Items where Subject is "Environmental engineering"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- T Technology (5)
- TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) (5)
- Environmental engineering (48)
- TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) (5)
- T Technology (5)
Alriansyach, Ikse Duma and Utomo, Christiono and Rahmawati, Yani and Aqsha, Aqsha (2024) Performance of Green Industrial Estate: A Review †. Engineering Proceedings, 74 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 26734591
Amelia, Nadia Nur and Kusumawanto, Arif (2021) A review of energy use in a sustainable city model. In: The 5th International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP), 15-16 October 2020, Yogyakarta.
Arif, M. I. and Legono, D. and Luknanto, D. (2021) Study on the Performance of the Hydraulics System Planning of Swampy Irrigation Area of Dadahup, Kapuas District, Central Kalimantan Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 930 (1). ISSN 17551307
Arif, M. I. and Legono, D. and Luknanto, D. (2021) Study on the Performance of the Hydraulics System Planning of Swampy Irrigation Area of Dadahup, Kapuas District, Central Kalimantan Province. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Baba, Sotaro and Hokada, Tomokazu and Kamei, Atsushi and Kitano, Ippei and Motoyoshi, Yoichi and Nantasin, Prayath and Setiawan, Nugroho Imam and Dashbaatar, Davaa-Ochir (2021) Tectono-metamorphic evolution and significance of shear-zone lithologies in Akebono Rock, Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 33 (1). 52 – 72. ISSN 09541020
Basuki, Achmad and Awaludin, Ali and Suhendro, Bambang and Siswosukarto, Suprapto (2021) Compression and tension creep behaviour of LVL sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria). ASEAN Engineering Journal, 11 (1). 73 – 87. ISSN 25869159
Benazir, Benazir and Syamsidik, Syamsidik and Idris, Yunita and Putra, Nadri Pratama (2023) Connecting community's perspectives on tsunami risk to anticipated future tsunamis: a reflection from a progress of tsunami preparedness from a coastal community in Aceh-Indonesia after 19 years of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 10 (1). ISSN 21978670
Budiarti, Putria Widya and Fathani, Teuku Faisal and Faris, Fikri (2020) Analysis of rainfall-triggered landslide in Baleagung Village, Magelang Regency, Central Java. In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020, 7 September 2020, Virtual, Online.
Diansyah, Afif Agri and Faris, Fikri and Rifa'i, Ahmad and Meidudga, Roberth Evander (2021) Numerical modelling of geocell reinforced slope by use of plastic bottle waste. In: ICST 2021.
Fadilah, Shofwatul and Luknanto, Djoko (2020) Effects of heavy rainfall on the slope stability - A case study on Imogiri Cemetery: The graveyard complex of Mataram Royal Kings. In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020, 7 September 2020, Virtual, Online.
Fajriani, Q.R. and Jayadi, R. and Legono, D. and Sujono, J. (2021) The Reliability of X-Band Multiparameter Radar Rainfall Estimates. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Firstyadi, A. D. F. and Wignyosukarto, B. S. and Istiarto, Istiarto and Purboseno, S. (2021) Post reclamation of acid sulphate soil due to extended tidal irrigation area in Palingkau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Hambali, R. and Legono, D. and Jayadi, R. (2020) Sensitivity analysis of using unreliable rain gauge stations for evaluating the accuracy of radar rainfall estimates. In: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Environment, ICoGEE 2020 Pangkalpinang 8 October 2020.
Hambali, R. and Legono, D. and Jayadi, R. (2020) Sensitivity analysis of using unreliable rain gauge stations for evaluating the accuracy of radar rainfall estimates. In: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Environment, ICoGEE 2020, 8 October 2020, Pangkalpinang.
Hidayah, Nur and Satyarno, Iman and Saputra, Ashar (2020) Housing rehabilitation and reconstruction in Central Sulawesi post-2018 earthquake. In: 1st Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Symposium, ICST 2020, 7 September 2020, Virtual, Online.
Hidayat, M. and Legono, D. and Wignyosukarto, B. and Jayadi, R. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Hairani, A. and Harsanto, P. and Ikhsan, J. (2021) Flow Behavior of Boyong River as Revealed by Long-term Hydro-monitoring System. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Irawan, Muhammad Zudhy and Simanjuntak, Nurvita I. M. and Bastarianto, Faza Fawzan and Dwitasari, Reslyana and Herawati, Herawati (2020) Predicting the impact of Trans Java Toll Roads on demand for intercity air travel in Indonesia. Journal of Air Transport Management, 87. ISSN 09696997
Istiqomah, N. A. and Marleni, N. N. N. (2020) Particulate air pollution in Indonesia: Quality index, characteristic, and source identification. In: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Environment, ICoGEE 2020, 8 October 2020, Pangkalpinang.
Istiqomah, N. A. and Marleni, N. N. N. (2020) Particulate air pollution in Indonesia: Quality index, characteristic, and source identification. In: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Environment, ICoGEE 2020, 8 October 2020, Pangkalpinang.
Jalil, A. and Fathani, T. F. and Satyarno, I. and Wilopo, W. (2021) Equivalent-linear seismic ground response analysis in Palu area. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Jalil, A. and Fathani, T. F. and Satyarno, I. and Wilopo, W. (2021) Nonlinear site response analysis approach to investigate the effect of pore water pressure on liquefaction in Palu. In: ISCEE 2021.
Julzarika, Atriyon and Aditya, Trias and Subaryono, Subaryono and Harintaka, Harintaka (2021) The latest dtm using insar for dynamics detection of semangko fault-indonesia. Geodesy and Cartography (Vilnius), 47 (3). 118 – 130. ISSN 20296991
Khaldirian, M. F. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Luknanto, D. and Sondi, R. D. R. (2021) An Alternative Algorithm for Simulating Flash Flood. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Kusmiarto, Kusmiarto and Aditya, Trias and Djurdjani, Djurdjani and Subaryono, Subaryono (2021) Digital transformation of land services in indonesia: A readiness assessment. Land, 10 (2). 1 – 16. ISSN 2073445X
Legono, D. and Hidayat, F. and Sisinggih, D. and Wahyuni, S. and Suharyanto, A. (2021) Performance of Flushing Efficiency of Sediment Evacuation from Wlingi and Lodoyo Reservoirs. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Masthura, Lely and Wignyosukarto, Budi Santoso and Sujono, Joko and Nurrochmad, Fatchan (2021) Assessment of Integrated Water Resource Management Sustainability of Aceh Meureudu River Basin. International Journal of GEOMATE, 21 (85). 32 – 43. ISSN 21862982
Muhanifah, H. and Adi, A. D. and Faris, F. (2021) Liquefaction investigation of Balaroa, Central Sulawesi on liquefied and non-liquefied areas. In: 11th Conference of Asian Rock Mechanics Society.
Naimah, D. Y. N. and Wuri, M. A. and Pertiwiningrum, A. and Budiarto, R. and Handayani, T. P. (2020) Technical and social assessment of biogas in Yogyakarta and Gorontalo, Indonesia. In: 9th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering, ICESE 2019, 20 March 2019, Leuven.
Naotou, Y and Jayadi, R. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Puspitosari, D. A. (2021) Identification of Flood-prone Areas using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS, the Case of Ciberang River Basin, Lebak District of Banten Province. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Pahlevi, Casey Aufar and Setyandito, Oki and Istiarto, Istiarto and Sudiyono, Kris Ade and Pierre, Andrew John and Juliastuti, Juliastuti (2021) Oblong Bridge Pier Shape Influence toward Flow Velocity Characteristic and Scour Depth. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Patriaman, F. and Fathani, T F. and Wilopo, W. (2021) Liquefaction potential analysis in Palu Bay area. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Prastica, Rian Mantasa Salve and Erwanto, Zulis and Iranata, Data and Maulana, Mahendra Andiek and Nafil, Tabrizy Azkiyan and Sulaiman, Muhammad (2023) River naturalisation and load sediment detection sensor for community-based flood risk management in Indonesia. In: Handbook of Flood Risk Management and Community Action: An International Perspective. 1 ed. CRC Press, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia, pp. 206-221. ISBN 9781003315247
Pratama, A. and Fathani, T. F. and Satyarno, I. (2021) Liquefaction potential analysis on Gumbasa Irrigation Area in Central Sulawesi Province after 2018 earthquake. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Pratiwi, E. P. A. and Hartono, A. O. and Wijdan, H. Z. and Nurrochmad, F. and Setyawan, C. (2020) Precipitation and flood impact on rice paddies: Statistics in Central Java, Indonesia. In: 6th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment, 23 August 2020, Virtual, Online.
Purnama, N. and Jayadi, R. and Istiarto, Istiarto (2021) Dam break analysis using 1D geometry at Jatigede Dam, Sumedang. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Putri, K. N. R. and Tjandrawira, M. I. and Handayani, T. N. (2021) Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emissions during the Construction Stage of a Precast Building in Indonesia. In: 6th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE).
Qonita, Maryam and Giyarsih, Sri Rum (2022) Smart city assessment using the Boyd Cohen smart city wheel in Salatiga, Indonesia. GeoJournal, 88 (1). 479 – 492. ISSN 03432521
Rahajeng, F. S. S. and Jayadi, R. and Maas, A. (2021) The Preliminary Study for Increasing the Productivity of Unit Tamban Lowland Irrigation Area based on Fact Findings of Observations. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Rahmi, D.H. (2021) Continuity of heritage urban landscape: The case of Jeron Beteng Yogyakarta. In: The 5th International Symposium of Sustainable Landscape Development (The 5th ISSLD), 22-24 September 2020, Bogor.
Ramadhani, E. L. and Triatmodjo, B. and Pratiwi, E. P. A. (2020) Study of inundation control on Kelayan Regional Inundation Handling Unit in Banjarmasin, South Borneo. In: 1st International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues and Community Development, INCRID 2019, 23 October 2019, Semarang.
Sauri, S. and Rifa'I, A. and Hardiyatmo, H. C. (2021) Liquefaction Vulnerability Analysis using N-SPT Value and Grain Size Analysis on Gumbasa Irrigation Canal in the Post-Disaster Petobo Area, Sulawesi. In: 4th International Conference of Water Resources Development and Environmental Protection (ICWRDEP 2021), 7 August 2021, Malang.
Say, V. and Legono, D. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Yuniawan, R. A. (2021) Flash Flood Characteristics of Ciberang River, Its Impact and Mitigation. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Setiawan, A. and Wignyosukarto, B. S. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Yakubson, Yakubson (2021) A Proposed Improvement of Belanti II Tidal Irrigation Scheme, Kalimantan, to Support Leaching of Acid Sulphate Soil Reclamation. In: ICWRDEP 2021.
Sugeng, Dhani Avianto and Yahya, Wira Jazair and Ithnin, Ahmad Muhsin and Kusdi, Badrul Hikmah and Rashid, Muhammad Adib Abdul and Bahiuddin, Irfan and Mazlan, Nurul Aiyshah and Kadir, Hasannuddin Abd (2020) Experimental comparison of smoke opacity and particulate matter emissions with the use of emulsion fuel. Evergreen, 7 (3). 452 – 457. ISSN 21890420
Suwarto, Fardzanela and Parry, Tony and Thom, Nick and Airey, Gordon and Abed, Ahmed and Rahman, Taqia and Wititanapanit, Jarurat (2023) Engineering characterization and environmental analysis of natural rubber latex modified asphalt mixture. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 402: 132970. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0950-0618
Takeleb, Aderita and Sujono, Joko and Jayadi, Rachmad (2020) Water resource management strategy for urban water purposes in Dili Municipality, Timor-Leste. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 24 (2). 199 – 208. ISSN 13241583
Yudinugroho, M. and Rokhmana, C. A. (2021) Detection of surface deformation in opak fault Yogyakarta using quasi persistent scatter interferometry synthetic aperture radar. In: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Zain, A. and Legono, D. and Rahardjo, A. P. and Jayadi, R. (2021) Review on Co-factors Triggering Flash Flood Occurrences in Indonesian Small Catchments. In: ICWRDEP 2021.