Items where Subject is "BF Psychology"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 68.


A'yuninnisa, Rizqi N. and Carminati, Lara and Wilderom, Celeste P. M. (2024) Job flourishing research: A systematic literature review. CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 43 (5). pp. 4482-4504. ISSN 1046-1310

Afiatin, Tina and Subandi, M. A. and Reginasari, Annisa (2023) The dynamics of flourishing Indonesian Muslim families: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The dynamics of flourishing Indonesian Muslim families: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, 8 (1).

Alghzali, Reno Diqqi and Alsa, Asmadi and Khilmiyah, Akif (2023) The Role of the Community Environment in Addressing Klitih (Juvenile Delinquency) in Yogyakarta. The Role of the Community Environment in Addressing Klitih (Juvenile Delinquency) in Yogyakarta, 440: 03014.

Arianti, Nevi K. and Koentjoro, Koentjoro (2023) Volunteer altruistic behaviour in terms of disaster threat type. JAMBA-JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK STUDIES, 15 (1). ISSN 1996-1421

Arifin, Afriza Animawan and Koentjoro, Koentjoro (2021) Ngemong Raos: Aesthetic Leadership Role of Panjak Juru Kendhang in Javanese Gamelan. MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF MUSIC, 10 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2600-9366

Ayuningtyas, Annisa Ardi and Riyono, Bagus (2023) Exploring Anchor Personality and True Meaning in Indonesian Young Adults. Exploring Anchor Personality and True Meaning in Indonesian Young Adults, 7 (2). pp. 102-128. ISSN 2587-8964

Budiarto, Yohanes and Faturochman, Faturochman and Lufityanto, Galang (2023) Vicarious Embarrassment Scale: More of Culture than Empathy. Vicarious Embarrassment Scale: More of Culture than Empathy, 16 (1). pp. 114-134. ISSN 2193-7281

Fazriyah, Latifatul and Kusrohmaniah, Sri (2023) Student perception of online learning activities during COVID-19 pandemic: Psychological constraints and factors. Student perception of online learning activities during COVID-19 pandemic: Psychological constraints and factors, 12 (3). pp. 1542-1549. ISSN 2252-8822

Hamsyah, Fuad and Miyanaka, Daisuke and Tokita, Masahito and Kawada, Michiko and Mori, Naana and Shimazu, Akihito (2024) Validation of the Indonesian version of the Recovery Experience Questionnaire. Industrial Health, 62 (2). pp. 90-101. ISSN 00198366

Hayat, Bahrul and Hidayat, Rahmat and Putra, Muhammad Dwirifqi Kharisma (2021) Exploring the Factor Structure of Environmental Attitudes Measure in a Sample of Indonesian College Students. REVISTA CES PSICOLOGIA, 14 (1, SI). pp. 112-129. ISSN 2011-3080

Hayat, Bahrul and Putra, Muhammad Dwirifqi Kharisma and Rahmawati, Rahmawati and Isa, Khairunesa (2023) Rasch Calibration and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis of the Indonesian National Assessment Program-Language (INAP-L). Rasch Calibration and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis of the Indonesian National Assessment Program-Language (INAP-L), 13 (6). ISSN 1925-0703

Hayat, Bahrul and Rahayu, Wardani and Putra, Muhammad Dwirifqi Kharisma and Sarifah, Iva and Deviana, Tina and Puri, Valendra Granitha Shandika and Isa, Khairunesa (2023) Metacognitive Skills Assessment in Research-Proposal Writing (MSARPW) in the Indonesian University Context: Scale Development and Validation Using Multidimensional Item Response Models. Metacognitive Skills Assessment in Research-Proposal Writing (MSARPW) in the Indonesian University Context: Scale Development and Validation Using Multidimensional Item Response Models, 12 (1). pp. 31-47. ISSN 2089-6247

Hoffman, Joel and Liddell, Belinda J. and Keegan, David and Kashyap, Shraddha and Diah Tricesaria, Anak Agung Istri and Pestalozzi, Zico and Argadianti, Rizka and Nandyatama, Randy W. and Khakbaz, Mitra and Nilasari, Nindita and Nickerson, Angela (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 Stressors on Refugee Mental Health and Well-Being in the Context of Sustained Displacement. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPSYCHIATRY, 93 (2). pp. 144-155. ISSN 0002-9432

Hunt, Aliza J. and Guth, Robert Ern-Yuan and Setiyawati, Diana (2023) Evaluating the Indonesia Free Pasung Movement: Understanding continuing use of restraint of the mentally ill in rural Java. Transcultural Psychiatry, 60 (3). 552 – 565. ISSN 13634615

Hunt, Aliza J. and Guth, Robert Ern-Yuan and Setiyawati, Diana (2023) Evaluating the Indonesia Free Pasung Movement: Understanding continuing use of restraint of the mentally ill in rural Java. Transcultural Psychiatry, 60 (3). 552 – 565. ISSN 13634615

Isaputra, Samuel Adiprasetya and Sumaryono, Sumaryono (2023) P2P lending : Moderation of desirability of control on risk-taking decisions of Indonesian borrowers. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.

Isaputra, Samuel Adiprasetya and Sumaryono, Sumaryono (2023) P2P lending: Moderation of desirability of control on risk-taking decisions of Indonesian borrowers. HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, 10 (1).

Istiqomah, Alifah Nur and Riyono, Bagus (2024) Flourishing Among Emerging Adulthood: A Perspective From Anchor Personality. Changing Societies and Personalities, 8 (3). 765 – 785. ISSN 25876104

Kadir, Abdul and Wirawan, Hillman and Salam, Rudi and Zahra, Novina Sabila (2024) Working Mothers in Indonesian Public Organizations: Investigating the Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Positive Discipline Parenting Via Well-being. Journal of Applied Social Science, 18 (1). 45 – 61. ISSN 19367244

Kiling, Indra Y. and Boeky, Daniela L. A. and Rihi Tugu, Putri A. and Bunga, Beatriks N. and Andriana, Elga (2024) How do preschool teachers perceive students’ development in difficult times? A photovoice study. Research in Education, 118 (1). 73 – 86. ISSN 00345237

Kiling, Indra Y. Y. and Boeky, Daniela L. A. and Tugu, Putri A. Rihi A. and Bunga, Beatriks N. N. and Andriana, Elga (2024) How do preschool teachers perceive students' developmental in difficult times? A photovoice study. RESEARCH IN EDUCATION, 118 (1, SI). pp. 73-86. ISSN 0034-5237

Kusumastutie, Naomi Srie and Patria, Bhina and Kusrohmaniah, Sri and Hastjarjo, Thomas Dicky (2024) Drivers' Decision-Making When Experiencing a Traffic Conflict: A Scoping Review. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2678 (7). pp. 950-964. ISSN 0361-1981

Kusumastutie, Naomi Srie and Patria, Bhina and Kusrohmaniah, Sri and Hastjarjo, Thomas Dicky (2023) Drivers’ Decision-Making When Experiencing a Traffic Conflict: A Scoping Review. Drivers’ Decision-Making When Experiencing a Traffic Conflict: A Scoping Review.

Lestari, Laila Indra and Kusrohmaniah, Sri (2023) Effects of caffeine intake and performance pressure on working memory. Effects of caffeine intake and performance pressure on working memory, 8 (1).

Manurung, Duma and Pertiwi, Pradytia (2023) Transwomen Leading Covid-19 Pandemic Response:Experiences of an Indonesian Waria Community. Transwomen Leading Covid-19 Pandemic Response: Experiences of an Indonesian Waria Community, 447 (6): 02002.

Mashuri, Ali and Minza, Wenty Marina and Rahmi, Tuti (2024) A majority group perspective on the association between perceived national identification of minority groups and minority helping. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 25 (1): 12436. ISSN 15297489

Meilinawati, Ardiana (2023) Construct Validity of Posttraumatic Growth Inventory in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia, 12 (1). 17 – 30. ISSN 20896247

Minza, Wenty Marina and Mashuri, Ali and Rahmi, Tuti and Mahadewa, Kristoforus Lintang and Surya, Sofyan Hadi (2024) ‘People of the barracks’: Meta-beliefs of a migrant community in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Culture and Psychology. ISSN 1354067X

Minza, Wenty Marina and Nurdiyanto, F.A. and Muhiddin, Syurawasti and Pertiwi, Yopina Galih (2024) “My Neighbor, My Friend": The Relevance of Support, Closeness, and History of Relations in Neighborhood Friendship. Human Arenas, 7 (3). 657 – 681. ISSN 25225804

Minza, Wenty Marina and Nurdiyanto, F.A. and Muhiddin, Syurawasti and Pertiwi, Yopina Galih (2024) “My Neighbor, My Friend": The Relevance of Support, Closeness, and History of Relations in Neighborhood Friendship. Human Arenas, 7 (3). 657 – 681. ISSN 25225804

Mubasyiroh, Rofingatul and Suryaputri, Indri Yunita and Putri, Alifa Syamantha and Setiyawati, Diana and Irmansyah, Irmansyah and Suparmi, Suparmi and Sulistiyowati, Ning and Lasut, Doni and Oktarina, Oktarina (2024) The Role of Parental Depression on Adolescent Depression in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior, 7 (2). 94 – 100. ISSN 27724204

Mutiah, Diana and Paulina, Melisa and Putra, Muhammad Dwirifqi Kharisma (2023) Psychosocial Factors Affecting Self-Regulated Learning among Indonesian Islamic College Students: The Mediating Role of Perception Feedback. Psychosocial Factors Affecting Self-Regulated Learning among Indonesian Islamic College Students: The Mediating Role of Perception Feedback, 6 (2).

Nurtjahjanti, Harlina and Hidayat, Rahmat and Indrayanti, Indrayanti (2024) Development and psychometric evaluation of the Employee's Workplace Cyberloafing Scale (EWCS). Heliyon, 10 (20): e39376. ISSN 24058440

Patria, Bhina (2023) Students Are Happier In Madrasah: The Results of Bayesian Analysis on Indonesian National Survey Data. Students Are Happier In Madrasah: The Results of Bayesian Analysis on Indonesian National Survey Data, 6 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2614-1566

Pedro, Hendrikus and Koentjoro, Koentjoro and Meiyanto, Sito and Andayani, Budi (2021) Transformation of women's leadership through producing naturaldyed hand-woven fabrics (ethnographic study on Palue weavers). GACETA SANITARIA, 35 (2). S554-S557. ISSN 0213-9111

Priwati, Acintya Ratna and Putri, Adelia Krishna and Puri, Valendra Granitha Shandika and Ayuningtya, Annisa Ardi and Minza, Wenty Marina (2021) Multiculturalism as a Mediator of Ethnic Identity and National Identity among Javanese Adolescents. MAKARA HUBS-ASIA, 25 (1). pp. 108-115. ISSN 2355-794X

Putra, Idhamsyah Eka and Jazilah, Nur Inda and Adishesa, Made Syanesti and Al Uyun, Dhia and Wiratraman, Herlambang Perdana (2023) Denying the accusation of plagiarism: power relations at play in dictating plagiarism as academic misconduct. Higher Education, 85 (5). 979 – 997. ISSN 00181560

Putri, Adelia Khrisna and Armstrong, Gregory and Setiyawati, Diana and Andriessen, Karl (2024) Unveiling studies on self-healing practices for suicide loss survivors: A scoping review. Death Studies, 48 (10). 1107 -1120. ISSN 07481187

Putri, Adelia Khrisna and Gustriawanto, Nuvi and Rahapsari, Satwika and Sholikhah, Anna Rusdiyana and Prabaswara, Sanidya and Kusumawardhani, Annisa Cahya and Kristina, Susi Ari (2021) Exploring the perceived challenges and support needs of Indonesian mental health stakeholders: a qualitative study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS, 15 (1). ISSN 1752-4458

Rahapsari, Satwika (2022) The quest of finding the self in the Bedhaya: Unravelling the psychological significance of the Javanese sacred dance. CULTURE & PSYCHOLOGY, 28 (3). pp. 413-432. ISSN 1354-067X

Rahapsari, Satwika and Levita, Liat (2024) The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Cognitive Control Across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse. ISSN 15248380

Renanita, Theda and Hidayat, Rahmat and Santoso, Agung (2024) Investigation of Construct Validity of The Indonesian Version of The Financial Wellness Questionnaire. Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia, 13 (2). 130 -148. ISSN 20896247

Saffana, Kuni and Puri, Valendra Granitha Shandika and Hidayat, Rahmat (2024) Exploratory factor analysis of two most widely used materialism measurements. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 13 (5). 2944 – 2956. ISSN 22528822

Sakakibara, Keiko and Miyanaka, Daisuke and Tokita, Masahito and Kawada, Michiko and Mori, Naana and Hamsyah, Fuad and Lin, Yuheng and Shimazu, Akihito (2023) Association of Work-Related Sedentary Behavior With Mental Health and Work Engagement Among Japanese White- and Blue-Collar Workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 65 (11). E695 – E702. ISSN 10762752

Saliyo, Saliyo and Koentjoro, Koentjoro and Subandi, Subandi (2023) The Teachings of The Naqsabandiyah Khalidiyah Tarekat as a therapy to improve worship: Psychology of counseling. The Teachings of The Naqsabandiyah Khalidiyah Tarekat as a therapy to improve worship: Psychology of counseling, 22. pp. 56-71. ISSN 1583-0039

Satwiko, Prasasto and Wimbarti, Supra and Michelle, Brigitta and Cininta, Mutiara (2024) A THEORETICAL APPROACH TO ENDORPHIN-STIMULATING ARCHITECTURE. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 48 (2). 91 – 99. ISSN 20297955

Seloni, Gian and Kusrohmaniah, Sri and Lufityanto, Galang (2023) The perils of acting rashly: Risk-taking propensity impeding emotion-based learning in entrepreneurs. The perils of acting rashly: Risk-taking propensity impeding emotion-based learning in entrepreneurs, 21. pp. 89-110.

Soetjipto, Helly Prajitno and Putra, Muhammad Dwirifqi Kharisma and Widhiarso, Wahyu and Khakim, Zulfikri (2023) Assessment of the psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of the General Self-Efficacy Scale-12 (GSES-12) in a sample of Indonesian high school student. Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikolog, 8 (2). pp. 259-274.

Subandi, M. A. and Chizanah, Lu'luatul and Subhan, S. (2022) Psychotheraputic Dimensions of an Islamic-Sufi-Based Rehabilitation Center: A Case Study. CULTURE MEDICINE AND PSYCHIATRY, 46 (2). pp. 582-601. ISSN 0165-005X

Subandi, M. A. and Derin, Sulayman and Setiyawati, Diana (2024) Al Ghazali's Concept of Diseases of the Spiritual Heart and its Significance to the DSM-5-TR Diagnosis. JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH, 63 (1, SI). pp. 490-514. ISSN 0022-4197

Subandi, M. A. and Derin, Sulayman and Setiyawati, Diana (2023) Al Ghazali’s Concept of Diseases of the Spiritual Heart and its Significance to the DSM-5-TR Diagnosis. Al Ghazali’s Concept of Diseases of the Spiritual Heart and its Significance to the DSM‑5‑TR Diagnosis, 63. pp. 490-514.

Subandi, M. A. and Nihayah, Maryama and Marchira, Carla R. and Tyas, Trihayuning and Marastuti, Ariana and Pratiwi, Ratri and Mediola, Fiddina and Herdiyanto, Yohanes K. and Osi Kusuma, Sari and Good, Mary-Jo D. and Good, Byron J. (2023) The principles of recovery-oriented mental health services: A review of the guidelines from five different countries for developing a protocol to be implemented in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The principles of recovery-oriented mental health services: A review of the guidelines from five different countries for developing a protocol to be implemented in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Subandi, M.A. and Derin, Sulayman and Setiyawati, Diana (2024) Al Ghazali’s Concept of Diseases of the Spiritual Heart and its Significance to the DSM-5-TR Diagnosis. Journal of Religion and Health, 63 (1). 490 -514. ISSN 00224197

Supriyadi, Matheus Raoul and Rahapsari, Satwika (2022) The psychological aspects within the Yogyakartan Bedhaya: An exploratory study on royal court dancers. The psychological aspects within the Yogyakartan Bedhaya: An exploratory study on royal court dancers, 29 (3). pp. 607-643.

Suryadi, Bambang and Hayat, Bahrul and Putra, Muhammad Dwirifqi Kharisma (2021) The Indonesian version of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R): Psychometric properties based on the Rasch model. COGENT PSYCHOLOGY, 8 (1). ISSN 2331-1908

Suseno, Bayu and Hastjarjo, Thomas Dicky (2023) The effect of simulated natural environments in virtual reality and 2D video to reduce stress. Frontiers in Psychology 01 The effect of simulated natural environments in virtual reality and 2D video to reduce stress.

Suseno, Bayu and Hastjarjo, Thomas Dicky (2023) The effect of simulated natural environments in virtual reality and 2D video to reduce stress. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 14. ISSN 1664-1078

Tanveer, Sandila and Schluter, Philip J. and Porter, Richard J. and Boden, Joseph and Beaglehole, Ben and Sulaiman-Hill, Ruqayya and Dean, Shaystah and Bell, Romana and Al-Hussainni, Wafaa N. and Arshi, Maliheh and Amer Nordin, Amer Siddiq and Dinç, Mehmet and Khan, Mussarat Jabeen and Khoshnami, Mohammad Sabzi and Majid Al-Masoodi, Muthana A. and Moghanibashi-Mansourieh, Amir and Noruzi, Sara and Rahajeng, Anggi and Shaikh, Shaista and Tanveer, Nisa and Topçu, Feyza and Yapan, Saadet and Yunianto, Irfan and Zoellner, Lori A. and Bell, Caroline (2023) Examining the psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: An international cross-sectional study protocol. BMJ Open, 13 (4). ISSN 20446055

Trimulyaningsih, Nita and Subandi, M.A. and Yuniarti, Kwartarini W. (2024) The process of spiritual transformatioto attain Nafs al-muṭmaʾinnah in Islamic psychology. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 80 (1): a8526. ISSN 02599422

Tyas, Tri Hayuning and Good, Mary-Jo D. and Pratikno, Bambang and Subandi, M.A. and Marchira, Carla R. and Good, Byron J. (2024) Unlocking the mentally ill in Indonesia: An empirical study of the effectiveness of a “Bebas Pasung” program in Central Java. PLoS ONE, 19 (10 Oct): e0302190. ISSN 19326203

Wicaksana, A.L. and Apriliyasari, R.W. and Tsai, P.-S. (2024) Effect of self-help interventions on psychological, glycemic, and behavioral outcomes in patients with diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 149. ISSN 00207489

Wirawan, Hillman and Zahra, Novina Sabila and Saman, Abdul and Aryani, Farida (2024) The indirect effect of parents’ work-family conflict on students’ psychosocial well-being. Community, Work and Family. ISSN 13668803

Wirawan, I Made Agus and Wardoyo, Retantyo and Lelono, Danang and Kusrohmaniah, Sri (2023) Continuous Capsule Network Method for Improving Electroencephalogram-Based Emotion Recognition. Emerging Science Journal, 7 (1). ISSN 2610-9182

Zahra, Novina Sabila and Wirawan, Hillman (2024) Empowering Digital Transformation: Developing and Validating a Digital Leadership Scale Through Rasch Model Analysis. Measurement. ISSN 15366367

Conference or Workshop Item

Sukarsih, Made and Ekowarni, Endang (2023) Analysis of Subjective Well-Being of Indonesian Lecturers at Suburban Malaysia Universities. In: 1st 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Development, and Energy,CONSER 2022.

Sukarsih, Made and Ekowarni, Endang (2023) Analysis of Subjective Well-Being of Indonesian Lecturers at Suburban Malaysia Universities. In: SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT, DEVELOPMENT, AND ENERGY, 5-6 Desember 2022, Denpasar, Indonesia.


Koesmono, M., Koesmono,M. Cetusan permasalahan dalam sikap ilmiah. Fakultas Psikologi, Bandung. (Unpublished)

Prawitasari, Johana Endang and Martani, Wisjnu and Adiyanti, Maria Goretti (1996) Konsep emosi orang Indonesia: pengungkapan dan pengartian emosi melalui komunikasi nonverbal di masyarakat yang berbeda latar budaya. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

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