Items where Subject is "Disasters and engineering"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (28)
- T Technology (26)
- TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) (293)
- Disasters and engineering (13)
- TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) (293)
- T Technology (26)
Achadi, Abdul Haris and Darwin, Muhadjir and Mardiatno, Djati and Ruslanjari, Dina (2021) Leadership coordinator of search and rescue mission on earthquake event in Palu central Sulawesi. Disaster Advances, 14 (2). 19 – 26. ISSN 0974262X
Aditya, Bagas and Amri, Ikhwan (2023) Rethinking Informal Economy Resilience during Crisis: Experience from COVID-19 Pandemic. Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 66 (3). 711 – 737. ISSN 09717927
Amri, Ikhwan and Giyarsih, Sri Rum (2022) Monitoring urban physical growth in tsunami-affected areas: a case study of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. GeoJournal, 87 (3). 1929 – 1944. ISSN 03432521
Gunawan, Endra and Wibiseno, Pandu Setyo and Widiyantoro, Sri and Kholil, Munawar and Ida, Rachmah and Pratama, Cecep and Hanifa, Nuraini Rahma and Hermawan, Iwan and Supendi, Pepen and Karnawati, Dwikorita (2023) The Investigation of Viscoelastic Relaxation Following the 2018 Mw 6.2 Situbondo, Indonesia, Earthquake. GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 41 (8). pp. 4583-4593. ISSN 0960-3182
Jufriansah, A and Anggraini, A and Zulfakriza, Zulfakriza and Khusnani, A and Pramudya, Y (2023) Forecast earthquake precursor in the Flores Sea. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 32 (3). pp. 1825-1836. ISSN 2502-4752
Rahardjo, Adam Pamudji and Jayadi, Rachmad and Legono, Djoko (2023) FLASH FLOOD STUDY ON MT. MERAPI SLOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE MONITORING METHOD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMATE, 25 (107). pp. 42-49. ISSN 2186-2982
Ruslanjari, Dina and Putri, Retno A.P. and Puspitasari, Diana and Sulistiyo, Sigit (2024) Embracing leadership of local actors and community in disaster risk reduction of Yogyakarta. Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 16 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2072845X
Ruslanjari, Dina and Safitri, Elok Wuri and Rahman, Fathin Aulia and Ramadhan, Cahyadi (2023) ICT for public awareness culture on hydrometeorological disaster. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 92. ISSN 22124209
Siadari, Diasdo Arga Dayen and Wilopo, Wahyu and Fathani, Teuku Faisal (2023) Seismic Microzonation Studies in Jogja–Bawen Toll Road, Magelang Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 25 (110). pp. 176-183.
Book Section
Prastica, Rian Mantasa Salve and Erwanto, Zulis and Iranata, Data and Maulana, Mahendra Andiek and Nafil, Tabrizy Azkiyan and Sulaiman, Muhammad (2023) River naturalisation and load sediment detection sensor for community-based flood risk management in Indonesia. In: Handbook of Flood Risk Management and Community Action: An International Perspective. 1 ed. CRC Press, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia, pp. 206-221. ISBN 9781003315247
Conference or Workshop Item
Amri, Ikhwan and Amrullah, Satrio and Sulistiyo, Sigit and Widyaningsih, Anastasia Endar and Hikmasari, Bella Sinta and Nababan, Cornelius Antoni and Wijayanti, Dessy Ayu and Ruslanjari, Dina (2023) COVID-19 crisis, MSMEs resilience, and the role of ICT: A preliminary investigation in rural Bantul, Indonesia. In: The 4th Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium.
Kinanthi, Resti and Wikan, Preti Askunala and Anasfisia, Vinia and Nurmaya, Acintya (2023) Student Attitude to Earthquake Disaster Risk: Role of Motivation and Perception of Risk. In: The 15th of Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery (The 15th AIWEST-DR 2023).
Kumalawati, Rosalina and Yuliarti, Astinana and Ali, Syamani D and Raharjo, Jany Tri and Rijanta, Rijanta and Susanti, Ari and Saputra, Erlis and Murliawan, Karnanto Hendra and Hadi, Inu Kencana and Anggraini, Rizky Nurita (2023) Optimizing disaster communication for future fire mitigation. In: 2022 International Conference on Anthropocene, Global Environmental Change and Powerful Geography, ICoAGPG 2022, 27 Septemebr 2022, online.