Items where Subject is "RS Pharmacy and materia medica"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- R Medicine (104)
- RS Pharmacy and materia medica (395)
- R Medicine (104)
Adiwidjaja, Jeffry and Gross, Annette S. and Boddy, Alan and McLachlan, Andrew J. (2022) Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model predictions of inter-ethnic differences in imatinib pharmacokinetics and dosing regimens. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 88 (4). pp. 1735-1750. ISSN 0306-5251
Adiwidjaja, Jeffry and Sasongko, Lucy (2021) Effect of <i>Nigella sativa</i> oil on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of gliclazide in rats. BIOPHARMACEUTICS & DRUG DISPOSITION, 42 (8). pp. 359-371. ISSN 0142-2782
Adjeng, Andi Nafisah Tendri and Murrukmihadi, Mimiek and Hertiani, Triana and Nugroho, Akhmad Kharis (2023) OPTIMATION OF SORBITOL, GLYCERINE, AND XANTHAN GUM COMBINATION IN MUCOLITIC SYRUP OF Hibiscus rosa-sinensis LEAVES EXTRACT USING MIXTURE DESIGN (D-OPTIMAL). Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 16 (1). 509 – 518. ISSN 09741496
Ahda, M. and Jaswir, I. and Khatib, A. and Ahmed, Q.U. and Mahfudh, N. and Ardini, Y.D. and Rohman, A. (2023) FTIR fingerprinting profiling, antioxidant activity, and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of Orthosiphon stamineus leaf ethanolic extracts. International Journal of Food Properties, 26 (1). pp. 2025-2038. ISSN 10942912
Ahda, Mustofa and Jaswir, Irwandi and Khatib, Alfi and Ahmed, Qamar Uddin and Mahfudh, Nurkhasanah and Ardini, Yunita Dewi and Rohman, Abdul (2023) FTIR fingerprinting profiling, antioxidant activity, and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of Orthosiphon stamineus leaf ethanolic extracts. International Journal of Food Properties, 26 (1). 2025 – 2038. ISSN 10942912
Ahmad, Nazir and Lesa, Kaisun N. and Fakhrudin, Nanang and Ikawati, Zullies (2023) Potentiality of Coffee (Coffea robusta) and its Bioactive Compounds in Memory Function: A Review. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research, 7 (11). 5015 – 5025. ISSN 26160684
Ahmad, Nazir and Lesa, Kaisun Nesa and Ujiantari, Navista Sri Octa and Sudarmanto, Ari and Ikawati, Zullies and Fakhrudin, Nanang (2023) Phytochemical identification and in silico study of ethanolic extract of white cabbage as a phosphodiesterase 1B inhibitor. Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology, 12 (4). 521 – 535. ISSN 23455004
Aini, S.R. and Kurniasih, K.S.I. and Rohman, A. and Mulyanto, M and Erwanto, Y. and Windarsih, A. and Bakar, N.K.A. (2023) The employment of real-time polymerase chain reaction coupled with species-specific primer for analysis of wild boar meat for halal authentication. Food Research, 7 (4). pp. 114-121. ISSN 25502166
Aini, S.R. and Rohman, A. and Mulyanto, M and Erwanto, Y. and Ansar, A and Handayani, B.R. and Irnawati, I (2023) The metabolomics approach used for halal authentication analysis of food and pharmaceutical products: a review. Food Research, 7 (3). pp. 180-187. ISSN 25502166
Alfian, Sofa D. and Khoiry, Qisty A. and Pratama, Mochammad Andhika A. and Pradipta, Ivan S. and Kristina, Susi A. and Zairina, Elida and Hak, Eelko and Abdulah, Rizky (2023) Knowledge, perception, and willingness to provide telepharmacy services among pharmacy students: a multicenter cross-sectional study in Indonesia. BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 23 (1).
Alif, Iffan and Utomo, Rohmad Yudi and Ahlina, Faradiba Nur and Nugraheni, Nadzifa and Hermansyah, Dedy and Putra, Agung and Meiyanto, Edy (2021) Immunopotentiation of galangal (Alpinia galanga L.) when combined with T-cells against metastatic triple-negative breast cancer, MDA-MB 231. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 11 (11). 053 – 061. ISSN 22313354
Amalina, Nur Dina and Salsabila, Irfani Aura and Zulfin, Ummi Maryam and Jenie, Riris Istighfari and Meiyanto, Edy (2023) In vitro synergistic effect of hesperidin and doxorubicin downregulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition in highly metastatic breast cancer cells. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute, 35 (1). ISSN 11100362
Aminah, N. S. and Laili, E. R. and Rafi, M. and Rochman, A. and Insanu, M. and Tun, K. N. W. (2021) Secondary metabolite compounds from Sida genus and their bioactivity. HELIYON, 7 (4).
Andrade, Mariana A. and Barbosa, Cássia H. and Shah, Muhammad Ajmal and Ahmad, Nazir and Vilarinho, Fernanda and Khwaldia, Khaoula and Silva, Ana Sanches and Ramos, Fernando (2023) Citrus By-Products: Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds for Food Applications. Antioxidants, 12 (1). ISSN 20763921
Annalisa, L. and Gani, A.P. and Murwanti, R. (2023) An updated review: Andrographis species during the pandemic. Food Research, 7 (6). pp. 90-95. ISSN 25502166
Annisa, Ayyoehan Tiara and Yasin, Nanang Munif and Kristina, Susi Ari (2023) Medication errors analysis in Asia and Australia: A systematic review. Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia, 50 (2). 100 – 112. ISSN 25868195
Annisa, Viviane and Sulaiman, Teuku N.S. and Nugroho, Akhmad K. and Nugroho, Agung E. (2023) Validation of RP-HPLC method for quantification of ketoconazole in two-stage model of biorelevant dissolution: application to supersaturation study. Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal, 22 (4). 676 – 682. ISSN 16874315
Annisa, Viviane and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah and Nugroho, Akhmad Kharis and Nugroho, Agung Endro (2023) Utilization of alginate with gum acacia/pectin/carrageenan as precipitation inhibitor to improve bioavailability in drug supersaturation: A case study of ketoconazole. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 6. ISSN 26668939
Annisa, Viviane and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah and Nugroho, Akhmad Kharis and Nugroho, Agung Endro (2023) Validation Of Rp-Hplc Uv Method for Determination Ketoconazole in Rabbit Plasma: an Application to The Pharmacokinetic Study. Fabad Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 48 (2). 285 – 294. ISSN 13004182
Annisa, Viviane and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah and Nugroho, Akhmad Kharis and Nugroho, Agung Endro (2023) A novel formulation of ketoconazole entrapped in alginate with anionic polymer beads for solubility enhancement: Preparation and characterization. Pharmacia, 70 (4). 1423 – 1438. ISSN 04280296
Ariantari, Ni Putu and Putra, I Putu Yogi Astara and Leliqia, Ni Putu Eka and Yustiantara, Putu Sanna and Proborini, Meitini Wahyuni and Nugraheni, Nadzifa and Zulfin, Ummi Maryam and Jenie, Riris Istighfari and Meiyanto, Edy (2023) Antibacterial and cytotoxic secondary metabolites from endophytic fungi associated with Antidesma bunius leaves. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 13 (7). 132 – 143. ISSN 22313354
Arifah, F.H. and Nugroho, A.E. and Rohman, A. and Sujarwo, W. (2023) A Bibliometric Analysis to Preclinical Studies of Tinospora Crispa (L.) Hook. F. & Thomson as An Antidiabetic. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (1). pp. 24-35. ISSN 23389427
Arifah, Fitriana Hayyu and Nugroho, Agung Endro and Rohman, Abdul and Sujarwo, Wawan (2023) A Bibliometric Analysis to Preclinical Studies of Tinospora Crispa (L.) Hook. F. & Thomson as An Antidiabetic. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (1). 24 – 35. ISSN 23389427
Armenda, Syifa and Rusmawatiningtyas, Desy and Makrufardi, Firdian and Arguni, Eggi (2021) Factors associated with clinical outcomes of pediatric dengue shock syndrome admitted to pediatric intensive care unit: A retrospective cohort study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 66. ISSN 20490801
Arsyad, Anggun Selvya and Nurrochmad, Arief and Fakhrudin, Nanang (2023) Phytochemistry, traditional uses, and pharmacological activities of Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem: A review. Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology, 12 (1). 41 – 53. ISSN 23455004
Aryantini, Dyah and Astuti, Puji and Yuniarti, Nunung and Wahyuono, Subagus (2023) Bioassay-guided isolation of the antioxidant constituent from Kaempferia rotunda L. Biodiversitas, 24 (6). 3641 – 3647. ISSN 1412033X
Atmaja, Sarah Puspita and Nugrahaningsih, Dwi Aris Agung and Rawar, Ellsya Angeline and Kristiyani, Ani and Sadewa, Ahmad Hamim and Virginia, Dita Maria (2023) Impact of Gene Polymorphism on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Calcium Channel Blockers: A Narrative Review. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3). pp. 372-394. ISSN 23389427
Atmaja, Sarah Puspita and Nugrahaningsih, Dwi Aris Agung and Rawar, Ellsya Angeline and Kristiyani, Ani and Sadewa, Ahmad Hamim and Virginia, Dita Maria (2023) Impact of Gene Polymorphism on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Calcium Channel Blockers: A Narrative Review. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3). 372 – 394. ISSN 23389427
Azizah, Zulfi and Puspitasari, Ika and Sahid, Muhammad Novrizal Abdi (2023) Drug-induced pseudoallergy reaction through mas-related G-protein-coupled receptor X2: A narrative review. Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 47 (3). ISSN 19054637
Bafadal, Mentarry and Hertiani, Triana and Pratiwi, Sylvia Utami Tunjung and Narsa, Angga Cipta (2023) Exploring The Inhibitory Potential of Massoia Oil on Biofilm Dual-Species Culture of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 66 (8). 185 – 190. ISSN 04492285
Bashari, Muhammad Hasan and Arsydinilhuda, Fadli Zaky and Ilhamsyah, Re Septian and Nugrahani, Annisa Dewi and Nurdin, Ryzkianty Annis and Kartikasari, Ajeng and Huda, Fathul and Abdurahman, Maman and Putri, Tenny and Qomarilla, Nurul and Atmaja, Harold and Sudji, Ikhwan Resmala and Subhan, Beginer and Usman, Hermin Aminah and Pamela, Yunisa and Ariyanto, Eko Fuji and Meiyanto, Edy (2021) The Ethanol Extract of Marine Sponge Aaptos suberitoides Suppress Cell Viability, Cell Proliferation and Cell Migration in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Cell Line. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22 (Supple). 25 – 32. ISSN 15137368
Boonkaew, Suchanat and Jang, Ilhoon and Noviana, Eka and Siangproh, Weena and Chailapakul, Orawon and Henry, Charles S. (2021) Electrochemical paper-based analytical device for multiplexed, point-of-care detection of cardiovascular disease biomarkers. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 330.
Cahaya, Noor and Kristina, Susi Ari and Widayanti, Anna Wahyuni and Green, James (2023) Motivational Interviewing Effect on Medication Adherence and Other Outcomes in People with Schizophrenia (PwS): A Review. In: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering, BioMIC.
Cahaya, Noor and Kristina, Susi Ari and Widayanti, Anna Wahyuni and Green, James A. (2023) Impact of Educational Interventions in Therapy Programs for People with Schizophrenia (PwS): A Systematic Review. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (4). 555 – 566. ISSN 23389427
Cahyani, Intan Martha and Adhyatmika, Adhyatmika and Lukitaningsih, Endang and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah (2023) Optimal Conditions for Alkaline Delignification Process in Cellulose Isolation from Sengon Wood Sawdust. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8 (4). 666 – 674. ISSN 25804405
Cahyaningsih, Indriastuti and Rokhman, M. Rifqi and Maziyyah, Nurul and Niamuzisilawati, Eva and Taxis, Katja and Denig, Petra (2024) Translation and Validation of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire in Indonesian Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care, 50 (6). 484 – 496. ISSN 26350106
Chabib, L. and Trianloka, A.M.B. and Hidayat, A.U.M.J. and Awaluddin, R. and Firmansyah, F. (2020) Potential Tropical Fruits to Aid Sports Performance and its Prospect to be Developed into Nano supplement. In: 1st International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues and Community Development, INCRID 2019 Semarang, Central Java Province 23 October 2019.
Chabib, Lutfi and Suryani, Arman and Dewi, Loly Sintia and Noviani, Herdwi and Maharani, Widya Husna Puspa and Indraswari, Aina Anasta (2023) Pineapple fruit extract (Ananas comosus L. Merr) as an antioxidant and anti-acne agent made with the nano-emulsion gel delivery system. Pharmacy Education, 23 (2). 126 – 132. ISSN 15602214
Chanthavisouk, Moukda and Vo, Trung Quang and Tran, Quang Vinh and Van Vo, Bay and Ho, Tuan Nguyen Anh and Kristina, Susi Ari and Endarti, Dwi and Sriram, Shyamkumar (2023) Assessing the relationship between work-related factors and the quality of working life among nurses: A cross-sectional study in Laos. In: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering, BioMIC.
Damayanti, Ema and Nisa, Khoirun and Handayani, Sri and Dewi, Rizna Triana and Mustofa, M. and Dinoto, Achmad and Widada, Jaka (2021) Cytotoxicity and Molecular Mechanism of Marine-derived Streptomyces Sp. Gmy01 on Human Lung Cancer Cell Line A549. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 11 (6). 046 – 055. ISSN 22313354
Danimayostu, Adeltrudis Adelsa and Lukitaningsih, Endang and Martien, Ronny and Danarti, Retno (2023) Determination of Vitamin D3 Loaded Self-nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SNEDDS) Based Hydrogel. Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 27 (3). pp. 1213-1219. ISSN 26306344
Danimayostu, Adeltrudis Adelsa and Lukitaningsih, Endang and Martien, Ronny and Danarti, Retno (2023) Determination of Vitamin D3 Loaded Self-nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SNEDDS) Based Hydrogel. Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 27 (3). 1213 – 1219. ISSN 26306344
Danimayostu, Adeltrudis Adelsa and Martien, Ronny and Lukitaningsih, Endang and Danarti, Retno (2023) Vitamin D3 and Molecular Pathway of Skin Aging. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3). 357 – 371. ISSN 23389427
Desnita, Rise and Noviana, Eka and Zai, Khadijah and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah (2023) AN UP-TO-DATE REVIEW: MICROSPHERES AS A NEW DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 15 (6). 82 – 89. ISSN 09757058
Desrini, Sufi and Girardot, Marion and Imbert, Christine and Mustofa, Mustofa and Nuryastuti, Titik (2023) Screening antibiofilm activity of invasive plants growing at the Slope Merapi Mountain, Central Java, against Candida albicans. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 23 (1): 232. ISSN 26627671
Dewati, P.R. and Rochmadi, R and Rohman, A. and Budiman, A. (2023) Mathematical model of astaxanthin purification process using the low-pressure column chromatography method. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 45. pp. 256-268. ISSN 10269185
Dewi, I.K. and Pramono, S. and Rohman, A. and Martien, R. (2021) Potential of corncobs (Zea mays) fraction as tyrosinase inhibitor and natural antioxidant in vitro. Food Research, 5 (2). 67 – 73. ISSN 25502166
Diana, Estika Mei and Widayanti, Anna Wahyuni and Satibi, Satibi (2021) Compliance with personal protective equipment use among non-medical healthcare professionals during Covid-19 pandemic. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 32 (2). 258 – 266. ISSN 23389427
Donowati, Maria Wisnu and Kristin, Erna and Hutajulu, Susanna Hilda and Endarti, Dwi and Nindrea, Ricvan Dana (2024) The comparative effectiveness of first-line treatment EGFR TKIs in Asian lung cancer population: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 14 (6). pp. 53-70. ISSN 22313354
Duadji, N. and Purba, D. and Juliana, A. and Wulandari, F.R. and Zenitha, S.A. and Budiati, A. and Kurniasih, D. and Djausal, G.P. (2023) Biodiversity management policy in indonesia. In: Biennial Conference of Tropical Biodiversity, BCTB.
Duadji, N. and Purba, D. and Juliana, A. and Wulandari, F.R. and Zenitha, S.A. and Budiati, A. and Kurniasih, D. and Djausal, G.P. (2023) Biodiversity management policy in indonesia. In: 3rd Biennial Conference of Tropical Biodiversity, BCTB 2023.
Dwiatmaka, Yohanes and Yuniarti, Nunung and Lukitaningsih, Endang and Wahyuono, Subagus (2023) Antioxidant Activity of Tempeh Ethanolic Extract on Male Swiss Mouse Brain. Majalah Obat Tradisional, 28 (1). 10 – 15. ISSN 14105918
Eden, Willy T. and Wahyuono, Subagus and Cahyono, Edy and Astuti, Puji (2023) Phytochemical, Antioxidant, and Cytotoxic Activity of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Ethanol Extract. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research, 7 (8). 3606 – 3612. ISSN 26160684
Eden, Willy Tirza and Wahyuono, Subagus and Cahyono, Edy and Astuti, Puji (2023) Antioxidant activity of Eichhornia crassipes (mart) solms as sunscreen. In: 8th International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education, ICMSE 2021, 5 October 2021through 6 October 2021, Virtual, Online.
Eltivitasari, Andita and Rahmawati, Rahmawati and Gemantari, Baiq Maylinda and Romadhonsyah, Fitra and Nurrochmad, Arief and Wahyuono, Subagus and Astuti, Puji (2021) Effect of light exposure on secondary metabolites production of an endophytic fungus arthrinium rasikravindrae and its antioxidant and anticancer activities. Biodiversitas, 22 (6). 3156 – 3163. ISSN 1412033X
Endriyanti, Fatimah and Endarti, Dwi and Phodha, Tuangrat (2023) Knowledge, Acceptance, and Willingness to Pay for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: A Systematic Review. In: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering, BioMIC.
Ernawati, Iin and Yasin, Nanang Munif and Setyopranoto, Ismail and Ikawati, Zullies (2024) Effect of Mobile Health Applications on Improving Self-Management Knowledge and Seizure Control in Epilepsy Patients: A Scoping Review. Healthcare Informatics Research, 30 (2). pp. 127-139. ISSN 20933681
Estiningsih, D. and Puspitasari, I. and Nuryastuti, T. and Lukitaningsih, E. (2023) Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance profile of bacteria isolated from out-patients of pakem primary health care yogyakarta. Pharmacy Education, 23 (2). pp. 156-162. ISSN 15602214
Estiningsih, Daru and Puspitasari, Ika and Nuryastuti, Titik and Lukitaningsih, Endang (2023) Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance profile of bacteria isolated from out-patients of pakem primary health care yogyakarta. Pharmacy Education, 23 (2). 156 – 162. ISSN 15602214
Fadhilah, Khusnul and Wahyuono, Subagus and Astuti, Puji (2021) Fractions and isolated compounds from lansium domesticum fruit peel exhibited cytotoxic activity against T-47D and HepG2 cell lines. Biodiversitas, 22. 3743 – 3748. ISSN 1412033X
Fadhilah, Khusnul and Wahyuono, Subagus and Astuti, Puji (2021) Y A Sesquiterpene Aldehyde Isolated From Ethyl Acetate Extract of Lansium Domesticum Fruit Peel. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY, 32 (3). pp. 394-398. ISSN 2338-9486
Fadhilah, Khusnul and Wahyuono, Subagus and Astuti, Puji (2021) A sesquiterpene aldehyde isolated from ethyl acetate extract of Lansium domesticum fruit peel. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 32 (3). 394 – 398. ISSN 23389427
Fakhrudin, Nanang and Mufinnah, Fatiya Farih and Husni, Muhammad Faishal and Wardana, Arief Eka and Wulandari, Eradhian Irma and Putra, Arbie Ristanto and Santosa, Djoko and Nurrochmad, Arief and Wahyuono, Subagus (2021) Screening of selected indonesian plants for antiplatelet activity. Biodiversitas, 22 (12). 5268 – 5273. ISSN 1412033X
Faradiba, F and Satibi, S and Lazuardi, L. (2023) Development of a Drug Management Performance Application: A Needs Assessment in Indonesia. Healthcare Informatics Research, 29 (2). pp. 103-111. ISSN 20933681
Fatimah, Fatimah and Martha, Rahma Diyan and Danar, Danar and Zummah, Atiqoh and Anggraini, Ines Marisya Dwi and Kusumawati, Asmarani (2023) Identification of Anticancer Potential Compounds and its In Silico Prediction of The Cytotoxic Activity in Majapahit (Crescentia cujete L.) Stem Bark. In: 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education: Science and Mathematics Education Research: Current Challenges and Opportunities, ICoMSE 2021.
Fatmarahmi, Dharmastuti Cahya and Susidarti, Ratna Asmah and Swasono, Respati Tri and Rohman, Abdul (2021) Identification and quantification of metamizole in traditional herbal medicines using spectroscopy ftir-atr combined with chemometrics. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 14 (8). 4413 – 4419. ISSN 09743618
Fatmasari, Erlina and Zulkarnain, Abdul Karim and Kuswahyuning, Rina (2021) 3,4-dimethoxychalcone novel ultraviolet-A-protection factor in conventional sunscreen cream. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH, 12 (3). pp. 279-284. ISSN 2231-4040
Febriansah, Rifki and Hertiani, Triana and Widada, Jaka and Taher, Muhammad and Damayanti, Ema and Mustofa, Mustofa (2024) Isolation of active compounds from Streptomyces sennicomposti GMY01 and cytotoxic activity on breast cancer cells line. Heliyon, 10 (2): e24195. ISSN 24058440
Ferdiana, Astri and Cintyamena, Utsamani and Azizatunnisa’, Luthfi and Sunandar, Edi and Probandari, Ari (2021) Finding the right balance: implementation of public–private partnership in artemisinin-based combination therapy provision in Manokwari, Indonesia. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 14. ISSN 20523211
Ferdiana, Astri and Liverani, Marco and Khan, Mishal and Wulandari, Luh Putu Lila and Mashuri, Yusuf Ari and Batura, Neha and Wibawa, Tri and Yeung, Shunmay and Day, Richard and Jan, Stephen and Wiseman, Virginia and Probandari, Ari (2021) Community pharmacies, drug stores, and antibiotic dispensing in Indonesia: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 21 (1). ISSN 14712458
Fernando, D. and Rahmanina, A. and Rohman, A. and Santosa, D. (2023) Vibrational spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics as an emerging technique in the authentication of coffee: A review. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 13 (3). pp. 12-22. ISSN 22313354
Fernando, David and Rahmanina, Anindya and Rohman, Abdul and Santosa, Djoko (2023) Vibrational spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics as an emerging technique in the authentication of coffee: A review. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 13 (3). 12 – 22. ISSN 22313354
Firdausia, R. S. and Rumiyati, Rumiyati and Nugroho, A. E. and Purwestri, Y. A. and Pranoto, Y. (2021) The effect of functional rice analogue diet from mocaf, corn, pigeon pea and seaweed on rats model of type 2 diabetes. Food Research, 5 (4). 238 – 247. ISSN 25502166
Franyoto, Yuvianti Dwi and Nurrochmad, Arief and Fakhrudin, Nanang (2024) Murraya koenigii L. Spreng.: An updated review of chemical composition, pharmacological effects, and toxicity studies. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 14 (6). pp. 11-27. ISSN 22313354
Gemantari, Baiq Maylinda and Romadhonsyah, Fitra and Nurrochmad, Arief and Wahyuono, Subagus and Astuti, Puji (2021) Bioactivity screening of endophytic fungus eutypa linearis isolated from coleus amboinicus (Lour.). Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 32 (1). 86 – 95. ISSN 23389427
Genatrika, Erza and Puspitasari, Ika and Kristina, Susi Ari and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah (2021) Personnel knowledge of intravenous admixtures: a survey in a government hospital. Pan African Medical Journal, 40. ISSN 19378688
Genatrika, Erza and Puspitasari, Ika and Kristina, Susi Ari and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah (2021) Personnel knowledge of intravenous admixtures: a survey in a government hospital. PAN AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 40.
Ghozali, M. T. and Satibi, Satibi and Ikawati, Zullies and Lazuardi, Lutfan (2021) Asthma self-management app for Indonesian asthmatics: A patient-centered design. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, 211. ISSN 0169-2607
Ghozali, M.T. and Satibi, Satibi and Ikawati, Zullies and Lazuardi, Lutfan (2021) Asthma self-management app for Indonesian asthmatics: A patient-centered design. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 211. ISSN 01692607
Ghozali, M.T. and Satibi, Satibi and Ikawati, Zullies and Lazuardi, Lutfan (2021) Exploring intention to use asma droid app of indonesian asthmatics using technology acceptance model (Tam): A descriptive quantitative study. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 14 (1). 573 – 578. ISSN 09743618
Ghozali, Muhammad Thesa and Ikawati, Zullies and Lazuardi, Lutfan (2024) Evaluating the impact of AsmaDroid® on knowledge, attitude, and behavior of relapse prevention among asthmatic patients. International Journal of Public Health Science, 13 (1). 58 – 66. ISSN 22528806
Ghozali, Muhammad Thesa and Mohany, Mohamed and Milosevic, Marija and Satibi, Satibi and Kurniawan, Muhammad (2023) Impact of a mobile-app assisted self-management educational intervention on the scores of asthma control test (ACT) questionnaire among young asthmatic patients. RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY, 19 (10). pp. 1354-1359. ISSN 1551-7411
Ghozali, Muhammad Thesa and Mohany, Mohamed and Milošević, Marija and Satibi, Satibi and Kurniawan, Muhammad (2023) Impact of a mobile-app assisted self-management educational intervention on the scores of asthma control test (ACT) questionnaire among young asthmatic patients. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 19 (10). 1354 – 1359. ISSN 15517411
Ghozali, Muhammad Thesa and Satibi, Satibi and Forthwengel, Gerhard (2023) The impact of mobile health applications on the outcomes of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Medicine and Life, 16 (9). 1299 – 1309. ISSN 1844122X
Gunawan, Indra and Setiadi Daryono, Budi and Noviana, Eka and Sulaiman, Teuku Nanda Saifullah (2023) Nano-Perfumes as A Fragrance Carrier: Their Brief History, Essential Aspects, Development, Preparation Methods, Characteristics, and Future Perspectives. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3). 395 – 418. ISSN 23389427
Hadiati, S.W. and Winarno, H. and Pramono, S. (2021) Gamma irradiation as suitable preservation method on herbal medicine: A review. Food Research, 5 (5). 33 – 42. ISSN 25502166
Hadinugroho, Wuryanto and Martodihardjo, Suwaldi and Fudholi, Achmad and Riyanto, Sugeng (2022) Preparation of Citric Acid-Locust Bean Gum (CA-LBG) for the Disintegrating Agent of Tablet Dosage Forms. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL INNOVATION, 17 (4). pp. 1160-1175. ISSN 1872-5120
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