Items where Subject is "P Philology. Linguistics"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (24)
- P Language and Literature (1)
- P Philology. Linguistics (24)
- P Language and Literature (1)
Abdullah, Irwan and Muassomah, Muassomah and Faisol, M. and Toisuta, Hasbollah (2020) The space and place of humans and humanity in language: Arabic and indonesian compared. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 18. pp. 73-84. ISSN 22321314
Faruk, Faruk (2023) Reading stories for pleasure: An insight into Indonesian university students' practice in online reading platforms. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13 (2). pp. 430-442. ISSN 23019468
Firdauzi, Indrawan and Hidayat, Putra and Darmawan, Almas Rifqi (2024) The Influence of Social Demographics Toward Homosexuality From Seven Countries in Southeast Asia. Journal of Homosexuality, 71 (2). 344 – 361. ISSN 00918369
Hadi, Syamsul and Suhandano, Suhandano (2022) The Temporal Interpretation of Conditional Sentences in Arabic Language. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 49 (3). pp. 47-56. ISSN 10263721
Hardjanto, Tofan Dwi and Roselani, Ni Gusti Ayu (2022) Objectifying Science: Impersonalization in English Research Articles From Different Disciplines. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 12 (10). pp. 2072-2083. ISSN 17992591
Hendrokumoro, Dr and Darman, Faradika and Nuraeni, Neni and Ma’shumah, Nadia Khumairo (2024) The genetic relationship between Alune, Lisabata, Luhu, and Wemale (Western Seram, Indonesia): a historical-comparative linguistics approach. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 11 (1): 2306718. ISSN 23311983
Hendrokumoro, Hendrokumoro and Darman, Faradika and Nuraeni, Neni and Ma’shumah, Nadia Khumairo (2024) The genetic relationship between Alune, Lisabata, Luhu, and Wemale (Western Seram, Indonesia): a historical-comparative linguistics approach. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 11 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 23311983
Hendrokumoro, Hendrokumoro and Wijana, I Dewa Putu and Ma’shumah, Nadia Khumairo (2023) Revisiting the binding designation between source and target domains in the creation of Javanese food names metaphors. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 10 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 23311983
Makhasi, Ghifari Yuristiadhi Masyhari (2023) Actual and virtual food heritage walking tour for building better citizenship understanding (insight from Indonesia). JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. ISSN 2044-1266
Masrukhi, Mohammad (2022) The ideology behind the translation of an Islamic moral ethic book: A case study of Al-Ḥikam’s aphorisms. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 9 (1). ISSN 23311983
Munandar, Aris (2019) Death-related expressions in Javanese angkating layon speech and English eulogy. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8 (3). pp. 515-524. ISSN 23019468
Munandar, Aris (2018) Losing the battle: The marginalization of Javanese compact forms. Wacana, 19 (1). pp. 36-57. ISSN 14112272
Munandar, Aris (2020) "Ndableg," "Ra Sah Ngeyel": Verbal offense through banners about the COVID-19 pandemic. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 24 (2). pp. 112-127. ISSN 14104946
Nursanti, Emi and Arimi, Sailal and Wijayanti, Nurvita (2024) FACE AND POLITENESS IN JAVANESE MULTILINGUAL INTERACTION. Issues in Language Studies, 13 (1). pp. 181-197. ISSN 21802726
Suhandano, Suhandano and Isti'anah, rina and Febrina, Ria (2023) Contesting “growth” and “sustainability” in Indonesia’s capital city relocation: a corpus ecolinguistic study. Journal Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 9 (3). pp. 65-83. ISSN 23138912
Suhandano, Suhandano and Istianah, Arina (2022) Appraisal patterns used on the kalimantan tourism website: An ecolinguistics perspective. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 9 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 23311983
Suhandano, Suhandano and Winarti, Daru (2024) Quantifying Nature in Tourism Discourse: A Corpus-ecolinguistic Perspective. Jurnal Arbitrer, 11 (2). pp. 172-185. ISSN 3391162
Surahmat, Surahmat and Wijana, I Dewa Putu and Sulistyowati, Sulistyowati (2024) Marginalization of Minority Ethnicities in Ethnic Humor Discourse in Indonesia: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Jurnal Arbitrer, 11 (3). 384 – 398. ISSN 23391162
Udasmoro, Wening and Yuwono, J. Susetyo Edy and Sulistyowati, Sulistyowati and Firmonasari, Aprillia and Astuti, Wulan Tri and Baskoro, B. R. Suryo (2023) The Preservation of the Javanese Language in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (1). pp. 59-68. ISSN 00249521
Xie, Chunliu and Handayani, Wiwik Retno and Wijana, I Dewa Putu and Hariri, Tatang (2023) Language and Gender: Investigating the Representation of Chinese Women in Mandarin Slang and Its Implications for Professional Communication (1970s-1990s). Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13 (10). pp. 2689-2696. ISSN 17992591
Conference or Workshop Item
Isti'anah, Arina and Febrina, Ria and Suhandano, Suhandano and Winarti, Daru and Sutrisno, Adi (2023) Big Data, Computer, and Technology in Language Studies: The Potentials of Sketch Engine in Indonesia's Research. In: 2023 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication: Smart Technology Based on Industry 4.0: A New Way of Recovery from Global Pandemic and Global Economic Crisis, ISemantic 2023, 16 September 2023, Semarang, Indonesia.
Marsono, Marsono and Suhandano, Suhandano (2019) Javanese of Tegal: An Ecological Evidence. In: 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System, ICENIS 2019, 7-8 Agustus 2024, Semarang, Indonesia.
Puspitasari, Devi Ambarwati and Sutrisno, Adi (2023) Identify Fake Author in Indonesia Crime Cases: A Forensic Authorsip Analysis Using N-gram and Stylometric Features. In: ICADEIS 2023 - International Conference on Advancement in Data Science, E-Learning and Information Systems: Data, Intelligent Systems, and the Applications for Human Life, Proceeding, 2 Agustus 2023, Bali, Indonesia.
Wijana, I Dewa Putu and Sutrisno, Adi (2022) Gender Role in Turn-taking: A Case Study of EFL Online Classroom in Higher Education. In: Proceedings - International Conference on Education and Technology, ICET, 15 Oktober 2022, Malang, Indonesia.