Items where Subject is "HJ Public Finance"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (7)
- H Social Sciences (25)
- HJ Public Finance (20)
- H Social Sciences (25)
Aprianto, Yudie and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Rajiyem, Rajiyem (2023) Leaders' Sensemaking in Communicating Organizational Change. Studies in Media and Communication, 11 (6). 147 – 157.
Devrizon, Devrizon and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Hadna, Agus Heruanto (2024) ANALYSIS OF THE BUDGET FORMULATION PROCESS THROUGH THE MULTIPLE STREAMS APPROACH. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 13 (1). pp. 299-309. ISSN 22209352
Hadi, Said Hirzi and Permanasari, Adhistya Erna and Hartanto, Rudy and Sakkinah, Intan Sulistyaningrum and Sholihin, Mahfud and Sari, Ratna Candra and Haniffa, Roszaini (2022) Developing augmented reality-based learning media and users' intention to use it for teaching accounting ethics. EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 27 (1, SI). pp. 643-670. ISSN 1360-2357
Hanafi, Mamduh M. (2024) Foreign investors and stealth trading: An examination of price movements in developing markets. PACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL, 83. ISSN 0927-538X
Herdhayinta, Heyvon and Lau, James and Shen, Carl Hsin-han (2023) Cash holdings of minority family businesses in Indonesia. Emerging Markets Review, 55. ISSN 15660141
Indrawati, Sri Mulyani and Satriawan, Elan and Abdurohman, Abdurohman (2024) Indonesia’s Fiscal Policy in the Aftermath of the Pandemic. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 60 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 00074918
Kai, Liu and Kordestanizadeh, Ramina Malekalipour (2021) Designing an Agile Closed-Loop Supply Chain with Environmental Aspects Using a Novel Multiobjective Metaheuristic Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021. ISSN 1024123X
Muhammad, Ali and Candra, Ilham Agustian and Sahide, Ahmad (2024) IDENTITY AND FOREIGN POLICY: COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF INDONESIAN AND MALAYSIAN FOREIGN POLICIES IN RELATION TO ISRAEL; Identidad y Política Exterior: Estudio comparado de las políticas exteriores de Indonesia y Malasia con Israel. Revista UNISCI, 2024 (65). 53 – 70. ISSN 23869453
Pakan, Sarani Pitor (2024) Waves for development? Local perceptions on surf tourism retribution in Mentawai Islands. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 16 (4). 678 -691. ISSN 19407963
Pujiwati, Lina Agustina and Fatoni, Zainal and Alabshar, Nufi and Harfina, Dewi and Munawaroh, Titik and Widaryoko, Nanang (2024) Determinants of Household Extreme Poverty Among Female-Headed Households in Indonesia: Does Disability Matter? Journal of Poverty. ISSN 1087-5549
Rakhman, Fuad and Saudagaran, Shahrokh (2023) The effect of political budget cycle on local governments' financial statements in a young democracy. PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 43 (5). pp. 512-520. ISSN 0954-0962
Rakhman, Fuad and Saudagaran, Shahrokh (2023) The effect of political budget cycle on local governments’ financial statements in a young democracy. Public Money and Management, 43 (5). 512 – 520. ISSN 09540962
Ritonga, Irwan Taufiq (2024) Eliminating the effects of external environmental factors to improve the analysis of local government financial condition: a study in Indonesia. Public Money and Management, 44 (5). pp. 358-365. ISSN 09540962
Saragih, Arfah Habib and Ali, Syaiful (2023) The impact of managerial ability on corporate tax risk and long-run tax avoidance: empirical evidence from a developing country. Corporate Governance (Bingley), 23 (5). 1117 – 1144. ISSN 14720701
Saragih, Arfah Habib and Ali, Syaiful and Suwardi, Eko and Utomo, Hargo (2024) Finding the missing pieces to an optimal corporate tax savings: Information technology governance and internal information quality. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 52. ISSN 1467-0895
Savirani, Amalinda and Rafiq, Devananta and Baulch, Emma (2024) Sharia Cooperatives and Mosque Ecosystems: The Devolution of Halal Entrepreneurship in Indonesia. Asian Studies Review, 48 (1). pp. 86-101. ISSN 10357823
Setyaningsih, Titik and Bastian, Indra and Arifa, Choirunnisa and Rakhman, Fuad (2023) Pandemic Leadership: Is It Just a Matter of Good and Bad? Public Organization Review, 23 (2). 605 – 621. ISSN 15667170
Subhan, Muhammad and Suyanto, Suyanto (2023) Mediating role of work stressors between auditor knowledge-sharing activities and job satisfaction in Indonesian small audit firms. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 21 (3). 300 – 315. ISSN 17277051
Susamto, Akhmad Akbar and Octavio, Danes Quirira and Risfandy, Tastaftiyan and Wardani, Dyah Titis Kusuma (2023) Public ownership and local bank lending at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 80. ISSN 0927538X
Tandelilin, Eduardus and Usman, Berto (2023) Toward a better understanding of social impact, CSR reporting and firm performance: a look at the ASEAN banking industry. Social Responsibility Journal, 19 (3). 579 – 600. ISSN 17471117