Items where Division is "Food and Agricultural Product Technology" and Year is 2020
Maryani, Y. and Rogomulyo, R. and Widiatmi, S. and Widata, S. (2020) Biotic resistance and rhizobacteria on the growth and yield of selected red onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) variety. In: The 4th International Conference on Climate Change 2019 (The 4th ICCC 2019).
Satmalawati, E.M. and Pranoto, Y. and Marseno, D.W. and Marsono, Y. (2020) Physicochemical properties of ozone-oxidized cassava starch under different slurry concentration. In: 1st International Conference on Food and Bio-Industry 2019, ICFB 2019 Bandung, West Java 29 July 2019.
Wainaina, Steven and Kisworini, Afrilia Dwi and Fanani, Marizal and Wikandari, Rachma and Millati, Ria and Niklasson, Claes and Taherzadeh, Mohammad J. (2020) Utilization of food waste-derived volatile fatty acids for production of edible Rhizopus oligosporus fungal biomass. Bioresource Technology, 310. ISSN 09608524
Wikandari, Rachma and Mayningsih, Inggrid Chrisanti and Sari, Maura Dania Permata and Purwandari, Fiametta Ayu and Setyaningsih, Widiastuti and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Taherzadeh, Mohammad J. (2020) Assessment of microbiological quality and mycotoxin in dried chili by morphological identification, molecular detection, and chromatography analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (6). ISSN 16617827