Items where Subject is "RB Biomedical Sciences"

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Achmad, Bayu Fandhi and Fitriawan, Akbar Satria and Kurniawan, Dedi and Kafil, Raisa Farida and Retnaningsih, Listyana Natalia and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu (2021) Perceived barriers in online learning among nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 203 – 210. ISSN 18579655

Afiyanti, Yati and Gayatri, Dewi and Besral, Besral and Haryani, Haryani and Juliastuti, Dyah (2021) Unmet Supportive Care Needs Survey among Male Partners of Gynecological Cancer Survivors in Indonesia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 8 (6). 662 – 669. ISSN 23475625

Ahmad, Rizwan and Riaz, Muhammad and Aldholmi, Mohammed and Qureshi, Muhammad Asif and Uddin, Shahab and Bhat, Ajaz Ahmad and Poyil, Pratheeshkumar and Baig, Mukhtiar and Pourahmad, Jalal and Ganesan, Trivadi and Khan, Abdul Quaiyoom and Siddiqui, Zainab and El-Demellawy, Maha and Gholamalizadeh, Maryam and Purnomosari, Dewajani and Salim, Elsayed I and Jarrahi, Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi and Zhang, Jian-Ye and Mohammadnejad, Sammad and Jarrahi, Alireza Mosavi (2021) Development of a Critical Appraisal Tool (AIMRDA) for the Peer-Review of Studies Assessing the Anticancer Activity of Natural Products: A Step towards Reproducibility. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (12). 3735 – 3740. ISSN 15137368

Amelia, Sri and Rozi, Muhammad Fakhrur and Balatif, Ridwan (2023) Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) using Modified Conventional Cefoxitin-based Media as an Alternative Screening. JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, 17 (3). pp. 1429-1434.

Anindya, Kanya and Ng, Nawi and Atun, Rifat and Marthias, Tiara and Zhao, Yang and McPake, Barbara and van Heusden, Alexander and Pan, Tianxin and Lee, John Tayu (2021) Effect of multimorbidity on utilisation and out-of-pocket expenditure in Indonesia: quantile regression analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1). ISSN 14726963

Anwar, Sumadi Lukman and Avanti, Widya Surya and Choridah, Lina and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Hardiyanto, Herjuna and Aryandono, Teguh (2021) Concurrent manifestations of Horner’s syndrome and esophageal metastasis of breast cancer: case report of a young woman after a period of non-adherence to treatment: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 15 (1). ISSN 17521947

Anwar, Sumadi Lukman and Cahyono, Roby and Budiman, Heru Yudanto and Avanti, Widya Surya and Harahap, Wirsma Arif and Aryandono, Teguh (2021) Regional lymph node infiltration and thick lesions are associated with poor prognosis in high-risk resected melanomas: A retrospective cohort study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 61. 132 – 138. ISSN 20490801

Anwar, Sumadi Lukman and Cahyono, Roby and Prabowo, Dayat and Avanti, Widya Surya and Choridah, Lina and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Harahap, Wirsma Arif and Aryandono, Teguh (2021) Metabolic comorbidities and the association with risks of recurrent metastatic disease in breast cancer survivors. BMC Cancer, 21 (1). ISSN 14712407

Arini, Merita and Setyonugroho, Winny and Permana, Iman and Dewi, Arlina and Hilman, Oryzati and Ahmad, Riris Andono and Utarini, Adi (2021) The Cross-Cultural Adaptation for Assessment of Chronic Illness Care Questionnaire Into Indonesian Version. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 33 (5). 627 – 631. ISSN 10105395

Ayuandari, Sarrah and Khasanah, Nurida and Riyanti, Ismi and Dewanto, Agung and Enisar Sangun, Diannisa and Wiweko, Budi (2021) Current awareness and attitude toward fertility preservation in Indonesia: A nationwide survey among health-care providers. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 14 (1). 81 – 86. ISSN 09741208


Baloch, Zulqarnain and Ikram, Aqsa and Hakim, Mohamad S. and Awan, Faryal Mehwish (2021) The impact of mutations on the pathogenic and antigenic activity of sars-cov-2 during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic: A comprehensive immunoinformatics analysis. Vaccines, 9 (12). ISSN 2076393X

Bastian, Reza Akbar and Hartanto, Rachmat Andi and Setiarini, Rohmania (2021) Cerebellar infarct accompanied by acute hydrocephalus: A case report of 1-year follow-up in rural neurosurgical practice. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 280 – 285. ISSN 18579655


Chamidah, Atien Nur and Hartini, Sri and Herini, Elisabeth Siti (2021) Sexual behavior problems in adolescents with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 163 – 170. ISSN 18579655

Chayati, Nur and Effendy, Christantie and Setyopranoto, Ismail (2021) Validity and reliability testing of home care stroke quality indicators. International Journal of Public Health Science, 10 (4). 873 – 879. ISSN 22528806

Choridah, L. and Kurniadi, D. and Ain, K. and Ulum, M.F. and Mukhaiyar, U. and Garnadi, A.D. and Setyawan, N.H. (2021) Comparison of electrical impedance tomography and ultrasonography for determination of solid and cystic lesion resembling breast tumor embedded in chicken phantom. Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance, 12 (1). 63 – 68. ISSN 18915469

Choridah, Lina and Icanervilia, Ajeng Viska and de Wit, Marloes Josephia Maria and van Asselt, Antoinette D.I. and Kurniawan, Wahyu Tri and Fahmi, Yusnia Irchami and Rengganis, Anggraeni Ayu (2021) Knowledge and Acceptance Towards Mammography as Breast Cancer Screening Tool Among Yogyakarta Women and Health Care Providers (Mammography Screening in Indonesia). Journal of Cancer Education, 36 (3). 532 – 537. ISSN 08858195

Chotsiri, Palang and Gutman, Julie R. and Ahmed, Rukhsana and Poespoprodjo, Jeanne Rini and Syafruddin, Din and Khairallah, Carole and Asih, Puji B.S. and L'lanziva, Anne and Otieno, Kephas and Kariuki, Simon and Ouma, Peter and Were, Vincent and Katana, Abraham and Price, Ric N. and Desai, Meghna and ter Kuile, Feiko O. and Tarning, Joel (2021) Piperaquine pharmacokinetics during intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 65 (3). ISSN 00664804

Cintyamena, Utsamani and Azizatunnisa’, Luthfi and Ahmad, Riris Andono and Mahendradhata, Yodi (2021) Scaling up public health interventions: case study of the polio immunization program in Indonesia. BMC Public Health, 21 (1). ISSN 14712458


Dachlan, Ishandono and Kurniawan, Hendy Satrya and Wicaksana, Aditya and Fauzi, Aditya Rifqi and Makrufardi, Firdian and Seswandhana, Rosadi (2021) The effect of platelet-rich fibrin on normal dermal fibroblast proliferation after mitomycin-c treatment: An in vitro study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 62. 473 – 476. ISSN 20490801

Damayanti, Ema and Lisdiyanti, Puspita and Sundowo, Andini and Ratnakomala, Shanti and Dinoto, Achmad and Widada, Jaka and Mustofa, Mustofa (2021) Antiplasmodial activity, biosynthetic gene clusters diversity, and secondary metabolite constituent of selected indonesian Streptomyces. Biodiversitas, 22 (6). 3478 – 3487. ISSN 1412033X

Damhudi, Dedi and Kertia, Nyoman and Effendy, Christantie (2021) The effect of modified diabetes self-management education and support on self-care and quality of life among patients with diabetic foot ulcers in rural area of indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 81 – 87. ISSN 18579655

Dewi, Anggi Laksmita and Paramita, Dewi Kartikawati and Facliiroli, Jajah (2021) Development of Tetra-primer Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMS) PCR for Detection of CHRNA3 rs8040868. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 13 (2). 192 – 200. ISSN 20853297

Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra and Sitaresmi, Mei Neni and Kusumaningrum, Fitrina and Adhi, Wisaksono and Ramadona, Aditya Lia (2021) Health promotion using youtube: The experiences and preliminary findings from the indonesian inahealth channel. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 1596 – 1605. ISSN 18579655

Dinarti, Lucia Kris and Anggrahini, Dyah Wulan and Lilyasari, Oktavia and Siswanto, Bambang Budi and Hartopo, Anggoro Budi (2021) Pulmonary arterial hypertension in Indonesia: Current status and local application of international guidelines. Global Heart, 16 (1). ISSN 22118160

Diptyanusa, Ajib and Herini, Elisabeth Siti and Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto and Satoto, Tri Baskoro Tunggul (2021) The detection of Japanese encephalitis virus in Megachiropteran bats in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: A potential enzootic transmission pattern in the absence of pig holdings. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 14. 280 – 286. ISSN 22132244

Diptyanusa, Ajib and Phumratanaprapin, Weerapong (2021) Review article predictors and outcomes of dengue-associated acute kidney injury. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 105 (1). 24 – 30. ISSN 00029637

Diptyanusa, Ajib and Sari, Ika Puspa (2021) Treatment of human intestinal cryptosporidiosis: A review of published clinical trials. International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance, 17. 128 – 138. ISSN 22113207

Djaafara, Bimandra A. and Whittaker, Charles and Watson, Oliver J. and Verity, Robert and Brazeau, Nicholas F. and Widyastuti, Widyastuti and Oktavia, Dwi and Adrian, Verry and Salama, Ngabila and Bhatia, Sangeeta and Nouvellet, Pierre and Sherrard-Smith, Ellie and Churcher, Thomas S. and Surendra, Henry and Lina, Rosa N. and Ekawati, Lenny L. and Lestari, Karina D. and Andrianto, Adhi and Thwaites, Guy and Baird, J. Kevin and Ghani, Azra C. and Elyazar, Iqbal R. F. and Walker, Patrick G. T. (2021) Using syndromic measures of mortality to capture the dynamics of COVID-19 in Java, Indonesia, in the context of vaccination rollout. BMC Medicine, 19 (1). ISSN 17417015


Ekawati, Fitriana Murriya and Licqurish, Sharon and Gunn, Jane and Brennecke, Shaun and Lau, Phyllis (2021) Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) management pathways: results of a Delphi survey to contextualise international recommendations for Indonesian primary care settings. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (1). ISSN 14712393


Fahmi, Moh Nailul and Hertapanndika, Inge Nandya and Kusuma, Fitriyadi (2021) The Prognostic Value of Cancer Stem Cell Markers in Cervical Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (12). 4057 – 4065. ISSN 15137368

Fahmi, Moh Nailul and Pradjatmo, Heru and Astuti, Indwiani and Nindrea, Ricvan Dana (2021) Cytokines as Prognostic Biomarkers of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (2). 315 – 323. ISSN 15137368

Faqiha, Firda Arifatul and Carissa, Chynthia and Nugraheni, Tunjung and Mulyawati, Ema (2021) Hemisection with crown splinter in perforation mesial canal wall first molar mandible: a case report. Bali Medical Journal, 10 (3 Spec). 1220 – 1224. ISSN 20891180

Fauzia, Lathifa Putry and Claramita, Mora and Hidayah, Rachmadya Nur (2024) Fostering Adaptive Learners: Exploring Academic Mentoring Strategies from Students' and Mentors' Perspectives During Learning Disruption. Education in Medicine Journal, 16 (2). 19 -36. ISSN 21801932

Febiyanto, Novian and Budiyanto, Arief and Pudjiati, Satiti R. (2021) Serological responses to benzathine penicillin-G treatment in early syphilis patients with different HIV status. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 66 (5). p. 575. ISSN 00195154

Fitri, M. Windi Dona and Farmawati, Arta and Sunarti, Sunarti (2021) Beet (Beta vulgaris) improve blood glucose and AKT2 gene expression in high fat and fructose-induced rats. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 882 – 886. ISSN 18579655

Fitriana, Melysa and Hwang, Wei-Lun and Chan, Pak-Yue and Hsueh, Tai-Yuan and Liao, Tsai-Tsen (2021) Roles of micrornas in regulating cancer stemness in head and neck cancers. Cancers, 13 (7). ISSN 20726694


Gumilang, Rizki A. and Siswanto, Siswanto and Anggraeni, Vita Y. and Trisnawati, Ika and Budiono, Eko and Hartopo, Anggoro B. (2021) QT interval and repolarization dispersion changes during the administration of hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine with/without azithromycin in early COVID 19 pandemic: A prospective observational study from two academic hospitals in Indonesia. Journal of Arrhythmia, 37 (5). 1184 – 1195. ISSN 18804276

Gunadi, Gunadi and Hakim, Mohamad Saifudin and Wibawa, Hendra and Marcellus, Marcellus and Setiawaty, Vivi and Slamet, Slamet and Trisnawati, Ika and Supriyati, Endah and El Khair, Riat and Iskandar, Kristy and Afiahayati, Afiahayati and Siswanto, Siswanto and Irene, Irene and Anggorowati, Nungki and Daniwijaya, Edwin Widyanto and Nugrahaningsih, Dwi Aris Agung and Puspadewi, Yunika and Puspitarani, Dyah Ayu and Tania, Irene and Vujira, Khanza Adzkia and Ardlyamustaqim, Muhammad Buston and Gabriela, Gita Christy and Eryvinka, Laudria Stella and Nirmala, Bunga Citta and Geometri, Esensi Tarian and Darutama, Abirafdi Amajida and Kuswandani, Anisa Adityarini and Lestari, Lestari and Irianingsih, Sri Handayani and Khoiriyah, Siti and Lestari, Ina and Ananda, Nur Rahmi and Arguni, Eggi and Nuryastuti, Titik and Wibawa, Tri (2021) Is the Infection of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Associated With the Outcomes of COVID-19 Patients? Frontiers in Medicine, 8. ISSN 2296858X

Gunadi, Gunadi and Ivana, Gabriele and Mursalin, Desyifa Annisa and Pitaka, Ririd Tri and Zain, Muhammad Wildan and Puspitarani, Dyah Ayu and Afandy, Dwiki and Simanjaya, Susan and Dwihantoro, Andi and Makhmudi, Akhmad (2021) Functional outcomes of patients with short-segment Hirschsprung disease after transanal endorectal pull-through. BMC Gastroenterology, 21 (1). ISSN 1471230X

Gunadi, Gunadi and Makkadafi, Munawir and Fauzi, Aditya Rifqi and Praja, Amsyar and Athollah, Kemala and Marcellus, Marcellus (2021) Emergency high ligation in a suspected COVID-19 pediatric patient with incarcerated inguinal hernia: A case report. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 62. 261 – 264. ISSN 20490801

Gunawan, I Putu Gde Fredy and Suarjana, I. Nyoman and Wulandari, Kadek Frida (2021) An overview of overactive bladder. Bali Medical Journal, 10 (1). 208 – 210. ISSN 20891180


Hadi, Cahyono and Budiman, Jethro and Prasetyo, Awal and Pramana, Cipta (2021) The role of interleukin in ectopic pregnancy: A systematic review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 238 – 245. ISSN 18579655

Hadibrata, Exsa and Farishal, Ahmad and Ali, Zulfikar and Danarto, R. (2021) Tamsulosin and Sodium Diclofenac as an Effective Therapy to Reduce Pain After Ureteral Stent Removal: A Prospective, Double Blinded Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial. Urology Journal, 18 (1). 111 – 116. ISSN 17351308

Hadisuryo, Suharjendro and Hadi, Ewaldo and Danurdoro, Aria (2021) Open pyelolithotomy in a pelvic ectopic kidney: Case report and current literature review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 287 – 290. ISSN 18579655

Hakim, Mohamad S. (2021) SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19, and the debunking of conspiracy theories. Reviews in Medical Virology, 31 (6). ISSN 10529276

Hakim, Mohamad S. and Wang, Wenshi and Goeijenbier, Marco and Saxena, Shailendra K. (2024) Editorial: Viral emerging and re-emerging diseases: basic understanding and future intervention strategies. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15. ISSN 1664302X

Handayani, Krisna and Indraswari, Braghmandita W and Sitaresmi, Mei N and Mulatsih, Sri and Widjajanta, Pudjo H and Kors, Wijnanda A and Kaspers, Gertjan Jl and Mostert, Saskia (2021) Treatment Outcome of Children with Retinoblastoma in a Tertiary Care Referral Hospital in Indonesia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (5). 1613 – 1621. ISSN 15137368

Harahap, Debby Handayati and Marchira, Carla Raymondalexas and Solikhah, Eti Nurwening and Rizal, Dicky Moch (2021) The role of aripiprazole in improvement of penile erection in schizophrenia patients with erectile dysfunction. Medicinski Glasnik, 18 (2). 1683 – 1694. ISSN 18400132

Hardianti, Mardiah Suci and Rizki, Salsabilla Hasna Mutiara and Arkananda, Hafidz and Dhyanti, Amira L. and Setiawan, Syahru Agung and Indrawati, Indrawati and Dinantia, Nugira and Anggorowati, Nungki (2021) Anemia in Lymphoma Patients in Indonesia: The Prevalence and Predictive Factors. Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology, 6 (4). 235 – 241. ISSN 25384635

Hardianti, Mardiah Suci and Setiawan, Syahru Agung and Anggorowati, Nungki and Probowati, Wiwiek (2021) Association of AID and MUM1 by Immunohistochemistry in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 13 (1). 48 – 54. ISSN 20853297

Hardiyanto, Herjuna and Avanti, Widya Surya and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Anwar, Sumadi Lukman (2021) Extrathyroidal extension ventrally to the thoracic wall of a papillary thyroid carcinoma. BMJ Case Reports, 14 (2). ISSN 1757790X

Harjanto, Totok and Setiyarini, Sri and Prihatiningsih, Titi S. (2021) Clinical Learning in Medical and Health Professions Education amid COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review of Various Methods and Innovations. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (T5). 13 – 19. ISSN 18579655

Hartanto, Broto Widya and Mayasari, Dyah Samti (2021) Environmentally friendly non-medical mask: An attempt to reduce the environmental impact from used masks during COVID 19 pandemic. Science of the Total Environment, 760. ISSN 00489697

Hartanto, Rachmat Andi and Tamba, Daniel Agriva and Setyawan, Nurhuda Hendra and Ekaputra, Ericko and Malueka, Rusdy Ghazali and Harahap, Indra Sari Kusuma and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus (2021) Extraventricular choroid plexus carcinoma with spinal metastasis: A case report. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 93 – 98. ISSN 18579655

Hartini, Sri and Penyami, Yuniske and Prabandari, Yayi (2021) Factors correlating with the emotional and behavioral problems among adolescents with legal problems. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 1061 – 1065. ISSN 18579655

Hartopo, Anggoro Budi and Fachiroh, Jajah and Puspitawati, Ira and Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra (2021) Serum endothelin-1 level positively correlates with waist and hip circumferences in stable coronary artery disease patients. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 22 (3). 919 – 924. ISSN 15306550

Hartopo, Anggoro Budi and Puspitawati, Ira and Mumpuni, Hasanah (2020) The ratio of circulating endothelin-1 to endothelin-3 associated with TIMI risk and dynamic TIMI risk score in ST elevation acute myocardial infarction. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 98 (9). pp. 637-643. ISSN 0008-4212

Helmyati, Siti and Wigati, Maria (2021) The role of rice as a whole grain in the management of metabolic syndrome. Chapter 10 - The role of rice as a whole grain in the management of metabolic syndrome . Elsevier, 151 – 162. ISBN 978-012819815-5; 978-012823175-3

Hendri, Ahmad Zulfan and Khalilullah, Said Alfin and Aditya, Gede Andi (2021) A preliminary outcome of modified enhanced recovery protocol versus standard of care in radical cystectomy: an Indonesian experience. African Journal of Urology, 27 (1). ISSN 11105704

Hertanti, Nuzul and Wicaksana, Anggi and Effendy, Christantie and Kao, Chi-Yin (2021) Palliative care quiz for Nurses-Indonesian Version (PCQN-I): A cross-cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability study. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 27 (1). 35 – 42. ISSN 09731075

Hertanto, Decsa Medika and Sutanto, Henry and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Wungu, Citrawati Dyah Kencono (2021) Modulating the host immune response to fight against COVID-19: Where are we in 2021? Virulence, 12 (1). 1732 – 1736. ISSN 21505594

Hidayat, Rachmat and Wulandari, Patricia and Marchira, Carla Raymondalexas and Pratiti, Budi (2021) Efficacy of cinnamon extract (Cinnamomum burmannii) as supplementation in lir-psychotic-induced rats through oxidative stress regulation in neuronal cells. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (A). 177 – 182. ISSN 18579655

Hidayati, Hanik Badriyah and Octavia, Evi and Srisetyaningrum, Cempaka Thursina (2021) Antiviral therapy for COVID-2019. Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, 25 (3). 387 – 392. ISSN 16078322

Husnayain, Atina and Shim, Eunha and Fuad, Anis and Su, Emily Chia-Yu (2021) Predicting New Daily COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Using Search Engine Query Data in South Korea from 2020 to 2021: Infodemiology Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23 (12). ISSN 14388871

Husni, Muhammad Ali and Nugroho, Akhmad Kharis and Fakhrudin, Nanang and Saifullah Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda (2021) Microencapsulation of ethyl acetate extract from green coffee beans (Coffea Canephora) by spray drying method. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 32 (2). 221 – 231. ISSN 23389427


Indriawati, Ratna and Risdiana, Nurvita and Wibowo, Tunjung (2021) An Increase in TNF-α Levels in Fetus due to Prenatal Ischemic Hypoxia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (T5). 44 – 47. ISSN 18579655

Inrianto, Weny and Murni, Indah K. and Safitri, Ida (2021) Predictors of pulmonary hypertension in children with left-to-right shunting in acyanotic congenital heart disease. Paediatrica Indonesiana (Paediatrica Indonesiana), 61 (3). 119 – 124. ISSN 00309311

Iracily, Diajeng Putri and Rusmawatiningtyas, Desy and Makrufardi, Firdian and Kumara, Intan Fatah and Nurnaningsih, Nurnaningsih and Moeljono, Edy (2021) Post-herniorrhaphy extubation technique in pediatric patient with congenital diaphragmatic hernia and VACTERL association: A case report. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 69. ISSN 20490801

Irawati, Wahyu and Djojo, Eric Santoso and Kusumawati, Lucia and Yuwono, Triwibowo and Pinontoan, Reinhard (2021) Optimizing Bioremediation: Elucidating Copper Accumulation Mechanisms of Acinetobacter sp. IrC2 Isolated From an Industrial Waste Treatment Center. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12. ISSN 1664302X

Irawati, Yunia and Gondhowiardjo, Tjahjono Darminto and Soebono, Hardyanto (2021) Efficacy and safety of platinum chain and gold weight implants for paralytic lagophthalmos: A systematic review. Medical Journal of Indonesia, 30 (2). 106 – 115. ISSN 08531773

Irnawati, I and Nadia, L.O.M.H. and Windarsih, A. and Riswanto, F.D.O. and Putri, A.R. and Rohman, A. and Ambardini, S. (2023) Fatty acid composition, biological activity and authentication of marine fish oil. Food Research, 7 (6). pp. 187-196. ISSN 25502166

Islami, Zaki Horizon and Bagaswoto, Hendry Purnasidha and Taufiq, Nahar and Setianto, Budi Yuli (2021) Rotational atherectomy in sub-acute anterior stemi with cardiogenic shock. International Medical Case Reports Journal, 14. 289 – 293. ISSN 1179142X

Istianah, Umi and Nurjannah, Intansari and Magetsari, Rahadyan (2021) Post-discharge complications in postoperative patients with hip fracture. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 14. 8 – 13. ISSN 09765662


Karsono, Ramadhan and Azhar, Muhammad Al and Pratiwi, Yulia and Saputra, Fahreza and Nadliroh, Siti and Aryandono, Teguh (2021) Effect of Primary Systemic Therapy on PD-1, PD-L1, and PD-L2 mRNA Expression in Advanced Breast Cancer. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (7). 2069 – 2077. ISSN 15137368

Karsono, Ramadhan and Haryono, Samuel J. and Karsono, Bambang and Harahap, Wirsma Arif and Pratiwi, Yulia and Aryandono, Teguh (2021) ESR1 PvuII polymorphism: from risk factor to prognostic and predictive factor of the success of primary systemic therapy in advanced breast cancer. BMC Cancer, 21 (1). ISSN 14712407

Khairunnisa, Septia and Soesanti, Indah and Listyarifah, Dyah (2023) Classification of finger pulse oximeter based on their response time using quantitative analysis. In: The 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering (BioMIC 2023).

Khalilullah, Said Alfin and Tranggono, Untung and Hendri, Ahmad Zulfan and Danarto, R. (2021) Comparing the outcome of ileal conduit and transuretero-cutaneostomy urinary diversion after radical cystectomy: a retrospective cohort study. African Journal of Urology, 27 (1). ISSN 11105704

Komori, Satomi and Saito, Yasuyuki and Nishimura, Taichi and Respatika, Datu and Endoh, Hiromi and Yoshida, Hiroki and Sugihara, Risa and Iida-Norita, Rie and Afroj, Tania and Takai, Tomoko and Oduori, Okechi S. and Nitta, Eriko and Kotani, Takenori and Murata, Yoji and Kaneko, Yoriaki and Nitta, Ryo and Ohnishi, Hiroshi and Matozaki, Takashi (2023) CD47 promotes peripheral T cell survival by preventing dendritic cell-mediated T cell necroptosis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 120 (33). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1091-6490

Kristin, Erna and Dinarti, Lucia Kris and Febrinasari, Ratih Puspita and Yasmina, Alfi and Jaya, Sudi Indra (2023) Direct medical cost associated with antiplatelet non-persistence in acute coronary syndrome patients after percutaneous coronary intervention. PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY, 32 (1). p. 288. ISSN 1099-1557

Kristina, Susi Ari and Endarti, Dwi and Aditama, Hardika and Salsabila, Nada Nisrina (2021) The medical cost of liver cancer in a referral hospital in Indonesia during 2020. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 11 (12). 135 – 138. ISSN 22313354

Kurniawan, Wikan and Soesatyo, Marsetyawan Heparis Nur Ekandaru and Aryandono, Teguh (2020) The effects of docetaxel and/or captopril in expression of TGF-β1, MMP-1, CTGF, and PAI-1 as markers of anterior urethral stricture in an animal model. THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN UROLOGY, 12. ISSN 1756-2872

Kusuma, A. H. Wisda and Brodjonegoro, Sakti R. and Soerohardjo, Indrawarman and Hendri, Ahmad Z. and Yuri, Prahara (2021) Sexual activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. African Journal of Urology, 27 (1). ISSN 11105704

Kusuma, Rio and Widada, Jaka and Huriyati, Emy and Julia, Madarina (2021) Naturally acquired lactic acid bacteria from fermented cassava improves nutrient and anti-dysbiosis activity of soy tempeh. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 1148 – 1155. ISSN 18579655

Kusumadewi, A.P. and Mujahid, R. and Martien, R. and Purwanto, P. and Styawan, A.A. and Irnawati, I. and Rohman, A. (2023) Analysis of Curcumin contents in Curcuma xanthorrhiza using FTIR spectroscopy in combination with Multivariate calibration. Majalah Obat Tradisional, 28 (3). pp. 171-177. ISSN 14105918

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This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 01:00:34 2025 WIB.