Items where Subject is "G Geography (General)"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (2)
- G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (52)
- G Geography (General) (224)
- G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (52)
Afifudin, Afifudin and Widyastuti, M. (2023) Analysis of sanitation system and coliform number in groundwater in Wonosari District, Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 8 September 2022.
Agniy, R. F. and Haryono, E. and Adji, T. N. and Cahyadi, A. and Azima, F. (2023) Conservation and characterization of karst water using morpho-hydrogeological methods in Pindul Cave system, Gunungsewu Karst, Java, Indonesia. In: 2022 International Conference on Anthropocene, Global Environmental Change and Powerful Geography, ICoAGPG 2022, 27 Septemebr 2022, virtual.
Agustina, Riska Eka and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie (2023) Does Having Single or Both Parents Impact the Sustainability of Schooling for Students Aged 7–18 in Indonesia? Journal of Population and Social Studies, 31. 696 -707. ISSN 24654418
Al-Ghozali, Muhammad Qodri and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Haryono, Eko and Cahyadi, Ahmad and Agniy, Romza Fauzan and Laksono, Gangsar Edi and Priambada, Alpine Prima and Rahmawati, Aulia Ika and Mahrizkhal, Danung Shodikh and Setiawan, Andy and Fauzi, Danang Riza and Astuti, Elisabeth Supi and Putra, Rahmat Dwi and Biladi, Muslih (2021) Identification of Karst Underground River Catchment Areas with Artificial Tracer Tests and Water Balance in Banteng Cave Springs (Karst Gombong Selatan, Central Java). In: ICST 2021.
Alabshar, Nufi and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Pitoyo, Agus Joko (2023) The Impact of Migration on Optimism and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Survey. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 32. 262 -277. ISSN 24654418
Alatas, Masrur and Budiastuti, Maria Theresia Sri and Gunawan, Totok and Setyono, Prabang (2021) The Potential of Micro-hydro Power Cascade in Irrigation Channel of Kalibawang, Indonesia. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (5). 1736 – 1745. ISSN 20885334
Alfassa, Achmad Isya and Sudrajat, Sudrajat and Marwasta, Djaka (2023) Development of official statistics models for analysis of population sectoral data in Indragiri Hilir Regency. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Ali, S. and Gunawan, T. and Maryono, A. and Hindrayani, A. (2020) Economic Value of Fruit Trees as Shading Trees and CO2 Sequestration. In: 2nd International Conference on Environmental Geography and Geography Education, ICEGE 2019, 28 September 2019, East Java.
Almasari, Hidayah and Rachmawati, Rini (2023) Smart Village Achievement in Kasongan Tourism Village, Bantulregency. In: 10th International Conference on ICT for Smart Society, ICISS 2023, 7 September 2023, Bandung.
Alwi, Mulyadi and Mutaqin, Bachtiar W. and Marfai, Muh Aris (2023) Shoreline Dynamics in the Very Small Islands of Karimunjawa – Indonesia: a Preliminary Study. Geoplanning, 10 (1). pp. 73-82. ISSN 23556544
Amri, Ikhwan and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Ruslanjari, Dina (2024) Tsunami risk awareness, hazard warning knowledge, and intended evacuation behavior among beach users in Bantul, Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 109. ISSN 22124209
Andisa, Gilang and Rachmawati, Rini (2023) Utilization of SIKOJA Application (Jambi City Information System) in Supporting the Implementation of Smart Governance in Jambi City. In: 10th International Conference on ICT for Smart Society, ICISS 2023, 6 September 2023through 7 September 2023, Bandung.
Anindita, Rembanang and Martono, Edhi and Nurjani, Emilia (2023) Urban cooling island vs urban heat island, who is the winner? study of the green spaces effect in coolingdown of urban heat in Kapanewon Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Anurogo, Wenang and Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin and Rumapea, Brian Anthoy and Panuntun, Hidayat and Santiputri, Metta and Wicaksono, Pramaditya (2020) Estimating vegetation temperature condition and its impact on drought for natural plantation areas using multi-band sensor remote sensing data. In: International Conference on Applied Engineering, ICAE 2020.
Arjasakusuma, S. and Kusuma, S. S. and Rafif, R. and Saringatin, S. and Wicaksono, P. (2021) Time-series Cross-orbit Sentinel-1 Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) Data for Mapping Paddy Extent: Case Study of Magelang District, Central Java. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 686 (1). ISSN 17551307
Arjasakusuma, S. and Kusuma, S.S. and Mahendra, W.K. and Astriviany, N. (2021) Mapping paddy field extent and temporal pattern variation in a complex terrain area using sentinel 1-time series data: Case study of magelang district, indonesia. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 17 (2). pp. 79-88. ISSN 16866576
Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana and Kusuma, Sandiaga Swahyu (2024) Assessment of Deep Learning Based Image Segmentation for Identifying Floating Net Cages from Very High-Resolution Capella Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. ISSN 0255660X
Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana and Kusuma, Sandiaga Swahyu and Saringatin, Siti and Rafif, Raihan (2021) Assessing land surface phenology of the savanna ecosystem in Southeast Asia using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) leaf area index from 2002 to 2020. Applied Geomatics, 13 (4). 515 – 525. ISSN 18669298
Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana and Pratama, Abimanyu Putra and Lestari, Intan (2020) Assessment of gap-filling interpolation methods for identifying mangrove trends at Segara Anakan in 2015 by using landsat 8 OLI and Proba-V. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 52 (3). pp. 341-349. ISSN 00249521
Aryati, Seri and Sukamdi, Sukamdi and Listyaningsih, Umi (2023) Factors affecting the choice of contraception in the special region of Yogyakarta: reviews of studies published in the special region of Yogyakarta. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Athaya, M.F. and Yushafirra, M. and Rahman, R.A. and Ardhillah, F. and Savitri, H.D. and Maharani, T.F. and Putri, R.F. (2023) The Analysis of Manufacturing Industry Sector in Maluku Province. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Aulia, Nayla Syifa and Putri, Luthfiana and Rohmah, Nabilah Luthfatur and Arfian, Muhammad Dwi and Putri, Ratih Fitria (2023) Settlement quality assessment based on physical and nonphysical aspects: a study case in Prenggan, Kotagede District. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Ayudyanti, Amalia Gita and Hidayati, Iswari Nur (2021) Impact of Optical Aerosol Depth (AOD) on Light Pollution Level: A spatio-temporal analysis. In: ICHMGEP 2020.
Bagaskara, R. A. and Widyastuti, M. (2023) Groundwater quality analysis using water quality index in Wonosari basin, Gunungkidul regency-Indonesia. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, online.
Barakati, Kevin Philips and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Rahardjo, Noorhadi (2023) Status of groundwater and river water quality around the location of illegal gold mining activities in Lantung District, Sumbawa. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 10 (3). 4433 – 4443. ISSN 2339076X
Budiman, L.S. and Listyaningsih, U. (2020) Differences in adolescent knowledge about Generation Planning (GenRe) based on the characteristics of adolescents in the Ngepring Family Planning Village. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.
Cahyadi, A. and Riyanto, I.A. and Adji, T.N. (2023) Suitability of Water from Tropical Epikarst Spring for Irrigation in the Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia. In: 5th International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues and Community Development,, 6 september 2023, Semarang.
Cahyandari, Gerarda Orbita Ida and Worosuprojo, Suratman and Mardiatno, Djati (2023) Urban Risk Assessment in Heritage Area for Developing Resilience Understanding. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, virtual.
Cahyono, A. and Susilo, B. and Wirasanti, N. and Rahardjo, N. and Albadara, Y. O. S. and Berlyanti, M. C. (2023) Understanding Kulon Progo through Historical Maps. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, online.
Cahyono, A. and Susilo, B. and Wirasanti, Niken and Rahardjo, N. and Albadara, Y.O.S. and Berlyanti, M.C. (2023) Understanding Kulon Progo through Historical Maps. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 September 2022.
Charani, Maulidia S. and Hasanati, Surani and Rijanta, Raden (2023) Mapping the Inhibiting Factors of Women's Role in Rural Development: A Case Study of Bejijong Village, East Java Province. In: 5th Geoplanning International Conference of Geomatics and Planning, 20 September 2023, Surakarta.
Choirunnisa, U. and Rijanta, R. and Rachmawati, R. (2021) Digital transformation readiness: How 'Sonjo Pangan' movement assists SMEs' product distributions during COVID-19 Pandemic. In: 5th ICPEU 2021.
Danoedoro, Projo and Ananda, Irvan Nurrahman and Kartika, Candra Sari Djati and Umela, Assyria F. and Indayani, Alvidita Beatrix (2021) Testing a detailed classification scheme for land-cover/ land-use mapping of typical Indonesian landscapes: Case study of Sarolangun, Jambi and Salatiga, Central Java. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 52 (3). 327 -340. ISSN 00249521
Devi, Laksmi Yustika and Irham, Irham and Subejo, Subejo and Anatasari, Esti and Nurhayati, Azizatun and Widada, Arif Wahyu (2021) Key drivers of organic rice productivity in Sleman and Magelang Regencies. In: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Devinta, Agnes Putri and Widayani, Prima (2021) The Utilization of Sentinel-2A and ASTER Imagery for Monitoring the Changes of Public Green Open Space and Oxygen Needs in Sukoharjo Regency in 2004-2019. In: ICHMGEP 2020.
Ernawan, Fikri Nurrachman and Harini, Rika (2020) Economic valuation of blue lagoon tourism village widodomartani sleman. In: E3S Web of Conferences 200, 03003.
Faski, Gita Ivana Suci Lestari and Purnama, Ignasius Loyola Setyawan (2021) The Impact of Global Climate Change to Climate Condition of Bengkulu Watershed, Indonesia. In: E3S Web of Conferences 325.
Faski, Gita Ivana Suci Lestari and Purnama, Ignasius Loyola Setyawan (2021) The Influence of Watershed Morphometry to River Discharge Variation (Case Study of Bengkulu Watershed, Indonesia). In: ICST 2021.
Fathoni, Wilda A. and Widyastuti, M. and Haryono, Eko and Fatchurahman, Hendy and Labib, M. Ainul (2020) Hydrological exploration in Karst Suaran, Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020, 7 September 2020, Virtual, Online.
Fauzan, Muhammad Afif and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Hartono, - (2021) Characterizing Derawan seagrass cover change with time-series Sentinel-2 images. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48. ISSN 23524855
Fauzi, Raka Achmad and Harini, Rika and Rijanta, R. (2023) The Effect Of Land Cover Changes On Landslides In Grindulu Watershed, Pacitan Regency, East Java. In: 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, ICoSIA 2023.
Firmansyah, Anugrah Jorgi and Nurjani, Emilya (2023) The Linkage of Rainfall Anomaly due to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on Cassava Productivity in Central Java Province. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 September 2021through 8 September 2021, online.
Firsandy, B. A. and Gunawan, T. and Kurniawan, A. and Prayitno, B. (2021) Livable floodplain settlement, force adaptation, or landform adaptation? (Case in Bengawan Solo river downstream). In: 3rd International Seminar on Livable Space.
Fistiningrum, W. and Harini, R. (2021) The impacts of mangrove ecotourism management on the socio-economic conditions of people in kulonprogo regency. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Ghiffari, Rizki Adriadi and Armono, Haryo Dwito (2021) Coastal erosion risk assessment in the coastal area of Muara Asam Asam, Tanah Laut Regency. In: ICST 2021.
Ginting, Devica Natalia Br. and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Farda, Nur Mohammad (2023) Mapping Benthic Habitat from Worldview-3 Image Using Random Forest Case Study: Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Indonesia. In: 022 Geoinformation Week: Broadening Geospatial Science and Technology, 14 November 2022, online.
Giyarsih, Sri Rum (2023) The Impact of Urban Sprawl on the Socioeconomic Conditions of the Population in Tamanan Village, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (1). 137 -147. ISSN 00249521
Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Armansyah, Armansyah and Zaelany, Andy Ahmad and Latifa, Ade and Setiawan, Bayu and Saputra, Dani and Haqi, Muamar and Fathurohman, Apit and Lamijo, Lamijo (2024) The contribution of urban farming to urban food security: the case of “Buruan SAE”. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 16 (1). 262 – 281. ISSN 19463138
Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Armansyah, Armansyah and Zaelany, Andy Ahmad and Latifa, Ade and Setiawan, Bayu and Saputra, Dani and Haqi, Muamar and Lamijo, Lamijo and Fathurohman, Apit (2023) Interrelation of urban farming and urbanization: an alternative solution to urban food and environmental problems due to urbanization in Indonesia. Frontiers in Built Environment, 9: 1192130. pp. 1-10. ISSN 22973362
Gomez, C. and Hotta, N. and Shinohara, Y. and Park, J.-H. and Tsunetaka, H. and Zhang, M. and Bradak, B. and Sri Hadmoko, D. and Budi Wibowo, S. and Daikai, R. and Yoshida, M. (2023) Formation Processes of Gully-side Debris-Cones Determined from Ground-Penetrating Radar (Mt. Unzen, Japan). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 209: Februari. pp. 1-10. ISSN 09269851
Gomez, Christopher and Liu, Jiaqi and Wu, Jing and Persendt, Frans and Bradak, Balazs and Saleh, Yousefi and Hadmoko, Danang Sri (2023) Improving vegetation spatial distribution mapping in arid and on coastal dune systems using GPR in Tottori Prefecture (Japan). Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica, 58 (2). 238 – 249. ISSN 03005402
Hadi, A.A. and Wicaksono, P. (2021) Accuracy assessment of relative and absolute water column correction methods for benthic habitat mapping in Parang Island. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Hadmoko, Danang Sri and Wibowo, Sandy Budi and Sianipar, Dimas Salomo J. and Daryono, Daryono and Fathoni, Mohammad Naufal and Pratiwi, Rohanita Setia and Haryono, Eko and Lavigne, Franck (2024) Co-seismic deformation and related hazards associated with the 2022 Mw 5.6 Cianjur earthquake in West Java, Indonesia: insights from combined seismological analysis, DInSAR, and geomorphological investigations. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 11 (1). ISSN 21978670
Hafiudzan, Akmal and Widayani, Prima and Rahardjo, Noor (2023) Comparing WorldView-2 and PlanetScope Imagery to Mapping Housing Types Using GEOBIA. In: 5th Geoplanning International Conference of Geomatics and Planning, 20 September 2023, Surakarta.
Hafizt, Muhammad and Adi, Novi Susetyo and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Yuwono, Doddy Mendro and Prayudha, Bayu and Suyarso, Suyarso (2021) Change Detection of Benthic Habitat Communities using Landsat Imageries in Wakatobi Islands from 1990 to 2017. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 53 (3). 465 – 473. ISSN 00249521
Harahap, J. and Gunawan, T. and Suparayogi, S. and Widyastuti, M. (2021) Off-site domestic wastewater management system in Banda Aceh, Indonesia: The problems and future solutions concept. In: ICATES 2020.
Harini, R. and Yuniantari, R. and Ariani, R.D. (2021) Economic valuation of protection and production forests in pekalongan regency. In: International Geography Seminar 2019.
Harini, Rika and Ariani, Rina Dwi and Susilo, Bowo and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie (2021) Regional Potential Analysis Based on Agricultural Commodities of Food Crops and Their Contribution to the Economy in the Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark Area, Indonesia: A Location Quotient Approach. In: ICST 2021.
Harini, Rika and Dairina, Isnaini and Widantara, Khrisna Wasista and Setiawan, Ragil and Ayu, Marinda Mustika and Ichsan, Dimas Maulana (2023) Contribution of the Agricultural Sector in Green Space Sleman Regency. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 - 8 September 2022, Virtual, Online.
Harini, Rika and Susilo, Bowo and dan Supriyati, Rina Dwi Ariani (2023) Climate Change Impact Analysis on Food Availability in the Province of Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (3). 509 -516. ISSN 00249521
Hasanati, Surani and Rijanta, Raden and Pitoyo, Agus J. (2023) Matrix-Matched Mapping for Rural Development Planning Study in Ngestirejo Village, Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia. In: 5th Geoplanning International Conference of Geomatics and Planning, 20 September 2023, Surakarta.
Hayati, R. and Munawar, A.A. and Lukitaningsih, E. and Earlia, N. and Karma, T. and Idroes, R. (2024) Combination of PCA with LDA and SVM classifiers: A model for determining the geographical origin of coconut in the coastal plantation, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 9. ISSN 26660164
Heliani, L. S. and Pratama, C. and Wibowo, A. and Sahara, D. P. and Ilahi, R. and Lestari, D. (2021) Long and Short Wavelength of Geodetic Strain Rate Tapering Earthquake Potential in Western Java. In: Geomatics International Conference 2020.
Hendrayana, Heru and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Ismayuni, Novia and Nuha, Azmin and Muhammad, Azwar Satrya and Fadillah, Arif (2024) Groundwater quality assessment in different volcanic rocks using water quality index in the tropical area, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (4). 6225 – 6235. ISSN 2339076X
Heri, Tjahjono and Budi, Nugraha Satya and Fahrudin, Hanafi and Sutarno, Sutarno and Muhammad, Miftahurridlo (2021) Determining the Level of Vulnerability to Landslides in Banyubiru Sub-District of Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Disaster Advances, 14 (11). 64 – 73. ISSN 0974262X
Heri, Tjahjono and Budi, Nugraha Satya and Fahrudin, Hanafi and Sutarno, Sutarno and Muhammad, Miftahurridlo (2021) Determining the Level of Vulnerability to Landslides in Banyubiru Sub-District of Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Disaster Advances, 14 (11). 64 – 73. ISSN 0974262X
Heri, Tjahjono and Fahrudin, Hanafi and Edy, Trihatmoko and Aprilia, Findayani and Muhammad, Miftahurridlo (2024) Disaster Management and Landslide Risk Reduction Strategies in The Gebog Sub-District of Kudus Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Disaster Advances, 17 (4). 25 – 39. ISSN 0974262X
Hidayat, Agung and Marfai, Muh Aris and Hadmoko, Danang Sri (2020) Eruption hazard and challenges of volcanic crisis management on a small Island: A case study on Ternate Island - Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 18 (66). 171 – 178. ISSN 21862982
Hidayati, Iswari Nur and Kusumawardani, Karunia Pasya and Ayudyanti, Amalia Gita and Prabaswara, Rifqy Rizaldi (2021) Urban biophysical quality modelling based on remote sensing data in Semarang, Indonesia. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 14 (3). 14 – 23. ISSN 20719388
Hidayatullah, Muhamad Faqih and Kamal, Muhammad and Wicaksono, Pramaditya (2023) Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for Mangrove Species Distribution Mapping. In: 1st International conference on Mediterranean Geosciences Union, MedGU 2021, 25 November 2021, Istanbul.
Hidayatullah, Muhamad Faqih and Kamal, Muhammad and Wicaksono, Pramaditya (2023) Mangrove forest identification using object-based approach classification. In: 7th International Conference on Science and Technology, ICST 2021, 7 september 2021, Yogyakarta.
Hutapea, Sumihar and Maas, Azwar and Jayadi, Rachmad (2020) Biophysical characteristics of deli river watershed to know potential flooding in Medan City, Indonesia. Journal of Rangeland Science, 10 (3). 316 – 327. ISSN 20089996
Indrastuti, A. N. and Widyastuti, M. and Fadlillah, L. N. (2023) Analysis of Total Maximum Daily Loads of Winongo River, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Using Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP). In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022.
Indrawati, L. and Murti, S.H. and Rachmawati, R. and Kurniawan, A. (2020) Urban expansion analysis through Remote Sensing and GIS in Semarang-Indonesia. In: 2nd International Conference on Environmental Geography and Geography Education, ICEGE 2019, 28 September 2019, East Java.
Indrawati, Like and B. S., Sigit Heru Murti and Rachmawati, Rini (2020) Integrated ecological index (IEI) for urban ecological status based on remote sensing data: A study at Semarang - Indonesia. In: 5th International Conferences of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing, ICOIRS 2019 and and Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing Congress, 17 September 2019, Bandung.
Indrayati, Ariyani and Rijanta, Rijanta and Muta’ali, Luthfi and Rachmawati, Rini (2023) Built-Up Area Changes, Spatial Pattern and Urban Sprawling in Kedungsepur Metropolitan Area. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 18 (8). 2541 – 2546. ISSN 17437601
Indriasari, Fadila and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Marwasta, Djaka (2023) Identification of urban form in the Bandung metropolitan area. GeoJournal, 88 (5). 5271 – 5285. ISSN 03432521
Iqbal, Muhammad and Susilo, Bowo and Hizbaron, Dyah R. (2024) How Local Pollution and Transboundary Air Pollution Impact Air Quality in Jakarta? Papers in Applied Geography. ISSN 23754931
Irawan, Amir M. and Marfai, Muh A. and Munawar, Munawar and Nugraheni, Imma R. and Gustono, Sandy T. and Rejeki, Hasti A. and Widodo, Anton and Mahmudiah, Rikha R. and Faridatunnisa, Maritsa (2021) Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia. Urban Climate, 35. ISSN 22120955
Isnain, Muhammad Nadafa and Mutaqin, Bachtiar W. (2023) Geomorphological and hydro-oceanographic analysis related to the characteristics of marine debris on the south coast of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Rendiconti Lincei, 34 (1). 227 – 239. ISSN 20374631
Jaya, Risman and Murti, Sigit Heru and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Sulaiman, Muhammad (2024) Relation of morphometric characteristics to land degradation in the Biyonga sub-watershed, Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (2). pp. 5263-5277. ISSN 2502-2458
Julzarika, A. and Laksono, D.P. and Kayat, Kayat and Subehi, L. and Dewi, E.K. and Sofiyuddin, H.A. and Nugraha, M.F.I. and Anggraini, N. and Setianto, A. and Janwes, Janwes and Yudhatama, D. (2020) Realizing the Dead Sea Lakes Region in Rote Islands to be a geopark using multidisciplinary spatial information approach. In: International Conference on Tropical Limnology 2019, Troplimno 2019.
Khakhim, N. and Kurniawan, A. and Wicaksono, P. and Hasrul, A. (2024) Assessment of Empirical Near-Shore Bathymetry Model Using New Emerged PlanetScope Instrument and Sentinel-2 Data in Coastal Shallow Waters. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 20 (2). 95 – 105. ISSN 16866576
Khakhim, N. and Marfai, M. A. and Putri, R. F. and Wicaksono, A. and Lazuardi, W. and Isnaen, Z. and Walinono, T. (2020) GEOBIA for mangrove mapping using UAV-modified NIR 1 camera sensor. In: 5th International Conferences of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing, ICOIRS 2019 and and Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing Congress, 17 September 2019, Bandung.
Khakhim, Nurul and Kurniawan, Agung and Pranowo, Widodo Setiyo (2024) Morphodynamic Cartography Visualization of Wulan River Estuary Systems from Space to Numerical Approach Based on Multi-Season Analysis. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 18 (5). 91 – 112. ISSN 18981135
Khoirurrizqi, Yusri and Ramadhan, Luthfi Rahendra and Pratama, Andhika Wisnu and Durida, Yona Putri Nengah Septiani and Ainurrafiqi, Hafidz and Setyaningsih, Dwiana Putri and Dharma, Fransiskus Assisi Wikan Surya and Pramudya, Widyaswara Angger and Widyatmanti, Wirastuti (2023) Spatial Prediction of Flood Probability in Juwana Watershed: A Comparative Analysis of Logistic Regression and Decision Tree Algorithm. In: 14th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and System, ICTS 2023, 4 Oktober 2023, Surabaya.
Kumalawati, R. and Yuliarti, A. and Raharjo, J. T. and Rijanta, Rijanta and Susanti, A. and Saputra, E. and Budiman, P. W. and Pratomo, R. A. and Murliawan, K. H. and Danarto, W. P. and Muhtar, G. A. and Anggraini, R. N. (2023) Early Detection of Forest and Land Fires Using Hotspots Data from S-NPP VIIRS Satellite Imagery Recording in the New Capital City Location. In: 8th Geomatics International Conference, GeoICON 2023, 27 Juli 2023, Surabaya.
Kumalawati, Rosalina and Yuliarti, Astinana and Ali, Syamani D and Raharjo, Jany Tri and Rijanta, Rijanta and Susanti, Ari and Saputra, Erlis and Murliawan, Karnanto Hendra and Hadi, Inu Kencana and Anggraini, Rizky Nurita (2023) Optimizing disaster communication for future fire mitigation. In: 2022 International Conference on Anthropocene, Global Environmental Change and Powerful Geography, ICoAGPG 2022, 27 Septemebr 2022, online.
Kumalawati, Rosalina and Yuliarti, Astinana and Ali, Syamani D. and Murliawan, Karnanto Hendra and Rijanta, Rijanta and Susanti, Ari and Saputra, Erlis (2023) Hotspot Spatial Patterns Using SNNP-VIIRS for Fire Potential Monitoring. International Journal of Forestry Research, 2023. ISSN 16879368
Kurniawan, A. and Khakhim, N. and Wicaksono, P. (2024) Seasonal Variation Influence to Water Image Properties to Retrieve Nearshore Bathymetry Based on Cloud Machine Learning Approach. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 20 (7). 77 – 92. ISSN 16866576
Kurniawan, Agung and Khakhim, Nurul and Hardjo, Karen Slamet and Santoso, Agus Iwan and Pranowo, Widodo Setiyo (2021) Constructing an imaginary wall in the Ocean: A technical cartography study on the delimitation of maritime boundaries in the provinces of South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Islands based on GIS. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 38 (2). 51 – 58. ISSN 02175460
Kurniawan, Agung and Pranowo, Widodo Setiyo and Hardjo, Karen Slamet and Santoso, Agus Iwan and Khakhim, Nurul and Purwanto, Taufik Hery and Setiyadi, Johar (2023) 3D Marine Cadastral System to Support Marine Spatial Planning Implementation in Indonesia: A Case Study of Penanjung Bay, Indonesia. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 17 (4). 19 -32. ISSN 18981135
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