Items where Subject is "TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)"

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Adi, Restu Dwi Cahyo and Wilopo, Wahyu and Setiawan, Hendy (2023) Groundwater recharge estimation using chloride mass balance method on the southern slope of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia. International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences, 12 (3). pp. 265-273.

Aditya, Trias and Santosa, Purnama Budi and Yulaikhah, Yulaikhah and Widjajanti, Nurrohmat and Atunggal, Dedi and Sulistyawati, Miranty (2021) Validation and collaborative mapping to accelerate quality assurance of land registration. Land Use Policy, 109. ISSN 02648377

Aditya, Trias and Sucaya, I Ketut Gede Ary and Nugroho Adi, Fajar (2021) LADM-compliant field data collector for cadastral surveyors. Land Use Policy, 104. ISSN 02648377

Adriyati, Meilani and Yasufuku, Noriyuki and Ishikura, Ryohei and Wu, Xueting and Rifa'i, Ahmad (2023) Improved Mandrel System for Prefabricated Vertical Drain Installation: A Macro to Micro Analysis. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13 (11). pp. 1-24. ISSN 20763417

Adriyati, Meilani and Yasufuku, Noriyuki and Ishikura, Ryohei and Wu, Xueting and Rifa'i, Ahmad (2023) Improved Mandrel System for Prefabricated Vertical Drain Installation: A Macro to Micro Analysis. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 13 (11). pp. 1-24.

Afrilita, Afrilita and Idrus, A. and Warmada, I.W. (2021) Geology and hydrothermal alteration of Tambulun Cu-Au skarn prospect in Sulit Air area, Solok district, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. In: International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development, GIESED 2020.

Agustini, N.K.A. and Triwiyono, A. and Sulistyo, D. and Suyitno, Suyitno (2020) Effects of water to solid ratio on thermal conductivity of fly ash-based geopolymer paste. In: The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development.

Agustini, Ni Komang Ayu and Triwiyono, Andreas and Sulistyo, Djoko and Suyitno, S. (2021) Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Foams with Polypropylene Fibers. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 11 (11).

Agustini, Ni Komang Ayu and Triwiyono, Andreas and Sulistyo, Djoko and Suyitno, S. (2021) Mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of fly ash-based geopolymer foams with polypropylene fibers. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (11). ISSN 20763417

Ahlan, Muhammad and Priyanto, Sigit and Utomo, Suryo Hapsoro Tri (2024) Cost Comparison Analysis Between Maritime Intermodal and Road Mode Freight Transport in Java Island, Indonesia. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, 8 (2). 271 – 281. ISSN 20588305

Ahmed, Imtiaz and Thom, Nick and Bilal Ahmed Zaidi, Syed and Carvajal-Munoz, Juan S. and Rahman, Taqia and Dawson, Andrew (2021) Application of a novel linear-viscous approach to predict permanent deformation in simulative inverted pavements. Construction and Building Materials, 267. ISSN 09500618

Ahmed, Imtiaz and Thom, Nick and Zaidi, Syed Bilal Ahmed and Ahmed, Nabeel and Carvajal-Munoz, Juan S. and Rahman, Taqia and Ahmad, Naveed (2021) A mechanistic approach to evaluate the fatigue life of inverted pavements. Construction and Building Materials, 311. ISSN 09500618

Ahmed, Imtiaz and Thom, Nick and Zaidi, Syed Bilal Ahmed and Carvajal-Munoz, Juan S. and Rahman, Taqia and Dawson, Andrew (2021) Application of a novel linear-viscous approach to predict permanent deformation in simulative inverted pavements. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 267. ISSN 0950-0618

Aini, Izzatul and Wilopo, Wahyu and Fathani, Teuku Faisal (2024) THE CORRELATION OF LIQUEFACTION WITH EXCESS PORE WATER PRESSURE IN LANGKAT, NORTH SUMATRA. International Journal of GEOMATE, 26 (114). 117 -125. ISSN 21862982

Al-Atesh, Ezzaddin Abdullah and Rahmawati, Yani and Zawawi, Noor Amila Wan Abdullah and Utomo, Christiono (2023) A decision-making model for supporting selection of green building materials. International Journal of Construction Management, 23 (5). pp. 922-933. ISSN 15623599

Amalia, Karina Puspa and Ismanti, Sito and Saputra, Ashar (2023) LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL EVALUATION IN TOBA CRATER INDONESIA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMATE, 25 (110). pp. 123-131. ISSN 2186-2982

Amalia, Karina Puspa and Ismanti, Sito and Saputra, Ashar (2023) Liquefaction Potential Evaluation in Toba Crater Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 25 (110). pp. 123-131. ISSN 21862982

Andika, Neil and Julien, Pierre Y. (2021) Sediment Propagation in the Porong River below the Sidoardjo Mud Volcano Diversion in Indonesia. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, 147 (11). ISSN 0733-9429

Andini, I. and Djunaedi, A. (2021) Mapping of Rural Health Services during Covid-19 Pandemic in Central Java, Indonesia: Rethinking Remoteness. In: The 4th Geoplanning International Conference of Geomatics and Planning, 25-26 August 2021, Semarang.

Anggara, F and Fadhillah, A N and Patria, A A and Amijaya, D H and Petrus, H.T.B.M. (2023) Microfacies and Depositional Environment of Senakin Coal, Tanjung Formation, South Borneo, Indonesia. In: 3rd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, CAJG-3 2020, 2 - 5 November 2020, Arabian.

Antono, Achmad and Totomihardjo, Suprapto and Kardiyono, Kardiyono (1979) Laporan Penelitian: Science & Technology. Fakultas Teknik Sipil UGM, Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

Aprilia, A.S. and Awaludin, A. and Siswosukarto, S. and Ngudiyono, Ngudiyono (2024) Stress Analysis of Pin Connections in Steel Box Girder with the Unibridge System using Finite Element Model. Civil Engineering Dimension, 26 (1). 91 – 100. ISSN 14109530



Ariani, Listia and Faris, Fikri and Rifa'i, Ahmad (2023) Geotechnical Assessment of Sublake Slopes and Liquefaction Hazard in Lake Toba, Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 25 (111). pp. 153-161. ISSN 21862982

Arief, Irdinal and Subroto, T. Yoyok Wahyu and Marcilia, Syam Rachma (2023) Tambale as a Determinant of Residential Spatial Planning in The Kaili Ledo Community, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. ISVS e-journal, 10 (7). pp. 412-426. ISSN 27382222

Arief, Irdinal and Subroto, Tarcicius Yoyok Wahyu and Marcillia, Syam Rachma (2024) Concentric Pattern of Spatial Setting in Raranggonau Village as the Ancestral Land Settlement of the Kaili Ledo Community, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design, 18 (1). 135 – 156. ISSN 23251662

Arif, M. I. and Legono, D. and Luknanto, D. (2021) Study on the Performance of the Hydraulics System Planning of Swampy Irrigation Area of Dadahup, Kapuas District, Central Kalimantan Province. In: ICWRDEP 2021.

Arsyad, M. N. and Setyandito, O. and Kesuma, L. M. and Armono, H. D. and Anda, M. and Kusumadewi, R. A. (2021) Wave transformation around breakwater (case study: Tourism harbour, Eastern Bali, Indonesia). In: International Conference on Environmental and Sustainability Context.

Aryani, S M and Kusumawanto, A and Suryabrata, J A and Airin, C (2021) The effect of insufficient artificial lighting on workers’ moods and physiology: preliminary research. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 10 November 2020, Virtual, Online.

Aryani, Silfia M. and Kusumawanto, Arif and Suryabrata, Jatmika A. (2023) The Effects of Lighting on Mood in the Workplace: A Literature Review of the Research Method Applied. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, 18 (2). pp. 395-405. ISSN 17557445

Astuti, Pinta and Purnama, Adhitya Yoga and Alfaizun, Fatha Ludfi and Hayati, Nur and Isnaini, Muhammad Sakti (2023) Sustainable Design of Muhammadiyah Edutourism Site Plan. In: International Conference of Technology on Community and Environmental Development (ICTCED 2023.

Astuti, Pinta and Purnama, Adhitya Yoga and Kencono, Dewi Sekar and Pramana, Alfido Ardhi and Nooriswar, Farkhan (2023) Utilization of Mortar Waste as Environmentally Friendly Construction Material Replacement to Support Sustainable Development Goals. In: International Conference on Environment and Smart Society (ICEnSO 2023).

Astuti, Pinta and Radio, Laode Abdul Zakri and Salsabila, Farah and Aulia, Afdhal Kresna and Rafdinal, Rahmita Sari and Purnama, Adhitya Yoga (2023) Corrosion potential of coated steel bar embedded in sea-water mixed mortar. In: The Third International Conference of Construction, Infrastructure, and Materials (ICCIM 2023).

Ataka, Ahmad and Aji, M. Hilal Bayu and Hakim, Alfin Luqmanul and Arfiantino, Dimas and Nanda, Aan Aria and Nugraha, Ghanis Kauchya and Setyadi, Ahmad Didik and Aji, Alharisy and Ageng, Gregorio and Candra, Rizky and Ishmatuka, Cendikia and Barr, Abdul (2023) Vision-Based Excavator Control for Pick-and-Place Operation. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Atunggal, Dedi and Widjajanti, Nurrohmat and Aditya, Trias (2024) Evaluating 3-D positioning infrastructure quality and utilization: The potential improvement with multi-GNSS methods. Communications in Science and Technology, 9 (1). pp. 144-152. ISSN 25029258

Awaludin, Ali and Wusqo, Urwatul and Rusgiyanto, Rusgiyanto (2024) Structural Evaluation of Timber-Concrete Composite Floor Constructed Using Open Web Truss Joist Made of LVL Paraserianthes falcataria. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 16 (9). pp. 143-155. ISSN 2229838X

Aye, Thinzar and Sunjoto, S. and Luknanto, Djoko (2020) Sunjoto shape factor under full penetration slug test. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 11 (8). 414 – 418. ISSN 20100264

Ayudya, Diana (2023) A New Paradigm of Urban Tourism Space in Yogyakarta During the Pandemic. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP 2022), 13 - 14 Oktober 2022, Yogyakarta.


Baba, Sotaro and Hokada, Tomokazu and Kamei, Atsushi and Kitano, Ippei and Motoyoshi, Yoichi and Nantasin, Prayath and Setiawan, Nugroho Imam and Dashbaatar, Davaa-Ochir (2021) Tectono-metamorphic evolution and significance of shear-zone lithologies in Akebono Rock, Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 33 (1). 52 – 72. ISSN 09541020

Basoka, I. Wayan Ariyana and Kasama, Kiyonobu and Furukawa, Zentaro and Rifa’i, Ahmad (2024) Bayesian Hierarchical Model on Crushability of Pumice Particle Strength. In: The 5th International Conference on Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development (GEOTEC 2023).

Basoka, I. Wayan Ariyana and Kasama, Kiyonobu and Furukawa, Zentaro and Yasufuku, Noriyuki and Rifa’i, Ahmad (2024) THE PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SINGLE PUMICE SAND PARTICLE. International Journal of GEOMATE, 26 (115). 73 -80. ISSN 21862982

Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Hancock, Thomas O. and Choudhury, Charisma Farheen and Manley, Ed (2023) Agent-based models in urban transportation: review, challenges, and opportunities. European Transport Research Review, 15 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 18668887

Basuki, Achmad and Awaludin, Ali and Suhendro, Bambang and Siswosukarto, Suprapto (2021) Compression and tension creep behaviour of LVL sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria). ASEAN Engineering Journal, 11 (1). 73 – 87. ISSN 25869159

Basuki, Achmad and Awaludin, Ali and Suhendro, Bambang and Siswosukarto, Suprapto (2021) Compression and tension creep behaviour of LVL sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria). ASEAN Engineering Journal, 11 (1). 73 – 87. ISSN 25869159

Benazir, - and Oktari, Rina Suryani (2024) Assessing tsunami risk along the Aceh coast, Indonesia: a quantitative analysis of fault rupture potential and early warning system efficacy for predicting arrival time and flood extent. Natural Hazards, 120 (5). pp. 4875-4900. ISSN 0921030X

Bhakty, T. E. and Swasono, A. H. and Yuwono, N. and Ghalizhan, A. F. and Widyasari, T. (2021) Determination of the length of Bogowonto double jetty as the river mouth stabilization. In: ICWRDEP 2021.

Bhakty, Tania Edna and Yuwono, Nur and Triatmodjo, Bambang and Ghalizhan, Ahmad Faramarz (2021) Effect of underwater sill height against flow patterns in order to reduce sedimentation in navigation channel and basins. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 132. 232 – 240. ISSN 23662557

Bhakty, Tania Edna and Yuwono, Nur and Triatmodjo, Bambang and Ghalizhan, Ahmad Faramarz (2024) Underwater Sill Layout for Efficient Sediment Deflection. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 324. 683 – 691. ISSN 23662557

Budhijanto, Wiratni and Marleni, Ni Nyoman Nepi and Wulaningtyas, Adhin Harum and Istiqomah, Indah and Ahmad, Johan Syafri Mahathir and Marbelia, Lisendra (2024) Techno-economic analysis on community-based municipal solid waste processing facilities: A case study in Sleman Regency Indonesia. Environmental Development, 52. ISSN 22114645

Bukhari, Moeen Hamid and da Silva, Paula F. and Pilz, Juergen and Istanbulluoglu, Erkan and Gorum, Tolga and Lee, Juneseok and Karamehic-Muratovic, Ajlina and Urmi, Tamanna and Soltani, Arezoo and Wilopo, Wahyu and Qureshi, Javed Akhter and Zekan, Sabid and Koonisetty, Kranthi Swaroop and Sheishenaly, Usupaev and Khan, Latifur and Espinoza, Juan and Mendoza, Edna Patricia and Haque, Ubydul (2023) Community perceptions of landslide risk and susceptibility: a multi-country study. LANDSLIDES, 20 (6). pp. 1321-1334. ISSN 1612-510X


Cahyeni, Nadia Gustiranda and Sidik, Yohan Fajar and Firmansyah, Eka (2023) Performance Comparison of ZDAC vs MTPA for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Control. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Chomistriana, Dewi and Mulyono, Agus Taufik and Najid, Najid (2024) Exploring the Performance Domain Causal Relationship of Digital Government Transformation Project Management. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 72 (3). pp. 26-39. ISSN 23490918

Chrismaningwang, Galuh and Hardiyatmo, Hary Christady and Adi, Agus Darmawan and Fathani, Teuku Faisal (2023) The Behavior of Flow Condition in Prefabricated Vertical Drains Due To Incremental Confining Pressure. ASEAN Engineering Journal, 13 (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 25869159

Ciptadi, R. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Kamulyan, B. (2021) Evaluation and Enhancement of Sustainable Organic Fishpond Farming in the Sei Teras Fishpond Irigation Area, Central Kalimantan. In: ICWRDEP 2021.

Ciptadi, R. and Rahardjo, A.P. and Kamulyan, B. (2021) Evaluation and Enhancement of Sustainable Organic Fishpond Farming in the Sei Teras Fishpond Irigation Area, Central Kalimantan. In: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 930 (2021), 7 August 2021, Malang.


Darmawan, Muhamad Fauzi and Setiawan, Angga Fajar and Satyarno, Iman and Awaludin, Ali (2024) NONLINEAR SIMULATIONS TO EVALUATE THE CODE-BASED RESPONSE MODIFICATION FACTOR FOR SEISMIC DESIGN OF SLAB-ON-PILE STRUCTURE. ASEAN Engineering Journal, 14 (1). 101 – 111. ISSN 25869159

Dinastiyanto, T. and Hardiyatmo, H.C. and Pratiwi, E.P.A. (2024) Post-liquefaction Analysis Using Standard Penetration Test Data and Grain Size Distribution Test at Irrigation Canal in Sidera Village. In: Advances in Civil Engineering Materials (ICACE 2023).

Dwijayanto, R. Andika Putra and Khakim, Azizul and Zuhair, Zuhair and Harto, Andang Widi (2024) The influence of graphite moderator density on the neutronic performance and fuel economy of a Molten Salt Reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 196. ISSN 03064549

de Vries, Walter Timo and Aditya, Trias (2023) Advancing Geospatial Technology to Construct Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration and Land Management in ASEAN Countries. In: Geospatial Science for Smart Land Management: An Asian Context. 1st ed. CRC Press, Department of Land Management, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, pp. 26-31. ISBN 9781003349518


Erlangga, Aditya Wahyu and Suparma, Latif Budi and Siswosukarto, Suprapto (2024) POLYMER-MODIFIED CEMENT ASPHALT MORTAR AS INTERLAYER IN THE NON-BALLASTED TRACK OF HIGH-SPEED TRAIN. International Journal of GEOMATE, 26 (115). 18 – 26. ISSN 21862982


Fadillah, Arif and Harijoko, Agung and Hendrayana, Heru and Wibowo, Haryo Edi and Baud, Benjamin and Lachassagne, Patrick and Muhammad, Azwar Satrya and Dorfliger, Nathalie (2023) HYDROGEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION USING ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY: METHODOLOGY AND CONCEPTUAL MODEL IN ANDESITIC VOLCANIC CONTEXT. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMATE, 24 (106). pp. 25-36. ISSN 2186-2982

Fadillah, Rizki Maulana and Tsaqib, Hafizh and Nurendyastuti, Aryanti Karlina and Jannah, Miftahul and Prastica, Rian Mantasa Salve (2020) Structural mitigation measures for flood reduction in urban area: A case study of Ciliwung watershed. In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020, 7 September 2020, Virtual, Online.

Faisal, Gun and Subroto, T. Yoyok Wahyu and Rahmi, Dwita Hadi (2023) The Symbolic Meaning of Tiang Tuo (old pole) in the Rumah Godang Traditional House in the Life of the Koto Sentajo Community, Riau, Indonesia. ISVS e-journal, 10 (9). pp. 161-177. ISSN 27382222

Faizah, Restu and Aminullah, Akhmad (2020) Simple laboratory test to measure damping properties of hardened mortar or concrete elements. International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 11 (1). 76 – 86. ISSN 21803242

Fajriani, Q.R. and Jayadi, R. and Legono, D. and Sujono, J. (2021) The Reliability of X-Band Multiparameter Radar Rainfall Estimates. In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, 5-6 October 2020, Yogyakarta.

Fajriani, Q.R. and Jayadi, R. and Legono, D. and Sujono, J. (2021) The Reliability of X-Band Multiparameter Radar Rainfall Estimates. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Firmansyah, Dedy and Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Amrozi, Mukhammad Rizka Fahmi and Maitra, Bhargab and Rahman, Taqia and Widiastuti, Nur Oktaviani (2024) A bibliometric analysis of motorcycle studies in Asia: From 1971 to 2022. IATSS Research, 48 (1). 68 – 83. ISSN 03861112

Firstyadi, A. D. F. and Wignyosukarto, B. S. and Istiarto, Istiarto and Purboseno, S. (2021) Post reclamation of acid sulphate soil due to extended tidal irrigation area in Palingkau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: ICWRDEP 2021.

Firstyadi, A.D.F. and Wignyosukarto, B.S. and Istiarto, Istiarto and Purboseno, S. (2021) Post reclamation of acid sulphate soil due to extended tidal irrigation area in Palingkau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: International Conference of Water Resources Development and Environmental Protection, ICWRDEP 2021.

Francinni, Riovanni and Wibisono, Bambang Hari and Matsunami, Jun (2023) An Institutional Analysis of Surabaya (Indonesia)-Kitakyushu (Japan) Green Sister City Cooperation. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 334 LN. pp. 163-177. ISSN 23662565


Gunawan, Sintha Prima Widowati and Machimura, Takashi and Matsui, Takanori and Hendrayana, Heru (2023) WATER BUDGET ASSESSMENT UNDER RAPID URBANIZATION IN YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA USING A DISTRIBUTED WATER BALANCE MODEL. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMATE, 25 (111). pp. 24-32. ISSN 2186-2982


Hadi, Siswoyo and Pratiwi, Endita Prima Ari and Wignyosukarto, Budi Santoso (2024) The dynamic of pH and EC in the Katingan tidal irrigation system, under influences of acid water, brackish water, and tidal movement. Water Cycle, 5. 76 – 85. ISSN 26664453


Hafidzsyah, Rizal and Rifa'i, Ahmad and Siswosukarto, Suprapto (2023) Soil Settlement Risk From Liquefaction At Lake Toba Tourism Infrastructure, North Sumatera, Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 25 (111). pp. 122-129. ISSN 21862982

Hairani, Ani and Rahardjo, Adam Pamudji and Legono, Djoko and Istiarto, I. (2021) Rainfall Monitoring to Support Temporal and Spatial Information of Debris Flow Initiation in Merapi Volcano. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). 132 – 141. ISSN 2229838X


Hambali, Roby and Legono, Djoko and Jayadi, Rachmad (2021) The application of pyramid lucas-kanade optical flow method for tracking rain motion using high-resolution radar images. Jurnal Teknologi, 83 (1). 105 – 115. ISSN 01279696

Hanun, Amira and Sarjiya, Sarjiya and Putranto, Lesnanto Multa and Tumiran, Tumiran and Savitri, Ira and Farel, Daud (2023) Impact of Coal Supply Constraint and Renewable Energy Mixed Target on a Power System Planning A Case Study of Southern Sulawesi System. In: 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 26-27 October 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Harianti, M. and Sulaiman, M. (2021) Evaluation of Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta Campus Drainage System Using Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model 5.1 (EPA SWMM 5.1). In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, 5-6 October 2020, Yogyakarta.

Harianti, M. and Sulaiman, M. (2021) Evaluation of Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta Campus Drainage System Using Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model 5.1 (EPA SWMM 5.1). In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure.

Harsanto, Puji and Kusumaningrum, Dian and Legono, Djoko and Rahardjo, Adam Pamuji and Jayadi, Rachmad (2024) Comparison of Multi-satellite Rainfall Data in Runoff Model. In: Proceedings of AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering 2022.

Hasibuan, M.H. and Dwijayanto, R.A.P. and Meireni, M. and Harto, A.W. and Novianto, F.F. and Widiastuti, P. (2024) Core neutronic design of small modular molten salt reactor for submarine propulsion. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 22 (3). pp. 403-409. ISSN 16656423

Hematang, Yashinta Irma Pratami and Kurniawan, Harry (2024) Transformation of Architectural Elements of Rumah Gaba-Gaba in Merauke Old Town, South of Papua: An Embodiment of Adaptation. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 389. 805 – 816. ISSN 23662557

Hendrawan, Vempi Satriya Adi and Kim, Wonsik and Komori, Daisuke (2023) Crop response pattern to several drought timescales and its possible determinants: A global-scale analysis during the last decades. Anthropocene, 43. ISSN 22133054

Hendrawan, Vempi Satriya Adi and Komori, Daisuke and Kim, Wonsik (2023) Possible factors determining global-scale patterns of crop yield sensitivity to drought. PLoS ONE, 18 (2 Febr). 119 – 126. ISSN 19326203

Hidayat, Ari Ramadhan and Legono, Djoko and Supraba, Intan and Triatmadja, Radianta (2024) A Study of Clean Water Supply After Earthquake at Lombok Utara Regency, Indonesia. In: International Association for Hydraulic Environmental Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, physical conference.

Hidayat, Ari Ramadhan and Triatmadja, Radianta and Supraba, Intan (2020) The impact of earthquake on clean water demand and supply at North Lombok regency, Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development, ICEED 2019Solo13 November 2019through 14 November 2019.

Hidayat, M. and Legono, D. and Wignyosukarto, B. and Jayadi, R. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Hairani, A. and Harsanto, P. and Ikhsan, J. (2021) Flow Behavior of Boyong River as Revealed by Long-term Hydro-monitoring System. In: ICWRDEP 2021.

Hidayat, Muhammad Taufik and Sunarharum, Tri Mulyani (2024) The Influence of Smart City Factors on the Economy in the Tourism Sector of Bandung City, Indonesia. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 1003 L. 557 – 571. ISSN 23673370

Hidayat, N. and Haryanto, I. and Isheka, R.P. (2022) Evaluation of Pedestrian Facilities Performance. In: 4th International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment, SIBE, 8 March 2022through 9 March 2022, Virtual, Online.

Hidayati, Isti and Tan, Wendy and Yamu, Claudia (2021) Conceptualizing Mobility Inequality: Mobility and Accessibility for the Marginalized. JOURNAL OF PLANNING LITERATURE, 36 (4). pp. 492-507. ISSN 0885-4122

Hidayati, Isti and Yamu, Claudia and Tan, Wendy (2021) You have to drive: Impacts of planning policies on urban form and mobility behavior in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. JOURNAL OF URBAN MANAGEMENT, 10 (1). pp. 69-83. ISSN 2226-5856


Idrus, Arifudin and Sinugroho, Iswahyudi Agus and Warmada, I Wayan (2023) The Gunung Gupit High- and Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Gold Mineralization in Menoreh, Central Java, Indonesia. In: Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

Indrawati, Like and Fatchurohman, Hendy (2023) Urban Ecological Security Assessment Based on Sentinel-2A and Landsat 8 Image Data: A Case Study in Surakarta City and its Surroundings. In: 5th Geoplanning International Conference of Geomatics and Planning, 20 September 2023, Surakarta.

Irawan, Amalia Nafisah Rahmani and Komori, Daisuke and Hendrawan, Vempi Satriya Adi (2023) Correlation analysis of agricultural drought risk on wet farming crop and meteorological drought index in the tropical-humid region. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 153 (1-2). 227 – 240. ISSN 0177798X

Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Dewanti, Dewanti and Sugiarto, Sugiarto and Amrozi, M. Rizka Fahmi (2021) Measuring the perceived need for motorcycle-based ride-hailing services on trip characteristics among university students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 24. pp. 303-312. ISSN 2214-367X

Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Rizki, Muhamad and Belgiawan, Prawira Fajarindra and Joewono, Tri Basuki (2021) Exploring the frequency of public transport use among adolescents: a study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 16 (11). 978 – 988. ISSN 15568318

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