Items where Subject is "HT Communities. Classes. Races"

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Number of items at this level: 33.


Abrar, Ana Nadhya (2021) The role of collaborative journalism in West Papua A Jubi and Tirto case study. PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW, 27 (1-2). pp. 119-131. ISSN 1023-9499

Ahmad, Nyarwi (2024) What Drive Marketization and Professionalization of Campaigning of Political Parties in the Emerging Democracy? Evidence from Indonesia in the Post-Soeharto New Order. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL MARKETING, 23 (1). pp. 26-50. ISSN 1537-7857

Anggreni, Likha Sari and Prajarto, Nunung and Kurnia, Novi (2024) Urgency of identity communication issues research between 1983 to 2023: Bibliometric analysis. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7 (9). ISSN 25953982

Aprianto, Yudie and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Rajiyem, Rajiyem (2023) Leaders' Sensemaking in Communicating Organizational Change. Studies in Media and Communication, 11 (6). 147 – 157. ISSN 23258071

Atnan, Nur and Prajarto, Nunung and Kurnia, Novi (2024) Social Media Management in Local Government: A Case Study of Bandung City Government's Instagram and Twitter (X), Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 40 (2). 465 – 481. ISSN 2289151X


Budiman, Karina and Kusumasari, Bevaola (2021) Mapping the new elements of local government disaster management capability: a systematic analysis of research trends 2003–2018. International Journal of Emergency Management, 17 (1). 65 – 89. ISSN 14714825


Danar, Oscar Radyan and Kusumasari, Bevaola and Muluk, M.R. Khairul (2020) From phenomena to implementation: Lessons and challenges of administrative reforms in Indonesia. Public Administration Issues (6). 33 – 50. ISSN 19995431


Fahadi, Prasakti Ramadhana (2022) Social Media Advocacy for Gender Equality by Indonesian Men: The Case of Aliansi Laki-laki Baru (New Men's Alliance). Asiascape: Digital Asia, 9 (3). 302 – 333. ISSN 22142304


Gaffar, Afan (1980) Mahasiswa Sebagai Agent of Modernization. Akademi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)


Hermawan, Anang and Guntoro, Budi and Sulhan, Muhamad (2024) Community Engagement for Disaster Preparedness in Rural Areas of Mount Merapi, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 19 (4). 1505 – 1518. ISSN 17437601

Hermawan, Anang and Guntoro, Budi and Sulhan, Muhamad (2024) Community Engagement for Disaster Preparedness in Rural Areas of Mount Merapi, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 19 (4). 1505 – 1518. ISSN 17437601


Mantra, Ida Bagoes Commuting, Circulation and Migration in Yogyakarta Special Region A Case Study Of Two Dukuh, Kadirojo and Piring. -, -. (Unpublished)

Mustika, Wening and Savirani, Amalinda (2021) 'Ghost accounts', 'joki accounts' and 'account therapy': Everyday resistance among ride-hailing motorcycle drivers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 39 (1). 48 – 67. ISSN 13954199


Nawireja, I.K. and Pramudya, E.P. and Wibowo, L.R. and Hapsari, M. (2021) Better social welfare through sustainable land-based production: Assessing the potency of jurisdiction certification on the forestry sector. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Nurkhayati, Farida and Fitrady, Ardyanto (2023) The impact of immigration on urban housing prices in Indonesia. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. ISSN 17538270


Parahita, Gilang Desti and Monggilo, Zainuddin Muda Z. and Wendratama, Engelbertus (2020) The future journalists of timor-leste: Job expectations, knowledge and skills in multimedia journalism. Pacific Journalism Review, 26 (1). 264 – 278. ISSN 10239499

Prajarto, Yuventius Agustinus Nunung and Purwaningtyas, Mashita Phitaloka Fandia (2021) My personal showroom: Indonesian youths’ identity and space construction in Instagram. SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research, 2021 (Specia). 35 – 47. ISSN 2229872X


Raya, Alia Bihrajihant and Irwan, Siti Nurul Rofiqo and Utami, Retno Nur and Sarwadi, Ahmad (2020) Community Perception of the Development of Productive Landscape in Yogyakarta City. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 35 (2). 239 – 249. ISSN 26139456


Savirani, Amalinda and Saedi, Edi (2022) Juggling While Claiming Rights: The Urban Poor Community in North Jakarta. Springer Nature, 133 – 150. ISBN 978-981167955-1; 978-981167954-4

Shalihati, Sakinah Fathrunnadi and Kurniawan, Andri and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Marwasta, Djaka and Dharmowijoyo, Dimas Bayu Endrayana (2022) Daily Activity Space for Various Generations in the Yogyakarta Metropolitan Area. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (20). ISSN 20711050

Sholihin, Muhammad and Sugiyanto, Catur and Susamto, Akhmad Akbar (2023) Rethinking the Essentiality of Homo Islamicus: Exploring the Fundamental Critiques. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 13 (2). 210 – 230. ISSN 20750943

Sidik, Fajar and Habibi, Muchtar (2023) A Prize for the Village Ruling Class: “Village Funds” and Class Dynamics in Rural Indonesia. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA, 54 (3). 387 -411. ISSN 0047-2336

Sjafrie, Nurul Dhewani Mirah and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Hernawan, Udhi E. and Triyono, Triyono and Yuwono, Doddy M. and Hafizt, Muhammad and Adi, Novi Susetyo and Ambo-Rappe, Rohani and Prayudha, Bayu and Selamat, Muhammad Banda and Sani, Sofia Yunia and Harahap, Setiawan Djody and Salsabila, Huwaida Nur and Wijaya, Jennifer and Roelfsema, Chris (2023) Network analysis reveals overlapping roles of stakeholders related to seagrass-data provisioning in Indonesia. Marine Policy, 157. ISSN 0308597X

Sunaryo, Widodo and Notosudjono, Didik and Sulhan, Muhammad (2024) Influence of Personality and Job Satisfaction on Managerial Effectiveness and Organizational Commitment. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2024 (109). 250 – 269. ISSN 1302597X

Supartono, Wahyu and Wahyuni, Hermin Indah and Yulianto, Vissia Ita and Umemiya, Naoki (2024) The Impact of Studying Abroad on the Three Pillars of Higher Education at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia: Challenges and Breakthroughs. Sustainable Development Goals Series, Part F. 163 – 179. ISSN 25233084

Susetyo, Agung Sutanto Adi and Abrar, Ana Nadhya and Darwin, Muhadjir M. and Djunaedi, Achmad (2024) Strategic renewal through digital transformation: Insights from Indonesia’s telecom industry. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8 (10). ISSN 25727923

Suwignyo, Agus and Sudarmadi, Tular and Wahyuni, Hermin Indah (2024) Between Development and Politics: The Decline of the Community Service Program in Indonesian Higher Education, 1960s–1970s. Paramita, 34 (2). 316 – 332. ISSN 08540039


Usman, Sunyoto and Abdullah, Imran T. and Sutaryo, Sutaryo and Suharjoso Sk, Ahmad Adaby Dampak Industri Terhadap Aspek Sosio-Kultural Masyarakat Sekitarnya. Pusat Penelitian dan Studi Kebudayaaan UGM, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)


Wahyuni, Hermin Indah (2024) Trust, pandemic and communication: an analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic from an autopoietic systems perspective. Kybernetes, 53 (12). 5136 – 5154. ISSN 0368492X

Wahyuni, Hermin Indah and Fitrah, Andi Awaluddin and Eprilianto, Deby Febriyan and Mardalena, Ida (2024) Technology, transparency, and collaboration/integration: Analysis of digital government problems from public communication perspective during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Information Polity, 29 (1). 93 -111. ISSN 15701255

Wahyuni, Hermin Indah and Fitrah, Andi Awaluddin and Eprilianto, Deby Febriyan and Mardalena, Ida (2024) Technology, transparency, and collaboration/integration: Analysis of digital government problems from public communication perspective during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Information Polity, 29 (1). 93 – 111. ISSN 15701255

Wahyuni, Hermin Indah and Rum, Muhammad and Octastefani, Theresia and Fitrah, Andi Awaluddin (2023) Between science, religion, and politics: multi-layered communication responses to maritime disaster in Indonesia. Media Asia, 50 (3). 355 – 372. ISSN 01296612

Wendratama, Engelbertus and Aprilia, Monika Pretty and Sari, Yuni Afita and Kurnia, Novi and Utomo, Wisnu Prasetya (2023) Domesticating WhatsApp Groups: Indonesian Women’s Experience with Misinformation and Hate Speech in the 2019 Election. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 39 (4). 372 – 390. ISSN 2289151X

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