Items where Subject is "TP Chemical technology"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- T Technology (5)
- TP Chemical technology (7)
- Biotechnology (7)
- Chemical engineering (54)
- TP Chemical technology (7)
- T Technology (5)
Agustika, Dyah K. and Mercuriani, Ixora S. and Ariyanti, Nur Aeni and Purnomo, Chandra W. and Triyana, Kuwat and Iliescu, Daciana D. and Leeson, Mark S. (2021) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Compounds Emitted by Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus-Infected Chili Plants: A Preliminary Study. SEPARATIONS, 8 (9).
Airyn, Anastasya Erica and Apriyani, Firda and Petrus, Himawan T. B. M. and Angelina, Marissa and Kristiani, Anis and Pambudi, Fajar Inggit and Aisyiyah Jenie, S.N. (2024) Preliminary Study on the Modification of Quantum Dots/Geothermal Silica Nanocomposites with Breast Cancer Antibody (MUC-1). In: International Conference on Sensor Technology 2023 (INCOST 2023), 8-9 September 2023, Bali.
Anggraeni, Andian Ari and Triwitono, Priyanto and Lestari, Lily Arsanti and Harmayani, Eni (2023) Functional characteristics of composite flour made from fermented cassava flour and soy protein concentrate containing porang glucomannan. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Banyuwangi.
Anggraeni, Venisa Mega Puteri and Supriyatna, Yayat Iman and Astuti, Widi and Sumardi, Slamet and Prasetya, Agus and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Purnomo, Chandra Wahyu (2023) Ilmenite Sand Direct Leaching Kinetics in Hydrochloric Acid Solution. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy. ISSN 21993831
Ardani, Aulia Safrina and Millati, Ria and Yanti, Rini and Rohana, Nanda Legiasa Rabiul Tsani and Hidayat, Chusnul (2023) Glycerolysis-Interesterification of Palm Olein and Coconut Oil Blend using Two High-Shear Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 25 (4). 1 -9. ISSN 15098117
Ardani, Aulia Safrina and Millati, Ria and Yanti, Rini and Rohana, Nanda Legiasa Rabiul Tsani and Hidayat, Chusnul (2023) Glycerolysis-Interesterification of Palm Olein and Coconut Oil Blend using Two High-Shear Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 25 (4). 1 -9. ISSN 00221155
Ariyanto, Teguh and Masruroh, Kuni and Pambayun, Gita Yunita Sri and Mukti, Nur Indah Fajar and Cahyono, Rochim Bakti and Prasetya, Agus and Prasetyo, Imam (2021) Improving the Separation of CO<sub>2</sub>/CH<sub>4</sub> Using Impregnation of Deep Eutectic Solvents on Porous Carbon. ACS OMEGA, 6 (29). pp. 19194-19201. ISSN 2470-1343
Aryaswara, Lugas Gada and Sentanuhady, Jayan and Hajad, Makbul and Muflikhun, Muhammad Akhsin (2023) Scientometric Analysis and Systematic Study of Nanomaterial Synthesized via CVD, Sol-Gel, and VPG Methods: A Big Data Clustering Perspective. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 16 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 17912377
Asmoro, Novian Wely and Hidayat, Chusnul and Ariyanto, Teguh and Millati, Ria (2023) Cellulose Isolation from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Using Different Pretreatment Processes. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (Taiwan), 26 (11). 1513 -1520. ISSN 27089967
Astuti, Widi and Avista, Dira and Prihutami, Pramesti and Wanta, Kevin Cleary and Prakosa, Agus and Anggara, Ferian and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti (2024) Atmospheric Leaching Behavior and Kinetics of Nickel and Cobalt from Halmahera Limonite Ore. International Journal of Technology, 15 (4). 824 -833. ISSN 20869614
Astuti, Widi and Nurjaman, Fajar and Rofiek Mufakhir, Fika and Sumardi, Slamet and Avista, Dira and Cleary Wanta, Kevin and Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, Himawan (2023) A novel method: Nickel and cobalt extraction from citric acid leaching solution of nickel laterite ores using oxalate precipitation. Minerals Engineering, 191: 107982. pp. 1-6. ISSN 08926875
Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Febrina, Fergie and Anindia, Ignesti and Darmawati, Galuh Almas and Fenyka, Desi Amalia and Purwono, Suryo and Rochmadi, Rochmadi (2021) Development of Ultralow Interfacial Tension Lignosulfonate from Kraft Black Liquor for Enhanced Oil Recovery. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 53 (2). ISSN 2337-5779
Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Febrina, Fergie and Anindia, Ignesti and Darmawati, Galuh Almas and Fenyka, Desi Amalia and Purwono, Suryo and Rochmadi, Rochmadi (2021) Development of ultralow interfacial tension lignosulfonate from kraft black liquor for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 53 (2). ISSN 23375779
Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Febrina, Fergie and Anindia, Ignesti and Darmawati, Galuh Almas and Fenyka, Desi Amalia and Purwono, Suryo and Rochmadi, Rochmadi (2021) Development of ultralow interfacial tension lignosulfonate from kraft black liquor for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 53 (2). ISSN 23375779
Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Kristanto, Jonas and Purnomo, Chandra Wahyu (2021) A Techno-Economic Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Conversion to Energy in Indonesia. SUSTAINABILITY, 13 (13).
Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Kristanto, Jonas and Purnomo, Chandra Wahyu (2021) A techno‐economic evaluation of municipal solid waste (Msw) conversion to energy in indonesia. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (13). ISSN 20711050
Barambu, Nafiu Umar and Bilad, Muhammad Roil and Marbelia, Lisendra and Arahman, Nasrul (2021) Gravity-driven membrane filtration for decentralized water and wastewater treatment. Elsevier, 177 – 185. ISBN 978-012820644-7; 978-012820877-9
Budhijanto, Budhijanto and Pancasakti, Bima Prasetya (2024) Evaluating the Potential of Hydrogen Production from Agricultural Waste in Indonesia: A Comparative Techno-economic Analysis. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 14 (2). 618 – 623. ISSN 21464553
Budiyati, Eni and Rochmadi, Rochmadi and Budiman, Arief and Budhijanto, Budhijanto (2023) Hydroxylation Kinetics of Epoxidized Tung Oil Using Methanol as Nucleophilic Agent. International Journal of Technology, 14 (5). pp. 1060-1071. ISSN 20872100
Bueno, Beatriz Egerland and Muniz Brito, André Luiz and Garcia Rea, Victor. S. and Kurnianto, Rifki Wahyu and Zaiat, Marcelo and van Lier, Jules. B. (2024) Anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) with external ultrafiltration membrane for the treatment of sugar beet vinasse. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 12. pp. 1-12. ISSN 22964185
Candraningrum, Roch Galih Saktya and Setiowati, Arima Diah and Hidayat, Chusnul (2023) Electrostatic-Maillard formation of coconut protein Concentrate-Pectin conjugate for Oil-in-Water Emulsion: Effects of Ratio, Temperature, and pH. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 22 (1). pp. 18-24. ISSN 1658077X
Chafidz, Achmad and Rusdi, Suharno and Nurrahman, Imam and Haryanto, Haryanto and Wibowo, Agam Duma Kalista and Kusmayadi, Adi and Hartanto, Danang Tri (2024) Synthesis of silver (Ag) nano/micro-particles via green process using Andrographis paniculata leaf extract as a bio-reducing agent. Communications in Science and Technology, 9 (1). 199 - 206. ISSN 25029258
Chaidir, Hadi Ramansah and Hng, Yin Ying and Stavik, Jaroslav and Rochmadi, Rochmadi (2024) Differences of Chemical and Physical Properties on Fractionated Dissolving Pulp During Alkalizing and Aging Process. International Journal of Technology, 15 (2). 279 – 288. ISSN 20869614
Damayanti, Astrilia and Sarto, Sarto and Sediawan, Wahyudi Budi (2020) Biohydrogen production by reusing immobilized mixed culture in batch system. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 9 (1). 37 – 42. ISSN 22524940
Damayanti, Sri Ismiyati and Bayonita, Silwina and Budhijanto, Wiratni and Sarto, Sarto and Mustika, I Wayan and Purnomo, Chandra Wahyu (2020) The Study of Immobilized Media and Ni Ion Addition Effects on COD Removal of POME Using Anaerobic Filter Reactor. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (12). 7045 – 7051. ISSN 18772641
Dewati, Putri Restu and Rochmadi, Rochmadi and Rohman, Abdul and Yuliestyan, Avido and Budiman, Arief (2021) Equilibrium Modeling of Astaxanthin Extraction from <i>Haematococcus pluvialis</i>. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 21 (3). pp. 554-563. ISSN 1411-9420
Elmaria, Falah Azizah and Aulia, Fauzan and Hidayati, Luthfiana N. and Kristiani, Anis and Sudiyarmanto, Sudiyarmanto and Kusumastuti, Yuni and Jenie, S. N. Aisyiyah and Petrus, Himawan Tri Murti Bayu (2024) Facile synthesis of magnetic-fluorescent iron oxide-geothermal silica core/shell nanocomposites via modified sol–gel method. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 110 (1). 27 – 36. ISSN 09280707
Fatimah, Siti and Sarto, Sarto and Fahrurrozi, Moh and Budhijanto, Budhijanto (2023) Characterization and Development of Gelatin from Cow Bones: Investigation of the Effect of Solvents Used for Soaking Beef Bones. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13 (3). pp. 1-17. ISSN 20763417
Fatimah, Siti and Sarto, Sarto and Fahrurrozi, Moh and Budhijanto, Budhijanto (2023) Characterization and Development of Gelatin from Cow Bones: Investigation of the Effect of Solvents Used for Soaking Beef Bones. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 13 (3). pp. 1-17.
Griyanitasari, Gresy and Kusumastuti, Yuni and Pertiwiningrum, Ambar and Fitriyanto, Nanung Agus and Wagiman, Wagiman and Abidin, Mohammad Zainal and Erwanto, Yuny (2024) Chrome Uptake and Thermal Stability of Wet Blue Leather Tanned by Static and Rotating Drum. Textile and Leather Review, 7. 352 – 365. ISSN 26236257
Hartati, Indah and Sulistyo, Hary and Sediawan, Wahyudi Budi and Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Fahrurrozi, Mohammad (2021) Microwave-Assisted Urea-Based-Hydrotropic Pretreatment of Rice Straw: Experimental Data and Mechanistic Kinetic Models. ACS OMEGA, 6 (20). pp. 13225-13239. ISSN 2470-1343
Hasanah, Y.M. and Raharjo, Sri and Pranoto, Yudi and Ningrum, Andriati (2023) The optimization of oil extraction by surfactant-assisted aqueous extraction process of rice bran (Oryza sativa L.) using Box-Behnken design. Food Research, 7 (5). 219 -225. ISSN 25502166
Heriyanto, Heri and Muraza, Oki and Nasser, Galal A. and Sanhoob, Mohammed Ahmed and Bakare, Idris A. and Budhijanto, Budhijanto and Rochmadi, Rochmadi and Wijaya, Karna and Budiman, Arief (2023) Improvement of Catalyst Activity in Methanol-to-Olefin Conversion via Metal (Sr/La) Impregnation over ZSM-5 Catalyst. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, 14 (1). pp. 142-151. ISSN 2086-9614
Ismail, Insyirah and Kurnia, Kiki Adi and Samsuri, Shafirah and Bilad, Muhammad Roil and Marbelia, Lisendra and Ismail, Noor Maizura and Khan, Asim Laeeq and Budiman, Arief and Susilawati, Susilawati (2021) Energy efficient harvesting of Spirulina sp. from the growth medium using a tilted panel membrane filtration. Bioresource Technology Reports, 15. ISSN 2589014X
Izzati, A. U. N. and Petrus, H. T. B. M. and Prasetya, A. (2021) Nickel recovery from precipitate of NCA lithium-ion battery leach liquor by using disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetate. In: International Seminar on Mineral and Coal Technology.
Jayanudin, Jayanudin and Rochmadi, Rochmadi and Fahrurrozi, Moh. and Wirawan, Sang Kompiang (2021) Characterization of cross-linked chitosan by ionic and covalent crosslinking agents as wall material of red ginger oleoresin microcapsules. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 14 (6). 3380 – 3388. ISSN 09743618
Jayaudin, Jayanudin and Rochmadi, Rochmadi and Fahrurozi, Ohammad and Kompiang, Wirawan S. (2023) Diffusion coefficient determination to evaluate the release of red ginger oleoresin from the chitosan microcapsules. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 29 (6). pp. 1-9.
Jeem, Melbert and Ishida, Ryosuke and Kondo, Minako and Shimizu, Yuto and Kawaguchi, Takahiro and Dong, Kaixin and Kurniawan, Ade and Kunisada, Yuji and Sakaguchi, Norihito and Nomura, Takahiro (2024) Shell-Driven Localized Oxide Nanoparticles Determine the Thermal Stability of Microencapsulated Phase Change Material. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16 (3). 3509 – 3519. ISSN 19448244
Jenie, S. N. Aisyiyah and Kusumastuti, Yuni and Krismastuti, Fransiska S. H. and Untoro, Yovilianda M. and Dewi, Rizna T. and Udin, Linar Z. and Artanti, Nina (2021) Rapid Fluorescence Quenching Detection of <i>Escherichia coli</i> Using Natural Silica-Based Nanoparticles. SENSORS, 21 (3).
Karyadi, Joko Nugroho Wahyu and Ayuni, Dwi and Rohani, Tsania Ayu and Susanti, Devi Yuni (2020) Effect of drying temperature of small scale spray dryer on physical properties of coffee powder. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 28 (4). 1315 – 1327. ISSN 01287680
Kawaguchi, T. and Jeem, M. and Kurniawan, A. and Dong, K. and Kondo, M. and Sato, Y. and Nakamura, T. and Nomura, T. (2024) Composite phase change material based on Al alloy with durability of over 10,000 cycles for high-temperature heat utilization. Journal of Energy Storage, 75. ISSN 2352152X
Kawaguchi, Takahiro and Jeem, Melbert and Kurniawan, Ade and Dong, Kaixin and Kondo, Minako and Sato, Yusuke and Nakamura, Tomokazu and Nomura, Takahiro (2024) Composite phase change material based on Al alloy with durability of over 10,000 cycles for high-temperature heat utilization. Journal of Energy Storage, 75. ISSN 2352152X
Kayati, Fitri Nur and Purnomo, Chandra Wahyu and Kusumastuti, Yuni and Rochmadi, Rochmadi (2023) The optimization of hydrogel strength from cassava starch using oxidized sucrose as a crosslinking agent. Green Processing and Synthesis, 12 (1).
Kayati, Fitri Nur and Purnomo, Chandra Wahyu and Kusumastuti, Yuni and Rochmadi, Rochmadi (2023) The optimization of hydrogel strength from cassava starch using oxidized sucrose as a crosslinking agent. GREEN PROCESSING AND SYNTHESIS, 12 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2191-9542
Khasanah, Yuniar and Indrianingsih, Anastasia Wheni and Triwitono, Priyanto and Murdiati, Agnes (2023) Antioxidant, total phenolic content and physicochemical properties of modified cassava flour. In: 6th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, AEFS 2022, 27 October 2022, Medan.
Kristanto, Jonas and Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Purwono, Suryo (2021) Multi-distribution activation energy model on slow pyrolysis of cellulose and lignin in TGA/DSC. HELIYON, 7 (7).
Kristanto, Jonas and Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Purwono, Suryo (2023) Numerical Solution of nth Order DAEM for Kinetic Study of Lignocellulosic Biomass Pyrolysis. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 55 (3). pp. 261-274. ISSN 2337-5779
Kristanto, Jonas and Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Purwono, Suryo (2023) Numerical Solution of nth Order DAEM for Kinetic Study of Lignocellulosic Biomass Pyrolysis. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 55 (3). pp. 261-274. ISSN 2337-5779
Kristiani, Anis and Takeishi, Kaoru and Jenie, Siti Nurul Aisyiyah and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti (2024) Bimetallic Ni-Fe Supported by Gadolinium Doped Ceria (GDC) Catalyst for CO2 Methanation. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, 19 (1). 99 – 107. ISSN 19782993
Kurniasari, Mita and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Kusumastuti, Yuni (2023) The Effect of Sonication Time for Synthesis of Magnetic Mesoporous Nanosilica using Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) as Surfactant-Template. Materials Science Forum, 1093. pp. 63-68. ISSN 16629752
Kusuma, Hersandy Dayu and Rochmadi, Imam and Prasetyo, Imam and Ariyanto, Teguh (2021) Mesoporous Manganese Oxide/Lignin-Derived Carbon for High Performance of Supercapacitor Electrodes. MOLECULES, 26 (23).
Lestari, D. and Syamsul, E.S. and Wirnawati, W and Syofyan, S. and Rohman, A. and Hamidi, D. (2023) AUTHENTICATION OF RATTUS NORVEGICUS FAT AND OTHER ANIMAL FATS USING GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY (GC-MS) AND PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS (PCA). International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 15 (Specia). pp. 39-44. ISSN 09757058
Lopulalan, Cinthya G.C. and Marseno, Djagal Wiseso and Marsono, Yustinus and Pranoto, Yudi (2023) Chemical characterization, total starch, amylose and resistance starch of local cocoyam in Maluku, Indonesia. Food Research, 7 (1). 230 -235. ISSN 25502166
Mandela, Jason and Trisunaryanti, Wega and Triyono, Triyono and Koketsu, Mamoru and Fatmawati, Dyah Ayu (2021) Hydrochloric Acid and/or Sodium Hydroxide-modified Zeolite Y for Catalytic Hydrotreating of α-Cellulose Bio-Oil. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 21 (4). pp. 787-796. ISSN 1411-9420
Masruroh, Kuni and Cahyono, Rochim Bakti and Prasetyo, Imam and Ariyanto, Teguh (2021) The Effect of Amine Types on Breakthrough Separation of Methane on Biogas. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT-IJRED, 10 (2). pp. 249-255. ISSN 2252-4940
Masruroh, Kuni and Cahyono, Rochim Bakti and Prasetyo, Imam and Ariyanto, Teguh (2021) The effect of amine types on breakthrough separation of methane on biogas. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 10 (2). 249 – 255. ISSN 22524940
Maulidia, Anisa and Sujoto, Vincent Sutresno Hadi and Sudarmaja, Dewa Putu Agus and Putri, Januarti Jaya Eka and Jenie, Siti Nurul Aisyiyah and Astuti, Widi and Supriyatna, Yayat Iman and Warmada, I. Wayan and Sutijan, Sutijan and Anggara, Ferian and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti (2023) Kinetic Study of Lithium Leaching from Sidoarjo Mud Using Sulfuric Acid. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 40 (4). pp. 1279-1288. ISSN 25243470
Mellyanawaty, Melly and Marbelia, Lisendra and Sarto, Sarto and Prijambada, Irfan Dwidya and Rochman, Yova Andika Yeni and Budhijanto, Wiratni (2024) Application of anaerobic digestion model No. 1 on thermophilic anaerobic digestion with microbial immobilization media for biogas production from sugarcane vinasse. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 22133437
Mellyanawaty, Melly and Nakakoji, Sumire and Tatara, Masahiro and Marbelia, Lisendra and Sarto, Sarto and Prijambada, Irfan Dwidya and Budhijanto, Wiratni and Ueno, Yoshiyuki (2021) Enrichment of thermophilic methanogenic microflora from mesophilic waste activated sludge for anaerobic digestion of garbage slurry. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 132 (6). pp. 630-639. ISSN 1389-1723
Mindaryani, Aswati and Rahayuningsih, Edia and Wijayanto, Nikodemus Bambang and Masulili, Alwan Naufal (2021) The Effect of Temperature on Solvent Recycle Process using Stripping of CO2 from MDEA, Ethylene Glycol, and Water. In: 6th International Energy Conference (Astechnova 2021).
Mindaryani, Aswati and Sulton, Ali and Setiawan, Felix Arie and Rahayuningsih, Edia (2023) Natural Dye Extraction from Merbau (Intsia bijuga) Sawdust: Optimization of Solid–Solvent Ratio and Temperature. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 51 (6). pp. 481-492.
Mukti, Nur Indah Fajar and Ariyanto, Teguh and Sediawan, Wahyudi Budi and Prasetyo, Imam (2021) Oxygen-enriched surface modification for improving the dispersion of iron oxide on a porous carbon surface and its application as carbon molecular sieves (CMS) for CO<sub>2</sub>/CH<sub>4</sub> separation. RSC ADVANCES, 11 (58). pp. 36782-36791.
Mutiara, Tintin and Fahrurrozi, Mohammad and Sulistyo, Hary and Hidayat, Muslikhin (2023) Green synthesis methods and characterization of bacterial cellulose/silver nanoparticle composites. Green Processing and Synthesis, 12 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 21919550
Mutiara, Tintin and Fahrurrozi, Mohammad and Sulistyo, Hary and Hidayat, Muslikhin (2023) Green synthesis methods and characterization of bacterial cellulose/silver nanoparticle composites. GREEN PROCESSING AND SYNTHESIS, 12 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2191-9542
Naryo, Nur Bayu Maulida and Prasetyo, Imam and Cahyono, Rochim Bakti and Ariyanto, Teguh (2021) Upgrading methane purity in biogas plant gamping by using carbon-based molecular sieve. Key Engineering Materials, 884 KE. 98 – 103. ISSN 10139826
Ngatirah, Ngatirah and Hidayat, Chusnul and Rahayu, Endang Sutriswati and Utami, Tyas (2023) Antibacterial Activity of the Purified Monolaurin from Enzymatic Glycerolysis of Palm Kernel Olein-Stearin against Bacillus subtilis. Applied Food Biotechnology, 10 (2): 820. 129 -140. ISSN 23455357
Nisya, Alinda Fitrotun and Rochmadi, Rochmadi and Budiman, Arief (2024) Mass Transfer Phenomena during the Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Algal Oil from Spirulina sp. International Journal of Technology, 15 (4). 927 -936. ISSN 20869614
Nugraha, Maulana G. and Saptoadi, Harwin and Hidayat, Muslikhin and Andersson, Bengt and Andersson, Ronnie (2021) Particulate Matter Reduction in Residual Biomass Combustion. ENERGIES, 14 (11).
Nugraha, Maulana G. and Saptoadi, Harwin and Hidayat, Muslikhin and Andersson, Bengt and Andersson, Ronnie (2021) Particulate matter reduction in residual biomass combustion. Energies, 14 (11). ISSN 19961073
Nugroho, Agung Azan and Azis, Muhammad Mufti and Ariyanto, Teguh (2023) An Approach For Selecting CO2 Removal Technology In Indonesia's Upstream Natural Gas Industry Using AHP Method. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (Taiwan), 27 (5). pp. 2489-2500. ISSN 27089975
Nurjaman, Fajar and Adhalia, Dysa and Sari, Yuliana and Astuti, Widi and Sumardi, Slamet and Haryono, Tri and Nulhakim, Lukman and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Saptoro, Agus and Prasetya, Agus (2024) Valorization of Solid Residue from the Lateritic Nickel Ore Leaching Process for Ferronickel Production. Waste and Biomass Valorization. pp. 1-24. ISSN 18772641
Pambudiarto, Benny Arif and Mindaryani, Aswati and Deendarlianto, Deendarlianto and Budhijanto, Wiratni (2020) Evaluation of the effect of operating parameters on the performance of orifice/porous pipe type micro-bubble generator. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 52 (2). 196 – 207. ISSN 23375779
Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Fairuz, Faaza Ihda and Sa'dan, Naala and Olvianas, Muhammad and Astuti, Widi and Jenie, S. N. Aisyiyah and Setiawan, Felix Arie and Anggara, Ferian and Ekaputri, Januarti Jaya and Bendiyasa, I. Made (2021) Green geopolymer cement with dry activator from geothermal sludge and sodium hydroxide. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 293. ISSN 0959-6526
Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Fairuz, Faaza Ihda and Sa'dan, Naala and Olvianas, Muhammad and Astuti, Widi and Jenie, S.N. Aisyiyah and Setiawan, Felix Arie and Anggara, Ferian and Ekaputri, Januarti Jaya and Bendiyasa, I Made (2021) Green geopolymer cement with dry activator from geothermal sludge and sodium hydroxide. Journal of Cleaner Production, 293. ISSN 09596526
Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Fairuz, Faaza Ihda and Sa'dan, Naala and Olvianas, Muhammad and Astuti, Widi and Jenie, S.N. Aisyiyah and Setiawan, Felix Arie and Anggara, Ferian and Ekaputri, Januarti Jaya and Bendiyasa, I Made (2021) Green geopolymer cement with dry activator from geothermal sludge and sodium hydroxide. Journal of Cleaner Production, 293. ISSN 09596526
Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Olvianas, Muhammad and Astuti, Widi and Nurpratama, Muhammad Istiawan (2021) Valorization of Geothermal Silica and Natural Bentonite through Geopolymerization: A Characterization Study and Response Surface Design. International Journal of Technology, 12 (1). 195 – 206. ISSN 20869614
Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Olvianas, Muhammad and Astuti, Widi and Nurpratama, Muhammad Istiawan (2021) Valorization of Geothermal Silica and Natural Bentonite through Geopolymerization: A Characterization Study and Response Surface Design. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, 12 (1). pp. 195-206. ISSN 2086-9614
Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Olvianas, Muhammad and Suprapta, Wisnu and Setiawan, Felix Arie and Prasetya, Agus and Sutijan, Sutijan and Anggara, Ferian (2020) Cenospheres characterization from Indonesian coal-fired power plant fly ash and their potential utilization. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8 (5). ISSN 22133437
Pradana, Yano Surya and Sadewo, Brilian Ryan and Haryanto, Samuel Andar and Sudibyo, Hanifrahmawan (2021) Selection of oil extraction process from Chlorella species of microalgae by using multi-criteria decision analysis technique for biodiesel production. OPEN CHEMISTRY, 19 (1). pp. 1029-1042. ISSN 2391-5420
Prameswara, Gyan and Amin, Idi and Ulfah, Andi Nurfaadhilah and Trisnawati, Iga and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti and Puspita, Fitria (2024) Atmospheric Leaching Behavior and Kinetics Study of Roasted Laterite Ore. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 41 (2). 1025 – 1033. ISSN 25243462
Prameswara, Gyan and Trisnawati, Iga and Handini, Tri and Poernomo, Herry and Mulyono, Panut and Prasetya, Agus and Petrus, Himawan Tri Murti Bayu (2023) Recovery of Critical Elements (Dysprosium and Ytterbium) from Alkaline Process of Indonesian Zircon Tailings: Selective Leaching and Kinetics Study. International Journal of Technology, 14 (4). pp. 770-779. ISSN 20872100
Prameswara, Gyan and Trisnawati, Iga and Mulyono, Panut and Prasetya, Agus and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti (2021) Leaching Behaviour and Kinetic of Light and Heavy Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Zircon Tailings in Indonesia. JOM, 73 (4). 988 – 998. ISSN 10474838
Prameswara, Gyan and Trisnawati, Iga and Mulyono, Panut and Prasetya, Agus and Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti (2021) Leaching Behaviour and Kinetic of Light and Heavy Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Zircon Tailings in Indonesia. JOM, 73 (4). pp. 988-998. ISSN 1047-4838
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