Items where Subject is "RT Nursing"

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Abidin, A. U. and Nurmaya, E. M. and Hariyono, W. and Sutomo, A. H. (2021) Implementation of occupational safety and health management system (OSHMS) on work-related accident rate in the manufacturing industry, Indonesia. In: 6th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE).

Achmad, Bayu Fandhi and Fitriawan, Akbar Satria and Kurniawan, Dedi and Chen, Hsing-Mei (2023) Mediating effect of self-esteem on the relationship between academic self-efficacy and depression symptoms among nursing students participating in blended learning. HELIYON, 9 (11).

Achmad, Bayu Fandhi and Sutono, Sutono and Setiyarini, Sri and Kusumawati, Happy Indah and Alim, Syahirul (2021) Nursing students’ challenges and experiences of undergoing clinical rotation program during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (G). 231 – 237. ISSN 18579655

Alfieri, Alessandro and Irmawati, Yulia Eka and Pudjiati, Satiti Retno (2023) Malignant syphilis: an early feature of underlying HIV infection in an MSM patient. GERMS, 13 (2). pp. 168-171. ISSN 22482997

Alqahtani, Jaber S. and Mendes, Renata G. and Triches, Maria Isabel and de Oliveira Sato, Tatiana and Sreedharan, Jithin K. and Aldhahir, Abdulelah M. and Alqarni, Abdullah A. and Purnama Raya, Reynie and Alkhathami, Mohammed and Jebakumar, Arulanantham Zechariah and AlAyadi, Ayadh Yahya and Alsulayyim, Abdullah S. and Alqahtani, Abdullah S. and Alghamdi, Saeed M. and AlDraiwiesh, Ibrahim A. and Alnasser, Musallam and Siraj, Rayan A. and Naser, Abdallah Y. and Alwafi, Hassan and AlRabeeah, Saad M. and AlAhmari, Mohammed D. and Kamila, Ami and Bintalib, Heba and Alzahrani, Eman M. and Oyelade, Tope (2023) Perspectives, practices, and challenges of online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic: A multinational survey. Heliyon, 9 (8). ISSN 24058440

Ansari, Muhammad Ridwan and Istiti Kandarina, B. J. and Kusmayanti, Nuraini and Destriyani, D. and Masfufah, M. and Fikrinnisa, Rizka (2021) The acceptability of weekly iron-folic acid supplementation and its influencing factors among adolescent school girls in Yogyakarta city: a mixmethods study. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 27 (1). 53 – 66. ISSN 1394035X

Ansari, Muhammad Ridwan and Kodriati, Nurul and Pertiwi, Ariani Arista Putri and Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra (2024) The Effectiveness of a Telenutrition Intervention to Improve Dietary Behavior and Physical Activity Among Adolescents With Obesity: Protocol for a Systematic Review. JMIR Research Protocols, 13 (1). ISSN 19290748

Anwar, Sumadi Lukman and Cahyono, Roby and Budiman, Heru Yudanto and Avanti, Widya Surya and Harahap, Wirsma Arif and Aryandono, Teguh (2021) Regional lymph node infiltration and thick lesions are associated with poor prognosis in high-risk resected melanomas: A retrospective cohort study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 61. 132 – 138. ISSN 20490801

Aprisunadi, Aprisunadi and Nursalam, Nursalam and Mustikasari, Mustikasari and Ifadah, Erlin and Hapsari, Elsi Dwi (2023) Effect of Early Mobilization on Hip and Lower Extremity Postoperative: A Literature Review. SAGE Open Nursing, 9. pp. 1-17. ISSN 23779608

Arrini, Masayu Nisya and Pertiwi, Ariani Arista Putri and Noviana, Uki (2023) The Application of Mataraman Javanese Manners in Patient Care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 34 (3). pp. 181-186. ISSN 10436596

Arrini, Masayu Nisya and Pertiwi, Ariani Arista Putri and Noviana, Uki (2023) The Application of Mataraman Javanese Manners in Patient Care. JOURNAL OF TRANSCULTURAL NURSING, 34 (3). pp. 181-186. ISSN 1043-6596

Asdie, Rizka Humardewayanti and Mulya, Deshinta Putri and Nainggolan, Maria (2023) Assessment of 28-day survival of patients with sepsis based on vitamin D status: a hospital-based prospective cohort study in Indonesia. Pan African Medical Journal, 45: 76. 01-10. ISSN 19378688

Atmaja, Sarah Puspita and Nugrahaningsih, Dwi Aris Agung and Rawar, Ellsya Angeline and Kristiyani, Ani and Sadewa, Ahmad Hamim and Virginia, Dita Maria (2023) Impact of Gene Polymorphism on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Calcium Channel Blockers: A Narrative Review. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3). 372 – 394. ISSN 23389427

Ayuandari, Sarrah and Khasanah, Nurida and Riyanti, Ismi and Dewanto, Agung and Enisar Sangun, Diannisa and Wiweko, Budi (2021) Current awareness and attitude toward fertility preservation in Indonesia: A nationwide survey among health-care providers. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 14 (1). 81 – 86. ISSN 09741208


Balela, Naisya and Fauzi, Aditya Rifqi and Nugroho, Ninditya and Dwihantoro, Andi and Gunadi, Gunadi (2023) Prognostic factors for persistent obstructive symptoms in patients with Hirschsprung disease following pull-through. PLOS ONE, 18 (9).

Berg, Eva and Lepp, Margret (2023) The meaning and application of student-centered learning in nursing education: An integrative review of the literature. Nurse Education in Practice, 69: 103622. ISSN 14715953


Dewi, Vivian Nanny Lia and Sitaresmi, Mei Neni and Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra (2021) What Forms of Media Do We Need for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse? A Qualitative Study in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 30 (5). 511 – 523. ISSN 10538712

Dwimartutie, Noto and Setiati, Siti and Tamin, Tirza Z. and Prijanti, Ani Retno and Harahap, Alida R. and Purnamasari, Dyah and Harimurti, Kuntjoro and Pramantara, I Dewa Putu and Suwarto, Suhendro and Kojima, Taro (2024) Effect of cholecalciferol supplementation on hand grip strength, walking speed, and expression of vitamin D receptor, interleukin-6, and insulin-like growth factor-1 in monocyte in pre-frail older adults: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 24 (6). 554 – 562. ISSN 14441586


Edyanto, Abdullah Syafiq and Huriyati, Emy and Nisa, Ainun and Nurrahma, Bira Arumndari and Farmawati, Arta (2023) Iron-fortified klutuk banana (Musa balbisiana Colla) flour supplementation prevented growth failure by suppressing FGF21 in malnourished rats. Nutrition and Food Science, 53 (7). pp. 1166-1178. ISSN 00346659

Effendy, Christantie and Margaretha, Sumarti Endah Purnamaningsih Maria and Helmi, Mochamat and Ferhonika, Anas and Masdar, Mahmasoni (2023) The Relationship Between Social Support, Fear, and Psychological Distress Among Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 61 (5). pp. 53-58. ISSN 02793695

Estiningsih, Daru and Puspitasari, Ika and Nuryastuti, Titik and Lukitaningsih, Endang (2023) Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance profile of bacteria isolated from out-patients of pakem primary health care yogyakarta. Pharmacy Education, 23 (2). 156 – 162. ISSN 15602214


Farida, Helmia and Triasih, Rina and Lokida, Dewi and Mardian, Yan and Salim, Gustiani and Wulan, Wahyu Nawang and Butar-butar, Deni P. and Sari, Rizki Amalia and Budiman, Arif and Hayuningsih, Chakrawati and Anam, Moh Syarofil and Dipayana, Setya and Mujahidah, Mujahidah and Setyati, Amalia and Aman, Abu Tholib and Naysilla, Adhella Menur and Lukman, Nurhayati and Diana, Aly and Karyana, Muhammad and Kline, Ahnika and Neal, Aaron and Lane, H. Clifford and Kosasih, Herman and Lau, Chuen-Yen (2023) Epidemiologic, clinical, and serum markers may improve discrimination between bacterial and viral etiologies of childhood pneumonia. Frontiers in Medicine, 10: 1140100. 01-10. ISSN 2296858X

Febriana, Sri Awalia and Khalidah, Miya and Huda, Fariz Nurul and Sutarni, Sri and Mahayana, Indra and Indrastuti, Niken and Setyopranoto, Ismail and Waskito, Fajar and Prawiroranu, Suhardjo and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Malueka, Rusdy Ghazali (2023) Prevalence of pesticide related occupational diseases among Indonesian vegetable farmers – A collaborative work. Toxicology Reports, 10. 571 – 579. ISSN 22147500

Febriana, Sri Awalia and Ridora, Yohanes and Indrastuti, Niken and Dewi, Kusuma and Oginawati, Katharina and Tanziha, Ikeu and Prakoeswa, Cita Rosita Sigit and Waskito, Fajar and Schuttelaar, Marie-Louise (2023) Hazard identification and the prevalence of occupational skin disease in Indonesian Batik workers. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13 (1).

Fithriyyah, Yayu N. and Alda, Atikah K. and Haryani, Haryani (2023) Trends and ethical issues in nursing during disasters: A systematic review. Nursing Ethics, 30 (6). pp. 753-775. ISSN 09697330

Fithriyyah, Yayu Nidaul and Alim, Syahirul (2024) Nursing student volunteers and their level of involvement during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. Frontiers of Nursing, 11 (1). 23 – 37. ISSN 25448994

Fithriyyah, Yayu Nidaul and Alim, Syahirul and Warsini, Sri and Setiyarini, Sri and Pertiwi, Ariani A. P. (2023) Indicators of Nurse Leadership in Disaster Management: A Qualitative study. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (6). 62 -68. ISSN 16758544

Fitriawan, Akbar Satria and Kurniawan, Dedi and Nailufar, Yuyun and Retnaningsih, Listyana Natalia and Achmad, Bayu Fandhi and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu (2023) Association Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Distress with Readiness for Online Learning Among Nursing Students. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19 (1). pp. 125-134. ISSN 16758544

Fitriawan, Akbar Satria and Setyaningsih, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu and Wulandari, Apri Nur and Samutri, Erni and Achmad, Bayu Fandhi and Budiyati, Gani Apriningtyas and Nailufar, Yuyun and Retnaningsih, Listyana Natalia (2023) Prevalence and predictors of suicidality among nursing students in Indonesia. Kontakt: Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness, 25 (1). pp. 364-371. ISSN 12124117

Frans, Sandra Olivia and Cintyamena, Utsamani and Listyadewi, Shita and Utomo, Ariane (2024) Women’s Perspectives on Post-partum Family Planning in Banyumas, Indonesia. Community Health Equity Research and Policy. ISSN 2752535X


Gautama, Made Satya Nugraha and Haryani, Haryani and Huang, Tsai-Wei (2023) Efficacy of smartphone-based virtual reality relaxation in providing comfort to patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy in oncology outpatient setting in Indonesia: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 13 (7). ISSN 20446055


Hamzah, Hasyrul and Nuryastuti, Titik and Rahmah, Widya and Chabib, Lutfi and Syamsul, Eka Siswanto and Lestari, Dwi and Jabbar, Asriullah and Tunjung Pratiwi, Sylvia Utami (2023) Molecular Docking Study of the C-10 Massoia Lactone Compound as an Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Agent against Candida tropicalis. Scientific World Journal, 2023. ISSN 23566140

Harjaningsih, Woro and Ikawati, Zullies and Mustofa, Mustofa and Fitrianis, Fitrianis and Khoirunnisa, Rina Silfiana and Istivada, Nida (2023) Correlation between clozapine use and metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients. Pharmacy Education, 23 (2). 103 – 112. ISSN 15602214

Harjanto, Totok and Gautama, Made Satya Nugraha and Sumunar, Dimas (2023) Effect of online case-based learning on nursing students’ self-confidence amid COVID-19 pandemic. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 519-523. ISSN 20891180

Hartriyanti, Yayuk and Melindha, Nikita Dika and Wardani, Ratri Kusuma and Ermamilia, Aviria and Lestari, Septi Kurnia (2023) The Valid and Reliable Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire among the Sleman Under Five Children. Inquiry (United States), 60. pp. 1-10. ISSN 00469580


Irawan, Dasapta Erwin and Abraham, Juneman and Ridlo, lham Akhsanu and Nugraha, Harya Dwi and Wekke, Ismail Suardi and Fuad, Anis and Rudyawan, Alfend and Seftyono, Cahyo (2023) Comments on “Ranking researchers: Evidence from Indonesia” by Fry et al. (2023). Research Policy, 52 (7). ISSN 00487333

Isnaeni, Yuli and Hartini, Sri and Marchira, Carla Raymondalexas (2021) Intervention model for orphan’s emotional and behavioral problems: A scoping review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (F). 211 – 218. ISSN 18579655


Jafar, Nuurhidayat and Huriyati, Emy and Haryani, Haryani and Lazuardi, Lutfan and Setyawati, Andina (2023) Exploring the coach-client interaction of virtual health coaching conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A scoping review. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews, 17 (7). ISSN 18714021


Karimah, Rinda N. and Kusnanto, Hari and Lazuardi, Lutfan and Pertiwi, Ariani A. P. and Istiono, Wahyudi and Lusiantoro, Luluk and Idris, Haerawati (2024) Information quality measurement model of diabetes management in primary healthcare: Confirmatory factor analysis. International Journal of Healthcare Management. ISSN 20479700

Kristanti, Martina Sinta and Hidayati, Nurdina Wahyu and Maryadi, Maryadi (2023) Comparison of palliative care education for family caregivers in high-and-low-income countries: An integrative review. Belitung Nursing Journal, 9 (5). pp. 411-420. ISSN 24774073

Kurniawati, Fivy and Kristin, Erna and Pinzon, Rizaldy T. and Febriana, Sri Awalia (2023) Predicting factor analysis of gastrointestinal bleeding complication among hospitalised ischemic stroke patients. Pharmacy Education, 23 (2). 139 – 143. ISSN 15602214

Kusumawati, Happy Indah and Sutono, Syahirul and Alim, Syahirul and Achmad, Bayu Fandhi and Putri, Arcellia Farosyah (2023) Factors associated with willingness to perform basic life support in the community setting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. AUSTRALASIAN EMERGENCY CARE, 26 (4). pp. 303-307.


Lestari, Lily A. and Susetyowati, Susetyowati and Setyopranoto, Ismail and Probosuseno, Probosuseno and Astuti, Herni (2021) Physicochemical and organoleptic properties of local food-based enteral nutrition product to mitigate patient malnutrition. Current Nutrition and Food Science, 17 (5). 509 – 515. ISSN 15734013

Lestari, Trisasi and Fuady, Ahmad and Yani, Finny Fitry and Putra, I. Wayan Gede Artawan Eka and Pradipta, Ivan Surya and Chaidir, Lidya and Handayani, Diah and Fitriangga, Agus and Loprang, Maria Regina and Pambudi, Imran and Ruslami, Rovina and Probandari, Ari (2023) The development of the national tuberculosis research priority in Indonesia: A comprehensive mixed-method approach. PLoS ONE, 18 (2 Febr). ISSN 19326203

Liu, Yen-Hsiu and Wiratama, Bayu Satria and Chao, Chung-Jen and Wang, Ming-Heng and Chen, Rui-Sheng and Saleh, Wafaa and Pai, Chih-Wei (2023) Unhelmeted Riding, Drunk Riding, and Unlicensed Riding among Motorcyclists: A Population Study in Taiwan during 2011–2016. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (2): 1412. ISSN 16617827


Madu, Yunita Gabriela and Lusmilasari, Lely and Hartini, Sri and Solon, Mery and Wirmando, Wirmando and Bakri, Asrijal and Paseno, Matilda Martha and Linggi, Elmiana Bongga (2023) The relationship between knowledge, self-efficacy and nursing spiritual care behaviors in school-age children in pediatric room. Jurnal Ners, 18 (3). pp. 274-279. ISSN 18583598

Madyaningrum, Ema (2023) Chronic Diseases and Inpatient Care among the Middle-Aged and Elderly People in Indonesia. Journal of Health Research, 37 (6). pp. 380-389. ISSN 08574421

Manurung, Duma and Pertiwi, Pradytia (2023) Transwomen Leading Covid-19 Pandemic Response:Experiences of an Indonesian Waria Community. Transwomen Leading Covid-19 Pandemic Response: Experiences of an Indonesian Waria Community, 447 (6): 02002.

Mardiawan, Dimas and Prawitasari, Shinta (2023) Achievement of decision-to-delivery interval in emergency cesarean section category 1 during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 838-842. ISSN 20891180

Marselin, Amanda and Amalia, Lia and Dinarti, Lucia K. (2023) THE INTERVENTIONS TO IMPROVE MEDICATION ADHERENCE IN CORONARY HEART DISEASE PATIENT: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Journal of the Saudi Heart Association, 35 (4). 259 – 278. ISSN 10167315

Mawardi, Fitriana and Lestari, Ayuningtyas Satya and Onishi, Hirotaka and Sasongko, Elsa Pudji Setiawati and Kusnanto, Hari and Hilmanto, Dany (2023) How do elderly people with malnutrition and their families perceive collaborative practice in primary care? A phenomenological study. British Journal of Nutrition, 129 (10). pp. 1786-1792. ISSN 00071145

Megawati, Meti and Sudargo, Toto and Susetyowati, And (2023) The Effect of Jelly Candy Snake Fruit and Banana With Ferrous Fumarat Fortified using Nano Technology in Adolescent Female at Junior High School. Pharmacognosy Journal, 15 (6). 1150 – 1155. ISSN 09753575

Mulyani, Sri and Lasmani, Patricia Suti and Saifullah, Azam David and Fawadya, Afifah and Iffah, Aisyah and Pramestya, Shania (2021) The attitudes of nurses in the hospital toward vulnerable people. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 57 – 65. ISSN 18579655

Mulyani, Sri and Saifullah, Azam David (2021) Effect of dementia training on knowledge and attitude among long-term care staff in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 592 – 597. ISSN 18579655


Nurjannah, Intansari (2021) Su Jok Therapy for Managing Chest Pain During COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Case Report. In: The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering (BioMIC 2021).

Nursalam, Nursalam and Hapsari, Elsi Dwi and Setiawan, Setiawan and Agustini, Ni Luh Putu Inca Buntari and Priyantini, Diah and Abdullah, Khatijah Lim (2023) Analysis of factors affecting fear and mental health awareness of coronavirus disease infection. Jurnal Ners, 18 (3). pp. 220-227. ISSN 18583598


Octary, Tiara and Gautama, Made Satya Nugraha and Duong, Hai (2023) Effectiveness of Vitamin D Supplements in Reducing the Risk of Falls among Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research, 27 (3). pp. 192-203. ISSN 25084798


Pahira, Delvi Sara Jihan and Damayanti, Ema and Lisdiyanti, Puspita and Mustofa, Mustofa and Hertiani, Triana (2023) Exploring the potency of Streptomyces koyangensis strain SHP 9-3 isolated from the soil of Enggano Island (Indonesia) as an antibacterial source. Biodiversitas, 24 (3). 1460 – 1466. ISSN 1412033X

Palupi-Baroto, Retno and Hermawan, Kristia and Murni, Indah Kartika and Nurlitasari, Tiara and Prihastuti, Yuli and Sekali, Debora Roselita Karo and Ambarsari, Cahyani Gita (2021) High fibroblast growth factor 23 as a biomarker for severe cardiac impairment in children with chronic kidney disease: A single tertiary center study. International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease, 14. 165 – 171. ISSN 11787058

Panggabean, Andre Stefanus and Setyopranoto, Ismail and Wicaksono, Arjanto Ramadian and Rismawan, Alfian and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Tama, Whisnu Nalendra and Gofir, Abdul and Setyaningrum, Cempaka Thursina Srie and Sutarni, Sri and Asmedi, Ahmad and Rhamadianti, Aulia Fitri and Bawono, Rheza Gandi and Malueka, Rusdy Ghazali (2023) Neuropathy caused by pesticide exposure on farmers in Ngablak District, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia: An electroneuromyography study. Toxicology Reports, 11. 330 – 338. ISSN 22147500

Pirona, Anna Chiara and Oktriani, Risky and Boettcher, Michael and Hoheisel, Jörg D. (2021) Process for an efficient lentiviral cell transduction. Biology Methods and Protocols, 5 (1). 1 – 8. ISSN 23968923

Prasetya, Damar and Haryanti, Sri and Nurani, Neti (2021) Risk Factors of Hospital-Acquired Malnutrition in Children: A Study in a Rural Hospital of West Borneo, Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 27 (1). 169 – 176. ISSN 1394035X

Prawitasari, Shinta and Widyandana, Doni and Hakimi, Mohammad and Utarini, Adi (2021) Decision to delivery interval in emergency cesarean section at two academic hospitals in yogyakarta and central java, indonesia. Bali Medical Journal, 10 (1). 266 – 272. ISSN 20891180

Prayunanto, Eko and Widyastuti, Yunita and Sari, Djayanti (2023) The Association of Modified Yale Perioperative Anxiety Scale and Pediatric Anesthesia Behavior on Postoperative Emergence Delirium in Children: A Prospective Cohort Study. Bali Journal of Anesthesiology, 7 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 25492276

Putri, Likke Prawidya and Russell, Deborah Jane and O'Sullivan, Belinda Gabrielle and Kippen, Rebecca (2021) Factors Associated With Working in Remote Indonesia: A National Cross-Sectional Study of Early-Career Doctors. Frontiers in Medicine, 8. ISSN 2296858X


Rahmat, Ibrahim and Pawestri, Fajar and Saputro, Ragil Aji and Widianingrum, Setiyati and Hanifah, Triana (2023) Psychosocial Problems among Psychiatric Nurses for Caring Patients with Mental Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nursing Research and Practice, 2023: 3689759. ISSN 20901429

Rahmawati, Putu Lohita and Wijayanti, Ida Ayu Sri and Arimbawa, I. Komang and Purwata, Thomas Eko and Putra, Ign Purna and Sumadi, I. Wayan Juli and Wiratnaya, Gede Eka and Antara, I. Made Putra Swi and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus (2021) Serial case report: Becker’s muscular dystrophy phenotype with dilated cardiomyopathy in patients with out-of-frame deletion involving exons 38-43 of DMD gene. Neurology Asia, 26 (1). 153 – 159. ISSN 18236138

Ramdani, Wawan Febri and Alim, Syahirul and Hapsari, Elsi Dwi (2023) Guardians of Safety: Indonesian Nurses and COVID-19 PPE Practices. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 42 (4). pp. 515-520. ISSN 15460843

Resnhaleksmana, Ersandhi and Wijayanti, Mahardika Agus and Artama, Wayan Tunas (2021) A potential zoonotic parasite: Cryptosporidium Parvum transmission in rats, pigs and humans in west Lombok, Indonesia. African Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 (2). 44 – 51. ISSN 20060165

Rhatomy, Sholahuddin and Setyawan, Riky and Romulo, Michael Aaron (2021) Enhancement of chondrogenesis in hypoxic precondition culture: A systematic review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 492 – 504. ISSN 18579655

Rianda, Raissa Virgy and Subkhan, Mohammad and Pradana, Aditya Doni and Fatimah, Fahrun Nisa’I and Rianda, Rama Azalix and Airlangga, Muhammad P. and Miftahussurur, Muhammad (2021) The Challenging Anticoagulant Therapy in Patient with COVID-19-Associated Coagulopathy. Acta Medica Indonesiana, 53 (3). 308 – 314. ISSN 01259326


Sarfika, Rika and Malini, Hema and Wicaksana, Anggi Lukman and Wenny, Bunga Permata and Saifudin, I Made Moh Yanuar (2024) Cross cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Indonesian version of the depression anxiety stress scales for youth (IDASS-Y). Heliyon, 10 (19): e38830. ISSN 24058440

Sari, Novita Kurnia and Prihatiningsih, Titi Savitri and Lusmilasari, Lely and Meliala, Andreasta (2021) Online continuing professional development (CPD) for clinical nurse in the developing countries: a literature review. Bali Medical Journal, 10 (3Speci). 1088 – 1097. ISSN 20891180

Setiyorini, Ana and Nisman, Wenny Artanty and Sitaresmi, Mei Neni (2024) Digital Game Interventions to Improve Adolescent Reproductive Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Efficacy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Sexuality Education. ISSN 15546128

Setyaningsih, Wiwit A. W. and Arfian, Nur and Fitriawan, Akbar S. and Yuniartha, Ratih and Sari, Dwi C. R. (2021) Ethanolic Extract of Centella asiatica Treatment in the Early Stage of Hyperglycemia Condition Inhibits Glomerular Injury and Vascular Remodeling in Diabetic Rat Model. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021. ISSN 1741427X

Setyopranoto, Ismail and Susetyowati, Susetyowati and Lestari, Lily Arsanti and Probosuseno, Probosuseno and Wijayanti, Punik Mumpuni and Ar Rochmah, Mawaddah (2021) The Effects of Local Food-Based Enteral Nutrition to Improve Nutritional Status of Post-Stroke Patients. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 12 (1). 204 – 209. ISSN 09763147

Subekti, Heru and Rahmat, Ibrahim and Wilopo, Siswanto (2021) Stress-adaptation among family of adolescent with substance misuse: Systematic literature review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 474 – 480. ISSN 18579655

Sukesi, Tri Wahyuni and Satoto, Tri B. T. and Murhandarwati, Elsa H. and Padmawati, Retna Siwi (2021) Effects of health education based intervention on community’s perception, healthy house, and social capital of dengue in endemic area of sleman regency indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9. 428 – 436. ISSN 18579655


Sumarwoto, Tito and Hadinoto, Seti Aji and Pranandaru, Herlambang and Andhika, Hanif and Rhatomy, Sholahuddin and Utomo, Pamudji (2021) Short-term follow-up of early reconstructive surgery management in neglected supracondylar humeral fractures. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 (B). 24 – 28. ISSN 18579655

Sunaryo, Salsabilla Rohadatul `Aisy and Saifullah, Azam David and Mulyani, Sri (2020) KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES TOWARD PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA AMONG NURSING STUDENTS IN YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA. BELITUNG NURSING JOURNAL, 6 (6). pp. 196-202. ISSN 2528-181X

Suzanna, Suzanna and Nurjannah, Intansari and Hartini, Sri (2020) Nursing practice in sexual dimension of patients: Literature review. ENFERMERIA CLINICA, 30 (5). pp. 55-60. ISSN 1130-8621

Syarif, Rul Afiyah and Anggorowati, Nungki and Yuniyanti, Mia Munawaroh and Adyaksa, Dewa Nyoman Murti and Wahyuningsih, Mae Sri Hartati (2023) Lactogenic activity of ethanolic extract of Pluchea indica Less leaf in lactating rats. Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology, 12 (3). 380 – 387. ISSN 23455004


Taroeno-Hariadi, Kartika W and Herdini, Camelia and Briliant, Aulia S and Husodoputro, Henry K and Dhamiyati, Wigati and Indrasari, Sagung Rai and Lestari, Setiyani P and Widyastuti, Yulestrina and Puspitaningtyas, Herindita and Rahmasari, Risa and Rachmawati, Innayah Nur and Purwanto, Ibnu and Setyawan, Nurhuda H and Ekaputra, Ericko and Hutajulu, Susanna H and Dwidanarti, Sri R and Kurniawan, Torana and Meidania, Lidya and Yanuarta, Seize E and Hardianti, Mardiah S and Kurnianda, Johan (2023) Multidisciplinary Team Meeting in the Core of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Management Improved Quality of Care and Survival of Patients. Health Services Insights, 16. pp. 1-8. ISSN 11786329

Triasih, Rina and Setyowireni, Dwikisworo and Nurani, Neti and Setyati, Amalia (2023) Prevalence, Management, and Risk Factors of Asthma Among School-Age Children in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Asthma and Allergy, 16. pp. 23-32. ISSN 11786965

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