Items where Subject is "RG Gynecology and obstetrics"

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Number of items at this level: 40.


Ariyana, Made and Hadiati, Diah R. and Rachman, Irwan T. and Purnomosari, Dewajani (2021) Bax expression of throphoblast cells did not differ between early and late onset Preeclampsia; Ekspresi Baks Sel Trofoblas tidak Berbeda antara Preeklamsia Awitan Dini dan Lanjut. Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 9 (3). 126 – 129. ISSN 23386401

Aryasa, Tjahya E. M. and Rehatta, Nancy Margarita and Isngadi, Isngadi and Sari, Djayanti and Lestari, Mayang Indah and Liberty, Iche Andriyani and Nugroho, Alfan Mahdi and Wijaya, Dadik Wahyu and Agnesha, Fahmi and Septica, Rafidya Indah and Palinrungi, Ari Santi and Bisri, Dewi Yulianti and Lalenoh, Diana C. and Adhiany, Eka and Dewi, Fitri Hapsari and Nuryawan, Iwan and Fitriati, Mariza and Hidayat, Nopian and Purwoko, Purwoko and Apsari, Ratih Kumala Fajar and Mafiana, Rose and Hartono, Ruddi and Wicaksono, Satrio Adi and Novara, Tendi and Fadine, Wulan and Chandra, Susilo and Nurdin, Haizah and Ramli, Muh and Uyun, Yusmein (2023) Obstetric Anesthesia Services Profile in Cesarean Section in Indonesian Population: A Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Study. Bali Journal of Anesthesiology, 7 (4). pp. 215-219. ISSN 25492276

Budihastuti, Uki Retno and Dasuki, Djaswadi and Sadewa, Ahmad Hamim and Utoro, Totok (2023) Endometrial receptivity defects MUC-1 and COX-2 polymorphisms in endometriosis. Journal of Medicine and Life, 16 (10). pp. 1503-1507. ISSN 1844122X

Cahyono, Tri Agung Wahyu and Widad, Shofwal and Hadi, Cahyono and Dewanto, Agung and Jenie, Riris (2023) The activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) that are associated with the degree of endometrioma tissue invasion transplanted onto the Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM). Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 2271-2277. ISSN 20891180

Cutler, Hannah Rebecca and Barr, Logan and Sattwika, Prenali Dwisthi and Frost, Annabelle and Alkhodari, Mohanad and Kitt, Jamie and Lapidaire, Winok and Lewandowski, Adam James and Leeson, Paul (2024) Temporal patterns of pre- and post-natal target organ damage associated with hypertensive pregnancy: a systematic review. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 31 (1). 77 -99. ISSN 20474873

Dewi, Andriana K. and Wicaksana, Anggi L. and Lutfi, Muhammad and Dewanto, Agung (2023) The barriers of joining in vitro fertilization programs among infertile couples in developing countries: A scoping review. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 12 (4). pp. 147-154. ISSN 23050500

Ekawati, Fitriana Murriya and Muchlis, Mumtihana and Iturrieta-Guaita, Nicole Ghislaine and Putri, Dwi Astuti Dharma (2023) Recommendations for improving maternal health services in Indonesian primary care under the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a systematic review and appraisal of international guidelines. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 35: 100811. ISSN 18775756


Gayatri, Mergy and Silvani, Yulia and Pirade, Roland A. and Akingbade, Oluwadamilare and Harjo, Indhar W. W. and Hastuti, Nuraini R. (2023) Javanese Women's Experiences during the First Pregnancy. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 28 (6). pp. 735-739. ISSN 17359066

Hadi, Hamam and Nurunniyah, Siti and Gittelsohn, Joel and Alfiana, Ratih Devi and Fatimatasari, Fatimatasari and Lewis, Emma C. and Nurdiati, Detty (2023) Preconception Maternal Mentoring for Improved Fetal Growth among Indonesian Women: Results from a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients, 15 (21): 4579. ISSN 20726643

Haksari, Ekawaty L. and Hakimi, Mohammad and Ismail, Djauhar (2023) Neonatal mortality in small for gestational age infants based on reference local newborn curve at secondary and tertiary hospitals in Indonesia. BMC Pediatrics, 23 (1). ISSN 14712431

Hapsari, Elsi Dwi and Jayanti, Ratna Dwi and Nugraheni, Dwi and Panuntun, Rizky Ayu (2020) Information needs in pregnant women living in disaster prone area. ENFERMERIA CLINICA, 30 (3). pp. 80-86. ISSN 1130-8621

Hendri, Ahmad Zulfan and Soerohardjo, Indrawarman and Dewi, Khaerani Arista and Danurdoro, Aria (2023) Feasibility and safety of transvaginal specimen extraction for laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy: an Indonesian perspective compared with three different approaches. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 78 (3). 270 -278. ISSN 03005283

Hunersen, Kara and Li, Mengmeng and Pinandari, Anggriyani Wahyu and Mbela, Pierrot and van Reeuwijk, Miranda and Barker, Kathryn M. and Maddaleno, Matilde and Moreau, Caroline (2023) Understanding How Gender Transformative Interventions Affect Adolescent Sexuality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73 (1). S65-S73. ISSN 1054139X

Iqbal, Muhammad Javedh and Hadiati, Diah Rumekti and Heriyanto, Didik Setyo (2023) Bax mRNA Expression as A Potential Biomarker of Placental Apoptosis in Early-onset Preeclampsia. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 15 (3). pp. 262-268. ISSN 20853297

Kurniawati, Eighty Mardiyan and Hardianto, Gatut and Paraton, Hari and Setyo Hadi, Tri Hastono and Widyasari, Anis and Rahmawati, Nur Anisah (2023) Pregnancy Following Treatment in Patients with Vaginismus in East Java Indonesia in 2022. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research, 8 (5). 541 – 544. ISSN 26453991

Kusumaningtyas, Intan and Dasuki, Djaswadi and Harjana, Sofia Mubarika and Sadewa, Ahmad Hamim and Sweety, Margaretha Cempaka and Septiani, Linda (2024) Unraveling the microRNAs, key players in folliculogenesis and ovarian diseases. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 29 (1): 13. ISSN 11105690

Kusumanto, Ardhanu (2020) Platinum based chemotherapy for Ovarian Carcinoma. BALI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 9 (1). pp. 404-407. ISSN 2089-1180

Lestari, Nurmala Dewi Ria and Emilia, Ova and Nurdianti, Detty Siti and Padmawati, Retna Siwi (2023) A protocol study of participatory action research: Midwife empowerment in improving the quality of maternal referral in Indonesia. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (3). 2957 -2962. ISSN 20891180

Lubis, Ilham Sejahtera and Ganap, Eugenius Phyowai (2023) Utilization of Phyo Referral Score in assessing maternal referral quality in emergency cesarean section of maternal COVID-19 cases in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (3). 3129 -3134. ISSN 20891180

Mariyani, Sri and Irmawati, Yulia Eka and Etnawati, Kristiana and Siswati, Agnes Sri (2023) Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy in a chronic kidney disease patient: A case report. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, 33 (1). pp. 289-293. ISSN 15609014

Mediastuti, Fitriani and Ismail, Djauhar and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Emilia, Ova (2023) Reducing the Risk of Teen Pregnancy among Middle School Pupils through Experiential Learning Intervention by Midwifery Students. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 22 (4). pp. 797-803. ISSN 22234721

Purwati, Yuni and Pramono, Noor and Hakimi, Mohammad and Suwandono, Agus and Kristina, Tri Nur and Anggorowati, Anggorowati (2024) Participant analysis of the need for prenatal attachment education packages. Kontakt, 26 (3). 309 – 316. ISSN 12124117

Rahman, Abd and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Santosa, Sigit Heru Murti Budi (2023) Desire to Have Children Reviewed from Reproductive Health as the Impact of Natural Disasters in Palu, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 18 (8). 2599 – 2604. ISSN 17437601

Rahman, Muhammad Nurhadi and Sukarsa, Mochamad Rizkar Arev and Rinaldi, Andi and Achmad, Eppy Darmadi and Sasotya, Raden Mas Sonny and Armawan, Edwin and Yanuaristi, Herdifitrianne Saintissa and Putri, Azura Nabila (2023) Obstetrical ballooning and avulsion of levator ani muscle after vaginal delivery: a literature review. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 2070-2073. ISSN 20891180

Reza, Hanif and Prawitasari, Shinta and Kusumanto, Ardhanu (2023) Granisetron was more Effective than Ondansetron as Antiemetic in Ovarian Cancer Patients: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 11 (3). pp. 148-152. ISSN 23386401

Rizal, Dicky Moch (2021) Assessment and detection of male reproductive outcome (Andro) model as a concept for improving the contribution of general practitioners in indonesia for male infertility management. Bali Medical Journal, 10 (3). 912 – 917. ISSN 20891180

Rosadi, Seswandhana M. and Prawoto, A. N. and Rachman, I. T. and Wahdini, S. I. and Vityadewi, N. and Ramli, R. N. and Dachlan, I. (2023) Treatment Challenges in A Pregnant Patient with Severe Burn Injury and Wound Care Using Amniotic Membrane: A Case Report. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 36 (3). pp. 229-233. ISSN 15929558

Rosyidah, Rafhani and Widyastuti, Yunita and Dewanto, Agung and Hapsari, Elsi Dwi and Wicaksana, Anggi Lukman (2021) The Attitude of Health Care Workers on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for Cesarean Delivery: A Scoping Review. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 43 (7). 856 – 863. ISSN 17012163

Saputra, Akbar Novan Dwi and Permatasari, Nisa Utami Ika (2023) Intrauterine device migration into the bladder leading to stones formation. BMJ Case Reports, 16 (10). ISSN 1757790X

Sari, Vidia and Jenie, Riris Istighfari and Widad, Shofwal and Dewanto, Agung (2023) MMP-9 and TIMP-1 Promote Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in the Formation of Ovarian Endometrioma: in vitro Study on Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 15 (1). 69 - 76. ISSN 20853297

Sentosa, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Agung and Ayuandari, Sarrah and Rosyidah, Rafhani and Dewanto, Agung (2023) The fate of surplus embryos in the setting of assisted reproductive technology: A scoping review. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 12 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 23050500

Susilo, H. and Thaha, M. and Pikir, B.S. and Alsagaff, M.Y. and Suryantoro, S.D. and Wafa, I.A. and Pratama, N.R. and Budi, D.S. and Wiratama, B.S. and Wungu, C.D.K. (2023) The role of plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme and interleukin-6 levels on the prognosis of non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients Papel de los niveles plasmáticos de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina e interleucina-6 en el pronóstico de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica no sometidos a diálisis. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 11 (1). pp. 55-62. ISSN 07194250

Triadmajani, Wahyu and Prawitasari, Shinta and Wahab, Abdul (2024) Role of proper postnatal care in continued exclusive breastfeeding among young Indonesian mothers. Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics, 67 (12). 686 -693. ISSN 27134148

Triadmajani, Wahyu and Prawitasari, Shinta and Wahab, Abdul (2024) Role of proper postnatal care in continued exclusive breastfeeding among young Indonesian mothers. Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics, 67 (12). pp. 686-693. ISSN 27134148

Triyono, Teguh and Sukorini, Usi and Siswishanto, Rukmono (2023) Blood Supply Management During COVID-19 Pandemic and Ramadhan Fasting at a Tertiary Hospital. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 29 (2). pp. 133-139. ISSN 24774685

Wenang, Supriyatiningsih and Emilia, Ova and Wahyuni, Alfaina and Afdal, Andi and Haier, Joerg (2024) Obstetrics care in Indonesia: Determinants of maternal mortality and stillbirth rates. PLoS ONE, 19 (7 July): e0303590. ISSN 19326203

Wenang, Supriyatiningsih and Febrianti, Lidia and Yuri, Prahara and Dewi, Arlina and Rizal, Dicky Moch and Lelle, Ralph J. (2024) Pregnancy outcomes with undescended testis husbands: influenced by wive’s life style and surgical correction before 1 year. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 23 (2). 455 -462. ISSN 22234721

Widyaputri, Felicia and Lim, Lyndell L. (2023) Diabetic retinopathy in pregnancy: A growing problem. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 51 (3). 192 - 194. ISSN 14426404

Yuri, Prahara and Wenang, Supriyatiningsih and Febrianti, Lidia and Dewi, Arlina and Rizal, Dicky Moch and Lelle, Ralph J. (2023) Impact of Men with Undescended Testis on Fertility and Hormonal Function Promoting Hypogonadism. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 22 (4). pp. 859-868. ISSN 22234721

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