Items where Subject is "QC Physics"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 251.


Absor, Moh Adhib Ulil and Ishii, Fumiyuki (2021) Large band splitting with tunable spin polarization in the two-dimensional ferroelectric Ga<i>XY</i> family (<i>X</i> = Se, Te; <i>Y</i> = Cl, Br, I). PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103 (4). ISSN 2469-9950

Afaha, Rizky and Katriani, Laila and As’ari, Ahmad Hasan and Sari, Nur Laili Indah and Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Rianjanu, Aditya and Roto, Roto and Triyana, Kuwat (2023) Enhanced trimethylamine gas sensor sensitivity based on quartz crystal microbalance using nanofbers overlaid with maltodextrin. MRS Communications, 13 (4). pp. 664-672. ISSN 21596859

Affi, Jon and Handayani, Murni and Anggoro, Muhammad Aulia and Esmawan, Agung and Sabarman, Harsojo and Satriawan, Ardianto and Shalannanda, Wervyan and Siburian, Rikson and Anshori, Isa (2023) Electrochemical and capacitive behavior of reduced graphene oxide from green reduction of graphene oxide by urea for supercapacitor electrodes. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34 (22). ISSN 09574522

Aflaha, Rizky and Afiyanti, Henny and Azizah, Zhafirah Nur and Khoirudin, Hanif and Rianjanu, Aditya and Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Roto, Roto and Triyana, Kuwat (2023) Improving ammonia sensing performance of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) coated with nanofibers and polyaniline (PANi) overlay. Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, 13: 100300. ISSN 25901370

Aflaha, Rizky and Katriani, Laila and As'ari, Ahmad Hasan and Sari, Nur Laili Indah and Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Rianjanu, Aditya and Roto, Roto and Triyana, Kuwat (2023) Enhanced trimethylamine gas sensor sensitivity based on quartz crystal microbalance using nanofibers overlaid with maltodextrin. MRS COMMUNICATIONS, 13 (4). pp. 664-672.

Aflaha, Rizky and Maharani, Chlara Naren and Putri, Linda Ardita and Prabowo, Yuliyan Dwi and Rahman, Iman and Taher, Tarmizi and Rianjanu, Aditya and Roto, Roto and Wasisto, Hutomo Suryo and Triyana, Kuwat (2024) A superhydrophobic and heat-resistant PAN/PSU/PTFE composite nanofiber membrane for high-efficiency PM1.0 and PM2.5 filtration. Materials Advances, 5 (24). p. 9731. ISSN 26335409

Aflaha, Rizky and Sari, Nur Laili Indah and Katriani, Laila and As'ari, Ahmad Hasan and Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Rianjanu, Aditya and Roto, Roto and Wasisto, Hutomo Suryo and Triyana, Kuwat (2023) Maltodextrin-overlaid polyvinyl acetate nanofibers for highly sensitive and selective room-temperature ammonia sensors. Microchemical Journal, 193: 109237. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0026265X

Aliah, Hasniah and Puspita Rini, Nugraheni and Syafar Farouk,, Irfan and Zurnansyah, Zurnansyah and Jestha Mahardhika, Larrisa and Dwi Jayanti, Putri and Perdana Kusumah, Hafil and Marsel Tumbelaka, Rivaldo and Imani Istiqomah, Nurul and Sumawati Asri, Nining and Nur Iman, Ryan and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Microstructures, Optical, magnetic Properties, and photocatalytic activity of magnetically separable and reusable ZnO-Doped Fe3O4/rGO nanocomposite synthesized via green route. Carbon Resources Conversion, 7 (4): 100235. ISSN 25889133

Alifkalaila, Astrid and Mitrayana, Mitrayana and Widyaningrum, Rini (2021) Photoacoustic Imaging System based on Diode Laser and Condenser Microphone for Characterization of Dental Anatomy. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (6). 2363 – 2368. ISSN 20885334

Alifkalaila, Astrid and Mitrayana, Mitrayana and Widyaningrum, Rini (2021) Photoacoustic Imaging System based on Diode Laser and Condenser Microphone for Characterization of Dental Anatomy. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (6). 2363 – 2368. ISSN 20885334

Amalia, Fia and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2024) First-principles study on structural and electronic properties of P3HT-graphene. Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, 34 (1): 1833. ISSN 08576149

Aminatun, Aminatun and Suciati, Tri and Sari, Yessie Widya and Sari, Mona and Alamsyah, Kartika A and Purnamasari, Wulan and Yusuf, Yusril (2023) Biopolymer-based polycaprolactone-hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 72 (5). pp. 376-385. ISSN 00914037

Aminatun, Aminatun and Suciati, Tri and Sari, Yessie Widya and Sari, Mona and Alamsyah, Kartika A. and Purnamasari, Wulan and Yusuf, Yusril (2023) Biopolymer-based polycaprolactone-hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS AND POLYMERIC BIOMATERIALS, 72 (5). pp. 376-385. ISSN 0091-4037

Andriyanti, Wiwien and Hidayati Nur, Maureen Annisatul Choir and Sari, Emi Kurnia and Sujitno, Tjipto and Suprihatin, Hari and Sari, Vika Arwida Fanita and Wijayanto, Agus and Taryana, ana and Mulyawan, Ade and Purwanto, Setyo and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Magnetic properties and microstructural of ion-implanted Gadolia doped Ceria-Barium monoferrite thin film deposited on Kapton for electromagnetic wave absorber application. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1005: 176207. ISSN 09258388

Anggraini, R. and Sari, M. and Aminatun, Aminatun and Suciati, T. and Dahlan, K. and Yusuf, Y. (2021) Nanostructure of carbonated hydroxyapatite precipitation extracted from pearl shells (Pinctada maxima) by pH treatment. DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES, 16 (4). pp. 1619-1625. ISSN 1842-3582

Apriati, Yosephine Novita and Kristiawan, Bambang and Jannah, Nikmatul and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2023) Drug-Molecule Adsorption onto Silicon-Doped Fullerene: A Density Functional Theory Study. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 23 (6). pp. 1742-1749. ISSN 14119420

Apriati, Yosephine Novita and Kristiawan, Bambang and Jannah, Nikmatul and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2023) Drug-Molecule Adsorption onto Silicon-Doped Fullerene: A Density Functional Theory Study. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 23 (6). pp. 1742-1749.

Apriyanto, Donni Kis and Mitrayana, Mitrayana and Setiawan, Andreas and Widyaningrum, Rini (2024) Therapeutic and Contrast Agents for Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy: A Narrative Review. Nanotheranostics, 8 (4). pp. 506-520. ISSN 2206-7418

Arifin, Muhammad and Nawa, Kenji and Nakamura, Kohji (2021) Optical and magneto-optical anisotropies of FeCu superlattice: band-by-band decomposition analysis. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 60 (9). ISSN 0021-4922

Ariswan, Ariswan and Isnaeni, Isnaeni and Warsono, Warsono and Fauzi, Fika and Pebriana, Irvany Nurita and Suparno, Suparno and Sari, Emi Kurnia and Al Ashfiya, Bian Itsna Ashfa and Dwandaru, Wipsar Sunu Brams (2023) Carbon Nanodots/Cajuput Oil Composites for Potential Antibacterial Applications. Current Nanoscience, 19 (4). 612 – 619. ISSN 15734137

Ariswan, Ariswan and Isnaeni, Isnaeni and Warsono, Warsono and Fauzi, Fika and Pebriana, Irvany Nurita and Suparno, Suparno and Sari, Emi Kurnia and Al Ashfiya, Bian Itsna Ashfa and Dwandaru, Wipsar Sunu Brams (2023) Carbon Nanodots/Cajuput Oil Composites for Potential Antibacterial Applications. Current Nanoscience, 19 (4). pp. 612-619. ISSN 15734137

As'ari, Ahmad Hasan and Aflaha, Rizky and Katriani, Laila and Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Santoso, Iman and Yudianti, Rike and Triyana, Kuwat (2024) An ultra-sensitive ammonia sensor based on a quartz crystal microbalance using nanofibers overlaid with carboxylic group-functionalized MWCNTs. Analyst. ISSN 00032654

Asih, Andrea S. and Zamroni, Akhmad and Sagala, Saurina T. and Tingson, Keshia N. and Putra, Adam S. (2023) Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments of the Coastal Area Around Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Their Relations to Land-Use Types. Iraqi Geological Journal, 56 (1). 156 – 168. ISSN 24146064

Astuti, Suryani Dyah and Tamimi, Mohammad H. and Pradhana, Anak A.S. and Alamsyah, Kartika A. and Purnobasuki, Hery and Khasanah, Miratul and Susilo, Yunus and Triyana, Kuwat and Kashif, Muhammad and Syahrom, Ardiyansyah (2021) Gas sensor array to classify the chicken meat with E. coli contaminant by using random forest and support vector machine. Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, 9. ISSN 25901370

Aziz, Ihwanul and Mulyani, Emy and Yusuf, Yusril (2023) Morphological, mechanical and antibacterial properties of Ti–Cu–N thin films deposited by sputtering DC. Heliyon, 9 (6): e17170. ISSN 24058440

Boer, Daniel and Setyadi, Chalis (2021) GTMD model predictions for diffractive dijet production at EIC. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 104 (7). ISSN 2470-0010

Boer, Daniel and Setyadi, Chalis (2023) Probing gluon GTMDs through exclusive coherent diffractive processes. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 83 (10).

Darmawan, Mahardika Yoga and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Adrianto, Nanang and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Green synthesis of Fe3O4/Ag composite nanoparticles using Moringa oleifera: Exploring microstructure, optical, and magnetic properties for magnetic hyperthermia applications. RESULTS IN CHEMISTRY, 6.

Darmawan, Mahardika Yoga and Saputra, Marhan Ebit and Rumiyanti, Leni and Istiqomah, Nurul Iman and Adrianto, Nanang and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Ardiyanti, Harlina and Wibowo, Nur Aji and Asri, Nining Sumawati and Angel, Julia and Aliah,, Hasniah and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Novel green synthesis approach of Fe3O4-MSN/Ag nanocomposite using moringa oleifera extract for magnetic hyperthermia applications. Current Applied Physics, 68. 242 - 256. ISSN 15671739

Darmawan, Mahardika Yoga and Saputra, Marhan Ebit and Rumiyanti, Leni and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Adrianto, Nanang and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Ardiyanti, Harlina and Wibowo, Nur Aji and Asri, Nining Sumawati and Angel, Julia and Aliah, Hasniah and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Novel green synthesis approach of Fe3O4-MSN/Ag nanocomposite using moringa oleifera extract for magnetic hyperthermia applications. Current Applied Physics, 68. 242 - 256. ISSN 15671739

Dharmawan, Agus Budi and Mariana, Shinta and Scholz, Gregor and Hoermann, Philipp and Schulze, Torben and Triyana, Kuwat and Garces-Schroeder, Mayra and Rustenbeck, Ingo and Hiller, Karsten and Wasisto, Hutomo Suryo and Waag, Andreas (2021) Nonmechanical parfocal and autofocus features based on wave propagation distribution in lensfree holographic microscopy. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Dinatha I., Kadek Hariscandra and Jamilludin, Muhammad A. and Supii, Apri I. and Wihadmadyatami, Hevi and Partini, Juliasih and Yusuf, Yusril (2024) Porous scaffold hydroxyapatite from sand lobster shells (Panulirus homarus) using polyethylene oxide/chitosan as polymeric porogen for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 112 (1): e35341. ISSN 15524973

Diputra, Arian Hermawan and Dinatha, I. Kadek Hariscandra and Cahyati, Nilam and Fatriansyah, Jaka Fajar and Taufik, Muhamad and Hartatiek, Hartatiek and Yusuf, Yusril (2024) Electrospun polyvinyl alcohol nanofiber scaffolds incorporated strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite from sand lobster shells: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro biological properties. Biomedical Materials (Bristol), 19 (6): 065021. ISSN 17486041

Evita, Maria and Zakiyyatuddin, Azka and Seno, Sensius and Aminah, Nina Siti and Srigutomo, Wahyu and Meilano, Irwan and Setiawan, Ari and Darmawan, Herlan and Suyanto, Imam and Irzaman, Irzaman and Yasin, Mohammad and Perdinan, Perdinan and Apsari, Retna and Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Suryanto, Wiwit and Djamal, Mitra (2021) Development of volcano warning system for kelud volcano. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 53 (2). ISSN 23375779

Fadlliyana, Malika and Fajariah, Nurul and Nurwantoro, Pekik and Prayogi, Harmon and Purnawati, Diki and Oktavina, Cristina Wulan and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2024) Structural Stability of Vacancy and Substitutional Defects in g-GaN: A First-Principles Study. Trends in Sciences, 21 (12): 8592. ISSN 27740226

Fajariah, Nurul and Fadlliyanai, Malika and Purnawati, Diki and Prayogi, Harmon and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2024) Structural, Energetic, and Electronic Properties of H-Interstitial in C-Monovacancy: A First-Principles Density Functional Theory. Trends in Sciences, 21 (6): 7657. ISSN 27740226

Fardela, Ramacos and Suparta, Gede Bayu and Ashari, Ahmad and Triyana, Kuwat (2021) Experimental Characterization of Dosimeter Based on a Wireless Sensor Network for A Radiation Protection Program. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (4). 1468 – 1473. ISSN 20885334

Fauzi, Fika and Rianjanu, Aditya and Santoso, Iman and Triyana, Kuwat (2021) Gas and humidity sensing with quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) coated with graphene-based materials – A mini review. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 330. ISSN 09244247

Felasari, Sushardjanti and Sani Roychansyah, Muhammad (2021) Supporting Community Participation for Sustainable Smart City Implementation in Indonesian Cities. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. 467 – 477. ISSN 18668755

Garcia, Shania and Mabarroh, Ni `matil and Darmawan, Mahardika Yoga and Wibowo, Nur Aji and Ardiyanti, Harlina and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Two spin-valve GMR thin films on half wheatstone bridge circuit for detecting green-synthesized Fe3O4@Ag nanoparticles-labeled biomolecule. MATERIALIA, 32.

Hamzah, Muhammad Sadat and Wildan, Muhammad Waziz and Kusmono, Kusmono and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Effect of sintering temperature on physical, mechanical, and electrical properties of nano silica particles synthesized from Indonesia local sand for piezoelectric application. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 11 (1). pp. 178-187. ISSN 21870764

Handoko, Fauzi and Yusuf, Yusril (2021) Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Poly(vinyl) Alcohol Nanocomposites Reinforced with Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Tea (<i>Camellia sinensis</i>) Waste. MATERIALS, 14 (23).

Hermanto, Arief and Prayogi, Harmon and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Partini, Juliasih and Sholihun, Sholihun (2023) Quantum-based first-principles study of gas molecules (O2, CO2, NO2) interaction on monolayer germanene. Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, 30 (4). pp. 1-5. ISSN 08576149

Hermanto, Arief and Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro and Budhi, Romy H. S (2023) Chameleonic dark matter and reheating constraints in a logarithmic f (R) gravity. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 32 (7). ISSN 1793-6594

Humairah, Nur Aisyah and Nurijal, Ihsan and Sofa, Sintia Ainus and Chaerunnisa, Andi and Roto, Roto and Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Sujiono, Eko Hadi and Triyana, Kuwat (2023) Molecularly imprinted polyvinyl acetate doped with boric acid for sensitivity and selectivity of ammonia sensing by QCM. Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, 13: 100320. ISSN 25901370

Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Larasati, Dyah Ayu and Hanifah, Aprinanda Nafla Aulia and Olivia, Lusiana and Oshima, Daiki and Kato, Takeshi and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Photocatalytic Removal of Methylene Blue Dye Using CoZnFe2O4/SiO2 Magnetic Nanoparticles. Key Engineering Materials, 940. pp. 55-64. ISSN 16629795

Juharni, J. and Maulana, Ilyas and Suharyadi, Edi and Kato, Takeshi and Iwata, Satoshi (2021) The effect of ag concentration of core-shell fe3o4@ag nanoparticles for sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance (Spr)-based biosensor. Key Engineering Materials, 884 KE. 337 – 341. ISSN 10139826

Juharni, Juharni and Yahya, Ilyas Maulana and Suharyadi, Edi and Kato, Takeshi and Iwata, Satoshi (2021) Microstructures, Absorption Spectra, and Magnetic Properties of Core-shell Fe3O4@Ag Nanoparticles for Enhancing Sensitivity of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Sensor. International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, 14 (3). 209 – 218. ISSN 19855761

Juharni, Juharni and Yahya, Ilyas Maulana and Suharyadi, Edi and Kato, Takeshi and Iwata, Satoshi (2021) Microstructures, Absorption Spectra, and Magnetic Properties of Core-shell Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>@Ag Nanoparticles for Enhancing Sensitivity of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Sensor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOELECTRONICS AND MATERIALS, 14 (3). pp. 209-218. ISSN 1985-5761

Kadek Hariscandra Dinatha, I. and Jamilludin, M.A. and Supii, A.I. and Wihadmadyatami, H. and Partini, J. and Yusuf, Y. (2024) Porous scaffold hydroxyapatite from sand lobster shells (Panulirus homarus) using polyethylene oxide/chitosan as polymeric porogen for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 112 (1). ISSN 15524973

Kaloari, Ruth Meisye and Widianto, Eri and Dana, I. Ketut Agus Putra and Lukmantoro, Arif and Suharyadi, Edi and Kato, Takeshi and Iwata, Satoshi and Absor, Moh . Adhib Ulil and Santoso, Iman (2023) Anomalous optical properties of bismuth ultrathin film using spectroscopic ellipsometry in the visible-Ultraviolet range. THIN SOLID FILMS, 773. ISSN 0040-6090

Kardiman, Kardiman and Marlina, Dewi and Imran, Al Ichlas and Fauji, Najmudin and Riswan, Muhammad and Burhan, Nanang and Widianto, Eri (2024) Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite Based on Al–Mg–ZnO Phase. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 13 (6). 1040 -1048. ISSN 21929262

Kartika, Bayu Mahdi and Harsojo, Harsojo and Rismana, Eriawan (2021) Caking Phenomena During Pilot-Scale Crystallization of Dextrose Monohydrate. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 21 (5). pp. 1097-1110. ISSN 1411-9420

Katriani, Laila and Aflaha, Rizky and As'ari, Ahmad Hasan and Nurwantoro, Pekik (2024) Nanofiber-coated quartz crystal microbalance with chitosan overlay for highly sensitive room temperature ammonia gas sensor. Microchemical Journal, 206: 111532. ISSN 0026265X

Khanifah, Siti and Legowo, Alda Dwi Karina and Sholihun, Sholihun and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi (2023) Physical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Chitosan Films with the Addition of Anthocyanin Extract from Butterfly Pea for Food Packaging Applications. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 23 (4). 1021- 1031. ISSN 14119420

Kombo, Kombo Othman and Ihsan, Nasrul and Syahputra, Tri Siswandi and Hidayat, Shidiq Nur and Puspita, Mayumi and Wahyono, Wahyono and Roto, Roto and Triyana, Kuwat (2024) Enhancing classification rate of electronic nose system and piecewise feature extraction method to classify black tea with superior quality. Scientific African, 24: e02153. ISSN 24682276

Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Purnawati, Diki and Rohmatillah, Ani and Mahardika, Dian Nur (2024) Photocatalysis-Assisted Process of Reusable PVA/TiO2 Nanofibers. Trends in Sciences, 21 (7): 7772. ISSN 27740226

Legowo, Budi and Putra, Shandiyano and Mufti, Muhammad K.I. and Purwanto, Heri and Rifai, Hamdi and Suryanto, Wiwit and Purnama, Budi (2023) Identification pyroclastic flow of magnetic minerals (Holocene volcano): A case study of paleo-volcano Lawu on the south side, Central Java, Indonesia. Kuwait Journal of Science, 50 (4). pp. 724-730. ISSN 23074108

Legowo, Budi and Putra, Shandiyano and Purwanto, Heri and Rifai, Hamdi and Suryanto, Wiwit and Purnama, Budi (2023) Magnetic Properties of Ancient Sediments Bengawan Solo, Central Java-East Java, Indonesia. Trends in Sciences, 20 (5). ISSN 27740226

Leonita, Rahmadany and Sismanto, Sismanto and Marjiyono, Marjiyono (2024) Microtremor Analysis to Identify Fissure Vulnerable Zones in Demak, Central Java, Indonesia; Analisis Mikrotremor untuk Mengenal Pasti Zon Terdedah Rekahan di Demak, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Sains Malaysiana, 53 (7). 1533 -1544. ISSN 01266039

Lewerissa, Richard and Sismanto, Sismanto and Lapono, Laura A. S. (2023) Identification of sediment–basement structure in West Papua province, Indonesia, using gravity and magnetic data inversion as an Earth’s crust stress indicator. Acta Geophysica, 71 (1). pp. 209-226. ISSN 18956572

Mahardhika, Larrisa Jestha and Zurnansyah, Zurnansyah and Kusumah, Hafil Perdana and Jayanti, Putri Dwi and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Ardiyanti, Harlina and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Sari, Emi Kurnia and Asri, Nining Sumawati and Angel, Julia and Aliah, Hasniah and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Photodegradation enhancement of organic dyes using magnetically separable and reusable Fe3O4/rGO nanocomposites green-synthesized utilizing plant leaves extract. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 10: 100915. ISSN 26660164

Mardiansyah, Dedi and Usna, Sri Rahayu Alfitri and Nafisah, Suratun and Harsojo, Harsojo and Hatika, Rindi Genesa (2024) Improving the Performance of Transparent Conducting Electrodes Based on Cu Nanowires. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 24 (3). pp. 893-899. ISSN 14119420

Muchlis, Muchlis and Hanifah, Nurul and Ilham, Indar Wahyuni and Ningsih, Ayudiah Satria and Zharvan, Vicran and Samnur, Samnur and Zurnansyah, Zurnansyah and Sujiono, Eko Hadi (2024) Synthesis and Characterization of Coconut Shell Waste-Based Graphene Oxide Composite with Nd2O3 via Solid-State Reaction. Evergreen, 11 (4). 3005 -3014. ISSN 21890420

Muslim, Roni and Anugraha, Rinto and Sholihun, Sholihun and Rosyid, Muhammad Farchani (2021) Phase transition and universality of the three-one spin interaction based on the majority-rule model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C, 32 (09). ISSN 0129-1831

Muslim, Roni and Mulya, Didi Ahmad and Akbar, Zulkaida and NQZ, Rinto Anugraha (2024) The impact of social noise on the majority rule model across various network topologies. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 189: 115718. ISSN 09600779

Muslim, Roni and NQZ, Rinto Anugraha and Khalif, Muhammad Ardhi (2024) Mass media and its impact on opinion dynamics of the nonlinear q-voter model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 633: 129358. ISSN 03784371

Nafisah, Syifaun and Sa’Adah, Nazilatul Laili and Effendy, Nazrul (2024) Marketing Strategy of Library Digital Services. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 44 (5). 346 – 352. ISSN 09740643

Nareswari, Tantri Liris and Juniatik, Meta and Aminatun, Aminatun and Sari, Mona and Utami, Ratna Annisa and Sari, Yessie Widya and Khairurrijal, Khairurrijal and Yusuf, Yusril and Suciati, Tri (2023) A facile technique for overcoming seeding barriers of hydrophobic polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite-based nanofibers for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 13 (2). 49 – 60. ISSN 22313354

Nareswari, Tantri Liris and Juniatik, Meta and Aminatun, Aminatun and Sari, Mona and Utami, Ratna Annisa and Sari, Yessie Widya and Khairurrijal, Khairurrijal and Yusuf, Yusril and Suciati, Tri (2023) A facile technique for overcoming seeding barriers of hydrophobic polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite-based nanofibers for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 13 (2). pp. 49-60. ISSN 22313354

Nisa, Aminatun and Sari, Mona and Yusuf, Yusril (2023) Viability Base Gel as Potential for Fabricating<i> Crassostrea</i><i> gigas</i> Hydroxyapatite (HA-Crassostrea gigas shell) Gel for Dental Caries Repair. JOURNAL OF BIOMIMETICS BIOMATERIALS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 62. pp. 15-20.

Nurwantoro, Pekik and Yunitasari, Sefty and Prayogi, Harmon and Hidayati, Sri and Sholihun, Sholihun (2024) First-principles density functional theory for the structural, electronic, and phonon calculations of Ca-doped bilayer graphene. International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering: 2450004. ISSN 20476841

Nuryana, A. and Mahmudah, R. S. N. and Khakim, A. (2023) Neutronic Parameter Analysis of Plate-Type Fueled TRIGA 2000 Reactor by MCNPX. ATOM INDONESIA, 49 (2). pp. 77-88.

Nuryana A, Nuryana A and Mahmudah R.S.N., Mahmudah R.S.N. and Khakim A, Khakim A (2023) Eutronic Parameter Analysis of Plate-Type Fueled TRIGA 2000 Reactor by MCNPX. Atom Indonesia, 49 (2). pp. 77-88. ISSN 23565322

Panre, Andi Marwanti and Yahya, Ilyas Maulana and Juharni, Juharni and Suharyadi, Edi (2021) Magneto-optic surface plasmon resonance properties of core-shell Fe3O4@Ag nanoparticles. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12 (4). ISSN 20436262

Paramahasti, Markus and Putra, Valentinus Galih Vidia and Yusuf, Yusril (2024) An analysis of ramie fiber (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) treated with low temperature plasma using a mathematical model. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 31 (1). pp. 255-264. ISSN 25765299

Patty, Diana Julaidy and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Ana, Ika Dewi and Aminatun, None and Sari, Yessie Widya and Gunawarman, None and Yusuf, Yusril (2023) The enhanced properties and bioactivity of poly-ϵ-caprolactone/poly lactic-co-glycolic acid doped with carbonate hydroxyapatite-egg white. RSC Advances, 13 (49). 34427 – 34438. ISSN 20462069

Permatasari, Hestining A and Sari, Mona and Aminatun, Aminatun and Suciati, Tri and Dahlan, Kiagus and Yusuf, Yusril (2021) Nano-carbonated hydroxyapatite precipitation from abalone shell (Haliotis asinina) waste as the bioceramics candidate for bone tissue engineering. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 11. ISSN 18479804

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Rumiyanti, Leni and Garcia, Shania and Fauzi Syamsuri, Muhammad Mahfudz and Marjunus, Roniyus and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Chotimah, Chotimah and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Characteristics of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles-Benzotriazole (MSN-BTA) Using Rice Husk as an Environmentally Friendly Precursor. Solid State Phenomena, 356. pp. 107-112. ISSN 10120394

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Widianto, Eri and Shobih, Natalita Maulani and Nursam, Natalita Maulani and Hanna, Muhammad Yusrul and Triyana, Kuwat and Rusydi, Andrivo and Santoso, Iman (2023) Electronic correlations enhance optical absorption in graphene oxide- modified methylammonium lead iodide perovskite. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 947.

Widianto, Eri and Shobih, Shobih and Nursam, Natalita Maulan and Hanna, Muhammad Yusrul and Kuwat, Triyana and Rusydi, Andrivo and Santoso, Iman (2023) Electronic correlations enhance optical absorption in graphene oxide-modified methylammonium lead iodide perovskite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 947: 169634. ISSN 9258388

Widianto, Eri and Shobih, Shobih and Nursam, Natalita Maulani and Hanna, Muhammad Yusrul and Triyana, Kuwat and Rusydi, Andrivo and Santoso, Iman (2023) Electronic correlations enhance optical absorption in graphene oxide-modified methylammonium lead iodide perovskite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 947: 169634. pp. 1-7. ISSN 09258388

Widianto, Eri and Shobih, Shobih and Rosa, Erlyta Septa and Triyana, Kuwat and Nursam, Natalita Maulani and Santoso, Iman (2021) Graphene oxide as an effective hole transport material for low-cost carbon-based mesoscopic perovskite solar cells. ADVANCES IN NATURAL SCIENCES-NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 12 (3). ISSN 2043-6254

Widianto, Eri and Shobih, Shobih and Rosa, Erlyta Septa and Triyana, Kuwat and Nursam, Natalita Maulani and Santoso, Iman (2021) Performance analysis of carbon-based perovskite solar cells by graphene oxide as hole transport layer: Experimental and numerical simulation. OPTICAL MATERIALS, 121. ISSN 0925-3467

Widyawarman, Danang and Sismanto, Sismanto and Purnama, Aditya Yoga (2024) Mapping Earthquake Vulnerable Areas Based on Microtremor Measurements Near Kebumen City. Malaysian Journal of Science, 43 (4). 38 -43. ISSN 13943065

Winardi, Sarju and Surjono, Sugeng Sapto and Amijaya, Donatus Hendra and Suryanto, Wiwit (2024) Quantifying the Impact of Siderite Composition and Reservoir Resistivity (Rt) on Water Saturation Estimation in Low-Resistivity Sideritic Sandstone Reservoirs Using the Graphic Plot Method. Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas, 4 (2). pp. 89-100. ISSN 20893361

Yulianto, Nursidik and Refino, Andam Deatama and Syring, Alina and Majid, Nurhalis and Mariana, Shinta and Schnell, Patrick and Wahyuono, Ruri Agung and Triyana, Kuwat and Meierhofer, Florian and Daum, Winfried and Abdi, Fatwa F. and Voss, Tobias and Wasisto, Hutomo Suryo and Waag, Andreas (2021) Wafer-scale transfer route for top-down III-nitride nanowire LED arrays based on the femtosecond laser lift-off technique. MICROSYSTEMS & NANOENGINEERING, 7 (1). ISSN 2055-7434

Yulianto, Nursidik and Refino, Andam Deatama and Syring, Alina and Majid, Nurhalis and Mariana, Shinta and Schnell, Patrick and Wahyuono, Ruri Agung and Triyana, Kuwat and Meierhofer, Florian and Daum, Winfried and Abdi, Fatwa F. and Voss, Tobias and Wasisto, Hutomo Suryo and Waag, Andreas (2021) Wafer-scale transfer route for top–down III-nitride nanowire LED arrays based on the femtosecond laser lift-off technique. Microsystems and Nanoengineering, 7 (1). ISSN 20557434

Yusbarina, Yusbarina and Roto, Roto and Triyana, Kuwat (2021) Stainless steel/hydroxyl functionalized graphene electrode for electrochemical oxidation of methyl orange. Key Engineering Materials, 884 KE. 32 – 38. ISSN 10139826

Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro (2024) Analysis of General Cases of Sliding Ladder on Frictionless Surfaces Without Calculus. The Physics Educator, 6 (1). ISSN 26613395

Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro (2024) Comment on 'Expressing Newton's second law of motion as Fnet =2ma and kinetic energy as KE = mv2'. Physics Education, 59 (1). ISSN 00319120

Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro (2023) Comment on ‘Expressing Newton’s second law of motion as Fnet =2ma and kinetic energy as KE = mv2 ’. Physics Education, 59 (1). ISSN 00319120

Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro (2024) Comment on ‘Expressing Newton’s second law of motion as Fnet =2ma and kinetic energy as KE = mv2 ’. Physics Education, 59 (1): 018001. ISSN 00319120

Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro (2024) Comparing Central Force Formulation in Newtonian and Special Theory of Relativity. The Physics Educator, 6 (1). ISSN 26613395

Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro (2024) A Simple Method to Determine Electric and Magnetic Field Line Equations Using Flux Analysis. Physics Educator. ISSN 26613395

Yusmantoro, Yusmantoro and Achmad, Arifin and Julianto, Rian (2023) Reheating constraints in modified natural inflation with the decaying inflaton. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 32 (7): 2350035. ISSN 02182718

Zorn, Edgar U and Vassileva, Magdalena and Walter, Thomas R. and Darmawan, Herlan and Röhler, Leonie and Amelung, Falk (2023) Interactions of magmatic intrusions with the multiyear flank instability at Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia: Insights from InSAR and analogue modeling. Geology, 51 (4). pp. 340-344. ISSN 00917613

Book Section

Ardan, La and Yusuf, Yusril (2024) Synthesis and Characterization of Carbonate Hydroxyapatite from Pokea Clam Shells (Batissa Violacea Var. Celebensis) by Precipitation and Hydrothermal Methods. In: Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 109-114.

Cahyati, Nilam and Sari, Mona and Yusuf, Yusril (2024) Properties of Carbonated Hydroxyapatite-Based Scaffold from Oyster Shells Composited with Honeycomb and Polyethylene Oxide for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications. In: Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 103-108.

Darmawan, Herlan and Putra, Raditya and Budi-Santoso, Agus and Humaida, Hanik and Walter, Thomas R (2023) Morphology and Instability of the Merapi Lava Dome Monitored by Unoccupied Aircraft Systems. In: Active Volcanoes of the World. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, pp. 457-472.

Dinatha, I. Kadek H. and Jamilludin, Muhammad A. and Supii, Apri I. and Wihadmadyatami, Hevi and Partini, Juliasih and Yusuf, Yusril (2023) Characteristics of Bioceramic Hydroxyapatite Based on Sand Lobster Shells (Panulirus homarus) as Sources of Calcium with Optimal Calcination Temperature. In: Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 39-44.

Fatomi, Zohan Syah and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2023) Atomic Vibrational Effect on Vacancy Concentration of Gray Tin (α-Sn): Computation Based on Density Functional Theory. In: Solid State Phenomena. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 139-146.

Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Larasati, Dyah Ayu and Hanifah, Aprinanda Nafla Aulia and Olivia, Lusiana and Oshima, Daiki and Kato, Takeshi and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Photocatalytic Removal of Methylene Blue Dye Using CoZnFe2O4/SiO2 Magnetic Nanoparticles. In: Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 55-64.

Jannah, Nikmatul and Apriati, Yosephine Novita and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Sholihun, Sholihun (2024) Adsorption Energies of X-Doped Fullerene (X = Si, Sn, BN): A First-Principles Study. In: Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 117-121.

Juwita, Erna and Sulistiani, Fitria Ayu and Darmawan, Mahardika Yoga and Oshima, Daiki and Kato, Takeshi and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Microstructures, Magnetic Properties and Specific Absorption Rate of Polymer-Modified Bismuth Ferrite Nanoparticles. In: Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 21-29.

Lukmantoro, Arif and Ulil Absor, Moh. Adhib (2023) First Principle Calculations of Magnetic Proximity Effect Induced Valley Splitting on Heterointerface WS2/CoO(111). In: Solid State Phenomena. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 147-152.

Rumiyanti, Leni and Garcia, Shania and Fauzi Syamsuri, Muhammad Mahfudz and Marjunus, Roniyus and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Chotimah, Chotimah and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Characteristics of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles-Benzotriazole (MSN-BTA) Using Rice Husk as an Environmentally Friendly Precursor. In: Solid State Phenomena. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 107-112.

Sitorus, Friska Suryani and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Nuswantari, Auliatataning and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Dielectrics and Optical Properties of Green-Synthesized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles. In: Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 173-181.

Suharli A.J, Suharli A.J and Kusumasari, Ervanggis Minggar and Mahendra, Bhisma and Yusuf, Yusril (2023) Convective Structure of Nematic Liquid Crystal in Parallelepiped Transverse Cell. In: Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 75-79.

Yusnaini, Helmi and Marzuki, Marzuki and Ramadhan, Ravidho and Muharsyah, Roby and Vonnisa, Mutya and Afdal, Afdal and Harmadi, Harmadi (2024) Climatology of Precipitation Diurnal Cycle Over Java and Bali Island from IMERG V06 and Rain Gauge Data. In: Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer Nature, pp. 81-92.

Conference or Workshop Item

Adam, Apriadi Salim and Firdaus, Firdaus and Satriawan, Mirza (2023) The phenomenology of sphaleron in modified mirror model. In: 1st Conference on Quantum Sciences and Technology, ConQuest 2022, 22 November 2022through 24 November 2022, Virtual, Online.

Ahmad Fauzi, Rizal and Imani Istiqomah, Nurul and Kurnia Sari, Emi and Suharyadi, Edi and Aliah, Hasniah (2024) Concentration Dependences of Photocatalytic Activity in Green-Synthesis Fe3O4/TiO2Nanocomposite Utilizing Moringa Oleifera for Methylene Blue Dye Degradation. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1 - 4 August 2023, Bandung.

Alam I.S., Alam I.S. and Maywenson S.B., Maywenson S.B. (2023) Revisiting the charmonium spectra within the non-relativistic framework using the Matrix Numerov method. In: 11th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications, ICOPIA 2022, 10 - 11 August 2022, Virtual, Online.

Aliyah, F. and Pinasti, S.G. and Rahman, A.A. (2021) Proton therapy facilities: An overview of the development in recent years. In: International Energy Conference, ASTECHNOVA 2021.

Alwan, Muhammad Azzam and Sulistyani, Eko Tri and Budhi, Romy H. S. (2023) Non-minimally coupled Higgs inflation with Starobinsky gravity. In: 1st Conference on Quantum Sciences and Technology, ConQuest 2022, 22 November 2022through 24 November 2022, Virtual, Online.

Arifin, M. and Suharyadi, E. and Ahmadi, A.G.C. and Nawa, K. and Nakamura, K. (2024) Enhanced Sensitivity of Magneto-Optical Surface Plasmon Resonance in the FeCu Superlattices. In: 14th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications, ISMOA 2023, 1 - 4 August 2023, Bandung.

Arifin, Maulana Ali and Khamsah, Nova Maras Nurul and Najati, Nayla and Suryanto, Wiwit and Prabowo, Irawan Eko (2023) Data Collection Platform Design using LEO Satellite-based LoRa for Disaster Management in Indonesia. In: 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AEROSPACE ELECTRONICS AND REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY, ICARES.

Binarti, F. and Koerniawan, M. D. and Triyadi, S. and Utami, S. S. (2020) Maximizing the ENVI-met Capability of Modelling the Mean Radiant Temperature of a Tropical Archaeological Site. In: 4th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science, ICEES 2020, 8 January 2020, Perth.

Budianti, Siska Irma and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Sari, Emi Kurnia and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Heavy Metal Ions Removal from Aqueous Solution using NiZnFe2O4/TiO2Nanocomposites Adsorbent. In: 10th Asian Physics Symposium 2023, APS 2023, 3 - 4 October 2023, Bandung.

Budiarto, R. and Dewanto, B.G. and Novitasari, D. and Aliyah, F. (2020) Solar Energy Potential Mapping around Yogyakarta Palace As an Effort in Integrating Renewable Energy into Cultural Based Economic Development. In: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Environment, ICoGEE 2020.

Darmawan, Herlan and Yuliantoro, Pamungkas and Suryanto, Wiwit and Rakhman, Afif and Santoso, Agus Budi (2020) Deformation and instability at Merapi dome identified by high resolution camera. In: 5th International Conferences of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing, ICOIRS 2019 and and Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing Congress, 17 September 2019, Bandung.

Darmawan, Mahardika Yoga and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Nugraheni, Ari Dwi and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) Heating Efficiency of Green Synthesized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Utilizing Moringa oleifera Extract for Magnetic Hyperthermia Applications. In: Advances in Science and Technology, 22 - 24 November 2023, Chiang Mai.

Dewanto, B. G. and Novitasari, D. and Tan, Y. C. and Puruhito, D. D. and Fikriyadi, Z. A. and Aliyah, F. (2020) Application of Web 3D GIS to Display Urban Model and Solar Energy Analysis using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Data (Case Study: National Cheng Kung University Buildings). In: International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Built Environment 2019, ICRESBE 2019, 14 September 2019, Bandung.

Fajrul Haqqi, Muhammad and Saroji, Sudarmaji and Prakoso, Suryo (2023) An implementation of XGBoost algorithm to estimate effective porosity on well log data. In: 11th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications, ICOPIA 2022, 10 August 2022through 11 August 2022, Virtual, Online.

Fauzi, M.F. and Anggraini, A. and Riyanto, A. and Ngadmanto, D. and Suryanto, W. (2021) Crustal thickness estimation in Indonesia using receiver function method. In: The 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics.

Fauzi, M.F. and Anggraini, A. and Riyanto, A. and Ngadmanto, D. and Suryanto, W. (2021) Crustal thickness estimation in Indonesia using receiver function method. In: The 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics.

Gustin Nurdialit, Dwi and Mujtahid Anas, Ahmad and Mitrayana, Mitrayana (2023) Photoacoustic microscopy system for biological tissue imaging. In: 11th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications, ICOPIA 2022, 10 August 2022through 11 August 2022, 11th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications, ICOPIA 2022.

Hadi, Arif Ismul and Brotopuspito, Kirbani S and Pramumijoyo, Subagyo and Hardiyatmo, Hary C (2021) Determination of Weathered Layer Thickness around the Landslide Zone using the Seismic Refraction Method. In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development, 23-25 October 2020, South Lampung.

Hanniel, Yeremia and Anggraini, Ade and Riyanto, Agus and Ngadmanto, Drajat and Suryanto, Wiwit (2021) Strong ground motion simulation of the 27 May 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake using Empirical Green's Function. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Ichwanda, A.S. and Irham, H. and Permanasari, Ikah N. P. and Evita, M. and Srigutomo, W. and Meilano, I. and Setiawan, A. and Suryanto, W. and Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Suyanto, I. and Darmawan, H. and Yasin, M. and Apsari, R. and Irzaman, Irzaman and Perdinan, Perdinan and Putra, H. and Aminah, N.S. and Djamal, M. (2021) A Fuzzy Decision in Volcano Warning System Forecast. In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development, 23-25 October 2020, South Lampung.

Ichwanda, A.S. and Irham, H. and Permanasari, Ikah N. P. and Evita, M. and Srigutomo, W. and Meilano, I. and Setiawan, A. and Suryanto, W. and Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Suyanto, I. and Darmawan, H. and Yasin, M. and Apsari, R. and Irzaman, Irzaman and Perdinan, Perdinan and Putra, H. and Aminah, N.S. and Djamal, M. (2021) A Fuzzy Decision in Volcano Warning System Forecast. In: ICoSITeR 2020.

Irawan, Sudra and Halim, Farah Meilina and Aji, Satriya Bayu and Natali, Suci Dayanti and Sismanto, Sismanto (2024) Mapping Potential Surface Runoff Areas in Batam with Geographic Information System for Flood Mitigation. In: 8th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2023: Geoinformation Science for Sustainable Planet, 28 - 30 August 2023, Yogyakarta.

Julianto, Rian and Mujtahid Anas, Ahmad and Mitrayana, Mitrayana (2023) Characterization of photoacoustic tomography based on 450 nm visible light and its application for detection of formalin fish meat. In: 11th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications, ICOPIA 2022, 10 August 2022through 11 August 2022, Virtual, Online.

Kusumasari, Ervanggis Mingga and Yusuf, Yusril and Aj, Suharli and Mahendra, Bhisma (2023) Investigation of Electrohydrodynamics Phenomenon of Nematic Liquid Crystals on The Parallelepiped Longitudinal-View Cells. In: 8th Optoelectronics Global Conference, OGC 2023, 5 - 8 September 2023, Shenzhen.

Latifa M.F., Latifa M.F. and Jiananda A., Jiananda A. and Riyanto A., Riyanto A. and Sari E.K., Sari E.K. and Sitorus F.S., Sitorus F.S. and Istiqomah N.I., Istiqomah N.I. and Suharyadi E., Suharyadi E. (2024) Microstructures and Dielectric Permittivity Properties of Fe3O4/Cdots Nanocomposites Synthesized by Green Route Utilizing Moringa Oleifera Extract and Watermelon Peel. In: 10th Asian Physics Symposium (APS 2023), 3 - 4 October 2023, Bandung.

Legowo, Budi and Irfan Nawawi, Muhammad and Suryanto, Wiwit and Purnama, Budi (2023) Study comparison physical properties and minerals analysis of rock magnetic in Lawu Volcanic Complex. In: 11th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications, ICOPIA 2022, 10 August 2022through 11 August 2022, Virtual, Online.

Mufidah, Nabilah Amirothul and Cahyani, Anggun Dwi and Prabaningrum, Nunung and Kusnanto, Kusnanto (2021) Acid Value Reduction of Calophyllum inophyllum Oil by Oilseeds in situ Esterification Using Sulfuric Acid Catalyzed Methanol and Isopropyl Alcohol Mixture. In: International Energy Conference, ASTECHNOVA 2021.

Muhardi, Muhardi and Nasharuddin, Nasharuddin and Prastika, Yustiani (2023) Identification of the subsurface structure using gravity method in Kasihan village, Pacitan Regency. In: 4th International Conference on Science and Technology: Science for Excellence Development of Local Resources, ICST 202, 3 July 2021, Banda Aceh.

Pratiwi, Muslika and Wahyudi, Wahyudi (2023) Analysis of weathered layers and slip surface to identify landslides type using the geoelectrical resistivity 2D method in Kotabatu Village, Danau Ranau, South Sumatra. In: International Summit on Education, Technology and Humanity, ISETH 2021, 20 December 2021through 21 December 2021, Surakarta.

Puspita, M. B. and Suyanto, I. (2020) Investigation of groundwater aquifer at Noborejo, Salatiga using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) methods. In: International Conference on Innovation and Technology, ICIT 2019, 23 October 2019, Malang.

Ramadhan, D P D and Paninggar, P A and Darmawan, H and Irnaka, T M (2023) Subsurface Structure Evaluation Beneath the Sileri Crater’s East Flank Using the Misfit Function Gradient of the Full Waveform Modeling. In: 3rd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium, 7 - 8 September 2022, Virtual, Online.

Ramadhan, Ravidho and Marzuki, Marzuki and Suryanto, Wiwit and Sholihun, Sholihun and Yusnaini, Helmi (2024) Seasonal Changes of Diurnal Rainfall Over New Capital City of Indonesia from High-Resolution Satellite Data. In: Springer Proceedings in Physics, 21 - 22 November 2023, Virtual, Online.

Ramadhan, Ravidho and Marzuki, Marzuki and Suryanto, Wiwit and Sholihun, Sholihun and Yusnaini, Helmi and Hashiguchi, Hiroyuki and Shimomai, Toyoshi (2024) Evaluating Validation Methods for Satellite Precipitation Products Using Point Gauge Observations over Complex Topography. In: 3rd International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment, INCREASE 2023, 21-22 November 2023, Virtual, Online.

Rifai B, Rifai B and Palupi D.S., Palupi D.S. and Rosyid M.F., Rosyid M.F. (2023) Wave-field interpretation of quantum mechanics. In: 12th International Physics Seminar, IPS 2023, 24 June 2023, Hybrid, Jakarta.

Riswan, Muhammad and Adrianto, Nanang and Yahya, Ilyas M. and Istiqomah, Nurul I. and Panre, Andi M and Juharni, Juharni and Wahyuni, Sari and Arifin, Muhammad and Santoso, Iman and Oshima, Daiki and Kato, Takeshi and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) Electric Potential-Induced Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Fe3O4/Ag Composite Magnetic Nanoparticles. In: 2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference, 15 May 2023through 19 May 2023, Sendai.

Sahroni, Anang and Kurnianingsih, Rusti and Suryanto, Wiwit (2021) TRIGEV: An Automatic Local Earthquake Events Finder Triggered by Large Earthquake from Worldwide. In: 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology, AGERS 2021 - Proceeding.

Sahroni, Anang and Kurnianingsih, Rusti and Suryanto, Wiwit (2021) TRIGEV: An Automatic Local Earthquake Events Finder Triggered by Large Earthquake from Worldwide. In: 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (AGERS), 29-30 September 2021, Jakarta.

Saputra, Marhan Ebit and Istiqomah, Nurul Imani and Nikhmah, Laeli Alvi and Rumiyanti, Leni and Tumbelaka, Rivaldo Marsel and Suharyadi, Edi (2024) A Study on Microstructural and Optical Properties of Green Synthesized Fe3O4/Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. In: 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Biomaterials, ICNB 2023 and 5th Asia Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology, ACMMT 2023, 22 - 24 November 2023, Chiang Mai.

Sekaranom, A.B. and Suarma, U. and Nurjani, E. (2020) Climate extremes over the maritime continent and their associations with Madden-Jullian Oscillation. In: The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.

Sidharta, Nicholas and Arjuna, Almanzo (2021) Study on the effect of various burnable poisons on pebble bed reactor with OTTO fuelling schemes using Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code. In: International Energy Conference, ASTECHNOVA 2021.

Sihite, R. E. M. and Fahma, F. and Sailah, I. and Yunus, M. and Kusumaatmaja, A. and Mukti, R. R. and Kadja, G. T. M. (2020) Production and characterization of PVA/alginate composite filament with cellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunches. In: International Conference on Innovation in Technology and Management for Sustainable Agroindustry, ITaMSA 2019, 9 October 2019, Bogor.

Sumanto, Budi and Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad and Triyana, Kuwat (2023) Application of transfer calibration on GeNose C19 electronic nose using direct standardization. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, 27 October 2021through 28 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Supardi, Supardi and Yusuf, Y. (2023) Study of the thermal induction effect on physical properties of main chain liquid crystal elastomers. In: 8th International Conference on Research Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science: Transforming Science Literacy into A New Normal Digital World to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals, ICRIEMS 2021, 27 August 2021through 28 August 2021, Yogyakarta.

Syafaq Muthmaina, Jessica and Nurul Huda, Ibnu and Satya Palupi, Dwi (2024) Implementation of Allan Standard Deviation Technique in Stability Analysis of 4C31.61 Quasar Position. In: International Symposium From the Universe Back to Earth: Developing Astronomy to Meet Today's Natural Challenges, 2 - 6 October 2023, Bandung.

Tamara, Moch. Rifqi and Hafifah, Cory Nur and Julian, Trisna and Lelono, Danang and Roto, Roto and Triyana, Kuwat (2023) Development of potentiometric electronic tongue to identify adulteration of olive pomace oil in extra virgin olive oil. In: 11th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics: The Spirit of Research and Collaboration Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic, ICTAP 2021, 27 October 2021through 28 October 2021, Online.

Tasmara, Fikhri A. and Wahyuni, Eka and Silalahi, Harry M. and Widyaningrum R., Widyaningrum R. and Setiawan A., Setiawan A. and Mitrayana, Mitrayana (2024) Photoacoustic Imaging using Diode Laser for Soft Tissue Visualization. In: 14th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications, ISMOA 2023, 1 - 4 August 2023, Bandung.

Tenggara, Ayodya Pradhipta and Budiarto, Rachmawan and Prawira, Andhika Yudha and Prakoso, Ari Bimo and Ibrahim, Ahmad (2021) Study on Electrical Vehicle Policy in South Korea as a Lesson Learning for Indonesia. In: International Energy Conference, ASTECHNOVA 2021.

Umar, Emi Prasetyawati and Harijoko, Agung and Setianto, Agung and Suryanto, Wiwit (2023) Structural map of Sulawesi derives from gravity data and its implications for geothermal systems. In: E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, UGM.

Utami, S. S. and Sihotang, A. and Ardiyanto, B. and Prayitno, B. (2020) Developing Reference Building for Campus Type Buildings in Universitas Gadjah Mada. In: International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Built Environment 2019, ICRESBE 2019, 14 September 2019, Bandung.

Utomo, Joko and Kurniawan, Robi and Hartatiek, Hartatiek and Suharyadi, Edi (2023) X-Ray Analysis by Williamson-Hall Method of Co0.8Ni0.2Fe2O4 Nanoparticles. In: 2nd International Conference on Condensed Matters and Advanced Materials, IC2MAM 2020, 27 October 2020, Malang, Virtual.

Wibowo, Supriyadi and Indrati, Christiana Rini (2024) On Conformable Fractional Riesz Bounded p- Variation of Order -α. In: 8th International Conference on Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Computation, ICoMPAC 2023, 30 September 2023, Lombok.

Widyadarsana, Skolastika Novita and Hartantyo, Eddy (2021) Lithological modelling based on shear wave velocity using horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) inversion of ellipticity curve method to mitigate landslide hazards at the main road Of Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. In: ICST 2021 – The 2nd Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium.

Yuwono, Luthfia Anindya and Siswanto, Siswanto and Yusuf, Yusril and Aminatun, Aminatun (2023) Electrospun Nanofiber Scaffold of Hydroxyapatite Polycaprolactone Collagen for Bone Tissue Engineering. In: 1st International Conference on Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline: Advanced Technology and Multidisciplinary Prospective Towards Bright Future, ICATAM 2021, 13 October 2021through 14 October 2021, Virtual, Online.


Dairoh, Dairoh and Masykuri, Anas Fauzi and Yuliatmoko, Rahmat Setyo and Rakhman, Afif and Saroji, Sudarmaji and Ashari, Ahmad and Suryanto, Wiwit (2023) VEVCC program for concatenation of volcanic events based on cross-correlation analysis. E3S Web of Conferences.

Hakim, Muhammad Muhsin Al and Idrus, Arifudin and Suryanto, Wiwit (2023) Low sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization at Tambang Sawah, Lebong, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. E3S Web of Conferences.

Kaloari, Ruth Meisye and Widianto, Eri and Dana, I Ketut Agus Putra and Lukmantoro, Arif and Suharyadi, Edi and Kato, Takeshi and Iwata, Satoshi and Absor, Moh.Adhib Ulil and Santoso, Iman (2023) Anomalous optical properties of bismuth ultrathin film using spectroscopic ellipsometry in the visible - Ultraviolet range. Thin Solid Films.

Legowo, Budi and Qoiriah, Anti Fatkhul and Sutomo, Artono Dwijo and Putra, Shandiyano and Suryanto, Wiwit and Purnama, Budi (2023) Magnetic Characterization of Fine Sediment in the Solo Basin Indonesia. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences.

Maqfiroh, Caesarany and Widyaningrum, Rini and Anas, Ahmad Mujtahid and Mitrayana, Mitrayana (2023) Application of Photoacoustic Imaging for Pneumonia Detection. Makara Journal of Science.

Masykuri, Anas Fauzi and Yuliatmoko, Rahmat Setyo and Dairoh, Dairoh and Prayoedhie, Setyoajie and Anggraini, Ade and Irnaka, Theodosius Marwan and Suryanto, Wiwit (2023) Earthquake statistical performance due to increasing of the seismic network around Opak Fault, Yogyakarta. E3S Web of Conferences.

Sugianto, Nanang and Nukman, Mochamad and Suryanto, Wiwit (2023) Characteristics of Active Volcanoes in Sumatra, Indonesia: from Perspective Seismicity, Magma Chemical Composition and Eruption History. E3S Web of Conferences.

Yuliatmoko, Rahmat Setyo and Dairoh, Dairoh and Masykuri, Anas Fauzi and Suryanto, Wiwit and Rohadi, Supriyanto (2023) Site Analysis Using Microtremor Array for Disaster Mitigation of Landslide in the Cianjur Aquatic Resort. E3S Web of Conferences.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 01:00:30 2025 WIB.