Items where Subject is "SD Forestry"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- S Agriculture (538)
- SD Forestry (420)
- S Agriculture (538)
Abdillah, E. and Muharyani, N. and Na'Iem, M. (2020) The characteristics of Pinus mercusii resin productivity flow pattern. In: 2nd International Conference on Environment and Forest Conservation: Ecosystem Research and Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals, ICEFC 2019, 1 October 2019, Bogor.
Acheampong, Emmanuel and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) Avoiding legality: Timber producers’ strategies and motivations under FLEGT in Ghana and Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics, 111. ISSN 13899341
Adi Putra Wirabuana, Pandu Yudha and Sadono, Ronggo and Juniarso, Sergian (2019) Fertilization Effects on Early Growth, Aboveground Biomass, Carbon Storage, and Leaf Characteristics of Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. In South Sumatera. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 23 (5). pp. 154-163.
Adimahavira, Ariel and Lukmandaru, Ganis and Pujiarti, Rini and Prastiwi, Fanany Wuri and Nugroho, Widyanto Dwi (2023) The anatomical structure of the root, stem, and branch of Gyrinops versteegii trees from different growing sites. Biodiversitas, 24 (8). 4590 – 4598. ISSN 1412033X
Agathis, P. and Syahbudin, A. and Purwanto, R.H. (2021) Alternative strategies for sustaining Yogyakarta Philosophy Axis and impact on community and the environment. In: International Conference on Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources 2020, 28 November 2020, Ambon.
Agus, Cahyono and Putra, Pamungkas Buana and Kusumaningrum, Ayu Putri and Hasanah, Nur Aini Iswati and Cahyanti, Pita Asih Bekti (2021) Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals Program in Indonesia. Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals Program in Indonesia, 5 . Springer International Publishing, 3865 – 3886. ISBN 978-303057281-5; 978-303057280-8
Ahmad, Riris A. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Ramadona, Aditya Lia and Lathifah, Nurul and Azzahra, Faradhina and Widyastuti, Kirana and Fuad, Anis (2023) Modeling social interaction and metapopulation mobility of the COVID-19 pandemic in main cities of highly populated Java Island, Indonesia: An agent-based modeling approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2296701X
Ahmed, Naveed and Zhu, Lianqi and Wang, Genxu and Adeyeri, Oluwafemi E. and Shah, Suraj and Ali, Shahid and Marhaento, Hero and Munir, Sarfraz (2023) Occurrence and Distribution of Long-Term Variability in Precipitation Classes in the Source Region of the Yangtze River. SUSTAINABILITY, 15 (7).
Aisyadea, Faza and Dewi, Greitta Kusuma and Widyorini, Ragil (2023) Selected Properties of Particleboard Made from Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) Dregs. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 51 (5). 334 – 344. ISSN 10170715
Aji, Muhammad Ari Purnomo and Kamal, Muhammad and Farda, Nur Mohammad (2023) Mangrove species mapping through phenological analysis using random forest algorithm on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30. ISSN 23529385
Alam, Taufan and Muhartini, Sri and Suryanto, Priyono and Ambarwati, Erlina and Kastono, Dody and Nurmalasari, Aprilia Ike and Kurniasih, Budiastuti (2020) Soybean varieties suitability in agroforestry system with kayu putih under influence of soil quality parameters. Revista Ceres, 67 (5). pp. 410-418. ISSN 0034737X
Alam, Taufan and Suryanto, Priyono and Handayani, Suci and Kastono, Dody and Kurniasih, Budiastuti (2020) Optimizing application of biochar, compost and nitrogen fertilizer in soybean intercropping with Kayu Putih (Melaleuca Cajuputi). Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 44. pp. 1-17. ISSN 01000683
Alam, Taufan and Suryanto, Priyono and Nurmalasari, Aprilia Ike and Kurniasih, Budiastuti (2019) GGE-Biplot Analysis for the Suitability of Soybean Varieties in an Agroforestry System based on Kayu Putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) Stands. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 34 (2). pp. 213-222. ISSN 26139456
Alam, Taufan and Suryanto, Priyono and Supriyanta, Supriyanta and Basunanda, Panjisakti and Wulandari, Rani A. and Kastono, Dodi and Widyawan, Muhammad Habib and Nurmansyah, Nurmansyah and Taryono, Taryono (2021) Rice cultivar selection in an agroforestry system through GGE-biplot and EBLUP. Biodiversitas, 22 (11). pp. 4750-4757. ISSN 1412033X
Amalia, M. and Kusumandari, A. (2023) The water balance analysis of several land uses in Tinalah sub-watershed, Kulon Progo. In: The 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management symposium, 7-8 September 2022, Online.
Ambarwati, Nurwidya and Wijayanti Faida, Lies Rahayu and Marhaento, Hero (2023) The Effects of Green Open Spaces on Microclimate and Thermal Comfort in Three Integrated Campus in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Geoplanning, 10 (1). 31 – 44. ISSN 23556544
Andayani, W. and Septiana, R. M. and Riyanto, S. and Supriyatno, N. (2020) Strategy to improving community economic through on-farm agroforestry using community forestry scheme in KPH Yogyakarta. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Anggara, G. and Rahayu, S. and Nurjanto, H.H. (2023) Macro fungi in Urban Forest of Universitas Gadjah Mada and Their Potential Uses as Medicinal Fungi. In: Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium.
Ardi, B. and Suardi, Fridollyn H. (2020) Determination of birdwatching tourism locations for red-knobbed hornbill (rhyticeros cassidix) around lake Lindu, Lore Lindu National park, central Sulawesi. In: 2nd International Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics, IC-FSSAT 2019, 2 September 2019, Makassar.
Arisandi, Rizki and Marsoem, Sri Nugroho and Lukmandaru, Ganis and Sutapa, Johanes Pramana Gentur (2021) The changes of extractive contents of young Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq trees during heartwood formation. Forestry Studies, 75 (1). 64 – 79. ISSN 14069954
Arisandi, Rizki and Marsoem, Sri Nugroho and Sutapa, Johanes Pramana Gentur and Lukmandaru, Ganis (2023) Heartwood formation and its relationship with basic density and green moisture content of young small-leaf mahogany trees. Southern Forests, 85 (1). 26 – 39. ISSN 20702620
Arisandi, Rizki and Marsoem, Sri Nugroho and Sutapa, Johanes Pramana Gentur and Lukmandaru, Ganis (2023) The Methods for Measuring the Area of Heartwood and Sapwood. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 11. 76 – 92. ISSN 2187090X
Arisandi, Rizki and Marsoem, Sri Nugroho and Sutapa, Johanes Pramana Gentur and Lukmandaru, Ganis (2023) A Review of the Factors Influencing Variations in the Heartwood Proportion for Solid Wood. South-East European Forestry, 14 (2). 245 – 253. ISSN 18476481
Arumugam, Veknesh and Ismail, Muhammad Heikal and Puspadaran, Tharsini Amma and Routray, Winny and Ngadisih, Ngadisih and Wahyu Karyadi, Joko Nugroho and Suwignyo, Bambang and Suryatmojo, Hatma (2022) Food Waste Treatment Methods and its Effects on the Growth Quality of Plants: A Review. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 45 (1). pp. 75-101. ISSN 15113701
Astuti, H. P. and Suryatmojo, H. (2021) Water ecosystem services of Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia. In: The 3rd ICoGEE 2021.
Astuti, H.P. and Suryatmojo, H. (2021) Water ecosystem services of Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia. In: International Conference on Green Energy and Environment 2021, ICoGEE 2021.
Astuti, H.P. and Suryatmojo, Hatma (2019) Water in the forest: Rain-vegetation interaction to estimate canopy interception in a tropical borneo rainforest. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security in conjunction with 3rd International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions, 29 October 2018through 30 October 2018, Padang, West Sumatra Province.
Augustina, Sarah and Darmawan, Teguh and Sudarmanto, Sudarmanto and Narto, Narto and Bahanawan, Adik and Adi, Danang S and Triwibowo, Dimas and Amin, Yusup and Sofianto, Imran A and Sejati, Prabu S and Dwianto, Wahyu and Witjaksono, Witjaksono and Widyorini, Ragil and Gérardin, Philippe and Marbun, Sari Delviana (2023) Effects of succinic acid impregnation on physical properties of sapwood and heartwood from plantation-grown short-rotation teak. Southern Forests, 85 (3-4). 201 – 211. ISSN 20702620
Auri, Amilda and Faridah, Eny and Sumardi, Sumardi and Hardiwinoto, Suryo (2021) The effect of crown pruning and induction of acremonium sp. On agarwood formation in gyrinops caudata in west papua, indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22 (7). 2604 – 2611. ISSN 1412033X
Barrett, Meg and Campera, Marco and Morcatty, Thais Q. and Weldon, Ariana V. and Hedger, Katherine and Maynard, Keely Q. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2021) Risky business: The function of play in a venomous mammal—the javan slow loris (nycticebus javanicus). Toxins, 13 (5). ISSN 20726651
Barrett, Meg and Campera, Marco and Morcatty, Thais Q. and Weldon, Ariana V. and Hedger, Katherine and Maynard, Keely Q. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2021) Risky business: The function of play in a venomous mammal—the javan slow loris (nycticebus javanicus). Toxins, 13 (5). pp. 1-15. ISSN 20726651
Birot, Hélène and Campera, Marco and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2020) Artificial canopy bridges improve connectivity in fragmented landscapes: The case of Javan slow lorises in an agroforest environment. American Journal of Primatology, 82 (4). pp. 1-10. ISSN 02752565
Brown, Ella R. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Campera, Marco and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2020) Testing efficacy of a multi-site environmental education programme in a demographically and biologically diverse setting. Environmental Conservation, 47 (1). 60 – 66. ISSN 03768929
Budiadi, Budiadi and Jihad, Aqmal N. and Lestari, Lina D. (2021) An Overview and Future Outlook of Indonesian Agroforestry: a Bibliographic and Literature Review. In: RUBIS International Workshop on the Resilience of Rubber-based Agroforestry Systems in the Context of Global Change.
Budiadi, Budiadi and Jihad, Aqmal N. and Lestari, Lina D. (2021) An Overview and Future Outlook of Indonesian Agroforestry: a Bibliographic and Literature Review. E3S Web of Conferences, 305. ISSN 25550403
Budiadi, Budiadi and Pertiwiningrum, Ambar and Lestari, Lina Dwi and Jihad, Aqmal Nur and Marpaung, Boy Andreas and Prasetyo, Sigit (2023) Land cover changes, biomass loss, and predictive causes of massive dieback of a mangrove plantation in Lampung, Sumatra. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6. ISSN 2624893X
Caesario, Jeferson and Hertanto, Decsa Medika and Susanto, Hermawan and Sudiana, Ketut and Nandika, Dodi and Karlinasari, Lina and Arinana, Arinana and Batubara, Irmanida and Witasari, Lucia Dhiantika and Rachmayanti, Yanti and Firmasyah, Dikhi and Santoso, Djoko (2023) Hematological Profile of Mice After Ethyl Acetate Extract of Fungus Comb of Indo-Malayan Termite (Macrotermes gilvus Hagen) Mound Supplementation in Regulating Lipopolysaccharide-induced Inflammatory Response. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19. 57 – 63. ISSN 16758544
Campera, Marco and Balestri, Michela and Manson, Sophie and Hedger, Katherine and Ahmad, Nabil and Adinda, Esther and Nijman, Vincent and Budiadi, Budiadi and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2021) Shade trees and agrochemical use affect butterfly assemblages in coffee home gardens. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 319. pp. 1-7. ISSN 01678809
Campera, Marco and Budiadi, Budiadi and Adinda, Esther and Ahmad, Nabil and Balestri, Michela and Hedger, Katherine and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Manson, Sophie and Nijman, Vincent and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2021) Fostering a wildlife-friendly program for sustainable coffee farming: The case of small-holder farmers in Indonesia. Land, 10 (2). 1 – 16. ISSN 2073445X
Campera, Marco and Budiadi, Budiadi and Adinda, Esther and Ahmad, Nabil and Balestri, Michela and Hedger, Katherine and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Manson, Sophie and Nijman, Vincent and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2021) Fostering a wildlife-friendly program for sustainable coffee farming: The case of small-holder farmers in Indonesia. Land, 10 (2). pp. 1-16.
Campera, Marco and Hedger, Katherine and Birot, Hélène and Manson, Sophie and Balestri, Michela and Budiadi, Budiadi and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nijman, Vincent and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2021) Does the presence of shade trees and distance to the forest affect detection rates of terrestrial vertebrates in coffee home gardens? Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (15). ISSN 20711050
Damayanti, Arina and Triyogo, Ananto and Musyafa, Musyafa (2023) The Influence of Land Management on Soil Mite (Acari: Oribatida, Prostigmata, and Mesostigmata) Communities as Bioindicators for Environmental Conditions. JURNAL MANAJEMEN HUTAN TROPIKA, 29 (3). pp. 243-253. ISSN 2087-0469
Damayanti, Arina and Triyogo, Ananto and Musyafa, Musyafa (2023) Soil arthropod diversity in three different land management intensities of Wanagama Forest, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (3). 1799 – 1808. ISSN 1412033X
Daulay, Muhammad Haidar and Soraya, Emma and Ha, Tran Thi Thu and Laraswati, Dwi and Susanti, Fitria Dewi and Sahide, Muhammad Alif K. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2024) Implementation of Timber Legality Assurance and Licensing Systems in Vietnam: A SWOT-AHP Analysis. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 43 (1-5). 54 – 70. ISSN 10549811
Daulay, Muhammad Haidar and Susanti, Fitria D. and Laraswati, Dwi and Arthalina, Erliza C. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2023) New land governance models and management scenarios: Fitting Forest Management Units (FMUs) for forested landscapes outside forest zones in Indonesia. Forest and Society, 7 (1). pp. 43-60. ISSN 25494724
Davies-Barnard, Taraka and Catto, Jennifer L. and Harper, Anna B. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Frank van Veen, F.J. (2023) Future fire risk under climate change and deforestation scenarios in tropical Borneo. Environmental Research Letters, 18 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 17489318
Dewi, G. K. and Widyorini, R. and Lukmandaru, G. (2021) Enhancement of maltodextrin-based adhesive properties using ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP). In: The 13th International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society.
Dewi, R.A. and Suryanto, P. and Suwignyo, B. and Adriana, Adriana and Triyogo, A. (2020) Silvopasture based on Sengon (SBS) in the southern of Merapi Volcano and the development opportunities. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Dewi, R.A. and Suryanto, P. and Suwignyo, B. and Adriana, Adriana and Triyogo, A. (2020) Silvopasture based on Sengon (SBS) in the southern of Merapi Volcano and the development opportunities. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019 Yogyakarta 16 October 2019.
Dimara, Petrus A. and Purwanto, Ris Hadi and Auri, Amilda and Angrianto, Rusdi and Mofu, Wolfram Y. (2023) Production potential of sago forests in different habitat types in Sentani watershed, Papua, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (7). 3924 – 3931. ISSN 1412033X
Dimyati, Muhammad and Umarhadi, Deha Agus and Jamaluddin, Ilham and Awanda, Disyacitta and Widyatmanti, Wirastuti (2023) Mangrove monitoring revealed by MDPrePost-Net using archived Landsat imageries. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 32. ISSN 23529385
Ekasari, Indriani and Sadono, Ronggo and Marsono, Djoko and Witono, Joko R. (2020) Mapping Multi Stakeholder Roles on Fire Management in Conservation Areas of Kuningan Regency. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 26 (3). pp. 254-267. ISSN 20870469
Ekasari, Indriani and Sadono, Ronggo and Marsono, Djoko and Witono, Joko R. (2021) Species composition and richness of viable seed bank after fire events in mount ciremai national park and kuningan botanic gardens, west java, indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22 (6). pp. 3437-3447. ISSN 1412033X
Ekasari, Indriani and Sadono, Ronggo and Marsono, Djoko and Witono, Joko R. (2021) Species composition and richness of viable seed bank after fire events in mount ciremai national park and kuningan botanic gardens, west java, indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22 (6). pp. 3437-3447. ISSN 1412033X
Ekasari, Indriani and Sadono, Ronggo and Marsono, Djoko and Witono, Joko Ridho (2020) Mapping Multi Stakeholder Roles on Fire Management in Conservation Areas of Kuningan Regency. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 26 (3). 254 – 267. ISSN 20870469
Ekasari, Indriani and Sadono, Ronggo and Marsono, Djoko and Witono, Joko Ridho (2020) Mapping Multi Stakeholder Roles on Fire Management in Conservation Areas of Kuningan Regency. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 26 (3). 254 – 267. ISSN 20870469
Endayani, Sri and Sadono, Ronggo and Kusumandari, Ambar and Hartono, Hartono (2019) Charateristics Biophysic of Green Open Space in Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province Karakteristik Biofisik Ruang Terbuka Hijau Pada Hutan Kota Samarinda, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan, 9 (4). pp. 977-985. ISSN 20864639
Endayani, Sri and Sadono, Ronggo and Kusumandari, Ambar and Hartono, Hartono (2019) Social and economic vulnerability in the sub-watershed of Karang mumus, East Kalimantan Province. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 25 (2). pp. 93-103. ISSN 20870469
Fadhilla, S. and Kusumandari, A. and Senawi, Senawi (2021) Soil erosion prediction using USLE model in Cangkringan micro watershed model, Yogyakarta. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 912 (1). ISSN 17551307
Fadhilla, S. and Kusumandari, A. and Senawi, Senawi (2021) Soil erosion prediction using USLE model in Cangkringan micro watershed model, Yogyakarta. In: 3rd International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology.
Fadwati, Alfia Dewi and Hidayati, Fanny and Na’iem, Mohammad (2023) Evaluation of Genetic Parameters of Growth Characteristics and Basic Density of Eucalyptus pellita Clones Planted at Two Different Sites in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 51 (3). 222 – 237. ISSN 10170715
Faridah, E. and Suryanto, P. and Nurjanto, H.H. and Putra, E.T.S. and Falah, M.D. and Widyawan, M.H. and Alam, T. (2021) Optimizing Application of Biochar Amendment for Nitrogen use Efficiency in Upland Rice under Melaleuca cajuputi Stands. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 55 (1). 105 – 109. ISSN 03678245
Faridah, Eny and Suryanto, Priyono and Nurjanto, H.H. and Putra, E.T.S. and Falah, M.D. and Widyawan, M.H. and Alam, T. (2021) Optimizing Application of Biochar Amendment for Nitrogen use Efficiency in Upland Rice under Melaleuca cajuputi Stands. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 55 (1). pp. 105-109. ISSN 03678245
Farizi, F.A. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih and Susanto, S. and Suryatmojo, H. and Tando, P.K.V. (2019) Assessment of soil erosion and landslides susceptibility based on hydrophysic soil properties in Karangkobar catchment, Banjarnegara, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, ISABE 2019.
Fatem, Sepus M. and Runtuboi, Yubelince Y. and Fisher, Micah R. and Sufi, Yafed and Maryudi, Ahmad and Sirimorok, Nurhady (2023) Conservation Policy, Indigeneity, and Changing Traditional Hunting Practices in West Papua. Forest and Society, 7 (2). pp. 359-379. ISSN 25494724
Fathin, A. N. and Astuti, D. and Winarni, W. W. and Ratnaningrum, Y. W. N. (2021) Flowering and fruiting phenology of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) from Sumatra landraces in ex situ conservation area in Karangmojo, Yogyakarta. In: INAFOR 2021 Stream 2.
Fauziyah, E. and Widyaningsih, T.S. and Hani, A. and Kuswantoro, D.P. (2023) The existence of bamboo plants and bamboo shoots business in Central Java, Indonesia. In: 5th International Conference on Food and Agriculture, 5-7 November 2022, Banyuwangi.
Fauziyah, Eva and Awang, San Afri and Suryanto, Priyono and Achmad, Budiman (2024) Land Fragmentation of Privately Owned Forest: Impacts and Farmers' Adaptation Strategies in West Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 19 (11). 4453 – 4461. ISSN 17437601
Fauziyah, Eva and Sanudin, Sanudin and Hani, Aditya (2023) Impact of Bamboo-Based Agroforestry Demonstration Plots Based on Farmers' Perceptions. In: 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2023), 10-11 October 2023, Yogyakarta.
Fisher, Micah and Longman, Ryan J. and Maryudi, Ahmad and Laraswati, Dwi (2024) Nusantara: Climate Dilemmas of a “Green” Capital City in Indonesia. Asia Pacific Issues, 27 (169). 1 – 10. ISSN 15220966
Giordano, Anthony J. and Winstead, Leah M. and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Rustam, Rustam and Sompud, Jephte and Kumaran, Jayaraj Vijaya and Pei, Kurtis Jai-Chyi (2023) Dark Clouds Ahead? Anecdotal evidence for an illegal live trade in Sunda Neofelis diardi and Indochinese N. nebulosa Clouded Leopards (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae). Journal of Threatened Taxa, 15 (6). pp. 23441-23445. ISSN 09747893
Hakim, L. and Widyorini, R. and Nugroho, W. D. and Prayitno, T. A. and Lubis, Y. S. (2021) Contact angle of modified fibrovascular bundle of salacca (Salacca sumatrana Becc.) frond by NaOH+Na2SO3 combination. In: 3rd International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology.
Hakim, L. and Widyorini, R. and Nugroho, W.D. and Prayitno, T.A. and Lubis, Y.S. (2021) Contact angle of modified fibrovascular bundle of salacca (Salacca sumatrana Becc.) frond by NaOH+Na2SO3 combination. In: International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology, ICONART.
Hakim, Luthfi and Widyorini, Ragil and Nugroho, Widyanto Dwi and Prayitno, Tibertius Agus (2021) Radial variability of fibrovascular bundle properties of salacca (Salacca zalacca) fronds cultivated on turi agrotourism in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22 (8). 3594 – 3603. ISSN 1412033X
Hamid, A.H. and Iriyani, S. and Setyarso, A. and Basri, H. (2023) Performance analysis of Aceh forest management units in Aceh's Forest development. In: International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co-Creation in Sustainability, ISTAKCOS.
Handayani, Wuri and Winara, Aji and Suhartono, Suhartono and Suhaendah, Endah (2023) Attack of Shoot‐Sucking Pests on Gerunggang (Cratoxylum arborescens (Vahl.) Blume) in Peatland Rehabilitation. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INNOVATIVE BIOPRODUCTION INDONESIA ON BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 2022.
Hardiwinoto, Suryo and Ardiansyah, Fiqri and Atno, Widiy (2021) Application of selected teak clone and organic fertilizer to accelerate rehabilitation of lowland forest in Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22 (4). 1750 – 1756. ISSN 1412033X
Hardiyanto, E.B. and Inail, M.A. and Nambiar, S. and Mendham, D.S. (2024) Sustaining plantation forest productivity in Sumatra over three decades: From acacias to eucalypts. Forest Ecology and Management, 553. ISSN 03781127
Hasan, Veryl and Andraini, Nantasa E. and Isroni, Wahyu and Sari, Luthfiana A. and Nafisyah, Ayu L. and Dewi, Nina N. and Putri, Dian N. A. and Prasasti, Tyas A. B. and Ramadhani, Achmadi A. and Daniel, Kiki and South, Josie and Vieira, Lucas O. and Ottoni, Felipe P. and Maftuch, Maftuch and Faqih, Abdul R. and Wirabuana, Pandu. Y. A. P. and Tamam, Muhammad B. and Valen, Fitri S. (2023) Fish diversity of the Bengawan Solo River estuary, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (4). 2207 – 2216. ISSN 1412033X
Hasyim, Zainuri and Laraswati, Dwi and Purwanto, Ris H. and Pratama, Andita A. and Maryudi, Ahmad (2020) Challenges facing independent monitoring networks in the Indonesian timber legality assurance system. Forest Policy and Economics, 111. ISSN 13899341
Hathaway, Amanda and Campera, Marco and Hedger, Katherine and Chimienti, Marianna and Adinda, Esther and Ahmad, Nabil and Imron, Muhammad Ali and Nekaris, K.A.I. (2023) Analysis of Accelerometer Data Using Random Forest Models to Classify the Behavior of a Wild Nocturnal Primate: Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus). Ecologies, 4 (4). pp. 636-653. ISSN 26734133
Hendrati, Rina Laksmi and Baskorowati, Liliana and Mashudi, Marsudi and Nurtjahjaningsih, I.L.G. and Pudjiono, Sugeng and Setiadi, Dedi and Sumardi, Sumardi and Pujiono, Eko and Nuringtyas, Tri Rini and Wibisono, Mochamat Gunawan (2024) The Performance of Legume and Non-legume Trees under Dry Karst Areas. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 30 (2): 1. 265 – 274. ISSN 2087-0469
Hidayatullah, Muhamad Faqih and Kamal, Muhammad and Wicaksono, Pramaditya (2023) Species-based aboveground mangrove carbon stock estimation using WorldView-2 image data. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30. ISSN 23529385
Hobo, K.B.R. and Suryatmojo, H. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih (2020) Communities conservation activities to support sustainable land use of upstream Merawu Watershed. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019, 16 October 2019through 17 October 2019, Yogyakarta.
Hobo, K.B.R. and Suryatmojo, H. and Ngadisih, Ngadisih (2020) Communities conservation activities to support sustainable land use of upstream Merawu Watershed. In: 3rd International Conference in Agroforestry: Adopting Modern Agroforestry Toward Smart Social Forestry Program, ICAF 2019.
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