Items where Division is "Public Health and Nutrition" and Year is 2024
Ahsan, Abdillah and Wiyono, Nur Hadi and Amalia, Nadira and Rusdjijati, Retno and Veruswati, Meita and Martini, Santi and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Yuniar, Adela Miranti (2024) Early assessment of tobacco excise sharing fund as policy for farmers’ viable alternatives in Indonesia: case study of four municipalities in Indonesia. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11 (1): 89. ISSN 26629992
Assa, Inriyanti and Bouway, Dolfinus Y. and Innah, Herbert and Asmuruf, Frans and Bowaire, Anike and Yufuai, Agustina and Hukubun, Maria and Sawias, Olivia and Ratnasariani, Widyawati and Daniel, D. (2024) Menstrual hygiene management in the remote rural highlands of eastern Indonesia. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 14 (3). pp. 199-208. ISSN 20439083
Assa, Inriyanti and Bouway, Dolfinus Y. and Innah, Herbert and Asmuruf, Frans and Bowaire, Anike and Yufuai, Agustina and Hukubun, Maria and Sawias, Olivia and Ratnasariani, Widyawati and Daniel, D. (2024) Menstrual hygiene management in the remote rural highlands of eastern Indonesia. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 14 (3). 199 – 208. ISSN 20439083
Basrowi, Ray Wagiu and Zulfiqqar, Andy and Sitorus, Nova Lidia (2024) Anemia in Breastfeeding Women and Its Impact on Offspring's Health in Indonesia: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 16 (9). pp. 1-11. ISSN 20726643
Febrinasari, Nisa and Widayanti, Anna Wahyuni and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Satibi, Satibi (2024) Perception, attitude and stigma of community pharmacists toward patients with mental disorders: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Public Health and Development, 22 (1). 209 -223. ISSN 26730774
Fikri, Elanda and Alhamda, Syukra and Husna, Riyana and Firmansyah, Yura Witsqa and Handika, Denis Oxy and Noya, Linda Yanti Juliana (2024) Surveillance Evaluation of the Prevalence of Childhood Helminthiasis in Toisapu Public Elementary School in Ambon City. Universal Journal of Public Health, 12 (4). 739 – 745. ISSN 23318880
Filiya, Ana Nur and Ultasari, Adenix Putri and Putri, Novy Ardyanti and Afifah, Aulia (2024) Correlation Between Exclusive Breastfeeding, Frequency and Quantity of Complementary Feeding With Stunting Among Toddler in Puru Village, Suruh District, Trenggalek Regency. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 20. pp. 8-13. ISSN 16758544
Hakim, Mohamad S. and Wang, Wenshi and Goeijenbier, Marco and Saxena, Shailendra K. (2024) Editorial: Viral emerging and re-emerging diseases: basic understanding and future intervention strategies. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15. ISSN 1664302X
Haryana, Sofia Mubarika and Ardiansyah, Syamsul Arif and Noficandra, Habibullah and Wardana, Tirta and Sesotyosari, Salsabila Lutfi and Afira, Fathiya Rahma and Satriyo, Pamungkas Bagus and Setiasari, Dicka Wahyu and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo (2024) G2/M Checkpoint Modulation: Insights from miRNA Profiles in FAM and Breast Cancer. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 25 (8). 2661- 2668. ISSN 15137368
Hermasari, Bulan Kakanita and Rahayu, Gandes Retno and Pamungkasari, Eti Poncorini (2024) Longitudinal Interprofessional Education in Undergraduate Health Profession Education: A Scoping Review Protocol. Education in Medicine Journal, 16 (3). 191 – 204. ISSN 21801932
Ismiarto, Yoyos Dias and Hidayah, Mochammad Ridho Nur and Wirawan, Daniel and Irfantian, Ardicho and Muhammad, Hilmi (2024) Surgical Correction of Ischiopagus Tripus Conjoined Twins with Fused Pelvis: Enhancing Quality of Life through Orthopedic Intervention. American Journal of Case Reports, 25: e942126. ISSN 19415923
Iswanti, Dwi Indah and Nursalam, Nursalam and Fitryasari, Rizki and Sarfika, Rika and Saifudin, I Made Moh. Yanuar (2024) Effectiveness of an Integrative Empowerment Intervention for Families on Caring and Prevention of Relapse in Schizophrenia Patients. SAGE Open Nursing, 10. ISSN 23779608
Kamila, Ami and Widyawati, Widyawati and Hasanbasri, Mubasysyir and Hakimi, Mohammad (2024) Capturing the HIV-related social exclusion practices experienced by key populations through photovoice: an interpretative phenomenological study. Reproductive Health, 21 (1): 107. ISSN 17424755
Lestari, Septi Kurnia and Wardani, Ratri Kusuma and Arguni, Eggi and Fachiroh, Jajah and Lazuardi, Lutfan and Sasongko, Teguh Haryo and Ng, Nawi and Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra (2024) Patterns of Adherence to COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors and Its Associated Factors: A Cross-sectional Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior, 7 (3). 140 -147. ISSN 27724204
Mahendradhata, Yodi (2024) Improving health in Indonesia and beyond: The legacy and contributions of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing. Asia Pacific Scholar, 2024. 19 -21. ISSN 24249335
Nasrudin, Nasrudin and Wahyono, Wahyono and Mustofa, Mustofa and Susidarti, Ratna Asmah (2024) Antioxidant activity of Methanol extracts and the Isolation of new compounds from Senggugu’s root bark (Clerodendrum serratum L.Moon). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 17 (6). 2739 -2743. ISSN 09743618
Paramashanti, Bunga Astria and Paratmanitya, Yhona and Kusumaningtyas, Ignasia Ika and Khasana, Tri Mei and Yugistyowati, Anafrin and Siswati, Tri (2024) Minimum dietary diversity and the concurrence of stunting and overweight among infants and young children in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. NUTRITION & FOOD SCIENCE, 54 (1). pp. 120-130. ISSN 0034-6659
Pradana, Aditya D. and Damarkusuma, Arditya and Hariawan, Hariadi (2024) Stepping into the Light: Defining Culprit Lesion in Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Journal of the Saudi Heart Association, 36 (2): 3. 94 -98. ISSN 10167315
Rahmanti, Annisa Ristya and Iqbal, Usman and Reddy, Sandeep and Gao, Xiaohong W and Nguyen, Huan Xuan and Li, Yu-Chuan Jack (2024) Generative artificial intelligence (AI): a key innovation or just hype in primary care settings? BMJ Health and Care Informatics, 31 (1): e101367. ISSN 26321009
Rahmawati, Neni Trilusiana and Prayudi, Ashwin and Suriyanto, Rusyad Adi and Hastuti, Janatin and Aritona, Fidelis and Hidayah, Ati Rati (2024) The ancient people of Balinese: a study of health status based on paleopathology remains. Anthropological Review, 87 (2). 1 – 16. ISSN 18986773
Rasanathan, Kumanan and Dako-Gyeke, Phyllis and Isaranuwatchai, Wanrudee and Mahendradhata, Yodi and Roberts, Morven and Loffreda, Giulia and Rylance, Sarah and Mikkelsen, Bente (2024) Non-communicable diseases: can implementation research change the game for policy and practice? The Lancet, 404 (10466). pp. 1908-1910. ISSN 01406736
Ratih, S.D. and Makrufardi, F. and Azizah, A.F.N. and Damayanti, W. (2024) Multiple mesenteric lymphadenopathies in pediatric with ulcerative colitis: A case report. Radiology Case Reports, 19 (2). pp. 600-603. ISSN 19300433
Rauf, Annisa Utami (2024) Electronic Waste Problem in Developing Nations: Mismanagement, Health Implications, and Circular Economy Opportunities. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 16 (1). pp. 18-31. ISSN 18297285
Sebong, Perigrinus Hermin and Pardosi, Jerico and Goldman, Roberta Ellen and Suryo, Anindyo Pradipta and Susianto, Indra Adi and Meliala, Andreasta (2024) Identifying Physician Public Health Competencies to Address Healthcare Needs in Underserved, Border, and Outer Island Areas of Indonesia: A Rapid Assessment. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. ISSN 10401334
Setiyawati, Diana and Puspakesuma, Nabila and Jatmika, Wulan Nur and Colucci, Erminia (2024) Indonesian Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Warning Signs and Beliefs about Suicide. Behavioral Sciences, 14 (4). ISSN 2076328X
Shrivastava, Saurabh RamBihariLal and Zora, Ulfa and Ayunigdyah, Yulia Putri and Joshi, Abhishek (2024) Overcoming the Challenges Encountered in the Performance Appraisal of Faculty Members. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 10 (2). 152 – 154. ISSN 23495014
Sumunar, Dimas Septian Eko Wahyu and Stathakarou, Natalia and Davoody, Nadia (2024) User acceptance of neuroanatomy virtual reality course: Contrasting views between undergraduate and postgraduate students. Health Informatics Journal, 30 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 14604582
Suryanto, Yanti Ivana and Agustiningsih, Denny and Sofro, Zaenal Muttaqien (2024) The Effect of Taizé Prayer on Stress and Stress Resilience of Young Adults in Nonclinical Settings. Pastoral Psychology, 73 (3). 305 – 317. ISSN 00312789
Suryaputri, I.Y. and Mubasyiroh, R. and Arfines, P.P. and Rachmalina, R. and Idaiani, S. and Sitorus, N. and Rosha, B.C. and Khotimah, E.N. and Setiyawati, D. (2024) The Effects of a School-Based Mental Health Program on Students’ Knowledge, Behavior, and Depression: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Four Indonesian High Schools. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 32. pp. 243-261. ISSN 24654418
Susetyowati, Susetyowati and Kurniasari, Fuadiyah Nila and Sholikhati, Amalia Sarah and Hardianti, Mardiah and Ekaputra, Ericko (2024) Assessment of Nutritional Status in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Before Radiotherapy: A Single-center, Cross-sectional Study; Radyoterapi Öncesi Baş ve Boyun Kanseri Hastalarında Beslenme Durumunun Değerlendirilmesi: Tek Merkezli, Kesitsel Bir Çalışma. Medeniyet Medical Journal, 39 (1). 24 -32. ISSN 21492042
Suwardjo, Suwardjo and Permana, Kavi Gilang and Aryandono, Teguh and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo and Anwar, Sumadi Lukman (2024) Long-Noncoding-RNA HOTAIR Upregulation is Associated with Poor Breast Cancer Outcome: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 25 (4). 1169 -1182. ISSN 15137368
Tao, Yusha and Tan, Rayner Kay Jin and Wohlfarth, Megan and Ahumuza, Emmanuel and Aribodor, Ogechukwu Benedicta and Cruz, Jose Rene Bagani and Fajardo, Marvinson See and Magista, Malida and Marley, Gifty and Mier-Alpaño, Jana Deborah and Ogwaluonye, Uchenna Chukwunonso and Paipilla, Kathleen Agudelo and Scott, Charlotte Pana and Ulitin, Allan and Chen, Elizabeth and Wu, Dan and Awor, Phyllis and Tang, Weiming and Labarda, Meredith and Tucker, Joseph D (2024) Social innovation in health training to engage researchers in resource-limited settings: Process description and evaluation. Health Promotion International, 39 (2). ISSN 09574824
Wahdi, Amirah Ellyza and Sutanto, Edward and Setyawan, Althaf and Astrini, Yufan Putri and Adani, Nadhila and Mardani, Halimah and Maulana, Nirwan and Pattnaik, Anooj and Trihono, Trihono and Wilopo, Siswanto Agus (2024) National health insurance contribution to family planning program funding in Indonesia: A fund flow analysis. Gates Open Research, 7: 105. ISSN 25724754
Wahono, Cesarius Singgih and Pratama, Mirza Zaka and Rahman, Perdana Aditya and Halim, Evelyne Naftali and Pranawa, Ferrisaga Jetha and Aditya, Juan and Rahmawati, Lita Diah and Yuliasih, Yuliasih and Awalia, Awalia and Sylvawani, Mahriani and Musdalita, Eva and Marpaung, Blondina and Ginting, Andi Raga and Partan, Radiyati Umi and Darma, Surya and Najirman, Najirman and Anggoro, Suryo and Parlindungan, Faisal and Hidayat, Rudy and Langow, Sandra Sinthya and Nurudhin, Arief and Werdiningsih, Yulyani and Kertia, Nyoman and Wachid, Deddy Nur and Paramaiswari, Ayu and Suntoko, Bantar and Helmi, Rakhma Yanti and Warlisti, Ika Vemilia and Dewi, Sumartini and Hamijoyo, Laniyati and Rahmadi, Andri Reza and Kambayana, Gede and Kurniari, Pande Ketut and Suarjana, I Nyoman and Ongkowijaya, Jeffrey Arthur and Faridin, Faridin and Adnan, Endy and Syahriani, Femy (2024) Assessment of the public knowledge, perception and attitude in Indonesia toward spondyloarthritis: a national survey. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. ISSN 14635240
Wiyono, T. and Sholikhah, E.N. and Pratiwi, W.R. (2024) THE EFFECT OF POLYHERBAL CONTAINING TAMARINDUS INDICA AND MURRAYA PANICULATA LEAF EXTRACT ON TRIGLYCERIDE LEVEL USING A RAT MODEL OF HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 24 (9). 24448 – 24469. ISSN 16845358
Yang, Hsiao-Yu and Chou, Hsiu-Ling and Leow, Clarence Hong Wei and Kao, Ching-Chiu and Daniel, D. and Jaladara, Vena and Khoe, Levina Chandra and Latha, P.K. and Mahendradhata, Yodi and Nguyen, Phuong Minh and Sirijatuphat, Rujipas and Soemarko, Dewi Sumaryani and Venugopal, Vidhya and Zhang, Kai and Lee, Jason Kai Wei (2024) Poor personal protective equipment practices were associated with heat-related symptoms among Asian healthcare workers: a large-scale multi-national questionnaire survey. BMC Nursing, 23 (1): 145. ISSN 14726955