Items where Subject is "L Education (General)"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- L Education (5)
- L Education (General) (17)
- L Education (5)
Abdullah, Irwan (2024) The contestation of national and religious curricula in indonesia’s madrasas since the passage of the uuspn. Educational Studies, 50 (4). pp. 434-447. ISSN 03055698
Abdullah, Irwan and Hudayana, Bambang and Setiadi, Setiadi and Kutanegara, Pande Made and Indiyanto, Agus (2019) Beyond School Reach: Character Education in Three Schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 9 (3). pp. 145-159. ISSN 2239978X
Abdullah, Irwan and Indiyanto, Agus (2023) Impact of Online Learning on Teachers’ Authority During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Reform, 32 (2). pp. 230-246. ISSN 10567879
Abdullah, Irwan and Ju'subaidi, Ju'subaidi and Mujahidin, Anwar and Choirul Rofiq, Ahmad (2024) Students’ critical awareness of the internet and social media use as resources for Islamic learning in Indonesian public senior high schools. British Journal of Religious Education. pp. 1-16. ISSN 01416200
Abdullah, Irwan and Larasati, Yuniar Galuh and Abdullah, Irwan (2023) Intolerance in Islamic textbooks: The quest for an Islamic teaching model for Indonesian schools. Cogent Education, 10 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2331186X
Anggadwita, Grisna and Indarti, Nurul and Ratten, Vanessa (2023) Changes in Indonesian private universities educational practices in the post COVID-19 environment. International Journal of Management Education, 22 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1472-8117
Ihsan, Ihsan and Pabbajah, Mustaqim and Abdullah, Irwan and Hidayati, Hanik (2024) The contestation of national and religious curricula in indonesia’s madrasas since the passage of the uuspn. Educational Studies, 50 (4). 434 -447. ISSN 03055698
Junaidi, Febi and Permatasari, Sinta Dewi and Srimaryani, Srimaryani and Silviana, Zindi Jenika and Metboki, Maria Yolanda and Hidayat, Amar Noor and Dompeipen, Amanda Christin and Rumohoira, Delta Richelly (2024) Andai-Andai Folk Tale: A Tool to Promote Eco Social Values among Children in Kedurang Community. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3 (3). 461 – 472. ISSN 27526798
Manshur, Fadlil Munawwar (2022) NURCHOLISH MADJID ON INDONESIAN ISLAMIC EDUCATION: A HERMENEUTICAL STUDY. Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 22 (2). pp. 244-259. ISSN 14121190
Nurfahmi, Ardia Pramesti and Yassar, Muhammad Naufal Elian and Wulandari, Intan Kusuma (2024) Non-binary Gender Identities: The Language of Becoming Sebastian Cordoba (2023) Routledge, 180 pp. Gender and Language, 18 (2). 1 – 4. ISSN 17476321
Puspitasari, Devi Ambarwati and Karlina, Yenny and Hernina, Hernina and Kurniawan, Kurniawan and Sutejo, Sutejo and Danardana, Agus Sri (2024) Language Choices and Digital Identity of High School Student Text Messages in the New Capital City of Indonesia: Implication for Language Education. International Journal of Language Education, 8 (1). 162 – 184. ISSN 25488457
Roitman, Sonia and Setiawan, Bakti and Hadny Zakiyaturrahmah, Annisa and Murwani, Ainun (2024) Beyond University Planning Studio Courses: Involving Civil Society Organizations in Educating Planners. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 44 (3). 1078 – 1095. ISSN 0739456X
Suhandano, Suhandano and Febrina, Ria and Isti'anah, Arina and Young, Hwang Who (2024) Korean loanwords in Indonesian; A corpus-based study. Wacana, 25 (3). ISSN 14112272
Sumiyana, Sumiyana and Saputra, Muhammad Adlin (2023) Competing with Media Richness: Cognitive and Psychological Endowment Effects as the Fundamentally Pervasive Perspective of Learning Performance. HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 2023. pp. 1-12.
Tesar, Marek and Pangastuti, Yulida (2024) From colonial legacies to inclusive futures: Transforming and reconceptualising early childhood education in Indonesia. Global Studies of Childhood, 14 (3). 264 – 282. ISSN 20436106
Wibowo, Dody and Ahmed, Zahid Shahab (2024) PEACE EDUCATION FOR DERADICALIZATION. Taylor and Francis, 272 – 279. ISBN 978-104012792-6; 978-103249048-9
Yusuf, Mohamad and Yuwono, Pujo Semedi Hargo (2018) oward a framework for an undergraduate academic tourism curriculum in Indonesian Universities: Some perspectives from stakeholders. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 22. pp. 63-74. ISSN 14738376