Items where Subject is "S Agriculture (General)"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- S Agriculture (538)
- S Agriculture (General) (910)
- S Agriculture (538)
A P, Nugroho and R M, Nasrul and L, Sutiarso and M A, F Falah and M A, F Dzaky (2024) Evaluating Smart Greenhouse Viability Through Engineering Design and Software Cost Modelling. In: 5th International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences, Online, 20-21 September 2023.
A. D., Rahmadiani and M. P., Kurniawan and D. A., Nugroho and T. S., Khairani and W. P., Andhini and A. D., Nurramdhana and A. Y., Rachman and C. A. M., Gunawan and D. S., Octaviani and E. A., Larasati (2024) Strengthening Farmer's Capacity on Responsible Production and Consumption on Primary Process of Cocoa Production Using Material Flow Cost Accounting. In: THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY, AND NETWORK TOPOLOGY 2023, 21-22 November 2023, Jember, Indonesia.
Abbas, Saipul and Sulandari, Sri and Hartono, Sedyo and Daud, Itji D. and Djaya, Ernawati and Jumardin, Jumardin (2023) MOLECULAR DETECTION OF FIVE MIXED RICE VIRUSES BY REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION-POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (RT-PCR). Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology, 35 (1). pp. 25-34. ISSN 1019763X
Abdila, W.P. and Nugroho, B.D.A. (2021) Trend analysis of extreme precipitation indices in the southern part of Java. In: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development, 20 October 2020, Purwokerto.
Abdila, W.P. and Nugroho, B.D.A. (2021) Trend analysis of extreme precipitation indices in the southern part of Java. In: International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development 2020, ICSARD 2020.
Abdullah, Jilan Tsani and Suryanti, Suryanti and Joko, Tri (2024) Application of Silica Nanoparticles in Combination with Bacillus velezensis and Bacillus thuringiensis for Anthracnose Disease Control in Shallot. Pakistan journal of biological sciences : PJBS, 27 (2). pp. 80-89. ISSN 18125735
Abdurofi, Ilmas and Ismail, Mohd Mansor (2023) Stingless bees farming in Malaysia: a policy analysis matrix (PAM). JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH, 62 (5). pp. 1030-1042. ISSN 0021-8839
Abdurofi, Ilmas and Ismail, Mohd Mansor and Ismail, Normaz Wana (2021) THE APPLICATION OF RISK ANALYSIS TO THE PROJECT APPRAISAL OF STINGLESS BEE FARMING IN MALAYSIA FOR SUSTAINABILITY. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16 (6). 109 – 122. ISSN 18238556
Adhim, Zidan Fauzan and Ushada, Mirwan and Falah, Mohammad Affan Fajar and Alfiani, Ririn Nur (2024) Storage life estimation of ready-to-drink wedang uwuh with accelerated shelf-life testing method. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture 2024 (ICoSA 2024), 7-8 August 2024, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Adilah, Afifatul H. A. and Sartohadi, Junun and Handayani, Suci (2023) Coconut and Mahogany Plants Based Soil Water Conservation at Volcanic Slopes of Central Java-Indonesia. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 39 (3). pp. 594-603. ISSN 10164383
Adyatama, Farrel Nafis and Huda, Ghassan Nurul and Alfiatunnisa, Nahla and Rachman, Faizal and Djasmani, Supardjo Supardi and Setiawan, Riza Yuliratno and Partsuwiryo, Suwarman and Djumanto and Setyobudi, Eko (2021) The effect of escape gaps of cylinder folding traps on fish catch at the coastal waters of Tuban Regency. In: E3S Web of Conferences 322, 03002 (2021).
Afif, Hakim and Bambang, Suhardi and Pringgo, Widyo Laksono and Mirwan, Ushada (2024) Systematic Review of Kansei Engineering Method Developments in the Design Field. Systematic Review of Kansei Engineering Method Developments in the Design Field, 23 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 20884842
Afifah, A.N. and Dono, N.D. and Zuprizal, Zuprizal (2021) Optimizing antioxidant properties of salam (Syzygium polyanthum) leaf extract through nanoencapsulation technology. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture.
Afnur, E.S. and Istiqomah, I. and Isnansetyo, A. and Murwantoko, Murwantoko and Sukardi, Sukardi (2023) Ammonium removal characteristics of facultative heterotrophic nitrifying bacteria isolated from shortfin eel ( Anguilla bicolor) recirculation aquaculture system. In: 2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Sciences and Resources Management 2022, ISARM 2022, 22-24 August 2022, Virtual, Online.
Agustin, S. and Cahyanto, M.N. and Wahyuni, E.T. and Supriyadi, Supriyadi (2023) Effect of glycerol plasticizer on the structure and characteristics of bacterial cellulose-based biocomposite films. In: The 2nd International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences 2023, 12-13 Desember 2023, Yogyakarta.
Agustin, Sukmiyati and Wahyuni, Endang Tri and Suparmo, Suparmo and Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Cahyanto, Muhammad Nur (2021) Incorporation of pectin during biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose by Gluconacetobacter xylinus InaCC B404: Possibility for producing green food packaging. Biodiversitas, 22 (5). 2548 – 2553. ISSN 1412033X
Agustin, Venny and Putra, Masagus Muhammad Prima and Husni, Amir (2023) Impact of Enzymatic Hydrolysis on Antioxidant Activity of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) Head Protein Hydrolysate. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 15 (1). pp. 44-56. ISSN 20855842
Agustin, Venny and Putra, Masagus Muhammad Prima and Husni, Amir (2023) Impact of Enzymatic Hydrolysis on Antioxidant Activity of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) Head Protein Hydrolysate. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 15 (1). pp. 44-56. ISSN 20855842
Aisyah, A.N. and Gavi, M. and Putra, M.M.P. (2023) Screening of protease-producing lactic acid bacteria from Indonesian fermented fish products and its application in chitin extraction from vannamei shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei) shell. In: 5th International Symposium on Marine and Fisheries Research, ISMFR 2023, 24 July 2023, Yogyakarta.
Aisyah, D.D. and Cahyasita, D. and Nugroho, A.D. (2023) Willingness to Pay and Barriers in Gen Z's Pro-Environmental Product Consumption. In: 2nd International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment, ICAFE 2023, 20 July 2023, Yogyakarta.
Aisyah, D.D. and Irham, Irham and Mulyo, J.H. (2021) Understanding the palm oil smallholders characteristics and their compliance towards the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO): A case study in North Sumatera, Indonesia. In: The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 25-27 August 2020, Surakarta.
Aisyah, D.D. and Irham, Irham and Mulyo, J.H. (2021) Understanding the palm oil smallholders characteristics and their compliance towards the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO): A case study in North Sumatera, Indonesia. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Aisyah, Dinda Dewi and Irham, Irham and Mulyo, Jangkung Handoyo (2021) How does willingness and ability to pay of palm oil smallholders affect their willingness to participate in Indonesian sustainable palm oil certification? Empirical evidence from North Sumatra. Open Agriculture, 6 (1). 369 – 381. ISSN 23919531
Aisyah, Dinda Dewi and Irham, Irham and Mulyo, Jangkung Handoyo (2021) How does willingness and ability to pay of palm oil smallholders affect their willingness to participate in Indonesian sustainable palm oil certification? Empirical evidence from North Sumatra. OPEN AGRICULTURE, 6 (1). pp. 369-381. ISSN 2391-9531
Aisyah, I. and Darwanto, D.H. and Masyhuri, Masyhuri and Utami, A.W. (2024) Understanding Farmers Perception of Climate Change to Prepare Adaptation of Farmers. In: 3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Food Sustainability, ICAFOSY 2023, 30-31 October 2023, Hybrid, Malang.
Aji, G.K. and Hatou, K. and Morimoto, T. (2021) Optimum strategies for the control of root-zone temperature to promote early-stage growth of chili pepper in soilless culture using an intelligent approach. Acta Horticulturae, 1312. 173 – 180. ISSN 05677572
Aji, T. Maruto and Hartono, S. and Wibowo, A. and Subandiyah, S. (2024) First report of Tea plant necrotic ring blotch virus in Indonesian tea plantations. New Disease Reports, 49 (1): e12247. pp. 1-2. ISSN 20440588
Ajri, Miftahul and Indarti, Siwi and Soffan, Alan and Huu, Nguyen Ngoc (2021) Morphological and Phylogenetic Characteristics of Ditylenchus dipsaci among Garlic Plants. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 14 (4). 769 – 773. ISSN 19956673
Al-Azizah, L. H. and Mulyo, J. H. and Perwitasari, H. (2021) Economic Valuation of Kebun Buah Mangunan at Sub-district Dlingo, Bantul. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 662 (1). ISSN 17551307
Al-Azizah, L.H. and Mulyo, J.H. and Perwitasari, H. (2021) Economic Valuation of Kebun Buah Mangunan at Sub-district Dlingo, Bantul. In: The 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Industrial Agriculture "Managing Crisis in Industrial Agriculture: Way Forward", 3 Desember 2020, Yogyakarta.
Al-Hammam, Muhammad Yaafi’ and Putra, Masagus Muhammad Prima and Mardinsyah, Achmad Hanif and Cahyati, Geta and Puspita, Indun Dewi (2023) ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITIES OF Lactobacillus sp. GMP1 AND Weisella sp. GMP12 AGAINST SOME FOODBORNE DISEASE CAUSING-BACTERIA. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 26 (2). pp. 206-215. ISSN 23032111
Alam, T. and Suryanto, P. and Kastono, D. and Putra, E.T.S. and Handayani, S. and Widyawan, M.H. and Muttaqin, A.S. and Kurniasih, B. (2021) Interactions of biochar briquette with ammonium sulfate fertilizer for controlled nitrogen loss in soybean intercopping with Melaleuca Cajuputi. Legume Research, 44 (3). 339 – 343. ISSN 02505371
Alam, Taufan and Suryanto, Priyono and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Basunanda, Panjisakti and Wulandari, Rani Agustina and Kastono, Dody and Widyawan, Muhammad Habib and Nurmansyah, Nurmansyah and Taryono, Taryono (2021) Rice cultivar selection in an agroforestry system through GGE-biplot and EBLUP. Biodiversitas, 22 (11). 4750 – 4757. ISSN 1412033X
Alfiani, Ririn Nur and Ushada, Mirwan and Ainuri, Makhmudun and Fajar Falah, Mohammad Affan (2023) Application of taguchi method in production factors of traditional spice-based ready-to-drink based on sensory responses. E3S Web of Conferences, 444: 04014. pp. 1-11. ISSN 25550403
Alfiani, Ririn Nur and Ushada, Mirwan and Ainuri, Makhmudun and Falah, Mohammad Affan Fajar (2024) Consumer preference analysis of traditional spices beverages based on sensory responses. In: Consumer preference analysis of traditional spices beverages based on sensory responses, 2024, 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture 2024, ICoSA.
Alim, M.F. and Nugroho, A.P. and Arif, S.S. and Murtiningrum, Murtiningrum and Sutiarso, L. (2020) Development of knowledge management system for assisting the Agrotechno Edu-park establishments in Sriharjo village, Imogiri district, Bantul regency. In: 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Production, AESAP 2019.
Alita, Fauzia Adni and Ismoyowati, Dyah and Kastawiyana, Wagiman (2023) Analysis of Consumers' Perception on Purchase Decisions of Takeaway Coffee Drinks in Yogyakarta. AGRITECH, 43 (2). pp. 178-186. ISSN 0216-0455
Alma, Nikkie Ratya and Indarti, Siwi and Hartono, Sedyo and Soffan, Alan (2023) Evaluation of nematode DNA extraction methods for species identification of root rice nematode (Hirschmanniella spp.). Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 56 (2). pp. 127-136. ISSN 03235408
Alwi, Achmad Nur Syawal and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Utami, Tyas and Yanti, Rini and Suroto, Dian Anggraini (2023) Formulation of Fruit-Based Probiotic Drink From Snake Fruit (Salacca Zalacca) and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum Dad-13. CURRENT RESEARCH IN NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE, 11 (1). pp. 351-359. ISSN 2347-467X
Amalia, Rosa and Ushada, Mirwan and Pamungkas, Agung Putra (2023) Development of Artificial Neural Networks Model to Determine Labor Rest Period Based on Environmental Ergonomics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, 14 (5). pp. 1019-1028. ISSN 2086-9614
Amalia, Rosa and Ushada, Mirwan and Pamungkas, Agung Putra (2022) Development of Artificial Neural Networks Model to Determine Labor Rest Period Based on Environmental Ergonomics. Development of Artificial Neural Networks Model to Determine Labor Rest Period Based on Environmental Ergonomics, 14 (5). pp. 1019-1028. ISSN 20869614
Amallia, Rizky and Suryanti, Suryanti and Joko, Tri (2023) The Potential of Rhizophagus intraradices, Bacillus thuringiensis Bt BMKP and Silica for Anthracnose Disease Control in Shallot. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 38 (2). pp. 433-446. ISSN 26139456
Ambarwati, Erlina and Taryono, Taryono and Widada, Jaka and Alam, Taufan and Arwiyanto, Triwidodo (2023) Relationship between root diameter and resistance of tropical chilli pepper genotypes to Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum. Tropical Plant Pathology, 48 (4). pp. 384-393. ISSN 19825676
Andhini, Wahyu Putri and Nugroho, A.D. and Kurniawan, M. P. (2023) Enhancing food operator intention on specialty café using 3R waste management approach for eco-enzyme production as an implementation of SDGs 12 (Study on Akkar Specialty Cafés). In: International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, ICoSIA 2023, 10 October 2023, Yogyakarta.
Andini, R. and Yanti, L. A. and Rasnovi, S. and Sulaiman, M. I. and Moulana, R. and Muzaifa, M. and Putri, S. N. and Widiastuti, A. (2021) Application of Principal Component Analysis in distinguishing three species of 'jernang' (Daemonorops spp.). In: The 2nd ISATrop2021.
Andini, R. and Yanti, L.A. and Rasnovi, S. and Sulaiman, M.I. and Moulana, R. and Muzaifa, M. and Putri, S.N. and Widiastuti, A. (2021) Application of Principal Component Analysis in distinguishing three species of 'jernang' (Daemonorops spp.). In: International Symposium on Arboriculture in the Tropics: Trees and Human Health, ISATrop 2021.
Andriani, Dini and Hasan, Pratama Nur and Utami, Tyas and Suroto, Dian Anggraini and Wikandari, Rachma and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati (2021) Genotypic and Phenotypic Analyses of Antibiotic Resistance in Indonesian Indigenous Lactobacillus Probiotics. Applied Food Biotechnology, 8 (4). 267 – 274. ISSN 23455357
Angeline, Natalia and Shabrina, Nabila Husna and Indarti, Siwi (2023) Faster region-based convolutional neural network for plant-parasitic and non-parasitic nematode detection. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 30 (1). pp. 316-324. ISSN 25024752
Anggraeni, F. D. and Falah, M. A. F. and Khuriyati, N. and Nishina, H. and Takayama, K. and Takahashi, N. (2021) Application of automatic system for water stress treatment to produce high soluble solids tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill. cv Rinka 409). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 686 (1). ISSN 17551307
Anggraeni, F.D. and Falah, M.A.F. and Khuriyati, N. and Nishina, H. and Takayama, K. and Takahashi, N. (2021) Application of automatic system for water stress treatment to produce high soluble solids tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill. cv Rinka 409). In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Ani, Susi Wuri and Darwanto, Dwidjono Hadi and Waluyati, Lestari Rahayu and Mashyuri, Mashyuri (2023) Lowland Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) Farming Performance in the Rice Production Center of Central Java Province. In: 4th International Symposium of Earth, Energy, Environmental Science, and Sustainable Development, JESSD 2023, 26-27 August 2023, Hybrid, Jakarta.
Ani, Susi Wuri and Darwanto, Dwidjono Hadi and Waluyati, Lestari Rahayu and Masyhuri, Masyhuri (2024) Regeneration of rural rice farmers in Central Java Province. Environmental Challenges, 16: 100971. pp. 1-10. ISSN 26670100
Anita-Sari, Indah and Murti, Rudi Hari and Misnawi, Misnawi and Putra, Eka Tarwaca Susila and Setyawan, Bayu and Akbar, Miftahur Rizqi and Susilo, Agung Wahyu (2023) Cocoa volatile compounds affect aroma but not taste. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 35 (5). pp. 461-467. ISSN 2079052X
Anita-Sari, Indah and Murti, Rudi Hari and Misnawi, Misnawi and Putra, Eka Tarwaca Susila and Setyawan, Bayu and Susilo, Agung Wahyu (2023) Flavor Characteristics of Three Indonesian Cocoa Clones in Four Environments. Agronomy, 13 (10). ISSN 20734395
Annisa, H.N. and Nugroho, B.D.A. (2021) Analysis and Projections of Rainfall using representative concentration pathways (RCPs) Scenarios in Sleman Yogyakarta. In: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development, 20 October 2020, Purwokerto.
Annisa, H.N. and Nugroho, B.D.A. (2021) Analysis and Projections of Rainfall using representative concentration pathways (RCPs) Scenarios in Sleman Yogyakarta. In: ICSARD 2020.
Anoraga, S.B. and Bintoro, N. (2020) The effect of packaging and storage method on Snake fruit (Salacca edulis Rainw.) quality. In: 3rd International Conference on Green Agro-Industry and Bioeconomy, ICGAB 2019.
Anoraga, S.B. and Sari, A.R. and Wikarta, J. and Sabarisman, I. (2021) Preliminary study on the fermentation medium of the black garlic production. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Anoraga, S.B. and Sari, A.R. and Wikarta, J. and Sabarisman, I. (2021) Preliminary study on the fermentation medium of the black garlic production. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Anoraga, S.B. and Sari, A.R. and Wikarta, J. and Sabarisman, I. (2021) Preliminary study on the fermentation medium of the black garlic production. In: International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, ICoSIA.
Ansari, Andrianto and Lin, Yu-Pin and Lur, Huu-Sheng (2021) Evaluating and Adapting Climate Change Impacts on Rice Production in Indonesia: A Case Study of the Keduang Subwatershed, Central Java. ENVIRONMENTS, 8 (11).
Ansari, Andrianto and Lin, Yu-Pin and Lur, Huu-Sheng (2021) Evaluating and adapting climate change impacts on rice production in indonesia: A case study of the keduang subwatershed, Central Java. Environments - MDPI, 8 (11). ISSN 20763298
Ansari, Andrianto and Lin, Yu-Pin and Lur, Huu-Sheng (2021) Evaluating and adapting climate change impacts on rice production in indonesia: A case study of the keduang subwatershed, Central Java. Environments - MDPI, 8 (11). ISSN 20763298
Ansari, Andrianto and Pranesti, Arin and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Alam, Taufan and Taryono, Taryono and Wulandari, Rani Agustina and Nugroho, Bayu Dwi Apri and Supriyanta, Supriyanta (2023) Evaluating the effect of climate change on rice production in Indonesia using multimodelling approach. Heliyon, 9 (9). ISSN 24058440
Ansari, Andrianto and Pranesti, Arin and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Alam, Taufan and Taryono, Taryono and Wulandari, Rani Agustina and Nugroho, Bayu Dwi Apri and Supriyanta, Supriyanta (2023) Evaluating the effect of climate change on rice production in Indonesia using multimodelling approach. Heliyon, 9 (9): e19639. pp. 1-15. ISSN 24058440
Ansari, Andrianto and Pranesti, Arin and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Alam, Taufan and Taryono, Taryono and Wulandari, Rani Agustina and Nugroho, Bayu Dwi Apri and Supriyanta, Supriyanta (2023) Evaluating the effect of climate change on rice production in Indonesia using multimodelling approach. Heliyon, 9 (9): e19639. pp. 1-15. ISSN 24058440
Ansari, Andrianto and Pranesti, Arin and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Ngadisih, Ngadisih and Hardiansyah, Muhammad Yusril and Alam, Taufan and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Martini, Tri and Taryono, Taryono (2023) Optimizing water-energy-food nexus: achieving economic prosperity and environmental sustainability in agriculture. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7: 1207197.
Ansari, Andrianto and Wuryandani, Shafira and Pranesti, Arin and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Ngadisih, Ngadisih and Hardiansyah, Muhammad Yusril and Alam, Taufan and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Martini, Tri and Taryono, Taryono (2024) Corrigendum: Optimizing water-energy-food nexus: achieving economic prosperity and environmental sustainability in agriculture. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8: 1369158. pp. 1-2. ISSN 2571581X
Ansari, Andrianto and Wuryandani, Shafira and Pranesti, Arin and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Ngadisih, Ngadisih and Hardiansyah, Muhammad Yusril and Alam, Taufan and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Martini, Tri and Taryono, Taryono (2024) Corrigendum: Optimizing water-energy-food nexus: achieving economic prosperity and environmental sustainability in agriculture (Front. Sustain. Food Syst., (2023), 7, 1207197, 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1207197). Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8. ISSN 2571581X
Ansari, Andrianto and Wuryandani, Shafira and Pranesti, Arin and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Ngadisih, Ngadisih and Hardiansyah, Muhammad Yusril and Alam, Taufan and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Martini, Tri and Taryono, Taryono (2023) Optimizing water-energy-food nexus: achieving economic prosperity and environmental sustainability in agriculture. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7: 1207197. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2571581X
Anugrah, Cahya and Indradewa, Didik and Putra, Eka Tarwaca Susila (2020) Biochemical Response of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) to NPK Fertilization Based on Spent Bleaching Earth in Field Scale. In: The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural and Life Sciences (ICALS 2019).
Aprilia, Y.I. and Khuriyati, N. and Sukartiko, A.C. (2021) Classification of chili powder (Capsicum annuum L.) antioxidant activity based on near infrared spectra. Food Research, 5. 51 – 56. ISSN 25502166
Apriyani, Via and Holle, Mukhlish JM and Mumbunan, Sonny (2024) A systematic map of evidence on the relationship between agricultural production and biodiversity in tropical rainforest areas. Environmental Evidence, 13 (1): 1. pp. 2-23. ISSN 20472382
Apriyani, Via and Holle, Mukhlish JM and Mumbunan, Sonny (2024) A systematic map of evidence on the relationship between agricultural production and biodiversity in tropical rainforest areas. Environmental Evidence, 13 (1): 17. pp. 1-23. ISSN 20472382
Apriyanto, Oni and Irham, Irham and Handoyo Mulyo, Jangkung and Hardyastuti, Suhatmini (2020) Analysis of Social Economy Sustainable Palm Oil Plantations Management based on Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) Criteria in Riau. In: 5th International Seminar on Agribusiness 2019: Agricultural Innovation for Sustainable Farming SystemSemarang11 September 2019.
Arai, Hiroshi and Ueda, Masatoshi and Hirano, Tatsuya and Akizuki, Naoya and Lin, Shiou-Ruei and Hanh, Duong Kieu and Widada, Jaka and Rohman, Muhammad Saifur and Nakai, Madoka and Kunimi, Yasuhisa and Vang, Le Van and Wijonarko, Arman and Inoue, Maki N. (2024) Conserved infections and reproductive phenotypes of Wolbachia symbionts in Asian tortrix moths. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 16 (1): e13219. pp. 1-10. ISSN 17582229
Ardani, Aulia Safrina and Millati, Ria and Yanti, Rini and Rohana, Nanda Legiasa Rabiul Tsani and Hidayat, Chusnul (2023) Glycerolysis-Interesterification of Palm Olein and Coconut Oil Blend using Two High-Shear Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors. POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, 25 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1509-8117
Ardhani, I.C. and Putri, R.M. and Falah, M.A.F. and Widodo, K.H. (2021) Determination of production factors of dehydrated strawberries by using Taguchi method approach. In: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development, 20 October 2020, Purwokerto.
Ardhani, I.C. and Putri, R.M. and Falah, M.A.F. and Widodo, K.H. (2021) Determination of production factors of dehydrated strawberries by using Taguchi method approach. In: International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development 2020, ICSARD 2020.
Ardhi, M. Khalifatul and Mulyo, Jangkung Handoyo and Irham, Irham (2021) How does entrepreneurial orientation affect the business performance of coffee shop MSMEs in Indonesia? In: The First International Conference on Assessment and Development of Agricultural Innovation (1st ICADAI 2021).
Ardyanita, Anindya Salsabila and Azizah, Fauzian Nur and Asrofi, Muhammad Zayyin and Putri, Ratih Fitria (2023) Analysis of carrying capacity of agricultural land in Bali Province, 2021-2022. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Arief, Abdurrakhman and Lilik, Sutiarso and Makhmudun, Ainuri and Mirwan, Ushada and Md, Parvez Islam (2024) Adaptive Back-Propagation Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Approach for Optimizing the Output Power Biogas Fueled Electric Generator. The utilization of biogas contributes significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and diminishes the dependency on traditional fossil fuels. Nonetheless, the consistency and optimization of electricity generation through a biogas generator, 12. pp. 132303-132316. ISSN 21693536
Arief, M. A. A. and Nugroho, A. P. and Putro, A. W. and Dananta, D. H. and Masithoh, R. E. and Sutiarso, L. and Okayasu, T. (2021) Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction for non-destructive plant growth observation system using close-range photogrammetry method. In: International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy.
Arif, Chusnul and Saptomo, Satyanto Krido and Setiawan, Budi Indra and Taufik, Muh and Suwarno, Willy Bayuardi and Nugroho, Bayu Dwi Apri and Mizoguchi, Masaru (2024) Water saving rice cultivation using sheet-pipe subsurface irrigation. Heliyon, 10 (10): e30799. ISSN 24058440
Arif, S. S. and Susanto, S. and Sutiarso, L. and Jayanti, D. S. (2021) Information gaps between irrigation establishment and farmer set-up. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 922 (1). ISSN 17551307
Arif, S.S. and Susanto, S. and Sutiarso, L. and Jayanti, D.S. (2021) Information gaps between irrigation establishment and farmer set-up. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Arifah Purnamasari, Siti and Masyhuri, Masyhuri and Handoyo Mulyo, Jangkung and Jamhari, Jamhari (2020) Indonesian maize imports: A gravity approach. In: 5th International Seminar on Agribusiness 2019: Agricultural Innovation for Sustainable Farming System.
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