbastabar, Hedayat and Abhari, Amir Parsa and Aboyans, Victor and Adane, Denberu Eshetie Adane and Adebayo, Oladimeji M. and Alahdab, Fares and Almustanyir, Sami and Aly, Hany and Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena and Anderson, Jason A. and Andrei, Catalina Liliana and Aryan, Zahra and Aujayeb, Avinash and Bagherieh, Sara and Baltatu, Ovidiu Constantin and Banach, Maciej and Bayileyegn, Nebiyou Simegnew and Bearne, Lindsay M. and Behnoush, Amir Hossein and Bensenor, Isabela M. and Bhaskar, Sonu and Bhat, Ajay Nagesh and Bhat, Vivek and Bikbov, Boris and Bintoro, Bagas Suryo and Burkart, Katrin and Camera, Luis Alberto and Catapano, Alberico L. and Chandrasekar, Eeshwar K. and Charan, Jaykaran and Chattu, Vijay Kumar and Chi, Gerald and Chukwu, Isaac Sunday and Chung, Sheng-Chia and Cirillo, Massimo and Coberly, Kaleb and Costa, Vera Marisa and Dadras, Omid and Dai, Xiaochen and Do, Thanh Chi and Doshi, Rajkumar and Ekholuenetale, Michael and Elgendy, Islam Y. and Elhadi, Muhammed and Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis and Feizkhah, Alireza and Fekadu, Ginenus and Gill, Paramjit Singh and Goldust, Mohamad and Golechha, Mahaveer and Guan, Shi-Yang and Gupta, Vivek Kumar and Hadei, Mostafa and Hadi, Najah R. and Hammoud, Ahmad and Hankey, Graeme J. and Harlianto, Netanja and Hasaballah, Ahmed and Hassan, Shoaib and Hassen, Mohammed Bheser and Heidari, Golnaz and Hostiuc, Mihaela and Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen and Iwagami, Masao and Jokar, Mohammad and Jonas, Jost B. and Joshua, Charity Ehimwenma and Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy and Kazemian, Sina and Keykhaei, Mohammad and Khalaji, Amirmohammad and Khan, Moien A. B. and Khateri, Sorour and Kibret, Biruk Getahun and Korzh, Oleksii and Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi Koulmane and Krishan, Kewal and Kumar, Akshay and Kumar, Manoj and Kuttikkattu, Ambily and Laksono, Tri and Larijani, Bagher and Le, Thao Thi Thu and Lim, Stephen S. and Liu, Xuefeng and Lorkowski, Stefan and Abd El Razek, Hassan Magdy and Malhotra, Kashish and Manla, Yosef and Maugeri, Andrea and Mentis, Alexios-Fotios A. and Mestrovic, Tomislav and de Sa, Ana Carolina Micheletti Gomide Nogueira and Mirica, Andreea and Mirrakhimov, Erkin M. and Misganaw, Awoke and Mishra, Manish and Mohammad, Yousef and Mokdad, Ali H. and Moni, Mohammad Ali and Al Montasir, Ahmed and Moradi, Yousef and Moraga, Paula and Morovatdar, Negar and Mousavi-Aghdas, Seyed Ali and Murray, Christopher J. L. and Naghavi, Mohsen and Nair, Tapas Sadasivan and Nassereldine, Hasan and Natto, Zuhair S. and Nguyen, Dang H. and Nguyen, Hien Quang and Nguyen, Van Thanh and Noubiap, Jean Jacques and Oancea, Bogdan and Oliveira, Glaucia Maria Moraes and Owolabi, Mayowa O. and Padron-Monedero, Alicia and Perico, Norberto and Petcu, Ionela-Roxana and Radfar, Amir and Rafferty, Quinn and Rahman, Mosiur and Rahman, Muhammad Aziz and Ram, Pradhum and Rashedi, Sina and Rashid, Ahmed Mustafa and Rawaf, Salman and Remuzzi, Giuseppe and Renzaho, Andre M. N. and Rezaee, Malihe and Roever, Leonardo and Saad, Aly M. A. and Saadatagah, Seyedmohammad and Sadeghi, Masoumeh and Sahebkar, Amirhossein and Saleh, Mohamed A. and Samy, Abdallah M. and Santric-Milicevic, Milena M. and Sepanlou, Sadaf G. and Seylani, Allen and Sharfaei, Sadaf and Shorofi, Seyed Afshin and Singh, Jasvinder A. and Singh, Paramdeep and Spartalis, Michael and Sundstrom, Johan and Tan, Ker-Kan and Teramoto, Masayuki and Tharwat, Samar and Tyrovolas, Stefanos and Tahbaz, Sahel Valadan and Van den Eynde, Jef and Vart, Priya and Wang, Cong and Wang, Fang and Westerman, Ronny and Xia, Juan and Xu, Suowen and Yada, Dereje Y. and Yamagishi, Kazumasa and Yonemoto, Naohiro and Zahir, Mazyar and Zangiabadian, Moein and Zarrintan, Armin and Zastrozhin, Mikhail Sergeevich and Zastrozhina, Anasthasia and Zoladl, Mohammad and Hay, Simon and Shin, Jae Il and Roth, Gregory A. and 2019 Peripheral Artery Dis Col, GBD (2023) Global burden of peripheral artery disease and its risk factors, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH, 11 (10). E1553-E1565. ISSN 2214-109X

Kim, Min Seo and Hwang, Jimin and Yon, Dong Keon and Lee, Seung Won and Jung, Se Yong and Park, Seoyeon and Johnson, Catherine Owens and Stark, Benjamin A. and Razo, Christian and Abbasian, Mohammadreza and Abbastabar, Hedayat and Abhari, Amir Parsa and Aboyans, Victor and Adane, Denberu Eshetie Adane and Adebayo, Oladimeji M. and Alahdab, Fares and Almustanyir, Sami and Aly, Hany and Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena and Anderson, Jason A. and Andrei, Catalina Liliana and Aryan, Zahra and Aujayeb, Avinash and Bagherieh, Sara and Baltatu, Ovidiu Constantin and Banach, Maciej and Bayileyegn, Nebiyou Simegnew and Bearne, Lindsay M. and Behnoush, Amir Hossein and Bensenor, Isabela M. and Bhaskar, Sonu and Bhat, Ajay Nagesh and Bhat, Vivek and Bikbov, Boris and Bintoro, Bagas Suryo and Burkart, Katrin and Cámera, Luis Alberto and Catapano, Alberico L. and Chandrasekar, Eeshwar K. and Charan, Jaykaran and Chattu, Vijay Kumar and Chi, Gerald and Chukwu, Isaac Sunday and Chung, Sheng-Chia and Cirillo, Massimo and Coberly, Kaleb and Costa, Vera Marisa and Dadras, Omid and Dai, Xiaochen and Do, Thanh Chi and Doshi, Rajkumar and Ekholuenetale, Michael and Elgendy, Islam Y. and Elhadi, Muhammed and Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis and Feizkhah, Alireza and Fekadu, Ginenus and Gill, Paramjit Singh and Goldust, Mohamad and Golechha, Mahaveer and Guan, Shi-Yang and Gupta, Vivek Kumar and Hadei, Mostafa and Hadi, Najah R. and Hammoud, Ahmad and Hankey, Graeme J. and Harlianto, Netanja I. and Hasaballah, Ahmed I. and Hassan, Shoaib and Hassen, Mohammed Bheser and Heidari, Golnaz and Hostiuc, Mihaela and Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen and Iwagami, Masao and Jokar, Mohammad and Jonas, Jost B. and Joshua, Charity Ehimwenma and Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy and Kazemian, Sina and Keykhaei, Mohammad and Khalaji, Amirmohammad and Khan, Moien A.B. and Khateri, Sorour and Kibret, Biruk Getahun and Korzh, Oleksii and Koulmane Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi and Krishan, Kewal and Kumar, Akshay and Kumar, Manoj and Kuttikkattu, Ambily and Laksono, Tri and Larijani, Bagher and Le, Thao Thi Thu and Lim, Stephen S. and Liu, Xuefeng and Lorkowski, Stefan and Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan and Malhotra, Kashish and Manla, Yosef and Maugeri, Andrea and Mentis, Alexios-Fotios A. and Mestrovic, Tomislav and Micheletti Gomide Nogueira de Sá, Ana Carolina and Mirica, Andreea and Mirrakhimov, Erkin M. and Misganaw, Awoke and Mishra, Manish and Mohammad, Yousef and Mokdad, Ali H. and Moni, Mohammad Ali and Montasir, Ahmed Al and Moradi, Yousef and Moraga, Paula and Morovatdar, Negar and Mousavi-Aghdas, Seyed Ali and Murray, Christopher J.L. and Naghavi, Mohsen and Nair, Tapas Sadasivan and Nassereldine, Hasan and Natto, Zuhair S. and Nguyen, Dang H. and Nguyen, Hien Quang and Nguyen, Van Thanh and Noubiap, Jean Jacques and Oancea, Bogdan and Oliveira, Gláucia Maria Moraes and Owolabi, Mayowa O. and Padron-Monedero, Alicia and Perico, Norberto and Petcu, Ionela-Roxana and Radfar, Amir and Rafferty, Quinn and Rahman, Mosiur and Rahman, Muhammad Aziz and Ram, Pradhum and Rashedi, Sina and Rashid, Ahmed Mustafa and Rawaf, Salman and Remuzzi, Giuseppe and Renzaho, Andre M.N. and Rezaee, Malihe and Roever, Leonardo and Saad, Aly M.A. and Saadatagah, Seyedmohammad and Sadeghi, Masoumeh and Sahebkar, Amirhossein and Saleh, Mohamed A. and Samy, Abdallah M. and Santric-Milicevic, Milena M. and Sepanlou, Sadaf G. and Seylani, Allen and Sharfaei, Sadaf and Shorofi, Seyed Afshin and Singh, Jasvinder A. and Singh, Paramdeep and Spartalis, Michael and Sundström, Johan and Tan, Ker-Kan and Teramoto, Masayuki and Tharwat, Samar and Tyrovolas, Stefanos and Valadan Tahbaz, Sahel and Van den Eynde, Jef and Vart, Priya and Wang, Cong and Wang, Fang and Westerman, Ronny and Xia, Juan and Xu, Suowen and Yada, Dereje Y. and Yamagishi, Kazumasa and Yonemoto, Naohiro and Zahir, Mazyar and Zangiabadian, Moein and Zarrintan, Armin and Zastrozhin, Mikhail Sergeevich and Zastrozhina, Anasthasia and Zoladl, Mohammad and Hay, Simon I. and Shin, Jae Il and Roth, Gregory A. (2023) Global burden of peripheral artery disease and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Global Health, 11 (10). e1553-e1565. ISSN 2214109X

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Mayasari, Noor Rohmah and Bai, Chyi-Huey and Chao, Jane C.-J. and Chen, Yi-Chun and Huang, Ya-Li and Wang, Fan-Fen and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Chang, Jung-Su (2023) Relationships between Dietary Patterns and Erythropoiesis-Associated Micronutrient Deficiencies (Iron, Folate, and Vitamin B12) among Pregnant Women in Taiwan. Nutrients, 15 (10): 2311. ISSN 20726643

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Micah, Angela E. and Bhangdia, Kayleigh and Cogswell, Ian E. and Lasher, Dylan and Lidral-Porter, Brendan and Maddison, Emilie R. and Nguyen, Trang Nhu Ngoc and Patel, Nishali and Pedroza, Paola and Solorio, Juan and Stutzman, Hayley and Tsakalos, Golsum and Wang, Yifeng and Warriner, Wesley and Zhao, Yingxi and Zlavog, Bianca S. and Abbafati, Cristiana and Abbas, Jaffar and Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen and Abbasi-Kangevari, Zeinab and Abdelmasseh, Michael and Abdulah, Deldar Morad and Abedi, Aidin and Abegaz, Kedir Hussein and Abhilash, E. S. and Aboagye, Richard Gyan and Abolhassani, Hassan and Abrigo, Michael R. M. and Ali, Hiwa Abubaker and Abu-Gharbieh, Eman and Adem, Mohammed Hussien and Afzal, Muhammad Sohail and Ahmadi, Ali and Ahmed, Haroon and Rashid, Tarik Ahmed and Aji, Budi and Akbarialiabad, Hossein and Akelew, Yibeltal and Al Hamad, Hanadi and Alam, Khurshid and Alanezi, Fahad Mashhour and Alanzi, Turki M. and Al-Hanawi, Mohammed Khaled and Alhassan, Robert Kaba and Aljunid, Syed Mohamed and Almustanyir, Sami and Al-Raddadi, Rajaa M. and Alvis-Guzman, Nelson and Alvis-Zakzuk, Nelson J. and Amare, Azmeraw T. and Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena and Amini-Rarani, Mostafa and Amu, Hubert and Ancuceanu, Robert and Andrei, Tudorel and Anwar, Sumadi Lukman and Appiah, Francis and Aqeel, Muhammad and Arabloo, Jalal and Arab-Zozani, Morteza and Aravkin, Aleksandr Y. and Aremu, Olatunde and Aruleba, Raphael Taiwo and Athari, Seyyed Shamsadin and Avila-Burgos, Leticia and Ayanore, Martin Amogre and Azari, Samad and Baig, Atif Amin and Bantie, Abere Tilahun and Barrow, Amadou and Baskaran, Pritish and Basu, Sanjay and Batiha, Abdul-Monim Mohammad and Baune, Bernhard T. and Berezvai, Zombor and Bhardwaj, Nikha and Bhardwaj, Pankaj and Bhaskar, Sonu and Boachie, Micheal Kofi and Bodolica, Virginia and Botelho Botelho, Joao Silva and Braithwaite, Dejana and Breitborde, Nicholas J. K. and Busse, Reinhard and Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero and Catala-Lopez, Ferran and Chansa, Collins and Charan, Jaykaran and Chattu, Vijay Kumar and Chen, Simiao and Chukwu, Isaac Sunday and Dadras, Omid and Dandona, Lalit and Dandona, Rakhi and Dargahi, Abdollah and Debela, Sisay Abebe and Denova-Gutierrez, Edgar and Desye, Belay and Dharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda and Diao, Nancy and Doan, Linh Phuong and Dodangeh, Milad and dos Santos, Wendel Mombaque and Doshmangir, Leila and Dube, John and Eini, Ebrahim and Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed and El Tantawi, Maha and Enyew, Daniel Berhanie and Eskandarieh, Sharareh and Asar, Mohamad Ezati and Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis and Faraon, Emerito Jose A. and Fatehizadeh, Ali and Fattahi, Hamed and Fekadu, Ginenus and Fischer, Florian and Foigt, Nataliya A. and Fowobaje, Kayode Raphael and Freitas, Alberto and Fukumoto, Takeshi and Fullman, Nancy and Gaal, Peter Andras and Gamkrelidze, Amiran and Garcia-Gordillo, M. A. and Gebrehiwot, Mesfin and Gerema, Urge and Ghafourifard, Mansour and Ghamari, Seyyed-Hadi and Ghanbari, Reza and Ghashghaee, Ahmad and Gholamrezanezhad, Ali and Golechha, Mahaveer and Golinelli, Davide and Goshu, Yitayal Ayalew and Goyomsa, Girma Garedew and Guha, Avirup and Gunawardane, Damitha Asanga and Gupta, Bhawna and Hamidi, Samer and Harapan, Harapan and Hashempour, Reza and Hayat, Khezar and Heidari, Golnaz and Heredia-Pi, Ileana and Herteliu, Claudiu and Heyi, Demisu Zenbaba and Hezam, Kamal and Hiraike, Yuta and Hlongwa, Mbuzeleni Mbuzeleni and Holla, Ramesh and Hoque, Mohammad Enamul and Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi and Hostiuc, Sorin and Hussain, Salman and Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen and Immurana, Mustapha and Iradukunda, Arnaud and Ismail, Nahlah Elkudssiah and Isola, Gaetano and Merin, Linda J. and Jakovljevic, Mihajlo and Jalili, Mahsa and Janodia, Manthan Dilipkumar and Javaheri, Tahereh and Jayapal, Sathish Kumar and Jemere, Digisie Mequanint and Joo, Tamas and Joseph, Nitin and Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy and Jurisson, Mikk and Kaambwa, Billingsley and Kadashetti, Vidya and Kadel, Rajendra and Kadir, Dler Hussein and Kalankesh, Laleh R. and Kamath, Rajesh and Kandel, Himal and Kantar, Rami S. and Karanth, Shama D. and Karaye, Ibraheem M. and Karimi, Salah Eddin and Kassa, Bekalu Getnet and Kayode, Gbenga A. and Keikavoosi-Arani, Leila and Keshri, Vikash Ranjan and Keskin, Cumali and Khader, Yousef Saleh and Khafaie, Morteza Abdullatif and Khajuria, Himanshu and Kashani, Hamid Reza Khayat and Kifle, Zemene Demelash and Kim, Hanna and Kim, Jihee and Kim, Min Seo and Kim, Yun Jin and Kisa, Adnan and Kohler, Stefan and Kompani, Farzad and Kosen, Soewarta and Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi Koulmane and Koyanagi, Ai and Krishan, Kewal and Kusuma, Dian and Lam, Judit and Lamnisos, Demetris and Larsson, Anders O. and Lee, Sang-woong and Lee, Shaun Wen Huey and Lee, Wei-Chen and Lee, Yo Han and Lenzi, Jacopo and Lim, Lee-Ling and Lorenzovici, Laszlo and Lozano, Rafael and Machado Machado, Vanessa Sintra and Madadizadeh, Farzan and Abd El Razek, Mohammed Magdy and Mahmoudi, Razzagh and Majeed, Azeem and Malekpour, Mohammad-Reza and Manda, Ana Laura and Mansouri, Borhan and Mansournia, Mohammad Ali and Mantovani, Lorenzo Giovanni and Marrugo Arnedo, Carlos Alberto and Martorell, Miquel and Masoud, Ali and Mathews, Elezebeth and Maude, Richard James and Mechili, Enkeleint A. and Nasab, Entezar Mehrabi and Joao Mendes Mendes, Jose Joao and Meretoja, Atte and Meretoja, Tuomo J. and Mesregah, Mohamed Kamal and Mestrovic, Tomislav and Mirica, Andreea and Mirrakhimov, Erkin M. and Mirutse, Mizan Kiros and Mirza, Moonis and Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, Mohammad and Misganaw, Awoke and Moccia, Marcello and Moghadasi, Javad and Mohammadi, Esmaeil and Mohammadi, Mokhtar and Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah and Mohammadshahi, Marita and Mohammed, Shafiu and Mohseni, Mohammad and Mokdad, Ali H. and Monasta, Lorenzo and Mossialos, Elias and Mostafavi, Ebrahim and Isfahani, Haleh Mousavi and Mpundu-Kaambwa, Christine and Murthy, Shruti and Muthupandian, Saravanan and Nagarajan, Ahamarshan Jayaraman and Naidoo, Kovin S. and Naimzada, Mukhammad David and Nangia, Vinay and Naqvi, Atta Abbas and Nayak, Biswa Prakash and Ndejjo, Rawlance and Nguyen, Trang Huyen and Noroozi, Nafise and Noubiap, Jean Jacques and Nuruzzaman, Khan M. and Nzoputam, Chimezie Igwegbe and Nzoputam, Ogochukwu Janet and Oancea, Bogdan and Obi, Felix Chukwudi Abrahams and Ogunkoya, Abiola and Oh, In-Hwan and Okonji, Osaretin Christabel and Olagunju, Andrew T. and Olagunju, Tinuke O. and Olakunde, Babayemi Oluwaseun and Bali, Ahmed Omar and Onwujekwe, Obinna E. and Opio, John Nelson and Otoiu, Adrian and Otstavnov, Nikita and Otstavnov, Stanislav S. and Owolabi, Mayowa O. and Palicz, Tamas and Palladino, Raffaele and Pana, Adrian and Parekh, Tarang and Pasupula, Deepak Kumar and Patel, Jay and Patton, George C. and Paudel, Uttam and Paun, Mihaela and Pawar, Shrikant and Perna, Simone and Perumalsamy, Navaraj and Petcu, Ionela-Roxana and Piracha, Zahra Zahid and Poursadeqiyan, Mohsen and Pourtaheri, Naeimeh and Prada, Sergio I. and Rafiei, Sima and Raghav, Pankaja Raghav and Rahim, Fakher and Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur and Rahman, Mosiur and Rahmani, Amir Masoud and Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal and Raru, Temam Beshir and Rashedi, Sina and Rashidi, Mohammad-Mahdi and Ravangard, Ramin and Rawaf, Salman and Rawassizadeh, Reza and Redwan, Elrashdy Moustafa Mohamed and Reiner, Robert C. and Renzaho, Andre M. N. and Rezaei, Maryam and Rezaei, Nazila and Riaz, Mavra A. and Buendia Rodriguez, Jefferson Antonio and Saad, Aly M. A. and Saddik, Basema and Sadeghian, Saeid and Saeb, Mohammad Reza and Saeed, Umar and Sahu, Maitreyi and Saki, Morteza and Salamati, Payman and Salari, Hedayat and Salehi, Sana and Samy, Abdallah M. and Sanabria, Juan and Sanmarchi, Francesco and Santos, Joao Vasco and Santric-Milicevic, Milena M. and Sao Jose, Bruno Piassi and Sarikhani, Yaser and Sathian, Brijesh and Satpathy, Maheswar and Savic, Miloje and Sayadi, Yaser and Schwendicke, Falk and Senthilkumaran, Subramanian and Sepanlou, Sadaf G. and Servan-Mori, Edson and Setshegetso, Naomi and Seylani, Allen and Shahabi, Saeed and Shaikh, Masood Ali and Shakhmardanov, Murad Ziyaudinovich and Shanawaz, Mohd and Sharew, Mequannent Melaku Sharew and Sharew, Nigussie Tadesse and Sharma, Rajesh and Shayan, Maryam and Sheikh, Aziz and Shenoy, Suchitra M. and Shetty, Adithi and Shetty, Pavanchand H. and Shivakumar, K. M. and Lopes Rodrigues Silva, Luis Manuel and Simegn, Wudneh and Singh, Jasvinder A. and Singh, Kuldeep and Skhvitaridze, Natia and Skryabin, Valentin Yurievich and Skryabina, Anna Aleksandrovna and Socea, Bogdan and Solomon, Yonatan and Song, Suhang and Stefan, Simona Catalina and Suleman, Muhammad and Tabares-Seisdedos, Rafael and Tat, Nathan Y. and Tat, Vivian Y. and Tefera, Belay Negash and Tichopad, Ales and Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan and Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto and Car, Lorainne Tudor and Tufa, Derara Girma and Vasankari, Tommi Juhani and Vasic, Milena and Vervoort, Dominique and Vlassov, Vasily and Vo, Bay and Vu, Linh Gia and Waheed, Yasir and Wamai, Richard G. and Wang, Cong and Wassie, Gizachew Tadesse and Wickramasinghe, Nuwan Darshana and Yaya, Sanni and Yigit, Arzu and Yigit, Vahit and Yonemoto, Naohiro and Younis, Mustafa Z. and Yu, Chuanhua and Yunusa, Ismaeel and Zaki, Leila and Zaman, Burhan Abdullah and Zangeneh, Alireza and Dehnavi, Ali Zare and Zastrozhin, Mikhail Sergeevich and Zeng, Wu and Zhang, Zhi-Jiang and Zuhlke, Liesl J. and Zuniga, Yves Miel H. and Hay, Simon I. and Murray, Christopher J. L. and Dieleman, Joseph L. and 2021 Hlth, Global Burden Dis (2023) Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026. LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH, 11 (3). E385-E413. ISSN 2214-109X

Micah, Angela E. and Bhangdia, Kayleigh and Cogswell, Ian E. and Lasher, Dylan and Lidral-Porter, Brendan and Maddison, Emilie R. and Nguyen, Trang Nhu Ngoc and Patel, Nishali and Pedroza, Paola and Solorio, Juan and Stutzman, Hayley and Tsakalos, Golsum and Wang, Yifeng and Warriner, Wesley and Zhao, Yingxi and Zlavog, Bianca S. and Abbafati, Cristiana and Abbas, Jaffar and Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen and Abbasi-Kangevari, Zeinab and Abdelmasseh, Michael and Abdulah, Deldar Morad and Abedi, Aidin and Abegaz, Kedir Hussein and Abhilash, E.S. and Aboagye, Richard Gyan and Abolhassani, Hassan and Abrigo, Michael R.M. and Abubaker Ali, Hiwa and Abu-Gharbieh, Eman and Adem, Mohammed Hussien and Afzal, Muhammad Sohail and Ahmadi, Ali and Ahmed, Haroon and Ahmed Rashid, Tarik and Aji, Budi and Akbarialiabad, Hossein and Akelew, Yibeltal and Al Hamad, Hanadi and Alam, Khurshid and Alanezi, Fahad Mashhour and Alanzi, Turki M. and Al-Hanawi, Mohammed Khaled and Alhassan, Robert Kaba and Aljunid, Syed Mohamed and Almustanyir, Sami and Al-Raddadi, Rajaa M. and Alvis-Guzman, Nelson and Alvis-Zakzuk, Nelson J. and Amare, Azmeraw T. and Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena and Amini-Rarani, Mostafa and Amu, Hubert and Ancuceanu, Robert and Andrei, Tudorel and Anwar, Sumadi Lukman and Appiah, Francis and Aqeel, Muhammad and Arabloo, Jalal and Arab-Zozani, Morteza and Aravkin, Aleksandr Y. and Aremu, Olatunde and Aruleba, Raphael Taiwo and Athari, Seyyed Shamsadin and Avila-Burgos, Leticia and Ayanore, Martin Amogre and Azari, Samad and Baig, Atif Amin and Bantie, Abere Tilahun and Barrow, Amadou and Baskaran, Pritish and Basu, Sanjay and Batiha, Abdul-Monim Mohammad and Baune, Bernhard T. and Berezvai, Zombor and Bhardwaj, Nikha and Bhardwaj, Pankaj and Bhaskar, Sonu and Boachie, Micheal Kofi and Bodolica, Virginia and Botelho, João Silva Botelho and Braithwaite, Dejana and Breitborde, Nicholas J.K. and Busse, Reinhard and Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero and Catalá-López, Ferrán and Chansa, Collins and Charan, Jaykaran and Chattu, Vijay Kumar and Chen, Simiao and Chukwu, Isaac Sunday and Dadras, Omid and Dandona, Lalit and Dandona, Rakhi and Dargahi, Abdollah and Debela, Sisay Abebe and Denova-Gutiérrez, Edgar and Desye, Belay and Dharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda and Diao, Nancy and Doan, Linh Phuong and Dodangeh, Milad and dos Santos, Wendel Mombaque and Doshmangir, Leila and Dube, John and Eini, Ebrahim and El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa and El Tantawi, Maha and Enyew, Daniel Berhanie and Eskandarieh, Sharareh and Ezati Asar, Mohamad and Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis and Faraon, Emerito Jose A. and Fatehizadeh, Ali and Fattahi, Hamed and Fekadu, Ginenus and Fischer, Florian and Foigt, Nataliya A. and Fowobaje, Kayode Raphael and Freitas, Alberto and Fukumoto, Takeshi and Fullman, Nancy and Gaal, Peter Andras and Gamkrelidze, Amiran and Garcia-Gordillo, M.A. and Gebrehiwot, Mesfin and Gerema, Urge and Ghafourifard, Mansour and Ghamari, Seyyed-Hadi and Ghanbari, Reza and Ghashghaee, Ahmad and Gholamrezanezhad, Ali and Golechha, Mahaveer and Golinelli, Davide and Goshu, Yitayal Ayalew and Goyomsa, Girma Garedew and Guha, Avirup and Gunawardane, Damitha Asanga and Gupta, Bhawna and Hamidi, Samer and Harapan, Harapan and Hashempour, Reza and Hayat, Khezar and Heidari, Golnaz and Heredia-Pi, Ileana and Herteliu, Claudiu and Heyi, Demisu Zenbaba and Hezam, Kamal and Hiraike, Yuta and Hlongwa, Mbuzeleni Mbuzeleni and Holla, Ramesh and Hoque, Mohammad Enamul and Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi and Hostiuc, Sorin and Hussain, Salman and Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen and Immurana, Mustapha and Iradukunda, Arnaud and Ismail, Nahlah Elkudssiah and Isola, Gaetano and Merin J, Linda and Jakovljevic, Mihajlo and Jalili, Mahsa and Janodia, Manthan Dilipkumar and Javaheri, Tahereh and Jayapal, Sathish Kumar and Jemere, Digisie Mequanint and Joo, Tamas and Joseph, Nitin and Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy and Jürisson, Mikk and Kaambwa, Billingsley and Kadashetti, Vidya and Kadel, Rajendra and Kadir, Dler Hussein and Kalankesh, Laleh R. and Kamath, Rajesh and Kandel, Himal and Kantar, Rami S. and Karanth, Shama D. and Karaye, Ibraheem M. and Karimi, Salah Eddin and Kassa, Bekalu Getnet and Kayode, Gbenga A. and Keikavoosi-Arani, Leila and Keshri, Vikash Ranjan and Keskin, Cumali and Khader, Yousef Saleh and Khafaie, Morteza Abdullatif and Khajuria, Himanshu and Khayat Kashani, Hamid Reza and Kifle, Zemene Demelash and Kim, Hanna and Kim, Jihee and Kim, Min Seo and Kim, Yun Jin and Kisa, Adnan and Kohler, Stefan and Kompani, Farzad and Kosen, Soewarta and Koulmane Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi and Koyanagi, Ai and Krishan, Kewal and Kusuma, Dian and Lám, Judit and Lamnisos, Demetris and Larsson, Anders O. and Lee, Sang-Woong and Lee, Shaun Wen Huey and Lee, Wei-Chen and Lee, Yo Han and Lenzi, Jacopo and Lim, Lee-Ling and Lorenzovici, László and Lozano, Rafael and Machado, Vanessa Sintra Machado and Madadizadeh, Farzan and Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed and Mahmoudi, Razzagh and Majeed, Azeem and Malekpour, Mohammad-Reza and Manda, Ana Laura and Mansouri, Borhan and Mansournia, Mohammad Ali and Mantovani, Lorenzo Giovanni and Marrugo Arnedo, Carlos Alberto and Martorell, Miquel and Masoud, Ali and Mathews, Elezebeth and Maude, Richard James and Mechili, Enkeleint A. and Mehrabi Nasab, Entezar and Mendes, José João João Mendes and Meretoja, Atte and Meretoja, Tuomo J. and Mesregah, Mohamed Kamal and Mestrovic, Tomislav and Mirica, Andreea and Mirrakhimov, Erkin M. and Mirutse, Mizan Kiros and Mirza, Moonis and Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, Mohammad and Misganaw, Awoke and Moccia, Marcello and Moghadasi, Javad and Mohammadi, Esmaeil and Mohammadi, Mokhtar and Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah and Mohammadshahi, Marita and Mohammed, Shafiu and Mohseni, Mohammad and Mokdad, Ali H. and Monasta, Lorenzo and Mossialos, Elias and Mostafavi, Ebrahim and Mousavi Isfahani, Haleh and Mpundu-Kaambwa, Christine and Murthy, Shruti and Muthupandian, Saravanan and Nagarajan, Ahamarshan Jayaraman and Naidoo, Kovin S. and Naimzada, Mukhammad David and Nangia, Vinay and Naqvi, Atta Abbas and Nayak, Biswa Prakash and Ndejjo, Rawlance and Nguyen, Trang Huyen and Noroozi, Nafise and Noubiap, Jean Jacques and Nuruzzaman, Khan M. and Nzoputam, Chimezie Igwegbe and Nzoputam, Ogochukwu Janet and Oancea, Bogdan and Obi, Felix Chukwudi Abrahams and Ogunkoya, Abiola and Oh, In-Hwan and Okonji, Osaretin Christabel and Olagunju, Andrew T. and Olagunju, Tinuke O. and Olakunde, Babayemi Oluwaseun and Omar Bali, Ahmed and Onwujekwe, Obinna E. and Opio, John Nelson and Otoiu, Adrian and Otstavnov, Nikita and Otstavnov, Stanislav S. and Owolabi, Mayowa O. and Palicz, Tamás and Palladino, Raffaele and Pana, Adrian and Parekh, Tarang and Pasupula, Deepak Kumar and Patel, Jay and Patton, George C. and Paudel, Uttam and Paun, Mihaela and Pawar, Shrikant and Perna, Simone and Perumalsamy, Navaraj and Petcu, Ionela-Roxana and Piracha, Zahra Zahid and Poursadeqiyan, Mohsen and Pourtaheri, Naeimeh and Prada, Sergio I. and Rafiei, Sima and Raghav, Pankaja Raghav and Rahim, Fakher and Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur and Rahman, Mosiur and Rahmani, Amir Masoud and Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal and Raru, Temam Beshir and Rashedi, Sina and Rashidi, Mohammad-Mahdi and Ravangard, Ramin and Rawaf, Salman and Rawassizadeh, Reza and Redwan, Elrashdy Moustafa Mohamed and Reiner, Robert C. and Renzaho, Andre M.N. and Rezaei, Maryam and Rezaei, Nazila and Riaz, Mavra A. and Rodriguez, Jefferson Antonio Buendia and Saad, Aly M.A. and Saddik, Basema and Sadeghian, Saeid and Saeb, Mohammad Reza and Saeed, Umar and Sahu, Maitreyi and Saki, Morteza and Salamati, Payman and Salari, Hedayat and Salehi, Sana and Samy, Abdallah M. and Sanabria, Juan and Sanmarchi, Francesco and Santos, João Vasco and Santric-Milicevic, Milena M. and Sao Jose, Bruno Piassi and Sarikhani, Yaser and Sathian, Brijesh and Satpathy, Maheswar and Savic, Miloje and Sayadi, Yaser and Schwendicke, Falk and Senthilkumaran, Subramanian and Sepanlou, Sadaf G. and Serván-Mori, Edson and Setshegetso, Naomi and Seylani, Allen and Shahabi, Saeed and Shaikh, Masood Ali and Shakhmardanov, Murad Ziyaudinovich and Shanawaz, Mohd and Sharew, Mequannent Melaku Sharew and Sharew, Nigussie Tadesse and Sharma, Rajesh and Shayan, Maryam and Sheikh, Aziz and Shenoy, Suchitra M. and Shetty, Adithi and Shetty, Pavanchand H. and Shivakumar, K.M. and Silva, Luís Manuel Lopes Rodrigues and Simegn, Wudneh and Singh, Jasvinder A. and Singh, Kuldeep and Skhvitaridze, Natia and Skryabin, Valentin Yurievich and Skryabina, Anna Aleksandrovna and Socea, Bogdan and Solomon, Yonatan and Song, Suhang and Ștefan, Simona Cătălina and Suleman, Muhammad and Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael and Tat, Nathan Y. and Tat, Vivian Y. and Tefera, Belay Negash and Tichopad, Ales and Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan and Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto and Tudor Car, Lorainne and Tufa, Derara Girma and Vasankari, Tommi Juhani and Vasic, Milena and Vervoort, Dominique and Vlassov, Vasily and Vo, Bay and Vu, Linh Gia and Waheed, Yasir and Wamai, Richard G. and Wang, Cong and Wassie, Gizachew Tadesse and Wickramasinghe, Nuwan Darshana and Yaya, Sanni and Yigit, Arzu and Yiğit, Vahit and Yonemoto, Naohiro and Younis, Mustafa Z. and Yu, Chuanhua and Yunusa, Ismaeel and Zaki, Leila and Zaman, Burhan Abdullah and Zangeneh, Alireza and Zare Dehnavi, Ali and Zastrozhin, Mikhail Sergeevich and Zeng, Wu and Zhang, Zhi-Jiang and Zuhlke, Liesl J. and Zuniga, Yves Miel H. and Hay, Simon I. and Murray, Christopher J.L. and Dieleman, Joseph L. (2023) Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026. The Lancet Global Health, 11 (3). e385-e413. ISSN 2214109X

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S. and Choudhari, Sonali Gajanan and Chowdhury, Rajiv and Chowdhury, Enayet Karim and Chu, Dinh-Toi and Chukwu, Isaac Sunday and Chung, Sheng-Chia and Coberly, Kaleb and Columbus, Alyssa and Contreras, Daniela and Cousin, Ewerton and Criqui, Michael H. and Cruz-Martins, Natalia and Cuschieri, Sarah and Dabo, Bashir and Dadras, Omid and Dai, Xiaochen and Damasceno, Albertino Antonio Moura and Dandona, Rakhi and Dandona, Lalit and Das, Saswati and Dascalu, Ana Maria and Dash, Nihar Ranjan and Dashti, Mohsen and Davila-Cervantes, Claudio Alberto and De la Cruz-Gongora, Vanessa and Debele, Gebiso Roba and Delpasand, Kourosh and Demisse, Fitsum Wolde and Demissie, Getu Debalkie and Deng, Xinlei and Denova-Gutierrez, Edgar and Deo, Salil V. and Dervišević, Emina and Desai, Hardik Dineshbhai and Desale, Aragaw Tesfaw and Dessie, Anteneh Mengist and Desta, Fikreab and Dewan, Syed Masudur Rahman and Dey, Sourav and Dhama, Kuldeep and Dhimal, Meghnath and Diao, Nancy and Diaz, Daniel and Dinu, Monica and Diress, Mengistie and Djalalinia, Shirin and Doan, Linh Phuong and Dongarwar, Deepa and dos Santos Figueiredo, Francisco Winter and Duncan, Bruce B. and Dutta, Siddhartha and Dziedzic, Arkadiusz Marian and Edinur, Hisham Atan and Ekholuenetale, Michael and Ekundayo, Temitope Cyrus and Elgendy, Islam Y. and Elhadi, Muhammed and El-Huneidi, Waseem and Elmeligy, Omar Abdelsadek Abdou and Elmonem, Mohamed A. and Endeshaw, Destaw and Esayas, Hawi Leul and Eshetu, Habitu Birhan and Etaee, Farshid and Fadhil, Ibtihal and Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis and Fahim, Ayesha and Falahi, Shahab and Faris, MoezAlIslam Ezzat Mahmoud and Farrokhpour, Hossein and Farzadfar, Farshad and Fatehizadeh, Ali and Fazli, Ghazal and Feng, Xiaoqi and Ferede, Tomas Y. and Fischer, Florian and Flood, David and Forouhari, Ali and Foroumadi, Roham and Koudehi, Masoumeh Foroutan and Gaidhane, Abhay Motiramji and Gaihre, Santosh and Gaipov, Abduzhappar and Galali, Yaseen and Ganesan, Balasankar and Garcia-Gordillo, M.A. and Gautam, Rupesh K. and Gebrehiwot, Mesfin and Gebrekidan, Kahsu Gebrekirstos and Gebremeskel, Teferi Gebru and Getacher, Lemma and Ghadirian, Fataneh and Ghamari, Seyyed-Hadi and Nour, Mohammad Ghasemi and Ghassemi, Fariba and Golechha, Mahaveer and Goleij, Pouya and Golinelli, Davide and Gopalani, Sameer Vali and Guadie, Habtamu Alganeh and Guan, Shi-Yang and Gudayu, Temesgen Worku and Guimaraes, Rafael Alves and Guled, Rashid Abdi and Gupta, Rajeev and Gupta, Kartik and Gupta, Veer Bala and Gupta, Vivek Kumar and Gyawali, Bishal and Haddadi, Rasool and Hadi, Najah R. and Haile, Teklehaimanot Gereziher and Hajibeygi, Ramtin and Haj-Mirzaian, Arvin and Halwani, Rabih and Hamidi, Samer and Hankey, Graeme J. and Hannan, Md Abdul and Haque, Shafiul and Harandi, Hamid and Harlianto, Netanja I. and Mahmudul Hasan, S.M. and Hasan, Syed Shahzad and Hasani, Hamidreza and Hassanipour, Soheil and Hassen, Mohammed Bheser and Haubold, Johannes and Hayat, Khezar and Heidari, Golnaz and Heidari, Mohammad and Hessami, Kamran and Hiraike, Yuta and Holla, Ramesh and Hossain, Sahadat and Hossain, Md Shakhaoat and Hosseini, Mohammad-Salar and Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi and Hosseinzadeh, Hassan and Huang, Junjie and Huda, Md Nazmul and Hussain, Salman and Huynh, Hong-Han and Hwang, Bing-Fang and Ibitoye, Segun Emmanuel and Ikeda, Nayu and Ilic, Irena M. and Ilic, Milena D. and Inbaraj, Leeberk Raja and Iqbal, Afrin and Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful and Islam, Rakibul M. and Ismail, Nahlah Elkudssiah and Iso, Hiroyasu and Isola, Gaetano and Itumalla, Ramaiah and Iwagami, Masao and Iwu, Chidozie C. D. and Iyamu, Ihoghosa Osamuyi and Iyasu, Assefa N. and Jacob, Louis and Jafarzadeh, Abdollah and Jahrami, Haitham and Jain, Rajesh and Jaja, Chinwe and Jamalpoor, Zahra and Jamshidi, Elham and Janakiraman, Balamurugan and Jayanna, Krishnamurthy and Jayapal, Sathish Kumar and Jayaram, Shubha and Jayawardena, Ranil and Jebai, Rime and Jeong, Wonjeong and Jin, Yinzi and Jokar, Mohammad and Jonas, Jost B. and Joseph, Nitin and Joseph, Abel and Joshua, Charity Ehimwenma and Joukar, Farahnaz and Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy and Kaambwa, Billingsley and Kabir, Ali and Kabthymer, Robel Hussen and Kadashetti, Vidya and Kahe, Farima and Kalhor, Rohollah and Kandel, Himal and Karanth, Shama D. and Karaye, Ibraheem M. and Karkhah, Samad and Katoto, Patrick D. M. C. and Kaur, Navjot and Kazemian, Sina and Kebede, Sewnet Adem and Khader, Yousef Saleh and Khajuria, Himanshu and Khalaji, Amirmohammad and Khan, Moien A. B. and Khan, Maseer and Khan, Ajmal and Khanal, Saval and Khatatbeh, Moawiah Mohammad and Khater, Amir M. and Khateri, Sorour and Khorashadizadeh, Fatemeh and Khubchandani, Jagdish and Kibret, Biruk Getahun and Kim, Min Seo and Kimokoti, Ruth W. and Kisa, Adnan and Kivimaki, Mika and Kolahi, Ali-Asghar and Komaki, Somayeh and Kompani, Farzad and Koohestani, Hamid Reza and Korzh, Oleksii and Kostev, Karel and Kothari, Nikhil and Koyanagi, Ai and Krishan, Kewal and Krishnamoorthy, Yuvaraj and Defo, Barthelemy Kuate and Kuddus, Mohammed and Kuddus, Md Abdul and Kumar, Rakesh and Kumar, Harish and Kundu, Satyajit and Kurniasari, Maria Dyah and Kuttikkattu, Ambily and Vecchia, Carlo La and Lallukka, Tea and Larijani, Bagher and Larsson, Anders O. and Latief, Kamaluddin and Lawal, Basira Kankia and Le, Thao Thi Thu and Le, Trang Thi Bich and Lee, Shaun Wen Huey and Lee, Munjae and Lee, Wei-Chen and Lee, Paul H. and Lee, Sang-Woong and Lee, Seung Won and Legesse, Samson Mideksa and Lenzi, Jacopo and Li, Yongze and Li, Ming-Chieh and Lim, Stephen S. and Lim, Lee-Ling and Liu, Xuefeng and Liu, Chaojie and Lo, Chun-Han and Lopes, Graciliana and Lorkowski, Stefan and Lozano, Rafael and Lucchetti, Giancarlo and Maghazachi, Azzam A. and Mahasha, Phetole Walter and Mahjoub, Soleiman and Mahmoud, Mansour Adam and Mahmoudi, Razzagh and Mahmoudimanesh, Marzieh and Mai, Anh Tuan and Majeed, Azeem and Sanaye, Pantea Majma and Makris, Konstantinos Christos and Malhotra, Kashish and Malik, Ahmad Azam and Malik, Iram and Mallhi, Tauqeer Hussain and Malta, Deborah Carvalho and Mamun, Abdullah A. and Mansouri, Borhan and Marateb, Hamid Reza and Mardi, Parham and Martini, Santi and Martorell, Miquel and Marzo, Roy Rillera and Masoudi, Reza and Masoudi, Sahar and Mathews, Elezebeth and Maugeri, Andrea and Mazzaglia, Giampiero and Mekonnen, Teferi and Meshkat, Mahboobeh and Mestrovic, Tomislav and Jonasson, Junmei Miao and Miazgowski, Tomasz and Michalek, Irmina Maria and Minh, Le Huu Nhat and Mini, G.K. and Miranda, J. Jaime and Mirfakhraie, Reza and Mirrakhimov, Erkin M. and Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, Mohammad and Misganaw, Awoke and Misgina, Kebede Haile and Mishra, Manish and Moazen, Babak and Mohamed, Nouh Saad and Mohammadi, Esmaeil and Mohammadi, Mohsen and Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah and Mohammadshahi, Marita and Mohseni, Alireza and Mojiri-Forushani, Hoda and Mokdad, Ali H. and Momtazmanesh, Sara and Monasta, Lorenzo and Moniruzzaman, Md and Mons, Ute and Montazeri, Fateme and Ghalibaf, AmirAli Moodi and Moradi, Yousef and Moradi, Maryam and Sarabi, Mostafa Moradi and Morovatdar, Negar and Morrison, Shane Douglas and Morze, Jakub and Mossialos, Elias and Mostafavi, Ebrahim and Mueller, Ulrich Otto and Mulita, Francesk and Mulita, Admir and Murillo-Zamora, Efren and Musa, Kamarul Imran and Mwita, Julius C. and Nagaraju, Shankar Prasad and Naghavi, Mohsen and Nainu, Firzan and Nair, Tapas Sadasivan and Najmuldeen, Hastyar Hama Rashid and Nangia, Vinay and Nargus, Shumaila and Naser, Abdallah Y. and Nassereldine, Hasan and Natto, Zuhair S. and Nauman, Javaid and Nayak, Biswa Prakash and Ndejjo, Rawlance and Negash, Hadush and Negoi, Ruxandra Irina and Nguyen, Hau Thi Hien and Nguyen, Dang H. and Nguyen, Phat Tuan and Nguyen, Van Thanh and Nguyen, Hien Quang and Niazi, Robina Khan and Nigatu, Yeshambel T. and Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini and Nizam, Muhammad A. and Nnyanzi, Lawrence Achilles and Noreen, Mamoona and Noubiap, Jean Jacques and Nzoputam, Ogochukwu Janet and Nzoputam, Chimezie Igwegbe and Oancea, Bogdan and Odogwu, Nkechi Martina and Odukoya, Oluwakemi Ololade and Ojha, Vivek Anand and Okati-Aliabad, Hassan and Okekunle, Akinkunmi Paul and Okonji, Osaretin Christabel and Okwute, Patrick Godwin and Olufadewa, Isaac Iyinoluwa and Onwujekwe, Obinna E. and Ordak, Michal and Ortiz, Alberto and Osuagwu, Uchechukwu Levi and Oulhaj, Abderrahim and Owolabi, Mayowa O. and Padron-Monedero, Alicia and Padubidri, Jagadish Rao and Palladino, Raffaele and Panagiotakos, Demosthenes and Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra and Pandey, Ashok and Pandey, Anamika and Pandi-Perumal, Seithikurippu R. and Stoian, Anca Mihaela Pantea and Pardhan, Shahina and Parekh, Tarang and Parekh, Utsav and Pasovic, Maja and Patel, Jay and Patel, Jenil R. and Paudel, Uttam and Pepito, Veincent Christian Filipino and Pereira, Marcos and Perico, Norberto and Perna, Simone and Petcu, Ionela-Roxana and Petermann-Rocha, Fanny Emily and Podder, Vivek and Postma, Maarten J. and Pourali, Ghazaleh and Pourtaheri, Naeimeh and Prates, Elton Junio Sady and Qadir, Mirza Muhammad Fahd and Qattea, Ibrahim and Raee, Pourya and Rafique, Ibrar and Rahimi, Mehran and Rahimifard, Mahban and Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa and Rahman, Md Obaidur and Rahman, Muhammad Aziz and Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur and Rahman, Mosiur and Rahman, Md Mosfequr and Rahmani, Mohamed and Rahmani, Shayan and Rahmanian, Vahid and Rahmawaty, Setyaningrum and Rahnavard, Niloufar and Rajbhandari, Bibek and Ram, Pradhum and Ramazanu, Sheena and Rana, Juwel and Rancic, Nemanja and Ranjha, Muhammad Modassar Ali Nawaz and Rao, Chythra R. and Rapaka, Deepthi and Rasali, Drona Prakash and Rashedi, Sina and Rashedi, Vahid and Rashid, Ahmed Mustafa and Rashidi, Mohammad-Mahdi and Ratan, Zubair Ahmed and Rawaf, Salman and Rawal, Lal and Redwan, Elrashdy Moustafa Mohamed and Remuzzi, Giuseppe and Rengasamy, Kannan R. R. and Renzaho, Andre M. N. and Reyes, Luis Felipe and Rezaei, Nima and Rezaei, Nazila and Rezaeian, Mohsen and Rezazadeh, Hossein and Riahi, Seyed Mohammad and Rias, Yohanes Andy and Riaz, Muhammad and Ribeiro, Daniela and Rodrigues, Monica and Rodriguez, Jefferson Antonio Buendia and Roever, Leonardo and Rohloff, Peter and Roshandel, Gholamreza and Roustazadeh, Abazar and Rwegerera, Godfrey M. and Saad, Aly M. A. and Saber-Ayad, Maha Mohamed and Sabour, Siamak and Sabzmakan, Leila and Saddik, Basema and Sadeghi, Erfan and Saeed, Umar and Moghaddam, Sahar Saeedi and Safi, Sare and Safi, Sher Zaman and Saghazadeh, Amene and Sharif-Askari, Narjes Saheb and Sharif-Askari, Fatemeh Saheb and Sahebkar, Amirhossein and Sahoo, Soumya Swaroop and Sahoo, Harihar and Saif-Ur-Rahman, K.M. and Sajid, Mirza Rizwan and Salahi, Sarvenaz and Salahi, Saina and Saleh, Mohamed A. and Salehi, Mohammad Amin and Salomon, Joshua A. and Sanabria, Juan and Sanjeev, Rama Krishna and Sanmarchi, Francesco and Santric-Milicevic, Milena M. and Sarasmita, Made Ary and Sargazi, Saman and Sathian, Brijesh and Sathish, Thirunavukkarasu and Sawhney, Monika and Schlaich, Markus P. and Schmidt, Maria Ines and Schuermans, Art and Seidu, Abdul-Aziz and Kumar, Nachimuthu Senthil and Sepanlou, Sadaf G. and Sethi, Yashendra and Seylani, Allen and Shabany, Maryam and Shafaghat, Tahereh and Shafeghat, Melika and Shafie, Mahan and Shah, Nilay S. and Shahid, Samiah and Shaikh, Masood Ali and Shanawaz, Mohd and Shannawaz, Mohammed and Sharfaei, Sadaf and Shashamo, Bereket Beyene and Shiri, Rahman and Shittu, Aminu and Shivakumar, K.M. and Shivalli, Siddharudha and Shobeiri, Parnian and Shokri, Fereshteh and Shuval, Kerem and Sibhat, Migbar Mekonnen and Silva, Luis Manuel Lopes Rodrigues and Simpson, Colin R. and Singh, Jasvinder A. and Singh, Paramdeep and Singh, Surjit and Siraj, Md Shahjahan and Skryabina, Anna Aleksandrovna and Sohag, Abdullah Al Mamun and Soleimani, Hamidreza and Solikhah, Solikhah and Soltani-Zangbar, Mohammad Sadegh and Somayaji, Ranjani and Sorensen, Reed J. D. and Starodubova, Antonina V. and Sujata, Sujata and Suleman, Muhammad and Sun, Jing and Sundström, Johan and Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael and Tabatabaei, Seyyed Mohammad and Tabatabaeizadeh, Seyed-Amir and Tabish, Mohammad and Taheri, Majid and Taheri, Ensiyeh and Taki, Elahe and Tamuzi, Jacques J. L. Lukenze and Tan, Ker-Kan and Tat, Nathan Y. and Taye, Birhan Tsegaw and Temesgen, Worku Animaw and Temsah, Mohamad-Hani and Tesler, Riki and Thangaraju, Pugazhenthan and Thankappan, Kavumpurathu Raman and Thapa, Rajshree and Tharwat, Samar and Thomas, Nihal and Ticoalu, Jansje Henny Vera and Tiyuri, Amir and Tonelli, Marcello and Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto and Trico, Domenico and Trihandini, Indang and Tripathy, Jaya Prasad and Tromans, Samuel Joseph and Tsegay, Guesh Mebrahtom and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Tufa, Derara Girma and Tyrovolas, Stefanos and Ullah, Sana and Upadhyay, Era and Vahabi, Seyed Mohammad and Vaithinathan, Asokan Govindaraj and Valizadeh, Rohollah and van Daalen, Kim Robin and Vart, Priya and Varthya, Shoban Babu and Vasankari, Tommi Juhani and Vaziri, Siavash and Verma, Madhur Verma and Verras, Georgios-Ioannis and Vo, Danh Cao and Wagaye, Birhanu and Waheed, Yasir and Wang, Ziyue and Wang, Yanqing and Wang, Cong and Wang, Fang and Wassie, Gizachew Tadesse and Wei, Melissa Y. 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Royal, Abhishek and John, Denny and Bharti, Omesh and Tanwar, Ritesh and Bhagat, Deepak Kumar and Padmawati, Retna Siwi and Chaudhary, Vishal and Umapathi, Reddicherla and Bhadola, Pradeep and Utarini, Adi (2023) A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Avert Rabies Deaths in School-Aged Children in India. Vaccines, 11 (1). ISSN 2076393X

Royal, Abhishek and John, Denny and Bharti, Omesh and Tanwar, Ritesh and Bhagat, Deepak Kumar and Padmawati, Retna Siwi and Chaudhary, Vishal and Umapathi, Reddicherla and Bhadola, Pradeep and Utarini, Adi (2023) A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Avert Rabies Deaths in School-Aged Children in India. Vaccines, 11 (1): 88. pp. 1-30. ISSN 2076393X

Royal, Abhishek and John, Denny and Bharti, Omesh and Tanwar, Ritesh and Bhagat, Deepak Kumar and Padmawati, Retna Siwi and Chaudhary, Vishal and Umapathi, Reddicherla and Bhadola, Pradeep and Utarini, Adi (2023) Reply to Kapur, V. Is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis a Cost-Effective Intervention to Avert Rabies Deaths among School-Aged Children in India? Comment on “Royal et al. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Avert Rabies Deaths in School-Aged Children in India. Vaccines 2023, 11, 88”. Vaccines, 11 (4). ISSN 2076393X

Royal, Abhishek and John, Denny and Bharti, Omesh and Tanwar, Ritesh and Bhagat, Deepak Kumar and Padmawati, Retna Siwi and Chaudhary, Vishal and Umapathi, Reddicherla and Bhadola, Pradeep and Utarini, Adi (2023) A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Avert Rabies Deaths in School-Aged Children in India. Vaccines, 11 (1): 88. ISSN 2076393X

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Susilo, Hendri and Thaha, Mochammad and Pikir, Budi Susetyo and Alsagaff, Mochamad Yusuf and Suryantoro, Satriyo Dwi and Wafa, Ifan Ali and Pratama, Nando Reza and Budi, David Setyo and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Wungu, Citrawati Dyah Kencono (2023) The role of plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme and interleukin-6 levels on the prognosis of non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 11 (1). pp. 55-62. ISSN 07194250

Susilo, Hendri and Thaha, Mochammad and Pikir, Budi Susetyo and Alsagaff, Mochamad Yusuf and Suryantoro, Satriyo Dwi and Wafa, Ifan Ali and Pratama, Nando Reza and Budi, David Setyo and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Wungu, Citrawati Dyah Kencono (2023) The role of plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme and interleukin-6 levels on the prognosis of non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients; Papel de los niveles plasmáticos de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina e interleucina-6 en el pronóstico de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica no sometidos a diálisis. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 11 (1). 55 – 62. ISSN 07194250

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Yadav, Birendra Kumar and Ng, Wayne and Vu, Hanh and Fachiroh, Jajah and Tsuruyama, Tatsuaki and Zhou, Li and Henderson, Marianne K. and Gokhale, Sharvari and Furuta, Koh (2023) Improving Public Trust in Biobanking: Roundtable Discussions from the 2021 ISBER Annual Meeting. Biopreservation and biobanking, 21 (3). 308 -312. ISSN 19475543

Yani, Muhammad and Ruby, Mahlil and Puspandari, Diah A. and Munawar, Munawar and Fachrurrozi, Kamal and Isfanda, Isfanda and Candra, Aditya and Ilzana, Teuku M. and Khaled, Teuku M. and Rahmi, Cut R. (2023) Implementation of Aceh Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh) 2013–2021: Has health equity been achieved for all Acehnese after armed conflict? Narra J, 3 (1): e160. pp. 1-9. ISSN 28072618

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Yani, Muhammad and Suhanda, Rachmad and Iqbalawati, Indrita and Puspandari, Diah Ayu and Hafasnuddin, Hafasnuddin and Candra, Aditya and Ilzana, Teuku Muhammad and Khaled, Teuku Muhammad and Rahmi, Cut Rizka (2023) The evaluation of Acehnese people’s health insurance from the welfare perspectives. Bali Medical Journal (Bali MedJ), 12 (1). pp. 793-798. ISSN 20891180

Yani, Muhammad and Suhanda, Rachmad and Iqbalawati, Indrita and Puspandari, Diah Ayu and Hafasnuddin, Hafasnuddin and Candra, Aditya and Ilzana, Teuku Muhammad and Khaled, Teuku Muhammad and Rahmi, Cut Rizka (2023) The evaluation of Acehnese people’s health insurance from the welfare perspectives. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 793-798. ISSN 20891180

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Yoshuantari, Naomi and Jeng, Yung-Ming and Liau, Jau-Yu and Lee, Chia-Hsiang and Tsai, Jia-Huei (2023) Hepatic Sarcomatoid Carcinoma Is an Aggressive Hepatic Neoplasm Sharing Common Molecular Features With Its Conventional Carcinomatous Counterparts. Modern Pathology, 36 (1): 100042. pp. 1-9. ISSN 08933952

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Yunitri, Ninik and Chu, Hsin and Kang, Xiao Linda and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Lee, Tso-Ying and Chang, Li-Fang and Liu, Doresses and Kustanti, Christina Yeni and Chiang, Kai-Jo and Chen, Ruey and Tseng, Philip and Chou, Kuei-Ru (2023) Comparative effectiveness of psychotherapies in adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Psychological Medicine, 53 (13). 6376 -6388. ISSN 00332917

Yunitri, Ninik and Chu, Hsin and Kang, Xiao Linda and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Lee, Tso-Ying and Chang, Li-Fang and Liu, Doresses and Kustanti, Christina Yeni and Chiang, Kai-Jo and Chen, Ruey and Tseng, Philip and Chou, Kuei-Ru (2023) Comparative effectiveness of psychotherapies in adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE, 53 (13). pp. 6376-6388. ISSN 0033-2917

Yuwono, Kurniawan Agung and Hutajulu, Susanna Hilda and Gofir, Abdul and Nugroho, Dhite Bayu (2023) Recurrent Reversible Stroke-Like Encephalopathy After 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) Chemotherapy: A Case Report and Literature Review. American Journal of Case Reports, 24: e938437. e938437-1-e938437-7. ISSN 19415923


Zamrudiani, Safira and Wahab, Abdul and Harisaputra, Rosalia Kurniawati (2023) Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure and Early Childhood Cognitive Development Based on the 2018 Indonesian Basic Health Research Data. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 18 (4). 235- 243. ISSN 19077505

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