Items where Subject is "TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery"

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Abdussalam, N.M. and Ardiyanto, A. (2024) Musculoskeletal symptom survey and ergonomic assessments associated with maintenance tasks in the Indonesian railway industry. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 14 (3). 394 - 403. ISSN 27389707

Afif, A.Z. and Ilman, M.N. (2024) Inhibitive Effects of Chromate, Molybdate, and Nitrate on Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of AA2024-T3 in 3.5 NaCl Solution. In: 7th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2023 (ICMEN 2023); 04-05 Nov, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ICMEN 2023), 4-5 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Agung, Erlangga Satrio and Rifai, Achmad Pratama and Wijayanto, Titis (2024) Image-based facial emotion recognition using convolutional neural network on emognition dataset. Scientific Reports, 14 (1). ISSN 20452322

Agung, Erlangga Satrio and Rifai, Achmad Pratama and Wijayanto, Titis (2024) Image-based facial emotion recognition using convolutional neural network on emognition dataset. Scientific Reports, 14 (1): 14429. ISSN 20452322

Ahmad, Noesanto Dewantoro and Kusmono, Kusmono and Wildan, Muhammad Waziz and Herianto, Herianto (2023) Preparation and properties of cellulose nanocrystals-reinforced Poly (lactic acid) composite filaments for 3D printing applications. Results in Engineering, 17. ISSN 25901230

Aisyah, N. and Ariyadi, H.M. (2024) Performance Evaluation of R1224yd as Alternative to R123 and R245fa for Vapor Compression Heat Pump System. International Journal of Thermodynamics, 27 (1). 13 – 21. ISSN 13019724

Akbar, Gilang H. and Wijayanto, Titis and Hartono, Budi (2024) Situation awareness of distracted walking based on eye-tracking study. Cognition, Technology and Work. ISSN 14355558

Akhyar, Akhyar and Iswanto, P.T. and Malau, V. and Putra, F.P. and Farhan, A. (2024) FATIGUE STRENGTH OF Al-Cu CAST ALLOY WITH DIFFERENT POURING TEMPERATURE. Metalurgija, 63 (2). 197 – 200. ISSN 05435846

Alandro, Daffa and Nugraha, Ariyana Dwiputra and Maulana, Iosif Azurra and Nugroho, Alvin Dio and Erlangga, Wahyu and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin (2024) Comprehensive assessment of hybrid GFRP-graphite filler using modified complex Arcan fixture: Experimental and simulation approach. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 180. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1359835X

Anagra, Ignatius and Bahiuddin, Irfan and Priatomo, Herjuno Rizki and Winarno, Agustinus and Darmo, Suryo and Sandhy, Rienetta Ichmawati Delia and Mazlan, Saiful Amri (2023) Detection of coal wagon load distributions based on geometrical features using extreme learning machine methods. International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore), 16 (2). pp. 939-947. ISSN 25112112

Andoko, Andoko and Gapsari, Femiana and Prasetya, Riduwan and Sulaiman, Abdul Mudjib and Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere and Siengchin, Suchart (2023) Walikukun fiber as lightweight polymer reinforcement: physical, chemical, mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2190-6815

Anugerah, Adhe Rizky and Muttaqin, Prafajar Suksessanno and Purnama, Dwi Adi (2021) Effect of large-scale social restriction (PSBB) during COVID-19 on outdoor air quality: Evidence from five cities in DKI Jakarta Province, Indonesia. Environmental Research, 197. ISSN 00139351

Anugerah, Adhe Rizky and Muttaqin, Prafajar Suksessanno and Purnama, Dwi Adi (2021) Effect of large-scale social restriction (PSBB) during COVID-19 on outdoor air quality: Evidence from five cities in DKI Jakarta Province, Indonesia. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 197. ISSN 0013-9351

Ardiyanto, Ardiyanto and Sahistya, Rena and Halalia, Yustisia and Trapsilawati, Fitri (2024) Hazard Perception of Safety Signal Words Among Educated Non-English Speakers. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Toward an Inclusive and Sustainable Future (HFEM 2023), Malaysia.

Ardiyanto, Ardiyanto and Saraswati, Luthfia Aurensa and Rahmatika, Fanny and Afandi, Ardian Rahman and Trapsilawati, Fitri (2023) Comprehension of international safety signs: A prospective technical workers context. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS, 98. ISSN 0169-8141

Ardiyanto, Ardiyanto and Saraswati, Luthfia Aurensa and Rahmatika, Fanny and Afandi, Ardian Rahman and Trapsilawati, Fitri (2023) Comprehension of international safety signs: A prospective technical workers context. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS, 98. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0169-8141

Ariani, Farida and Suratman, Adhitasari and Siswanta, Dwi (2023) Synthesis of Dialdehyde Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Crosslinked-Chitosan for Preconcentration of Cu(II) Using Batch Method. Key Engineering Materials, 949. pp. 57-65. ISSN 16629795

Ariesta, E.P. and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Al Amin, A.S. and Setiawan, P.H. and Gunawan, H.A. and Juarsa, M. (2024) Non-Dimensional Number Analysis on Natural Circulation Flow Changes Inside Straight-Pipe Heat Exchanger of Water Cooling Tank in FASSIP-02 Test Loop. Atom Indonesia, 50 (2). pp. 201-210. ISSN 01261568

Arif, Wahyudianto and Ilman, M.N. and Iswanto, P.T. and Kusmono, Kusmono and Akhyar, Akhyar (2021) The effect of tool rotation speed on hardness, tensile strength, and microstructure of dissimilar friction stir welding of dissimilar aa5083 and aa6061-t6 alloys. Key Engineering Materials, 892 KE. 159 – 168. ISSN 10139826

Arifvianto, Budi and Iman, Teguh Nur and Prayoga, Benidiktus Tulung and Dharmastiti, Rini and Salim, Urip Agus and Mahardika, Muslim and Suyitno, Suyitno (2021) Tensile properties of the FFF-processed thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) elastomer. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 117 (5-6). 1709 – 1719. ISSN 02683768

Arifvianto, Budi and Iman, Teguh Nur and Prayoga, Benidiktus Tulung and Dharmastiti, Rini and Salim, Urip Agus and Mahardika, Muslim and Suyitno, Suyitno (2021) Tensile properties of the FFF-processed thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) elastomer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 117 (5-6). pp. 1709-1719. ISSN 0268-3768

Arifvianto, Budi and Santoso, Wahyu and Rajagukguk, Kardo and Hayyaulia, Pratyas Sarah and Salim, Urip Agus and Mahardika, Muslim and Suyitno, Suyitno (2023) Recycling of Magnesium Alloy Scrap by Remelting and Chemical De-coating Process. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 29 (4). pp. 33-42.

Arifvianto, Budi and Wirawan, Yuris Bahadur and Salim, Urip Agus and Suyitno, Suyitno and Mahardika, Muslim (2021) Effects of extruder temperatures and raster orientations on mechanical properties of the FFF-processed polylactic-acid (PLA) material. RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL, 27 (10). pp. 1761-1775. ISSN 1355-2546

Ariyadi, Hifni Mukhtar and Jeong, Jongsoo and Saito, Kiyoshi (2022) Computational analysis of hydrogen flow and aerodynamic noise emission in a solenoid valve during fast-charging to fuel cell automobiles. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, 45. ISSN 2352-152X

Arvianto, Ary and Sopha, Bertha Maya and Asih, Anna Maria Sri and Imron, Muhammad Ali (2021) Decision-making behavior of traditional retail in distribution system: A conceptual framework. In: International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, April 5-8, 2021, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Aryaswara, Lugas Gada and Kusni, Muhammad and Wijanarko, Dafa and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin (2024) Advanced properties and failure characteristics of hybrid GFRP-matrix thin laminates modified by micro glass powder filler for hard structure applications. Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwait). pp. 1-14. ISSN 23071877

Aryaswara, Lugas Gada and Sentanuhady, Jayan and Hajad, Makbul and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin (2023) Scientometric Analysis and Systematic Study of Nanomaterial Synthesized via CVD, Sol-Gel, and VPG Methods: A Big Data Clustering Perspective. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 16 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 17912377

Astyanto, Achilleus Hermawan and Nugroho, Akhlisa Nadiantya Aji and Indarto, Indarto and Gusti Ngurah Bagus Catrawedarma, I. and Lucas, Dirk and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto (2023) Statistical characterization of the interfacial behavior captured by a novel image processing algorithm during the gas/liquid counter-current two-phase flow in a 1/3 scaled down of PWR hot leg. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 404: 112179. pp. 1-18. ISSN 00295493


Bahiuddin, Irfan and Imaduddin, Fitrian and Mazlan, Saiful Amri and Ariff, Mohd. H.M. and Mohmad, Khairunnisa Bte and Ubaidillah, Ubaidillah and Choi, Seung-Bok (2021) Accurate and fast estimation for field-dependent nonlinear damping force of meandering valve-based magnetorheological damper using extreme learning machine method. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 318. ISSN 09244247

Bahiuddin, Irfan and Imaduddin, Fitrian and Mazlan, Saiful Amri and Shapiai, Mohd Ibrahim and Ubaidillah, Ubaidillah and Nazmi, Nurhazimah and Mohamad, Norzilawati (2021) A machine learning approach to estimate magnetorheological suspension composition based on magnetic field dependent-rheological properties. Smart Materials and Structures, 30 (10). ISSN 09641726

Bahiuddin, Irfan and Mazlan, Saiful Amri and Imaduddin, Fitrian and Yamasaki, Nobuhiko and Ubaidillah, Ubaidillah (2021) A Transient Model of a Variable Geometry Turbocharger Turbine Using a Passive Actuator. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 46 (3). 2565 – 2577. ISSN 2193567X

Bahiuddin, Irfan and Prasetyo, Tegar and Pratama, Dafa Rezy and Imaduddin, Fitrian and Mazlan, Saiful Amri and Surojo, Surojo (2023) An Optimum Tuning of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Magnetorheological Damper Damping Force for Shock and Vibration Mitigation. In: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation, ICA 2023, 9 - 11 Agustus 2023, Jakarta.

Bahiuddin, Irfan and Siregar, Parsaulian I and Amri Mazlan, Saiful and Nugroho, Rizki S and Imaduddin, Fitrian and Ismail, Andhi A (2021) A Systematic Approach to Estimate Non-Linear System Parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization and Bond Graph Methods. In: 2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA), 25-27 August 2021, Bandung, Indonesia.

Bahiuddin, Irfan and Siregar, Parsaulian I and Amri Mazlan, Saiful and Nugroho, Rizki S and Imaduddin, Fitrian and Ismail, Andhi A (2021) A Systematic Approach to Estimate Non-Linear System Parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization and Bond Graph Methods. In: International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA).

Bahiuddin, Irfan and Wibowo, Setyawan Bekti and Syairaji, M. and Putra, Jimmy Trio and Pandito, Cahyo Adi and Maulana, Ahdiar Fikri and Prastica, Rian Mantasa Salve and Nazmi, Nurhazimah (2021) A systematic approach to predict the behavior of cough droplets using feedforward neural networks method. Fluids, 6 (2). ISSN 23115521

Budiyanto, Eko and Kusmono, Kusmono and Dharmastiti, Rini and Widiastuti, Maria Goreti (2024) Model of Dental Implant Cuff for Minimizing Stress Distribution Around Implant-Bone Interface: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. In: 2024 3rd International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO), 14-16 June 2024, Phuket, Thailand.

Budiyantoro, Cahyo and Rochardjo, Heru S. B. and Nugroho, Gesang (2021) Design, Manufacture, and Performance Testing of Extrusion-Pultrusion Machine for Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Pellet Production. MACHINES, 9 (2).

Budiyantoro, Cahyo and Rochardjo, Heru S. B. and Nugroho, Gesang (2021) Design, manufacture, and performance testing of extrusion–pultrusion machine for fiber-reinforced thermoplastic pellet production. Machines, 9 (2). 1 – 17. ISSN 20751702

Budiyantoro, Cahyo and Rochardjo, Heru S. B. and Nugroho, Gesang (2021) Overmolding of Hybrid Long and Short Carbon Fiber Polypropylene Composite: Optimizing Processing Parameters. JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING, 5 (4).

Budiyantoro, Cahyo and Rochardjo, Heru S. B. and Nugroho, Gesang (2021) Overmolding of hybrid long and short carbon fiber polypropylene composite: Optimizing processing parameters. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 5 (4). ISSN 25044494


Catrawedarma, I. G. N. B. and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Indarto, Indarto (2022) Hydrodynamic behaviors of air-water two-phase flow during the water lifting in a bubble generator type of airlift pump system. HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 58 (6). pp. 1005-1026. ISSN 0947-7411

Catrawedarma, I. G. N. B. and Resnaraditya, Fadliqa Aghid and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Indarto, Indarto (2021) Statistical characterization of the flow structure of air-water-solid particles three-phase flow in the airlift pump-bubble generator system. FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION, 82. ISSN 0955-5986

Catrawedarma, I.G.N.B. and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Indarto, Indarto (2021) The performance of airlift pump for the solid particles lifting during the transportation of gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow: A comprehensive research review. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 235 (2). 606 – 628. ISSN 09544089

Catrawedarma, IGNB. and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Indarto, Indarto (2021) Statistical Characterization of Flow Structure of Air-water Two-phase Flow in Airlift Pump-Bubble Generator System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, 138. ISSN 0301-9322

Catrawedarma, IGNB. and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Indarto, Indarto (2021) Statistical Characterization of Flow Structure of Air–water Two-phase Flow in Airlift Pump–Bubble Generator System. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 138. ISSN 03019322

Cikarge, Ghia Pisti and Masruroh, Nur Aini and Ridwan, Mohammad Kholid (2021) Selection of Wind Farm Locations using AHP and TOPSIS Methods (Case Study: Cilacap Regency). In: 2021 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA), 8-9 December 2021, Surabaya.


Damayanti, Retno and Hartono, Budi and Wijaya, Andi (2021) Complexity, leadership, and megaproject performance: a configuration analysis. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14 (3). 570 – 603. ISSN 20138423

Damayanti, Retno Wulan and Hartono, Budi and Wijaya, Andi Rahadiyan (2021) Project Managers' Perspectives on the Complexity of Construction Megaproject in Indonesia: A Multicase Study. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 49 (2). 153 – 171. ISSN 03608581

Darmawan, Agus and Sheu, D. Daniel (2021) Preventive maintenance scheduling: a simulation-optimization approach. Production and Manufacturing Research, 9 (1). 281 – 298. ISSN 21693277

Darmawan, Agus and Sheu, D. Daniel (2021) Preventive maintenance scheduling: a simulation-optimization approach. PRODUCTION AND MANUFACTURING RESEARCH-AN OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL, 9 (1). pp. 281-298.

Darmawan, Agus and Wong, Hartanto and Thorstenson, Anders (2021) Supply chain network design with coordinated inventory control. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 145. ISSN 13665545

Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Pradecta, Muhammad Reza and Prakoso, Tirto and Indarto, Indarto and Mitrakusuma, Windy H. and Widyaparaga, Adhika (2021) Contact angle dynamics during the impact of single water droplet onto a hot flat practical stainless steel surface under medium Weber numbers. HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 57 (7). pp. 1097-1106. ISSN 0947-7411

Dharmawan, Agus and Evi Masithoh, Rudiati and Zuhrotul Amanah, Hanim (2023) Performance of A Portable NIR Spectrometer to Distinguish Coffee Species Based on Qualitative Chemometric and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Models. In: BIO Web of Conferences, 10-11 October 2023, Yogyakarta.

Dharmawan, Agus and Masithoh, Rudiati Evi and Amanah, Hanim Zuhrotul (2023) Development of PCA-MLP Model Based on Visible and Shortwave Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Authenticating Arabica Coffee Origins. Foods, 12 (11). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2304-8158


Effendi, M. Khoirul and Soepangkat, Bobby O. P. and Harnany, Dinny and Norcahyo, Rachmadi (2023) Multi-performance Optimization in End Milling of GFRP Composites Using Backpropagation Neural Network and Differential Evolution Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp. 325-333. ISSN 21954364

Effendi, M. Khoirul and Soepangkat, Bobby O. P. and Norcahyo, Rachmadi and Suhardjono, Suhardjono and Sampurno, Sampurno (2021) Cutting Force And Surface Roughness Optimizations In End Milling Of Gfrp Composites Utilizing Bpnn-Firefly Method. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (5). 297 – 306. ISSN 2229838X


Fauzun, Fauzun and Yogiswara, Cahyo Wibi (2021) The effect of bellmouth radius and venturi restrictor length on the power and torque of BM-9's engine. Evergreen, 8 (2). 477 – 483. ISSN 21890420

Frasetyo, Mohd. Brado and Wijaya, Fransisco Danang and Firmansyah, Eka (2021) Review on virtual synchronous generator model and control for improving microgrid stability. In: 2021 7th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES), 11-13 February 2021, Chennai, India.


Harnany, Dinny and Effendi, M. Khoirul and Kis Agustin, H. C. and Soepangkat, Bobby O.P. and Sampurno, Sampurno and Norcahyo, Rachmadi (2023) Multi-objective Optimization Using Backpropagation Neural Network and Teaching–Learning-Based-Optimization Method in Surface Grinding Under Dry and Minimum Quantity Lubrication Conditions (MQL). Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp. 334-342. ISSN 21954364

Hartono, Budi and Ghifari, M. Dzaki Agung and Dianita, Orchida (2021) Risk Allocation Preferences in Indonesian Electricity Public-Private Partnership Projects: A Conjoint Analysis. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 49 (3). 154 – 174. ISSN 03608581


Harwati, Harwati and Sri Asih, Anna Maria and Sopha, Bertha Maya (2023) Analysis and Prioritizing Capability in the Halal Resilience Supply Chain: A Fuzzy AHP Approach. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, 34 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2345363X


Hendrato, Hendrato and Puspitasari, Poppy and Jamasri, Jamasri and Triyono, Triyono (2024) Fatigue crack growth rate and mechanical properties of one-step double-side friction stir welded AA6061-T6. Results in Engineering, 21. pp. 1-14. ISSN 25901230

Hendry, J. and Sumanto, B. and Prayoga, B.T. and Budiani, R.L. and Lestari, R.A. and Yuda, P.P. and Nugroho, A.A. (2021) Prototype of Wearable Glasses for Body Temperature Monitoring for COVID-19 Mitigation. In: International Conference on Science and Technology, ICoST 2020.

Hermawan, T.L. and Sriwijaya, R. (2024) Finite Element Analysis of Polyethylene Pipe with Elliptical Hole Supported by Saddle Fusion Patch with Fin. In: International Symposium on Advances and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ISAIME), 13 Oktober 2022, Makasar.

Himarosa, Rela Adi and Sudarisman, Sudarisman and Mudjijana, Mudjijana and Rahman, Muh. Budi Nur and Adi, Rahmad Kuncoro (2024) The Effects of Welding Speed on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Tungsten Inert Gas-Welded Aluminum Alloy 5083 H116. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 573 – 580. ISSN 21954356


Imani, N.A.C. and Kusumastuti, Y. and Petrus, H.T.B.M. and Timotius, D. and Kobayashi, M. (2021) ENHANCED MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC-INORGANIC CHITOSAN/NANO SILICA COMPOSITE FILM. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 15 (2). 1 – 11. ISSN 19853157

Indrawati, Sri and Subagyo, Subagyo and Darmawan, Agus (2024) Navigating circular diapers purchasing in a developing country: The critical roles of behavioural control and intention. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 15. ISSN 26667843

Isharyani, M.E. and Sopha, B.M. and Wibisono, M.A. and Tjahjono, B. (2021) Smart Retail Adaptation Framework for Traditional Retailers: A Systematical Review of Literature. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 13-16 December 2021, Singapore.

Isharyani, Muriani Emelda and Sopha, Bertha Maya and Tjahjono, Benny and Wibisono, M. Arif (2024) Exploring the Smart Retail Scenario for Traditional Retailers: Case Studies From a Developing Country. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 71. pp. 9325-9341. ISSN 0018-9391

Isharyani, Muriani Emelda and Sopha, Bertha Maya and Wibisono, M. Arif and Tjahjono, Benny (2024) Retail technology adaptation in traditional retailers: A technology-to-performance chain perspective. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10 (1): 100204. pp. 1-14. ISSN 21998531


Jalaali, Bahrul and Nasution, Muhammad Ridlo Erdata and Yuana, Kumara Ari and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Dinaryanto, Okto (2021) Investigating the effects of viscosity and density ratio on the numerical analysis of Rayleigh-Taylor instability in two-phase flow using Lattice Boltzmann method: From early stage to equilibrium state. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 411. ISSN 0096-3003

Jamasri, Jamasri and Rochardjo, H. and Nawangsari, P. and Waskito, A.T. (2021) Friction modifiers optimization on tribological properties of non-asbestos organic (Nao) brake pad by doe-taguchi method. Tribology in Industry, 43 (2). 310 – 320. ISSN 03548996

Jamasri, Jamasri and Yudhanto, Ferriawan (2021) Effect of Addition Microcrystalline Cellulose on Mechanical Properties of Jute/Glass Fibers Hybrid Laminated Composite. International Journal of Automotive Engineering, 12 (1). 1 – 8. ISSN 21850992

Jamasri, Jamasri and Yudhanto, Ferriawan and Yudha, Venditias and Syafri, Edi (2023) Mechanical, Physical and Thermal Characterization of PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol)/Chitosan Bioplastic Film. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 41 (3). pp. 687-693. ISSN 03928764


Karuana, Feri and Prismantoko, Adi and Putra, Hanafi Prida and Ruhiyat, Ade Sana and Darmawan, Arif and Adi Saputra, I Nyoman Agus and Syahril, Muhammad and Vuthaluru, Hari B. and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin and Hariana, Hariana (2024) Experimental Investigation of Sulfur and Nitrogen Oxide Emissions and Corrosion Propensity During the Combustion of Coals and Biomass Fuels. Combustion Science and Technology. pp. 1-23. ISSN 00102202

Karuana, Feri and Prismantoko, Adi and Suhendra, Nandang and Darmawan, Arif and Hariana, Hariana and Darmadi, Djarot B. and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin (2023) Investigation of austenitic stainless steel corrosion resistance against ash deposits from co-combustion coal and biomass waste. Engineering Failure Analysis, 150. ISSN 13506307

Karuana, Feri and Prismantoko, Adi and Suhendra, Nandang and Darmawan, Arif and Hariana, Hariana and Darmadi, Djarot B. and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin (2023) Investigation of austenitic stainless steel corrosion resistance against ash deposits from co-combustion coal and biomass waste. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, 150: 107368. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1350-6307

Karuana, Feri and Prismantoko, Adi and Wicaksono, Arief and Ilman, Mochammad Noer and Iswanto, Priyo Tri and Darmawan, Arif and Aziz, Muhammad and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin and Hariana, Hariana (2024) Effects of ash formation during co-firing refuse-derived fuel with coal on initial superheater material degradation. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 46 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 15567036

Khasanah, Rahayu and Jamasri, Jamasri and Yuniarto, Hari Agung and Setiawan, Noor Akhmad (2021) Turnaround Maintenance Assessment in Process Industry in Indonesia: A Case Study. International Journal of Performability Engineering, 17 (10). 858 – 865. ISSN 09731318

Khasani, Khasani and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Itoi, Ryuichi (2021) Numerical study of the effects of CO<sub>2</sub> gas in geothermal water on the fluid-flow characteristics in production wells. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS, 15 (1). pp. 111-129. ISSN 1994-2060

Khasani, Khasani and Prasidha, Willie and Widyatama, Arif and Aziz, Muhammad (2021) Energy-saving and environmentally-benign integrated ammonia production system. Energy, 235. ISSN 03605442

Khasani, Khasani and Prasidha, Willie and Widyatama, Arif and Aziz, Muhammad (2021) Energy-saving and environmentally-benign integrated ammonia production system. ENERGY, 235. ISSN 0360-5442

Kok, Y. H. and Kamarulzaman, N. and Shadzalli, Z. F. Mohd and Manaf, N. Abdul and Shah, Ku Nur Afrina Ku Azman and Yusop, Mohd Zamri Mohd and Rohani, Jafri Mohd and Hartono, Budi and Tuyen, Nguyen Duc (2023) Control Analysis of Biomass Gasification with Combined Heat and Power System. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress, Malaysia.

Kumolosari, Eli and Sudarja, Sudarja and Indarto, Indarto and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Hermawan, Hermawan (2024) Experimental Study on Two-Phase Flow Pattern of Air-Mixture of Distilled Water and 2 Butanol in Horizontal Mini Channel. Science and Technology Asia, 29 (3). pp. 158-165. ISSN 25869027

Kuo, R. J. and Lu, Shih-Hao and Lai, Pei-Yu and Mara, Setyo Tri Windras (2022) Vehicle routing problem with drones considering time windows. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 191. ISSN 0957-4174

Kuo, R. J. and Luthfiansyah, Muhammad Fernanda and Masruroh, Nur Aini and Zulvia, Ferani Eva (2023) Application of improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm to solve disruption for the two-stage vehicle routing problem with time windows. Expert Systems with Applications, 225. ISSN 09574174

Kusmono, Kusmono and Bora, C. and Salim, U. A. (2021) Effects of Cold Rolling and Annealing Time on Fatigue Resistance of AA5052 Aluminum Alloy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, 34 (9). pp. 2189-2197. ISSN 1025-2495

Kusmono, Kusmono and Wildan, Muhammad Waziz and Lubis, Fadhlan Ihsan (2021) Fabrication and Characterization of Chitosan/Cellulose Nanocrystal/Glycerol Bio-Composite Films. POLYMERS, 13 (7).

Kusumaningsih, Haslinda and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Indarto, Indarto and Alfath, Muhammad Fakhri and Madani, M. Rian Alif and Ritonga, Aldy Franstanata (2023) Fourier and Wavelet Analysis of Pressure Fluctuations in Gas-Non-Newtonian Liquid Two-Phase Flows in a Microchannel. Multiphase Science and Technology, 35 (3). pp. 67-80. ISSN 0276-1459


Ludwika, Adinda Sekar and Rifai, Achmad Pratama (2024) Deep Learning for Detection of Proper Utilization and Adequacy of Personal Protective Equipment in Manufacturing Teaching Laboratories. Safety, 10 (1). pp. 1-30. ISSN 2313576X

Ludwika, Adinda Sekar and Rifai, Achmad Pratama (2024) Deep Learning for Detection of Proper Utilization and Adequacy of Personal Protective Equipment in Manufacturing Teaching Laboratories. Safety, 10 (1). ISSN 2313576X

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This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 01:00:34 2025 WIB.