Items where Subject is "GB Physical geography"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (28)
- G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (52)
- GB Physical geography (166)
- G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (52)
Adhitama, Adib Prima and Jatmiko, Retnadi Heru and Mei, Estuning Tyas Wulan and Sartohadi, Junun (2024) Dynamics of Morphology Changes in Progo River Due to Lahar Transport from Merapi Volcano. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 56 (2). 158 – 168. ISSN 00249521
Aditya, Rendy Bayu and Ningam, Muhammad Ulul Lizamun (2021) Assessing city greenness using tree canopy cover: The case of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 14 (1). ISSN 20719388
Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Mujib, M. Asyroful and Haryono, Eko and Fatchurohman, Hendy and Kholis, Afid Nur (2023) Simplified approach in karst aquifer characterization by using discharge variability, storage capacity, and void development: A preliminary study in the tropical karst region. Kuwait Journal of Science, 50 (4). 812 – 822. ISSN 23074108
Agniy, Romza Fauzan and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Cahyadi, Ahmad and Nurkholis, Afid and Haryono, Eko (2021) ARTIFICIAL TRACER TEST FOR CHARACTERISATION AND CONSERVATION OF KARST WATER IN JONGGRANGAN KARST, JAVA ISLAND, INDONESIA. International Journal of Conservation Science, 12 (4). 1483 – 1502. ISSN 2067533X
Agustina, Riska Eka and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie (2023) Does Having Single or Both Parents Impact the Sustainability of Schooling for Students Aged 7–18 in Indonesia? Journal of Population and Social Studies, 31. 696 -707. ISSN 24654418
Alabshar, Nufi and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Pitoyo, Agus Joko (2023) The Impact of Migration on Optimism and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Survey. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 32. 262 -277. ISSN 24654418
Alwi, Mulyadi and Mutaqin, Bachtiar W. and Marfai, Muh Aris (2023) Shoreline Dynamics in the Very Small Islands of Karimunjawa – Indonesia: a Preliminary Study. Geoplanning, 10 (1). pp. 73-82. ISSN 23556544
Baba, Sotaro and Hokada, Tomokazu and Kamei, Atsushi and Kitano, Ippei and Motoyoshi, Yoichi and Nantasin, Prayath and Setiawan, Nugroho Imam and Dashbaatar, Davaa-Ochir (2021) Tectono-metamorphic evolution and significance of shear-zone lithologies in Akebono Rock, Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 33 (1). 52 – 72. ISSN 09541020
Barakati, Kevin Philips and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Rahardjo, Noorhadi (2023) Status of groundwater and river water quality around the location of illegal gold mining activities in Lantung District, Sumbawa. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 10 (3). 4433 – 4443. ISSN 2339076X
Cahyadi, Ahmad and Haryono, Eko and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Widyastuti, Margaretha and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Muhammad, Dzakwan Taufiq Nur and Tastian, Naufal Fattah (2021) Rainfall variability in gunung sewu karst area, java island, indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 8 (1). 23 – 35. ISSN 23557079
Cahyadi, Ahmad and Haryono, Eko and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Widyastuti, Margaretha and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Muhammad, Dzakwan Taufiq Nur and Tastian, Naufal Fattah (2021) Rainfall variability in gunung sewu karst area, java island, indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 8 (1). 23 – 35. ISSN 23557079
Danoedoro, Projo and Ananda, Irvan Nurrahman and Kartika, Candra Sari Djati and Umela, Assyria F. and Indayani, Alvidita Beatrix (2021) Testing a detailed classification scheme for land-cover/ land-use mapping of typical Indonesian landscapes: Case study of Sarolangun, Jambi and Salatiga, Central Java. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 52 (3). 327 – 340. ISSN 00249521
Edra, Anggun Purnama and Suharyadi, Suharyadi and Farda, Nur Mohammad ; and Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana (2023) Urban Green Space Segmentation in Planet Scope Satellite Images Based on the Improvement of U-Net Architecture. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2865 (1).
Fadlillah, Lintang Nur and Utami, Sri and Rachmawati, Alfina Ayu and Jayanto, Galih Dwi and Widyastuti, M. (2023) Ecological risk and source identifications of heavy metals contamination in the water and surface sediments from anthropogenic impacts of urban river, Indonesia. Heliyon, 9 (4). ISSN 24058440
Fauzan, Muhammad Afif and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Hartono, Hartono (2021) Characterizing Derawan seagrass cover change with time-series Sentinel-2 images. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48. ISSN 23524855
Fekete, Alexander and Aslam, Atif Bilal and de Brito, Mariana Madruga and Dominguez, Iris and Fernando, Nishara and Illing, Christian J. and KC, Apil K and Mahdavian, Farnaz and Norf, Celia and Platt, Stephen and Santi, Parana Ari and Tempels, Barbara (2021) Increasing flood risk awareness and warning readiness by participation – But who understands what under ‘participation’? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 57. ISSN 22124209
Giyarsih, Sri Rum (2023) The Impact of Urban Sprawl on the Socioeconomic Conditions of the Population in Tamanan Village, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (1). 137 -147. ISSN 00249521
Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Armansyah, Armansyah and Zaelany, Andy Ahmad and Latifa, Ade and Setiawan, Bayu and Saputra, Dani and Haqi, Muamar and Lamijo, Lamijo and Fathurohman, Apit (2023) Interrelation of urban farming and urbanization: an alternative solution to urban food and environmental problems due to urbanization in Indonesia. Frontiers in Built Environment, 9: 1192130. pp. 1-10. ISSN 22973362
Gomez, C. and Hotta, N. and Shinohara, Y. and Park, J.-H. and Tsunetaka, H. and Zhang, M. and Bradak, B. and Sri Hadmoko, D. and Budi Wibowo, S. and Daikai, R. and Yoshida, M. (2023) Formation Processes of Gully-side Debris-Cones Determined from Ground-Penetrating Radar (Mt. Unzen, Japan). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 209: Februari. pp. 1-10. ISSN 09269851
Gomez, Christopher and Liu, Jiaqi and Wu, Jing and Persendt, Frans and Bradak, Balazs and Saleh, Yousefi and Hadmoko, Danang Sri (2023) Improving vegetation spatial distribution mapping in arid and on coastal dune systems using GPR in Tottori Prefecture (Japan). Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica, 58 (2). 238 – 249. ISSN 03005402
Gomez, Christopher and Shinohara, Yoshinori and Tsunetaka, Haruka and Hotta, Norifumi and Bradak, Balazs and Sakai, Yuichi (2021) Twenty-five years of geomorphological evolution in the gokurakudani gully (Unzen volcano): Topography, subsurface geophysics and sediment analysis. Geosciences (Switzerland), 11 (11). ISSN 20763263
Gunawan, Rachmi Mustika Pertiwi Putri and Suhendro, Indranova (2023) Chemical and textural studies of the youngest pyroclastic deposits at Mt. Seminung (South Sumatra, Indonesia): A window for understanding the explosive behavior of a post-caldera volcano; Kemijska i teksturna istraživanja najmlađih piroklastičnih naslaga na planini Seminung (Južna Sumatra, Indonezija): okvir za razumijevanje ponašanja vulkana nakon stvaranja kaldere. Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik, 38 (5). 61 – 77. ISSN 03534529
Hafizt, Muhammad and Adi, Novi Susetyo and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Yuwono, Doddy Mendro and Prayudha, Bayu and Suyarso, Suyarso (2021) Change Detection of Benthic Habitat Communities using Landsat Imageries in Wakatobi Islands from 1990 to 2017. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 53 (3). 465 – 473. ISSN 00249521
Harini, Rika and Susilo, Bowo and dan Supriyati, Rina Dwi Ariani (2023) Climate Change Impact Analysis on Food Availability in the Province of Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (3). 509 -516. ISSN 00249521
Haris, Nurul Afdal and Kusuma, Sandiaga Swahyu and Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana and Wicaksono, Pramaditya (2021) Comparison of sentinel-2 and multitemporal sentinel-1 sar imagery for mapping aquaculture pond distribution in the coastal region of brebes regency, central java, Indonesia. Geographia Technica, 16 (Specia). 128 – 137. ISSN 18425135
Haryono, Eko and Kholis, Afid Nur and Widyastuti, Margaretha and Cahyadi, Ahmad and Pradipa, Hanindha and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho (2023) COCKPIT-PLUS: A proposed method for rapid groundwater vulnerability-driven land use zoning in tropical cockpit karst areas. Geography and Sustainability, 4 (4). 305 – 317. ISSN 20967438
Hendrayana, Heru and Putra, Doni Prakasa Eka and Priambodo, Yosua (2021) Assessment of organic carbon contamination in the unsaturated zone: A case of Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 9 (1). 3115 – 3127. ISSN 2339076X
Hidayat, Agung and Hadmoko, Danang Sri and Marfai, Muh Aris and Mutaqin, Bachtiar Wahyu (2023) Volcanic hazard knowledge and preparedness of small island community on the flank of Gamalama volcano Ternate Island–Indonesia. GeoJournal, 88 (2). 1251 – 1263. ISSN 03432521
Ikhsan, Arman Nur and Hadmoko, Danang Sri and Widayani, Prima (2023) Spatial Modeling of Forest and Land Fire Susceptibility Using the Information Value Method in Kotawaringin Barat Regency, Indonesia. Fire, 6 (4). ISSN 25716255
Irawan, Amir M. and Marfai, Muh A. and Munawar, Munawar and Nugraheni, Imma R. and Gustono, Sandy T. and Rejeki, Hasti A. and Widodo, Anton and Mahmudiah, Rikha R. and Faridatunnisa, Maritsa (2021) Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia. Urban Climate, 35. ISSN 22120955
Khakhim, Nurul and Marfai, Muh Aris and Putri, Ratih Fitria and Dimyati, Muhammad and Untoro, Muhammad Adnan Shafry and Adiwijaya, Raden Ramadhani Yudha and Walinono, Taufik and Lazuardi, Wahyu and Pratama, Dimas Novandias Damar and Wicaksono, Arief and Musthofa, Azis and Isnaen, Zulfikri (2021) Object-Based Mangrove Mapping Comparison on Visible and NIR UAV Sensor. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 53 (2). 165 – 169. ISSN 00249521
Khakhim, Nurul and Yasidi, Farid and Mardiatno, Djati and Kurniawan, Agung (2023) Modeling Lasolo Watershed Sedimentation and Mangrove Root Growth at the Lasolo Coast in North Konawe, Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 14 (1). 98 – 112. ISSN 20687729
Kurniawan, Agung and Khakhim, Nurul and Hardjo, Karen Slamet and Santoso, Agus Iwan and Pranowo, Widodo Setiyo (2021) Constructing an imaginary wall in the Ocean: A technical cartography study on the delimitation of maritime boundaries in the provinces of South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Islands based on GIS. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 38 (2). 51 – 58. ISSN 02175460
Kurniawan, Agung and Khakhim, Nurul and Hardjo, Karen Slamet and Santoso, Agus Iwan and Pranowo, Widodo Setiyo (2021) Constructing an imaginary wall in the Ocean: A technical cartography study on the delimitation of maritime boundaries in the provinces of South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Islands based on GIS. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 38 (2). 51 – 58. ISSN 02175460
Kurniawan, Agung and Pranowo, Widodo Setiyo and Hardjo, Karen Slamet and Santoso, Agus Iwan and Khakhim, Nurul and Purwanto, Taufik Hery and Setiyadi, Johar (2023) 3D Marine Cadastral System to Support Marine Spatial Planning Implementation in Indonesia: A Case Study of Penanjung Bay, Indonesia. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 17 (4). 19 -32. ISSN 18981135
Lavigne, Franck and Morin, Julie and Wassmer, Patrick and Weller, Olivier and Kula, Taaniela and Maea, Ana V. and Kelfoun, Karim and Mokadem, Fatima and Paris, Raphael and Malawani, Mukhamad Ngainul and Faral, Audrey and Benbakkar, Mhammed and Saulnier-Copard, Ségolène and Vidal, Céline M. and Tu’I’afitu, Tu’I’ahai and Kitekei’aho, Fuka and Trautmann, Martine and Gomez, Christopher (2021) Bridging Legends and Science: Field Evidence of a Large Tsunami that Affected the Kingdom of Tonga in the 15th Century. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9. ISSN 22966463
Listyaningrum, Noviyanti and Mardiatno, Djati and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie and Setiawan, Muhammad Anggri and Sartohadi, Junun and Sulistyo, Bambang (2023) Spatial Analysis of Ecological Risk in a Coastal Dune Landscape Using High Resolution Aerial Photography. Quaestiones Geographicae, 43 (1). pp. 5-19. ISSN 0137477X
Listyaningrum, Noviyanti and Mardiatno, Djati and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie and Setiawan, Muhammad Anggri and Sartohadi, Junun and Sulistyo, Bambang (2024) Spatial Analysis of Ecological Risk in a Coastal Dune Landscape Using High Resolution Aerial Photography. QUAESTIONES GEOGRAPHICAE, 43 (1). pp. 5-19. ISSN 0137-477X
Malawani, Mukhamad N. and Marfai, Muh Aris and Yoga, Aldhila G.H. and Handayani, Tiara and Cahyadi, Ahmad and Sadali, Mohammad Isnaini and Mahasin, Mohamad Zaki and Hendratmoro, Hendratmoro and Suadi, Suadi and Wiyono, Maryadi Budi (2021) Rapid Land Assessment for Salt Farming Development in the Coastal Area of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 38 (3). 89 – 96. ISSN 02175460
Malawani, Mukhamad Ngainul and Lavigne, Franck and Hadmoko, Danang Sri and Syamsuddin, Syamsuddin and Handayani, Lina and Sudrajat, Yayat and Virmoux, Clément and Saulnier Copard, Ségolène and Kusnadi, Kusnadi (2023) Coastal sedimentation and topographic changes in the Mataram Plain, Lombok (Indonesia) following the 1257 CE eruption of Samalas volcano. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48 (10). 2100 – 2116. ISSN 01979337
Mann, Thomas and Schöne, Tilo and Kench, Paul and Lambeck, Kurt and Ashe, Erica and Kneer, Dominik and Beetham, Eddie and Illigner, Julia and Rovere, Alessio and Marfai, Muh Aris and Westphal, Hildegard (2023) Fossil Java Sea corals record Laurentide ice sheet disappearance. Geology, 51 (7). 631 – 636. ISSN 00917613
Marfai, Muh Aris and Khakim, Nurul and Fatchurohman, Hendy and Salma, Annisa Dzikra (2021) Planning tsunami vertical evacuation routes using high-resolution UAV digital elevation model: case study in Drini Coastal Area, Java, Indonesia. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14 (19). ISSN 18667511
Mustikaningrum, Melati and Widhatama, Adrianus Farrel and Widantara, Khrisna Wasista and Ibrohim, Mirza and Hibatullah, Muhammad Fikri and Larasati, Rinanda Amdalista Prastia and Utami, Sri and Hadmoko, Danang Sri (2023) Multi-Hazard Analysis in Gunungkidul Regency Using Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation. Forum Geografi, 37 (1). 35 – 45. ISSN 08520682
Mutaqin, Bachtiar W. and Isnain, Muhammad Nadafa and Marfai, Muh Aris and Fatchurohman, Hendy and Quesada-Román, Adolfo and Khakhim, Nurul (2023) Assessing the accuracy of open-source digital elevation models for the geomorphological analysis of very small islands of Indonesia. Applied Geomatics, 15 (4). 957 – 974. ISSN 18669298
Mutaqin, Bachtiar W. and Lavigne, Franck and Wassmer, Patrick and Trautmann, Martine and Joyontono, Puncak and Gomez, Christopher and Septiangga, Bagus and Komorowski, Jean-Christophe and Sartohadi, Junun and Hadmoko, Danang Sri (2021) Evidence of Unknown Paleo-Tsunami Events along the Alas Strait, West Sumbawa, Indonesia. GEOSCIENCES, 11 (2).
Najib, Najib and Rum Giyarsih, Sri and Listyaningsih, Umi and Nawawi, Nawawi (2023) Analysis of Feeding Behavior and Family Food Security as a Stunting Risk Factor in Semarang City. Kemas, 19 (2). 270 -277. ISSN 18581196
Nugroho, Agung Satriyo and Rijanta, R. and Santoso, Purwo and Marfai, Muh Aris (2023) The Regionalism of Borders in Indonesia (Case Study: Sebatik Island, Indonesia). Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (3). 433 -442. ISSN 00249521
Poetra, Reinaldy Pratama and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Haryono, Eko and Cahyadi, Ahmad and Agniy, Romza Fauzan and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Fatchurohman, Hendy and Kholis, Afid Nur and Tivianton, Tommy Andryan and Febriarta, Erik (2023) Discovering water relations using hydrochemistry, isotopic data, and mass-balance calculation approaches to reduce the risk of impacts from limestone mining. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 21. ISSN 2352801X
Prasidya, Anindya Sricandra and Panuntun, Hidayat and Taftazani, Muhammad Iqbal (2021) Spherical-earth finite element model of coseismic slip distribution during the 2010 Mentawai earthquake. GEODESY AND GEODYNAMICS, 12 (2). pp. 155-164. ISSN 1674-9847
Pratama, Andika and Dimas, Muhammad and Putri, Febriana Andiani (2024) Social work practice during times of disaster: A transformative green social work model for theory, education, and practice in disaster interventions. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. ISSN 10911359
Purnama, Setyawan and Cahyadi, Ahmad and Sekaranom, Andung Bayu and Febriarta, Erik and Firmansyah, Anugrah Jorgi and Riyanto, Indra Agus (2023) Aquifer characteristics and groundwater potential for domestic requirements in Kediri Regency, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 10 (2). pp. 4081-4093. ISSN 2339076X
Puspasari, Fitri and Wahyudi, Wahyudi (2023) The coulomb stress changes for correlation analysis of tectonic earthquake activity and volcanic of the 2001-2010 Merapi eruption based on focal mechanism data. KUWAIT JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 50 (4). pp. 746-752. ISSN 2307-4108
Puspita, Ayunda Milla and Santosa, Langgeng Wahyu and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho (2023) Analysis of the level of groundwater environmental damage due to community activities in the Parangtritis coastal area, DIY Province. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (1). 5007 – 5015. ISSN 2339076X
Putra, Doni Prakasa Eka and Halim, Deviana and Widagdo, Sandi Suko and Surya Atmaja, Rilo Restu (2020) Degradation of groundwater quality due to the occurrence of salty-tasted water in Bayat District, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 8 (1). 2525 – 2536. ISSN 2339076X
Qonita, Maryam and Giyarsih, Sri Rum (2023) Smart city assessment using the Boyd Cohen smart city wheel in Salatiga, Indonesia. GeoJournal, 88 (1). 479 -492. ISSN 03432521
Rachmawati, Rini and Mei, Estuning Tyas Wulan and Nurani, Idea Wening and Ghiffari, Rizki Adriadi and Rohmah, Amandita Ainur and Sejati, Martina Ayu (2021) Innovation in coping with the covid-19 pandemic: The best practices from five smart cities in Indonesia. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (21). ISSN 20711050
Rachmawati, Rini and Sari, Ayu Dianita and Sukawan, Haddad Al Rasyid and Widhyastana, I Made Arya and Ghiffari, Rizki Adriadi (2021) The use of ict-based applications to support the implementation of smart cities during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Infrastructures, 6 (9). ISSN 24123811
Rafif, Raihan and Kusuma, Sandiaga Swahyu and Saringatin, Siti and Nanda, Giara Iman and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana (2021) Crop intensity mapping using dynamic time warping and machine learning from multi-temporal planetscope data. Land, 10 (12). ISSN 2073445X
Rahajeng, Anggi and Jaya, Wihana Kirana and Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie and Darwin, Muhadjir (2023) Assessment of regional development pattern towards sustainability urban areas: empirical evidence from Yogyakarta urban areas. Environment, Development and Sustainability. ISSN 1387585X
Rahardjo, Noorhadi and Santosa, Djarot Heru and Marhaento, Hero (2021) CROWDSOURCING DATA TO VISUALIZE POTENTIAL HOTSPOTS FOR COVID-19 ACTIVE CASES IN INDONESIA. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 14 (4). 125 – 130. ISSN 20719388
Rahim, Ariqonitahanif Putri and Laksono, Agung and Syahda, Amelia Naurah and Hizbaron, Dyah Rahmawati (2023) Disaster Management Practices Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: Emergency Response of Merapi Volcano Eruption. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 283. pp. 167-186. ISSN 23662557
Ramadhan, Cahyadi and Dina, Ruslanjari and Nurjani, Emilya (2023) Spatial and temporal based deforestation proclivity analysis on flood events with applying watershed scale (case study: Lasolo watershed in Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and South Sulawesi, Indonesia). International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 93. ISSN 22124209
Riyanto, Indra Agus and Cahyadi, Ahmad (2023) Anthropogenic activity effect on water quality of epikarst spring in the western part of Gunungsewu Karst Area, Java Island, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 11 (1). 4899 – 4908. ISSN 2339076X
Ruslanjari, Dina and Made, Rahmat Hidayat and Dewi, Titis Puspita and Hakim, Inayah Bastin Al (2021) Resilience of voluntary "bui squad" prisoners in response to earthquake event at correctional institution in palu central Sulawesi. Disaster Advances, 14 (3). 73 – 82. ISSN 0974262X
Saputra, Aditya and Gomez, Christopher and Delikostidis, Ioannis and Zawar-Reza, Peyman and Hadmoko, Danang Sri and Sartohadi, Junun (2021) Preliminary identification of earthquake triggered multi-hazard and risk in Pleret Sub-District (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Geo-Spatial Information Science, 24 (2). 256 – 278. ISSN 10095020
Saputra, Wahyu and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Muhidin, Salut (2023) Spatial analysis of slum areas on the riverbanks of Palembang City using the Anselin Local Moran’s I analysis. GeoJournal, 88 (6). 6523 – 6538. ISSN 03432521
Sekaranom, Andung Bayu (2023) The Characterization of Warm Temperature in the Central part of Java during the Monsoon Transition in April 2019. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (1). 120 -128. ISSN 00249521
Sekarsih, Fitria Nuraini and Mustopa, Ali and Cahyono, Ari and Kukuh, Kukuh (2024) Three-Dimensional Participatory Mapping for Toponymical Name in Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano of Yogyakarta. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 56 (2). 274 -281. ISSN 00249521
Setiawan, Ogi and Sartohadi, Junun and Hadi, M. Pramono and Mardiatno, Djati (2020) Infiltration characterization using principal component analysis and K-means cluster analysis on quaternary volcanic landscape at the southern flank of Rinjani Volcano, Lombok Island, Indonesia. Physical Geography, 41 (3). 217 – 237. ISSN 02723646
Sjafrie, Nurul Dhewani Mirah and Wicaksono, Pramaditya and Hernawan, Udhi E. and Triyono, Doddy M. and Yuwono, Doddy M. and Hafizt, Muhammad and Adi, Novi Susetyo and Ambo-Rappe, Rohani and Prayudha, Bayu and Selamat, Muhammad Banda and Sani, Sofia Yunia and Harahap, Setiawan Djody and Salsabila, Huwaida Nur and Wijaya, Jennifer and Roelfsema, Chris (2023) Network analysis reveals overlapping roles of stakeholders related to seagrass-data provisioning in Indonesia. MARINE POLICY, 157. ISSN 0308-597X
Sriartha, I Putu and Giyarsih, Sri Rum and Purnamawati, I Gusti Ayu (2023) Comparing the adaptive capacity of traditional irrigated rice fields farmers in urban and rural areas to climate change in Bali, Indonesia. Cogent Social Sciences, 9 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 23311886
Suhendro, Indranova and Bunga Naen, Gabriela Nogo Retnaningtyas and Gurusinga, Andriansyah and Sari, Sistien Adhaena and Moktikanana, Mradipta Lintang Alifcanta and Gunawan, Rachmi Mustika Pertiwi Putri and Jane, Jesslyn and Qodri, Muhammad Fatih and Sya'bana, Faraz and Cahyani, Sherinna Mega and Ardian, Dini Nuari (2023) Dynamics of the Young Merapi (<2.2 ka – 1,788 CE) pumice fall deposits: Insights from textural and geochemical studies. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 443. ISSN 03770273
Suhendro, Indranova and Haryono, Eko (2023) Typology of Indonesian Stratovolcanoes: Insights from Geomorphological and Geological Aspects. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (2). 275 – 288. ISSN 00249521
Sumantyo, Josaphat Tetuko Sri and Chua, Ming Yam and Santosa, Cahya Edi and Panggabean, Good Fried and Watanabe, Tomoro and Setiadi, Bambang and Sumantyo, Fransiskus Dwikoco Sri and Tsushima, Kengo and Sasmita, Karna and Mardiyanto, Agus and Supartono, Edy and Rahardjo, Eko Tjipto and Wibisono, Gunawan and Marfai, Muh Aris and Jatmiko, Retnadi Heru and Sudaryatno, H. and Purwanto, Taufik Hery and Widartono, Barandi Sapta and Kamal, Muhammad and Perissin, Daniele and Gao, Steven and Ito, Koichi (2021) Airborne Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14. 1676 – 1692. ISSN 19391404
Suprayogi, Slamet and Rifai, Rifai and Latifah, Reviana (2021) HEC-HMS Model for Urban Flood Analysis in Belik River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 38 (1). 15 – 20. ISSN 02175460
Susetyaningsih, Retno and Suntoro, Suntoro and Gunawan, Totok and Sri Budiastuti, Maria T. (2023) Water quality assessment to improve the ecological function of waters: the South Coast of the Yogyakarta Shrimp Farming Area. Journal of Water and Land Development, 59. 195 – 201. ISSN 14297426
Susianti, Noor Alia and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Ismayuni, Novia and Rizki, Raden Ludhang Pradipta and Cahyadi, Ahmad (2023) Geographic Accessibility to Healthcare: Study Case Dengue Fever in Purwosari Sub-District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55 (2). 309 -319. ISSN 00249521
Utami, W. and Sugiyanto, C. and Rahardjo, N. and Juliyani, A. and Richasari, D.S. and Nurhadi, N. (2023) Spatial Analysis of the Semeru Eruption Disaster Area. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 19 (8). 54 – 66. ISSN 16866576
Book Section
Lavigne, Franck and Mei, Estuning Tyas Wulan and Morin, Julie and Humaida, Hanik and Moatty, Annabelle and de Bélizal, Edouard and Hadmoko, Danang Sri and Grancher, Delphine and Picquout, Adrien (2023) Physical Environment and Human Context at Merapi Volcano: A Complex Balance Between Accessing Livelihoods and Coping with Volcanic Hazards. In: Merapi Volcano Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk Volcano. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 45 -66. ISBN 978-3-031-15039-5
Triyanti, Annisa and Marfai, Muh Aris and Mei, Estuning Tyas Wulan and Rafliana, Irina (2021) Review of socio-economic development pathway scenarios for climate change adaptation in indonesia: Disaster risk reduction perspective. In: Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia. Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 13 – 31. ISBN 978-3-030-55536-8
Turner-Walker, Skye and Anantasari, Esti and Retnowati, Arry (2021) Integration into development: Translating international frameworks into village-level adaptation. In: Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia. Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 53 – 77. ISBN 978-3-030-55536-8
Conference or Workshop Item
Afifudin, Afifudin and Widyastuti, M. (2023) Analysis of sanitation system and coliform number in groundwater in Wonosari District, Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 8 September 2022.
Afrian, Ramdan and Marfai, Muh Aris and Hizbaron, Dyah Rahmawati and Islami, Zukya Rona and Suciani, Ayu (2023) From nature to the laboratory, an effort to raise disaster awareness. In: 2021 International Summit on Education, Technology and Humanity, ISETH 2021, 20 December 2021through 21 December 2021, Surakarta.
Agniy, R. F. and Haryono, E. and Adji, T. N. and Cahyadi, A. and Azima, F. (2023) Conservation and characterization of karst water using morpho-hydrogeological methods in Pindul Cave system, Gunungsewu Karst, Java, Indonesia. In: 2022 International Conference on Anthropocene, Global Environmental Change and Powerful Geography, ICoAGPG 2022, 27 Septemebr 2022, virtual.
Amri, Ikhwan and Widura, Elsa and Iqbal, Muhammad and Andika, Yan and Izzatillah, Asalia Raudhati (2023) Distribution of oil palm plantations and their suitability with spatial planning: An assessment in Aceh, Indonesia. In: 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2023), 10-11 October 2023, Yogyakarta.
Arjasakusuma, S. and Kusuma, S.S. and Rafif, R. and Saringatin, S. and Wicaksono, P. (2021) Time-series Cross-orbit Sentinel-1 Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) Data for Mapping Paddy Extent: Case Study of Magelang District, Central Java. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Aryani, L. and Hakim, F. and Titisari, A.D. and Nugraha, G. and Mahardika, C.A. (2021) Preliminary study of the origin of mafic mineral megacrysts in volcanic rocks in the southwestern part of Kulon Progo Mountains, Indonesia. In: International Conference on Geological Engineering and Geosciences, 16-18 March 2021, Yogyakarta.
Astabella, Relinda Dewi and Widyastuti, Margaretha and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho (2023) Analysis of Groundwater Vulnerability to contamination in Wonosari Basin and Gunungsewu Karst Transition Zone, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1-2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Astuti, B.I.D. and Haryono, E. (2023) An Ecological Study of Karst Landscapes Around the Jalur Jalan Lintas Selatan (JJLS) of Gunungkidul Regency. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, online.
Ayumi, Nur and Christanto, Nugroho (2023) Analysis of the Effect of Land Cover Changes on the Runoff Dynamics Using the HEC-HMS Model in Gajahwong Watershed, Yogyakarta. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, online.
Budianta, W. (2021) The use of natural zeolites from Gunungkidul, Indonesia for preventing arsenic pollution of soils and plants. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Cahyadi, A. and Haryono, E. and Adji, T.N. and Widyastuti, M. and Riyanto, I.A. and Naufal, M. and Ramadhan, F. (2020) Allogenic River in the Hydrogeological System of Gremeng Cave, Gunungsewu Karst Area, Java Island, Indonesia. In: 1st International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues and Community Development, INCRID 2019 Semarang, Central Java Province 23 October 2019.
Cahyadi, A. and Riyanto, I.A. and Adji, T.N. (2023) Suitability of Water from Tropical Epikarst Spring for Irrigation in the Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia. In: 5th International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues and Community Development,, 6 september 2023, Semarang.
Cahyadi, A. and Riyanto, I.A. and Adji, T.N. and Haryono, E. and Widyastuti, M. and Aji, A.P.K. (2021) Temporal variations in the water quality of beton spring, Gunungsewu karst area, Indonesia. In: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 896 (2021).
Cahyadi, Ahmad and Haryono, Eko and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Widyastuti, Margaretha and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Muhammad, Dzakwan Taufiq Nur and Adji, Adityas Pradana Kusuma (2023) Multitemporal water quality analysis of a karst spring affected by allogenic recharge. In: 6th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System: Topic of Energy, Environment, Epidemiology, and Information System, ICENIS 2021, 4 August 2021through 5 August 2021, Semarang.
Cahyadi, Ahmad and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Ramadhan, Fajri and Widyastuti, Margaretha and Fatchurohman, Hendy and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho (2023) Multitemporal water quality analysis of an epikarst spring for agricultural irrigation in the Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia. In: 6th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System: Topic of Energy, Environment, Epidemiology, and Information System, ICENIS 2021, 4 August 2021through 5 August 2021, Semarang.
Cahyandari, Gerarda Orbita Ida and Worosuprojo, Suratman and Mardiatno, Djati (2023) Urban Risk Assessment in Heritage Area for Developing Resilience Understanding. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, virtual.
Dewanto, B.G. and Arifianto, I. and Suhendi, C. and Fittipaldi, M. (2021) Regression kriging analysis for predicting the shallow depth water from Sentinel-2 satellite multi-spectral images, study area: Coastline of Florida, USA. In: International Conference on Geological Engineering and Geosciences, 16-18 March 2021, Yogyakarta.
Dewanto, B.G. and Arifianto, I. and Suhendi, C. and Fittipaldi, M. (2021) Regression kriging analysis for predicting the shallow depth water from Sentinel-2 satellite multi-spectral images, study area: Coastline of Florida, USA. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Dewi, N.A. and Widayani, P. (2021) Relationship the physical quality of residential environment with Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in toddlers at West Semarang sub-district in 2019 using high resolution remote sensing image. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Edy, H. and Baiquni, M. and Triatmodjo, B. (2021) Impact of infrastructure development jalur jalan lintas selatan (jjls) in Yogyakarta to change in land price. In: International Geography Seminar, 31 August 2019, Solo.
Fakhira, Rizka and Cahyono, Ari (2021) Mapping and analysis of built-up area development in Batam City from 2000 to 2015. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Fauzi, Raka Achmad and Harini, Rika and Rijanta, R. (2023) The Effect Of Land Cover Changes On Landslides In Grindulu Watershed, Pacitan Regency, East Java. In: 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, ICoSIA 2023.
Firdauzi, L. B. and Suarma, U. (2023) Analysis of Rainfall Variability and Shifts in Season in Relation to the Rice Cultivation Period in Sleman Regency. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022.
Giarno, G. and Didiharyono, D. and Fisu, Amirudin Akbar and Mattingaragau, Andi (2020) Influence Rainy and Dry Season to Daily Rainfall Interpolation in Complex Terrain of Sulawesi. In: International Conference of Innovations on Environment, Technology in Society, ICE-Tech 2018 Pekanbaru 10 August 2018.
Hadi, A.A. and Wicaksono, P. (2021) Accuracy assessment of relative and absolute water column correction methods for benthic habitat mapping in Parang Island. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Hadi, Haeydar Anggara and Danoedoro, Projo (2021) Comparing several pixel-based classification methods for vegetation structural composition mapping using Sentinel 2A imagery in Salatiga area, Central Java. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Hadi, M. P. and Suarma, U. and Sumunar, A. A. K. and Girsang, M. R. B. (2023) Hydrological Potential Mapping to Generate Micro-Hydro Power in Code River. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 8 September 2022.
Hadianti, Atrida and Ulinnuha, Hilmiyati and Heliani, Leni Sophia and Sarwadi, Ahmad and Kurniawan, Adhy and Budisetiawan, Juswono and Suhubawa, Latif and Suryanto, Wiwit and Pratama, Cecep and Mutaqin, Bachtiar Wahyu and Nayati, Widya and Bayumurti, Yosi and Ilahi, Ridho and Widjonarko, Senoaji Y (2021) Integrating Multi-Hazard Risk Analysis into Spatial Planning for Small Island: Study Case of Sangihe Island. In: Sustainability and Resilience of Coastal Management, 30 November 2020, Surabaya.
Hafiudzan, Akmal and Sulistyarini, Anggita and Hikmah, Zahwa Uswatul and Pratiwi, Rohanita Setia and Ardyagarini, Levita and Safitri, Nabila Zalianti and Aliiyil A., Annashru Rizqia and Ibrohim, Mirza and Jatmiko, Retnadi Heru (2021) Analysis of the relationships between land surface temperature and spectral indices pre-and during pandemic using Landsat-8 images (case study: Gerbangkertosusila). In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium (GSS 2021), 2021, Yogyakarta.
Hanniel, Yeremia and Anggraini, Ade and Riyanto, Agus and Ngadmanto, Drajat and Suryanto, Wiwit (2021) Strong ground motion simulation of the 27 May 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake using Empirical Green's Function. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Harini, Rika and Dairina, Isnaini and Widantara, Khrisna Wasista and Setiawan, Ragil and Ayu, Marinda Mustika and Ichsan, Dimas Maulana (2023) Contribution of the Agricultural Sector in Green Space Sleman Regency. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 - 8 September 2022, Virtual, Online.
Ikhsan, Jazaul and Legono, Djoko and Pamudji Rahardjo, Adam and Harsanto, Puji and Fujita, Masaharu (2020) Dynamics of lahar-affected river tributaries of the Progo river after the 2010 Mt. Merapi eruption. In: ICWRDEP 2019.
Indrastuti, A. N. and Widyastuti, M. and Fadlillah, L. N. (2023) Analysis of Total Maximum Daily Loads of Winongo River, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Using Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP). In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022.
Insani, A.A. and Ningsih, R.L. and Murtidewi, A.C. and Silvyana, R. and Pasaribu, D. and Putri, R.F. (2023) Aesthetic and cultural value of Nglanggeran ancient volcano geoheritage: A cultural geomorphology perspective. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Iqbal, M. and Prabaswara, I.W. and Nurlita, V.A. and Hizbaron, D.R. (2021) Spatiotemporal analysis using Google Earth Engine: An evaluation of Covid-19 emergency response mobility policies in Java island, Indonesia. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium (GSS 2021), 2021, Yogyakarta.
Isa, La Ode Saleh and Purnama, Ignasius Loyola Setyawan (2021) Aquifer system and groundwater potency in coastal area of Kretek, Bantul Regency, Indonesia. In: The 2nd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium.
Jamaluddin, Ilham and Chen, Ying-Nong and Mahendra, William Krista and Awanda, Disyacitta (2021) Deep neural network regression for estimating land surface temperature at 10 meter spatial resolution using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Julzarika, A. and Laksono, D.P. and Kayat, Kayat and Subehi, L. and Dewi, E.K. and Sofiyuddin, H.A. and Nugraha, M.F.I. and Anggraini, N. and Setianto, A. and Janwes, Janwes and Yudhatama, D. (2020) Realizing the Dead Sea Lakes Region in Rote Islands to be a geopark using multidisciplinary spatial information approach. In: International Conference on Tropical Limnology 2019, Troplimno 2019.
Kurniatillah, Aulia Nisa and Cahyadi, Ahmad and Adji, Tjahyo Nugroho and Riyanto, Indra Agus and Satrio, Fahry Adhi and Singgih, Akhmad and Acintya, Rasyiida and Azizah, Wafiq Nur (2023) Hydrogeochemistry of Epikarst Spring During Rainy Seasons in the Ponjong Hydrogeological Subsystem, Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Kusumawati, S. and Widyastuti, M. (2023) Water Quality Status of Omang Pond in Gunungsewu Karst Area, Gunungkidul, Indonesia. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Mahyatar, Panji and Kamal, Muhammad (2021) Aboveground mangrove carbon stock mapping using WorldView-2 imagery. In: Proceedings Volume 12082, Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820R (2021), Yogyakarta.
Malawani, Mukhamad N. and Lavigne, Franck and Hadmoko, Danang S. and Marfai, Muh Aris and Mutaqin, Bachtiar W. (2020) Hummocky terrain of the Kalibabak debris avalanche deposit, Lombok Island, Indonesia. In: ICST 2020.
Manuhana, R. W. and Sekaranom, A. B. and Nurjani, E. (2023) The Study of Air Pressure System and Extreme Rain in the Southern Java Island. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 8 September 2022, online.
Marfai, M.A. and Mutaqin, B.W. and Hadmoko, D.S. and Wijayanti, H. and Lavigne, F. and Faral, A. (2021) The physical characteristics of the small volcanic island of Tidore and Hiri to support disaster management in Maluku. In: International Conference on Geological Engineering and Geosciences, 16-18 March 2021, Yogyakarta.
Marfai, M.A. and Mutaqin, B.W. and Hadmoko, D.S. and Wijayanti, H. and Lavigne, F. and Faral, A. (2021) The physical characteristics of the small volcanic island of Tidore and Hiri to support disaster management in Maluku. In: International Conference on Geological Engineering and Geosciences.
Maryan, Yayan S. and Pranowo, Widodo S. and Adrianto, Dian and Kurniawan, Agung and Sukoco, Nawanto B. and Astika, I Made J. (2021) Modeling the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Tidal and Monsoonal Currents in Pondok Dayung Port of Tanjung Priok Harbor, Jakarta. In: The 3rd International Conference on Maritime Sciences and Advanced Technology, 5-6 August 2021, Pangandaran.
Mayaudy, Rydha Gusti and Kumaidi, Intan Septilaar and Setiawan, Didit and Lestari, Arinda Budi and Saifulhaq, Ridho and Rahmawati, Vera Intan and Wibowo, Sandy Budi and Farda, Nur Mohammad (2021) GIS for geomorphological analysis: Facies of Merapi Volcano and morphometry of Gendol River. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium (GSS 2021), 2021, Yogyakarta.
Munandar, Muhammad Arif and Hadi, M.P. and Marfai, Muh Aris and Higuchi, Atsushi and Ibrahim, Muhammad Hamka and Sumantyo, Josaphat Tetuko Sri (2023) Utilization of NTSB Report and Himawari 8 for Aviation Turbulence on Asia. In: 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, APSAR 2023, 23 Oktober 2023, Bali, Indonesia.
Munandar, Muhammad Arif and Sumantyo, Josaphat Tetuko Sri and Marfai, Muh.Aris and Hadi, M.P and Higuchi, Atsushi (2021) Aviation Turbulence on Indonesia and the Relationship to Himawari-8 Weather Satellite Imagery. In: 2021 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), 1-3 November 2021, Bali.
Munawaroh, N. and Puspitasari, N.N.A. and Hadi, M.P. and Suarma, U. (2020) Geosonar for impermeable layer mapping in urbanized Upper Belik catchment, Yogyakarta. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.
Ningrum, E.R. and Laili, A. and Yasiroh, I.I. and Wardani, W.T.K. and Al Tumus, M.G.R. and Amri, I. and Aditya, B. and Putri, R.F. (2021) Stakeholder analysis for controlling land utilization in Parangtritis sand dunes. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Noviani, Lilis and Haryono, Eko and Supartono, Wahyu and Sahali, Imron and Juliani, Feni Eka (2023) Environmental impact analysis of PCC cement products (Portland Composite Cement) using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). In: 2022 International Conference on Anthropocene, Global Environmental Change and Powerful Geography, ICoAGPG 2022, 27 Septemebr 2022, online.
Nugraha, Garenza Riang and Wahyuni, Tri and Pertiwi, Lismalia Hana and Yusra, Rahma Amanda and Al Akbar, Muhammad Falakh and Ramadhani, Alam and Wibowo, Sandy Budi and Farda, Nur Mohammad (2021) Spatiooral analysis of the direction of Merapi volcanic eruption in 2010 and 2020. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Nugraha, Hasan Adi and Ragita, Putri and Kurniawan, Bayu and Raihan, Hana Syafi and Aisy, Yumna Rohadatul and Sawitri, Indah and Alverina, Clara and Prasetya, Bagus Dwi and Styawan, Nirmala Hasna and Putri Gunawan, Ananda Shabrina and Krisanto, Emanuel Tatag and Putri, Ratih Fitria and Insani, Anugrah Aditya and Amri, Ikhwan (2023) Anthropogenic PMx air pollution susceptibility using AHP method in Java Island, Indonesia. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Nugrahaningtyas, F.T. and Marwasta, D. (2023) Symptoms of Gentrification in the Yogyakarta Urban Area and Its Implications for the Sustainability of Yogyakarta City. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, online.
Nugroho, Ferman Setia and Danoedoro, Projo and Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana and Candra, Danang Surya and Bayanuddin, Athar Abdurrahman and Samodra, Guruh (2021) Assessment of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Landslides Identification using Google Earth Engine. In: 2021 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), 1-3 November 2021, Bali.
Nuringtyas, Satria Bagus and Harini, Rika and Widayani, Prima (2023) Study of water degradation due to community activities in The Lake Batur ecosystem, Bangli District, Bali. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1-2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Ontiveros, Hilda Guadalupe Cisneros and Castillo, Nahum Andres Medellín and Tristán, Abraham Cárdenas and Cárdenas, Marisol Castro and Hernández, César Arturo Ilizaliturri and Putri, Ratih Fitria (2021) Determination of the Water Quality Index (NFS WQI) of water bodies in the Huasteca Potosina, Mexico. In: The 2nd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium.
Ovalle, A.G.C. and Tristan, A.C. and Amador-Nieto, J.A. and Putri, R.F. and Zahra, R.A. (2021) Analysing the land use/land cover influence on land surface temperature in San Luis Potosí Basin, México using remote sensing techniques. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Prakosa, Muhammad Galih and Nurjani, Emilya (2021) Analysis of convective cloud presence surrounding whirlwind events in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Pramesti, Revia Ardyaning and Harini, Rika (2023) Dynamics of Land Use Change and the Relationship with Food Sufficiency in Pacitan Regency. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, Virtual.
Pratama, A.D. and Adji, T.N. and Dwiputra, D.S. (2020) Baseflow separation of some springs in the Jonggrangan karst area, Java, Indonesia. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.
Pratama, Wildan S. A. and Melati, Pegi and Nancah, Dipa U. T. and Firdausman, Filman and Satriawan, Rizky and Dewantoro, Bayu E. B. and Jatmiko, Retnadi H. (2021) Estimation of above ground carbon stock using multiple vegetation index on Sentinel-2 imagery (case study: Samarinda, East Kalimantan). In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium (GSS 2021), 2021, Yogyakarta.
Purwanto, W. and Hidayat, R. and D Marcelino, H. and Widhagdha, M.F. (2021) Land and forest fire disaster management through the arboretum gambut and community empowerment of masyarakat peduli api (mpa) csr program pt pertamina (persero) ru ii sungai pakning. In: International Geography Seminar, 31 August 2019, Solo.
Puspita, Iredo Bettie and Kurniawan, Andri and Marfai, Muh Aris (2023) Land use efficiency as consequence of virtual activities during Covid-19 pandemic. In: 021 International Summit on Education, Technology and Humanity, ISETH 2021.
Putri, M.K. and Nuranisa, N. and Mei, E.T.W. and Giyarsih, S.R. and Sukmaniar, S. and Saputra, W. (2021) The characteristics of ethnics people at the banks of musi river in palembang. In: International Geography Seminar, 31 August 2019, Solo.
Putri, R. F. and Sarajwati, M. K. A. and Aini, F. A. N. and Setiacahyandari, H. K. and Dairina, I. and Dewi, A. K. (2023) Formal-Informal Employment and Poverty Dynamics: A Case Study of Mentawai Islands Regency, 2019-2021. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 september 2022, online.
Putri, R.F. and Dewi, R.P. and Sulistya, A.R. (2021) Agriculture land management in Gorontalo Province. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Raharjo, Puguh Dwi and Haryono, Eko and Setiawan, M. Anggri and Permana, Haryadi and Farisan, Ardhan (2023) Characteristics of entrenched meanders in catchment landscapes: A case study of Java, Indonesia. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 8 September 2022, online.
Salsabila, Huwaida Nur and Danoedoro, Projo (2021) The effect of atmospheric and topographic corrections on the vegetation density mapping using several vegetation indices: A case study in Arjuno-Welirang volcanoes, East Java. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium (GSS 2021), 2021, Yogyakarta.
Saringatin, Siti and Hidayati, Iswari Nur (2021) Identification of spatial ecological sensitivity in Banyumas region. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium (GSS 2021), 2021, Yogyakarta.
Saringatin, Siti and Hidayati, Iswari Nur (2023) Integration GIS-MCDA and remote sensing imagery for ecological vulnerability assessment. In: 7th International Conference on Science and Technology, ICST 2021, 7 September 2021, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Sekaranom, Andung Bayu and Fianggoro, Muhammad and Wicaksono, Rinut Manuhana (2021) Spatial Analysis of Rainfall Return Period and Probable Maximum Precipitation over Central Java - Indonesia. In: 2nd International Conference Earth Science And Energy, 11 November 2020, Kuala Lumpur.
Setyaji, G.W. and Haryono, E. (2020) Carbon dioxide variability in Gong Cave, Pacitan Regency, Indonesia. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region,
Siahaan, Yossi Veronica Octhreeana and Nurjani, Emilya (2021) Analysis of extreme rainfall distribution and tropical cyclone impact in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Siringo, R. and Suwardi, E. and Haryono, E. and Kurniawan, A. (2023) Analysing regional development in Indonesia based on GDP and cement consumption from 2010 to 2020. In: 2022 International Conference on Anthropocene, Global Environmental Change and Powerful Geography, ICoAGPG 2022, 27 Septemebr 2022, virtual.
Sisthannisa, R. and Widyastuti, M. and Adji, T.N. (2023) Groundwater Pollution Risk Analysis in Wonosari Basin and Gunungsewu Karst Transition Zone, Gunungkidul, Indonesia. In: 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, ICST UGM 2023, 1 November 2023through 2 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
Siswanto, A.D. and Haryono, E. and Baiquni, M. and Fathoni, W.A. and Hakim, A.A. (2021) Study of environmental management based on peri-karst community interaction pattern (case study: Long Lanuk Village, Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat karst area, East Kalimantan). In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.
Sulistiyowati, E. and Setiadi, Setiadi and Haryono, E. (2021) Karst and conservation research in Indonesia and its implication to education. In: Young Scholar Symposium on Science Education and Environment (YSSSEE) 2020, 22-23 September 2020, Lampung.
Susilo, Bowo (2021) Mapping the sensitivity of agricultural land: A study of agricultural land conversion in Yogyakarta urban area. In: Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021; 120820U (2021), 22 December 2021, Yogyakarta.
Wibowo, Yunus Aris and Marfai, Muh Aris and Hadi, Muhammad Pramono and Ronggowulan, Lintang and Wardhani, Puspita Indra (2021) Vulnerability analysis toward river flooding in the Comal Watershed, Indonesia. In: The 2nd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium.
Widiyatmoko, W. and Sudibyakto, Sudibyakto and Nurjani, E. (2021) Agricultural drought risk assessment in upper progo watershed using multioral landsat 8 imagery. In: International Geography Seminar, 31 August 2019, Solo.
Widjajanti, Nurrohmat and Abdiana, Septi Praja and Parseno, Parseno and Pratama, Cecep (2021) Velocity Variation of Opak Fault GNSS Observation Station 2006 Yogyakarta Post-Earthquake. In: Sustainability and Resilience of Coastal Management, 30 November 2020, Surabaya.
Widyanarko, U. and Hizbaron, D.R. (2021) Community adaptive capacity using social media at the aftermath of tropical cyclone cempaka, indonesia. In: International Geography Seminar, 31 August 2019, Solo.
Wulandari, S.A. and Wicaksono, P. (2021) Bathymetry mapping using PlanetScope imagery on Kemujan Island, Karimunjawa, Indonesia. In: The International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture, 4-5 November 2020, Yogyakarta.