Items where Subject is "TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering"

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Number of items at this level: 46.


Aditya, Trias and Sucaya, I. Ketut Gede Ary and Adi, Fajar Nugroho (2021) LADM-compliant field data collector for cadastral surveyors. LAND USE POLICY, 104. ISSN 0264-8377

Aditya, Trias and Sugianto, Aeny and Sanjaya, Aditya and Susilo, Adi and Zawani, Hoferdy and Widyawati, Yuli Safitri and Amin, Suryani (2020) Channelling participation into useful representation: combining digital survey app and collaborative mapping for national slum-upgrading programme. Applied Geomatics, 12 (2). 133 – 148. ISSN 18669298

Adyasari, Dini and Waska, Hannelore and Daehnke, Kirstin and Oehler, Till and Pracoyo, Atas and Putra, Doni Prakasa Eka and Moosdorf, Nils (2021) Terrestrial Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Matter Input to the Coral Reef Ecosystem via Submarine Springs. ACS ES and T Water, 1 (8). 1887 – 1900. ISSN 26900637

Afif, Nabila and Zagi, Nur Zahrotunnisaa and Hariyadi, Agus and Cinderakasih, Annisa Putri (2022) A Modular Interlocking Element for Material-Efficient Stereotomy Construction. NEXUS NETWORK JOURNAL, 24 (1). pp. 103-145. ISSN 1590-5896

Andika, Neil and Julien, Pierre Y. (2021) Sediment Propagation in the Porong River below the Sidoardjo Mud Volcano Diversion in Indonesia. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147 (11). ISSN 07339429

Anggara, Ferian and Patria, Aulia Agus and Rahmat, Basuki and Wibisono, Haryo and Putera, Muhammad Zulfiqar Jihad and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Erviana, Feddi and Handini, Esti and Amijaya, Donatus Hendra (2024) Signature characteristics of coal geochemistry from the Eocene Tanjung Formation and the Miocene Warukin Formation, Barito Basin: Insights into geological control on coal deposition and future critical element prospection. International Journal of Coal Geology, 282. ISSN 01665162

Ardani, Jeri Adin and Utomo, Christiono and Rahmawati, Yani (2021) Model ownership and intellectual property rights for collaborative sustainability on building information modeling. Buildings, 11 (8). ISSN 20755309

Aribowo, K. and Wilopo, W. and Barianto, D.H. (2021) Groundwater vulnerability assessment and mapping in shallow groundwater. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Aryani, S.M. and Kusumawanto, A. and Suryabrata, J.A. and Airin, C.M. (2021) The effect of insufficient artificial lighting on workers' moods and physiology: Preliminary research. In: The 20th Sustainable, Environment and Architecture, 10 November 2020, Indonesia.

Astuti, H.P. and Suryatmojo, H. (2021) Water ecosystem services of Merawu Watershed, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia. In: International Conference on Green Energy and Environment 2021, ICoGEE 2021.

Azirudin, Tengku and Widyastuti, Dyah Titisari and Djunaedi, Achmad (2024) Transformation of Shared Space in a Riverside Rural Settlement, Teluk Meranti District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau, Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12 (3). 1634 – 1648. ISSN 23321091


Bhakty, T. E. and Swasono, A. H. and Yuwono, N. and Ghalizhan, A. F. and Widyasari, T. (2021) Determination of the length of Bogowonto double jetty as the river mouth stabilization. In: ICWRDEP 2021.

Budianta, Wawan and Andriyani, Norma Dian and Ardiana, Adinda and Warmada, I. Wayan (2020) Adsorption of lead and cadmium from aqueous solution by Gunungkidul zeolitic tuff, Indonesia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79 (8). ISSN 18666280


Ciptadi, R. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Kamulyan, B. (2021) Evaluation and Enhancement of Sustainable Organic Fishpond Farming in the Sei Teras Fishpond Irigation Area, Central Kalimantan. In: ICWRDEP 2021.


Diansyukma, A. (2021) Analysis of clean water supply for remote area: Study case at Sepatin village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. In: The 1st Universitas Lampung International Conference on Science, Technology and Environment, 18-19 November 2020, Bandar Lampung.


Ekarsti, Ayu Krisno and Subagyo, Subagyo and Marliyani, Gayatri I and Setianto, Agung and Karnawati, Dwikorita (2023) Analyzing Recent Seismic Activity of the Opak Fault System in Central Java, Indonesia, From 2009 To 2021. International Journal of GEOMATE, 25 (110). pp. 87-97. ISSN 21862982


Fajarwati, Alia and Setyaningrum, Agustina and Rachmawati, Rini and Prakoso, Bambang Sriyanto Eko (2020) Keys of sustainable community-based waste management (lesson learnt from Yogyakarta City). In: ICST 2020.


Hantono, Dedi and Prayitno, Budi and Pramitasari, Diananta (2021) Adaptation of physical setting to the appearance of the jiung night market at public open space in jakarta. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 9 (4). 1137 – 1143. ISSN 23321091


Ikaputra, Ikaputra and Widyastuti, Dyah Titisari (2024) Marginalized Modern Architectural Heritage in Indonesia: The case of transformator huisje (gardu listrik) architecture of the Nederlandsche Indisch era. Frontiers of Architectural Research. pp. 1-18. ISSN 20952635

Imanto, H. and Hartono, Hartono and Marfai, M.A. (2020) Back-propagation in the neural network of visibility estimation model based on Himawari-8 Satellite during forest fire smoke periods on Sumatera and Borneo Island, Indonesia. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.


Legono, D. and Hidayat, F. and Sisinggih, D. and Wahyuni, S. and Suharyanto, A. (2021) Performance of Flushing Efficiency of Sediment Evacuation from Wlingi and Lodoyo Reservoirs. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.


Martono, Dwi Budi and Aditya, Trias and Subaryono, Subaryono and Nugroho, Prijono (2021) The legal element of fixing the boundary for indonesian complete cadastre. Land, 10 (1). 1 – 23. ISSN 2073445X

Muhamad, M. and Faradisa, S. R. N. (2021) Study of city public open space elements as an urban tourism (case study of public open space in Yogyakarta City). In: 3rd International Seminar on Livable Space.


Nashrulloh, Faruq and Sulaiman, Muhammad and Budiarto, Rachmawan (2021) Analysis of Potential and Feasibility of Hydropower Energy from Sepaku Semoi Dam in Penajam Paser Utara Regency. In: International Energy Conference (Astechnova 2021).

Nurfitriya, I.D. and Iskandar, D.A. (2020) The effect of urban tourism on an urban economy (the case of Malang Municipality). In: Article number 0120112019 International Conference of Science and Applied Geography, ICOSAG 2019.


Panuntun, Hidayat (2021) Geodetic slip model of the November 26, 2019 Albania earthquake estimated from Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry. Tectonophysics, 807. ISSN 00401951

Prasetya, Agus and Prihutami, Pramesti and Warisaura, Angge Dhevi and Fahrurrozi, M. and Murti Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu (2020) Characteristic of Hg removal using zeolite adsorption and Echinodorus palaefolius phytoremediation in subsurface flow constructed wetland (SSF-CW) model. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8 (3). ISSN 22133437

Prastica, Rian Mantasa Salve and Nurfaida, Wakhidatik and Wijayanti, Amalia and Alfath, Abdunnavi and Sulaiman, Muhammad (2023) Understanding engineering approaches to urban flood management in Indonesia. 1 ed. CRC Press, pp. 109-122. ISBN 9781000847703

Putra, Zulfikar D. W. and Tewdwr-Jones, Mark (2024) Mind the gap: revitalizing action planning through social networks in Yogyakarta. International Planning Studies, 29 (1). 34 – 53. ISSN 13563475


Rarasari, Desak Made Goldyna (2023) Mixed-Effects Models and Small Area Estimation. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS, 28 (4). pp. 591-593. ISSN 1085-7117

Razi, Muhammad Haikal and Zahratunnisa, Zahratunnisa and Retongga, Nofrohu (2024) Delineation of groundwater potential zone using remote sensing and GIS-based AHP for sustainable groundwater management in Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (2). 5237 – 5249. ISSN 2339076X

Rizqi, Khairani Ayu and Prayitno, Budi (2020) Optimization of building configuration in vertical residential housing towards outdoor thermal comfort: Case study of tambora flats, Jakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 37 (2). 57 – 62. ISSN 02175460

Ruslan, Amirul Afiq Bin and Al-Atesh, Ezzaddin Abdullah and Rahmawati, Yani and Utomo, Christiono and Zawawi, Noor Amila Wan Abdullah and Jahja, Mohamad and Raflis, Raflis and Elmansoury, Ali (2021) A Value-Based Decision-Making Model for Selecting Sustainable Materials for Buildings. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (6). 2279 – 2286. ISSN 20885334


Setyono, Prabang and Himawan, Widhi and Sari, Cynthia Permata and Gunawan, Totok and Murti, Sigit Heru (2020) Greenhouse gas pollution based on energy use and its mitigation potential in the city of Surakarta, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 52 (1). 1 – 7. ISSN 00249521

Sudrajad, Rizky Adi and Wibisono, Bambang Hari (2021) SPATIAL PATTERNS OF ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES IN KRAPYAK DISTRICT, YOGYAKARTA. Journal of Islamic Architecture, 6 (4). 301 – 312. ISSN 20862636

Supraba, Intan and Surjono, Surjono and Hasiholan, Budi and Perdana, Indra and Laory, Irwanda and Georgoulas, Angelos and Koumpouros, Yiannis and Kremmyda, Georgia (2023) The engineering curriculum of higher education in indonesia revisited: The perspective of higher education providers, quality assurance agencies, and industry. IGI Global, pp. 213-234. ISBN 9781668456217

Suryandono, Alexander Rani and Hariyadi, Agus and Fukuda, Hiroatsu (2021) Economic Assessment of L-Shaped Minilouvers for Reducing Cooling Energy and Improving Daylight Condition in Offices: A Simulation Study in Jakarta. SUSTAINABILITY, 13 (7).

Suryandono, Alexander Rani and Hariyadi, Agus and Fukuda, Hiroatsu (2021) Economic assessment of l-shaped minilouvers for reducing cooling energy and improving daylight condition in offices: A simulation study in jakarta. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (7). ISSN 20711050

Syafira, K. and Ahmad, J. S. M. and Saraswati, S. P. (2021) Modification of Septic Tank for Sedimentation Optimization in the Public Toilet (Case Study at Wisdom Park UGM). In: ICWRDEP 2021.


Tanaka, Naoto and Ikaptra, Ikaputra and Kusano, Satoru and Yamazaki, Mariko and Matsumoto, Kazuo (2021) Disaster tourism as a tool for disaster story telling. Journal of Disaster Research, 16 (2). 157 – 162. ISSN 18812473

Tschaikowski, Jarrid M. P. and Putra, Doni P. E. and Pracoyo, Atas and Moosdorf, Nils (2024) Tourism-Related Pressure on the Freshwater Lens of the Small Coral Island Gili Air, Indonesia. Water (Switzerland), 16 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 20734441


Utami, Westi and Sugiyanto, Catur and Rahardjo, Noorhadi (2024) Estimated changes in carbon stock due to changes in land use around Yogyakarta International Airport. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (3). 5727 – 5740. ISSN 2339076X


Widita, Alyas and Welch, Timothy and Rukmana, Deden and Diwangkari, Andyan (2023) Impact of the MRT Jakarta on Congestion: Evidence from a Before-After, Treatment-Control Evaluation. JOURNAL OF PLANNING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. ISSN 0739-456X

Widita, Alyas A. and Lechner, Alex M. and Widyastuti, Dyah T. (2024) Spatial patterns and drivers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) within and across Indonesian cities: Evidence from highly granular data. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 16 (11): 100137. ISSN 17577802

Widyatmoko, A. and Legono, D. and Hardiyatmo, H. C. (2021) Potential Study of Liquefaction in the Downstream Area of Jono Oge-Paneki River, Central Sulawesi. In: ICWRDEP 2021.


Yulaikhah, Yulaikhah and Pramumijoyo, Subagyo and Widjajanti, Nurrohmat and Widagdo, Asmoro (2021) Optimal design of the Sermo Fault deformation monitoring network using sensitivity criteria based on geological information. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14 (20). ISSN 18667511

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