Items where Subject is "HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- H Social Sciences (3)
- HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform (129)
- H Social Sciences (3)
Achadi, Abdul Haris and Darwin, Muhadjir and Mardiatno, Djati and Ruslanjari, Dina (2021) Leadership coordinator of search and rescue mission on earthquake event in Palu central Sulawesi. Disaster Advances, 14 (2). 19 – 26. ISSN 0974262X
Ahmad, Nyarwi (2024) SOCIALLY MEDIATED POPULIST COMMUNICATION IN INDONESIA'S 2018 GUBERNATORIAL ELECTIONS. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 20 (2). 149 – 187. ISSN 18236243
Aidulsyah, Fachri and Ikhwan, Hakimul (2023) The Rise and Fall of Sultanate Authorities in Post-Colonial Indonesia. Suvannabhumi: Multidisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 15 (1). 61 – 89. ISSN 2092738X
Androff, David and Damanik, Janianton (2023) SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL WORK, AND THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Taylor and Francis, 1 – 38. ISBN 978-100099633-3; 978-103201126-4
Anggadwita, Grisna and Indarti, Nurul (2023) Women entrepreneurship in the internationalization of SMEs: a bibliometric analysis for future research directions. European Business Review, 35 (5). 763 – 796. ISSN 0955534X
Anggalini, T.D. and Retnandari, N.D. and Yuliani, K. and Keban, Y.T. and Mulyo, J.H. (2020) Sustainable food agriculture land protection policy for Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Solution or dilemma? In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Anggreni, Likha Sari and Prajarto, Nunung and Kurnia, Novi (2024) Urgency of identity communication issues research between 1983 to 2023: Bibliometric analysis. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7 (9). ISSN 25953982
Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Dieleman, Marleen and Randøy, Trond (2024) Multiple-Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State-Owned Enterprises. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (6). 2406 – 2436. ISSN 00222380
Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Kusumasari, Bevaola and Pramusinto, Agus and Setianto, Widodo Agus (2021) Digital divide in ASEAN member states: analyzing the critical factors for successful e-government programs. Online Information Review, 45 (2). 440 – 460. ISSN 14684527
Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Utomo, Wisnu Prasetya and Purwanto, Erwan Agus (2022) Examining the policy narratives and the role of the media in policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 15 (3). 541 – 557. ISSN 17516234
Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Utomo, Wisnu Prasetya and Purwanto, Erwan Agus (2022) Examining the policy narratives and the role of the media in policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 15 (3). 541 – 557. ISSN 17516234
Atnan, Nur and Abrar, Ana Nadhya (2023) Relation of Social Media Literacy, Trust, and Information Quality on Public Communication Behaviour in Urban Local Government Social Media in Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 39 (2). 210 – 226. ISSN 2289151X
Atnan, Nur and Prajarto, Nunung and Kurnia, Novi (2024) Social Media Management in Local Government: A Case Study of Bandung City Government's Instagram and Twitter (X), Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 40 (2). 465 – 481. ISSN 2289151X
Azca, Muhammad Najib and Putri, Rani Dwi (2023) The Women ‘Behind’ the Mujahidin Eastern Indonesia: Negotiating Agency and Gender Dynamics. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. ISSN 1057610X
Azca, Muhammad Najib and Putri, Rani Dwi and Nilan, Pam (2023) Gendered youth transitions in local jihad in Indonesia: negotiating agency in arranged marriage. Journal of Youth Studies. ISSN 13676261
Budi, Arya and Pamungkas, Warih Aji (2020) Partisanship in crisis: Public response to covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 24 (1). 15 – 32. ISSN 14104946
Damanik, Janianton and Priyambodo, Tri Kuntoro and Wibowo, Moh Edi and Pitanatri, Putu Diah Sastri and Wachyuni, Suci Sandi (2023) Travel behaviour differences among Indonesian youth in Generations Y and Z: pre-, during and post-travel. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, 18 (1). 35 – 48. ISSN 27526666
Devrizon, Devrizon and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Hadna, Agus Heruanto (2024) ANALYSIS OF THE BUDGET FORMULATION PROCESS THROUGH THE MULTIPLE STREAMS APPROACH. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 13 (1 Spec). 299 – 309. ISSN 22209352
Erawan, I Ketut Putra (1991) Studi tentang Revolusi Sosial: Suatu Bahasan Pengantar. Jurusan Ilmu Pemerintahan fakultas ISIPOL UGM, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)
Fauzi, Fadhli Zul and Kusumasari, Bevaola (2020) Public-private partnership in Western and non-Western countries: a search for relevance. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 26 (1). 87 – 102. ISSN 13664387
Felix, Mark Stephan and Kitcharoen, Patreeya and Le, Thi Ngoc Phuc and Puspitasari, Dewi Cahyani and Guo, Haihu (2023) Social support needs to encourage health-related technology use among elderly persons who age in place: a scoping review. Journal of Public Health and Development, 21 (3). 315 – 332. ISSN 26730774
Habibie, D.K. and Darwin, M. and Suharko, Suharko (2023) The Dynamics of The Role Oil Palm Smallholders in Implementing ISPO Certification: Looking Back to Moving Forward. In: International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues and Community Development,.
Habibie, Dedi Kusuma and Darwin, Muhadjir and Suharko, Suharko (2024) Certification of sustainable palm oil plantations in the co-optation of global vegetable competition: Dialogue and dialectics. In: E3S Web of Conferences.
Hadna, Agus Heruanto and Kartika, Dyah (2017) Evaluation of poverty alleviation policy: Can conditional cash transfers improve the academic performance of poor students in Indonesia? Cogent Social Sciences, 3 (1). ISSN 23311886
Hadna, Agus Heruanto and Listyaningsih, Umi and Ihwanudin, Idris (2022) To what extent have street-level bureaucrats used their discretionary powers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia? International Journal of Public Sector Management, 35 (7). 806 – 820. ISSN 09513558
Hartarto, R.B. and Hajar, I. (2024) Television Viewing and Divorce in Indonesia: Evidence from Macro Data. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 32. pp. 1-13. ISSN 24654418
Hermawan, Anang and Guntoro, Budi and Sulhan, Muhamad (2024) Community Engagement for Disaster Preparedness in Rural Areas of Mount Merapi, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 19 (4). 1505 – 1518. ISSN 17437601
Heslinga, Jasper Hessel and Yusuf, Mohamad and Damanik, Janianton and Stokman, Menno (2024) Future strategies for tourism destination management: post COVID-19 lessons observed from Borobudur, Indonesia. Journal of Tourism Futures, 10 (1). 68 – 74. ISSN 20555911
Husna, Khuriyatul and Kusumasari, Bevaola and Pramusinto, Agus (2019) Building a network concept in contemporary public administration. Public Administration Issues (5). 46 – 61. ISSN 19995431
Isbah, M. Falikul and Kailani, Najib and Kustiningsih, Wahyu and Artosa, Odam Asdi and Zamjani, Irsyad (2023) Indonesia’s Recent University Graduates amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Employability and Resilience*. Journal of Asian Sociology, 52 (2). 109 – 133. ISSN 26714574
Isbah, M. Falikul and Kailani, Najib and Kustiningsih, Wahyu and Artosa, Odam Asdi and Zamjani, Irsyad (2023) Indonesia’s Recent University Graduates amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Employability and Resilience*. Journal of Asian Sociology, 52 (2). 109 – 133. ISSN 26714574
Isbah, M. Falikul and Sakhiyya, Zulfa (2023) Pesantren in Contemporary Indonesia: Negotiating Between Equity and the Market. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, 70. 137 – 152. ISSN 15735397
Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah and Nurhadi, Nurhadi (2023) An Inclusive Social Health Insurance for People with Disabilities in Three Southeast Asia Countries: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 27. 103 – 122. ISSN 14104946
Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah and Nurhadi, Nurhadi (2023) An Inclusive Social Health Insurance for People with Disabilities in Three Southeast Asia Countries: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 27. 103 – 122. ISSN 14104946
Kasiwi, Aulia Nur and Mutiarin, Dyah and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Nurmandi, Achmad and Agustiyara, Agustiyara (2024) Digital Government Integrating System Combining the Data Complexity. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1958 C. 331 – 338. ISSN 18650929
Kismono, Gugup and Paramita, Widya and Lintang, Gabriela B. (2023) Can acceptance promote life satisfaction during a work from home regime? The mediating role of work-life balance and job stress. Cogent Business and Management, 10 (2). ISSN 23311975
Kristiansen, Stein and Dwiyanto, Agus and Pramusinto, Agus and Putranto, Erwan Agus (2009) Public sector reforms and financial transparency: Experiences from indonesian districts1. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 31 (1). 64 – 87. ISSN 0129797X
Kurniawan, Nanang Indra and Rye, Ståle Angen (2024) The relational state and local struggles in the mapping of land in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of Peasant Studies. ISSN 03066150
Kusumasari, Bevaola (2015) Women adaptive capacity in post disaster recovery in Indonesia. Asian Social Science, 11 (12). 281 – 289. ISSN 19112017
Kusumasari, Bevaola and Prabowo, Nias Phydra Aji (2020) Scraping social media data for disaster communication: how the pattern of Twitter users affects disasters in Asia and the Pacific. Natural Hazards, 103 (3). 3415 – 3435. ISSN 0921030X
Kusumasari, Bevaola and Pramusinto, Agus and Santoso, Anang Dwi and Fathin, Cinintya Audori (2019) What shapes public sector innovation? Public Policy and Administration, 18 (4). 430 – 446. ISSN 16482603
Kusumasari, Bevaola and Retnandari, Nunuk Dwi (2021) When pandemic knocks, adapt fast: Strategy and resilient of MSMEs facing crisis in Indonesia. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 12 (4). 392 – 412. ISSN 14793059
Kusumasari, Bevaola and Sajida, Sajida and Santoso, Anang Dwi and Fauzi, Fadhli Zul (2024) The Reinventing of public administration in the new hybrid world. Teaching Public Administration, 42 (2). 206 – 229. ISSN 01447394
Kutanegara, Pande Made (2024) The Politics of Knowledge and Social Cash Transfers: The Constitutive Effects of an Anti-Poverty Regime in Indonesia. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 54 (4). pp. 549-572. ISSN 00472336
Larasati, Zita Wahyu and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Syafa'at, Akbarian Rifki (2023) Digital welfare state and problem arising: an exploration and future research agenda. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43 (5-6). 537 – 549. ISSN 0144333X
Lele, Gabriel (2023) Asymmetric decentralization, accommodation and separatist conflict: lessons from Aceh and Papua, Indonesia. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11 (5). 972 – 990. ISSN 21622671
Lele, Gabriel (2023) Concurrency as crisis decision-making governance: Lessons from Indonesia's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional and Federal Studies, 33 (3). 307 – 332. ISSN 13597566
Lele, Gabriel (2023) Concurrency as crisis decision-making governance: Lessons from Indonesia's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional and Federal Studies, 33 (3). 307 – 332. ISSN 13597566
Lele, Gabriel (2020) Revisiting the virtues of veto point: political corruption in post-Soeharto Indonesia. Journal of Legislative Studies, 26 (2). 275 – 294. ISSN 13572334
Lestari, N. and Kusumasari, B. and Susanto, E. and Keban, Y.T. (2021) Policy adoption process on climate change adaptation. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Lindawati, Lisa (2022) The Role of Information and Communication Technology for Economic Sustainability through Social Entrepreneurship Practices in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 26 (2). 213 – 226. ISSN 14104946
Martino, Martino and Margono, S.A. (2024) The publicness of voluntary action during crisis: From resilience mechanisms to resistance tactics. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. ISSN 10911359
Medias, Fahmi and Rosari, Reni and Susamto, Akhmad Akbar and Ab Rahman, Asmak Binti (2023) A bibliometric analysis on innovation in philanthropy research: a study based on Scopus database. International Journal of Innovation Science. ISSN 17572223
Mumtaz, Zahid and Roumpakis, Antonios and Sumarto, Mulyadi (2023) Overcoming hybridisation in global welfare regime classifications: Lessons from a single case study. Journal of Social Policy. ISSN 00472794
Muslim, Roni and Nqz, Rinto Anugraha and Khalif, Muhammad Ardhi (2024) Mass media and its impact on opinion dynamics of the nonlinear q-voter model. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 633. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0378-4371
Mustofa, Mustofa and Sugiyanto, Catur and Susamto, Akhmad Akbar (2023) Do education and religiosity affect redistribution preferences? Cakrawala Pendidikan, 42 (1). 53 – 63. ISSN 02161370
Nakaya, Ayami and Arfani, Junita Widiati and Arfani, Riza Noer (2024) Critical global citizenship of high school students in Indonesia and Japan. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 19 (1). 53 – 71. ISSN 17511917
Novianto, Arif and Wulansari, Anindya Dessi and Keban, Yeremias T. (2023) Searching for a better job : Indonesian gig workers and the limits of decent work agendas. Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 17 (2). 71 – 90. ISSN 1745641X
Nugraha, Iqbal Reza and Sahadewo, Gumilang Aryo and Setiastuti, Sekar Utami (2024) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on regional inflation in Indonesia. Studies in Economics and Finance. ISSN 10867376
Nurhadi, Nurhadi and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah and Pratiyudha, Pinurba Parama (2023) Changing welfare solidarity: social policy and solidarity ventures during COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Public Policy. ISSN 17516234
Nurhadi, Nurhadi and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah and Pratiyudha, Pinurba Parama (2023) Changing welfare solidarity: social policy and solidarity ventures during COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Public Policy. ISSN 17516234
Nurhadi, Nurhadi and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah and Pratiyudha, Pinurba Parama (2023) Changing welfare solidarity: social policy and solidarity ventures during COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Public Policy. ISSN 17516234
Nurhadi, Nurhadi and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah and Pratiyudha, Pinurba Parama (2023) Changing welfare solidarity: social policy and solidarity ventures during COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Public Policy. ISSN 17516234
Nurjanah, Adhianty and Mutiarin, Dyah and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Apriliani, Riski (2021) The Crisis Communication in Using Artificial Intelligent to Face COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Octastefani, Theresia and Kusuma, Bayu Mitra A. (2023) Suddenly Home: Returned Women Migrant Workers due to COVID-19 Pandemic Seeking Emergency Income and Equal Gender Roles in the Household. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 27 (1). 19 – 31. ISSN 14104946
Octastefani, Theresia and Kusuma, Bayu Mitra A. (2023) Suddenly Home: Returned Women Migrant Workers due to COVID-19 Pandemic Seeking Emergency Income and Equal Gender Roles in the Household. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 27 (1). 19 – 31. ISSN 14104946
Panjaitan, Jenri M. P. and Darwin, Muhadjir and Bastian, Indra and Sukamdi, Sukamdi (2020) What do banks, rural credit institutions, and regulators infer from the current strengths and standing of Indonesian SMEs? Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 22 (1). 1 – 23. ISSN 14111128
Parahita, Gilang Desti and Monggilo, Zainuddin Muda Z. and Wendratama, Engelbertus (2020) The future journalists of timor-leste: Job expectations, knowledge and skills in multimedia journalism. Pacific Journalism Review, 26 (1). 264 – 278. ISSN 10239499
Pellini, Arnaldo and Pramusinto, Agus and Fatonie, Iskhak (2018) Brokering knowledge and policy analysis within the Indonesian public sector. Springer Singapore, 47 – 64. ISBN 978-981130167-4; 978-981130166-7
Pradana, I Putu Yoga Bumi and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Susanto, Ely (2023) The Institutionalization of Public Innovation: Evidence from Indonesia. Administration and Society, 55 (4). 726 – 751. ISSN 00953997
Pradana, I Putu Yoga Bumi and Susanto, Ely and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi (2022) Analyzing the critical factors for innovation sustainability in the public sector: evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 35 (7). 733 – 748. ISSN 09513558
Pradana, I Putu Yoga Bumi and Susanto, Ely and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi (2022) Analyzing the critical factors for innovation sustainability in the public sector: evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 35 (7). 733 – 748. ISSN 09513558
Pradana, I. Putu Yoga Bumi and Susanto, Ely and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi (2022) Bibliometric Analysis of Public Sector Innovation. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 25 (3). 297 – 315. ISSN 14104946
Pradhana, Ghozian Aulia and Tania, Syaifa (2021) Hyperreality of #blacklivesmatter movement on social media. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 37 (3). 288 – 303. ISSN 2289151X
Pramusinto, Agus (2016) Weak central authority and fragmented bureaucracy: A study of policy implementation in Indonesia. Cambridge University Press, 98 – 170. ISBN 978-131634065-3; 978-110754517-5
Pramusinto, Agus and Prasojo, Eko and Sutiyono, Wahyu (2018) In conclusion–bridging the governance deficit. Policy Studies, 39 (6). 638 – 640. ISSN 01442872
Pramusinto, Agus and Purwanto, Erwan Agus (2017) Case study 2: Toward Surabaya Cyber City: From GRMS to e-Sapawarga (2004-2014). Springer International Publishing, 55 – 83. ISBN 978-331957478-3; 978-331957477-6
Pratama, Andika and Dimas, Muhammad and Putri, Febriana Andiani (2024) Social work practice during times of disaster: A transformative green social work model for theory, education, and practice in disaster interventions. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. ISSN 10911359
Purnomo, Boyke Rudy and Adiguna, Rocky and Widodo, Widodo and Suyatna, Hempri and Nusantoro, Bangun Prajanto (2021) Entrepreneurial resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic: navigating survival, continuity and growth. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 13 (4). 497 – 524. ISSN 20534604
Purwanto, Erwan Agus (2018) Smart city as an upshot of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 14 (3). 32 – 43. ISSN 15483886
Purwanto, Erwan Agus and Pramusinto, Agus (2018) Decentralization and functional assignment in Indonesia: the case of health and education services. Policy Studies, 39 (6). 589 – 606. ISSN 01442872
Qoriawan, Terra and Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi (2023) Exploring connections within the technology-based entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) in emerging economies: understanding the entrepreneurship struggle in the Indonesian EE. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 15 (2). 301 – 332. ISSN 20534604
Ragandhi, Arsad and Hadna, Agus Heruanto and Setiadi, Setiadi and Maryudi, Ahmad (2021) Why do greater forest tenure rights not enthuse local communities? An early observation on the new community forestry scheme in state forests in Indonesia. Forest and Society, 5 (1). 159 – 166. ISSN 25494724
Rindrasih, Erda and Ratminto, Ratminto and Effendi, Kurnia Cahyaningrum and Silviani, Dian (2024) Expert perspectives on disaster risk reduction strategies in the tourist area of Borobudur-Yogyakarta-Prambanan in Indonesia. Progress in Disaster Science, 24. ISSN 25900617
Romadiyanti, Beta and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Sumaryono, Sumaryono and Ciptono, Wakhid Slamet (2024) Beyond-Compliance Behaviour: Concept and Operationalization in the Context of Using Domestic Products Policy in Public Procurement. Journal of Policy Studies, 39 (1). 17 – 27. ISSN 27999130
Rorintulus, Olga A. and Saktiningrum, Nur and Wuntu, Ceisy Nita and Al Hafizh, Muhd. and Mamentu, Agustine C. (2024) Raising Awareness of Gender Discrimination Against Indigenous Australian Women of the Stolen Generation Through Doris Kartinyeri’s Kick The Tin. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 15 (4). 1323 – 1330. ISSN 17984769
Ruslanjari, Dina and Made, Rahmat Hidayat and Dewi, Titis Puspita and Hakim, Inayah Bastin Al (2021) Resilience of voluntary "bui squad" prisoners in response to earthquake event at correctional institution in palu central Sulawesi. Disaster Advances, 14 (3). 73 – 82. ISSN 0974262X
Sajida, Sajida and Kusumasari, Bevaola (2023) Public private partnership implementation in education sector: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Management in Education, 17 (5). 520 – 539. ISSN 1750385X
Sari, Dewi Kartika and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Kurnia, Novi (2022) Delivery structure of nationalism message on Twitter in the context of Indonesian netizens. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12 (1). ISSN 18695450
Sari, Ratna Candra and Sholihin, Mahfud and Zuhrohtun, Zuhrohtun and Purnama, Ida Ayu and Udhma, Umi Syafaatul (2023) Black or white is not always delineated: The influence of moral disengagement and clawbacks on the intention to manipulate accrual earnings and real activity. Cogent Business and Management, 10 (3). ISSN 23311975
Sasmita, Siska and Kusumasari, Bevaola and Pramusinto, Agus and Susanto, Ely (2022) From solitary to an adaptive continuum process: Toward a new framework of natural disaster emergency decision-making. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 54 (2). 321 – 326. ISSN 00249521
Savirani, Amalinda and Wardhani, Indah Surya (2022) Local social movements and local democracy: tin and gold mining in Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 30 (4). 489 – 505. ISSN 0967828X
Setiawan, Hari Harjanto and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Susantyo, Badrun and Sulubere, Muhammad Belanawane and Ganti, Mery and Habibullah, Habibullah and Sabarisman, Muslim and Murni, Ruaida (2023) Scaling up social entrepreneurship to reduce poverty: Exploring the challenges and opportunities through stakeholder engagement. Frontiers in Sociology, 8. ISSN 22977775
Setiyaningsih, Y. and Pramusinto, A. and Kusumasari, B. and Purbokusumo, Y. (2023) Changes in the forming aspects of the public service bargains components in determining the general budget policy. In: AIP Conference Proceedings.
Setiyaningsih, Y. and Pramusinto, A. and Kusumasari, B. and Purbokusumo, Y. (2023) Changes in the forming aspects of the public service bargains components in determining the general budget policy. In: AIP Conference Proceedings.
Setyaningsih, Titik and Bastian, Indra and Arifa, Choirunnisa and Rakhman, Fuad (2023) Pandemic Leadership: Is It Just a Matter of Good and Bad? Public Organization Review, 23 (2). 605 – 621. ISSN 15667170
Subarsono, Agustinus and Utomo, Puguh Prasetya and Laksana, Lutfi Untung Angga (2024) DETERMINANTS OF COVID-19 FATALITY RATES IN INDONESIA: A CONFIGURATIONAL ANALYSIS OF GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND SOCIETAL CONDITIONS. Public Administration Issues (5). 65 – 89. ISSN 19995431
Sucipto, Hadi and Nurhadi, Nurhadi and Supriyati, Supriyati (2023) The Social Support of Extended Family as the protective factor of Stunting among Migrant Labour Families in Magetan, East Java. In: BIO Web Conf..
Sulaiman, Tatang and Hadna, Agus Heruanto and Darwin, Muhadjir and Kutanegara, Pande Made (2023) The Transformational Leadership, Public Service Motivation And Perfomance Of Handling The Covid-19 Pandemic : The Army Soldiers In Implementing Military Operations. Quality - Access to Success, 24 (193). 176 – 181. ISSN 15822559
Sulaiman, Tatang and Hadna, Agus Heruanto and Darwin, Muhadjir and Kutanegara, Pande Made (2023) The Transformational Leadership, Public Service Motivation And Perfomance Of Handling The Covid-19 Pandemic : The Army Soldiers In Implementing Military Operations. Quality - Access to Success, 24 (193). 176 – 181. ISSN 15822559
Sulistiyani, A.T. and Sutarno, Sutarno and Setyono, P. and Wahyuningsih, R.D. (2020) Bureaucratic role in green village innovation model at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Sulistyarini, Dhanik and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Rajiyem, Rajiyem (2024) Javanese Cultural Content and Identity Construction: Study on Javanese Transmigrant Descendants in Lampung, Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 40 (2). 448 – 464. ISSN 2289151X
Sulistyarini, Dhanik and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Rajiyem, Rajiyem (2024) Javanese Cultural Content and Identity Construction: Study on Javanese Transmigrant Descendants in Lampung, Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 40 (2). 448 – 464. ISSN 2289151X
Sumarto, Mulyadi (2020) Insecurity and Historical Legacies in Welfare Regime Change in Southeast Asia-Insights from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Social Policy and Society, 19 (4). 629 – 643. ISSN 14747464
Sumini, Sumini and Sukamdi, Sukamdi and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie and Keban, Yeremias T. and Darwin, Muhadjir (2020) Elderly Care: A Study on Community Care Services in Sleman, DIY, Indonesia. Journal of Aging Research, 2020. ISSN 20902204
Sumini, Sumini and Sukamdi, Sukamdi and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie and Keban, Yeremias T. and Darwin, Muhadjir (2020) Elderly Care: A Study on Community Care Services in Sleman, DIY, Indonesia. Journal of Aging Research, 2020. ISSN 20902204
Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Wivaqussaniyyah, Wivaqussaniyyah and Darwin, Muhadjir and Hadna, Agus Heruanto (2022) Partnership building between NGOs and Indonesian local governments: a case study of integrative leadership immersing itself in innovativeness. International Journal of Social Economics, 49 (7). 1029 – 1048. ISSN 03068293
Supriharyanti, Elisabeth and Sukoco, Badri Munir and Ubaidi, Abdillah and Susanto, Ely and Widianto, Sunu and Nasution, Reza Ashari and Fauzi, Anas Miftah and Wu, Wann-Yih (2024) Empowering leadership and team change capability: the mediating effect of team PsyCap. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 45 (6). 1083 – 1101. ISSN 01437739
Susanto, Isni Wahidiyah and Kusumasari, Bevaola and Santoso, Anang Dwi and Bafadhal, Oemar Madri (2023) Social Capital in Disaster Management: A Systematic Literature Review of Research Trends from 1998 to 2019. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (2). 179 – 189. ISSN 00249521
Sutiyono, Wahyu and Pramusinto, Agus and Prasojo, Eko (2018) Introduction to the mini special issue: understanding governance in Indonesia. Policy Studies, 39 (6). 581 – 588. ISSN 01442872
Suyatna, Hempri and Indroyono, Puthut and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Firdaus, Rindu Sanubari Mashita (2024) How Community-based Tourism Improves Community Welfare? A Practical Case Study of ‘Governing the Commons’ in Rural Nglanggeran, Indonesia. International Journal of Community and Social Development, 6 (1). 77 – 96. ISSN 25166026
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