Items where Subject is "HM Sociology"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- H Social Sciences (24)
- HM Sociology (30)
- H Social Sciences (24)
Abdullah, Irwan and Indiyanto, Agus (2022) Return of the Lost Son: Disengagement and social reintegration of former terrorists in Indonesia. Cogent Social Sciences, 8 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 23311886
Azca, Muhammad Najib and Putri, Rani Dwi (2023) The Women `Behind' the Mujahidin Eastern Indonesia: Negotiating Agency and Gender Dynamics. STUDIES IN CONFLICT & TERRORISM. ISSN 1057-610X
Azca, Muhammad Najib and Putri, Rani Dwi and Nilan, Pam (2023) Gendered youth transitions in local jihad in Indonesia: negotiating agency in arranged marriage. JOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES. ISSN 1367-6261
Felix, Mark Stephan and Kitcharoen, Patreeya and Le, Thi Ngoc Phuc and Puspitasari, Dewi Cahyani and Guo, Haihu (2023) A Scoping Review of the Physical Health Needs of Family Caregivers of Older Women With Breast Cancer. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 31. 216 – 234. ISSN 24654418
Felix, Mark Stephan and Kitcharoen, Patreeya and Le, Thi Ngoc Phuc and Puspitasari, Dewi Cahyani and Guo, Haihu (2023) Social support needs to encourage health-related technology use among elderly persons who age in place: a scoping review. Journal of Public Health and Development, 21 (3). 315 – 332. ISSN 26730774
Ginting, B.V. and Giri, C.E.A.G. and Khansabyla, F. and Azzahra, I. and Asrofi, M.Z. and Putri, R.F. (2023) The Dynamic of Labors Absorption During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangka Belitung Islands. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023.
Hartarto, Romi Bhakti and Susamto, Akhmad Akbar and Rizkan, Muhammad and Hajar, Ibnu and Safira, Lulu and Mostafa, Embarika (2023) Conditional cash transfer and stunting prevention: Evidence from Bima, West Nusa Tenggara. Cogent Social Sciences, 9 (2). ISSN 23311886
Isbah, M. Falikul and Kailani, Najib and Kustiningsih, Wahyu and Artosa, Odam Asdi and Zamjani, Irsyad (2023) Indonesia’s Recent University Graduates amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Employability and Resilience*. Journal of Asian Sociology, 52 (2). 109 – 133. ISSN 26714574
Isbah, M. Falikul and Kailani, Najib and Kustiningsih, Wahyu and Artosa, Odam Asdi and Zamjani, Irsyad (2023) Indonesia’s Recent University Graduates amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Employability and Resilience*. Journal of Asian Sociology, 52 (2). 109 – 133. ISSN 26714574
Isbah, M. Falikul and Sakhiyya, Zulfa (2023) Pesantren in Contemporary Indonesia: Negotiating Between Equity and the Market. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, 70. 137 – 152. ISSN 15735397
Isbah, M. Falikul and Sakhiyya, Zulfa (2023) Pesantren in Contemporary Indonesia: Negotiating Between Equity and the Market. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, 70. 137 – 152. ISSN 15735397
Mansfield, Michelle and Nilan, Pam and Wibawanto, Gregorius Ragil (2024) Rebel imaginings: street art in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. VISUAL STUDIES, 39 (1-2, S). pp. 239-253. ISSN 1472-586X
Mansfield, Michelle and Nilan, Pam and Wibawanto, Gregorius Ragil (2024) Rebel imaginings: street art in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Visual Studies, 39 (1-2). 239 – 253. ISSN 1472586X
Mantra, Ida Bagoes Commuting, Circulation and Migration in Yogyakarta Special Region A Case Study Of Two Dukuh, Kadirojo and Piring. -, -. (Unpublished)
Muhamad, M. and Saryani, Saryani and Khabibi, N.I. (2021) Monitoring of the tourism village of the mount merapi slope area through the global sustainable tourism council (gstc) snapshoot assessment system. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Nilan, Pam and Wibawanto, Gregorius Ragil (2023) Catholic youth and nationalist identity in Java, Indonesia. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 38 (1). 41 – 60. ISSN 13537903
Pradana, I Putu Yoga Bumi and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Susanto, Ely (2023) The Institutionalization of Public Innovation: Evidence from Indonesia. Administration and Society, 55 (4). 726 – 751. ISSN 00953997
Sari, Ratna Candra and Sholihin, Mahfud and Zuhrohtun, Zuhrohtun and Purnama, Ida Ayu and Udhma, Umi Syafaatul (2023) Black or white is not always delineated: The influence of moral disengagement and clawbacks on the intention to manipulate accrual earnings and real activity. Cogent Business and Management, 10 (3). ISSN 23311975
Setiyaningsih, Y. and Pramusinto, A. and Kusumasari, B. and Purbokusumo, Y. (2023) Changes in the forming aspects of the public service bargains components in determining the general budget policy. In: AIP Conference Proceedings.
Sholihin, Muhammad and Sugiyanto, Catur and Susamto, Akhmad Akbar (2023) Rethinking the Essentiality of Homo Islamicus: Exploring the Fundamental Critiques. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 13 (2). 210 – 230. ISSN 20750943
Sjafrie, Nurul Dhewani Mirah and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Hernawan, Udhi E. and Triyono, Triyono and Yuwono, Doddy M. and Hafizt, Muhammad and Adi, Novi Susetyo and Ambo-Rappe, Rohani and Prayudha, Bayu and Selamat, Muhammad Banda and Sani, Sofia Yunia and Harahap, Setiawan Djody and Salsabila, Huwaida Nur and Wijaya, Jennifer and Roelfsema, Chris (2023) Network analysis reveals overlapping roles of stakeholders related to seagrass-data provisioning in Indonesia. Marine Policy, 157. ISSN 0308597X
Sulaiman, Tatang and Hadna, Agus Heruanto and Darwin, Muhadjir and Kutanegara, Pande Made (2023) The Transformational Leadership, Public Service Motivation And Perfomance Of Handling The Covid-19 Pandemic : The Army Soldiers In Implementing Military Operations. Quality - Access to Success, 24 (193). 176 – 181. ISSN 15822559
Sununianti, Vieronica Varbi and Sujito, Arie and Nugroho, Heru (2024) Governing the (Dis)Order: Toke and the Convergence of Artisanal Oil Mining and State Visibility in Sumur Baru. Forest and Society, 8 (1). pp. 41-60. ISSN 25494724
Sutopo, Oki Rahadianto and Lukisworo, Agustinus Aryo (2023) From our own voices: The meaning making of subculture among extreme metal musicians in Indonesia. Metal Music Studies, 9 (3). 359 – 367. ISSN 20523998
Usman, Sunyoto and Abdullah, Imran T. and Sutaryo, Sutaryo and Suharjoso Sk, Ahmad Adaby Dampak Industri Terhadap Aspek Sosio-Kultural Masyarakat Sekitarnya. Pusat Penelitian dan Studi Kebudayaaan UGM, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)
Widaningrum, Ambar and Wahyudi, Dimas (2023) EQUAL CITIZENSHIP AND INCLUSIVE POLICY: LESSON FROM FEMALE FISHERMEN MOVEMENT IN COASTAL AREA, INDONESIA. Balkan Social Science Review, 21. 125 – 143. ISSN 18578799
Widaryoko, N. and Sukamdi, Sukamdi and Pitoyo, A.J. (2024) Remapping Internal Migration: How Complex Are Indonesian Migration Trajectories? Journal of Population and Social Studies, 32. pp. 56-77. ISSN 24654418
Wilonoyudho, Saratri and Rijanta, R. and Keban, Yeremias T. and Setiawan, Bakti (2017) Urbanization and regional imbalances in Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 49 (2). 125 – 132. ISSN 00249521
Yuda, Tauchid Komara (2023) Beyond path dependency: Analysing Indonesia's social policy responses to two crises. Social Policy and Administration, 57 (5). 727 – 743. ISSN 01445596
Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Kühner, Stefan (2023) Bringing Indonesia into the global welfare regime debate: A literature review and future research agenda. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 17 (2). 103 – 114. ISSN 17531403