Items where Subject is "SB Plant culture"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- S Agriculture (538)
- SB Plant culture (98)
- S Agriculture (538)
Abduh, Andin Muhammad and Hanudin, Eko and Purwanto, Benito Heru and Utami, Sri Nuryani Hidayah (2020) Effect of plant spacing and organic fertilizer doses on methane emission in organic rice fields. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 18 (1). 66 – 74. ISSN 16865456
Adileksana, Cahyo and Yudono, Prapto and Purwanto, Benito Heru and Wijoyo, Rachmanto Bambang (2020) The Growth Performance of Oil Palm Seedlings in Pre-Nursery and Main Nursery Stages as a Response to the Substitution of NPK Compound Fertilizer and Organic Fertilizer. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 35 (1). 89 – 97. ISSN 26139456
Afandi, Auliana and Subandiyah, Siti and Wibowo, Arif and Hieno, Ayaka and Afandi, Afandi and Loekito, Supriyono and Suga, Hasruhisa and Kageyama, Koji (2021) Population genetics analysis of phytophthora nicotianae associated with heart rot in pineapple revealed geneflow between population. Biodiversitas, 22 (8). 3342 – 3348. ISSN 1412033X
Afifah, Enik Nurlaili and Murti, Rudi Hari and Wahyudhi, Aditya (2021) Evaluation of a promising tomato line (Solanum lycopersicum) derived from mutation breeding. Biodiversitas, 22 (4). 1863 – 1868. ISSN 1412033X
Ainurrachmah, A. and Taryono, Taryono and Indarti, S. (2021) Assessment of root-knot nematode resistance in eggplant accessions by using molecular markers. Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 53 (3). 468 – 478. ISSN 10297073
Aji, Krishna and Maas, Azwar and Nurudin, Makruf (2020) Relationship between soil morphology and variability of upland degradation in Bogowonto Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 7 (3). 2209 – 2219. ISSN 2339076X
Aldini, Gracia M and Wijonarko, Arman and Witjaksono, Witjaksono and De Putter, Herman and Hengsdijk, Huib and Trisyono, Y. Andi (2021) Insecticide Resistance in Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Populations in Shallot Areas of Java, Indonesia. Journal of Economic Entomology, 114 (6). 2505 – 2511. ISSN 00220493
Aldini, Gracia M. and Wijonarko, Arman and Witjaksono, Witjaksono and de Putter, Herman and Hengsdijk, Huib and Trisyono, Y. Andi (2021) Insecticide Resistance in <i>Spodoptera exigua</i> (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Populations in Shallot Areas of Java, Indonesia. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, 114 (6). pp. 2505-2511. ISSN 0022-0493
Aminatun, Tien and Idrus, Arifudin and Simbolon, Doly and Rakhmawati, Anna and Atun, Sri (2024) Lithogeochemical characteristics and potential hyperaccumulator identification as phytomining agent at the Ratatotok gold mine, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (2). pp. 5251-5261. ISSN 2339076X
Ardhi, M. Khalifatul and Mulyo, Jangkung Handoyo and Irham, Irham (2021) How does entrepreneurial orientation affect the business performance of coffee shop MSMEs in Indonesia? E3S Web of Conferences, 306. ISSN 25550403
Arfan, Muhammad and Supartono, Wahyu and Yuliando, Henry (2020) Analysis on quality improvement of used cooking oil with young pineapple (Ananas comosus) using Taguchi Method. In: 3rd International conference of the Transdisciplinary Research on Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia, TREPSEA 2018.
Aristya, V.E. and Taryono, Taryono and Trisyono, Y.A. and Mulyo, J.H. (2021) Stakeholder preferences on major characteristics of promising rice lines. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Aristya, V.E. and Taryono, Taryono and Trisyono, Y.A. and Mulyo, J.H. (2021) Stakeholder preferences on major characteristics of promising rice lines. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture.
Aristya, V.E. and Taryono, Taryono and Trisyono, Y.A. and Mulyo, J.H. (2021) The Variability of Qualitative Traits in Promising Rice Lines. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Aristya, Vina Eka and Trisyono, Y. Andi and Mulyo, Jangkung Handoyo and Taryono, Taryono (2021) Participatory Varietal Selection for Promising Rice Lines. SUSTAINABILITY, 13 (12).
Aristya, Vina Eka and Trisyono, Y. Andi and Mulyo, Jangkung Handoyo and Taryono, Taryono (2021) Participatory varietal selection for promising rice lines. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (12). ISSN 20711050
Asti, Gisela Karina and Ekantari, Nurfitri (2020) Consumer PReferences for Dark Chocolate Products Fortified with Spirulina Platensis Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method. In: 3rd ISMFR.
Benatar, Gilang Vaza and Wibowo, Arif and Suryanti, Suryanti (2021) First report of Colletotrichum asianum associated with mango fruit anthracnose in Indonesia. Crop Protection, 141. ISSN 02612194
Benatar, Gilang Vaza and Wibowo, Arif and Suryanti, Suryanti (2021) First report of Colletotrichum asianum associated with mango fruit anthracnose in Indonesia. CROP PROTECTION, 141. ISSN 0261-2194
Dewi, H. S. Endang Sri and Yudono, Prapto and Susilaputra, Eka Tarwaca and Purwanto, Benito Heru (2023) Physiological activities of cocoa trees induced by soil and foliar applications of boron fertilizer. SAINS TANAH, 20 (1). pp. 43-50. ISSN 1412-3606
Dewi, I.L. and Tang, S. and Maimunah, M.A. and Cantona, E. and Dukuzumuremyi, J.Y. and Nkurunziza, C. and Utami, S.N.H. and Hanudin, E. and Hattori, S. and Tawaraya, K. and Cheng, W. (2024) Long-term conversion of upland to paddy increased SOC content and N availability in a sand dune of Japan. Catena, 234. ISSN 03418162
Dewi, Triyani and Martono, Edhi and Hanudin, Eko and Harini, Rika (2021) Source Identification and Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Shallot Fields in Brebes Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOIL SCIENCE, 2021. ISSN 1687-7667
Dewi, Triyani and Martono, Edhi and Hanudin, Eko and Harini, Rika (2021) Status of soil heavy metals contamination using contamination indices in shallot fields. In: E3S Web of Conferences 306, 04013 (2021).
Dulkadir, Dulkadir and Martono, Edhi and Subejo, Subejo (2024) Realizing regional food security by empowering the communities through the food independent village program. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8 (10). ISSN 25727923
Eskundari, Ratna Dewi and Taryono, Taryono and Indradewa, Didik and Purwestri, Yekti Asih (2021) Morphological, Histological, and Protein Profiling of Tea Embryo Axis at Early Stage of Culture. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 6 (3). ISSN 25409573
Fachrista, I.A. and Irham, Irham and Masyhuri, Masyhuri and Suryantini, A. (2021) A comparative feasibility study of organic and conventional vegetable farming in Central Java, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 807 (3). ISSN 17551307
Fatmawati, Yeni and Ilyas, Ilyas and Setiawan, Agus Budi and Purwantoro, Aziz and Respatie, Dyah Weny and Teo, Chee How (2023) Genetic evaluation of F2 and F3 interspecific hybrids of mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) using retrotransposon‐based insertion polymorphism and sequence‐related amplified polymorphism markers. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 28 (3). 143 -152. ISSN 08538654
Fauzi, Raka Achmad and Harini, Rika and Rijanta, R. (2023) The Effect Of Land Cover Changes On Landslides In Grindulu Watershed, Pacitan Regency, East Java. In: 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, ICoSIA 2023.
Fauziah, P.Y. and Bintoro, N. and Karyadi, J.N.W. (2020) Effect of ultraviolet-C treatments and storage room condition on the respiration rate, weight loss, and color change of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) during storage. In: ICAF SEANAFE 2019.
Fitriandi, Dedy and Mulyo, Jangkung Handoyo and Darwanto, Dwidjono Hadi (2020) Forecasting The Demand of Jernang Extract (Daemonorops spp) in The Export Market; ESTIMASI PERMINTAAN EKSTRAK JERNANG (Daemonorops spp) DI PASAR EKSPOR. Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea, 9 (1). 75 – 82. ISSN 2302299X
Gaurav, Kumar and Arora, Sanu and Silva, Paula and Sánchez-Martín, Javier and Horsnell, Richard and Gao, Liangliang and Brar, Gurcharn S. and Widrig, Victoria and Raupp, W. John and Singh, Narinder and Wu, Shuangye and Kale, Sandip M. and Chinoy, Catherine and Nicholson, Paul and Quiroz-Chávez, Jesús and Simmonds, James and Hayta, Sadiye and Smedley, Mark A. and Harwood, Wendy and Pearce, Suzannah and Gilbert, David and Kangara, Ngonidzashe and Gardener, Catherine and Forner-Martínez, Macarena and Liu, Jiaqian and Yu, Guotai and Boden, Scott A. and Pascucci, Attilio and Ghosh, Sreya and Amber N. Hafeez, Amber N. and O’Hara, Tom and Waites, Joshua and Cheema, Jitender and Steuernagel, Burkhard and Patpour, Mehran and Justesen, Annemarie Fejer and Liu, Shuyu and Rudd, Jackie C. and Avni, Raz and Sharon, Amir and Steiner, Barbara and Kirana, Rizky Pasthika and Buerstmayr, Hermann and Mehrabi, Ali A. and Nasyrova, Firuza Y. and Chayut, Noam and Matny, Oadi and Steffenson, Brian J. and Sandhu, Nitika and Chhuneja, Parveen and Lagudah, Evans and Elkot, Ahmed F. and Tyrrell, Simon and Bian, Xingdong and Davey, Robert P. and Simonsen, Martin and Schauser, Leif and Tiwari, Vijay K. and Kutcher, H. Randy and Hucl, Pierre and Li, Aili and Liu, Deng-Cai and Mao, Long and Xu, Steven and Brown-Guedira, Gina and Faris, Justin and Dvorak, Jan and Luo, Ming-Cheng and Krasileva, Ksenia and Lux, Thomas and Artmeier, Susanne and Mayer, Klaus F. X. and Uauy, Cristobal and Mascher, Martin and Bentley, Alison R. and Keller, Beat and Poland, Jesse and Wulff, Brande B. H. (2022) Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement. Nature Biotechnology, 40 (3). pp. 422-431. ISSN 10870156
Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Armansyah, Armansyah and Zaelany, Andy Ahmad and Latifa, Ade and Setiawan, Bayu and Saputra, Dani and Haqi, Muamar and Fathurohman, Apit and Lamijo, Lamijo (2024) The contribution of urban farming to urban food security: the case of “Buruan SAE”. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 16 (1). pp. 262-281. ISSN 19463138
Harini, Rika and Ramadhan, Cahyadi and Rudi, Firman Shantya (2020) Agricultural resource potential for improving food security and community welfare in Penimbun Village, Karanggayam, Kebumen, Central Java. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.
Hartuti, Sri and Bintoro, Nursigit and Karyadi, Joko Nugroho Wahyu and Pranoto, Yudi (2020) Analysis of pH and color of fermented cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) beans using response surface methodology. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 28 (2). 509 – 522. ISSN 01287680
Hermanto, Rudy and Murti, Rudi Hari and Hartono, Sedyo and Purwantoro, Azis and Wijonarko, Arman and Mulyantoro, Mulyantoro and Nahampun, Hartinio Natalia and Afifuddin, Ahmad (2023) Viral complexity of tomatoes yellow mosaic and leaf curl diseases in lowland and highland areas. Journal of Phytopathology, 172 (3): e13326. pp. 1-14. ISSN 09311785
Hilmi, Yahya Shafiyuddin and Komarudin, Nurul Amri and Tarigan, Elsera Br. (2021) Relationship between Economy and Environment of the Natural Rubber Plantation in Major Producers. E3S Web of Conferences, 305. ISSN 25550403
Indarwati, L.D. and Sulistyaningsih, E. and Kurniasih, B. (2021) Impact of salicylic acid and biosilica application on plant growth of shallot under water deficit. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 883 (1). ISSN 17551307
Ismawanto, Sigit and Aji, Martini and Lopez, David and Mournet, Pierre and Gohet, Eric and Syafaah, Afdholiatus and Bonal, Florelle and Oktavia, Fetrina and Taryono, Taryono and Subandiyah, Siti and Montoro, Pascal (2024) Genetic analysis of agronomic and physiological traits associated with latex yield revealed complex genetic bases in Hevea brasiliensis. Heliyon, 10 (13): e33421. ISSN 24058440
Issukindarsyah, Issukindarsyah and Sulistyangsih, E. and Indradewa, D. and Putra, E. T. S. (2021) The Effect of Ammonium Nitrate Ratio and Support Types on the NPK Uptake and Growth of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Field Conditions. POLJOPRIVREDA, 27 (2). pp. 25-33. ISSN 1330-7142
Kharisma, Agung Dian and Arofatullah, Nur Akbar and Yamane, Kenji and Tanabata, Sayuri and Sato, Tatsuo (2022) Regulation of defense responses via heat shock transcription factors in <i>Cucumis sativus</i> L. against <i>Botrytis cinerea</i>. JOURNAL OF GENERAL PLANT PATHOLOGY, 88 (1). pp. 17-28. ISSN 1345-2630
Khasanah, Nur and Martono, Edhi and Trisyono, Y. Andi and Wijonarko, Arman (2021) Toxicity and Antifeedant Activity of Calotropis gigantea L. Leaf Extract against Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, 16 (6). 677 – 682. ISSN 17557437
Khuriyati, N. and Nugroho, D.A. and Wicaksono, N.A. (2020) Quality assessment of chilies (Capsicum annuum L.) by using a smartphone camera. In: 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Bioindustry 2019, ICAGRI 2019 Banda Aceh 24 October 2019.
Kuntorini, Evi Mintowati and Nugroho, Laurentius Hartanto and Maryani, Maryani and Nuringtyas, Tri Rini (2023) Metabolomics Profiling of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk. Leaves and Fruits Using 1H NMR Spectroscopy. Records of Natural Products, 17 (6). 1052 – 1063. ISSN 13076167
Kurniawati, A. and Saputra, W.E. and Mahardillah, L. and Hanim, C. and Yusiati, L.M. (2020) Nutrient digestibility on ruminal fermentation in vitro with addition of rumen modifier based on Clove (Syzygium aromaticum. L.) and Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare. Mill.) essential oil. In: 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Bioindustry 2019, ICAGRI 2019 Banda Aceh 24 October 2019.
Kusuma, Eka Widiawati Wijaya and Maas, Azwar and Utami, Sri Nuryani Hidayah and Maftuah, Eni (2021) Effects of rice husk biochar and raised bed on CO2flux and shallot (Allium cepa L.) production on peatland. Sains Tanah, 18 (2). 159 – 165. ISSN 14123606
Kusuma, Eka Widiawati Wijaya and Maas, Azwar and Utami, Sri Nuryani Hidayah and Maftuah, Eni (2021) Effects of rice husk biochar and raised bed on CO2flux and shallot (Allium cepa L.) production on peatland. Sains Tanah, 18 (2). 159 – 165. ISSN 14123606
Maharani, Rizki and Fernandes, Andrian and Turjaman, Maman and Kuspradini, Harlinda and Lukmandaru, Ganis (2020) Chemical and organoleptic properties of bekai (pycnarrhena tumefacta miers) leaves for flavouring agent (bio-vetsin); Karakteristik kimia dan organoleptik daun bekai (pycnarrhena tumefacta miers) untuk penyedap alami (bio-vetsin). Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 7 (2). 121 – 133. ISSN 23557079
Marheni, Marheni and Martono, Edhi and Sijabat, Octanina Sari (2021) Exploration of Symbiotic Bacteria of <i>Oryctes rhinoceros</i> (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Larvae from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches. AGRIVITA, 43 (1). pp. 190-197. ISSN 0126-0537
Marsilani, O.N. and Wagiman, Wagiman and Sukartiko, A.C. (2020) Chemical profiling of western Indonesian single origin robusta coffee. In: The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Bioindustry 2019.
Maryani, Y. and Rogomulyo, R. and Widiatmi, S. and Widata, S. (2020) Biotic resistance and rhizobacteria on the growth and yield of selected red onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) variety. In: The 4th International Conference on Climate Change 2019 (The 4th ICCC 2019).
Masanto, Masanto and Wibowo, Arif and Ridwan, Nur Fathurahman and Sawitri, Widhi Dyah and Kageyama, Koji and Subandiyah, Siti (2021) The expression of pathogenicity-related genes in <i>Phytophthora palmivora</i> causing black pod rot disease on cacao (<i>Theobroma cacao</i> L.) in Indonesia. JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS, 16 (1). pp. 284-295. ISSN 1742-9145
Masdar, Astuti and Siswosukarto, Suprapto and Noviarti, Noviarti and Suryani, Des (2020) IMPLEMENTATION OF CONNECTION SYSTEM OF WOODEN PLATE AND WOODEN CLAMP ON JOINT MODEL OF BAMBOO TRUSS STRUCTURES. International Journal of GEOMATE, 17 (59). 15 – 20. ISSN 21862982
Masyhuri, Masyhuri and Rahayu Waluyati, Lestari and Rohmah, Fatkhiyah and Yoga Prasada, Imade (2020) Factors affecting sugarcane production in Probolinggo Regency, East Java Province. In: The 5th International Seminar on Agribusiness 2019.
Mulia, Dini S. and Karim, Arifia and Purbomartono, Cahyono and Isnansetyo, Alim (2022) Antibacterial activity of mangrove plant (Avicennia marina) to control Aeromonas hydrophila infection in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). AACL Bioflux, 15 (6). 2900 – 2909. ISSN 18448143
Mulyadi, Dedi and Sulandari, Sri and Hartono, Sedyo and Somowiyarjo, Susamto (2021) Distribution, host range and detection of seed-borne yellow mosaic disease on yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis L.) in the special region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22 (9). 3949 – 3957. ISSN 1412033X
Nasrudin, Nasrudin and Kurniasih, Budiastuti (2021) The agro-physiological characteristics of three rice varieties affected by water depth in the coastal agricultural land of yogyakarta, indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22 (9). 3656 – 3662. ISSN 1412033X
Noviyanto, Amir and Sartohadi, Junun and Purwanto, Benito Heru (2020) The distribution of soil morphological characteristics for landslide-impacted Sumbing Volcano, Central Java - Indonesia. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 7 (1). ISSN 21978670
Nugraheni, N.F. and Karyadi, J.N.W. and Tarwaca, S.N. and Indrasari, Y.P. and Albyan, R. and Setiyadi, I. and Ayuni, D. (2021) Effect of various drying methods on the physical characteristics of purple yam powder. In: ICATES 2020.
Nugroho, A.P. and Purba, S. and Pratomo, Y.B. and Hadi, S. and Suputa, Suputa and Utami, S.S. (2020) Development of cloud-based bioacoustics monitoring system for supporting Integrated Pest Management in agriculture production. In: ICAF SEANAFE 2019.
Nurdika, Anggi Anwar Hendra and Arwiyanto, Triwidodo and Sulandari, Sri and Joko, Tri and Kandito, Argawi (2023) Grafting tomato with resistant eggplant and bacteriophages treatment to suppress the development of bacterial wilt disease (<i>Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum</i>). ARCHIVES OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY AND PLANT PROTECTION, 56 (9). pp. 686-706. ISSN 0323-5408
Oktavianingsih, L. and Suharyanto, E. and Daryono, B.S. and Purnomo, Purnomo (2021) Genetic diversity of taro (Colocasia spp.) from kalimantan island, borneo, indonesia, based on rapd markers. Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 53 (3). 447 – 458. ISSN 10297073
Pandangwati, Sri T. and Cooke, Benjamin and Neave, Melissa (2024) Farmers, planning and Agroecological transition: insights from the special region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Australian Geographer, 55 (2). pp. 229-257. ISSN 00049182
Pandapotan, Chales Torang and Irwan, Siti Nurul Rofiqo and Putra, Eka Tarwaca Susila (2021) Morphological Characteristics and Plant Species for Noise Reducer and Pb Metal Absorbers at Adisucipto Airport: Yogyakarta, Indonesia. PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 29 (4). pp. 3043-3057. ISSN 0128-7680
Pandapotan, Chales Torang and Irwan, Siti Nurul Rofiqo and Putra, Eka Tarwaca Susila (2021) Morphological characteristics and plant species for noise reducer and pb metal absorbers at adisucipto airport: Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 29 (4). 3043 – 3057. ISSN 01287680
Pramunadipta, S. and Widiastuti, A. and Wibowo, A. and Priyatmojo, A.Z. (2021) Genetic diversity of the pathogenic fungus Sarocladium oryzae causing sheath rot on rice using rep-PCR. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Pramunadipta, Syafiqa and Widiastuti, Ani and Wibowo, Arif and Suga, Haruhisa and Priyatmojo, Achmadi (2022) Identification and pathogenicity of <i>Fusarium</i> spp. associated with the sheath rot disease of rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>) in Indonesia. JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 104 (1). pp. 251-267. ISSN 1125-4653
Prasada, Imade Yoga and Dhamira, Aura (2021) The competitiveness of natural rubber by exporting countries in the global market. E3S Web of Conferences, 305. ISSN 25550403
Prasetya, Angga and Nuryani Hidayah Utami, Sri and Hanudin, Eko (2021) Effects of Shade and Biochar Application on the Quercetin Content of Longevity Spinach in Inceptisol. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2021. ISSN 16877667
Pratiwi, E.P.A. and Hartono, A.O. and Wijdan, H.Z. and Nurrochmad, F. and Setyawan, C. (2020) Precipitation and flood impact on rice paddies: Statistics in Central Java, Indonesia. In: 6th International Conference on Water Resource and EnvironmentVirtual, Online 23 August 2020.
Putra, Sukmana Siswandana and Putra, Eka Tarwaca Susila and Widada, Jaka (2020) The Effects of Types of Manure and Mycorrhizal Applications on Sandy Soils on the Growth and Yield of Curly Red Chili (Capsicum annum L.). Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 35 (2). 258 – 267. ISSN 26139456
Putri, Astri Harnov and Indarti, Siwi and Harjaka, Tri (2021) Diversity and abundance of nematodes in soil treated with solarization treatments. Biodiversitas, 22 (7). 2612 – 2618. ISSN 1412033X
Rahayuniati, Ruth Feti and Subandiyah, Siti and Hartono, Sedyo and Somowiyarjo, Susamto and Kurniawan, Ruly Eko Kusuma and Prakoso, Ady Bayu and Crew, Kathy and Vance, Megan E. and Ray, Jane D. and Thomas, John E. (2021) Recent distribution and diversity analysis on banana bunchy top virus of banana and alternative host in Indonesia. TROPICAL PLANT PATHOLOGY, 46 (5). pp. 506-517. ISSN 1983-2052
Ray, Jane D. and Subandiyah, Siti and Rincon-Florez, Vivian A and Prakoso, Ady B and Mudita, I.W. and Carvalhais, Lilia C and Markus, Jenny E. R. and O Dwyer, Cecilia A. and Drenth, Andre (2021) Geographic expansion of banana blood disease in southeast asia. Plant Disease, 105 (10). ISSN 01912917
Rope, Ranita and Handoyo Mulyo, Jangkung and Masyhuri, Masyhuri and Rahayu Waluyati, Lestari (2020) Sustainability Index of Dryland Paddy Natural Farming System in the Border Area of Morotai Island. In: 5th International Seminar on Agribusiness 2019: Agricultural Innovation for Sustainable Farming System.
Salsabillah, Varsha and Putra, Nugroho Susetya and Aldawood, Abdulrahman Saad and Soffan, Alan (2021) Increased probing activities of green peach aphid (GPA), <i>Myzus persicae,</i> on chitosan-treated caisim (<i>Brassica juncea</i>) monitored by electrical penetration graph (EPG). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TROPICAL INSECT SCIENCE, 41 (4). pp. 2805-2810. ISSN 1742-7584
Salsabillah, Varsha and Putra, Nugroho Susetya and Aldawood, Abdulrahman Saad and Soffan, Alan (2021) Increased probing activities of green peach aphid (GPA), Myzus persicae, on chitosan-treated caisim (Brassica juncea) monitored by electrical penetration graph (EPG). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41 (4). 2805 – 2810. ISSN 17427584
Santosa, Adyatma Irawan and Somowiyarjo, Susamto (2023) Ageratum yellow vein alpha satellite and tomato leaf curl Java beta satellite association with begomoviruses infecting crops and weeds in Indonesia. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE, 59 (4). pp. 317-324. ISSN 1212-2580
Saputra, R. and Arwiyanto, T. and Wibowo, A. (2020) Biological Control of Ralstonia solanacearum Causes of Bacterial Wilt Disease with Pseudomonas putida and Streptomyces spp. on Some Tomato Varieties. In: International Conference of Sustainability Agriculture and Biosystem, ICSAB 2019, 12 November 2019, Padang.
Sekaranom, A.B. and Nurjani, E. and Harini, R. and Mutaqin, A.S. (2020) Developing SIMASTI to disseminate information of season prediction and prepare for adaptation strategies in agriculture to climate change. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.
Semiarti, Endang and Nopitasari, Sri and Setiawati, Yuli and Lawrie, Muhammad Dylan and Purwantoro, Aziz and Widada, Jaka and Ninomiya, Kana and Asano, Yuuki and Matsumoto, Shogo and Yoshioka, Yasushi (2020) Application of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system for molecular breeding of orchids. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 25 (1). 61 – 68. ISSN 08538654
Setiyaningrum, I.F. and Harini, R. and Wirasanti, N. (2020) Economic valuation of the mangrove ecosystem in Purwodadi Sub-district, Purworejo Regency, Central Java. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.
Sinaga, Radinal Arief and Kurniasih, Budiastuti and Putra, Eka Tarwaca Susila (2021) Growth and Yield of Soybean as a Response of the Fertilization of NPK Compound Produced with Spent and Deoiled Bleaching Earth Filler. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 36 (1). 11 – 19. ISSN 26139456
Soffan, Alan and Subandiyah, Siti and Wijonarko, Arman and Sawitri, Widhi Dyah (2021) RNA-seq data of tea mosquito bugs, Helopeltis bradyi, antennae. DATA IN BRIEF, 38. ISSN 2352-3409
Sriartha, I Putu and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Purnamawati, I Gusti Ayu (2023) Comparing the adaptive capacity of traditional irrigated rice fields farmers in urban and rural areas to climate change in Bali, Indonesia. Cogent Social Sciences, 9 (2). ISSN 23311886
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