Items where Subject is "T Technology (General)"
Achadi, A.H. and Amri, I. and Ruslanjari, D. and Tanaka, R. (2024) Two decades of bibliometric exploration on leadership in disaster management. Disaster Advances, 17 (6). 24 – 32. ISSN 0974262X
Adianti, Istiana and Ikaputra, Ikaputra and Rahmi, Dwita Hadi (2023) Spatial Permeability in Kraton Yogyakarta, Indonesia during the HB IX-HB X Periods. ISVS e-journal, 10 (9). pp. 329-342.
Adiyatma, Farid Yuli Martin and Suroso, Dwi Joko and Cherntanomwong, Panarat (2023) Machine Learning-Based Multi-Room Indoor Localization using Fingerprint Technique. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Afif, A.Z. and Ilman, M.N. (2024) Inhibitive Effects of Chromate, Molybdate, and Nitrate on Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of AA2024-T3 in 3.5 NaCl Solution. In: 7th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2023 (ICMEN 2023); 04-05 Nov, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ICMEN 2023), 4-5 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ahlan, Muhammad and Priyanto, Sigit and Utomo, Suryo Hapsoro Tri (2024) Cost Comparison Analysis Between Maritime Intermodal and Road Mode Freight Transport in Java Island, Indonesia. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, 8 (2). 271 – 281. ISSN 20588305
Ahmad, Musyaffa’ and Firmansyah, Eka and Sidik, Yohan Fajar and Wijaya, F. Danang and Mudarris, Mudarris and R., Sigit Doni (2023) PWM Rectifier Impedance Modeling for the UGM-INKA Hybrid Train. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Ahmad, Noesanto Dewantoro and Kusmono, Kusmono and Wildan, Muhammad Waziz and Herianto, Herianto (2023) Preparation and properties of cellulose nanocrystals-reinforced Poly (lactic acid) composite filaments for 3D printing applications. Results in Engineering, 17. ISSN 25901230
Amatullah, Amila and Agung, Alexander and Arif, Agus (2021) Minimizing Power Peaking Factor of BEAVRS-based Reactor Using Polar Bear Optimization Algorithms. In: International Energy Conference, ASTECHNOVA 2021.
Amiliana, Rahmatika Alfia and Mulyono, Panut and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti (2023) Dissolution of Rare Earth Elements Concentrate from Xenotime Sand with Strong Acids. Materials Science Forum, 1093. pp. 119-126. ISSN 16629752
Ansori, Chusni and Raharjo, Puguh Dwi and Setianto, Agung and Warmada, I Wayan and Setiawan, Nugroho Imam (2020) Geomorphology and iron sand potential at coastal sediment morphology, Kebumen Regency. In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020 Virtual, Online 7 September 2020.
Ansori, Chusni and Warmada, I Wayan and Setiawan, Nugroho Imam and Jogaswara, Herry and Fariji, Muhamad Al (2024) The linkage of geological parameters to cultural diversity at Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark and surrounding area, Kebumen, Indonesia. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 12 (1). pp. 168-179. ISSN 25774441
Ardani, Aulia Safrina and Millati, Ria and Yanti, Rini and Rohana, Nanda Legiasa Rabiul Tsani and Hidayat, Chusnul (2023) Glycerolysis-Interesterification of Palm Olein and Coconut Oil Blend using Two High-Shear Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 25 (4). 1 -9. ISSN 15098117
Arief, Irdinal and Subroto, T. Yoyok Wahyu and Marcillia, Syam Rachma (2024) Family Bonds and Space Utilization in Indigenous Communities: The Sampesuvu-Roa Value in Kaili Ledo, Indonesia. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 12 (3). pp. 36-57. ISSN 21873666
Arifin, Maulana Ali and Khamsah, Nova Maras Nurul and Najati, Nayla and Suryanto, Wiwit and Prabowo, Irawan Eko (2023) Data Collection Platform Design using LEO Satellite-based LoRa for Disaster Management in Indonesia. In: 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AEROSPACE ELECTRONICS AND REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY, ICARES.
Ashri, Faqih and Roychansyah, Muhammad Sani (2023) Smart Region Specialization: Toward a More Competitive Cooperation Between Magelang and Kulon Progo Regencies. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 334 LN. pp. 541-555. ISSN 23662565
Asmoro, Novian Wely and Hidayat, Chusnul and Ariyanto, Teguh and Millati, Ria (2023) Cellulose Isolation From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Using Different Pretreatment Processes. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (Taiwan), 26 (11). pp. 1513-1520. ISSN 27089975
Ataka, Ahmad and Aji, M. Hilal Bayu and Hakim, Alfin Luqmanul and Arfiantino, Dimas and Nanda, Aan Aria and Nugraha, Ghanis Kauchya and Setyadi, Ahmad Didik and Aji, Alharisy and Ageng, Gregorio and Candra, Rizky and Ishmatuka, Cendikia and Barr, Abdul (2023) Vision-Based Excavator Control for Pick-and-Place Operation. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Azizah, Farrah and Nursakti, Herwinda and Ningrum, Andriati and Supriyadi, Supriyadi (2023) Development of Edible Composite Film from Fish Gelatin–Pectin Incorporated with Lemongrass Essential Oil and Its Application in Chicken Meat. Polymers, 15 (9). ISSN 20734360
Azkia, Mita Nurul and Cahyanto, Muhammad Nur and Mayangsari, Yunika and Briliantama, Asadin and Palma, Miguel and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti (2023) Enhancement of phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of black glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa) due to tape fermentation. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 16 (11).
Berghuis, H.W.K. and Veldkamp, A. and Adhityatama, Shinatria and Hilgen, Sander L. and Sutisna, Indra and Barianto, Didit Hadi and Pop, Eduard A.L. and Reimann, Tony and Yurnaldi, Dida and Ekowati, Dian Rahayu and Vonhof, Hubert B. and van Kolfschoten, Thijs and Simanjuntak, Truman and Schoorl, J.M. and Joordens, Josephine C.A. (2021) Hominin homelands of East Java: Revised stratigraphy and landscape reconstructions for Plio-Pleistocene Trinil. Quaternary Science Reviews, 260: 106912. ISSN 02773791
Blin, Pierre-François and Aditya, Trias and Santosa, Purnama Budi and Claramunt, Christophe (2024) A Methodological Approach towards Cyber Risk Management in Land Administrations Systems. Land, 13 (1): 19. ISSN 2073445X
Budhijanto, Wiratni and Marleni, Ni Nyoman Nepi and Wulaningtyas, Adhin Harum and Istiqomah, Indah and Ahmad, Johan Syafri Mahathir and Marbelia, Lisendra (2024) Techno-economic analysis on community-based municipal solid waste processing facilities: A case study in Sleman Regency Indonesia. Environmental Development, 52. ISSN 22114645
Bukhari, Moeen Hamid and da Silva, Paula F. and Pilz, Juergen and Istanbulluoglu, Erkan and Gorum, Tolga and Lee, Juneseok and Karamehic-Muratovic, Ajlina and Urmi, Tamanna and Soltani, Arezoo and Wilopo, Wahyu and Qureshi, Javed Akhter and Zekan, Sabid and Koonisetty, Kranthi Swaroop and Sheishenaly, Usupaev and Khan, Latifur and Espinoza, Juan and Mendoza, Edna Patricia and Haque, Ubydul (2023) Community perceptions of landslide risk and susceptibility: a multi-country study. LANDSLIDES, 20 (6). pp. 1321-1334. ISSN 1612-510X
Cahyeni, Nadia Gustiranda and Sidik, Yohan Fajar and Firmansyah, Eka (2023) Performance Comparison of ZDAC vs MTPA for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Control. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Dani Abdul Aziz Nur, Royyan (2024) Simulasi Sederhana Reaktor Kartini menggunakan Software OpenMC. Fakultas Teknik UGM. (Submitted)
Darmawan, Agus (2024) Evaluating proactive and reactive strategies in supply chain network design with coordinated inventory control in the presence of disruptions. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 41 (4). 307 – 323. ISSN 21681015
Fadillah, Arif and Harijoko, Agung and Hendrayana, Heru and Wibowo, Haryo Edi and Baud, Benjamin and Lachassagne, Patrick and Muhammad, Azwar Satrya and Dörfliger, Nathalie (2023) Hydrogeological Interpretation Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography: Methodology and Conceptual Model in Andesitic Volcanic Context. International Journal of GEOMATE, 24 (106). pp. 1-12. ISSN 21862982
Felasari, Sushardjanti and Sani Roychansyah, Muhammad (2021) Supporting Community Participation for Sustainable Smart City Implementation in Indonesian Cities. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. 467 – 477. ISSN 18668755
Fitra, B. M. and Susanto, Eko and Suharto, Slamet and Munawaroh, Heli Siti Halimatul and Ningrum, Andriati (2023) Effect of milkfish skin gelatin on properties of vegetable wet noodle. Food Research, 7. pp. 35-43. ISSN 25502166
Fitrianingtyas, Nur Eka and Kusumawardani, Sri Suning and Permanasari, Adhistya Erna (2023) The e-Learning Models Adopts Metacognitive Strategies to Support and Influence Independent Learning: Literature Review. In: 2023 10th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering, ICITACEE 2023.
Frasetyo, Mohd. Brado and Wijaya, Fransisco Danang and Ali, Husni Rois (2023) Hybrid PV-WT Microgrid Stability Control Using Synchronverter Algorithm. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Fristiana, Ayuningtyas Hari and Alfarozi, Syukron Abu Ishaq and Permanasari, Adhistya Erna and Wibirama, Sunu (2023) Improving Deep Learning-Based Eye Movements Classification Using Bayesian Optimization. In: 2023 IEEE International Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology Conference (IBITeC), 09-10 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Gumansalangi, Frysye and Calle, Jose L. P. and Barea-Sepúlveda, Marta and Manikharda, Manikharda and Palma, Miguel and Lideman, Lideman and Rafi, Mohamad and Ningrum, Andriati and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti (2023) A Rapid Method for Authentication of Macroalgae Based on Vis-NIR Spectroscopy Data Combined with Chemometrics Approach. Water (Switzerland), 15 (1). ISSN 20734441
Gumansalangi, Frysye and Calle, Jose L. P. and Barea-Sepúlveda, Marta and Manikharda, Manikharda and Palma, Miguel and Lideman, Lideman and Rafi, Mohamad and Ningrum, Andriati and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti (2023) A Rapid Method for Authentication of Macroalgae Based on Vis-NIR Spectroscopy Data Combined with Chemometrics Approach. Water (Switzerland), 15 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 20734441
Gunawan, Endra and Wibiseno, Pandu Setyo and Widiyantoro, Sri and Kholil, Munawar and Ida, Rachmah and Pratama, Cecep and Hanifa, Nuraini Rahma and Hermawan, Iwan and Supendi, Pepen and Daryono, Daryono and Karnawati, Dwikorita (2023) The Investigation of Viscoelastic Relaxation Following the 2018 Mw 6.2 Situbondo, Indonesia, Earthquake. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 41 (8). pp. 4583-4593. ISSN 15731529
Gusa, Rika Favoria and Hidayat, Risanuri and Nugroho, Hanung Adi (2023) Performance Analysis of Enhancement Methods on Fetal Ultrasound Images. In: Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology, IAICT 2023, 13-15 July 2023, Bali.
Hanun, Amira and Sarjiya, Sarjiya and Putranto, Lesnanto Multa and Tumiran, Tumiran and Yasironi, Muhammad and Savitri, Ira and Farel, Daud (2023) Impact of Wind Power's Capacity Credit on the System Reliability Index: A Case Study of Southern Sulawesi Systems. In: 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering, SEGE 2023.
Harintaka, Harintaka and Suhadha, Argo Galih and Syetiawan, Agung and Ardha, Mohammad and Rarasati, Anisa (2024) Current land subsidence in Jakarta: a multi-track SBAS InSAR analysis during 2017–2022 using C-band SAR data. Geocarto International, 39 (1). ISSN 10106049
Harintaka, Harintaka and Wijaya, Calvin (2023) Automatic point cloud segmentation using RANSAC and DBSCAN algorithm for indoor model. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 21 (6). pp. 1317-1325.
Herianto, Herianto and Mastrisiswadi, Hasan and Atsani, Sarah Iftin and Sari, Wangi Pandan and Tontowi, Alva Edy (2024) Characterization of 3D printed multi-material soft pneumatic actuator. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications. pp. 1-15. ISSN 23665971
Heristika, Windy and Ningrum, Andriati and Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Munawaroh, Heli Siti Helimatul and Show, Pau Loke (2023) Development of Composite Edible Coating from Gelatin-Pectin Incorporated Garlic Essential Oil on Physicochemical Characteristics of Red Chili (Capsicum annnum L.). Gels, 9 (1). ISSN 23102861
Hidayah, Nur and Satyarno, Iman and Saputra, Ashar (2020) Housing rehabilitation and reconstruction in Central Sulawesi post-2018 earthquake. In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020.
Indrasari, Y.P. and Karyadi, J.N.W. and Nugraheni, N.F. and Tarwaca, S.N. and Albyan, R. and Setiyadi, I. and Ayuni, D. (2021) Effect of various drying methods on the physical characteristics of arrowroot powder. In: ICSARD 2020. (In Press)
Indrawan, I. Gde Budi and Sunardi, Sunardi and Murti, Ardian Baroto and Alfrianto, Rifki (2024) Comparison of stability analysis methods for safe design of volcanic rock slope. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 12 (1). 6651 – 6664. ISSN 2339076X
Inovan, Tirta and Cahyadi, Adha Imam and Wahyunggoro, Oyas (2023) Implementation of Adaptive-PID Based Temperature Trajectory Tracking Control to Improve Repeatability in Coffee Roasting. In: Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology, IAICT 2023, 13-15 July 2023, Bali.
Irnawan, Roni and Rizqi, Ahmad Ataka Awwalur and Yasirroni, Muhammad and Putranto, Lesnanto Multa and Ali, Husni Rois and Firmansyah, Eka and Sarjiya, Sarjiya (2023) Model-Free Approach to DC Microgrid Optimal Operation under System Uncertainty Based on Reinforcement Learning. Energies, 16 (14). ISSN 19961073
Isharyani, Muriani Emelda and Sopha, Bertha Maya and Tjahjono, Benny and Wibisono, M. Arif (2023) Exploring the Smart Retail Scenario for Traditional Retailers: Case Studies From a Developing Country. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. pp. 1-17. ISSN 15580040
Ishmatuka, C and Soesanti, I and Ataka, A (2023) Autonomous Pick-and-Place Using Excavator Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Iswandi, Iswandi and Hidayat, Risanuri and Wibowo, Sigit Basuki (2023) Bragg Peak Detection Using Compatible Mother Wavelet on Oceanographic HF Radar Signals. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Jalil, A. and Fathani, T.F. and Satyarno, I. and Wilopo, W. (2021) Equivalent-linear seismic ground response analysis in Palu area. In: International Conference of Water Resources Development and Environmental Protection, ICWRDEP 202.
Karmilah, Mila and Sastrosasmita, Sudaryono (2024) Adapting Coastal Settlement to Climate Change: Insight from Ecofeminist Perspective. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 19 (7). 2515 – 2525. ISSN 17437601
Khasanah, Yuniar and Indrianingsih, Anastasia Wheni and Triwitono, Priyanto and Murdiati, Agnes (2023) Antioxidant, total phenolic content and physicochemical properties of modified cassava flour. In: 6th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, AEFS 2022, 27 October 2022, Medan.
Khoirunnisaa, K and Hartanto, R and Wayan Mustika, I and Woraratpanya, K and Arva Arshella, I (2023) AI-enabled Exit Strategy of Emergency Vehicle Preemption. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Kurniadhini, F. and Roychansyah, M.S. (2020) The suitability level of bike-sharing station in Yogyakarta using SMCA technique. In: 3rd International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region, ICERM 2019.
Maghfiroh, Hari and Wahyunggoro, Oyas and Cahyadi, A.I. (2023) Energy Management of Dual-Sources Electric Vehicles Using Adaptive Low-Pass Filter. In: 2023 International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICT-PEP), 02-03 October 2023, Jakarta.
Maghfiroh, Hari and Wahyunggoro, Oyas and Cahyadi, Adha Imam (2023) Low Pass Filter as Energy Management for Hybrid Energy Storage of Electric Vehicle: A Survey. Automotive Experiences, 6 (3). pp. 466-484.
Manifesty, Odilia Renaningtyas and Lee, Gunwon (2024) The impacts of perceived access to public open spaces on non-physical wellbeing: focused on international graduate students in Seoul. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. pp. 1-17. ISSN 13467581
Maulany, Gerzon Jokomen and Santosa, Paulus Insap and Hidayah, Indriana (2024) Boosting Performance Classification of Multiple Intelligence Learning Styles in Learning Management System Using Feature Extraction Technique. In: ICISS.
Mawardi, Cholid and Buono, Agus and Priandana, Karlisa and Herianto, Herianto (2024) Performance Analysis of ResNet50 and Inception-V3 Image Classification for Defect Detection in 3D Food Printing. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 14 (2). 798 – 804. ISSN 20885334
Mawarni, Drajat Indah and Ristiyanto, Hartono Guntur and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Budhijanto, Wiratni and Salem, Mai and Niyas, Hakeem and Indarto, Indarto (2023) Review on swirl-type microbubble generator: Concept, technology, and applications. Mechanical Engineering for Society and Industry, 3 (3 Spec). pp. 191-205.
Mediastika, Christina E. and Sudarsono, Anugrah S. and Utami, Sentagi S. and Setiawan, Teguh and Mansell, James G. and Santosa, Revianto B. and Wiratama, Army and Yanti, Ressy J. and Cliffe, Laurence (2024) The sound heritage of Kotagede: the evolving soundscape of a living museum. Built Heritage, 8 (1): 38. ISSN 20963041
Meilano, Irwan and Rahadian, Achmad Ikbal and Suwardhi, Deni and Suminar, Wulan and Atmaja, Fiza Wira and Pratama, Cecep and Sunarti, Euis and Haksama, Setya (2020) Analysis of Damage to Buildings affected by the Tsunami in the Palu Coastal Area Using Deep Learning. In: 3rd IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology, AGERS 2020, 7 December 2020, Jakarta.
Messaoudene, Lynda and Palma, Miguel and Carrera, Ceferino A. and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti and Hazzit, Mohamed and Djebbar, Réda (2023) Optimization of a New Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Method of Caffeic Acid from the Aerial Parts of Coriandrum sativum by Using Experimental Design and Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Separations, 10 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 22978739
Mufidah, Nabilah Amirothul and Cahyani, Anggun Dwi and Prabaningrum, Nunung and Kusnanto, Kusnanto (2021) Acid Value Reduction of Calophyllum inophyllum Oil by Oilseeds in situ Esterification Using Sulfuric Acid Catalyzed Methanol and Isopropyl Alcohol Mixture. In: International Energy Conference, ASTECHNOVA 2021.
Muhammad, Dimas Rahadian Aji and Zulfa, Fitriyah and Purnomo, Djoko Wasgito and Widiatmoko, C. and Fibri, Dwi Larasatie Nur (2023) Antioxidant activities and physical properties of milk chocolate enriched with plant-based functional ingredients. Food Research, 7. 268- 275. ISSN 25502166
Mukti, Aldo Arya Saka and Alfarozi, Syukron Abu Ishaq and Kusumawardani, Sri Suning (2023) Transformers Based Automated Short Answer Grading with Contrastive Learning for Indonesian Language. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Mulyani, Yun Prihantina and Saifurrahman, Anas and Arini, Hilya Mudrika and Rizqiawan, Arwindra and Hartono, Budi and Utomo, Dhanan Sarwo and Spanellis, Agnessa and Beltran, Macarena and Banjar Nahor, Kevin Marojahan and Paramita, Dhyana and Harefa, Wira Dranata (2024) Analyzing public discourse on photovoltaic (PV) adoption in Indonesia: A topic-based sentiment analysis of news articles and social media. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434. pp. 1-20. ISSN 09596526
Munawaroh, Heli Siti Halimatul and Pratiwi, Riska Nur and Gumilar, Gun Gun and Aisyah, Siti and Rohilah, Siti and Nurjanah, Anisa and Ningrum, Andriati and Susanto, Eko and Pratiwi, Amelinda and Arindita, Ni Putu Yunika and Martha, Larasati and Chew, Kit Wayne and Show, Pau-Loke (2023) Synthesis, modification and application of fish skin gelatin-based hydrogel as sustainable and versatile bioresource of antidiabetic peptide. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 231. ISSN 01418130
Muslim, Buldan and Kumalasari, Charisma Juni and Widjajanti, Nurrohmat (2020) Sea High-Level Determination using Pseudorange Range Difference of Carrier Phase and Code between GPS Reflection and Directly Signal. In: 3rd IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology, AGERS 2020.
Musyarofah, Siti Afiani and Tontowi, Alva Edy and Masruroh, Nur Aini and Wibowo, Budhi Sholeh (2024) New Tool for Circular Economy Measurement of Industrial Symbiosis in Manufacturing Industrial Estates. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 23 (3). 373 – 382. ISSN 15987248
Musyarofah, Siti Afiani and Tontowi, Alva Edy and Masruroh, Nur Aini and Wibowo, Budhi Sholeh and Warmadewanthi, I. Dewa Ayu Agung and Nasution, Arman Hakim and Bhawika, Gita Widi and Handiwibowo, Gogor Arif and Rusydi, Mohamad Khoiru (2023) Developing a Circular Economy Index to Measure the Macro Level of Circular Economy Implementation in Indonesia. Management Systems in Production Engineering, 31 (2). pp. 208-215. ISSN 24505781
Nandika, Dodi and Arinana, Arinana and Karlinasari, Lina and Batubara, Irmanida and Santoso, Djoko and Witasari, Lucia Dhiantika and Rachmayanti, Yanti and Firmansyah, Dikhi and Sudiana, I Ketut and Hertanto, Decsa Medika and Hadi, Yusuf Sudo and Rahman, Mohamad Miftah (2023) Efficacy of Fungus Comb Extracts Isolated from Indo-Malayan Termite Mounds in Controlling Wood-Decaying Fungi. Forests, 14 (6). ISSN 19994907
Ningsih, Dian Riana and Raharjo, Tri Joko and Haryadi, Winarto and Wikandari, Rachma (2023) Antifungal activity and identification of bioactive peptide from Etawa crossbreed goat (Capra hircus) milk protein hydrolyzed using trypsin enzyme. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 16 (11). pp. 1-7. ISSN 18785352
Nisa, Zulfa Khoirun and Pradipta, Ansita Gupitakingkin and Sholikah, Liana Ni'mathus and Pratama, Bangkit Fatwa and Prihanantya, Akram Sripandam and Ngadisih, Ngadisih and Susanto, Sahid and Arif, Sigit Supadmo (2023) Recognition of Agricultural Land-Use Change with Machine Learning-Based for Regional Food Security Assessment in Kulon Progo Plains Area. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 13 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 24606952
Novitasari, Dwi and Sarjiya, Sarjiya and Hadi, Sasongko Pramono and Budiarto, Rachmawan and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto (2023) The climate and land-use changes impact on water availability for hydropower plants in Indonesia. ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS, 46. ISSN 2211-467X
Nugrahani, Meiga and Santosa, Purnama Budi (2021) Drought Hazard Modelling of Klaten Regency Central Java Using AHP and TOPSIS Method. In: Geomatics International Conference 2021 (GEOICON 2021).
Nugroho, Alvin Dio and Herianto, Herianto and Alandro, Daffa and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin (2024) Additively manufactured lattice and sandwich structure consists of hybrid GFRP–PLA PU–graphite-foam for lightweight structure applications. Progress in Additive Manufacturing. pp. 1-17. ISSN 23639512
Nurkhasanah, Annisa and Fardad, Titouan and Carrera, Ceferino and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti and Palma, Miguel (2023) Ultrasound-Assisted Anthocyanins Extraction from Pigmented Corn: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology. Methods and Protocols, 6 (4). ISSN 24099279
Panuntun, Hidayat (2021) Geodetic slip model of the November 26, 2019 Albania earthquake estimated from Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry. Tectonophysics, 807. ISSN 00401951
Pradipta, A.G. and Nafisa, G.I. and Murtiningrum, Murtiningrum and Setyawan, C. and Arif, S.S. (2021) Evaluation of flushing efficiency at a sand trap: A case study of Pengasih Weir, Special Region of Yogyakarta. In: ICSARD 2020.
Prajna, Deyla and Álvarez, María and Barea-Sepúlveda, Marta and Calle, José Luis P. and Suhandy, Diding and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti and Palma, Miguel (2023) Enhanced Differentiation of Wild and Feeding Civet Coffee Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Various Sample Pretreatments and Chemometric Approaches. Horticulturae, 9 (7). pp. 1-13. ISSN 23117524
Pramaditya, Avantio and Fathani, Teuku Faisal (2021) GEOTECHNICAL CENTRIFUGE TEST OF REINFORCED ROAD EMBANKMENT AGAINST EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED LIQUEFACTION. International Journal of GEOMATE, 21 (85). 115 – 122. ISSN 21862982
Pramono, Wahyudi Budi and Wijaya, Fransisco Danang and Hadi, Sasongko Pramono and Wahyudi, Moh Slamet and Indarto, Agus (2023) Designing Power Transformer Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Respect to Transformer Noise, Weight, and Losses. Designs, 7 (1). ISSN 24119660
Prasetyaningtiyas, Gayuh Aji and Mase, Lindung Zalbuin and Rifa’i, Ahmad and Fathani, Teuku Faisal and Listyawan, Anto Budi and Azhom, Muhammad Najib (2024) The Influence of Rainfall Variation on Slope Stability: Case Study of Wanayasa Street Slope, Banjarnegara, Indonesia. Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, 11 (4). 2406 – 2424. ISSN 21967202
Prasidya, Anindya Sricandra and Panuntun, Hidayat and Taftazani, Muhammad Iqbal (2021) Spherical-earth finite element model of coseismic slip distribution during the 2010 Mentawai earthquake. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 12 (2). 155 – 164. ISSN 16749847
Pratama, Azkario Rizky and Putra, Bagus Rakadyanto Oktavianto (2023) Investment Portfolio Optimization: Integrating Portfolio Allocation Methods with RNN LSTM. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Pratama, Bimo Adi Satrio and Danoedoro, Projo and Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana (2024) Exploring optimal integration schemes for Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral data in land cover mapping across different atmospheric conditions. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 34. ISSN 23529385
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