Items where Year is 2024
A P, Nugroho and R M, Nasrul and L, Sutiarso and M A, F Falah and M A, F Dzaky (2024) Evaluating Smart Greenhouse Viability Through Engineering Design and Software Cost Modelling. In: 5th International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences, Online, 20-21 September 2023.
A'yuninnisa, Rizqi N. and Carminati, Lara and Wilderom, Celeste P. M. (2024) Job flourishing research: A systematic literature review. CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 43 (5). pp. 4482-4504. ISSN 1046-1310
A. D., Rahmadiani and M. P., Kurniawan and D. A., Nugroho and T. S., Khairani and W. P., Andhini and A. D., Nurramdhana and A. Y., Rachman and C. A. M., Gunawan and D. S., Octaviani and E. A., Larasati (2024) Strengthening Farmer's Capacity on Responsible Production and Consumption on Primary Process of Cocoa Production Using Material Flow Cost Accounting. In: THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY, AND NETWORK TOPOLOGY 2023, 21-22 November 2023, Jember, Indonesia.
Abadi, Farid R. and Masithoh, Rudiati Evi and Sutiarso, Lilik and Rahayoe, Sri (2024) EVALUATION OF INDONESIAN LOCAL SOYBEAN BASED ON CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND VISIBLE - NEAR INFRARED SPECTRA WITH CHEMOMETRICS. Biotropia, 31 (1). 63 -75. ISSN 02156334
Abdillah, Achmad Ezar and Sarah, Dewi and Ardian, Aziz Aji and Anas, Muhsin Al and Aprianto, Muhammad Anang and Hanim, Chusnul and Kurniawati, Asih and Muhlisin, Muhlisin and Yusiati, Lies Mira (2024) Effect of nutmeg essential oil (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) on methane production, rumen fermentation, and nutrient digestibility in vitro. Reseach Square, 14 (1): 3554. ISSN 20452322
Abdullah, Irwan (2024) The Existence of Non-Muslim Minorities in Aceh Indonesia: A Study of Civil and Police Institutions. Samarah, 8 (1). pp. 628-645. ISSN 25493132
Abdullah, Irwan (2024) FACTORS INFLUENCING THE BEHAVIORAL INTENTION TO USE SHARIA SECURITIES AS AN INVESTMENT OPTION IN INDONESIA. International Journal of Business and Society, 25 (1). pp. 91-110. ISSN 15116670
Abdullah, Irwan (2024) Teungku Kuta Karang: a transnational Acehnese figure in colonial era. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 11 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 23311983
Abdullah, Irwan (2024) The contestation of national and religious curricula in indonesia’s madrasas since the passage of the uuspn. Educational Studies, 50 (4). pp. 434-447. ISSN 03055698
Abdullah, Irwan and Ju'subaidi, Ju'subaidi and Mujahidin, Anwar and Choirul Rofiq, Ahmad (2024) Students’ critical awareness of the internet and social media use as resources for Islamic learning in Indonesian public senior high schools. British Journal of Religious Education. pp. 1-16. ISSN 01416200
Abdullah, Irwan and Jubba, Hasse and Iribaram, Suparto and Abidin, Zainal and Nofianti, Leny and Saka, Putri Ananda (2024) The Existence of Social Boundaries as a Factor of Violent Conflict in a Pluralistic Society. International Journal of Diverse Identities, 24 (2). 23 – 42. ISSN 23277866
Abdullah, Irwan and Jubba, Hasse and Qudsy, Saifuddin Zuhri and Pabbajah, Mustaqim and Prasojo, Zaenuddin Hudi (2024) The Use and Abuse of Internet Spaces: Fitna, Desacralization, and Conflict in Indonesia’s Virtual Reality. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1837-5391
Abdullah, Irwan and Nastain, Zuly and Jubba, Hasse and Cipto, Bambang (2024) Cultural Barrier in the Regeneration Process of Islamic Political Party in Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 12 (2). pp. 717-740. ISSN 23388617
Abdullah, Jilan Tsani and Suryanti, Suryanti and Joko, Tri (2024) Application of Silica Nanoparticles in Combination with Bacillus velezensis and Bacillus thuringiensis for Anthracnose Disease Control in Shallot. Pakistan journal of biological sciences : PJBS, 27 (2). pp. 80-89. ISSN 18125735
Abdurrahman, Ahmad Mualif and Andriyani, Astuti and Rusman, Rusman and Panjono, Panjono (2024) Feeding behavior, intake pattern, and nutrient sufficiency of sheep fed sorghum straw silage and concentrate. Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 12 (1): e2024003. pp. 1-6. ISSN 23181265
Abdussalam, N.M. and Ardiyanto, A. (2024) Musculoskeletal symptom survey and ergonomic assessments associated with maintenance tasks in the Indonesian railway industry. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 14 (3). 394 - 403. ISSN 27389707
Abubakar, Sadiq and Khairuddean, Melati and Ismail, Noor Zafirah and Salhimi, Salizawati Mohamad and Al-Amin, Mohammad and Wahyuningsih, Tutik Dwi (2024) Synthesis and computational insights of hybrid heterocyclic bis-chalcone compounds and their cytotoxic effects against breast cancer cells. Results in Chemistry, 7: 101464. ISSN 22117156
Achadi, A.H. and Amri, I. and Ruslanjari, D. and Tanaka, R. (2024) Two decades of bibliometric exploration on leadership in disaster management. Disaster Advances, 17 (6). 24 – 32. ISSN 0974262X
Adhim, Zidan Fauzan and Ushada, Mirwan and Falah, Mohammad Affan Fajar and Alfiani, Ririn Nur (2024) Storage life estimation of ready-to-drink wedang uwuh with accelerated shelf-life testing method. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture 2024 (ICoSA 2024), 7-8 August 2024, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Adhinata, Faisal Dharma and Wahyono, Wahyono and Sumiharto, Raden (2024) Classification of Weed and Corn Seedling Using Hybrid MobileNetV2 and Support Vector Machine. In: 33rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2024, 18 - 21 June 2024, Ulsan.
Adhitama, Adib Prima and Jatmiko, Retnadi Heru and Mei, Estuning Tyas Wulan and Sartohadi, Junun (2024) Dynamics of Morphology Changes in Progo River Due to Lahar Transport from Merapi Volcano. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 56 (2). 158 – 168. ISSN 00249521
Adi, Yosua Kristian and Taechamaeteekul, Preechaphon and Kesdangsakonwut, Sawang and Tienthai, Paisan and Kirkwood, Roy N. and Tummaruk, Padet (2024) Exploring Hyperprolific Sows: A Study of Gross Morphology of Reproductive Organs and Oxytocin Receptor Distribution across Parities. Animals, 14 (13): 1846. pp. 1-12. ISSN 20762615
Adila, Zaira and Trisunaryanti, Wega and Triyono, Triyono (2024) Modification of Natural Zeolite from Klaten, Indonesia Using Ammonium Chloride by Ion-Exchange and Its Application as Catalyst in Ethanol Dehydration to Produce Diethyl Ether. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 24 (2). pp. 505-518. ISSN 14119420
Adiputera, Yunizar and Sadjad, Mahardhika Sjamsoeoed and Missbach, Antje (2024) Making a living despite work prohibitions: Creativity, entrepreneurship and (self-)employment among refugees in Indonesia. In: Refugee Entrepreneurship. 1 ed. Taylor and Francis, Routledge, 88 – 101. ISBN 978-104022864-7; 978-103243712-5
Adiputra, Yudha Trinoegraha and Suadi, Suadi and Pratiwi, Ayu and Tonralipu, Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa (2024) Caught in the net: Unravelling policy challenges and smuggling dynamics in Indonesia’s puerulus exploitation. Marine Policy, 169: 106336. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1872-9460
Afad, Mochammad Najmul and Indiyanto, Agus and Ahmad, Maghfur and Fajariyah, Nur and Mahmudi, Mukh Imron Ali (2024) Traditional Birth Attendants as Guardians of Tradition Amidst Modernization in Javanese Culture. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, 16 (1). 81 – 90. ISSN 18375391
Afif, A.Z. and Ilman, M.N. (2024) Inhibitive Effects of Chromate, Molybdate, and Nitrate on Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of AA2024-T3 in 3.5 NaCl Solution. In: 7th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2023 (ICMEN 2023); 04-05 Nov, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ICMEN 2023), 4-5 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Afif, Hakim and Bambang, Suhardi and Pringgo, Widyo Laksono and Mirwan, Ushada (2024) Systematic Review of Kansei Engineering Method Developments in the Design Field. Systematic Review of Kansei Engineering Method Developments in the Design Field, 23 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 20884842
Aflaha, Rizky and Maharani, Chlara Naren and Putri, Linda Ardita and Prabowo, Yuliyan Dwi and Rahman, Iman and Taher, Tarmizi and Rianjanu, Aditya and Roto, Roto and Wasisto, Hutomo Suryo and Triyana, Kuwat (2024) A superhydrophobic and heat-resistant PAN/PSU/PTFE composite nanofiber membrane for high-efficiency PM1.0 and PM2.5 filtration. Materials Advances, 5 (24). p. 9731. ISSN 26335409
Agharadatu, Raditya Hanandika and Wijaya, Karna and Prastyo, Prastyo and Wangsa, Wangsa and Hauli, Latifah and Oh, Won-Chun (2024) Application of Mesoporous NiMo/Silica (NiMo/SiO2) as a Catalyst in the Hydrocracking of Used Cooking Oil into Jet Fuel. Silicon, 16 (1). 331 -343. ISSN 1876990X
Agharadatu, Raditya Hanandika and Wijaya, Karna and Prastyo, Prastyo and Wangsa, Wangsa and Hauli, Latifah and Oh, Won-Chun (2024) Application of Mesoporous NiMo/Silica (NiMo/SiO2) as a Catalyst in the Hydrocracking of Used Cooking Oil into Jet Fuel. SILICON, 16 (1). pp. 331-343. ISSN 1876-990X
Agung, Erlangga Satrio and Rifai, Achmad Pratama and Wijayanto, Titis (2024) Image-based facial emotion recognition using convolutional neural network on emognition dataset. Scientific Reports, 14 (1). ISSN 20452322
Agung, Erlangga Satrio and Rifai, Achmad Pratama and Wijayanto, Titis (2024) Image-based facial emotion recognition using convolutional neural network on emognition dataset. Scientific Reports, 14 (1): 14429. ISSN 20452322
Agussalim, Dafri and Wicaksono, Tunggul (2024) Navigating Turbulence: ASEAN’s Leadership Challenges in the Human Rights Violation in Myanmar and South China Sea Dispute. Journal of ASEAN Studies, 12 (1). 157 – 184. ISSN 23381361
Agustiningsih, Dewi and Kunarti, Eko Sri and Nuryono, Nuryono and Santosa, Sri Juari and Darussalam Mardjan, Muhammad Idham and Kamiya, Yuichi and Otomo, Ryoichi (2024) Novel nickel-immobilized-SiO2-TiO2 fine particles in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as a catalyst for ultrasound-assisted-Kumada cross-coupling reaction. Heliyon, 10 (14): e34614. ISSN 24058440
Ahdika, Atina and Rosadi, Dedi and Ronnie Effendie, Adhitya and Gunardi, Gunardi (2024) An improved agricultural household margin insurance scheme with insured–insurer risk protection: a time-varying copula approach. Journal of Applied Statistics, 51 (13). pp. 2529-2557. ISSN 02664763
Ahimsa-Putra, Heddy Shri (2024) HYBRID CULTURE IN KATOBA RITUAL OF MUNA. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 18 (1). pp. 155-179. ISSN 19786301
Ahlan, Muhammad and Priyanto, Sigit and Utomo, Suryo Hapsoro Tri (2024) Cost Comparison Analysis Between Maritime Intermodal and Road Mode Freight Transport in Java Island, Indonesia. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, 8 (2). 271 – 281. ISSN 20588305
Ahmad, Nyarwi (2024) SOCIALLY MEDIATED POPULIST COMMUNICATION IN INDONESIA'S 2018 GUBERNATORIAL ELECTIONS. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 20 (2). 149 – 187. ISSN 18236243
Ahmad, Nyarwi (2024) What Drive Marketization and Professionalization of Campaigning of Political Parties in the Emerging Democracy? Evidence from Indonesia in the Post-Soeharto New Order. Journal of Political Marketing, 23 (1). 26 – 50. ISSN 15377857
Ahmad, Nyarwi (2024) What Drive Marketization and Professionalization of Campaigning of Political Parties in the Emerging Democracy? Evidence from Indonesia in the Post-Soeharto New Order. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL MARKETING, 23 (1). pp. 26-50. ISSN 1537-7857
Ahmad Fauzi, Rizal and Imani Istiqomah, Nurul and Kurnia Sari, Emi and Suharyadi, Edi and Aliah, Hasniah (2024) Concentration Dependences of Photocatalytic Activity in Green-Synthesis Fe3O4/TiO2Nanocomposite Utilizing Moringa Oleifera for Methylene Blue Dye Degradation. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1 - 4 August 2023, Bandung.
Ahsan, Abdillah and Wiyono, Nur Hadi and Amalia, Nadira and Rusdjijati, Retno and Veruswati, Meita and Martini, Santi and Prabandari, Yayi Suryo and Yuniar, Adela Miranti (2024) Early assessment of tobacco excise sharing fund as policy for farmers’ viable alternatives in Indonesia: case study of four municipalities in Indonesia. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11 (1): 89. ISSN 26629992
Aini, Izzatul and Wilopo, Wahyu and Fathani, Teuku Faisal (2024) THE CORRELATION OF LIQUEFACTION WITH EXCESS PORE WATER PRESSURE IN LANGKAT, NORTH SUMATRA. International Journal of GEOMATE, 26 (114). 117 -125. ISSN 21862982
Airyn, Anastasya Erica and Apriyani, Firda and Petrus, Himawan T. B. M. and Angelina, Marissa and Kristiani, Anis and Pambudi, Fajar Inggit and Aisyiyah Jenie, S.N. (2024) Preliminary Study on the Modification of Quantum Dots/Geothermal Silica Nanocomposites with Breast Cancer Antibody (MUC-1). In: International Conference on Sensor Technology 2023 (INCOST 2023), 8-9 September 2023, Bali.
Airyn, Anastasya Erica and Apriyani, Firda and Petrus, Himawan T. B. M. and Angelina, Marissa and Kristiani, Anis and Pambudi, Fajar Inggit and Jenie S.N., Aisyiyah (2024) Preliminary Study on the Modification of Quantum Dots/Geothermal Silica Nanocomposites with Breast Cancer Antibody (MUC-1). In: 1st Annual International Conference on Sensor Technology, INCOST 2023, 8 - 9 September 2023, Bali.
Aisyah, I. and Darwanto, D.H. and Masyhuri, Masyhuri and Utami, A.W. (2024) Understanding Farmers Perception of Climate Change to Prepare Adaptation of Farmers. In: 3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Food Sustainability, ICAFOSY 2023, 30-31 October 2023, Hybrid, Malang.
Aisyah, N. and Ariyadi, H.M. (2024) Performance Evaluation of R1224yd as Alternative to R123 and R245fa for Vapor Compression Heat Pump System. International Journal of Thermodynamics, 27 (1). 13 – 21. ISSN 13019724
Aji, Khusnul Bayu and Salouw, Elvis and Darajat, Irfan R. and Irdana, Nuryuda and Sushartami, Wiwik (2024) MANGROVE ECOTOURISM RESEARCH PROGRESS, TRENDS, AND UPDATES: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS BASED ON THE SCOPUS AND WEB OF SCIENCE DATABASES. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 52 (1). 49 -64. ISSN 2065-0817
Aji, Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno and Raisanen, Ismo T. and Rathnayake, Nilminie and Lundy, Fionnuala T. and Mc Crudden, Maeliosa T. C. and Goyal, Lata and Sorsa, Timo and Gupta, Shipra (2024) aMMP-8 POCT vs. Other Potential Biomarkers in Chair-Side Diagnostics and Treatment Monitoring of Severe Periodontitis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 25 (17). pp. 2-13. ISSN 1661-6596
Aji, Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno and Yucel-Lindberg, Tuelay and Raeisaenen, Ismo T. and Kuula, Heidi and Nieminen, Mikko T. and Mc Crudden, Maeliosa T. C. and Listyarifah, Dyah and Lundmark, Anna and Lundy, Fionnuala T. and Gupta, Shipra and Sorsa, Timo (2024) In Vivo Regulation of Active Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) in Periodontitis: From Transcriptomics to Real-Time Online Diagnostics and Treatment Monitoring. DIAGNOSTICS, 14 (10). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-4418
Aji, T. Maruto and Hartono, S. and Wibowo, A. and Subandiyah, S. (2024) First report of Tea plant necrotic ring blotch virus in Indonesian tea plantations. New Disease Reports, 49 (1): e12247. pp. 1-2. ISSN 20440588
Akbar, Gilang H. and Wijayanto, Titis and Hartono, Budi (2024) Situation awareness of distracted walking based on eye-tracking study. Cognition, Technology and Work. ISSN 14355558
Akbar, Muhammad Fatahillah (2024) The Impacts of Constitutional Court Decisions on Criminal Policy of Indonesia; Implikasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Terhadap Politik Kriminal Indonesia. Jurnal Konstitusi, 21 (3). 448 – 463. ISSN 18297706
Akhyar, Akhyar and Iswanto, P.T. and Malau, V. and Putra, F.P. and Farhan, A. (2024) FATIGUE STRENGTH OF Al-Cu CAST ALLOY WITH DIFFERENT POURING TEMPERATURE. Metalurgija, 63 (2). 197 – 200. ISSN 05435846
Alam, Sahirul and Sari, Risa Mahardika and Alfian, Ganjar and Farooq, Umar (2024) Room Occupancy Detection Based on Random Forest with Timestamp Features and ANOVA Feature Selection Method. Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, 18 (1). 10 -18. ISSN 19764677
Alauhdin, Mohammad and Adnan, Rohana and Hatmanto, Adhi Dwi and Kartini, Indriana (2024) Phytosynthesized-Silver Nanoparticles for Functionalization of Cotton Fabric: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Technology, 15 (3). pp. 753-769. ISSN 20869614
Alfarizi, Zico Yusuf and Subekti, Eko and Danarto, Danarto and Yuri, Prahara (2024) A rare case of spontaneous bladder wall abscess mimicking bladder tumour in young women. BMC Urology, 24 (1): 109. ISSN 14712490
Alfiani, Ririn Nur and Ushada, Mirwan and Ainuri, Makhmudun and Falah, Mohammad Affan Fajar (2024) Consumer preference analysis of traditional spices beverages based on sensory responses. In: Consumer preference analysis of traditional spices beverages based on sensory responses, 2024, 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture 2024, ICoSA.
Alharissa, Early Zahwa and Efhiliana, Yuanita and Roto, Roto and Mudasir, Mudasir and Wahyuni, Endang Tri (2024) Efficient removal of Cr(VI) contaminant using recoverable silica from volcanic ash as natural adsorbent: Synthesis and activity in the mechanism and kinetic adsorption. Heliyon, 10 (2): e23273. ISSN 24058440
Alhasyimi, Ananto Ali and Ayub, Aulia and Farmasyanti, Cendrawasih Andusyana (2024) Effectiveness of the Attachment Design and Thickness of Clear Aligners during Orthodontic Anterior Retraction: Finite Element Analysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY, 18 (01). pp. 174-181. ISSN 1305-7456
Alhasyimi, Ananto Ali and Indra, Putu and Setijanto, R. Darmawan and Tajudin, Abdullah Md and Noviasari, Paramita and Rosanto, Yosaphat Bayu (2024) Open surgical exposure of two horizontally impacted maxillary incisors combined with orthodontic treatment: A case report. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY CASE REPORTS, 118. ISSN 2210-2612
Alhasyimi, Ananto Ali and Nugraha, Alexander Patera and Ayub, Aulia and Utami, Trianna Wahyu and Gerardo, Timothy Sahala and Abshori, Nuril Farid and Khumaidi, Mohammad Adib and Tallei, Trina Ekawati and Taslim, Nurpudji Astuti and Kim, Bonglee and Tjandrawinata, Raymond Rubianto and Tsopmo, Apollinaire and Nurkolis, Fahrul (2024) Mechanistic Elucidation of green seaweed compounds in orthodontic relapse management via RANKL/TNF-α-mediated ROS/Keap1/Nrf2 signaling: In silico and Ex Vivo studies. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD RESEARCH, 18. ISSN 2666-1543
Aliah, Hasniah and Puspita Rini, Nugraheni and Syafar Farouk,, Irfan and Zurnansyah, Zurnansyah and Jestha Mahardhika, Larrisa and Dwi Jayanti, Putri and Perdana Kusumah, Hafil and Marsel Tumbelaka, Rivaldo and Imani Istiqomah, Nurul and Sumawati Asri, Nining and Nur Iman, Ryan and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Microstructures, Optical, magnetic Properties, and photocatalytic activity of magnetically separable and reusable ZnO-Doped Fe3O4/rGO nanocomposite synthesized via green route. Carbon Resources Conversion, 7 (4): 100235. ISSN 25889133
Almahendra, Rangga and Rosari, Reni (2024) Reverse knowledge transfer and internationalization strategy: Cases from Japanese MNCs in Indonesia. Transnational Corporations Review, 16 (2). ISSN 19186444
Almahendra, Rangga and Viyani, Ari Okta and Nabawi, Muhammad (2024) Is crypto legitimate? Study on the relationship between legitimacy and public engagement on crypto market in Indonesia. Intangible Capital, 20 (2). 393 – 411. ISSN 20143214
Alriansyach, Ikse Duma and Utomo, Christiono and Rahmawati, Yani and Aqsha, Aqsha (2024) Performance of Green Industrial Estate: A Review †. Engineering Proceedings, 74 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 26734591
Amalia, Fia and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2024) First-principles study on structural and electronic properties of P3HT-graphene. Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, 34 (1): 1833. ISSN 08576149
Amarudin, Amarudin and Ferdiana, Ridi and Widyawan, Widyawan (2024) B-DT Model: A Derivative Ensemble Method to Improve Performance of Intrusion Detection System. Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 15 (1). 87 – 103. ISSN 17982340
Ambarwati, S.D.A. and Effendi, M.I. and Pandangwati, S.T. (2024) Local Community Readiness to Implement Smart Tourism Destination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: Artificial Intelligence and Transforming Digital Marketing., 487 . Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH,, pp. 425-436.
Ambarwati, Sri Dwi Ari and Effendi, Mohamad Irhas and Pandangwati, Sri Tuntung (2024) Local Community Readiness to Implement Smart Tourism Destination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 487. 425 -436. ISSN 21984182
Amelia, Ria and Budiman, Arief and Nugroho, Andhika Puspito and Suyono, Eko Agus (2024) Impact of salt stress on the α-tocopherol, carotenoid derivatives and flocculation efficiency of Euglena sp., Indonesian Strain. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 27 (6). 379 – 391. ISSN ISSN 2234-1757
Aminatun, Tien and Idrus, Arifudin and Simbolon, Doly and Rakhmawati, Anna and Atun, Sri (2024) Lithogeochemical characteristics and potential hyperaccumulator identification as phytomining agent at the Ratatotok gold mine, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (2). pp. 5251-5261. ISSN 2339076X
Aminatun, Tien and Rakhmawati, Anna and Atun, Sri and Idrus, Arifudin and Simbolon, Doly Risdo and Restele, Laode (2024) Characteristics of rhizobacteria in potential hyperaccumulator vegetation and their resistance to gold mine tailing stress. Journal of Water and Land Development (60). 209 -218. ISSN 2083-4535
Amini, Mutiah (2024) Clean water supply and urban hygiene control in colonial Semarang, Indonesia. Planning Perspectives, 39 (4). pp. 1-17. ISSN 02665433
Amini, Mutiah (2024) Clean water supply and urban hygiene control in colonial Semarang, Indonesia. PLANNING PERSPECTIVES, 39 (4). pp. 835-851. ISSN 0266-5433
Amri, Ikhwan and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Ruslanjari, Dina (2024) Tsunami risk awareness, hazard warning knowledge, and intended evacuation behavior among beach users in Bantul, Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 109. ISSN 22124209
Amri, Ikhwan and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Ruslanjari, Dina (2024) Tsunami risk awareness, hazard warning knowledge, and intended evacuation behavior among beach users in Bantul, Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 109. ISSN 22124209
Ananto, Agus Dwi and Pranowo, Harno Dwi and Haryadi, Winarto and Prasetyo, Niko (2024) Exploring The Inhibition of SARS-COV-2 PLpro: Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Flavonoid in Red Fruit Papua and Its Derivatives. Molekul, 19 (3). pp. 581-590. ISSN 19079761
Andrian, Krisna Noli and Wihadmadyatami, Hevi and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Karnati, Srikanth and Haryanto, Aris (2024) A comprehensive review of current practices, challenges, and future perspectives in Koi fish (Cyprinus carpio var. koi) cultivation. Veterinary World, 17 (8): 10. 1846 -1854. ISSN 09728988
Andrian, Krisna Noli and Wihadmadyatami, Hevi and Wijayanti, Nastiti and Karnati, Srikanth and Haryanto, Aris (2024) A comprehensive review of current practices, challenges, and future perspectives in Koi fish (Cyprinus carpio var. koi) cultivation. Veterinary World, 17 (8): 22. 1846 -1854. ISSN 09728988
Andriani, Anik and Hartati, Sri and Afiahayati, Afiahayati and Danawati, Cornelia Wahyu (2024) Missing Value Imputation in Data MCAR for Classification of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 15 (8). pp. 459-466. ISSN 2158107X
Andriyanti, Wiwien and Hidayati Nur, Maureen Annisatul Choir and Sari, Emi Kurnia and Sujitno, Tjipto and Suprihatin, Hari and Sari, Vika Arwida Fanita and Wijayanto, Agus and Taryana, ana and Mulyawan, Ade and Purwanto, Setyo and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Magnetic properties and microstructural of ion-implanted Gadolia doped Ceria-Barium monoferrite thin film deposited on Kapton for electromagnetic wave absorber application. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1005: 176207. ISSN 09258388
Anggadwita, G. and Indarti, N. and Ratten, V. (2024) Changes in Indonesian private universities educational practices in the post COVID-19 environment. International Journal of Management Education, 22 (1). ISSN 14728117
Anggadwita, Grisna and Indarti, Nurul and Ratten, Vanessa (2024) Changes in Indonesian private universities educational practices in the post COVID-19 environment. International Journal of Management Education, 22 (1). ISSN 14728117
Anggadwita, Grisna and Indarti, Nurul and Ratten, Vanessa (2024) Changes in Indonesian private universities educational practices in the post COVID-19 environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION, 22 (1). ISSN 1472-8117
Anggara, Ferian and Patria, Aulia Agus and Rahmat, Basuki and Wibisono, Haryo and Putera, Muhammad Zulfiqar Jihad and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Erviana, Feddi and Handini, Esti and Amijaya, Donatus Hendra (2024) Signature characteristics of coal geochemistry from the Eocene Tanjung Formation and the Miocene Warukin Formation, Barito Basin: Insights into geological control on coal deposition and future critical element prospection. International Journal of Coal Geology, 282. ISSN 01665162
Anggoro, Dito and Purba, Melpa Susanti and Nishida, Norihiro and Itoh, Harumichi and Itamoto, Kazuhito and Nemoto, Yuki and Nakaichi, Munekazu and Sunahara, Hiroshi and Tani, Kenji (2024) Quantitative evaluation of the biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of the dog patellar tendon in response to neuromuscular blockade at different stifle angles. PLoS ONE, 19 (1 Janu): e0292453. ISSN 19326203
Anggraeni, A.A. and Triwitono, P. and Lestari, L.A. and Harmayani, E. (2024) Evaluation of glucomannan as a fat replacer in the dough and cookies made from fermented cassava flour and soy protein concentrate. Food Chemistry, 434. ISSN 03088146
Anggraini, Yuni Eka and Trisnowati, Niken and Martien, Ronny and Danarti, Retno (2024) A randomised clinical trial study assessing the efficacy of 5 losartan potassium loaded in ethosomal gel to treat human keloids: a trial protocol. Trials, 25 (1): 12. ISSN 17456215
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Putro, Yuni Artha Prabowo and Aryandono, Teguh and Widodo, Irianiwati and Magetsari, Rahadyan and Pramono, Dibyo and Johan, Muhammad Phetrus and Abidin, Mos Asri and Wikantyasa, Ardanariswara and Saraswati, Paramita Ayu and Huwaidi, A. Faiz (2024) Diagnostic Approach to Bone Metastasis of Unknown Origin: a Systematic Review. ORTHOPEDIC REVIEWS, 16. ISSN 2035-8237
Putro, Yuni Artha Prabowo and Prasetyo, Thomas Edison and Magetsari, Rahadyan and Pribadi, Amri Wicaksono and Dwianingsih, Ery Kus and Huwaidi, Ahmad Faiz (2024) Right Thigh Mass Metastasis from Lung Cancer Mimicking Primary Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Case Report. American Journal of Case Reports, 25. ISSN 19415923
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