Items where Subject is "RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine"

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An, Alfun Dhiya and Emilia, Ova (2023) Knowledge, attitude, and skills of partograph utilization among health workers: a systematic review. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 626-630. ISSN 20891180

Androff, David and Damanik, Janianton (2023) The Routledge International Handbook Of Social Development, Social Work, And The Sustainable Development Goals. Taylor and Francis, 1 – 574. ISBN 978-100099633-3; 978-103201126-4

Anindita, Alva Sinung and Malueka, Rusdy Ghazali and Hartanto, Rachmat Andi and Krisnugraha, Yeshua Putra and Cempaka, Rita and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus (2023) The Association of Alpha-thalassemia X-Linked Intellectual Disability Mutation with Histopathological Grading in Isocitrate-Dehydrogenase-mutant Glioma; İzositrat Dehidrojenaz-mutant Gliomada Alfa-talasemi/Mental Retardasyon X’e Bağlı Mutasyonunun Histopatolojik Derecelendirmeyle İlişkisi. Turk Noroloji Dergisi, 29 (4). 302 - 308. ISSN 1301062X

Asefa, Anteneh and Gebremedhin, Samson and Marthias, Tiara and Nababan, Herfina and Christou, Aliki and Semaan, Aline and Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi and Tabana, Hanani and Al-beity, Fadhlun M. Alwy and Dossou, Jean-Paul and Gutema, Keneni and Delvaux, Thérèse and Birabwa, Catherine and Dennis, Mardieh and Grovogui, Fassou Mathias and McPake, Barbara and Beňová, Lenka (2023) Wealth-based inequality in the continuum of maternal health service utilisation in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22 (1): 203. ISSN 14759276


Bannister-Tyrrell, Melanie and Hillman, Alison and Indriani, Citra and Ahmad, Riris Andono and Utarini, Adi and Simmons, Cameron P. and Anders, Katherine L. and Sergeant, Evan (2023) Utility of surveillance data for planning for dengue elimination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A scenario-tree modelling approach. BMJ Global Health, 8 (11). ISSN 20597908

Bannister-Tyrrell, Melanie and Hillman, Alison and Indriani, Citra and Ahmad, Riris Andono and Utarini, Adi and Simmons, Cameron P. and Anders, Katherine L. and Sergeant, Evan (2023) Utility of surveillance data for planning for dengue elimination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A scenario-tree modelling approach. BMJ Global Health, 8 (11). ISSN 20597908

Bhima, Sigid Kirana Lintang and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Limijadi, Edward Kurnia Setiawan and Utomo, Astika and Mubarokah, Laila and Hakimi, Mohammad (2023) The ethical dilemma of medical specialists in the era of national health insurance in Semarang. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 1187-1193. ISSN 20891180


Daniel, D. and Qaimamunazzala, Hayu and Prawira, Julivius and Siantoro, Ayu and Sirait, Mita and Tanaboleng, Yohanes B. and Padmawati, Retna Siwi (2023) Interactions of Factors Related to the Stunting Reduction Program in Indonesia: A Case Study in Ende District. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services, 53 (3). pp. 354-362. ISSN 27551938

Dewi, Mira and Mahmudiono, Trias and Helmiyati, Siti and Yuniar, Cindra Tri and Putra, Muh. Guntur Sunarjono (2023) Consumption of Iron-Rich Food in Children under Two Years in Urban and Rural Areas in Indonesia: An Analysis of Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey 2017. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (Suppl). pp. 91-92. ISSN 16758544

Dien, Ragil and Krismawati, Hana and Ayomi, Ivon and Timoria, Diana and Chambers, Mary and Soebono, Hardyanto and Grijsen, Marlous L. (2023) The unbreakable journey: using photovoice to raise awareness and fight leprosy stigma in Papua, Indonesia. BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, 188 (6). pp. 794-796. ISSN 0007-0963

Dwimartutie, Noto and Setiati, Siti and Tamin, Tirza Z. and Prijanti, Ani Retno and Harahap, Alida R. and Purnamasari, Dyah and Harimurti, Kuntjoro and Pramantara, I Dewa Putu (2023) Vitamin D Levels in Pre-frail Older Adults and Its Correlation with Hand Grip Strength. Acta Medica Indonesiana, 55 (2). pp. 172-179. ISSN 01259326


Ekawati, Fitriana M. and Putri, Dwi Astuti Dharma and Novitasari, Dhiana Ayu and Muchlis, Mumtihana (2023) Provision of maternal health service in Indonesian primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE AND PRIMARY CARE, 12 (7). pp. 1320-1330. ISSN 2249-4863

Ermamilia, Aviria and Aulia, Bianda and Mulatsih, Sri (2023) A cross-sectional study of nutritional status and dietary intake of paediatric oncology patients in Indonesia: Comparison between cancer aetiologies. Nutrition and Health. pp. 1-10. ISSN 02601060

Erskine, Holly E. and Blondell, Sarah J. and Enright, Meaghan E. and Shadid, Jamileh and Wado, Yohannes Dibaba and Wekesah, Frederick Murunga and Wahdi, Amirah Ellyza and Wilopo, Siswanto Agus and Vu, Loi Manh and Dao, Hoa Thi Khanh and Nguyen, Vinh Duc and Emerson, Mark R. and Fine, Shoshanna L. and Li, Mengmeng and Blum, Robert W. and Whiteford, Harvey A. and Scott, James G. (2023) Measuring the Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Adolescents in Kenya, Indonesia, and Vietnam: Study Protocol for the National Adolescent Mental Health Surveys. Journal of Adolescent Health, 72 (1). S71-S78. ISSN 1054139X


Febrinasari, Nisa and Widayanti, Anna Wahyuni and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Satibi, Satibi (2024) Perception, attitude and stigma of community pharmacists toward patients with mental disorders: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Public Health and Development, 22 (1). 209 -223. ISSN 26730774

Febrinasari, Nisa and Widayanti, Anna Wahyuni and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Satibi, Satibi (2023) Role and challenges of community pharmacists in managing mental health care in Indonesia: A mix-method study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 89: 103773. ISSN 18762018

Fine, Shoshanna L. and Blum, Robert W. and Bass, Judith K. and Lulebo, Aimée M and Pinandari, Anggriyani W. and Stones, William and Wilopo, Siswanto A. and Zuo, Xiayun and Musci, Rashelle J. (2023) A latent class approach to understanding patterns of emotional and behavioral problems among early adolescents across four low- and middle-income countries. Development and psychopathology, 35 (4). pp. 1684-1700. ISSN 14692198

Fitriadi, Yogi and Danawati, Wahyu and Sutomo, Adi Heru (2023) Health promotion intervention delivered by trained community health workers (CHWs) for obesity prevention and control among adult people: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 13 (12): e072822. ISSN 20446055

Fitriadi, Yogi and Danawati, Wahyu and Sutomo, Adi Heru (2023) Health promotion intervention delivered by trained community health workers (CHWs) for obesity prevention and control among adult people: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 13 (12). ISSN 20446055

Fitriawan, Akbar Satria and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu and Samutri, Erni and Kurniawan, Dedi and Deviantony, Fitrio and Suparmanto, Gatot and Achmad, Bayu Fandhi and Wijoyo, Eriyono Budi (2023) Predictors of Adherence to Personal Preventive Behaviors Among Nursing Students Based on Health Belief Model: Cross Sectional Study During the Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (4). 237 – 246. ISSN 16758544

Fung, Yoke-Lin and Alcantara, Ramir Moreno and Cavalli, Leonardo Brereton and Chen, Jen-Wei and Chen, Yun-Yuan and Donkin, Rebecca and Kupatawintu, Pawinee and Kwon, So-Yong and Lee, Cheuk-Kwong and Nadarajan, Veera Sekaran and Namjil, Erdenebayar and Bat, Solongo and Odajima, Takeshi and Sachdev, Suchet and Siswishanto, Rukmono and Tadsomboon, Sahit and Sharma, Ratti Ram and Triyono, Teguh and Tsuno, Nelson-Hirokazu (2023) Insights into the diversity of blood donation practice across Asia: How blood collection agencies adapt donor criteria and processes to their population. Vox Sanguinis, 118 (12). pp. 1046-1060. ISSN 00429007


Hafidz, Firdaus and Adiwibowo, Insan Rekso and Kusila, Gilbert Renardi and Ruby, Mahlil and Saut, Benyamin and Jaya, Citra and Baros, Wan Aisyiah and Revelino, Dedy and Dhanalvin, Erzan and Oktavia, Ayunda (2023) Out-of-pocket expenditure and catastrophic costs due to COVID-19 in Indonesia: A rapid online survey. Frontiers in Public Health, 11. 01-08. ISSN 22962565

Hakim, Mohamad S. and Aman, Abu T. (2023) Understanding the Biology and Immune Pathogenesis of Chikungunya Virus Infection for Diagnostic and Vaccine Development. Viruses, 15 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 19994915

Hamid, Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy and Soeroto, Adhitama Alam and Hendri, Ahmad Zulfan and Pramod, Sawkar Vijay and Prapiska, Faurisky Febrian and Aditianingsih, Dita and Ratna, Nurul and Mochtar, Chaidir Arif and Umbas, Rainy (2023) The application of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol in radical cystectomy and urinary diversion using bowel segment reduces the length of stay: A multicenter comparative study in Indonesia. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (3). pp. 1897-1900. ISSN 20891180

Handayani, Nur Septia and Huriyati, Emy and Hasanbasri, Mubasysyir (2023) Association of Maternal Education With Nutritional Outcomes of Poor Children With Stunting in Indonesia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 35 (5). pp. 373-380. ISSN 10105395

Hardiawan, Donny and Juwita, Mery N. and Vadra, Jorghi and Prawiranegara, Rozar and Mambea, Indra Y. and Wisaksana, Rudi and Handayani, Miasari and Subronto, Yanri W. and Kusmayanti, Nur A. and Januraga, Pande and Sukmaningrum, Evi and Nurhayati, Nurhayati and Prameswari, Helen D. and Sulaiman, Nurjannah and Siregar, Adiatma Y. M. (2023) Cost of improved test and treat strategies in Indonesia. AIDS, 37 (8). 1189- 1201. ISSN 02699370

Hardiawan, Donny and Juwita, Mery N. and Vadra, Jorghi and Prawiranegara, Rozar and Mambea, Indra Y. and Wisaksana, Rudi and Handayani, Miasari and Subronto, Yanri W. and Kusmayanti, Nur A. and Januraga, Pande and Sukmaningrum, Evi and Nurhayati, Nurhayati and Prameswari, Helen D. and Sulaiman, Nurjannah and Siregar, Adiatma Y.M. (2023) Cost of improved test and treat strategies in Indonesia. AIDS, 37 (8). 1189 -1201. ISSN 02699370

Hartopo, Anggoro Budi and Inggriani, Maria Patricia and Fachiroh, Jajah and Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra (2023) Serum Endothelin-1 Level Among Adult Indonesian Females With Obesity: A Nested Cross-Sectional Study From Universitas Gadjah Mada Health and Demographic Surveillance System, Sleman, Indonesia. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, 30 (4). pp. 43-49. ISSN 10277811

Helmyati, Siti and Aryanti, Lintang and Basrowi, Ray Wagiu and Pratiwi, Dessy (2023) YouTube Video as a Media of Anemia Education in Indonesia: A Narrative Review. Amerta Nutrition, 7 (3). 86 -94. ISSN 25801163

Helmyati, Siti and Fauziah, Lutfi Afida and Kadibyan, Pinaes and Sitorus, Nova Lidia and Dilantika, Charisma (2023) Relationship between Anemia Status, Sleep Quality, and Cognitive Ability among Young Women Aged 15-24 Years in Indonesia (Analysis of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 5). Amerta Nutrition, 7 (3SP). 1 -9. ISSN 25801163

Hendri, Ahmad Zulfan and Soerohardjo, Indrawarman and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo and Khalilullah, Said Alfin and Dany, Yurisal Akhmad and Danurdoro, Aria (2023) Prognostic Significance of PD-L2 Expression in Association with Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 24 (8). pp. 2673-2679. ISSN 15137368

Hutajulu, Susanna Hilda and Oktariani, Siswi and Sunggoro, Agus Jati and Bintoro, Bagas Suryo and Astari, Yufi Kartika and Wiranata, Juan Adrian and Widodo, Irianiwati and Ekowati, Anita and Hardianti, Mardiah Suci and Taroeno-Hariadi, Kartika Widayati and Kurnianda, Johan and Purwanto, Ibnu (2023) The occurrence and risk factors of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in patients with breast cancer not receiving primary G-CSF prophylaxis. ecancermedicalscience, 17. ISSN 17546605

Hyder, Adnan A. and Rylance, Sarah and Al Saegh, Abeer and Feigin, Valery L. and Kataria, Ishu and Laatikainen, Tiina and Lee, Liming and Mahendradhata, Yodi and Marten, Robert and Mikkelsen, Bente and Miranda, J. Jaime and Nugent, Rachel and Owolabi, Mayowa and Sullivan, Richard and Virani, Salim S. and Reddy, K. Srinath (2023) Strengthening evidence to inform health systems: Opportunities for the WHO and partners to accelerate progress on non-communicable diseases. BMJ Global Health, 8 (11): e013994. ISSN 20597908


Im, Dasom and Mahmudah, Noor Afif and Yoon, Seok-Jun and Kim, Young-Eun and Lee, Don-Hyung and Kim, Yeon-Hee and Jung, Yoon-Sun and Ock, Minsu (2023) Updating korean disability weights for causes of disease: Adopting an add-on study method. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 56 (4). 291 – 302. ISSN 19758375

Indriani, Citra and Tanamas, Stephanie K. and Khasanah, Uswatun and Ansari, Muhammad Ridwan and Rubangi, Rubangi and Tantowijoyo, Warsito and Ahmad, Riris Andono and Dufault, Suzanne M. and Jewell, Nicholas P. and Utarini, Adi and Simmons, Cameron P. and Anders, Katherine L. (2023) Impact of randomised wmel Wolbachia deployments on notified dengue cases and insecticide fogging for dengue control in Yogyakarta City. Global Health Action, 16 (1). ISSN 16549880


Jafar, Nuurhidayat and Huriyati, Emy and Haryani, Haryani and Lazuardi, Lutfan and Setyawati, Andina (2023) Exploring the coach-client interaction of virtual health coaching conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A scoping review. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews, 17 (7). ISSN 18714021

Jafar, Nuurhidayat and Huriyati, Emy and Haryani, Haryani and Setyawati, Andina (2023) Enhancing knowledge of Diabetes self-management and quality of life in people with Diabetes Mellitus by using Guru Diabetes Apps-based health coaching. Journal of Public Health Research, 12 (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 22799028


Karimah, Rinda Nurul and Kusnanto, Hari and Lazuardi, Lutfan (2023) Development of the information quality scale for health information supply chain type 2 diabetes mellitus management using exploratory factor analysis. Journal of Public Health Research, 12 (2). ISSN 22799028

Kesetyaningsih, Tri Wulandari and Kusbaryanto, Kusbaryanto and Sulityo, Bambang and Listyaningrum, Noviyanti and Satoto, Tri Baskoro Tunggul (2023) Fogging Effectiveness Based on Time and Location of DHF Cases (Study in Sleman Regency). Kemas, 18 (3). pp. 408-415. ISSN 18581196

Kim, Min Seo and Hwang, Jimin and Yon, Dong Keon and Lee, Seung Won and Jung, Se Yong and Park, Seoyeon and Johnson, Catherine Owens and Stark, Benjamin A. and Razo, Christian and Abbasian, Mohammadreza and Abbastabar, Hedayat and Abhari, Amir Parsa and Aboyans, Victor and Adane, Denberu Eshetie Adane and Adebayo, Oladimeji M. and Alahdab, Fares and Almustanyir, Sami and Aly, Hany and Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena and Anderson, Jason A. and Andrei, Catalina Liliana and Aryan, Zahra and Aujayeb, Avinash and Bagherieh, Sara and Baltatu, Ovidiu Constantin and Banach, Maciej and Bayileyegn, Nebiyou Simegnew and Bearne, Lindsay M. and Behnoush, Amir Hossein and Bensenor, Isabela M. and Bhaskar, Sonu and Bhat, Ajay Nagesh and Bhat, Vivek and Bikbov, Boris and Bintoro, Bagas Suryo and Burkart, Katrin and Cámera, Luis Alberto and Catapano, Alberico L. and Chandrasekar, Eeshwar K. and Charan, Jaykaran and Chattu, Vijay Kumar and Chi, Gerald and Chukwu, Isaac Sunday and Chung, Sheng-Chia and Cirillo, Massimo and Coberly, Kaleb and Costa, Vera Marisa and Dadras, Omid and Dai, Xiaochen and Do, Thanh Chi and Doshi, Rajkumar and Ekholuenetale, Michael and Elgendy, Islam Y. and Elhadi, Muhammed and Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis and Feizkhah, Alireza and Fekadu, Ginenus and Gill, Paramjit Singh and Goldust, Mohamad and Golechha, Mahaveer and Guan, Shi-Yang and Gupta, Vivek Kumar and Hadei, Mostafa and Hadi, Najah R. and Hammoud, Ahmad and Hankey, Graeme J. and Harlianto, Netanja I. and Hasaballah, Ahmed I. and Hassan, Shoaib and Hassen, Mohammed Bheser and Heidari, Golnaz and Hostiuc, Mihaela and Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen and Iwagami, Masao and Jokar, Mohammad and Jonas, Jost B. and Joshua, Charity Ehimwenma and Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy and Kazemian, Sina and Keykhaei, Mohammad and Khalaji, Amirmohammad and Khan, Moien A.B. and Khateri, Sorour and Kibret, Biruk Getahun and Korzh, Oleksii and Koulmane Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi and Krishan, Kewal and Kumar, Akshay and Kumar, Manoj and Kuttikkattu, Ambily and Laksono, Tri and Larijani, Bagher and Le, Thao Thi Thu and Lim, Stephen S. and Liu, Xuefeng and Lorkowski, Stefan and Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan and Malhotra, Kashish and Manla, Yosef and Maugeri, Andrea and Mentis, Alexios-Fotios A. and Mestrovic, Tomislav and Micheletti Gomide Nogueira de Sá, Ana Carolina and Mirica, Andreea and Mirrakhimov, Erkin M. and Misganaw, Awoke and Mishra, Manish and Mohammad, Yousef and Mokdad, Ali H. and Moni, Mohammad Ali and Montasir, Ahmed Al and Moradi, Yousef and Moraga, Paula and Morovatdar, Negar and Mousavi-Aghdas, Seyed Ali and Murray, Christopher J.L. and Naghavi, Mohsen and Nair, Tapas Sadasivan and Nassereldine, Hasan and Natto, Zuhair S. and Nguyen, Dang H. and Nguyen, Hien Quang and Nguyen, Van Thanh and Noubiap, Jean Jacques and Oancea, Bogdan and Oliveira, Gláucia Maria Moraes and Owolabi, Mayowa O. and Padron-Monedero, Alicia and Perico, Norberto and Petcu, Ionela-Roxana and Radfar, Amir and Rafferty, Quinn and Rahman, Mosiur and Rahman, Muhammad Aziz and Ram, Pradhum and Rashedi, Sina and Rashid, Ahmed Mustafa and Rawaf, Salman and Remuzzi, Giuseppe and Renzaho, Andre M.N. and Rezaee, Malihe and Roever, Leonardo and Saad, Aly M.A. and Saadatagah, Seyedmohammad and Sadeghi, Masoumeh and Sahebkar, Amirhossein and Saleh, Mohamed A. and Samy, Abdallah M. and Santric-Milicevic, Milena M. and Sepanlou, Sadaf G. and Seylani, Allen and Sharfaei, Sadaf and Shorofi, Seyed Afshin and Singh, Jasvinder A. and Singh, Paramdeep and Spartalis, Michael and Sundström, Johan and Tan, Ker-Kan and Teramoto, Masayuki and Tharwat, Samar and Tyrovolas, Stefanos and Valadan Tahbaz, Sahel and Van den Eynde, Jef and Vart, Priya and Wang, Cong and Wang, Fang and Westerman, Ronny and Xia, Juan and Xu, Suowen and Yada, Dereje Y. and Yamagishi, Kazumasa and Yonemoto, Naohiro and Zahir, Mazyar and Zangiabadian, Moein and Zarrintan, Armin and Zastrozhin, Mikhail Sergeevich and Zastrozhina, Anasthasia and Zoladl, Mohammad and Hay, Simon I. and Shin, Jae Il and Roth, Gregory A. (2023) Global burden of peripheral artery disease and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Global Health, 11 (10). e1553-e1565. ISSN 2214109X

Kristanti, Martina Sinta and Agastiya, I Made Cahyadi and Kurianto, Endar (2023) The Implementation of Palliative Home Care in Southeast Asian Countries: An Integrative Review. Home Health Care Management and Practice, 35 (1). pp. 48-56. ISSN 10848223

Kurniawati, Yustina Tyas and Sihombing, Lastdes Cristiany Friday and Ratrikaningtyas, Prima Dhewi (2023) Peer communication about contraception knowledge of early adolescent in urban areas. International Journal of Public Health Science, 12 (4). 1474 -1482. ISSN 22528806

Kusuma, Mutiara Tirta Prabandari Lintang and Al-Bashabsheh, Zaher and Albashabsheh, Nibal T. and Parker, Michael and Muturi, Nancy (2023) Examining Weight Stigmatization toward Obese Individuals among Nutrition and Dietetic Students using the Attribution Theory. Indian Journal of Public Health, 67 (3). pp. 415-421. ISSN 0019557X

Kusumawati, Yuli and Widyawati, Widyawati and Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra (2023) Mental Health Education for Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Surakarta, Indonesia. Kemas, 19 (1). pp. 93-101. ISSN 18581196

Kusumo, Mahendro Prasetyo and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra (2023) Measuring the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus—The Design and Development Process. Community Health Equity Research and Policy, 43 (4). pp. 357-365. ISSN 2752535X


Laiman, Vincent and Chuang, Hsiao-Chi and Lo, Yu-Chun and Yuan, Tzu-Hsuen and Chen, You-Yin and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo and Yuliani, Fara Silvia and Chung, Kian Fan and Chang, Jer-Hwa (2024) Cigarette smoke-induced dysbiosis: comparative analysis of lung and intestinal microbiomes in COPD mice and patients. Respiratory Research, 25 (1): 204. ISSN 14659921

Lee, John Tayu and Ishida, Marie and Haregu, Tilahun and Pati, Sanghamitra and Zhao, Yang and Palladino, Raffaele and Anindya, Kanya and Atun, Rifat and Oldenburg, Brian and Marthias, Tiara (2023) Functional limitation as a mediator of the relationship between multimorbidity on health-related quality of life in Australia: evidence from a national panel mediation analysis. Frontiers in Medicine, 10: 1151310. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2296858X

Lee, John Tayu and McPake, Barbara and Putri, Likke Prawidya and Anindya, Kanya and Puspandari, Diah Ayu and Marthias, Tiara (2023) The effect of health insurance and socioeconomic status on women's choice in birth attendant and place of delivery across regions in Indonesia: A multinomial logit analysis. BMJ Global Health, 8 (1). ISSN 20597908

Lesa, Kaisun Nesa and Ahmad, Nazir and Mayangsari, Yunika and Khandaker, Mayeen Uddin and Iqbal, Faruque Mohammad Rashed and Nur Fibri, Dwi Larasatie and Hassan, Md Mehedi (2023) Health Benefits of Okara for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Food Quality, 2023: 540118. pp. 1-11. ISSN 01469428

Liao, Kuo-Hsing and Chan, Ta-Chien and Wu, Chia-Chieh and Huang, Wen-Cheng and Hsu, Chin-Wang and Chuang, Hsiao-Chi and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Chiu, Wen-Ta and Lam, Carlos (2023) Association between short-term air pollution exposure and traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: pilot evidence from Taiwan. Frontiers in Neurology, 14: 1087767. pp. 1-12. ISSN 16642295

Liu, Yen-Hsiu and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Chao, Chung-Jen and Wang, Ming-Heng and Chen, Rui-Sheng and Saleh, Wafaa and Pai, Chih-Wei (2023) Unhelmeted Riding, Drunk Riding, and Unlicensed Riding among Motorcyclists: A Population Study in Taiwan during 2011–2016. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (2): 1412. ISSN 16617827


Madyaningrum, Ema (2023) Chronic Diseases and Inpatient Care among the Middle-Aged and Elderly People in Indonesia. Journal of Health Research, 37 (6). pp. 380-389. ISSN 08574421

Main, Stephanie and Triasih, Rina and Greig, Jane and Hidayat, Arif and Brilliandi, Immanuel Billy and Khodijah, Syarifah and Chan, Geoff and Wilks, Nova and Parry, Amy Elizabeth and Nababan, Betty and du Cros, Philipp and Dwihardiani, Bintari (2023) The prevalence and risk factors for tuberculosis among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. PLOS ONE, 18 (5). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1932-6203

Mashuri, Yusuf Ari and Boettiger, David and Wahyuningtias, Siska Dian and Negara, Srila Nirmithya Salita and Subronto, Yanri Wijayanti and Liverani, Marco and Wulandari, Luh Putu Lila and Ahmad, Riris Andono and Thabrany, Hasbullah and Fardousi, Nasser and Kaldor, John and Probandari, Ari and Wiseman, Virginia (2024) "i pity the TB patient": A mixed methods study assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services in two major Indonesian cities and distilling lessons for the future. BMJ Global Health, 9 (5): e014943. ISSN 20597908

Maulina, Fury and Hasanbasri, Mubasysyir and Busari, Jamiu O. and Scheele, Fedde (2023) The impact of an educational intervention on physician leadership competencies among rural and remote primary care doctors in Aceh, Indonesia. Leadership in Health Services, 37 (5). 13 – 32. ISSN 17511879

Mawardi, Fitriana and Lestari, Ayuningtyas Satya and Onishi, Hirotaka and Sasongko, Elsa Pudji Setiawati and Kusnanto, Hari and Hilmanto, Dany (2023) How do elderly people with malnutrition and their families perceive collaborative practice in primary care? A phenomenological study. British Journal of Nutrition, 129 (10). pp. 1786-1792. ISSN 00071145

Meliala, A. and Narwidina, P. and Sumarno, Y.T. (2024) Antioxidative Parameters Improvements on Nutritional Approach: A Study on Hypoxic Multiple Organs of Sprague-Dawley. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 31 (1). pp. 59-70. ISSN 19783019

Micah, Angela E. and Bhangdia, Kayleigh and Cogswell, Ian E. and Lasher, Dylan and Lidral-Porter, Brendan and Maddison, Emilie R. and Nguyen, Trang Nhu Ngoc and Patel, Nishali and Pedroza, Paola and Solorio, Juan and Stutzman, Hayley and Tsakalos, Golsum and Wang, Yifeng and Warriner, Wesley and Zhao, Yingxi and Zlavog, Bianca S. and Abbafati, Cristiana and Abbas, Jaffar and Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen and Abbasi-Kangevari, Zeinab and Abdelmasseh, Michael and Abdulah, Deldar Morad and Abedi, Aidin and Abegaz, Kedir Hussein and Abhilash, E.S. and Aboagye, Richard Gyan and Abolhassani, Hassan and Abrigo, Michael R.M. and Abubaker Ali, Hiwa and Abu-Gharbieh, Eman and Adem, Mohammed Hussien and Afzal, Muhammad Sohail and Ahmadi, Ali and Ahmed, Haroon and Ahmed Rashid, Tarik and Aji, Budi and Akbarialiabad, Hossein and Akelew, Yibeltal and Al Hamad, Hanadi and Alam, Khurshid and Alanezi, Fahad Mashhour and Alanzi, Turki M. and Al-Hanawi, Mohammed Khaled and Alhassan, Robert Kaba and Aljunid, Syed Mohamed and Almustanyir, Sami and Al-Raddadi, Rajaa M. and Alvis-Guzman, Nelson and Alvis-Zakzuk, Nelson J. and Amare, Azmeraw T. and Ameyaw, Edward Kwabena and Amini-Rarani, Mostafa and Amu, Hubert and Ancuceanu, Robert and Andrei, Tudorel and Anwar, Sumadi Lukman and Appiah, Francis and Aqeel, Muhammad and Arabloo, Jalal and Arab-Zozani, Morteza and Aravkin, Aleksandr Y. and Aremu, Olatunde and Aruleba, Raphael Taiwo and Athari, Seyyed Shamsadin and Avila-Burgos, Leticia and Ayanore, Martin Amogre and Azari, Samad and Baig, Atif Amin and Bantie, Abere Tilahun and Barrow, Amadou and Baskaran, Pritish and Basu, Sanjay and Batiha, Abdul-Monim Mohammad and Baune, Bernhard T. and Berezvai, Zombor and Bhardwaj, Nikha and Bhardwaj, Pankaj and Bhaskar, Sonu and Boachie, Micheal Kofi and Bodolica, Virginia and Botelho, João Silva Botelho and Braithwaite, Dejana and Breitborde, Nicholas J.K. and Busse, Reinhard and Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero and Catalá-López, Ferrán and Chansa, Collins and Charan, Jaykaran and Chattu, Vijay Kumar and Chen, Simiao and Chukwu, Isaac Sunday and Dadras, Omid and Dandona, Lalit and Dandona, Rakhi and Dargahi, Abdollah and Debela, Sisay Abebe and Denova-Gutiérrez, Edgar and Desye, Belay and Dharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda and Diao, Nancy and Doan, Linh Phuong and Dodangeh, Milad and dos Santos, Wendel Mombaque and Doshmangir, Leila and Dube, John and Eini, Ebrahim and El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa and El Tantawi, Maha and Enyew, Daniel Berhanie and Eskandarieh, Sharareh and Ezati Asar, Mohamad and Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis and Faraon, Emerito Jose A. and Fatehizadeh, Ali and Fattahi, Hamed and Fekadu, Ginenus and Fischer, Florian and Foigt, Nataliya A. and Fowobaje, Kayode Raphael and Freitas, Alberto and Fukumoto, Takeshi and Fullman, Nancy and Gaal, Peter Andras and Gamkrelidze, Amiran and Garcia-Gordillo, M.A. and Gebrehiwot, Mesfin and Gerema, Urge and Ghafourifard, Mansour and Ghamari, Seyyed-Hadi and Ghanbari, Reza and Ghashghaee, Ahmad and Gholamrezanezhad, Ali and Golechha, Mahaveer and Golinelli, Davide and Goshu, Yitayal Ayalew and Goyomsa, Girma Garedew and Guha, Avirup and Gunawardane, Damitha Asanga and Gupta, Bhawna and Hamidi, Samer and Harapan, Harapan and Hashempour, Reza and Hayat, Khezar and Heidari, Golnaz and Heredia-Pi, Ileana and Herteliu, Claudiu and Heyi, Demisu Zenbaba and Hezam, Kamal and Hiraike, Yuta and Hlongwa, Mbuzeleni Mbuzeleni and Holla, Ramesh and Hoque, Mohammad Enamul and Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi and Hostiuc, Sorin and Hussain, Salman and Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen and Immurana, Mustapha and Iradukunda, Arnaud and Ismail, Nahlah Elkudssiah and Isola, Gaetano and Merin J, Linda and Jakovljevic, Mihajlo and Jalili, Mahsa and Janodia, Manthan Dilipkumar and Javaheri, Tahereh and Jayapal, Sathish Kumar and Jemere, Digisie Mequanint and Joo, Tamas and Joseph, Nitin and Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy and Jürisson, Mikk and Kaambwa, Billingsley and Kadashetti, Vidya and Kadel, Rajendra and Kadir, Dler Hussein and Kalankesh, Laleh R. and Kamath, Rajesh and Kandel, Himal and Kantar, Rami S. and Karanth, Shama D. and Karaye, Ibraheem M. and Karimi, Salah Eddin and Kassa, Bekalu Getnet and Kayode, Gbenga A. and Keikavoosi-Arani, Leila and Keshri, Vikash Ranjan and Keskin, Cumali and Khader, Yousef Saleh and Khafaie, Morteza Abdullatif and Khajuria, Himanshu and Khayat Kashani, Hamid Reza and Kifle, Zemene Demelash and Kim, Hanna and Kim, Jihee and Kim, Min Seo and Kim, Yun Jin and Kisa, Adnan and Kohler, Stefan and Kompani, Farzad and Kosen, Soewarta and Koulmane Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi and Koyanagi, Ai and Krishan, Kewal and Kusuma, Dian and Lám, Judit and Lamnisos, Demetris and Larsson, Anders O. and Lee, Sang-Woong and Lee, Shaun Wen Huey and Lee, Wei-Chen and Lee, Yo Han and Lenzi, Jacopo and Lim, Lee-Ling and Lorenzovici, László and Lozano, Rafael and Machado, Vanessa Sintra Machado and Madadizadeh, Farzan and Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed and Mahmoudi, Razzagh and Majeed, Azeem and Malekpour, Mohammad-Reza and Manda, Ana Laura and Mansouri, Borhan and Mansournia, Mohammad Ali and Mantovani, Lorenzo Giovanni and Marrugo Arnedo, Carlos Alberto and Martorell, Miquel and Masoud, Ali and Mathews, Elezebeth and Maude, Richard James and Mechili, Enkeleint A. and Mehrabi Nasab, Entezar and Mendes, José João João Mendes and Meretoja, Atte and Meretoja, Tuomo J. and Mesregah, Mohamed Kamal and Mestrovic, Tomislav and Mirica, Andreea and Mirrakhimov, Erkin M. and Mirutse, Mizan Kiros and Mirza, Moonis and Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, Mohammad and Misganaw, Awoke and Moccia, Marcello and Moghadasi, Javad and Mohammadi, Esmaeil and Mohammadi, Mokhtar and Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah and Mohammadshahi, Marita and Mohammed, Shafiu and Mohseni, Mohammad and Mokdad, Ali H. and Monasta, Lorenzo and Mossialos, Elias and Mostafavi, Ebrahim and Mousavi Isfahani, Haleh and Mpundu-Kaambwa, Christine and Murthy, Shruti and Muthupandian, Saravanan and Nagarajan, Ahamarshan Jayaraman and Naidoo, Kovin S. and Naimzada, Mukhammad David and Nangia, Vinay and Naqvi, Atta Abbas and Nayak, Biswa Prakash and Ndejjo, Rawlance and Nguyen, Trang Huyen and Noroozi, Nafise and Noubiap, Jean Jacques and Nuruzzaman, Khan M. and Nzoputam, Chimezie Igwegbe and Nzoputam, Ogochukwu Janet and Oancea, Bogdan and Obi, Felix Chukwudi Abrahams and Ogunkoya, Abiola and Oh, In-Hwan and Okonji, Osaretin Christabel and Olagunju, Andrew T. and Olagunju, Tinuke O. and Olakunde, Babayemi Oluwaseun and Omar Bali, Ahmed and Onwujekwe, Obinna E. and Opio, John Nelson and Otoiu, Adrian and Otstavnov, Nikita and Otstavnov, Stanislav S. and Owolabi, Mayowa O. and Palicz, Tamás and Palladino, Raffaele and Pana, Adrian and Parekh, Tarang and Pasupula, Deepak Kumar and Patel, Jay and Patton, George C. and Paudel, Uttam and Paun, Mihaela and Pawar, Shrikant and Perna, Simone and Perumalsamy, Navaraj and Petcu, Ionela-Roxana and Piracha, Zahra Zahid and Poursadeqiyan, Mohsen and Pourtaheri, Naeimeh and Prada, Sergio I. and Rafiei, Sima and Raghav, Pankaja Raghav and Rahim, Fakher and Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur and Rahman, Mosiur and Rahmani, Amir Masoud and Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal and Raru, Temam Beshir and Rashedi, Sina and Rashidi, Mohammad-Mahdi and Ravangard, Ramin and Rawaf, Salman and Rawassizadeh, Reza and Redwan, Elrashdy Moustafa Mohamed and Reiner, Robert C. and Renzaho, Andre M.N. and Rezaei, Maryam and Rezaei, Nazila and Riaz, Mavra A. and Rodriguez, Jefferson Antonio Buendia and Saad, Aly M.A. and Saddik, Basema and Sadeghian, Saeid and Saeb, Mohammad Reza and Saeed, Umar and Sahu, Maitreyi and Saki, Morteza and Salamati, Payman and Salari, Hedayat and Salehi, Sana and Samy, Abdallah M. and Sanabria, Juan and Sanmarchi, Francesco and Santos, João Vasco and Santric-Milicevic, Milena M. and Sao Jose, Bruno Piassi and Sarikhani, Yaser and Sathian, Brijesh and Satpathy, Maheswar and Savic, Miloje and Sayadi, Yaser and Schwendicke, Falk and Senthilkumaran, Subramanian and Sepanlou, Sadaf 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Widyakusuma, Niken Nur and Suryawati, Sri and Wiedyaningsih, Chairun and Probosuseno, Probosuseno (2023) What Do Seniors Believe About Medication Adherence? A Qualitative Study Among Seniors with Chronic Conditions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Patient Preference and Adherence, 17. pp. 1381-1392. ISSN 1177889X

Widyanto, Arif and Satoto, Tri Baskoro Unggul and Kusmintarsih, Endang Srimurni (2023) Effectiveness of indoor and outdoor larvitrap modified jars and paralon hit for Aedes spp. Control. Journal of Public Health in Africa, 14 (S2): 2613. 01-06. ISSN 20389922


Yang, Hsiao-Yu and Chou, Hsiu-Ling and Leow, Clarence Hong Wei and Kao, Ching-Chiu and Daniel, D. and Jaladara, Vena and Khoe, Levina Chandra and Latha, P.K. and Mahendradhata, Yodi and Nguyen, Phuong Minh and Sirijatuphat, Rujipas and Soemarko, Dewi Sumaryani and Venugopal, Vidhya and Zhang, Kai and Lee, Jason Kai Wei (2024) Poor personal protective equipment practices were associated with heat-related symptoms among Asian healthcare workers: a large-scale multi-national questionnaire survey. BMC Nursing, 23 (1): 145. ISSN 14726955

Yani, Muhammad and Ruby, Mahlil and Puspandari, Diah A. and Munawar, Munawar and Fachrurrozi, Kamal and Isfanda, Isfanda and Candra, Aditya and Ilzana, Teuku M. and Khaled, Teuku M. and Rahmi, Cut R. (2023) Implementation of Aceh Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh) 2013–2021: Has health equity been achieved for all Acehnese after armed conflict? Narra J, 3 (1): e160. pp. 1-9. ISSN 28072618

Yani, Muhammad and Suhanda, Rachmad and Iqbalawati, Indrita and Puspandari, Diah Ayu and Hafasnuddin, Hafasnuddin and Candra, Aditya and Ilzana, Teuku Muhammad and Khaled, Teuku Muhammad and Rahmi, Cut Rizka (2023) The evaluation of Acehnese people’s health insurance from the welfare perspectives. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 793-798. ISSN 20891180


Zamrudiani, Safira and Wahab, Abdul and Harisaputra, Rosalia Kurniawati (2023) Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure and Early Childhood Cognitive Development Based on the 2018 Indonesian Basic Health Research Data. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 18 (4). 235- 243. ISSN 19077505

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