Items where Subject is "HG Finance"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 41.


Ali, Syaiful and Simboh, Billy and Rahmawati, Ulfa (2023) Determining Factors of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending Avoidance: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 25 (1). 1 – 27. ISSN 14111128

Almahendra, Rangga and Viyani, Ari Okta and Nabawi, Muhammad (2024) Is crypto legitimate? Study on the relationship between legitimacy and public engagement on crypto market in Indonesia. Intangible Capital, 20 (2). 393 – 411. ISSN 20143214

Buanaputra, Vogy Gautama and Astuti, Destri and Sugiri, Slamet (2022) Accountability and legitimacy dynamics in an Islamic boarding school. JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE, 18 (4). pp. 553-570. ISSN 1832-5912

Buanaputra, Vogy Gautama and Uddin, Shahzad (2024) The power struggles of executives and legislators in a kingship budget setting: The role of informal and formal power. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, 102 (1). pp. 131-146. ISSN 0033-3298

Effendi, Ruslan and Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Bastian, Indra and Arifa, Choirunnisa (2023) Budgeting Options Using the Ratchet Principle for Indonesian Bureaucracy: A Poststructuralist Approach. International Journal of Public Administration. ISSN 01900692

Faiz, Ihda Arifin (2023) Critical perspective on public deficits: contrasting conventional and Islamic views. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. ISSN 17590817

Fajri, Faridiah Aghadiati and Haribowo P., Ry. Kun and Amalia, Nurisqi and Natasari, Dina (2021) Gamification in e-learning: The mitigation role in technostress. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10 (2). 606 – 614. ISSN 22528822

Hadi, Said Hirzi and Permanasari, Adhistya Erna and Hartanto, Rudy and Sakkinah, Intan Sulistyaningrum and Sholihin, Mahfud and Sari, Ratna Candra and Haniffa, Roszaini (2022) Developing augmented reality-based learning media and users' intention to use it for teaching accounting ethics. EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 27 (1, SI). pp. 643-670. ISSN 1360-2357

Handayani, Erna and Sholihin, Mahfud and Pratolo, Suryo and Rahmawati, Alni (2023) Distribution of Income Diversification on Financial Sustainability of Indonesian Private Universities; Empirical Studies. Journal of Distribution Science, 21 (3). 71 – 82. ISSN 17383110

Herdhayinta, Heyvon and Lau, James and Shen, Carl Hsin-han (2023) Cash holdings of minority family businesses in Indonesia. EMERGING MARKETS REVIEW, 55. ISSN 1566-0141

Lucyanda, Jurica and Sholihin, Mahfud (2023) The effect of gender and code of ethics on budgetary slack ethical judgment: experimental evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 28 (56). 273 – 286. ISSN 20771886

Mahastanti, Linda Ariany and Asri, Marwan and Purwanto, Bernardinus M. and Junarsin, Eddy (2021) Sharia-based Stocks: Do Muslim Investors Prefer Metaphysical or Materialistic Returns? JOURNAL OF ASIAN FINANCE ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 8 (1). pp. 609-621. ISSN 2288-4637

Nugroho, Sahid Susilo and Paramita, Widya (2024) Trust-building mechanism for promoting mobile payments' continued use by small businesses in a developing country: tackling the perceived risk issue. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING, 29 (3). pp. 936-945. ISSN 1363-0539

Pakan, Sarani Pitor (2024) Waves for development? Local perceptions on surf tourism retribution in Mentawai Islands. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 16 (4). 678 -691. ISSN 19407963

Panjaitan, Jenri M. P. and Bastian, Indra and Unggara, Ilham and Susanto, Efa Agus and Sumiyana, Sumiyana (2023) Diagnosing the voids of knowledge in the transformation process in managing and standardizing smart city development: the case of the government of Indonesia. FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES, 5.

Pratama, Bayu Indra and Wijaya, Adi and Hermawan, Budi and Baharuddin, Baharuddin and Purwoko, Purwoko (2024) Evaluating academic performance and scholarly impact of rectors of indonesia’s public universities: a dual bibliometric and scholastic analysis. Cogent Education, 11 (1). ISSN 2331186X

Ratih, Dewi and Hanafi, Mamduh M. and Setiyono, Bowo and Lantara, I. Wayan Nuka (2023) Market Timing and Asymmetric Information: How do Rights Issues and Private Placements Attract Investors to Overvalued Stocks? ASIAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING, 16 (2). pp. 45-74. ISSN 1985-4064

Ritonga, Irwan Taufiq (2024) Eliminating the effects of external environmental factors to improve the analysis of local government financial condition: a study in Indonesia. PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 44 (5). pp. 358-365. ISSN 0954-0962

Ritonga, Irwan Taufiq and Buanaputra, Vogy Gautama (2024) Re-budgeting local government budgets to handle the COVID-19 pandemic: Indonesia's experience. ACCOUNTING FORUM, 48 (3, SI). pp. 482-505. ISSN 0155-9982

Ritonga, Irwan Taufiq and Suyanto, Suyanto (2022) Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the audit of local government financial statements: experience from Indonesia. PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 42 (6, SI). pp. 452-459. ISSN 0954-0962

Sanjaya, Muhammad Ryan and Chuah, Swee Hoon and Feeny, Simon and Hoffmann, Robert (2023) The Impact of Cultural Heterogeneity on Violence in Indonesia: Fractionalisation versus polarization. Applied Economics, 55 (16). 1790 – 1806. ISSN 00036846

Sarassina, Raden Roro Fosa (2022) Understanding Mobile Payment Continuance in Indonesia: A Brand Equity Perspective Continuance Model. CommIT Journal, 16 (1). 105 – 115. ISSN 19792484

Sari, Ratna Candra and Sholihin, Mahfud and Zuhrohtun, Zuhrohtun and Purnama, Ida Ayu and Dewanti, Patriani Wahyu and Udhma, Umi Syafaatul (2023) Why are not men and women more alike? Gender and clawbacks in the trade-off between accrual and real activity earnings manipulation. GENDER IN MANAGEMENT, 38 (8). pp. 1117-1134. ISSN 1754-2413

Sari, Ratna Candra and Sholihin, Mahfud and Zuhrohtun, Zuhrohtun and Purnama, Ida Ayu and Udhma, Umi Syafaatul (2023) Black or white is not always delineated: The influence of moral disengagement and clawbacks on the intention to manipulate accrual earnings and real activity. Cogent Business and Management, 10 (3). ISSN 23311975

Setiyono, B. and Munawaroh, U. (2024) Related party lending and rural bank risk: Evidence during the Covid-19 period. Research in International Business and Finance, 67. ISSN 02755319

Setyaningsih, Titik and Bastian, Indra and Arifa, Choirunnisa and Rakhman, Fuad (2023) Pandemic Leadership: Is It Just a Matter of Good and Bad? Public Organization Review, 23 (2). 605 – 621. ISSN 15667170

Shiddiqi, Faris Azzam and Susamto, Akhmad Akbar (2023) IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF ISLAMIC AND CONVENTIONAL INVESTORS: EVIDENCE FROM THE INDONESIA STOCK MARKET CRASH 2020. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 15 (3). 142 – 159. ISSN 01281976

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Hendrian, Hendrian and Jayasinghe, Kelum and Wijethilaka, Chaminda (2023) Public sector performance auditing in a political hegemony: A case study of Indonesia. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY & MANAGEMENT, 39 (4). pp. 691-714. ISSN 0267-4424

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Na'im, Ainun and Kurniawan, Firdaus and Nugroho, Albertus H. L. (2023) Earnings management and financial distress or soundness determining CEOs' future over- and under-investment decisions. HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, 10 (1).

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Na'im, Ainun and Nugroho, Albertus H. L. and Kurniawan, Firdaus (2023) Multiple measurements of CEOs' overconfidence and future earnings management: evidence from Asia-Pacific developing countries. HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, 10 (1).

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Na’im, Ainun and Kurniawan, Firdaus and Nugroho, Albertus H. L. (2023) Earnings management and financial distress or soundness determining CEOs’ future over- and under-investment decisions. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10 (1). ISSN 26629992

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Na’im, Ainun and Nugroho, Albertus H. L. and Kurniawan, Firdaus (2023) Multiple measurements of CEOs' overconfidence and future earnings management: evidence from Asia-Pacific developing countries. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10 (1). ISSN 26629992

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Setyowatf, Servatia Mayang (2021) Family Ownership's Predisposition to the Related Party Transaction and Its Influence on a Stock Price Crash: Evidence from Indonesia. JOURNAL OF ASIAN FINANCE ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 8 (8). pp. 103-115. ISSN 2288-4637

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Siahaan, Nur Halimah (2023) A review on the sequential ordered behaviour of users' experiential values, flow state and continuing use of mobile apps. JOURNAL OF GENERAL MANAGEMENT. ISSN 0306-3070

Surya, Juanda and Rahajeng, Dian Kartika (2023) The impact of chief executive officers' religiosity on banks' financial performance in Indonesia. JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS RESEARCH, 14 (8). p. 1473. ISSN 1759-0817

Suwardi, Eko and Saragih, Arfah Habib (2023) The effect of tax risk on audit report delay: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Cogent Business and Management, 10 (1). ISSN 23311975

Utami, Evy Rahman and Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Barokah, Zuni and Mustakini, Jogiyanto Hartono (2023) IFRS 9 implementation indicating asset opacities: even though predicting earnings’ forecasts and value relevance in Asia-Pacific countries. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting. ISSN 19852517

Warsono, Sony and Sari, Ratna Candra and Kusuma Putri, Laura Neviyanti and Haryana, Muhammad Roy Aziz (2024) The mathematics-based learning method and its impact on student performance in the Introductory Accounting course: cognitive load theory. Journal of International Education in Business, 17 (1). 45 – 61. ISSN 2046469X

Zamzami, Faiz and Rakhman, Fuad (2023) Determinants of Local Government Financial Performance in Indonesia. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 12 (5). 332 – 347. ISSN 22813993

Conference or Workshop Item

Purnomo, Hadi and Ciptono, Wakhid Slamet and Utomo, Hargo and Setiawan, Kusdhianto (2021) Knowledge based orchestration: Response to the dynamic environmental COVID-19 pandemic. In: South American Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM 2021.


Kayam, Umar and Faruk, Faruk and Gunawan, Ryadi and Darban, Ahmad Adaby (1986) Konsep Keselarasan Sosial Jawa dan Pelaksanaan Swasembada Pangan. Pusat Penelitian Kebudayaan UGM, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 01:01:16 2025 WIB.