Items where Subject is "GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (24)
- G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (99)
- GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography (35)
- G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (99)
Abdullah, Irwan (2022) Dysfunction of Muslim’s Public Resource: A Study of Waqf Land Disorganization in Indonesia. De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar'iah, 14 (1). pp. 92-110. ISSN 20851618
Almira, Puja Dania and Lipu, Bergita Gusti and Pradipta, Aditya Widya and Rachmawati, Rini (2021) Utilization of Human Resources Management Information System (SIMPEG) Application to Support E-Government in the BKPP at Palangka Raya Municipality. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. 355 – 366. ISSN 21982546
Handini, Retno and Gunawijaya, Jajang and Geria, I. Made and Tanudirjo, Daud Aris and Basalamah, Qonitah and Sofian, Harry O. and Fauzi, M. Ruly and Ririmasse, Marlon and Permana, Cecep Eka (2023) Sumba megalithic tradition: A sustainability perspective. ANTHROPOLOGIE, 127 (3). ISSN 0003-5521
Hardiyanto, E.B. and Inail, M.A. and Nambiar, S. and Mendham, D.S. (2024) Sustaining plantation forest productivity in Sumatra over three decades: From acacias to eucalypts. Forest Ecology and Management, 553. ISSN 03781127
Lazuardi, Elan and Prawirosusanto, Khidir Marsanto (2017) Mobilizing the Masses: Street Vendors, Political Contracts, and the Role of Mediators in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 173 (2-3). pp. 242-272. ISSN 00062294
NAJA, Danis Arbabun and SUPRAYOGI, Slamet and MARFAI, Muh Aris and MARDIATNO, Djati (2021) A study on the social network analyses of dive centers and sustainable tourism development in pemuteran bali, indonesia. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 36 (2). 603 – 615. ISSN 20650817
Ngadi, Ngadi and Zaelany, Andy Ahmad and Latifa, Ade and Harfina, Dewi and Asiati, Devi and Setiawan, Bayu and Ibnu, Fitranita and Triyono, Triyono and Rajagukguk, Zanterman (2023) Challenge of Agriculture Development in Indonesia: Rural Youth Mobility and Aging Workers in Agriculture Sector. SUSTAINABILITY, 15 (2).
Noviani, Ratna and Handayani, Rivi and Jamil, Sadia (2024) Mediatisation, the Ambivalent Preservation of Cultural Tradition, and the Appeal of Luxurious Death in Toraja, Indonesia: Social Media Depictions of Rambu Solo in a Digital Age. Asian Studies Review. pp. 1-18. ISSN 10357823
Panuntun, Madina Dwi and Haryono, Eko and Santosa, Langgeng Wahyu (2023) Finding the Corridor Potential between Protected Areas in a Fragmented Landscape, Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia. Journal of Landscape Ecology(Czech Republic), 16 (1). 105 – 127. ISSN 18032427
Patimah, Ai Siti and Murti, Sigit Heru and Prasetya, Agus (2023) Study of Socio-Economic-Cultural Impacts and Community Health Due to Oil and Natural Gas Exploration Activities in the Tuban Oil and Gas Field. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (1). 98 – 108. ISSN 00249521
Rachmawati, Rini (2021) Smart Cities: Progress and Challenge in Establishing Liveable Cities. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. 307 – 316. ISSN 21982546
Rachmawati, Rini and Choirunnisa, Ulfah and Pambagyo, Zat Ayuningsih and Syarafina, Yosi Atikah and Ghiffari, Rizki Adriadi (2021) Work from home and the use of ict during the covid-19 pandemic in indonesia and its impact on cities in the future. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (12). ISSN 20711050
Rohmah, Amandita ‘Ainur and Rachmawati, Rini and Mei, Estuning Tyas Wulan (2023) Smart City Achievement through Implementation of Digital Health Services in Handling COVID-19 Indonesia. Smart Cities, 6 (1). pp. 639-651. ISSN 26246511
Salouw, Elvis and Setiawan, Bakti and Sarwadi, Ahmad (2024) Tourist Spatiotemporal Behavior in Cross-Border Tourism Area: A Qualitative Study in the Case of Indonesia-Timor Leste. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 12 (1). pp. 81-94. ISSN 21873666
Saputra, Erlis and Ariyanto, Inge Satna and Ghiffari, Rizki Adriadi and Fahmi, Moh Syahrul Irfan (2021) Land value in a disaster-prone urbanized coastal area: A case study from semarang city, indonesia. Land, 10 (11). ISSN 2073445X
Sari, Cynthia Permata and Santosa, Sigit Heru Murti Budi and Marsono, Djoko (2023) Spatial Pattern Analysis of Vegetation on Surakarta Urban Fringe Area. International Journal of Environmental Impacts, 6 (4). 235 – 249. ISSN 23982640
Semedi, Pujo (2020) Fishers’ responses to the Danish seiner ban and the history of fisheries governance on the Java north coast. Journal of Maritim Studies, 20 (1). pp. 43-62. ISSN 18727859
Shalihati, Sakinah Fathrunnadi and Kurniawan, Andri and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Marwasta, Djaka and Dharmowijoyo, Dimas Bayu Endrayana (2022) Daily Activity Space for Various Generations in the Yogyakarta Metropolitan Area. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (20). ISSN 20711050
Sopaheluwakan, William R. I. and Fatem, Sepus M. and Kutanegara, Pande M. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) Two-decade decentralization and recognition of customary forest rights: Cases from special autonomy policy in West Papua, Indonesia. FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS, 151. ISSN 1389-9341
Sopaheluwakan, William R.I. and Kutanegara, Pande Made and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) Two-decade decentralization and recognition of customary forest rights: Cases from special autonomy policy in West Papua, Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics, 151. ISSN 13899341
Suprayitna, Fikri Rafif and Munawaroh, Latifah Asri and Azmi, Mustafa Al and Besari, Aidha Imtinan and Rachmawati, Rini (2021) Challenges in Developing and Implementing Smart City in Palangka Raya. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. 333 – 344. ISSN 21982546
Wicaksono, Agung (2023) Time-series analysis of satellite imagery for detecting vegetation cover changes in Indonesia. Scientific Reports, 13 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 20452322
Widaryoko, Nanang and Sukamdi, Sukamdi and Pitoyo, Agus Joko (2024) Remapping Internal Migration: How Complex Are Indonesian Migration Trajectories? Journal of Population and Social Studies, 32. 56 -77. ISSN 24654418
Yusuf, Mohamad and Purwandani, Intan (2020) Ecological politics of water: the ramifications of tourism development in Yogyakarta. South East Asia Research, 28 (3). pp. 327-343. ISSN 0967828X
Conference or Workshop Item
Amri, I. and Alami, R.R. and Serlia, A. (2023) Population distribution analysis in Banda Aceh City for tsunami disaster risk reduction. In: 3rd International Conference on Disaster Management, 29 September 2022 s/d 1 October 2022, Online.
Fathoni, Mohammad Naufal and Anintika, Gelanggoro Kismo and Firda, Dariin and Kricella, Pronika and Widayani, Prima and Arjakusuma, Sanjiwana and Kamal, Muhammad (2021) Identification of paddy fields based on temporal phase using Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) on Landsat-8 OLI. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium (GSS 2021), 2021, Yogyakarta.
Fistiningrum, W. and Harini, R. (2021) The impacts of mangrove ecotourism management on the socio-economic conditions of people in kulonprogo regency. In: International Geography Seminar, 31 August 2019, Solo.
Ginting, B.V. and Giri, C.E.A.G. and Khansabyla, F. and Azzahra, I. and Asrofi, M.Z. and Putri, R.F. (2023) The Dynamic of Labors Absorption During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangka Belitung Islands. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023.
Listyaningsih, U. and Satiti, S. and Kurniawidi, A.S. (2021) Spatial Poverty of Poverty Alleviation in Bantul Districts of Yogyakarta. In: The 20th Sustainable, Environment and Architecture, 10 November 2020, Indonesia.
Muhamad, M. and Faradisa, S.R.N. (2021) Study of city public open space elements as an urban tourism (case study of public open space in Yogyakarta City). In: 3rd International Seminar on Livable Space, 27 August 2020, Jakarta.
Musthofa, A. and Rijanta, R. and Widiyanto, D. (2023) Potential Carbon Footprint in Food System Based on Household Vegetable Consumption in Yogyakarta. In: The 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management symposium, 7-8 September 2022, Online.
Restuaji, Yadug and Nurkhalifah, Azizah and Estiono, Meru Sigit and Srinila Tampubolon, Anastasya Clara and Sekaranom, Andung Bayu (2023) The Growth of Urban Heat Island Effect Monitored in a Rapidly Developing City of Lombok Island. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Ridha, Syafiq Muhammad and Kamal, Muhammad (2021) An object-based approach for vegetation and non-vegetation discrimination using WorldView-2 image. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Rudiastuti, Aninda Wisaksanti and Farda, Nur Mohammad and Ramdani, Dadan (2021) Mapping built-up land and settlements: A comparison of machine learning algorithms in Google Earth engine. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Sukmaniar, S. and Pitoyo, A.J. and Kurniawan, A. (2021) Deviant behaviour in the slum community of Palembang city. In: International Geography Seminar, 31 August 2019, Solo.