Items where Subject is "RB Pathology"

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Number of items at this level: 58.


Akkerman, Onno W. and Guenther, Gunar and Munoz-Torrico, Marcela and Babalik, Aylin and Heyckendorf, Jan and Zellweger, Jean-Pierre and Sousa, Pedro and Saktiawati, Antonia Morita Iswari and Eyüboğlu, Füsun Öner (2023) Clinical presentation of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. ERS Monograph, 2023 (101). pp. 51-103. ISSN 2312508X

Aliyah, Siti Hamidatul and Ardiyan, Yustina Nuke and Mardhiyah, Iffah and Herdini, Camelia and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Aning, Sumartiningsih and Handayani, Niken Satuti Nur and Asmara, Widya and Fachiroh, Jajah and Paramita, Dewi Kartikawati (2021) The Distribution of M2 Macrophage and Treg in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Tumor Tissue and the Correlation with TNM Status and Clinical Stage. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (11). 3447 – 3453. ISSN 15137368

Anggrahini, Santika and Widiyono, Irkham and Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto and Prastowo, Joko (2021) In vitro anthelmintic activity of clove-leaf extract (Syzygium aromaticum) against Ascaridia galli. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 33 (7). 1 – 8. ISSN 01213784

Anindita, Alva Sinung and Malueka, Rusdy Ghazali and Hartanto, Rachmat Andi and Krisnugraha, Yeshua Putra and Cempaka, Rita and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus (2023) The Association of Alpha-thalassemia X-Linked Intellectual Disability Mutation with Histopathological Grading in Isocitrate- Dehydrogenase-mutant Glioma. TURKISH JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 29 (4). pp. 302-308.

Ariffianto, Adi and Deng, Lin and Abe, Takayuki and Matsui, Chieko and Ito, Masahiko and Ryo, Akihide and Aly, Hussein Hassan and Watashi, Koichi and Suzuki, Tetsuro and Mizokami, Masashi and Matsuura, Yoshiharu and Shoji, Ikuo (2023) Oxidative stress sensor Keap1 recognizes HBx protein to activate the Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway, thereby inhibiting hepatitis B virus replication. Journal of Virology, 97 (10). ISSN 0022538X

Astuti, Indwiani and Ysrafil, Ysrafil (2020) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An overview of viral structure and host response. DIABETES & METABOLIC SYNDROME-CLINICAL RESEARCH & REVIEWS, 14 (4). pp. 407-412. ISSN 1871-4021


Bonnu, Christin H and Ramadhani, Anggia N and Saputro, Ranu B and Sesotyosari, Salsabila L. and Danarto, R. and Astuti, Indwiani and Haryana, Sofia M (2021) The Potential of hsa-mir-106b-5p as Liquid Biomarker in Prostate Cancer Patients in Indonesia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (3). 837 – 842. ISSN 15137368


Chen, Ting-Chieh and Lo, Yu-Chun and Li, Ssu-Ju and Lin, Yi-Chen and Chang, Ching-Wen and Liang, Yao-Wen and laiman, Vincent and Hsiao, Ta-Chih and Chuang, Hsiao-Chi and Chen, You-Yin (2023) Assessing traffic-related air pollution-induced fiber-specific white matter degradation associated with motor performance declines in aged rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 263. ISSN 01476513


Dahesihdewi, Andaru and Girsang, Tama Sari (2023) Microbiology diagnostic approach in identifying Streptococcus pneumoniae: Case report of Streptococcal meningitis. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 788-792. ISSN 20891180

Desita, Eryna Ayu Nugra and Arfian, Nur and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu and Sari, Dwi Cahyani Ratna (2023) Calcitriol attenuates vascular remodeling in association with alteration of ppET-1/ETB R/eNOS and ETA R expression in acute and chronic phases of kidney ischemia–reperfusion injury in mice. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 101 (1). 8 -17. ISSN 00084212

Desita, Eryna Ayu Nugra and Arfian, Nur and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu and Sari, Dwi Cahyani Ratna (2023) Calcitriol attenuates vascular remodeling in association with alteration of ppET-1/ETB R/eNOS and ETA R expression in acute and chronic phases of kidney ischemia–reperfusion injury in mice. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 101 (1). 8 – 17. ISSN 00084212


Harahap, Agnes Stephanie and Mutmainnah, Mutiah and Ham, Maria Francisca and Khoirunnisa, Dina and Assadyk, Abdillah Hasbi and Cangara, Husni and Asri, Aswiyanti and Retnani, Diah Prabawati and Quzwain, Fairuz and Agustina, Hasrayati and Istiadi, Hermawan and Windarti, Indri and Murti, Krisna and Takbir, Muhammad and Mahastuti, Ni Made and Kurniasari, Nila and Anggorowati, Nungki and Abineno, Pamela and Setyorini, Yulita Pundewi and Kakudo, Kennichi (2024) Diagnostic challenges in the assessment of thyroid neoplasms using nuclear features and vascular and capsular invasion: a multi-center interobserver agreement study. Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine, 58 (6). pp. 299-309. ISSN 23837837

Herini, Elisabeth Siti and Iskandar, Kristy and Triono, Agung and Swipratami, Alexandra Widita and Dewi, Yunika Puspa and Hadiyanto, Marissa Leviani and Rosalia, Ignatia and Rizki, Salsabilla Hasna Mutiara (2023) Neurological Manifestations of COVID-19 Associated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indian Pediatrics, 60 (5). pp. 373-376. ISSN 00196061

Heriyanto, Mochammad Junaidy and Ratnaningsih, Tri and Fatimah, Bunga and Putri, Rona Hafida Heriyanto and Nisa, Afifah Khoiru (2023) Profile of appendicitis patient: epidemiology, clinical, and laboratories evaluation in rural-urban area. International Journal of Public Health Science, 12 (4). pp. 1384-1392. ISSN 22528806

Hsing, C.-H. and Hung, Y.-P. and Lin, M.-C. and Chen, C.-L. and Wang, Y.-T. and Tseng, P.-C. and Satria, R.D. and Lin, C.-F. (2024) Overdose with the anesthetic propofol causes hematological cytotoxicity and immune cell alteration in an experimental ex vivo whole blood culture model. Toxicology in Vitro, 94. ISSN 08872333

Hsing, Chung-Hsi and Tsai, Cheng-Chieh and Chen, Chia-Ling and Lin, Yu-Hui and Tseng, Po-Chun and Satria, Rahmat Dani and Lin, Chiou-Feng (2021) Pharmacologically inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase-3β ameliorates renal inflammation and nephrotoxicity in an animal model of cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury. Biomedicines, 9 (8). ISSN 22279059

Hung, Yu-Ping and Chen, Chia-Ling and Tseng, Po-Chun and Satria, Rahmat Dani and Chen, Mei-Chieh and Lin, Chiou-Feng (2023) Measurement of lipid droplets in peripheral immune cells shows an immunomodulatory effect on monocyte polarization in experimental dyslipidaemia. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 650. 73 – 80. ISSN 0006291X


Iqbal, Muhammad Javedh and Hadiati, Diah Rumekti and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo (2023) Bax mRNA Expression as A Potential Biomarker of Placental Apoptosis in Early-onset Preeclampsia. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 15 (3). pp. 262-268. ISSN 20853297

Irawati, Yunia and Natalia, Michelle Eva Rebeca and Gondhowiardjo, Tjahjono D. and Dachlan, Ishandono and Soebono, Hardyanto (2023) Modified tarsorrhaphy versus gold weight implant technique for paralytic lagophthalmos treatment in patients with leprosy: One-year observation of a randomized controlled trial study. Frontiers in Medicine, 9. ISSN 2296858X


Jhan, Ming-Kai and Chen, Chia-Ling and Shen, Ting-Jing and Tseng, Po-Chun and Wang, Yung-Ting and Satria, Rahmat Dani and Yu, Chia-Yi and Lin, Chiou-Feng (2021) Polarization of Type 1 Macrophages Is Associated with the Severity of Viral Encephalitis Caused by Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Dengue Virus. CELLS, 10 (11).


Kamila, Ami and Widyawati, Widyawati and Hasanbasri, Mubasysyir and Hakimi, Mohammad (2024) Capturing the HIV-related social exclusion practices experienced by key populations through photovoice: an interpretative phenomenological study. Reproductive Health, 21 (1): 107. ISSN 17424755

Kartini, Diani and Taher, Akmal and Panigoro, Sonar and Setiabudy, Rianto and Jusman, Sri and Haryana, Sofia and Murdani, Abdullah and Rustamadji, Primariadewi and Karisyah, Adlina and Rasyid, Sani (2021) Melatonin effect on hypoxia inducible factor-1a and clinical response in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Carcinogenesis, 20 (1). ISSN 09746773

Karuniawati, Anis and Burhan, Erlina and Koendhori, Eko Budi and Sari, Desvita and Haryanto, Budi and Nuryastuti, Titik and Gayatri, A. A. A. Yuli and Bahrun, Uleng and Kusumawati, R. Lia and Sugiyono, Retna Indah and Susanto, Nugroho Harry and Diana, Aly and Kosasih, Herman and Naysilla, Adhella Menur and Lokida, Dewi and Neal, Aaron and Siddiqui, Sophia and Lau, Chuen-Yen and Karyana, Muhammad (2023) Performance of Xpert MTB/RIF and sputum microscopy compared to sputum culture for diagnosis of tuberculosis in seven hospitals in Indonesia. Frontiers in Medicine, 9. ISSN 2296858X

Kesumarini, Dian and Widyastuti, Yunita and Boom, Cindy Elfira and Dinarti, Lucia Kris (2023) Pulmonary Hypertension Crisis in Patient with Tetralogy of Fallot and Mixed Total Anomalous Pulmonary Vein Connection after the Primary Correction: A Rare Case Report. Congenital Heart Disease, 18 (6). pp. 671-678. ISSN 1747079X

Kitagawa, Hiroki and Hisatsune, Junzo and Ohge, Hiroki and Kutsuno, Shoko and Hara, Toshinori and Masuda, Kanako and Aziz, Fatkhanuddin and Sugai, Motoyuki (2021) Implanted port catheter system infection caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus pseudintermedius ST71-SCCmec type III. Internal Medicine, 60 (14). 2337 – 2340. ISSN 09182918

Kusharyati, Dyah Fitri and Satwika, Taruna Dwi and Mariana, Afifah and Rovik, Anwar (2021) Potential screening of bacteriocinogenic-lactic acid bacteria from mangrove sediment of logending beach for fisheries product preservation. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 6 (1). ISSN 25409573


Leung, Felix W and Cadoni, Sergio and Koo, Malcolm and Yen, Andrew W and Siau, Keith and Hsieh, Yu-Hsi and Ishaq, Sauid and Cheng, Chi-Liang and Ramirez, Francisco C and Bak, Adrian W and Karnes, William and Bayupurnama, Putut and Leung, Joseph W and de Groen, Piet C (2022) A survey of colonoscopists with and without in-depth knowledge of water-aided colonoscopy. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 37 (9). pp. 1785-1791. ISSN 1440-1746


Magetsari, Rahadyan and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Putro, Yuni Artha Prabowo and Araneta, Irene and Sakti, Yudha Mathan (2020) Primary rhabdoid epithelioid sarcoma of the left thigh mimicking epithelioid rhabdomyosarcoma: A diagnostic pitfall. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY CASE REPORTS, 70. pp. 188-192. ISSN 2210-2612

Muharromah, Atikah Fitria and Reyes, Jerica Isabel L. and Kagia, Ngure and Watanabe, Kozo (2023) Genome-wide detection of Wolbachia in natural Aedes aegypti populations using ddRAD-Seq. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 13. ISSN 22352988


Pangarsa, Eko Adhi and Ardini, Desta Nur Ewika and Rizky, Daniel and Tandarto, Kevin and Istiadi, Hermawan and Puspasari, Dik and Setiawan, Budi and Santosa, Damai and Subagio, Hertanto Wahyu and Winarni, Tri Indah and Haryana, Sofia Mubarika and Suharti, Catharina (2023) The association of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-2α (HIF-2α) overexpression score with Germinal Center B-Cell Like (GCB) and Non-Germinal Center B-Cell Like (Non-GCB) subtypes of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Bali Medical Journal, 12 (3). 2456 - 2462. ISSN 20891180

Pratiwi, D. and Purwanto, I. and Hardianti, M. S. and Kurnianda, J. and Widayati, K. and Hutajulu, S. H. and Aryandono, T. and Mubarika, S. and Ghozali, A. and Irianiwati, I. (2020) The prognostic value of androgen receptor in triple negative breast cancer. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 31 (4). S318. ISSN 0923-7534

Purnomo, Hery D. and Kusuma, Refani A. and Sianturi, Elfrida and Haroen, Ryan F. and Solichin, Muchamad R. and Nissa, Choirun and Pramono, Adriyan and Mahati, Endang and Noer, Etika R. (2023) The Effects of Hepatogomax Enteral Formula on Systemic Inflammation, Caecum Short-Chain Fatty Acid Levels, and Liver Histopathology in Thioacetamide-Induced Rats. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2023: 2313503. pp. 1-9. ISSN 20900724

Puspitaningtyas, Herindita and Espressivo, Aufia and Hutajulu, Susanna H and Fuad, Anis and Allsop, Matthew J (2021) Mapping and Visualization of Cancer Research in Indonesia: A Scientometric Analysis. Cancer Control, 28. ISSN 10732748

Putra, Muhammad David Perdana and Putra, Gumilar Fardhani Ami and Soewoto, Widyanti and Yarso, Kristanto Yuli and Aktama, Galih and Sarasati, Shinta Andi (2023) Bilobed flap technique as alternative for patient with eccrine spiradenoma: A rare case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 109. ISSN 22102612


Rahmianti, Nia Dyah and Dinarti, Lucia Kris and Mumpuni, Hasanah and Triastuti, Fita (2023) Global longitudinal strain right ventricle (GLS RV) as a predictor for mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) on secundum atrial septal defect (ASD) with pulmonary hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Echography, 33 (2). 83 -87. ISSN 22114122

Rhatomy, Sholahuddin and Dilogo, Ismail Hadisoebroto (2021) Core decompression and biological treatment in osteonecrosis of the hip due to systemic lupus erythematosus, 8-year follow-up: A case report. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 74 – 79. ISSN 18579655

Romi, Muhammad Mansyur and Anggorowati, Nungki and Maulida, Dara Syifa and Suskalanggeng, Muhammad Wishka Al Hafiidh and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu and Ratna, Dwi Cahyani and Arfian, Nur (2021) Upregulation of megalin, cubilin, ngal mrna expression in kidney may represent tubular injury and apoptosis in chronic condition of rat diabetic model. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 76 (1). 87 – 92. ISSN 03005283


Santosa, Christin M. and Megarani, Dorothea V. and Arifianto, Dinar and Salasia, Siti I.O. (2021) The mice's hematological effect of given the Staphylococcus aureus and Persea americana. In: BIO Web of Conferences.

Saputra, Dimas Chaerul Ekty and Sunat, Khamron and Ratnaningsih, Tri (2023) A New Artificial Intelligence Approach Using Extreme Learning Machine as the Potentially Effective Model to Predict and Analyze the Diagnosis of Anemia. HEALTHCARE, 11 (5).

Sari, Sri Kartika and Dahesihdewi, Andaru and Sianipar, Osman (2023) Blood Culture Positivity Rate: Antibiotical Therapy Impact Before Sample Collection in Sepsis Patients. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 29 (3). pp. 250-255. ISSN 24774685

Sarmoko, Sarmoko and Novitasari, Dhania and Toriyama, Manami and Fareza, Muhamad Salman and Choironi, Nur Amalia and Itoh, Hiroshi and Meiyanto, Edy (2023) Different Modes of Mechanism of Gamma-Mangostin and Alpha-Mangostin to Inhibit Cell Migration of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells Concerning CXCR4 Downregulation and ROS Generation. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 22 (1): e138856. ISSN 17350328

Sattwika, Prenali Dwisthi and Subronto, Yanri Wijayanti and Retnowulan, Heni and Sattwika, Karina Ambar and Nurdiati, Detty Siti (2023) Anti-cytomegalovirus preemptive therapy to prevent cytomegalovirus disease in HIV-infected patients: a systematic review. Infectious Diseases, 55 (3). 221 -233. ISSN 23744235

Satuman, Satuman and Sari, Desi Sandra and Rachmi, Eva and Tanggo, Eddy Herman and Notobroto, Hari Basuki and Sudiana, Ketut and Mubarika, Sofia and Rantam, Fedik Abdul and Soemarno, Soemarno and Warsito, Eddy Bagus (2021) The effect of acute and chronic infection-induced byavraprotein of salmonella typhimurium on radical oxygen species, phosphatase and tensin homolog, and cellular homolog expression during the development of colon cancer. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (A). 343 – 351. ISSN 18579655

Soewondo, Pradana and Suastika, Ketut and Kshanti, Ida Ayu and Mardianto, Mardianto and Mudjanarko, Sony Wibisono and Pramono, R. Bowo and Mustikawati, Dyah Erti (2023) Expert Opinion on Addressing the Gap in Injection Technique and Needle Reuse for People with Diabetes in Indonesia. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, 16. 4101- 4107. ISSN 11787007

Sukorini, Usi and Martani, Galih Retno and Triyono, Teguh (2023) Analysis of donor hemoglobin levels at the blood transfusion service of Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 2191-2195. ISSN 20891180

Susanti, Susanti and Wibowo, Satrio and Akbariani, Gilang and Yoshuantari, Naomi and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo and Ridwanuloh, Asep Muhamad and Hariyatun, Hariyatun and Handaya, Adeodatus Yuda and Kurnianda, Johan and Hutajulu, Susanna Hilda and Ilyas, Mohammad (2021) Molecular analysis of colorectal cancers suggests a high frequency of lynch syndrome in Indonesia. Cancers, 13 (24). ISSN 20726694

Syam, Ari Fahrial and Miftahussurur, Muhammad and Makmun, Dadang and Abdullah, Murdani and Rani, Abdul Aziz and Siregar, Gontar Alamsyah and Simadibrata, Marcellus and Zubir, Nasrul and Dewa Nyoman Wibawa, I. and Purnomo, Hery Djagat and Manan, Chudahman and Djojoningrat, Dharmika and Fauzi, Achmad and Renaldi, Kaka and Maulahela, Hasan and Utari, Amanda Pitarini and Pribadi, Rabbinu Rangga and Muzellina, Virly Nanda and Nursyirwan, Saskia Aziza and Idrus, Muhammad Firhat and Ruswhandi, Ruswhandi and Sugihartono, Titong and Bestari, Muhammad Begawan and Bayupurnama, Putut and Pramana, Triyanta Yuli and Wibowo, Bogi Pratomo and Bakry, Achmad Fuad and Akil, Fardah and Parewangi, Andi Muhammad Luthfi and Widita, Haris and Mariadi, I Ketut and Murti, Ignatia Sinta and Yusuf, Ali Imron and Arles, Arles and Yusuf, Fauzi and Waleleng, Bradley Jimmy and Abimanyu, Abimanyu and Mulyadi, Yustar and Lucida, Maria Inge and Rezkhita, Yudith Annisa Ayu and Alfaray, Ricky Indra and Yamaoka, Yoshio (2023) Management of dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori infection: the 2022 Indonesian Consensus Report. Gut Pathogens, 15 (1). ISSN 17574749


Tanziha, Ikeu and Febriana, Sri Awalia and Oginawati, Katharina and Prakoeswa, Cita Rosita Sigit and Rosmiati, Risti and Rusyana, Asep (2023) The Risk Factors of Hypertension among Female Batik Workers in Yogyakarta Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19. 93 - 94. ISSN 16758544

Theresia, Emilia and Siti Nurdiati, Detty and Widodo, Irianiwati (2021) Giant placental chorangioma: The first case report in Indonesia. Human Pathology: Case Reports, 23. ISSN 22143300

Triyono, T. and Amijaya, K.A.T. (2023) Regular donor characteristics, inter-donation interval and the presence of subclinical anemia â A 3-year observational single-center study. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 13 (2). pp. 118-123. ISSN 22493379

Triyono, Teguh and Afifah, Tsaniatul and Sukorini, Usi (2023) Analysis of Deferred Blood Donor Candidates at Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pharmacognosy Journal, 15 (2). 333 – 337. ISSN 09753575

Triyono, Teguh and Bidayah, Hasna Fadlilatul (2023) Plasma collection in Indonesia-a challenge to implement fractionation. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 1238-1242. ISSN 20891180

Triyono, Teguh and Sukorini, Usi and Siswishanto, Rukmono (2023) Blood Supply Management During COVID-19 Pandemic and Ramadhan Fasting at a Tertiary Hospital. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 29 (2). pp. 133-139. ISSN 24774685


Wibowo, Much Ilham Novalisa Aji and Yasin, Nanang Munif and Kristina, Susi Ari and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo (2021) A systematic review on self-reported questionnaires to assess medication adherence in diabetic patients. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 21 (2). 359 – 373. ISSN 16750306

Widyastiti, Nyoman Suci and Nainggolan, Ita Margaretha and Limijadi, Edward Kurnia Setiawan and Hendrianingtyas, Meita and Retnoningrum, Dwi and Ariosta, Ariosta and Nency, Yetty Movieta and Dewi, Mayasari and Sutamti, Sutamti and Ratnaningsih, Tri and Sukorini, Usi (2023) Genetic heterogeneity of thalassemia major patients in Rembang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 1633-1639. ISSN 20891180

Wiranata, Juan Adrian and Puspitaningtyas, Herindita and Hutajulu, Susanna Hilda and Fachiroh, Jajah and Anggorowati, Nungki and Sanjaya, Guardian Yoki and Lazuardi, Lutfan and Sripan, Patumrat (2023) Temporal and spatial analyses of colorectal cancer incidence in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study. Geospatial Health, 18 (1). ISSN 18271987


Yoshuantari, Naomi and Jeng, Yung-Ming and Liau, Jau-Yu and Lee, Chia-Hsiang and Tsai, Jia-Huei (2023) Hepatic Sarcomatoid Carcinoma Is an Aggressive Hepatic Neoplasm Sharing Common Molecular Features With Its Conventional Carcinomatous Counterparts. Modern Pathology, 36 (1): 100042. pp. 1-9. ISSN 08933952

Yuane, Erick and Dewanto, Agung and Widad, Shofwal (2023) High Expression of PR-A and Low Expression of PR-B is Correlated with Inflammation in Endometrioma Cases. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 15 (1). 85 - 93. ISSN 20853297

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