Items where Subject is "Transportation engineering"

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Number of items at this level: 13.


Darmawan, Agus and Wong, Hartanto and Thorstenson, Anders (2021) Supply chain network design with coordinated inventory control. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, 145. ISSN 1366-5545


Fauzun, Fauzun and Yogiswara, Cahyo Wibi and Ariyadi, Hifni Mukhtar and Taufiqurrahman, Muhammad Salim and Ritonga, Aldy Franstanata and Pranoto, Indro and Garingging, Rendianto Aginta and Areli, Fakhreza and Putra, Rahma Kurnia and Al-Qadri, Maulana Hafizh and Fatkhi, Afrizal Soffan and Nurdiansyah, Rahardian Titus and Restu, Firdausa Retnaning (2023) Numerical Study The Effect of Air Barriers Height Inside The Air Conditioning Ducting to Satisfy The Regulation of Indonesia Minister of Transportation Number 69 of 2019. Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 21 (4). pp. 1156-1170.


Hidayati, Isti and Tan, Wendy and Yamu, Claudia (2021) Conceptualizing Mobility Inequality: Mobility and Accessibility for the Marginalized. JOURNAL OF PLANNING LITERATURE, 36 (4). pp. 492-507. ISSN 0885-4122


Iman, S.N. and Herwangi, Y. (2021) Assessment of Transport Poverty and Its Social-Economic Impacts on Communities (Case of Bekasi Barat, Bekasi City). In: The 5th International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP), 15-16 October 2020, Yogyakarta.

Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Rizki, Muhamad and Belgiawan, Prawira Fajarindra and Joewono, Tri Basuki (2021) Exploring the frequency of public transport use among adolescents: a study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 16 (11). 978 – 988. ISSN 15568318

Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Rizki, Muhamad and Belgiawan, Prawira Fajarindra and Joewono, Tri Basuki (2021) Exploring the frequency of public transport use among adolescents: a study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 16 (11). 978 – 988. ISSN 15568318

Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Rizki, Muhamad and Belgiawan, Prawira Fajarindra and Joewono, Tri Basuki (2021) Exploring the frequency of public transport use among adolescents: a study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION, 16 (11). pp. 978-988. ISSN 1556-8318

Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Belgiawan, Prawira Fajarindra and Joewono, Tri Basuki and Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Rizki, Muhamad and Ilahi, Anugrah (2022) Exploring activity-travel behavior changes during the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. TRANSPORTATION, 49 (2). pp. 529-553. ISSN 0049-4488


Nugroho, Alfian Galih and Herwangi, Yori and Ogawa, Keiichi (2023) Public Transit Network Analysis Using Spatial Approach Case: Bogor Municipality-Indonesia. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 334 LN. pp. 347-368. ISSN 23662565


Setyobudianto, Asep and Faris, Fikri and Hardiyatmo, Hary Christady (2023) Study of Liquefaction Potential in Toll Road Construction on Fine-Grained Soil. International Journal of GEOMATE, 25 (112). pp. 64-74.

Suryandono, Alexander Rani and Hariyadi, Agus and Fukuda, Hiroatsu (2021) Economic assessment of l-shaped minilouvers for reducing cooling energy and improving daylight condition in offices: A simulation study in jakarta. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (7). ISSN 20711050

Susanta, Febrian Fitryanik and Muryamto, Rochmad and Laksono, Dany Puguh (2024) The 15-Minute City of Mass Public Transportation in Yogyakarta: Case of Trans Jogja Bus. In: 8th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2023: Geoinformation Science for Sustainable Planet, 2023, Yogyakarta.


Widita, Alyas and Ikaputra, Ikaputra and Widyastuti, Dyah T. (2024) TOD-related features and station-level ridership: insights from the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia. Public Transport. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1866749X

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