Computing the total H-irregularity strength of edge comb product of graphs

Wahyujati, Mohamad Fahruli and Susanti, Yeni (2023) Computing the total H-irregularity strength of edge comb product of graphs. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica, 31 (2). pp. 177-189. ISSN 12241784

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A simple undirected graph = (V Γ, EΓ) admits an H-covering if every edge in E belongs to at least one subgraph of that is isomorphic to a graph H. For any graph admitting H-covering, a total labelling β: VΓ â EΓ→{1, 2, .., p} is called an H-irregular total p-labelling of Γ if every two different subgraphs H1 and H2 of isomorphic to H have distinct weights where the weight wβ(K) of subgraph K of Γ is defined as wf(K):=VKf(v)+EKf(e) {w_f}\left(K \right): = \sum\limits_{v \in {V_K}} {f\left(v \right) + \sum\limits_{e \in {E_K}} {f\left(e \right)} }. The smallest number p for which a graph admits an H-irregular total p-labelling is called the total H-irregularity strength of Γ and is denoted by ths(Γ). In this paper, we determine the total H-irregularity strength of edge comb product of two graphs.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cycle; Edge Comb Product Graph; Path; Total H-Irregular Strength
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences > Mathematics Department
Depositing User: Masrumi Fathurrohmah
Date Deposited: 22 Aug 2024 08:07
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2024 08:07

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