Items where Subject is "HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare"

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Number of items at this level: 49.


Ambarwati, S.D.A. and Effendi, M.I. and Pandangwati, S.T. (2024) Local Community Readiness to Implement Smart Tourism Destination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: Artificial Intelligence and Transforming Digital Marketing., 487 . Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH,, pp. 425-436.

Ambarwati, Sri Dwi Ari and Effendi, Mohamad Irhas and Pandangwati, Sri Tuntung (2024) Local Community Readiness to Implement Smart Tourism Destination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 487. 425 -436. ISSN 21984182

Amru, Moh. and Khaqiqi, Moh. Nur and Rahmawati, Linda and Kochling, Anne and Seeler, Sabrina and vander Merwe, Peet and Postma, Albert (2023) Towards sustainable and resilient tourism futures: Insights from the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT). JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 57. pp. 258-259. ISSN 1447-6770

Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi and Dieleman, Marleen and Randoy, Trond (2024) Multiple-Principal Demands and CEO Compliance in Emerging Market State-Owned Enterprises. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 61 (6). pp. 2406-2436. ISSN 0022-2380

Asmorowati, Sulikah and Yuda, Tauchid Komara (2024) How can child assistance policy supporting familisation be supported? International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 44 (11-12). 991 – 999. ISSN 0144333X


Bahruddin, Bahruddin and Macdonald, Kate and Diprose, Rachael and Delgado Pugley, Deborah (2024) Scaling-up sustainable commodity governance through jurisdictional initiatives: Political pathways to sector transformation in the Indonesian palm oil sector? World Development, 176. ISSN 0305750X


Eddyono, Suzanna (2024) The shift in the regime of silence: Selective erasure of the 1965 massacre in post-New Order Indonesia's official narrative. MEMORY STUDIES, 17 (4). pp. 776-794. ISSN 1750-6980




Habibi, Muchtar (2021) Masters of the countryside and their enemies: Class dynamics of agrarian changes in rural Java. JOURNAL OF AGRARIAN CHANGE, 21 (4). pp. 720-746. ISSN 1471-0358

Habibullah, Habibullah and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Setiawan, Hari Harjanto and Susantyo, Badrun (2024) Moving beyond stereotype: A qualitative study of long-standing recipients of the Indonesian conditional cash transfers (CCT/PKH). SOCIAL POLICY & ADMINISTRATION, 58 (1). pp. 108-121. ISSN 0144-5596

Habibullah, Habibullah and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Setiawan, Hari Harjanto and Susantyo, Badrun (2024) Moving beyond stereotype: A qualitative study of long-standing recipients of the Indonesian conditional cash transfers (CCT/PKH). Social Policy and Administration, 58 (1). 108 -121. ISSN 01445596

Hartarto, Romi Bhakti and Susamto, Akhmad Akbar and Rizkan, Muhammad and Hajar, Ibnu and Safira, Lulu and Mostafa, Embarika (2023) Conditional cash transfer and stunting prevention: Evidence from Bima, West Nusa Tenggara. Cogent Social Sciences, 9 (2). ISSN 23311886

Hendriana, Evelyn and Bhinekawati, Risa and Farransahat, Matahari (2024) Roles of entrepreneurship competence in stimulating young generation to become social entrepreneurs in an emerging country. Social Enterprise Journal. ISSN 17508614


Idajati, H. and Damanik, J. and Kusworo, H.A. and Rindrasih, E. (2024) The role of social capital and individual competence on community resilience of the tourism industry against climate change. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.



Kurniawan, Nanang Indra and Hasanah, Mahesti and Pamungkas, Warih Aji (2023) The Challenges of Nuclear Power Plant Development in Indonesia: A Case of Thorium Power Plant in Bangka Island, Indonesia. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.


Mujiyono, Mujiyono and Wahid, Abd. Hamid and Pabbajah, Mustaqim and Asriani, Asriani and Yusuf, Mirna and Fauziah, Eva (2024) Local Cultural Approach in Navigating Family Conflict: Understanding Cultural Strategies for Human Well-Being. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3 (7). 2153 – 2160. ISSN 27526798

Mumtaz, Zahid and Roumpakis, Antonios and Sumarto, Mulyadi (2023) Overcoming hybridisation in global welfare regime classifications: lessons from a single case study. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY. ISSN 0047-2794

Mumtaz, Zahid and Sumarto, Mulyadi (2024) Suffering and harm in insecurity welfare regimes: Conflict and the nexus of formal and informal welfare in Pakistan. Critical Social Policy. pp. 1-24. ISSN 02610183

Munir, Misbahul and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Kusumah, Echo Perdana and Suwandi, Maygsi Aldian (2024) An exploratory study on women single parents’ experiences in coping with socioeconomic insecurity. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 44 (7-8). 643 – 656. ISSN 0144333X

Mutiarin, Dyah and Wahyuni, Herpita and Ismail, Nur Syakiran Akmal and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi (2023) Social Media in Support of Indonesia's One Data Interoperability Process for Implementing Data Governance Policies. In: AIP Conference Proceedings.


Nugroho, Agung Satriyo and Rijanta, R. and Santoso, Purwo and Marfai, Muh Aris (2023) The Regionalism of Borders in Indonesia (Case Study: Sebatik Island, Indonesia). Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (3). 433 – 442. ISSN 00249521

Nurhadi, Nurhadi and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah and Pratiyudha, Pinurba Parama (2023) Changing welfare solidarity: social policy and solidarity ventures during COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. JOURNAL OF ASIAN PUBLIC POLICY. ISSN 1751-6234


Pinem, Milda Longgeita and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Chen, Anqi (2024) Re-understanding well-being in the Global South: a literature review and conceptual synthesis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL POLICY, 44 (1/2). pp. 114-129. ISSN 0144-333X

Pradana, I Putu Yoga Bumi and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Susanto, Ely (2023) The Institutionalization of Public Innovation: Evidence from Indonesia. Administration and Society, 55 (4). 726 – 751.

Pradana, I Putu Yoga Bumi and Kumorotomo, Wahyudi and Susanto, Ely (2023) The Institutionalization of Public Innovation: Evidence from Indonesia. Administration and Society, 55 (4). 726 – 751. ISSN 00953997


Rahayu, Devi and Supaat, Dina Imam and Yusuf, Mirna (2024) The Neglect of Protection for Undocumented Migrant Workers within the Framework of Human Rights Law. Legality: Jurnal Hukum Ilmiah, 32 (2). pp. 374-393. ISSN 2549-4600

Roziqin, Ali and Syarafina, Zharfa (2021) Tourism village development study: Lesson learned from Flory Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. MASYARAKAT KEBUDAYAAN DAN POLITIK, 34 (2). pp. 173-183. ISSN 2086-7050


Setiyono, B. and Munawaroh, U. (2024) Related party lending and rural bank risk: Evidence during the Covid-19 period. Research in International Business and Finance, 67. ISSN 02755319

Sidik, Fajar and Habibi, Muchtar (2023) A Prize for the Village Ruling Class: “Village Funds” and Class Dynamics in Rural Indonesia. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA, 54 (3). 387 -411. ISSN 0047-2336

Situmorang, Aryanti (2023) Pengalaman Hidup Perempuan Penyandang Disabilitas Pada Masa Pandemi: Sebuah Studi Kasus Di Kota Padangsidimpuan, Sumatera Utara. Masters thesis, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Sumarto, Mulyadi (2021) Welfare and Conflict: Policy Failure in the Indonesian Cash Transfer. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY, 50 (3). pp. 533-551. ISSN 0047-2794

Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Na’im, Ainun and Nugroho, Albertus H. L. and Kurniawan, Firdaus (2023) Multiple measurements of CEOs' overconfidence and future earnings management: evidence from Asia-Pacific developing countries. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10 (1). ISSN 26629992

Supriharyanti, Elisabeth and Sukoco, Badri Munir and Ubaidi, Abdillah and Susanto, Ely and Widianto, Sunu and Nasution, Reza Ashari and Fauzi, Anas Miftah and Wu, Wann-Yih (2024) Empowering leadership and team change capability: the mediating effect of team PsyCap. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 45 (6). 1083 – 1101. ISSN 01437739

Suyatna, Hempri and Indroyono, Puthut and Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Firdaus, Rindu Sanubari Mashita (2024) How Community-based Tourism Improves Community Welfare? A Practical Case Study of ‘Governing the Commons’ in Rural Nglanggeran, Indonesia. International Journal of Community and Social Development, 6 (1). 77 - 96. ISSN 25166026


Tao, Christopher Hong-Yi and Yuda, Tauchid Komara (2024) Unpacking the path-dependent process of academic burden reduction policy in China (1978–2021). Educational Research for Policy and Practice. ISSN 15702081

Triantini, Zusiana Elly and Susetiawan, Susetiawan and Masudi, Wawan (2024) ISLAMIC ORGANISATIONS, INTER-RELIGIOUS PHILANTHROPY AND WELFARE IN DISASTER: Some Experiences from West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Ulumuna, 28 (2). 988 – 1016. ISSN 14113457


Widyastuti, Dhyah Ayu Retno and Wahyuni, Hermin Indah and Wastutiningsih, Sri Peni (2023) Creating a digital ecosystem for sustainable development: Insights from Indonesian micro, small and medium enterprises. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 44 (1). 27 – 38. ISSN 24523151

Wulansari, Anindya Dessi and Novianto, Arif and Keban, Yeremias Torontuan and Hernawan, Ari (2024) Hiding behind the platform: the myth of flexibility for gig workers in Indonesia. SOUTH EAST ASIA RESEARCH, 32 (1). pp. 22-40. ISSN 0967-828X

Wulansari, Anindya Dessi and Novianto, Arif and Keban, Yeremias Torontuan and Hernawan, Ari (2024) Hiding behind the platform: the myth of flexibility for gig workers in Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 32 (1). 22 -40. ISSN 0967828X


Yuda, Tauchid Komara (2023) Beyond path dependency: Analysing Indonesia's social policy responses to two crises. SOCIAL POLICY & ADMINISTRATION, 57 (5). pp. 727-743. ISSN 0144-5596

Yuda, Tauchid Komara (2024) The Politics of Path-Creation: Theory-Building of Social Policy Reform in Post-Economic Crisis Indonesia. Political Studies Review, 22 (3). 553 – 570. ISSN 14789299

Yuda, Tauchid Komara (2024) The Politics of Path-Creation: Theory-Building of Social Policy Reform in Post-Economic Crisis Indonesia. POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW, 22 (3). pp. 553-570. ISSN 1478-9299

Yuda, Tauchid Komara (2021) The complementary roles between clientelism and familism in social policy development. SOCIAL POLICY & ADMINISTRATION, 55 (7). pp. 1370-1392. ISSN 0144-5596

Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Ashfina, Rizqi (2023) Social Policy Development Revisited: The Interplay between Push and Pull Factors in the Indonesian Healthcare Expansion. SOCIAL POLICY AND SOCIETY. ISSN 1474-7464

Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Fauzi, Fadhli Zul (2024) Comparing public support for two indonesian employment policy reforms in a time of COVID-19: Sentiment and emotion analysis of Tweets. IGI Global, 63 – 83. ISBN 979-836931743-3; 979-836931742-6

Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Habibullah, Habibullah and Nurhadi, Nurhadi (2024) Stigma Paradox and Welfare Rights Claiming. Forum for Development Studies, 51 (2). pp. 289-300. ISSN 08039410

Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Pratiyudha, Pinurba Parama and Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah (2023) Managing social policy in the emerging welfare regime of governance: What Indonesia can learn from South Korea's experience. INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL WORK, 66 (2). pp. 357-372. ISSN 0020-8728

Yuda, Tauchid Komara and Pratiyudha, Pinurba Parama and Kafaa, Kafa Abdallah (2021) Revisiting the Singaporean values to welfare as foundational ideas of Central Provident Fund development. ASIAN SOCIAL WORK AND POLICY REVIEW, 15 (3). pp. 199-206. ISSN 1753-1403

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